Cloning from cloned hard drive

The main hard drive on my HP Pavilion dv7 (with Windows 7 Home Premium) was replaced because it was failing. Before it failed I cloned the C drive to the second hard drive using HDClone 4.1. Now I want to clone the new hard drive from the cloned second hard drive but when I use the HDClone software to do this it reports that the "C drive could not be opened for exclusive write access". Could someone please tell me what to do about this? I have also tried to change the boot-up order so that it will boot up from the second hard drive but it appears that HP does not allow this. Please help!

Wish I could help but I know nothing about HD Clone.Have you checked the Help files within the program?Maybe you can find a User Manual online.
 As for booting from the second hdd have you tried switching it with the current new hdd?
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    morrisck wrote:
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    That has been clear since early in this thread.
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    Why pay them to do what you don't need done??? Get a refund and buy an enclosure, which you should have anyway for backups.
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    Time Machine FAQ

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    Last edited by tony5429 (2008-09-28 04:52:39)

    You should be able to mount the partition once you've loaded up the live CD. Just figure out which one it is by using
    fdisk -l
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    Last edited by Xyne (2008-09-28 03:38:02)

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    Thanks for the reply. It doesn't have to process the php, it just has to show the HTML content. It did that just fine before the last upgrade but won't now.
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    aespinoza2210 wrote:
    could it be in the itunes folder or does it have to be in the itunes media folder, which is within the itunes folder??
    A Espinoza,
    The iTunes Media folder is set in Preferences > Advanced, and is the key to most iTunes folder organizational activities.  So I doubt that the automatic deletion will work for files that are somewhere else within the folder structure.
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    There is another option if the Macbook will start up in Target Disk Mode.
    Restart the computer while holding down the T key. If you see the firewire symbol moving around on the screen you can connect this one to another one in TDM. You will need a suitable cable to connect the two Macs.
    Firewire symbol:

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    Ok... I need to know how to read a .txt file from the hard drive... I have an example on how to read from a disk, but I don't have a disk drive. I could be confusing terminology, but I don't think I am. Here is the code I have for reading from a disk.. please let me know how I should change it to read from a hard drive.
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    public class TEST {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
    FileReader fr = new FileReader("customer.txt");
    BufferedReader bfr = new BufferedReader (fr);
    String s;
    while ((s=bfr.readLine())!= null){
    System.out.println (s);

    Ok... I need to know how to read a .txt file from the
    hard drive... I have an example on how to read from a
    disk, but I don't have a disk drive. I could be
    confusing terminology, but I don't think I am. Here
    is the code I have for reading from a disk.. please
    let me know how I should change it to read from a
    hard drive.The code will be the same, regardless of where the file is located. It's just the filename that will be different.
    Also, when the error pops up, it says that it can't
    read another .txt file that is not specified in the
    code... any ideas how that is occuring? Please
    advise.Probably becuase the class file (compiled version of the source code) is a different version to the source code, i.e. the source code hasn't been recompiled since the source code was changed.
    How does this relate to EJBs?

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    I don't know what a "2.5" Sata Nootbook Drive Upgrade Kit" is but if you have a internal drive you need to connect all you needed was a $20 IDE/SATA to USB adapter
    You don't need Superduper, that's software designed to clone a entire Mac's boot drive to a external drive for bootable backup purposes using the same machine/make/model.
    Since the new Mac is different than the old one you can't clone (well you could but it will break the machine) the old drive to the new one.
    However you can use the adapter above and software Apple provides in the Utilities folder on the NEW MAC, called Migration Assistant to transfer your User to the new machine.
    However this might not be the best course of action as it can transfer unwanted data and cause problems in the Library, old programs that won't run on 10.7, etc.
    You can simply create the same named user on the machine (System Preferences > Accounts) log into it and then connect the external drive with the adapter and copy the contents of your users folders over and place into the same.
    It's always good to have another Admin level user account on the machine in case the primary one has a User based issue and you need to log into the other and grab files. So if either manually or via using Migration Assistant you wind up with two user accounts on the machine, it's really not that big of a deal.

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    When converting to StreamClip , for instance, which formate is best????
    I have found that the QuickTime Pro/2 to 4 converter then into iDVD gives me the best results. Then right to iDVD.
    The Visual Hub program is great but it gives me the letter box effect. I rather have the true 16x9 formate.
    Any other ideas or programs out there YOU like?
    Thanks in advance, Don
    MacBook core 2 Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iMac G4 flat panel

    now we put the cart before the horse ...
    mpegs are not meant for editing, any further processing; mpegs are a delivery- and playback format...
    if you like to do editing (adding titles, music, disolves etc), use a recording-device which supports a codec which is MEANT for editing.. as "dv", on miniDV ...
    Streamclip support basic editing (e.g. erasing parts)...
    and the loss of audio by using Quicktime for convertign mpegs is another cup of tea ...
    nack to your Original Post:
    Capty is best in terms of quality, because no triple-conversion is needed, as long as you "burn" videoDVD with Toast or Sizzle ..
    Streamclip (+mpeg2 plug-in) is best in terms of "options" ( you can edit AND convert)
    DVD2DV is best in terms of usability .. one-click-only
    VisualHub is best in terms of flexibility (swiss army knife converter)
    ffmpegX + Sizzle is best in terms of cost - free (iLife comes preinstalled)
    ... and DVD as recording media is NEVER the best, compared to any/most miniDV camcorders... less usabilty (= not supported by iLife, needs additional processes etc), less quality AFTER adding anything/editing/processing, ...
    so, back to Square One - get a miniDV for movie making ..

  • Why won't my iMac 27" boot from external hard drive?

    I have a new 27in Intel i5 dual core 3.6GHz iMac. It works wonderfully.
    My question is this. I have a Pleides Ice Cube external hard drive with a USB 2.0/Firewire enclosure with a 500GB hard drive. I used diskutility to format the hard drive as a GUID Partition Table. I then used SuperDuper to clone the iMac OS 10.6.7 and Apps over to it.
    I can select the external drive in System Preferences/Startup Disk to boot from, but when booting the iMac gets as far as the white screen then just stops loading.
    I have tried both the USB connection and the Firewire connection (with a Firewire 800 to 400 cable).
    I have run Disk Utility and repaired the disk and the preferences.
    I have used Disk Warrior to rebuild the directory as well, but the iMac will not boot from the drive.
    It does boot from the original DVD's and its own hard drive.
    My old 24" iMac had no trouble booting from this hard drive or any of the others I have collected over the years, so I am reluctant to think it is the external drive. It is something to do with this particular processor Snow Leopard and external drives.

    It sounds like something in the SuperDuper clone might not have copied well. To get the full answer on that I would check with Apple or SuperDuper to see if they support each other.
    As a quick test, if you restart and immediately press and hold "option" on your keyboard do you see your external HD as an option to boot from? If so, click it and see if the boot runs any differently, but if you don't see it at all that could show that the problem is more deep rooted.
    Personally, if looking in to either of those didn't give me any other info to go on, I would reformat and start the clone again. BTW, do you know for sure GUID Partition is the format you'd want to do this on? Generally macs use "Mac OS Extended" and some external HDs can use "FAT32" (if you want them to work well with Windows)
    Hope that gives a little direction

  • Can't play music from external hard drive through iTunes on Windows 8?

    I recenty bought a new laptop running Windows 8 with a small internal hard drive, so I don't want to store all my music on it. I backed up my iTunes library onto an external hard drive, but when I plug this into my new laptop I can't play my music no matter what I do.
    I have tried:
    - selecting the newly created iTunes library by pressing Shift when opening iTunes and playing a song directly through the iTunes player. It selects the song, comes up with the speaker icon next to it to indicate it is playing, but the time doesn't count down and no music plays
    - I have gone into Advanced Preferences and specified the iTunes media folder location, still no songs play
    - coped a single song onto my new laptop desktop and tried to play this through iTunes, Media Player and the Music app. Media player says "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file". The Music app says it can't find any music on the computer, so when I select the music folder from my hard drive, it says "Can't Play. Make sure your computer's sound and video cards are working and have the latest drivers, then try again".
    I know my laptop can play sound and video as I can watch YouTube videos with no problems. I went to Windows Update, and there are no available updates, I already have every available update.
    I have also plugged in a different external hard drive, with different music files on it, and have encountered the exact same problems. It seems I can't play any music at all on this laptop. I know the files are not corrupted, as I can plug both hard drives into a different laptop that runs on Windows 7 and play the music on them with no troubles. Could it be a problem with the files compatibility with Windows 8?
    I can also access my iPhone backup through this iTunes library on the new computer, so I know there is no problem with my backup.

    I am experiencing a similar problem in Windows 7 64bit.  Since my laptop has a 128gb SSD, I have loaded my iTunes library on to an external drive.  I can sync my iPhones and iPads from this library, and the songs play fine from those devices.  However, when I select a song from my library, and click the play button, nothing happens.  iTunes does nothing.  I have also tried right-clicking mp3s in my library and selecting "Play", with no results.  I do not receive an error message of any kind.
    I have also noticed that some of my mp3's within iTunes denote the Time as 00:00.  The same mp3's will play and register properly using other mp3 players on my computer, and they also play normally on my iPhones and iPads.
    I am running Windows 7 x64 on a Lenovo T530, in iTunes 11.1.3.  Everything else in iTunes appears to function normally.  I can listen to internet radio stations without an issue, through iTunes, and they play as they should.  I have tried three different external drives, with different drive formats, and they all have the same issue.  If I copy my iTunes library back to my internal drive, iTunes will play my mp3s.
    I did not have this issue with iTunes 10, so I am assuming it is something that has occured within the last few updates.
    Has anyone found a fix for this?  Unfortunately, I am forced to use iTunes 11 because of my iOS devices, otherwise I would revert to iTunes 10.

  • How can i restore info from my hard drive to my new mac

    I have an "old" black macbook, that I have backed up on an external hard drive using time machine.  I recently got a new (aluminum) macbook and i want to transfer my data from my hard drive to my new computer (itunes library, photos, etc...).  I do NOT have ilife or iwork on my new computer, but i have it on my old macbook which (in theory) should be backed up on my external HD.  Is it possible to transfer applications like that to my new computer if I "disable" it from my old computer?  I also just got a new iphone 5 and would like to be able to sync it to my new computer but my itunes library is empty (until i take stuff from my hard drive and put it on my new computer).  Obviously my old macbook will not support the software needed to hook up my new iphone to itunes, but my new computer will.  So I beg the answer to my do i get my stuff from one computer to the new one and can i transfer applications such at iphoto, pages, (ilife, iwork)...legally by disabling from my old computer?????

    Have a read here How do I set up a new Mac from an old one, its backups, or a PC?

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    Hello I have two hard drives on my mac g4 and the first has 80gig and i only have 10 gig of memory left to fill in my ipod library so... I want to move the itunes library/song data from one hard drive to another, how do I do this? the ipod has the ability to hold 40gig of songs etc. so I know the main hard drive will be full before my ipod will be... I'm new to apple and have had a pc for several years but had too many problems with viruses and like what I've learned so far on my mac thanks for your help out there... you can email me at [email protected] thanks again for any help out there

    For the record, hard drives don't hav ememory it is just storage space.
    Anyway, in your user folder you would want to drag the Music folder to the other hard drive. Once that is finsihed copying in the iTunes preferences you would want to point iTunes to the new drive and folder for the music folder it should be using.

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