Clone question

I am cloning the hard drive before updating to tiger.
Is it OK to clone the other internal hard drive? Or should it be to another firewire.

Hi again geo3,
you can clone to a second partition but it would be much safer to clone to an external firewire drive so that you have a bootable backup. Internal hard disk sometimes fail . The cloning is more reliable if you boot from the second partition when you want to clone the first partition.
If this answered your question please consider granting some stars: Why reward points?

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    do I then go to init.ora parameter and change locations of control files?After that, do I modify (new locations) and rebuild controlfile before run ???You do not have to update any file manually, just run script and it will prompt you to type the location of the data/redo/ log files.
    Just make sure you have the directories already created on the target server before you run postclone script.
    Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone [ID 230672.1]
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    Good Morning,
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    Good luck.

  • EBS Clone question

    EBS Version : 12.1.3
    OS : Linux X86-64
    I have plan to  refresh the existing  clone. Usually I had done using preclone procedure and copied to target machine and apply post clone. Now I have plan to do using RMAN restore procedure. So First dropped the existing clone database and then Restore database from production to target and plan to apply post clone procedure. Shall i do like? or Should i copy application file from clone?

    Azar wrote:
    EBS Version : 12.1.3
    OS : Linux X86-64
    I have plan to  refresh the existing  clone. Usually I had done using preclone procedure and copied to target machine and apply post clone. Now I have plan to do using RMAN restore procedure. So First dropped the existing clone database and then Restore database from production to target and plan to apply post clone procedure. Shall i do like? or Should i copy application file from clone?
    If no changes been done at the application/database level since the last time preclone was run (i.e. applied patches, modified custom code, ..etc) then you can restore from the backup, otherwise you will need to re-run preclone again and copy the files.
    Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone (Doc ID 406982.1)
    R11i / R12.0 / R12.1 : Cloning Oracle Application with Rapid Clone - Database (9i/10g/11g) Using Hot Backup on Open Database (Doc ID 760772.1)
    Rapid Clone Documentation Resources For Release 11i and 12 (Doc ID 799735.1)

  • HashMap.clone() question?

    Dear all,
    I got something really confused me. Here is a programme from JDT
    import java.util.*;
    class A implements Cloneable {
    public HashMap map;
    public A() {
    map = new HashMap();
    map.put("key1", "value1");
    map.put("key2", "value2");
    public Object clone() {
    try {
    A aobj = (A)super.clone(); = (HashMap)map.clone();
    return aobj;
    catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
    throw new InternalError(e.toString());
    public class CloneDemo5 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    A obj1 = new A();
    A obj2 = (A)obj1.clone();"key1");
    The output is :
    From my viewpoint, the keys and values in the obj1 have been cloned to obj2, because even the key1 of obj1 is deleted, the key1 of obj2 is still there.
    However, according to the API specification, in the Hashmap.clone(), "The keys and values themselves are not cloned."
    Please clarify this for me. Thank you.

    The keys and values are object references, and when you clone a HashMap you get a new HashMap with copies of those references - the referenced objects are not cloned. When you remove something from the first hashmap, the second hashmap still contains a reference to the object you just removed, so it still contains it. To see the difference, try putting a mutable object into the HashMap before cloning it. Then get the object from either of the HashMaps, alter the state of that object, get value held against the same key in the other HashMap, and print its state - you will see that the change has been reflected in both HashMaps because both HashMaps are referencing the same object. Try this:
    import java.util.*;
    class A implements Cloneable {
         public HashMap map;
         public A() {
              map = new HashMap();
              map.put("key1", new B("value1"));
              map.put("key2", new B("value2"));
         public Object clone() {
              try {
                   A aobj = (A) super.clone();
          = (HashMap) map.clone();
                   return aobj;
              } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                   throw new InternalError(e.toString());
    class B {
         String s;
         B(String s) {
              this.s = s;
         public String toString() {
              return s;
    public class CloneDemo5 {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              A obj1 = new A();
              A obj2 = (A) obj1.clone();
              B b1 = (B)"key1");
              B b2 = (B)"key1");
              b1.s = "A changed value";

  • Quick Vector Clone Question

    The documentation for the clone() method in the Vector class says that the method will
    /**   The copy will contain a
         * reference to a clone of the internal data array, not a reference
         * to the original internal data array of this Vector object.
    */I wanted to confirm that according to the above documentation, AFTER changing or modifying the original Vector, those changes will NOT be seen / reflected in the cloned Vector.
    Furthermore, what about 2D and 3D Vectors. Vectors that may contain other Vectors as their objects. Do I need a "deepClone()" method... or will "clone() " handle all the copying for me?
    -Thanks in advance

    Hey thanks for the clarification... so this
    mutability term is a somewhat "looser" definition
    than what I had originally assumed it to be. It's certainly not part of the Java language, but it is pretty widely accepted to refer only to objects, and to mean that the state cannot be changed (or cannot be changed in a way that will be visible publicly) afte the object has been created.
    getting back to the clone part of this discussion. Is
    there a relationship between how Suns choice of their
    Objects mutability vs. Suns choice of their
    respective clone() implementation? .. or are they two
    different, and/or unrelated things?Not sure what you mean here, but there would be no reason to ever make an immutable object cloneable. String, all the wrapper classes, BigInteger, these are all immutable, and so it's pointless to clone them*. Since the copies will be indistinguishable from the original, and the state can never change, there's no reason to clone them.
    Furtheremore, If I remember correctly, a Vectors
    clone method JavaDoc describes the method as
    /** The copy will contain a reference to a
    clone of the internal data array,
    not a reference to the original internal data array
    of the Vector object.
    */...which suggests that a call such as:
    (Assume for example I have a Vector ("myOldVector")
    with 12 elements)
    Vector myNewVector = myOldVector.clone();... would produce 2 Vectors and a total of 24
    distinct Objects...No. There wil be two Vectors. Each Vector will have a reference to an array. The two arrays will be distinct. Each array will refer to the same group of objects.
    So if you clone a Vector of 12 dates, you'll still have 12 dates, but now you'll have two different arrays referring to those 12 dates. If you change the contents of one of the Dates, both Vectors will see it. If you change the contents of one of the arrays (i.e., remove an element, or point it at a different Date objectd), it will only be seen by one Vector.
    I know that the "toString()" method for a Vector will
    call each of its elements respective toString()
    method during its process, I was assuming that a
    clone() method would do the same thing after creating
    a new Vector. .. which would recursively handle any
    nested Vectors appropriately as well.Why would you assume that? The docs for Vector's toString say that it toStrings each element. The docs for Vector's clone method don't say that--they say it just clones the array (not the objects referred to by the array).
    Is this or is this not how the clone operation
    executes? ... from reading the Cloneable interface
    documentation, it suggests to me that this could be
    the case...Why not peruse the source code for Vector's clone method? It's in in the JDK download.
    *Okay, there could be a reason to clone them, but it's not something would normally be an issue when coding. For generational issues related to GC, it could theoretically be beneficial to create a new object, to be referred to by other new objects, rather than letting new objects refer to an old object. I only add this for thorughness' sake, not because it really matters for your purposes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    /thread/844980 [original link is broken]
    ECC reported results
    When we are literally looking for technical help, we write in the forum.
    Mentor may help or may not help. May guide , may not guide.
    But getting too personnel is discouraging and to larger extend it does spoil the reputation of SDN forum.
    Who is he to ask about my brain and education.. Do the mentor need to go too far?
    He is literally trying to stop me from asking question in the forum and I donot want to feel suffocated.

    Ok my part of the story, very sketchy. The prehistory.
    One man joined the BCS and Financials forums a little more than half year ago.
    Tried to be very active. Pretending to be experienced and having many projects implemented.
    Answering almost all BCS forum's questions. Very often not correctly or  just by rephrasing the others answers.
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    Clones were discovered and deleted. But the man's account was left intact.
    Here is a couple of threads in confirmation:
    Re: Statistical Item
    Re: Business Partner Data uploading
    The Man disappeared some time ago.
    Then appeared again after renaming of external presentation of his user.
    The 1st question in the question quated is of the sort "For which purposes accounts are used in FI?" and usually the link from is enough. Trying to uderstand a little who is this person I found out that it is our hero. But simply under other name. Pretending to be a guru in the past and now not knowing how to use search in forums.
    Maybe I didn't restrain my temper. Sorry for that.
    I have two questions to community:
    1. Should I have restrained myself and give more polite answer, knowing all this prehistory?
    2. Should the user who used to create fake accounts for points hunting remain a part of the community?

  • MBP 15in 2009 upgrading to an intel 320ssd from a windows laptop

    So i have a toshiba r705 p35 that has an intel 320 series ssd, and i want to put that ssd in my mbp 15in 2009.
    and put the hdd from the mbp in my toshiba.
    can anyone help me with how i would go about this ?  reformating and stuff 
    and with the intel 320 series i want to transfer my account from my work imac.
    ****heres the steps i was thinking of doing*****
    remove hdd from MBP
    use a sata to usb cable to make a second partition
    back up my imac through time machine on to the removed MBP hdd
    back up toshiba to another external hard drive
    remove intel 320 ssd from toshiba
    use sata usb cable to wipe the intel ssd and reformat to be a mac hard drive
    install intel 320 ssd in MBP

    You can download the SSD firmware at the Intel website. I'm not sure how you check on Windows 7. I try my best to avoid it.
    On the Carbon Copy Cloner question, no. The iMac copy is going to be optimized for that machine. That's why I suggested it the way I did. Partition and format the SSD in an external enclosure attached to your MBP, then install the OS to it from there. You can use Carbon Copy to make an image of your iMac to a separate drive, since that's at work. Attach the 2nd drive via the USB enclosure and use Migration Assistant to bring everything over.

  • Named object type

    I want to create a 'Named' type to act as a parent to all classes whose identity is based solely on a "name" (ie, a String), such that no two instances with the same name can be added to a Set.
    First question: Is there such an animal in Java already? I'd hate to be reinventing the wheel.
    Here's what I've got so far:...
    * Class representing an Object with a "name" (a String) and whose indentity is
    * based solely on it by default. The name is set at construction time and is final.
    * Subclasses may override equals() and hashCode() at the expense of this default
    * behaviour.
    public class Named
         private final String name;
         private        int   hashcode = -1;
         protected Named(String n) {
              name = n;
         public final String getName()     {
              return name;
         public boolean equals(Object o)     {
              if ( this.getClass() == o.getClass() )
                   return name.equals( ((Named)o).name;
                   return false;
         public int hashCode()
              if (hashcode == -1)
                   hashcode = name.hashCode();
              return hashcode;
         /** protected clone method solely to allow subclasses to implement Cloneable */
         protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
              return super.clone();
    Is '==' correct for comparing Classes?
    Is there a better way to achieve this?

    georgemc wrote:
    OP, if you can override equals and hashCode, your desire to ensure uniqueness within a Set based on names alone is restricted. Sounds more like you'd want your own implementation of Set for thatSorry for delay in replying folks. Had to go shopping and stopped off at the pub to think about this.
    You're absolutetly right george. As puckstopper already pointed out, my thinking wasn't very linear, which is crucial when I'm trying to implement an alternate form of Object.
    I've already jettisoned the idea of an overridable type for a simple 'Named' type by making equals() and hashCode() final, and added a few more doc comments about usage.
    My problem was that, in my current Project, I had simply oodles of classes that fit into this category, and have since found that they exist in a bunch of other projects I've already writted. Had I but known.
    I guess my original question still remains: Am I reinventing the wheel?
    Another question for those in the know: should I implement Comparable?
    PS: I didn't form my orginal thread as a question, but have no idea how to change it; and I've already had my 15 minutes of fame(?).

  • To silo or to clone? That's my question

    I'm about to start processing 100 photographs for a baby yoga fitness book. 50 are from one photoshoot, and 50 are from another photoshoot. Same models, same set but different lighting. That's problem #1. Problem #2 is that the background sweep has uneven touch-up marks all over it in the first batch. So besides matching the foreground skintones of batch 1 and 2, I must also even out the backgrounds of batch 1.
    My question is, should I clone the backgrounds, or should I just have all 100 images silo'd (pathed) and layer them all on a new background image? Obviously the shadows would need to be silo'd as well but I know this can be done. Here's an example from batch 1 and batch 2, respectively:
    I'd love to hear any suggestions anyone may have here. I'm a decent retoucher but really I'm a graphic designer. And no, I didn't take these photos ;-)

    Hello! are they raw images? even if they are just jpegs, you might want to use lightroom or camera raw, and adjust the white balance and aperture from that application, and synchonize the settings if you use Lightroom, or copy-paste the camera raw settings to the other images in Bridge if you use Camera Raw.
    Another solution would be to fix the tone/lighting with your favorites techniques, then use match color on the rest of the images to apply the same correction. (an non-destructive alternative would be to create an action  where you fix one image using adjustment layers ,and applying them with the batch command in Bridge.
    After that, I would try the content aware fill on the images to remove the unwanted background parts. Or the patch tool if you are more versed with it.
    Try the content aware selection/mask combination (see the brick pattern part) from this video of Russell Brown to easily fix the images:

  • Clone system-unanswered questions

    I neer to clone my system drive (mountain lion) and then upgrade the cloned copy of my system drive to mavericks so I can test it out and make sure I am happy with its performance on my mid 2010 Mac Pro.
    From what I gathered I can just pop in a same size internal harddrive into one of my Mac Pro harddrive bays and run carbon copy cloner and then just clone the drive.
    Where its gets a little hazy for me is, what happens after you have cloned the system drive.
    When booting up with a system drive and cloned system drive in the same machine, from which drive will the Mac Pro actually boot up from when restarting? Will I be asked Where to boot up from? Also could I just remove the original system harddrive from its bay and keep the cloned system drive inside and will the Mac pro then boot as per usual? It's also important to mention I have a password on my Mac Pro that I must type in for any new installs and for logging in, also not sure if this plays any role in complicating things?
    is there anything I should be made aware of regarding cloning a system drive that is commonly left unsaid?
    Thank you to the soul who took the time to help another one, it certainly makes a difference and it is appreciated.

    Chance Harper wrote:
    Thank you Niel.
    So to avoid the blinking question mark of death, should i after the cloning process just go and set the clone as the startup drive, shut down, remove the original system drive and reboot and then it will boot up ok from the newly appointed system clone?
    Also can I give the cloned drive a different name? I mean how will I know which is which after the cloning if it gets cloned using the same harddrive name? For example can I clone my system drive but name it Mavericks?
    There is no need to remove the original system drive. Just go into System Prefs and select the disk you want to use as your startup disk.
    The drive onto which you want to clone your system can be named whatever you want ("Mavericks", "Guinea Pig"). Name it, then clone onto it. Or rename it after cloning.

  • Question about clone

    Hi all experts,
    My customer EBS version is 11.5.9
    He follow note 230672.1 to clone PROD to TEST. Pre-clone were completed without issue and TEST db is up and running now.
    However, when run appsTier, system didn't ask for database server node and go straight to ask for next question.
    Also, when check CloneContext_04161101.log, it shows clone just use PROD as default dbSid, which is wrong.
    The issue start to happen two weeks ago.
    It works well before. Also, no change was done.
    Only thing happened was a clone was done two weeks ago and this is the second clone he tries to do and hit this issue.
    He has rename the clone stage area and run preclone twice on 11/4 and 15/4. Both are still causing the same issue.
    Which part do I have to check more?
    If you have any advice, please give me feedback freely.
    adpairsfile.lst file:
    CloneContext_04161101.log file:
    #------Log File created at: 04161101------------
    Variables extracted from pairsfile: /tmp/adpairsfile.lst
    Variable :s_hostname
    Value :galileo
    Variable :s_appsuser
    Value :oratest
    Variable :s_appsgroup
    Value :oinstall
    Variable :s_atName
    Value :galileo
    Default value found for s_dbSid : PROD
    Default value found for s_contextname : PROD_galileo
    Default value found for s_dbhost : galileo

    Hi Xun,
    As a Workaround, you can try below:
    On the Target system, perform the following steps:
    1. Edit $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/context/db/CTXORIG.xml on db & $COMMON_TOP/clone/context/apps/CTXORIG.xml for apps
    2. Change the value for s_dbSid,s_contextname,s_dbhost to the correct target system value
    3. Rerun "perl dbTier" & "perl appsTier"

  • Basic Clone database question

    hi all,
    I have very basic clone database question
    If i create database A and clone database B using A...
    I want to know that any operation done on A will be automatically done on Cloned database B.
    Hope u understand

    hi all,Hi Neerav
    I have very basic clone database question
    If i create database A and clone database B using A...
    I want to know that any operation done on A will be automatically done on Cloned database B.Oops....Now you're asking about rocket science. Sorry, I don't know.
    I know about some basics:
    Streams or Replication--> Which can give you data on B in read-write mode.
    DR--> For safeguarding your database and B will work as DR solution.
    Hope u understandNo, please make us understand.

  • Question about installing a SSD drive and how to clone

    I have a 2007 white macbook w/ 80GB HD. I have been thinking about installing a 60 GB SSD drive from OWC as the price has come down tremendously and honestly just to see how it improves boot time, launch, applications etc. I don't keep much stuff on this macbook as it is purely a "browsing" computer but I was wondering how to best clone the hard drive to the new one?
    From what I understand, I use an application like Carbon copy cloner and backup "all data". Then, I turn the macbook over and follow the instructions for installing the new drive. Then, I guess I boot up and format the new drive with Snow Leopard.
    When do I actually tell the recently formatted computer to transfer the data from the backup clone? Do I do this during the opening migration screen? I know how to import data from another computer using Firewire and a cable, however, does the new SSD formatted computer understand how to boot from the carbon copy cloner backup without installing this software on the new drive?

    I am no expert on SSDs. Here is how I would do it with a regular HDD. Note: You will need an external 2.5" enclosure.
    Clone Old HDD to new HDD using SuperDuper
    • Install new HDD in enclosure
    • Connect to the computer and boot from internal HDD.
    • Launch Disk Utility and format new HDD in enclosure (post for step by step directions, if needed)
    • Download and launch SuperDuper
    • In the Copy field select your internal HDD
    • To is your newly formatted HDD in enclosure
    • Using *backup all files*
    • Click Options button
    • Check *Repair Disk Permissions on Source*
    • During copy Erase Destination HDD then copy from Source
    • On successful completion Quit SuperDuper
    • Shut down computer and with external still connected
    • Option boot from external HDD to check clone.
    • If everything checks out, remove new HDD from enclosure and install in computer.
    • Install old HDD in enclosure (if desired)

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