"clientid = Null" Problem?

I have two php classes, one function perfectly both in "Test Operation" and in the app itself. The other one however, works perfectly in "Test Operation" but errors out with
{Fault code=Client.Error.DeliveryInDoubt, Fault string=Channel disconnected, Fault detail=Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received, Destination=userProjectNotes}
So, I got to digging through the Requests and Responses trying to find the problem. Now, the first one's (the working one) request looks like:
Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage)     operation = getProjects_full_paged    clientId = 32B15A0B-BB0A-7189-BB7A-0000570C24D3    destination = ProjectsfullService    messageId = A5347E0B-A1F4-3762-29B1-865304C2271E    timestamp = 0    timeToLive = 0    body =     [      0,      100    ]    hdr(DSId) = nil
The second one (not working in the app itself looks like:
Flex Message (flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage)     operation = getAlluserProjectnotes    clientId = null    destination = userProjectNotes    messageId = 4B579C95-CCA3-09DD-7324-8651AC8959C3    timestamp = 0    timeToLive = 0    body =     [      pwalker_notes    ]    hdr(DSId) = nil
The difference? clientId = null in the second one...
Now, if I run the app on the dev machine (localhost) works perefect... But, if I upload the service to the server, that's when it starts acting retarded...
The class itself is very simple:
public function getAlluserProjectnotes($userTable) {
        $stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT * FROM $userTable");       
        $rows = array();
        mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->notes_id, $row->date_added, $row->note, $row->pid);
        while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
          $rows[] = $row;
          $row = new stdClass();
          mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->notes_id, $row->date_added, $row->note, $row->pid);
        return $rows;
Any suggestions?

I cannot understand why Arun's SQL would not workThere's one obvious thing...
select lname,phone
from oracle
where lanme = :block_name1.item_name1
and phone like nvl(:block_name1.item_name2,'%');
...but I hope we'd be told an error number if this was the case :-\
It looks fine to me other than that.

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    Hey everyone,
              I am still awaiting word from WEBSupport, but I am curious if anyone else
              can confirm this behaviour... I have created a very simple little
              TestServlet class...once it is compiled you simply need to place it in your
              servlet classpath for weblogic.
              You will need to add the following line to your weblogic.properties file:
              to run it type: http://<server_address>:7001/TestServlet.jsv
              When I run this on my 4.5.1 (SP11) Server I get the expected null problem on
              If anyone can help me out, I am very appreciative :)
              Sean Hignett

    Is this STILL an issue? I have recently upgraded to service pack 13 of 4.5.1
              and I am still seeing null returned by this call. Will this ever be resolved
              a future 4.5.1 service pack?
              Craig McElroy
              [email protected]
              Cameron Purdy wrote:
              > I believe that was a regression. I do not know if it has been fixed. I did
              > encounter it in 5.1. The spec says that null is never returned, so it is an
              > obvious bug.
              > --
              > Cameron Purdy
              > http://www.tangosol.com
              > "Sean Hignett" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > > Hey everyone,
              > >
              > > I am still awaiting word from WEBSupport, but I am curious if anyone else
              > > can confirm this behaviour... I have created a very simple little
              > > TestServlet class...once it is compiled you simply need to place it in
              > your
              > > servlet classpath for weblogic.
              > >
              > > You will need to add the following line to your weblogic.properties file:
              > > weblogic.httpd.register.TestServlet.jsv=TestServlet
              > >
              > > to run it type: http://<server_address>:7001/TestServlet.jsv
              > >
              > > When I run this on my 4.5.1 (SP11) Server I get the expected null problem
              > on
              > > getPathInfo().
              > >
              > > If anyone can help me out, I am very appreciative :)
              > >
              > > Cheers,
              > >
              > > Sean Hignett
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >
              > >

  • Windows cannot find (null) problem - firefox wont start? help!

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    any ideas what I can do??
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == 20 June 2010 ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB0.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    Yesterday after posting my problem I consulted a computer programmer. He advised me to follow the pathway C:\\users|richard\....... from Explorer to the extension and delete it. Worst case scenario would be to uninstall and reinstall Firefox. I deleted it and the unresponsive script and warning disappeared without any other complications.

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    Please check this attached project, Import it and see if you face the same problem
    Link to Problem Project
    Problem Screenshot

    Use HTTPService to load the data. You'll have fewer problems.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application creationComplete="dataSvc.send();"
      xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
                [Bindable] private var xlc:XMLListCollection;
                   private function loadXML(evt:ResultEvent):void{
                    xlc =  new XMLListCollection(evt.result.individual.@id as XMLList);
         <mx:HTTPService resultFormat="e4x" result="loadXML(event)" url="alirazaTree.xml" id="dataSvc"/>
         <mx:ComboBox id="cbx" dataProvider="{xlc}"/>

  • "Error in parsing VOL information: null" problem

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    VOL in this case means "video object layer". It's the part of an mpeg4 bitstream that carries basic information on the stream. Without having read that no decoder will be able to configure itself. VOL headers are transmitted frequently, but not on a "per frame basis", there may be a couple of seconds between them. If you have any way of increasing timeouts, waiting a little longer might help.
    The IBM codec may be the only one to decode those streams in JMF, I don't know. It's certainly not the only one in the real world.

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  • SetTicker(null) problem

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    List topScreen = new List("Top Screen", ...);
    I should be able to add a ticker
    topScreen.setTicker(new Ticker("my ticker"));
    and remove the ticker by doing
    the first works fine, but the second (removing the ticker), causes a NullPointerException in the display thread (stack trace below).
    Has anyone else seen this problem? Is there a work around?
    I'm using WTK 1.0.4_1 on Windows XP
    Good news, it works on the phone itself (I'm testing on Motoroloa i85 and i95cl).
    at javax.microedition.lcdui.Screen.paint(+106)
    at javax.microedition.lcdui.Display.serviceRepaints(+105)
    at javax.microedition.lcdui.Display$DisplayAccessor.timerEvent(+34)
    at com.sun.kvem.midp.lcdui.EmulEventHandler$EventLoop.run(+545)

    i have the same problem so I am assuming its a bug in the emulator, but interestingly enough there is no bug in the bug database. is anyone else aware of this problem?

  • Master-detail null problem

    I'm having a problem with what I expected to be a simple master-detail form.
    I have a table of RELEASES based on a text RELEASE_ID pk. There are WORK_PACKAGES, to identify the chunks of work agreed with the customer - change requests, bug fixes etc. To identify when they are released, I have a link table RELEASE_COMPONENTS which is RELEASE_ID + WORK_PACK as a pk.
    I used the wizard - master table RELEASES, detail RELEASE_COMPONENTS and it queries fine, but if I try to create a new detail record, RELEASE_ID is not being populated and I get the message
    Error in mru internal routine: ORA-20001: Error in MRU: row= 1, ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DEL"."RELEASE_COMPONENTS"."RELEASE_ID"), insert into "DEL"."RELEASE_COMPONENTS" ( "RELEASE_ID", "WORK_PACK", "RECONCILED") values ( :b1, :b2, :b3)
    I just can't see anywhere in the processes where this should be set or can be set - help!

    Don't know if I get points for answering my own question?
    Apex seems happier when all the tables have a sequential PK.
    In my original design, I went for my usual Oracle design of having mnemonic varchar2 keys, so for instance a customer called Joe Bloogs would have a key of BLOGGSJ or similar. The reaon being that in Forms, we always gave the users a choice of keying in the code directly rather than having to use an LOV. For full-time users on a large database, this creates quite a saving.
    APEX seems less happy with this sort of set-up. It did mean that in my small reference tables, I had to duplicate the PK so it was visible and start coding conditions so it could be entered but not amended, and the final straw was this master-detail not liking the composite key on the detail table from the two referenced tables. I added a sequence to this, and it just works.
    So - it's back to the drawing board and redesign everything from square one!
    Luckily, this is just an internal app to prove feasibility of replacing some of the systems with APEX applications.

  • CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(null) problem

    Hello all,
    I'm trying to create application under Eclipse 3.1. I want to print list of devices that are attached to my computer, making a call:
    CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(null)My problem is that under Eclipse all the time I have that the list of available devices is empty. This is really strange because under JCreator everything works fine.
    Of course I'm able to see 2 audio devices under JRegistry.
    JMF_HOME=C:\Program Files\JMF2.1.1e
    Who can help me with this?

    sure, no problem, I was at it for hours to solve this.
    first, I installed the JMF but didn't add it to the build path (the entire point of my problem was I didn't want to install JMF and still use its abilities), or anywhere, and I tested before and after and got the same results, nothing happened, no devices were found. so I took the native dll files and located them in a folder that was pointed by the system path and bingo... it worked(or so I thought), for a while, then I wanted to put these files in another folder, and found out that with eclipse for some reason, I could not point no matter what I did to that folder, and even if I added manually to the system path it didn't work see post, and moreover if I export this project I cannot use the files, so I exported the jar and located the files from the installation in the same folder, and it worked
    as for the running on the IDE, the only thing that worked was to add the library of the dll's as native resource for the JMF jar file
    hope this is clear enough...

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    Make sure u are using the same account in play store

  • Lenovo k3 note : 'duplicate app null problem' of games like asphalt8

    iam using lenovo k3 note .iam aldo facing the same problem.why lenovo not solved this issue in the latest update.i updated bmy phone but the problem remains same.lenovo is waste.only lenovo phones having this problem

    No it's not for all games it's for those which are present in the secure zone ie even if you uninstall the pre-installed games still it's present in secure zone because of which when u install from those games from somewhere else it shows permission null Solution u have to install it from play storeRe:ajphoenix wrote:
    It's for every high game I guess...permission null error....what could be the reason for thisdid anyone find any solution yet? help appreciated please

  • MsgBroker.routeMessageToService(msg,null) problem

    i'm developping a mobile app with flex which uses the data push service provided by BlazeDS. the problem is that i'm using java  to push data , everything works fine excepts the part when i send my message over the channel in then line
    which causes a java null pointer exception as follows
    please can anyone help me i'm desperate

    thanks again
    but can you explain to me how to push data from blazeDS directly
    2011/4/21 Alex Glosband <[email protected]>
    When using JMS, you would use a Java JMS client to send messages to a JMS
    In BlazeDS you would have a JMS messaging destination that used the same
    JMS topic as the Java JMS client. The Flex clients that were subscribed to
    the JMS messaging destination in BlazeDS would then receive the pushed
    messages from the Java JMS client.
    In this case, the messages are not pushed directly from BlazeDS, so
    MessageBroker#routeMessageToService is not used at all. It's a totally
    different approach. I suggested it because it sounded like you needed to
    push messages from outside the BlazeDS web application.
    You won't be able to use MessageBroker#routeMessageToService from outside
    the BlazeDS web application. I thought I already made that clear.

  • Set null problem

    I create a LinkedList with 5 elements in the connection method in the server program. All are set to null. When a client connects to the server, the null element of the LinkedList is replaced by a thread. That means the element is occupied. However, I can use quit method to set the null to the element again. That means the element is free again for connection. But I detect that clientList.get(n) in the connection method is not null after I use quit method. Anyone can solve this bug?
    //connection method
          while (true) {
            // Step 2: Wait for a connection.
            for(int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
              //the bug in here!
              if(clientList.get(n) == null) {
                threads = new ServerThread(n, this, server.accept());
                clientList.set(n, threads);
                client = (ServerThread) clientList.get(n);
    //quit method
    if(key.equals("quit")) {
      clientID = (Integer) packages.get("quit");
      number = clientID.intValue();
      control.text2.append("\nclient " + clientID + " disconnects.");
      control.clientList.set(number, null);

    Are both code snippets being executed in the same thread, or in different threads?
    Are you sure that "packages.get("quit");" is returning the integer you think it is? (The same one used when you check with get(n)?)

  • JNDIConnector datasource name= null,Problem in connection of Mysql and bean

    I am using Sun App Server9.0, Mysql5.0, and Netbeans 5.5. When I am trying to run my facade, it is not detacting datasource.
    Do I have to set some property in server.
    I am getting this exception.
    deployed with moduleid = EnterpriseApplication1-app-client
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:33:53.906--ServerSession(14411981)--property toplink.server.platform.class.name is deprecated, property toplink.target-server should be used instead.
    user name=> ""
    connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null
    user name=> ""
    connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null
    mohi d0one
    code is
    public void addEmail (UserEntity key, EmailEntity emailObj)throws EmailExistsException, EmailAlreadyAddedException
    Query query;
    Query query_return;
    List list;
    EmailEntity emailObjList;
    EntityTransaction tx ;
    String email = emailObj.getEmailAddress();
    // if(verifyEmailAddress(email)){
    list = find(key.getUser_Id());
    query_return = em.createQuery(
    "from EmailEntity c where c.user_id=:user_id");
    query_return.setParameter("user_id", key.getUserId());
    list = query_return.getResultList( );
    tx = em.getTransaction();
    Please suggest me what I am missing.
    In server console I have-----
    -Djava.library.path=C:\Sun\SDK\lib;C:\Sun\SDK\lib;C:\Sun\SDK\jdk\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Sun\SDK\lib;C:\Sun\SDK\bin;C:\Sun\SDK\bin;C:\Sun\SDK\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin;C:\Softwares;C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.5.GA\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin;C:\Sun\SDK\bin;;C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MUVEET~1\030625
    Starting Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0_01 (build b02-p01) ...
    CORE5098: AS Socket Service Initialization has been completed.
    CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Version 1.6.0] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    SEC1002: Security Manager is OFF.
    ADM0001:MBeanServer initialized successfully
    SEC1143: Loading policy provider com.sun.enterprise.security.provider.PolicyWrapper.
    DPL5400:Exception occurred : error in opening zip file.
    ADM1079: Initialization of AMX MBeans successful
    ADM1504: Here is the JMXServiceURL for the Standard JMXConnectorServer: [service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://software-3bf780.gateway.2wire.net:8686/jmxrmi]. This is where the remote administrative clients should connect using the standard JMX connectors
    ADM1506: Status of Standard JMX Connector: Active = [true]
    JTS5014: Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [3700]
    About to load the system app: MEjbApp
    LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [MEjbApp] loaded successfully!
    About to load the system app: __ejb_container_timer_app
    EJB5109:EJB Timer Service started successfully for datasource [jdbc/__TimerPool]
    LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [__ejb_container_timer_app] loaded successfully!
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.234--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserFeedlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserFeedlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.375--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.FeedlEntity] is being defaulted to: FeedlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.375--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.TaglEntity] is being defaulted to: TaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.375--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventlEntity] is being defaulted to: EventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.390--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventInvitelEntity] is being defaulted to: EventInvitelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.390--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WeatherFeedEntrylEntity] is being defaulted to: WeatherFeedEntrylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.390--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EmailEntity] is being defaulted to: EmailEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.390--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserBuddylEntity] is being defaulted to: UserBuddylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.437--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.DefaultFeedEntrylEntity] is being defaulted to: DefaultFeedEntrylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.437--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.FeedTypelEntity] is being defaulted to: FeedTypelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.437--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.437--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventTaglEntity] is being defaulted to: EventTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.453--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.lUserTasklEntity] is being defaulted to: lUserTasklEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.453--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventRepeatInfolEntity] is being defaulted to: EventRepeatInfolEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.453--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity] is being defaulted to: UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.484--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserEventlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserEventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.484--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserWebCalendarlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserWebCalendarlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.484--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.TimeZonelEntity] is being defaulted to: TimeZonelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.500--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WebCalendarEventlEntity] is being defaulted to: WebCalendarEventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.500--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity] is being defaulted to: UserTaskTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.500--ServerSession(10697984)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WebCalendarlEntity] is being defaulted to: WebCalendarlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.500--ServerSession(10697984)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [private Entity.UserBuddylEntity Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.userBuddylEntity] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserBuddylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.703--ServerSession(10697984)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.Collection Entity.UserBuddylEntity.userBuddyVisibleTagslEntityCollection] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.703--ServerSession(10697984)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.Collection Entity.lUserTasklEntity.userTaskTaglEntityCollection] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 12:48:24.703--ServerSession(10697984)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [private Entity.lUserTasklEntity Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity.lUserTasklEntity] is being defaulted to: class Entity.lUserTasklEntity.
    **RemoteBusinessJndiName: session.EmailEntityFacadeRemote; remoteBusIntf: session.EmailEntityFacadeRemote
    LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [EnterpriseApplication1-ejb] loaded successfully!
    SMGT0007: Self Management Rules service is enabled
    Application server startup complete.
    WEB0302: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server.
    WEB0100: Loading web module [__default-admingui] in virtual server [__asadmin] at []
    WEB0100: Loading web module [adminapp] in virtual server [__asadmin] at [web1]
    WEB0100: Loading web module [admingui] in virtual server [__asadmin] at [asadmin]
    Initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_02-b03-FCS) for context ''
    Completed initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_02-b03-FCS) for context ''
    Initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_02-b03-FCS) for context '/asadmin'
    Completed initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_02-b03-FCS) for context '/asadmin'
    WEB0712: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 8080
    WEB0712: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 8181
    WEB0712: Starting Sun-Java-System/Application-Server HTTP/1.1 on 4848
    About to load the system app: __JWSappclients
    WEB0100: Loading web module [__JWSappclients:sys.war] in virtual server [server] at [__JWSappclients]
    CORE5024: EJB module [EnterpriseApplication1-ejb] unloaded successfully!
    DeployedItemRef postDeregistration failed. Load Balancer Monitoring MBeans might be lying around if this application is being load balanced
    ADM1006:Uploading the file to:[C:\Documents and Settings\mohini kharb\Local Settings\Temp\s1astempdomain1server-1036455939\EnterpriseApplication1-ejb.jar]
    deployed with moduleid = EnterpriseApplication1-ejb
    ADM1041:Sent the event to instance:[ModuleDeployEvent -- enable ejb/EnterpriseApplication1-ejb]
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.265--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserFeedlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserFeedlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.265--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.FeedlEntity] is being defaulted to: FeedlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.265--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.TaglEntity] is being defaulted to: TaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.265--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventlEntity] is being defaulted to: EventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.281--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventInvitelEntity] is being defaulted to: EventInvitelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.281--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WeatherFeedEntrylEntity] is being defaulted to: WeatherFeedEntrylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.281--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EmailEntity] is being defaulted to: EmailEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.281--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserBuddylEntity] is being defaulted to: UserBuddylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.281--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.DefaultFeedEntrylEntity] is being defaulted to: DefaultFeedEntrylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.281--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.FeedTypelEntity] is being defaulted to: FeedTypelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.296--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.296--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventTaglEntity] is being defaulted to: EventTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.296--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.lUserTasklEntity] is being defaulted to: lUserTasklEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.296--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventRepeatInfolEntity] is being defaulted to: EventRepeatInfolEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.296--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity] is being defaulted to: UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserEventlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserEventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserWebCalendarlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserWebCalendarlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.TimeZonelEntity] is being defaulted to: TimeZonelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WebCalendarEventlEntity] is being defaulted to: WebCalendarEventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity] is being defaulted to: UserTaskTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WebCalendarlEntity] is being defaulted to: WebCalendarlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [private Entity.lUserTasklEntity Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity.lUserTasklEntity] is being defaulted to: class Entity.lUserTasklEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.Collection Entity.lUserTasklEntity.userTaskTaglEntityCollection] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [private Entity.UserBuddylEntity Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.userBuddylEntity] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserBuddylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:30:58.312--ServerSession(14411981)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.Collection Entity.UserBuddylEntity.userBuddyVisibleTagslEntityCollection] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.
    **RemoteBusinessJndiName: session.EmailEntityFacadeRemote; remoteBusIntf: session.EmailEntityFacadeRemote
    LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [EnterpriseApplication1-ejb] loaded successfully!
    ADM1006:Uploading the file to:[C:\Documents and Settings\mohini kharb\Local Settings\Temp\s1astempdomain1server-1036455939\EnterpriseApplication1.ear]
    deployed with moduleid = EnterpriseApplication1
    ADM1041:Sent the event to instance:[ApplicationDeployEvent -- enable EnterpriseApplication1]
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.796--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserFeedlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserFeedlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.FeedlEntity] is being defaulted to: FeedlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.TaglEntity] is being defaulted to: TaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventlEntity] is being defaulted to: EventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventInvitelEntity] is being defaulted to: EventInvitelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WeatherFeedEntrylEntity] is being defaulted to: WeatherFeedEntrylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EmailEntity] is being defaulted to: EmailEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserBuddylEntity] is being defaulted to: UserBuddylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.812--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.DefaultFeedEntrylEntity] is being defaulted to: DefaultFeedEntrylEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.828--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.FeedTypelEntity] is being defaulted to: FeedTypelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.828--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.828--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventTaglEntity] is being defaulted to: EventTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.828--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.lUserTasklEntity] is being defaulted to: lUserTasklEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.828--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.EventRepeatInfolEntity] is being defaulted to: EventRepeatInfolEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity] is being defaulted to: UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserEventlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserEventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserWebCalendarlEntity] is being defaulted to: UserWebCalendarlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.TimeZonelEntity] is being defaulted to: TimeZonelEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WebCalendarEventlEntity] is being defaulted to: WebCalendarEventlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity] is being defaulted to: UserTaskTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The alias name for the entity class [class Entity.WebCalendarlEntity] is being defaulted to: WebCalendarlEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.Collection Entity.lUserTasklEntity.userTaskTaglEntityCollection] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [private Entity.lUserTasklEntity Entity.UserTaskTaglEntity.lUserTasklEntity] is being defaulted to: class Entity.lUserTasklEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The target entity (reference) class for the one to many mapping element [private java.util.Collection Entity.UserBuddylEntity.userBuddyVisibleTagslEntityCollection] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.
    [TopLink Config]: 2007.05.13 01:31:19.843--ServerSession(25852780)--The target entity (reference) class for the many to one mapping element [private Entity.UserBuddylEntity Entity.UserBuddyVisibleTagslEntity.userBuddylEntity] is being defaulted to: class Entity.UserBuddylEntity.
    EJB5090: Exception in creating EJB container [javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: Use rebind to override]
    appId=EnterpriseApplication1 moduleName=EnterpriseApplication1-ejb_jar ejbName=EmailEntityFacade
    LDR5012: Jndi name conflict found in [EnterpriseApplication1]. Jndi name [session.EmailEntityFacadeRemote] for bean [EmailEntityFacade] is already in use.
    LDR5013: Naming exception while creating EJB container:
    javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: Use rebind to override
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.doBindOrRebind(TransientContext.java:279)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.bind(TransientContext.java:219)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContextProviderImpl.bind(SerialContextProviderImpl.java:98)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.LocalSerialContextProviderImpl.bind(LocalSerialContextProviderImpl.java:77)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.bind(SerialContext.java:372)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.bind(SerialContext.java:387)
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.bind(InitialContext.java:404)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.NamingManagerImpl.publishObject(NamingManagerImpl.java:215)
    at com.sun.enterprise.naming.NamingManagerImpl.publishObject(NamingManagerImpl.java:168)
    at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.initializeHome(BaseContainer.java:948)
    at com.sun.ejb.containers.StatelessSessionContainer.initializeHome(StatelessSessionContainer.java:220)
    at com.sun.ejb.containers.ContainerFactoryImpl.createContainer(ContainerFactoryImpl.java:671)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.AbstractLoader.loadEjbs(AbstractLoader.java:490)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationLoader.load(ApplicationLoader.java:184)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.TomcatApplicationLoader.load(TomcatApplicationLoader.java:113)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationManager.applicationDeployed(ApplicationManager.java:322)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationManager.applicationDeployed(ApplicationManager.java:216)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationManager.applicationDeployed(ApplicationManager.java:189)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationManager.applicationEnabled(ApplicationManager.java:754)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.invokeApplicationDeployEventListener(AdminEventMulticaster.java:914)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.handleApplicationDeployEvent(AdminEventMulticaster.java:892)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.processEvent(AdminEventMulticaster.java:445)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(AdminEventMulticaster.java:160)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.AdminNotificationHelper.sendNotification(AdminNotificationHelper.java:128)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.ConfigInterceptor.postInvoke(ConfigInterceptor.java:109)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.proxy.ProxyClass.invoke(ProxyClass.java:97)
    at $Proxy1.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.jmx.SunoneInterceptor.invoke(SunoneInterceptor.java:297)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.callers.InvokeCaller.call(InvokeCaller.java:56)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.MBeanServerRequestHandler.handle(MBeanServerRequestHandler.java:142)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.servlet.RemoteJmxConnectorServlet.processRequest(RemoteJmxConnectorServlet.java:109)
    at com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.servlet.RemoteJmxConnectorServlet.doPost(RemoteJmxConnectorServlet.java:180)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:727)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.servletService(ApplicationFilterChain.java:397)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:278)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.doInvoke(StandardPipeline.java:566)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:536)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invokeInternal(StandardContextValve.java:240)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:179)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.doInvoke(StandardPipeline.java:566)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebPipeline.invoke(WebPipeline.java:73)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:182)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.doInvoke(StandardPipeline.java:566)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.VirtualServerPipeline.invoke(VirtualServerPipeline.java:120)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:939)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:137)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.doInvoke(StandardPipeline.java:566)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(StandardPipeline.java:536)
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(ContainerBase.java:939)
    at org.apache.coyote.tomcat5.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:239)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ProcessorTask.invokeAdapter(ProcessorTask.java:667)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ProcessorTask.processNonBlocked(ProcessorTask.java:574)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ProcessorTask.process(ProcessorTask.java:844)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ReadTask.executeProcessorTask(ReadTask.java:287)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ReadTask.doTask(ReadTask.java:212)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.TaskBase.run(TaskBase.java:252)
    at com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:75)
    Registering ad hoc servlet: WebPathPath: context root = "/EnterpriseApplication1", path = "/EnterpriseApplication1-app-client'
    Java Web Start services started for application com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws.ApplicationContentOrigin@fa6240 registration name=En

    The server log indicates that
    "Application NOT loaded: [EnterpriseApplication1]"
    I also see:
    "Jndi name conflict found in [EnterpriseApplication1]. Jndi name [session.EmailEntityFacadeRemote] for bean [EmailEntityFacade] is already in use."
    Will forward this the deployment team. Will get back to you soon

  • Date and null problem

    Hello Techies,
    I am using mysql 5.0 and trying to inserting couple of values in to a table called books.
    CREATE TABLE books(
        author_id INT,
        title     VARCHAR(255),
        pub_date  DATE);when i insert null values in the pub_date thru jdbc,I am getting the following exception.
    SQLExceptionIncorrect date value: 'null' for column 'pub_date' at row 1But when tried from command prompt with the following query, values are inserted into the database.
    INSERT INTO books VALUES(2, 2, "java", null);Here is my code.
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class databaseTest {
         public static void main(String args[])
              Connection conn = null;
                 ArrayList  col = new ArrayList();
              //Collection  col = new ArrayList();
              //DBBackupPM dd = new DBBackupPM();
                conn = getConnection();
              String query = "INSERT INTO books VALUES(?,?, ?, ?);";
              PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(query);
              int j=0;
              for(int i =0;i<col.size();i++)
              System.out.println("Query Xcuted");
              catch (SQLException sqe) {
                   // TODO: handle exception
              System.out.println("collection size"+col.size());
              Iterator it = col.iterator();
         public static  Connection getConnection() {
              System.out.println("inside GetConnection()");
              Connection conn = null;
              try {
                   String driverName = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver";
                   String serverName = "localhost";
                   String mydatabase = "test";
                   String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + serverName + "/" + mydatabase +"?autoReconnect=true";
                   String username = "root";
                   String password = "xxx";
                   conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
                   System.out.println("connection established");
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                   // Could not find the database driver
                   System.out.println("classNotFoundExcpetion" + cnfe.getMessage());
              } catch (SQLException sqe) {
                   // Could not connect to the database
                   System.out.println("SQLException" + sqe.getMessage());
              return conn;
    }can u guys tell me why I am getting the xception .

    public class databaseTest {
         public static void main(String args[])
              Connection conn = null;
                 ArrayList  col = new ArrayList();
              //Collection  col = new ArrayList();
              //DBBackupPM dd = new DBBackupPM();
                conn = getConnection();
                   col.add("null");You are not inserting a null value here. You are trying to insert the text "null" as the value for the pub_date field. That won't work because the string "null" is not a valid date. What you're actually doing is this:
    INSERT INTO books VALUES(2, 2, "java", "null");Note the quotes around "null".
    You should set the column to the value null, not to the string "null".

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