Cloud Content with Multiple Users

My husband and I share an account. When I go to the cloud I only see my contents and I can't find my husband's content that he has backed up. I am the primary account holder but I would think there is an option to switch between users. Can someone help me figure out how we can view his items?

Your husband needs his own My Verizon account for his line in order for him to see his backed up information.  His account would be as an Account Member and he'd have limited access to account information like you see in your My Verizon account as the Account Owner.

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    Hi everybody,
    I'm stuck for a while now with my iMac and parental controlled user accounts.
    It's for a few months now iPhoto and Preview keep crashing at starting up in these other accounts.
    All works fine in my own administrator account. I'll copy a the first part of the crash state, maybe that will help.
    I think the problem started with connecting a photocamera (Sony W125) directly to the computer.
    It seems that viewing pictures (PDF/iphoto) is corrupted in this way.
    I'm working on an late 2011 iMac 2,5 Ghz Intel Core i5 /12GB 1333 / OSX 10.7.5
    Allready done:
    removed plists
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    tried some searching in Root-account but where afraid to damage stuff.
    looked around on the web but I couldn't find people with the same problem
    Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
    Process:         iPhoto [1058]
    Path: /Applications/
    Version:         9.4.2 (9.4.2)
    Build Info:      iPhotoProject-710042000000000~2
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [807]
    Date/Time:       2012-11-05 10:30:59.667 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.5 (11G63)
    Report Version:  9
    Interval Since Last Report:          247 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID: 19E6D82E-8DD9-4044-B141-C67D09268E1F
    Crashed Thread:  0 Dispatch queue:
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, running initializers
    xpchelper reply message validation: code signature invalid
    The code signature is not valid: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 100005.)
    Application Specific Signatures:
    code signature invalid
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0 libxpc.dylib                      0x96b2254e runtime_init + 2014
    1 libdispatch.dylib                         0x92d10c27 dispatch_once_f + 50
    2 libxpc.dylib                      0x96b22d92 _xpc_runtime_set_domain + 350
    3 libxpc.dylib                      0x96b1f9af _libxpc_initializer + 578
    4 libSystem.B.dylib                        0x94ba77a7 libSystem_initializer + 199
    5 dyld                                  0x8fef1203 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 251
    6 dyld                                  0x8fef0d68 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 64
    7 dyld                                  0x8feee2c8 ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 256
    8 dyld                                  0x8feee25e ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 150

    After searching the web and the discussion here, here's my minimal impact solution for multiple Macs with multiple users in a household:
    1) Set up Mac1 for myself only
    2) Set up Mac2 for the wife and kid
    3) Set up each Mac to backup to the Airport base station using Time Machine (this would create two separate backups on the Airport base station's drive, which from what I've read has its own problems)
    4) On Mac1 setup "empty user accounts" for the wife and kid. These will not have any files in them - just an access mechanism. If they want to access their files, they can use Time Machine's "The Browse Other Backup Disks Option" to get their file from Mac2, work on it and then drop it in the Shared Folder. Next time they are on Mac2, remember to copy the updated/created file from the Shared Folder into their Mac2 user account. If possible, get Time Machine to not backup the "empty user accounts".
    5) Do the same for me on Mac2.
    Not the most elegant solution, but until Apple get off their backside and make this seamless, I can't think of anything else :-( .
    P.S. iCloud is not a soluton since it costs hundreds of dollars a year, uses up intenet data allowance and is slow.

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    If you are seeing the "Connect to iTunes" logo, then your device is in Recovery Mode, and you will need to restore it:
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes

  • Sharing iTunes on a single computer with multiple users

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    Was your wife logged into the libray at the time you tried to log in? I have had a similar problem and it was because another user was logged into the library when I attempted to. I got the permission denied banner.

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    When you authorize an iTunes account on your computer, the authorization info is stored in \Users\Shared\. When you run iTunes, it looks there to see if it can play purchases. The purchase account info is embedded into each purchased file.

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    You can home-share multiple libraries but only use one account at a time.

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    You have to turn on Sharing and then Authenticate Sharing on the other devices. You can have up to 5.

  • Time Machine with multiple users on single computer

    Hi All,
    I have an iMac at home with multiple user log ons. I'm about to get the Time Capsule and start using Time Machine (currently I use backup).
    When I switch on Time Machine, does it switch on for all users, or will each user need to turn on Time Machine?
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    If this does occur, can I control what Time Machine backs up so TM only backs up user specific information?
    Thanks in advance,

    When you first backup it will backup your whole system (user directories, system directories, applications, etc) unless you specify folders to exclude. When a user account is added to the computer, their home folder will be added to the backup in a similar way to if you added a new application. It will back up the directory structure exactly as it is on your main hard drive. The backup will essentially keep a copy of the whole hard drive on the backup drive.
    The Time Machine will either be on for the whole system, or off for the whole system. It is not on or off for a specific user account. Users (depending on if they've got admin privileges) may have control over turning time machine on or off, but this does not change who can access the backups. All users will be able to invoke Time Machine to get to their backed up files.
    Time Machine does not make separate backups for individual users. Instead, it preserves the permissions for backed up files, so while every user can access the backups, they cant just browse other users' files on the backup. The same restrictions on the main drive are carried over to the backup. Still, a standard user who's lost a file will be able to go into Time Machine, access a backed up version of the file, and restore it. Unlike standard users who are restricted from seeing other users' files in the backups, Admins are also restricted but they can be authenticated to view other users' files if they want to.

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    yes, BUT... you need a central repository for the master calendars, usually referred to a Calendar Server. If you are not using a Mac OS X Server on your private network, I think you can use web-based servers that use standard calendar protocol.
    Mac 101: iCal

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    Was your wife logged into the libray at the time you tried to log in? I have had a similar problem and it was because another user was logged into the library when I attempted to. I got the permission denied banner.

  • Multiple Macs with multiple user accounts

    I have a Mac computer connected to airport and use Time Machine for backups. This works well.
    I have now purchased a second Mac and would like to include this second Mac so that I can move between Macs and work. There does not appear to be any mechanism to allow this.

    After searching the web and the discussion here, here's my minimal impact solution for multiple Macs with multiple users in a household:
    1) Set up Mac1 for myself only
    2) Set up Mac2 for the wife and kid
    3) Set up each Mac to backup to the Airport base station using Time Machine (this would create two separate backups on the Airport base station's drive, which from what I've read has its own problems)
    4) On Mac1 setup "empty user accounts" for the wife and kid. These will not have any files in them - just an access mechanism. If they want to access their files, they can use Time Machine's "The Browse Other Backup Disks Option" to get their file from Mac2, work on it and then drop it in the Shared Folder. Next time they are on Mac2, remember to copy the updated/created file from the Shared Folder into their Mac2 user account. If possible, get Time Machine to not backup the "empty user accounts".
    5) Do the same for me on Mac2.
    Not the most elegant solution, but until Apple get off their backside and make this seamless, I can't think of anything else :-( .
    P.S. iCloud is not a soluton since it costs hundreds of dollars a year, uses up intenet data allowance and is slow.

  • Migrate itunes from pc to mac with multiple user accounts

    I've read the numerous articles on transferring one's itunes library from a windows machine to a mac and I *think* I've got the details sorted (have itunes copy everything and then organize my library, then copy whole folder to external drive). I only have one itunes account but it my full library and itunes account is used across different windows user accounts.
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    Forgot to mention, have 2 iphones and 1 ipad as well, all attached to the same apple id.

    See these support documents:
    How to share iTunes between multiple accounts on a single computer:
    How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer,

  • IMac with multiple user accounts "cannot associate apple id for ....."

    I have an iMac with multiple user accounts each with an Apple ID and individual iTunes library and Itunes match linking to iPhones iPads etc.
    I bought songs on my iPhone yesterday, on trying to listen to them on the iMac (my user account) this morning I get the "cannot associacte Apple ID for another 31 day" meassage.
    Is there any way round this? or is the answer only purchase via iTunes on the iMac in the individual account. Why do Apple do this?
    I'm guessing it's for piracy reasons.

  • Having trouble with multiple user accounts

    I am still getting used to Aperture and am having trouble with multiple user accounts on my Mac.
    My wife and I have separate accounts on our Mac, and both have Administrator rights. We keep our Aperture library in the "Shared" folder, and I have made sure that both she and I have read/write capabilities on the Aperture library.
    However, she has difficulty creating new projects, saving data, and viewing thumbnails in Aperture. Whenever she creates a project, it does not save into Aperture, and cannot be viewed by any user. In addition, changes she makes to photos do not save. She also cannot view thumbnails of any photos (although she can see the photos in the viewer).
    Are there any changes I need to make to the user accounts so she can have all these capabilities?
    Many Thanks.

    Rather than having the Aperture library reside in the shared folder, keep it within a folder residing at the top level of your mac, eg.
    I actually keep mine on one of my RAID disks.

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