Je veux ouvrir un e-book acheté en 2013, sauvegardé sur Time Machine.
Passé d'un iMac (carte mère morte) à Mac Mini début janvier 2015.
ADE 4.0 ouvre "Prise en main d'Adobe...".
Pas mon e-book et un message s'affiche " Une erreur a été détectée. Erreur au niveau du serveur d'activation - code E_ADEPT_INTERNAL".
Merci de m'aider à résoudre ce problème.

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    It is important that the shared_pool value be specified in bytes. For example:
    shared_pool= 100000000
    If you are running on 9i, another possibility is that the shared_pool setting is not taking effect
    when the database is bounced. In 9i there is a new startup file called the "spfile". This is just
    like the init.ora file with the following differences:
    1. It cannot be edited by a standard editor. It is a binary file.
    2. Any system changes to the database while the instance is running (e.g. via alter system) are automatically
    written back to the spfile.
    By default, when the 9i database starts up, it first looks for the spfile. If it finds one it uses the
    settings defined in it. If it doesn't, it looks for the init.ora file.
    When a 9i database is installed both init.ora and spfile.ora are created for the instance by default. Changes to
    init.ora are not seen by spfile.ora unless the "create spfile" command is used to sync them up.
    To get around this behavior, there are several options:
    1. remove the spfile so that only the init.ora file exists. The database will then use init.ora exclusively.
    2. sync up the init.ora file and spfile.ora file using:
    create spfile='spfile.ora ' from pfile='init.ora'
    where 'spfile.ora' and 'init.ora' are replaced with the appropriate names for your instance.
    3. Explicitly reference the init.ora file when starting up the database using:
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    where 'init.ora' is replaced with the appropriate name for your instance.

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    Hmm, it shouldn't be that much of a problem. I searched my entire drive for "digital editions", and this is the whole thing:
    /Applications/Adobe Digital Editions
    /Users/user/Documents/Digital Editions
    The application itself, three small files scattered in your user account, to unimportant installation receipt files, and another preference file in the root Library folder. Removing those should remove everything related to version 3, which is what I have installed.
    Where I substituted "user" above (for the three entries of /Users/user/...), replace that with whatever the actual name of your user account is.
    Edit: I double checked the installer using a small app that sorts out every file in an installer, and where each item would normally be installed. The main app is literally the only item in the installer. The receipts are created by the OS per the installer's data, and the other minor preference files are created when the app is first run. There is nothing else.

  • Hallo, hatte es heute Mittag schon einmal versucht, den Chat mit Michael aber wg.langer Wartezeit verpasst.

    Hier meine Fragen:
    Nutze ADE auf PC, Version, problemlos.
    1. Auf Laptop Version 2.0; Heruntergeladene URL-Links lassen sich nicht öffnen, Fehlermeldung: "Error! Check Activation"
    2. Auf Laptop, alte Version: Aktivierungsfehler Code "E_ADEPT_INTERNAL"
    2. Habe dann auf Laptop Update ADE 4.0.3 gestartet. Vorhandene eBooks auf Laptop wurden erkannt, migriert - aber nicht angezeigt. URLLINKS wurden erkannt, verarbeitet - Bücher geladen?, aber ebenfalls nicht angezeigt. Letztlich ließ sich die neue Version nicht mehr schließen.
    3. Wie kann ich meinen Mailaccount ändern, von Freenet (keinen Zugriff) auf
    Was tun? Auf Reisen habe ich nur Laptop dabei,
    Meine Adresse: 55545 Bad Kreuznach, Jahngasse 9, Tel. 067192083264
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Harry Rode

    1. On Laptop Version 2.0 ; error message: " Error Check Activation ! " -
    you need to deauthorize and authorize ADE again.
    Press keyboard shortcut: ctrl+shift+d. [ADE will be deauthorized now]
    Now again AUTHORIZE ADE
    Help-> authorize computer.
    This should solve your problem.
    2. Problems on ADE 4.0.3 - Restart your machine and try
    3. Change email id problem: You can join your old email id and new email id.
    Hope these things work for you !!
    Best regards

  • Fulfillment error - E_ADEPT_INTERNAL

    Hi there,
    I am currently evaluating ACS4, and unfortunately I'm seeing an error when attempting fulfillment of a drm'ed epub in Digital Editions:
    Error getting license
    Server communication problem: E_ADEPT_INTERNAL
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    at com.adobe.adept.shared.request.LicenseToken.<init>(
    at com.adobe.adept.fulfillment.servlet.Fulfill.writeLicense(
    at com.adobe.adept.fulfillment.servlet.Fulfill.doPost(
    at com.adobe.adept.fulfillment.servlet.Fulfill.doPost(
    at com.adobe.adept.servlet.AdeptServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
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    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
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    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(Http11Protocol.ja va:583)
    I would appreciate any assistance in attempting to resolve this problem. The background is that I am (seemingly) able to package epub books ok, and I am using my own prototype Java code to build and sign a ACS4 fulfillment url. My generated url looks like this:
    http://<myfulfillmentserver>/fulfillment/URLLink.acsm?action=enterorder&ordersource=<mydis tributorname>&orderid=1234567890&resid=urn%3Auuid%3A5e092985-794a-468a-905e-f3201c5ee1a9&g bauthdate=02%2F11%2F2010+14%3A45+GMT&dateval=1265899545798&gblver=4&auth=5f0f9af9fd4ccb3dd 3ebaa9ec7c7261a46791059
    Invoking this url appears to result in Digital Editions receiving a valid acsm file, it is just the following fulfillment part that I am having a problem with.
    When I access the 'statuscheck' for the fulfillment service, everything looks good (all green ticks).

    Hi there,
    Thanks, I hadn't thought of checking the content but I've tried a few books now that I know to be "well formed", so I think I can eliminate content issues as the cause of this error.
    I have double-checked the way I am building the fulfillment url in Java by comparing it with the PHP code in the sample bookstore, and I appear to be generating url's correctly...
    From the server side stack trace, it would appear to related to licensing? It's difficult to tell though, as there is not a lot of detailed logging and I don't have access to the source code..... any help would be appreciated!

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    One of these links may help ent

  • Code returns "null" and "0"s in main module - why?

    I am coding a program that is in two modules. The main module serves it's standard function. The inventory class/module has three functions - 1) request stock input on 4 data points (1 String and 3 integers, one of which is a double) - 2) calculate the value of the inventory, and - 3) return string which reads out the 4 data points and the calculation showing the total value of the inventory. I've created the 3 functions in the inventory class/module, but obviously don't have them referring to each other correctly because when we come to the end of the program the output is null for the String and "0"s for the int/doubles. The code is below - any ideas about how to overcome the empty output? The code compiles fine and acts like it is going to work, but when it comes to the final command line it outputs
    "null, which is item number 0, has 0 currently in stock at a price of 0.00 each. The total value of inventory in stock is 0.00"
    Main module:
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); //call Inventory class
            Inventory results = new Inventory();
            results.inventoryResults(); //call for inventoryResults in Inventory class
    }Inventory module:
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import static java.lang.System.out;
    public class Inventory
      //declare and initialize variables
       int itemNumber = 0;
       String productName;
       int stockAmount = 0;
       double productCost = 0;
       double totalValue = 0;
       String inventoryResults;
       //initialize scanner
       Scanner input = new Scanner(;
       public void inventoryInput ()
       out.println("Please enter item number: "); //prompt for item number
          itemNumber = input.nextInt();
       out.println( "Enter product name/description: "); //prompt for product name
          productName =;
       out.println("Quantity in stock: ");
          stockAmount = input.nextInt(); // prompt for stock quantity
       out.println("What is the product cost for each unit? ");
          productCost = input.nextDouble(); // prompt for product cost
        } // end inventoryInput
        public double totalValue( double stockAmount, double productCost )
          totalValue = stockAmount * productCost;
          return totalValue; // return stock value
        } // end totalValue
        public void inventoryResults()
        out.printf("%s, which is item number %d, has %d currently in stock at a " +
         "price of %.2f each. The total value of inventory in stock is " +
         "%.2f\n.", productName, itemNumber, stockAmount, productCost, totalValue);
        } // end inventoryResult
    }// end method

    justStartingOut wrote:
    Actually my final solution was quite simple - I moved the calculation and final formated print text statements into the body of Inventory's class code. It now works. "Works" scares me a bit.
    Someone cooking dinner might rummage about in the fridge and the cupboards to see what's there. Do imaginative things with what they come up with. And, with a bit of luck come up with something tasty or, at any rate edible.
    A physician deciding on a medical treatment would do well to try a more cautious approach. A specific aim would be a good thing. And a calculated appreciation of the documented effects of each medicine. And how they interact.
    It's up to you to determine which approach your coding should resemble. But it seems to me that your original Main class had a perfectly good reason to exist. It was a driver class whose purpose seemed to be to create and use an Inventory. (And using an Inventory is a very different thing from being an Inventory, so it made perfect sense to have two different classes.) To me it works or not, depending on whether it fufills that purpose. And what you have done is not so much solve the problem of it not working, as avoid that problem.
    (If by "moved" you mean that the outputting now occurs as part of - or is called from - inventoryInput() then that is not a good thing. The input method should input: just input.)
    I think that is because once the original input was loaded into the program (when I entered product number, name, price and value), the entries were dropped when the code switched to the next step. I think your intuition is entirely correct. In particular look at what your original main() method does (my comments replacing yours):
    Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); // (A) Create an inventory...
    inventory.inventoryInput(); // ... and put stuff into it
        // (B) Create some new entirely different (and empty) inventory...
    Inventory results = new Inventory();
    results.inventoryResults(); // ... and print its contentsInstead of creating a second inventory, try printing the results of the first one.
    Edited by: pbrockway2 on Apr 22, 2008 12:37 PM
    Whoops ... just read reply 2.
    It might sense, though to call totalValue() at the end your input method (because at that point the total value has changed). Or do away with that method - which you worked on getting right in your other thread ;)

  • Sample source code for fields mapping in expert routine

    Hi All
    Iam writing the expert routine from dso to cube for example I have two fields in dso FLD1,FLD2
    same fields in infocube also ,can any body provide me sample abap code to map source fields to target fields in expert routine,your help will be heighly appreciatble,it's an argent.

    Basic would be ;
    you have the source fields as source, and result fields for as the target. In between you can check some conditions as in other routines of transformation.
    BEGIN OF tys_SC_1, shows your source fields ( in your case DSO chars and key figures)
    BEGIN OF tys_TG_1, , shows your result fields ( in your case Cube characteristics)
    Hope this helps

  • TS2446 My phone want let me download apps I put the password in then it's say billing options which tell me I have invalid security code

    My phone want let me download any apps when I put the password in it take me to billing option which tell me I have the wrong security code and that's the security code that was on the card on the account

    iTunes Store: My credit card's security code or zip code does not match my bank's records

  • Cannot delete file from external hard drive (error code 36) in Finder, but Terminal is ok

    I have a relatively new Macbook Pro Retina 15" and have a Western Digital 1 TB Passport.  I've been using the passport for about a year now without any problems on older Macbooks in my house.  I used to be able to read and write to this drive no problem.  I am using the Paragon NTFS for Mac software in order to read and write to the NTFS drive.  When I navigate through the drive in Finder, if I try to create a new folder, I do not have a problem.  If I try to delete that folder I just created, I get this error:
    The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “untitled folder” can’t be read or written.
    (Error code -36)
    The folder has nothing in it whatsoever.  I just created it.  But if I go to Terminal and I run
    rm -rf "untitled folder"
    This works fine.  Why is Terminal acting different than Finder?  This does not happen on my other Macbooks.  Thanks in advance.

    Thanx for such qucik reply!!! The pages were great, it had an answer for my problem, but unfortunately it also involved me dealing with it only on the MacIntosh HD itself, not on mounted external drive I suppose... So it didn't work they say that there is an icon in the left corner indicating locked folder - I don't see any icon on it. It says you can untick the box to unlock the folder - there is no tick to be unticked. Finally, they say that if I don't have permition or rights I cannot delete it. But how do i change permittion which already says that i can read and write in it? So everything appears to be normal only I cannot delete it. there is not even any warnig telling me I don't have enough rights, it just requires the password and after me typing it in it makes the sound of scraping paper but does nothing more. I aslo had some problems with emptying Trash after being seemingly succesful with one file and had got so far to have them appear in the Trash (no clue how this one actully got there though..) I followd the advice and emptied the Trash with Terminal. The Folder is still there but it shows 0 Kb... So far so good BUT: It is still on the external drive, so I obviously only managed to copy it into the Trash!!! Phew, innit a bit too tight to poor owners, this macbook?? I want my rights back!

  • Report generation failed----​error code:-1720​5; Access Denied.

    Hi, All
        i have a trouble about report seems the error happened at the "write UUT report"--this step is teststand report generation'DLL.
        An error occurred calling 'Save' in 'Report' of 'NI TestStand 2010 SP1 API'
    Access Denied.. Error writing to file 'D:\program\seq\xxx.xml'.
    The file might be open in another application. If file access is intermittently denied, you should try disabling the Microsoft FindFast utility. 
        error code:-17205; Access Denied.
        locationtep 'Write UUT Report' of sequence 'Single Pass' in 'SequentialModel.Seq'
        How to fix it?
        Thanks a lot.

    Hm, it looks like the file might be open in another application. If you see that file accesss is intermittently denied, you should try disabling the Microsoft FindFast utility.

  • Error in Printing Crystal Report Directly to Printer using SDK Code

    Hello ,
    I am trying to print a crystal report created in SAP Crystal Reports 2008 through SDk Code using one parameter
    as (Document Number).But While running the Code the Report is not getting printed and also the system is
    not able to fetch the correct data in the report using the supplied parameter .
    I am using Visual Studio 2005 Crystal Report dll s in my code :-
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports
    Imports System
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports System.IO
    For Clarification i am pasting my code below :-
                Dim oRpt As ReportDocument
                oRpt = New ReportDocument
                With crConnectionInfo
                    .ServerName = Server
                    .DatabaseName = Database
                    .UserID = User
                    .Password = Password
                End With
                CrTables = oRpt.Database.Tables
                For Each CrTable In CrTables
                    crtableLogoninfo = CrTable.LogOnInfo
                    crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
                oRpt.ParameterFields("Document Number").CurrentValues.AddValue(Parameter)
                If Printer <> "" Then
                    oRpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = Printer
                End If
                oRpt.PrintToPrinter(Copies, False, 0, 1)
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
    Please suggest me what i have to do in my code to print the report with correct data in report.
    Thanks & Regards,


  • Closing stock T code reqd

    hi all,
    i want to take the report for the closing stock of plant/sloc on a particular date,but am not able to find out the t code,have tried with MB5B,still am not getting the report.
    ur help required in this
    thanks and regards

    As somebody pointed out the right T code is MC.9, which would give you the stock value for all the materials in a plant.However , fr Quantities you may have to add the field required in the choose Key figures icon and refine your report further.
    Thanks in Advance,

  • There was a recent upadate on my PC, however it does not work. A error code comes up which says, min version is not compatible with max version. And I caanot open my browser. Please help.

    I do a system restore which allows me to open my browser. Without this I cannot open my browser - the error code comes up every time.

    Do a clean (re)install
    * Download a fresh Firefox copy from and save the file to the desktop.
    * Uninstall your current Firefox version and remove the Firefox program folder before installing that copy of the Firefox installer.
    * Don't remove personal data when uninstalling.
    * It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.

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