Code 32801 Invalid item using fp create tag vi

Is there some trick to this. When I run my code from labview all works fine. When I target a fp 2010 and modules I get the code 32801 An Invalid Item was specified.

Make sure that you are downloading the FieldPoint IAK file to your FieldPoint RT Module. Here's the link to the associated knowledgebase.
If this is not the case, let me know if you are using FP VIs to read or write data to another FieldPoint controller in the embedded code.
Remzi A.

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    hi all,
         As per requirement i have to change price of the item while i am creating sales order using sales order create bapi. kindly tell me the process or if possible any sample program.
          thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: pavan kumar pisipati

    hi max ,
          i created sales order using following code. from here onwords i have to update to change the price of the item. kindly do the needful. i am working 4.7 ides
    <b>report  zmybapi1        .
    data : my_order_header_in like bapisdhd1 occurs 0 with header line,
           my_order_header_ix like bapisdhd1x.
    data : my_orderitemsin like bapisditm  occurs 0 with header line,
           my_orderitemsix like bapisditmx occurs 0 with header line.
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    data : w_vbeln like bapivbeln-vbeln.
         my_orderschedulesin like bapischdl occurs 0 with header line,
         my_orderschedulesinx like bapischdlx occurs 0 with header line.
    this is to assign values to internal table my_order_header_in
      my_order_header_in-doc_type   = 'TA'.
      my_order_header_in-sales_org  = 'JNJ1'.
      my_order_header_in-distr_chan = '02'.
      my_order_header_in-division   = 'J1'.
      my_order_header_in-sales_off  = 'JNJ1'.
      my_order_header_in-purch_no_c = 'testbapipo'.
      my_order_header_in-purch_date = sy-datum.
      my_order_header_in-req_date_h = sy-datum.
      append my_order_header_in.
    this is to assign values to internal table my_orderitemsin
      my_orderitemsin-material      = '000000000000000727'.
      my_orderitemsin-plant         = 'JNJ1'.
      my_orderitemsin-target_qu     = 'EA'.
      my_orderitemsin-target_qty    = '50'.
      append my_orderitemsin.
    this is to assign values to internal table my_order_partners
      my_order_partners-partn_role = 'AG'.
      my_order_partners-partn_numb = '0000000011'.
      append my_order_partners.
      my_order_partners-partn_role = 'WE'.
      my_order_partners-partn_numb = '0000000011'.
      append my_order_partners.
    This is to assign values to internal table my_orderschedulesin
      my_orderschedulesin-itm_number = '10'.
      my_orderschedulesin-req_qty   = '10'.
      append my_orderschedulesin.
      my_orderschedulesin-itm_number = '20'.
      my_orderschedulesin-req_qty   = '20'.
      append my_orderschedulesin.
      my_order_header_ix-updateflag = 'I'.
      my_order_header_ix-doc_type   = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-sales_org  = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-distr_chan = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-division   = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-sales_off  = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-purch_no_c = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-purch_date = 'X'.
      my_order_header_ix-req_date_h = 'X'.
      my_orderitemsix-updateflag    = 'I'.
      my_orderitemsix-material      = 'X'.
      my_orderitemsix-target_qty    = 'X'.
      my_orderitemsix-plant         = 'X'.
      my_orderitemsix-division      = 'X'.
      my_orderitemsix-target_qu     = 'X'.
      append my_orderitemsix.
      my_orderschedulesinx-updateflag        = 'I'.
      my_orderschedulesinx-itm_number       = 'X'.
      my_orderschedulesinx-req_qty          = 'x'.
      append my_orderschedulesinx.
      my_orderschedulesinx-itm_number       = 'X'.
      my_orderschedulesinx-req_qty          = 'x'.
      append my_orderschedulesinx.
      SALESDOCUMENTIN               =
          order_header_in               = my_order_header_in
          order_header_inx              = my_order_header_ix
      SENDER                        =
      BEHAVE_WHEN_ERROR             =
      LOGIC_SWITCH                  =
      TESTRUN                       =
      CONVERT                       = ' '
          salesdocument                 = w_vbeln
          return                        = my_return
          order_items_in                = my_orderitemsin
          order_items_inx               = my_orderitemsix
          order_partners                = my_order_partners
        ORDER_SCHEDULES_IN            =  my_orderschedulesin
          order_schedules_inx           = my_orderschedulesinx
      ORDER_CONDITIONS_IN           =
      ORDER_CONDITIONS_INX          =
      ORDER_CFGS_REF                =
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
        write: my_return-message, my_return-number, my_return-type.
         call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
           WAIT          =
           RETURN        =
          write: my_return-message, my_return-number, my_return-type.
    Message was edited by: pavan kumar pisipati

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    If that Error will arise maintain the Tax code tab firstly then tick the Calculate tax button.
    Ex. As per multiple items tax code problem will arise come back and redo the miro then firstly enter the tax code before the PO number it will update for all the line items.

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    Thanks in Advance

    You are in the consumer end products forum.  You will also want to ask your question over at the Enterprise Business Community.
    Click the plus sign (+) next to Discussion Boards to drop down all the options for servers, networking and any other professionally related problems.

  • Create List Item using REST API

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      I try create list item using REST in SharePoint 2013.  when code is try add new item in list , getting error :
    A node of type 'EndOfInput' was read from the JSON reader when trying to read the start of an entry. A 'StartObject' node was expected.
    Please help me
    function addData() {
    var title = $('#txtTitile').val();
    var items = {
    __metadata: { "Type": "SP.Data.OrderDetailsListItem"},
    var exec = new SP.RequestExecutor(appweburl);
    url: appweburl + "/_api/SP.AppContextSite(@target)/web/lists/getbytitle('OrderDetails')/Items?@target='" + hostweburl + "'",
    method: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify(items),
    headers: {
    Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "Content-Type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    success: function (data) { alert(JSON.parse(data)); },
    error: function (error)
    { alert(JSON.stringify(error)); }
    with Regards Sivam

    Here is a demo which works in my environment for your reference:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    createListItemWithDetails("list2", "http://sp2013sps", "item1");
    // Getting the item type for the list
    function GetItemTypeForListName(name) {
    //alert("GetItemTypeForListName: "+name);
    return"SP.Data." + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1) + "ListItem";
    // CREATE Operation
    // listName: The name of the list you want to get items from
    // siteurl: The url of the site that the list is in. // title: The value of the title field for the new item
    // success: The function to execute if the call is sucesfull
    // failure: The function to execute if the call fails
    function createListItemWithDetails(listName, siteUrl, title) {
    var itemType = GetItemTypeForListName(listName);
    //alert("itemType :"+itemType);
    var item = {
    "__metadata": { "type": itemType },
    "Title": title
    url: siteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + listName + "')/items",
    type: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json;odata=verbose",
    data: JSON.stringify(item),
    headers: {
    "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
    "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (data) {
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="Run Code"/>
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Can anyone advice how  to create limit items using Catalogs.
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    we wanted to do this but found that it was not possible, i.e. you cannot put limit items into a catalog.
    In our business the Procurement dept wanted to control the vendors that can be used for a product category in a limit order by Purch Org and even in some cases right down to Purch grp.
    We have a Z table that allows Procurement to configure this.
    ZFREEVEND table has fields for
    Purch org - mandatory
    Purch Grp - Can be blank in which case all Groups in the purch Org can use the record
    Product Category - we use UNSPSC codes
    Vendor Number - FMS/SRM supplier number
    Product Category Description - For reference
    Vendor Name - again for reference
    Our Procurement Department can maintain this table using a Z transaction in the SRM GUI
    If a shopper raises a Limit Order and enters values that correspond to a table entry the Shopping cart item is processed the same as a catalog item and the cart goes for approval, as per standard workflow.
    If they enter a value that is not in the table they receive an error message and cannot complete the limit order screen unless they remove the supplier from the screen.  Carts without a supplier for the limit item are treated as free text items, (sometimes called describe requirement), and the cart is sent to an operational purchaser for processing.
    The check and error message is performed using the DOC_CHECK_BADI and although I am functional, not ABAP, I am told the code is quite trivial.
    Hope this assists you

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    There is a limitation of how many programs can access a serial port at the same time. When FieldPoint Explorer is open, LabVIEW will not be allowed to use the serial port. Thus, if you close FieldPoint Explorer, you should be able to run your LabVIEW program and not get the 32830 error.

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    Statement st = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
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    rs = st.executeQuery("select .........");
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    Sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
    My rule is "no scriptlets".
    If you MUST access a database from a JSP, the only right way to do it is to use JSTL <sql> tags.

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    Thanks, for this and for all of your help!

    Don, there is no function provided for this.

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    Try this forum:
    JDeveloper and ADF
    You might get a lot more response.
    Jan Kettenis

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    I want to update list item using the SharePoint Client Object
    Model without updating the created / modified date. Is it possible?
    Please help.

    Using the SystemUpdate method should do the trick, according
    to its literature.
    Additionally, would something like this be of any use for you?  Taken from this
    Stack Exchange thread: -
    public static class SPListItemExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides ability to update list item without firing event receiver.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item"></param>
    /// <param name="doNotFireEvents">Disables firing event receiver while updating item.</param>
    public static void Update(this SPListItem item, bool doNotFireEvents)
    SPItemEventReceiverHandling rh = new SPItemEventReceiverHandling();
    if (doNotFireEvents)
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides ability to update list item without firing event receiver.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item"></param>
    /// <param name="incrementListItemVersion"></param>
    /// <param name="doNotFireEvents">Disables firing event receiver while updating item.</param>
    public static void SystemUpdate(this SPListItem item, bool incrementListItemVersion, bool doNotFireEvents)
    SPItemEventReceiverHandling rh = new SPItemEventReceiverHandling();
    if (doNotFireEvents)
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides ability to update list item without firing event receiver.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item"></param>
    /// <param name="doNotFireEvents">Disables firing event receiver while updating item.</param>
    public static void SystemUpdate(this SPListItem item, bool doNotFireEvents)
    SPItemEventReceiverHandling rh = new SPItemEventReceiverHandling();
    if (doNotFireEvents)
    private class SPItemEventReceiverHandling : SPItemEventReceiver
    public SPItemEventReceiverHandling() { }
    new public void DisableEventFiring()
    new public void EnableEventFiring()
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

  • How to create Item Codes with multiple Item Description

    for one of my client, we need to create Item Codes with multiple Item Description.
    Item Code - M00285
    Item Description 1 - Blue Paint
    Item Description 2 - Red Paint
    Is that possible in SAP Business One? If "Yes" kindly provide a solution. Else recommend an alternative method.
    Ammheya U. Naaik

    I just wanted to add that there is an Add-On that handles "Style, Color, Size" situations like yours.
    It allows you to define a "master" item, (Paint, for example) and then setup the various styles, colors and sizes it comes in. 
    This creates sub-items for each with the master in the ItemCode (Paint-Blue, Paint-Red, etc)
    It's called MatrixOne from Navigator.  You could find it on the partner portal with other Add-Ons.
    Hope thathelps,
    Brad Windecker

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    Has there been any type of methodology for taking a labview executible and extrapolating the source code VIs used for creating the VI?
    Go to Solution.

    Officially they are embeded in the exe in an undocumented way. So you can't easily get at them. But you can always attach a remote debug session and get into the diagrams that way. That is if the diagrams were not removed during the build, which requires a conscious and extra action by the person to remove the according check mark in the build options of the project. So by default all diagrams are totally gone and are definitely not possible to get back from the executable, unless as smercurio has mentioned your name might be Carnac
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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