Client side load balancing and server side load balancing

Hello Team,
I need to know how to set up client and server side load balancing in oracle rac.  What all things to be implemented like creating a service, tnsnames.ora settings etc.
And also if i used SCAN ip instead of VIP. how the settings will change.

please find here an Whitepaper with the information
kind regards

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    The difference really is: in what format do you want your inclusions? If your environment has many Java developers and only a few designers that focus mainly on, say, Flash, that might push you more towards the server-side include() directive. Or, if you have a large set of pages that receive dynamic content that is displayed in a consistent fashion (such as a workflow header area on a page).
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    Hi Eddy,
    You are right. It is caused by that .Net framework 4 is not installed in the server. Please check the installed versions by the following article:
    If the .Net framework 4 is not installed, please install it at first.
    In addition, this issue sounds to be a .Net development related issue. Could you please post it in the appropriate forum in the future.
    Jinchun Chen

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    thanks in advance.
    import java.lang.*;
    class Server {
       public static void main(String args[]) {
          String data = "you are successfully connected with server.";
          try {
             ServerSocket srvs = new ServerSocket(1234);
             Socket skt = srvs.accept();
             System.out.print("Server has connected!\n");
             PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(skt.getOutputStream(), true);
             System.out.print("Sending string: '" + data + "\n");
          catch(Exception e) {
             System.out.print("Whoops! It didn't work!\n");
    import java.util.*;
    class ProxyClient{
       public static void main(String args[]) {
         String host="";
         int port=1234;
               String line;
         Properties properties = System.getProperties();
         /*properties.put("firewallSet", "true");
         properties.put("firewallHost", "");
         properties.put("firewallPort", "808");*/
         properties.put("socksProxyHost", "");
         properties.put("socksProxyPort", "1080");
         System.setProperties (properties);
         try {
         /*SocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("", 1080);
         Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, addr);
         Socket skt = new Socket(proxy);
         InetSocketAddress dest = new InetSocketAddress("",1234);
             System.out.println("before socket taken");
             Socket skt = new Socket(host,port);
             System.out.println("after socket taken");
             BufferedReader networkBin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(skt.getInputStream()));
             System.out.println("Received string: '");
             line = networkBin.readLine();     // Read one line
                 System.out.println(line);     // Output the line
                 line = networkBin.readLine(); // Read the next line, if any
          catch(Exception e) {
             System.out.print("Whoops! It didn't work!\n");

    Now look here. I could not care less about this
    code. I don't know anything about it, I don't
    want to know, I have already recommended you don't
    use it, and I have also given you a simpler and
    better solution. If you don't want to take my advice
    that is your privilege and your problem.ya i has understand system propertis i have setted and u can see it in the code i have tried by both system properties and also J2SE 5.0 proxy class but i got a same problem malformed Exception server refuse to connection.
    is there any problem at sever side?
    can u tell me in which way u r teling to set the propery i m looking forward for ur reply.
    ya i m sure u will give me.................reply "ejp".
    Thnx in advance.

  • Disable ADF Client and Server side validation during drop down changes

    In my ADF Faces there is PanelFormLayout containing dropdown with country code value. Changing the dropdown value should change the layout to different country.
    If the data is proper in the form the Layout changes perfectly but if the data is not proper it gives client validation & the layout doesn't get changed.
    I want to disable the client/server side validation while changing the dropdown.

    Hi Just framing the Question once again -
    In my ADF Faces there is PanelFormLayout containing dropdown with country code value. Changing the dropdown value should change the layout to different country.
    If the data is proper in the form, the Layout changes perfectly but if the data is not proper it gives client validation & the layout doesn't get changed.
    I want to disable the client side validation just for that page or panelformLayout
    Issue -
    If the data is incorrect on the form, user is able to change the countrycode from the dropdown but the layout doesn't changes because client validation is stopping.
    Below is the code -
    1) Changing the drop down cause the switcher to call the code - defaultFacet="#{backingBeanScope.AddressComp.displayType}" which changes the layout.
    2) But if the data is not correct the country value is getting change with the new Country but the Layout is unable to get change. ADF start showing client validation.
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pglA1" partialTriggers="plcol1:table1 *usCountryId caCountryId*">
         <af:switcher binding="#{backingBeanScope.AddressComp.switcherComp}" defaultFacet="*#{backingBeanScope.AddressComp.displayType}*">
              <f:facet name="US">
                        <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.CntryCd.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.CntryCd.label}" required="#{bindings.CntryCd.hints.mandatory}"
         id="usCountryId" autoSubmit="*true*">
                        <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.CntryCd.items}" id="si14"/>
              <f:facet name="CA">
                        <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.CntryCd.inputValue}" label="#{bindings.CntryCd.label}" required="#{bindings.CntryCd.hints.mandatory}"
         id="caCountryId" autoSubmit="true">
                        <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.CntryCd.items}" id="si14"/>

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    if i configure SLB what will happen if the server initiate connection back to client for example authentication or for a data transfer.
    Will the server still use the virtual ip?
    example below server3 initiating a session (example authentication) back to client. will it use the virtual ip?
    client ------virtual----server1----server3---client

    The server will use the VIP if you configure a source group as shown below. You must have a content rule with the same VIP and services.
    owner myorganization
    content serverfarm
    add service server1
    add service server2
    vip address
    group serverfarm
    vip address
    add service server1
    add service server2

  • How can I convert client-side Shared Object in server-side Shared Object?

    Hello world....
    I have a problem...
    I have a program that uses client-side shared Object, like the Example "Ball" il the FMS 3.5 guide: I can move a ball around the stage...
    I need to convert this program so I can use server side shared object. This is because I can load the .swf to another .swf and I must to be able to reset, or delete, the properties of my shared object. With client-side sahred object I can't delete or reset the shared object after I loaded my external .swf....
    My script is:
    private var pointer1_so:SharedObject;
    nc=new NetConnection  ;
    nc.connect (rtmpNow);
    nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,doSO);
    Cerchio=new cerchio ;
    addChild (Cerchio);
    Cerchio.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,beginDrag1);
    Cerchio.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,endDrag1);
    private function doSO (e:NetStatusEvent):void
        == "NetConnection.Connect.Success";
                 if (good)
                       //Shared object
                       pointer1_so.connect (nc);
                       pointer1_so.addEventListener (SyncEvent.SYNC,doUpdate1);
    private function doUpdate1 (se:SyncEvent):void
                 for (var cl1:uint; cl1 < se.changeList.length; cl1++)
                       if (se.changeList[cl1].code == "change")
                            switch (se.changeList[cl1].name)
                                 case "xpos" :
                                 case "ypos" :
    private function beginDrag1 (e:MouseEvent)
                     Cerchio.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,moveMc1);
                     Cerchio.startDrag (false,Rect1);
    private function endDrag1 (e:MouseEvent)
                     Cerchio.stopDrag ();
    private function moveMc1 (e:MouseEvent)
                e.updateAfterEvent ();
                   pointer1_so.setProperty ("xpos",Cerchio.x);
                   pointer1_so.setProperty ("ypos",Cerchio.y);
    Can someone helps me?
    I know I need of a server side script but...

    ResultSet is not serializable. It is an active connection. If you wish to serialize the info, then read it into an ArrayList in your serializable class and pass the Data that way.

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    hellloo to u tooooooo
    if u r using any request object u will get the host ipaddress as
    request.getRemoteHost() funciton

  • RequestDispatcher.include and "server-side" include

    I have the following code in a servletA. It will dispatch a servletB within the same webapp. As a result, response content of servletB is included to a original servlet's response. Then servletA can add more data to a response before data is sent back to a client.
    servletB is called from client-side as normal, and then inside the servletA.
    Problem and Question to You:
    If I call servletB within servletA, then responses of these two servlets are merged together. This is a problem here.
    How can I dispatch servletB >>but then do not want to include<< that response data, but skip it. Only the response of servletA should be sent back to a client?
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher =
      new HttpServletRequestWrapper(env.getRequest()),
      new HttpServletResponseWrapper(env.getResponse())

    Thx and yes, you got it right. Due to a (bad) design, I cannot separate a logic to a standalone bean from servletB and then use that bean. So, I must call it through a url-dispatcher.
    If I'm right, I cannot take a reference to servlets from SessionContext object due to a deprecated-and-not-implemented getServlet method.
    I was hoping, that using a WrapperXXXX class would solve my problem but it did not. I am not sure about why and when should one use that WrapperXXX classes anyway in a dispatcher calls.
    Anyone has a good ideas?

  • Tabbed panels, Collapsible Panel, and Server Side Include

    I'm having a problem with the way a Server Side Include inside a Collapsible Panel displays.
    Here is how this particular page is set up.
    The page has spry tabbed panels.
    >>A panel has one overall Collapsible panel (the main product tab)
    >>>>Nested in that Collapsible panel are four other collapsible panels (Overview, Features, Screenshots, What's New).
    >>>>>>In each of these four collapsible panels is a server side Include that features that category's content
    E verything works fine as far as opening and closing is concerned. However, the problem is with the display. The content panel doesn't resize with the Include content, and therefore, the Include content extends outside the border of the content panel.
    I'm thinking this is because it is Include content rather than normal content. Is that right?
    Do I fix this by changing the overflow value of one the Tabbed Panel CSS styles? If so, which one should I change, and to what value?
    Or if that's not how to fix it, can anyone tell me how?
    Thanks a lot,

    Hi, I'm using the latest version of Spry. I modified some CSS rules of the tabbed panels, but not the javascript file. I didn't do anything to the Collapsible Panel rules.
    Since first posting this thread, I changed the overflow of the Tabbed Panels Content Group CSS rule to "scroll". That did produce a scroll, but I'd much rather have the panel expand. So, I changed it back the way it was.
    Here's the page I'm working on. Click the Court Solutions tab to get to the problem panel.
    It has different results in IE and FireFox, but doesn't work correctly in either.
    Thanks a lot for all your help,

  • Weirdness involving IE, JSP, data scraping and server-side redirecting

    I have a JSP script that validates inputted data. Upon successful input, it will
    1) set a cookie
    2) Do a data scrape to a URL that points to a servlet that performs server-side actions based upon query string data that is formed from your input
    3) Redirect back to itself to ensure cookie availablity and further actions.
    If you run this script on Netscape or Firefox, all is well.
    If you run this script on IE, while [2] works, it seems to be performing [2] twice, because the actions are duplicated (the actions in [2] consist of placing info into flat files so you can see what is going on).
    Does IE have a problem with data scraping + server-side redirection (I am using response.sendRedirect()) that I don't know about?

    Agoston_Bejo wrote:
    The problem is that right after having logged in, while you're still in the filter, the beans managed by JSF haven't been put into any scope yet. (The faces servlet hasn't been called yet, so it hasn't had the chance to instantiate the managed beans, put them into the appropriate scopes etc.) So it is request scoped? Just create one yourself. I however don't see any benefit/reason for having the logged in user in the request scope ..

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    If I have a graphic designer who is going to build a Flash
    front-end that needs to interact with server-side Java code running
    in a web server (Tomcat), should we be using Flash Remoting with a
    front-end that the designer creates with the Flash builder? It
    seems like that would be the easiest way for them to build it
    rather than having them get into Flex and all that. However, if
    there's a better way, please point it out to me, because I've never
    tried using any of these Adobe products. Thanks...

    hi Naija
    If you need to communicate with flash and java , then you
    need to move to the flash remoting concept. it the better way to
    communicate with the server side scripting language.

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    Sorry for my english =)

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