CO Currency

Hi Guys
How to determine if the Co. Area Currency has been changed in the past?
Does it get recorded anywhere if CO Area Currency has been changed..??

Hi Sriku,
You need to find Table/Customizing objects then go to SE38 check the program : RSVTPROT then execute.
CO Currency table: V_TCURR
select Start Date & End date
Hope its clear.
Kishore K

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    Need your valuable advice!
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    Yes I do want to use the Key date from the variable screen and I am using the standard 0FIAR_C03_Q005 with slight modification including currency translation.
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    i have to display the currency field o/p with diff. currencies according to can i do that.

    see example program ERGP2070. It is doing something similar to your requirement.
    It is declaring currency as a separate field 'WRG'. and for amount field, setting CFIELDNAME field as 'WRG' and DO_SUM = 'X'.
    try this.

  • SQL Open Sales Orders Value using today's currency rates

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    I am creating a report for displaying the open sales order values (and other fields) using current currency rate (where applicable). I developed the below query. The only problem with this query is that it ignores the order rows in which the currency field is blank (Don't understand why this happens in SAP). Do you have other ideas?
    Thanks & Regards,
    T0.DocNum as 'Sales Ord No', T0.DocDate as "Ord Date",  T0.CardCode as "Cust Code",  T0.CardName as "Customer Name",  T1.ItemCode, 
    T1.Dscription,  T3.ItmsGrpNam,  T1.U_SU,  T1.U_SULEN,  T1.U_SUQTY,  T2.InvntryUom as 'Stock UOM',  T1.Quantity as 'Ord Qty', T1.Quantity*T2.U_ITWTSTU as 'Weight (KG)', T1.Quantity-T1.OpenQty as "Qty Delivered", T1.OpenQty as 'Bal Qty', T1.Price*T1.Quantity/T4.Rate AS "Ord Value (GBP)", T1.Price*T1.OpenQty/T4.Rate  AS "Open Qty Val (GBP)", T1.Price/T4.Rate  AS "Price (GBP)", T1.Price*T1.OpenQty as "Ord Value (BP Currency)", T1.Price as 'Price (BP Curr)', T1.Currency as 'Cur Ind', T4.[Rate] AS 'Curr Rate', T0.DocDueDate as "Due Date",  T1.WhsCode as 'Del WHG'
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    T0.DocNum as 'Sales Ord No', T0.DocDate as "Ord Date", T0.CardCode as "Cust Code", T0.CardName as "Customer Name", T1.ItemCode, T1.Dscription, T3.ItmsGrpNam, T1.U_SU, T1.U_SULEN, T1.U_SUQTY, T2.InvntryUom as 'Stock UOM', T1.Quantity as 'Ord Qty', T1.Quantity*T2.U_ITWTSTU as 'Weight (KG)', T1.Quantity-T1.OpenQty as "Qty Delivered", T1.OpenQty as 'Bal Qty', T1.LineTotal AS "Ord Value (GBP)", T1.LineTotal/T1.Quantity*T1.OpenQty AS "Open Qty Val (GBP)", T1.LineTotal/T1.Quantity AS "Price (GBP)", T1.Price*T1.OpenQty as "Ord Value (BP Currency)",T1.Price as 'Price (BP Curr)', T1.Currency as 'Cur Ind', T1.[Rate] AS 'Curr Rate', T0.DocDueDate as "Due Date", T1.WhsCode as 'Del WHG'
    FROM ORDR T0  INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode INNER JOIN OITB T3 ON T2.ItmsGrpCod = T3.ItmsGrpCod WHERE T0.DocCur = 'GBP'  AND T1.OpenQty > 0 ORDER BY 2,1

    T0.DocNum as 'Sales Ord No', T0.DocDate as "Ord Date",  T0.CardCode as "Cust Code",  T0.CardName as "Customer Name", 
    T1.ItemCode,  T1.Dscription,  T3.ItmsGrpNam,  T1.U_SU,  T1.U_SULEN,  T1.U_SUQTY,  T2.InvntryUom as 'Stock UOM', 
    T1.Quantity as 'Ord Qty', T1.Quantity*T2.U_ITWTSTU as 'Weight (KG)', T1.Quantity-T1.OpenQty as "Qty Delivered",
    T1.OpenQty as 'Bal Qty', T1.Price*T1.Quantity/T4.Rate AS "Ord Value (GBP)",
    T1.Price*T1.OpenQty/T4.Rate  AS "Open Qty Val (GBP)", T1.Price/T4.Rate  AS "Price (GBP)",
    T1.Price*T1.OpenQty as "Ord Value (BP Currency)", T1.Price as 'Price (BP Curr)',
    T1.Currency as 'Cur Ind', T4.[Rate] AS 'Curr Rate', T0.DocDueDate as "Due Date",  T1.WhsCode as 'Del WHG'
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    INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    INNER JOIN OITB T3 ON T2.ItmsGrpCod = T3.ItmsGrpCod
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  • In Scripts how to print the values in currence format

    Dear abap guru's,
    I am working on Purchase Order Script, copy from the standard script, after that wrote a one perform , in that added one new field to script, but value is printed like this formate : 1000.00, but i want to print 1,000.00 like this currence format. let me know the any solution
    thanks to all

    Hi ,
    When you are populating the value in perform instead of assigning the value (using = ) pass it using WRITE TO.
    Like :  WRITE lw_total TO output-value.
    Declare lw_total as currency field.

  • Error while creating a Foreign Currency Receipt using Create_Cash API

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    But the API Errors out without creating the foreign currency receipt giving the Error: AR_RAPI_RCT_MD_NAME_INVALID.
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    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Anil,
    Thankyou so much for the response. The issue has been fixed.
    There was a configuration missing on the existing bank account setup. On the Account Information Tab, ‘Multiple Currencies Allowed’ was checked, but on the Account Controls Tab, Receivables Controls/’Multiple Currency Receipts’ was not checked.
    I have ensured that both of them are checked and I am now able to create multiple currency receipts.
    Appreciate your help.
    Kesava Chunduri

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    I am in process of making a company in SAP ERP SD - IDES, and while posting Sales Order, after I input Sold to Party, PO no, Del Plant and Incoterms and I press ENTER: The error comes up as:
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    Kindly suggest a possible solution.
    Rahul Tikku

    Just go to "OBD2", select the Accounts group of your customer and "Double Click" on it, then "Double  cliick" on "Sales Data" > Further goto,  "Sales" and check if "Currency" field is suppressed. if so then change it to required or optional Entry. save and update you customer master in XD02. Then try your process.

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    Since there are no notes from SAP according to the requirement in transaction MIGO, are there any enhancements available for using the document date instead for posting date when calculating local currency?
    Best regards,

    substitution used

  • Currency unit in Report painter

    I met a problem when i maintain a report using report panter. Table FAGLFLEXT is used for the library, and I want to using currency translation function. I use Basic key figure "HSL local currency" and CC_HSL translation local currency for the report. But when i run the report, there is a problem, system tell me that can not find the unit of source currency, so can not translated to target currency. The data of local currency can be displayed.
    i set the format of the local currency column, find that even i click "print the unit", there is no currency unit of the data, so I think there is some problem.
    What is the problem? thank you!

    Hi Amir,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I changed the key figue to "Crcy Transltn TransCrcy (Act.)" as told, and run the report again, but still have problem.
    No valid exchange rate for currency translation from  to USD
    Message no. GR640
    The system could not find a valid exchange rate for the currency translation.
    System Response
    The system could not translate into the target currency.
    Check the target currency, the exchange rate date and the exchange rate type.
    I am sure i have maintain the exchange rate type and related rate.
    The setting of "Define Currencies of leading Ledger" is "1 Translation taking transaction currency as a basis".
    I think the problem is that the system cannot find the unit of the currency, so the error massage display as "No valid exchange rate for currency translation from  to USD". If can find the unit of currency, i thought the message should be like "No valid exchange rate for currency translation from EUR to USD".
    If the unit can be found, I think after set the format of the column "print the unit", in the report the unit can be displayed. But in my system, can not display the unit.
    What do you think about this? thanks in advance.

  • Index Currency in Report Painter

    Is there any way I could include the Index Currency as a key figure for my Report Painter reports?

    Before running the repport go to envoriment / option and expert mode.
    Now you get extra buttons select currency translation. Here you can select what you want. You can create variant from this

  • Parallel currency in Report painter

    I need help around the Report Painter report. One of our company code is located in Hong Kong and there are three currencies set-up for this entity. Local currency is CNY, Group currency is in USD, and Third currency is in HKD. Our report painter report is configured to get the data from FAGLFLEXT. The report painter report always gets displayed in USD amounts. The FAGLL03 report at the back can display amounts in all three currencies. I am not sure how can I set-up the report painter report to display amounts in HKD.
    It would be a big help if someone can advice me on this issue.
    Best Regards,
    Moderator: Please, search SDN; it has been asked several times

    Hi Shalu
    The Library 0FL has 4 currencies... i.e.
    HSL  - Local Currency  
    TSL   - Transaction Curre
    KSL  - Second Currency 
    OSL  - Third Currency  
    Go to GRR2 (Report form of your report), and double click on any column... You choose Key Figures in the Columns in a areport painter report... there you would have chosen any one of these currencies...
    Right click on the column and Copy it and paste it... Now change the Key Figure of the copied column to the one you desire...
    This should give you values in both currency...
    To identify which form you have used in GRR2 - Execute your report and go to Extras Menu > Technical Information.. In the pop up window that opens, double click on field "Report".
    Ajay M

  • Can we enter data in multiple currencies in BPC

    Hi all,
    In BPC, is it possible to enter data in transaction currencies other than in local currency?  For example, if the local currency of an entity is USD, but I need to enter data for the same Accounts in EUR, MYR and SGD as well and not have the system translate the amount in local currency to EUR, MYR and SGD.

    Hi Tara,
    Thanks for your response.
    There are several reasons why we might need to enter the data in various currencies other than the local currency.
    Firstly, like you have mentioned, we need to enter the local as well as the translated currency amounts for accounts that have to be translated at historical rates.  Examples of such accounts will be equity account as you have pointed out.  If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it is possible to enter an amount in translated currency in addition to entering the amount in local currency?
    Secondly, due to requirements of a relatively new accounting standard, companies need to quantify the sensitivity of any exposures to a foreign currency to foreign exchange rates changes. 
    For example, the local currency Entity A is USD and it has a bank deposit in SGD 200.  If the exchange rate at report date is USD 1 to SGD 2, the SGD bank deposit will be translated and reported as USD 100.  Accounting standard requires the company to quantify how much the company will stand to gain or lose if the foreign exchange goes up by 10% or goes down by 10%.
    Thirdly, accounting standard also dictates that company discloses exposures to all currencies for financial instruments not denominated in the functional currency of the entity.

  • Not Able to Load the data type "Non Currency"in Planning accounts dimension

    Dear All,
    We are building Meta data in planning using HAL 9.2 ...while construction of accounts we were able to assign "Currency" Data Type ,but were unable to add the "Non Currency" data types to account members.
    We have mentioned "Non Currency" in the the Data Type Field.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Guys my issue is resolved..... just wanted to let you know that you will need to write "Non-Currency" in the field name in the csv for marking accounts as Non currency data type.

  • Can't Delete Data in One Month in a calculated currency EPM 10 NW

    Good Morning,
    I have an issue with data in my system. We are having issues deleting data from our calculated currencies for the month of January. We load our data to LC and then run currency conversion to populate our USD, CAD, etc report currencies. We run a nightly compression on the data. We needed to adjust some numbers in LC and run currency conversion. When I ran the currency conversion the data in the calculated currencies did not update with the new LC balances. So I tried to delete the data in the calculated currencies and then re run currency conversion for the time period. But when I tried to run the Data Manager Package it did not clear the data. It gives a succeeded message but when you look at the Package Log it shows 0 records cleared. I then tried to upload zero's to the same data intersections and it did not work either. I got a success message but the data did not delete. I have had my BI guys check the back end lock tables and nothing is locked. We don't use work status so there are not any work status locks on that month of data. I don't think it is the Data Manager package becuase I can run the same DM package on any other time period and it works. If anyone has any ideas of things that could be causing this I would really appreciate it.

    I am attaching the FX Conversion Code to this message as well as attaching it. If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
    Here is the BADI logic from the FX Conversion BADI
    method if_uj_custom_logic~execute.
      " this badi would be called from finance model as well finance_des model
      data: lt_acct_type_attr type zbpc_t_acct_type_attr,
            lt_pc_currency type zbpc_t_pc_curr.
      get_parameters( exporting it_param = it_param ).
      " category can only be a single base member
      if check_category( ) <> 'X'.
        insert_error_log( ).
        raise exception type cx_uj_custom_logic .
      lt_acct_type_attr = get_account_attr( ).
      lt_pc_currency = get_pc_currency( ).
      read_rates_cube( ).
      " gv_app_id is initialized in the init method.
      case gv_app_id.
        when 'FINANCE'.
          process_fxconv_4_finance( exporting it_acct_type_attr = lt_acct_type_attr it_pc_currency = lt_pc_currency ).
          add_plug_4_finance( exporting it_pc_currency = lt_pc_currency  ).
        when 'FINANCE_DES'.
          process_fxconv_4_finance_des( exporting it_acct_type_attr = lt_acct_type_attr it_pc_currency = lt_pc_currency ).
    *      add_plug_4_finance_des( exporting it_pc_currency = lt_pc_currency ).
    *  write_2_cube( ).

  • Hi Team .. New currencies in SRM

    Hi SRM team,
    Could you please explain how we can have currencies in SRM.
    In the Attribute CUR: "How we can get the values"?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: CK on Jun 22, 2009 8:38 AM

    You have to run program BBP_GET_CURRENCY. Later you can use them for attributes.
    To ensure that the currencies and exchange rates in the Enterprise Buyer system match those in the backend system, you must schedule both reports. Make sure that the reports are run each time that the currencies and exchange rates are changed in the backend system.
    Hope this helps.

  • FIXED ASSET : Import FA in Foreign Currency

    I'm trying to import FA which have been entered in foreign Currency (EUR & USD).
    1 - Is it possible to do it ?
    2 - If Yes, how could we do it ?

    The forum you have posted your question in is for questions related to the SAP Business One SDK.  Your questions seems application related to the Fixed Assets module.
    While you may receive an answer here, you may be better and faster served by posting your question in the SAP Business One Discussion Forum at ...
    SAP Business One Application
    ... or opening a message with SAP Support.

Maybe you are looking for