Code snippet to create SOAPElement

i need to write a code snippet for creating the below SOAPElement
I am new to Webservices.
Please help

This link is the 4th hit on google for "java tutorial soapelement".

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    Am I dealing with a bug?

    hounddog wrote:
    It is a small snippet and it does contain property nodes, a local variable and semaphores to demonstrate resource sharing.
    Egads!  I just realized that a code snippet does not do what I thought!  I really thought that a snippet was a png screenshot, but the IDE is doing more than that.  It seems that it is trying to show much more than a simple screen shot!  This does seem like a strange thing to do unless I can embed a snippet of code into another VI and actually run it - is that the case?
    Yes just drag it into a diagram.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Working code snippet for JSSE 1.0.2

    This code works only with JSSE 1.0.2. JSSE 1.0.1 has a bug I believe which give null cert chain
    error when using client authorization.
    Below is a java code snippet to create a SSL server and client sockets.
    This class is an utility class which gets you the Secure Socket for server and the client.
    It reads from the properties file.
    public class SocketsFactory{
    /** Creates a SSL client socket. It uses the properties obtained from the
    * sslPropsFile to create the client socket.
    * @param sslPropsFile The ssl properties file that contains information about the provider etc.
    * @param host The host to connect to.
    * @param port The port on which this socket should attempt to connect
    * @throws IOException if there was any exceptions in creating the sockets or if the properties file
    * was not found or corrupted.
    * @return returns the socket that was created.
         public static Socket createSecureSocket(final String sslPropsFile, String host,int port)throws IOException{
              Properties props = readPropertiesFile(sslPropsFile);
              SSLSocketFactory factory = null;
              //Getting a secure client socket using sun..
              try {
                   // Set up a key manager for client authentication
                   // if asked by the server. Use the implementation's
                   // default TrustStore and secureRandom routines.
                   SSLContext ctx = getSSLContext(props);
                   factory = ctx.getSocketFactory();
              catch (Exception e) {
                   throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
              SSLSocket client =(SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(host, port);
              return client;
    /** Creates a SSL server socket based on sun's implementation using JSSE. Uses the
    * sslPropsFile to get the keystore used for validating certificates and their
    * passwords.
    * @param sslPropsFile The properties file containing SSL provider, key passwords etc.,
    * @param port The port to which this socket should listen at.
    * @throws IOException If the properties file was not found or it was corrupted or if there was any
    * other errors while socket creation.
    * @return the serversocket object.
         public static ServerSocket createSecureServerSocket(final String sslPropsFile,int port) throws IOException{
              Properties props = readPropertiesFile(sslPropsFile);
              String trustStore = (String)props.get("");
              //     Getting a sun secure server socket
              SSLServerSocketFactory ssf = null;
              try {
                   // set up key manager to do server authentication
                   SSLContext ctx = getSSLContext(props);
                   ssf = ctx.getServerSocketFactory();
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
              SSLServerSocket socket = (SSLServerSocket)ssf.createServerSocket(port);
              return socket;          
         * Internally used function to read a provider from the properties and
         * add it as the current ssl provider. The properties should have the
         * property <i></i> defined. Otherwise
         * throws NullPointerException.
         private static void addProvider(Properties props) throws Exception{
              String provider = (String)props.get("");
              if (provider == null)
                   throw new NullPointerException(" is not specified!");
         * Internally used function to read a file and return it as java properties.
         * It uses java.util.Properties. Throws FileNotFoundException if the file
         * was not found. Otherwise returns the properties.
         private static Properties readPropertiesFile(final String file) throws IOException{
              if (file == null)
                   throw new IOException("SSL Context File name not specified!");
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
              Properties properties = new Properties();
              in = null;
              return properties;
         * Internal function used to retrieve a SSLContext object. It is used primarily
         * for creating SSL sockets that can authenticate each other based on the
         * keystores specified using the properties.
         private static SSLContext getSSLContext(Properties props) throws Exception{
              SSLContext ctx;
              KeyManagerFactory kmf;
              KeyStore ks;
              String password = (String)props.get("");
              if (password == null)
                   password = System.getProperty("");
              char[] passphrase = password.toCharArray();
              ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
              kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
              ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
              String keyStoreFile = (String)props.get("");
              if (keyStoreFile == null)
                   keyStoreFile = System.getProperty("");
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile);
              ks.load(in, passphrase);
              in = null;
              //     All keys in the KeyStore must be protected by the same password.
              String keyPassword = (String)props.get("");
              if (keyPassword != null)
                   passphrase = keyPassword.toCharArray();
              kmf.init(ks, passphrase);
              ctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null);
              return ctx;
    The Server properties file looks like this.
    #     Specify the SSL provider here.
    #     Using sun's reference implementation for testing..
    #     Specify the keystore file that this ssl socket should use
    #     Specify the password for this keystore file
    #     Specify the password used to protect the keys in the keystore
    #     Note: all the keys should have the same password
    The client properties file
    #     Specify the SSL provider here.
    #     Using sun's reference implementation for testing..
    #     Specify the keystore file that this ssl socket should use
    #     Specify the password for this keystore file
    #     Specify the password used to protect the keys in the keystore
    #     Note: all the keys should have the same password
    Now to create the certificates..
    Its a 5 step process
    1) Create the keystore file.
         keytool -genkey -alias mohan -dname "CN=Mohan Tera OU=IS O=IM L=sanjose S=NY C=US" -keystore server.ks -storepass servercanpass -validity 180 -keypass icanpass
    2) Create a self signed certificate. If you need to get it signed from
         verisign then you have to create a certificate request. For testing purposes,
         you can create a self signed certificate.
         keytool -selfcert -alias mohan -dname "CN=Mohan Tera OU=IS O=IM L=sanjose S=NY C=US" -keystore server.ks -storepass servercanpass -validity 180 -keypass icanpass
    3) Export the public key from the keystore to a certificate file that is to be imported to the client keystore.
         keytool -export -alias mohan -file fromserver.cer -keystore server.ks -storepass servercanpass
    4) Repeat the above steps for the client also..
         keytool -genkey -alias moks -dname "CN=Jennifer Poda OU=Javasoft O=Sun L=Edison S=NJ C=US" -keystore client.ks -storepass clientshouldpass -validity 180 -keypass canipass
         keytool -selfcert -alias moks -dname "CN=Jennifer Poda OU=Javasoft O=Sun L=Edison S=NJ C=US" -keystore client.ks -storepass clientshouldpass -validity 180 -keypass canipass
         keytool -export -alias moks -file fromclient.cer -keystore client.ks -storepass clientshouldpass
    5) Import the certificates that were exported in steps 3 and 4c in client and server keystore respectively.
         keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias new -file fromserver.cer -keypass keypass -storepass clientshouldpass -keystore client.ks
         keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias new -file fromclient.cer -keypass keypass -storepass servercanpass -keystore server.ks
    And voila you are all set to go..
    Hope this explains to all the people who are struggling with JSSE..

    when i using your method in my code i get the following exception
    pl. help me. Cannot recover key
    at ClassFileServer.getServerSocketFactory(
    at ClassFileServer.main(
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at ClassFileServer.main(

  • Code Snippets in MEF Editor extension VS2012

    I am trying to implement code snippets with a MEF editor extension, I followed the walkthrough "Implementing Code Snippets" from the link:
    The implementation is based on the walkthrough Displaying Statement Completion. This feature works fine.
    The first section of "Implementing Code Snippets" is "Creating and Registering Code Snippets" which does not work. At the end of the section is the step 8:
    Build and run the project. In the experimental instance of Visual Studio that starts when the project is run, the snippet you just registered
    should be displayed in the Code Snippets Manager under
    the TestSnippets language.
    There are no errors, but the Code Snippets Manager does not display the TestSnippets language, and as a consequence the snippets are not there. I have been stuck for a few weeks now with this, and could not find resources to understand the issue.
    Any idea on how to overcome this issue will be much appreciated.

    I have to say that I can reproduce your issue on my machine via the steps provided in the walkthrough. However, I finally add that code snippets to C# language not that custom TestSnippets language.
    Here are some modifications which are made on my side, maybe these listed items can be helpful for you to trouble-shoot your issue:
    1). Delete the following line from the test.snippet file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    2). Edit the test.snippet file, set <Code Language="CSharp">
    3). Edit the SnippetIndex.xml file, set  <Language Lang="CSharp" Guid="{694DD9B6-B865-4C5B-AD85-86356E9C88DC}">
    4). Edit the SnippetUtilities class, and set
    internal const string LanguageServiceGuidStr = "694DD9B6-B865-4C5B-AD85-86356E9C88DC";
    5). Then build and run your project again. And this time you should get the snippet under C# language.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How do I create a drop down menu with Code Snippets and Flash CS5?

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    There are some older tutorials out there and it would be nice if someone could create an updated drop down menu tutorial, and it might be me doing this after I have figured out the best and easiest way to create one, but before that I need some pointers.
    Have a great day!
    Paal Joachim

    You can use panel widget to create manual menu where set to show target on rollover.
    Something like this :

  • OLE2 Doc/Code snippet to assist in creating a word doc with underlined text

    I would like to use OLE2 to create a simple Word document. I would like some of the text to be bold/underlined and the rest of the text to be regular. There seems to be a serious dearth of information regarding OLE2 in conjunction with PS/SQL in Word applications. We're running Forms 6 and Oracle 9i.
    I don't believe that I need to use the techniques described in the Forms Manual (OLE2 containers, etc.). I have managed to create a Word doc and write some text to it but I've been unable to find out/guess at the syntax that I'd need to control bolding and underlining. It would be a big help if I could just find the syntax for Word OLE2 commands. During my documentation search, I seem to remember a post that mentioned 'Reference 2' and maybe 'Reference 3' as a source of information related to OLE2 in PL/SQL code. If anyone can give me a shove in the right direction I'm more than willing to read the manuals. I won't be too disappointed if someone could send me a code snippet either!
    Ron Walker

    Hi Ron,
    Office ships with a number of resources that you will find indispensable for the sort of work you're doing. Take a look at the VBA IDE (Visual Basic for Applications IDE). You may already be familiar with it, if you've ever written a Word macro, but to call it a macro editor sells it short -- it is a full-blown development environment. Its Object Browser allows you to browse Word's object model, search by keyword, and view call syntax.
    In case you aren't familiar with the VBA IDE, try this:
    1. Open Word
    2. Switch between Word and the VBA IDE by pressing <Alt><F11>
    3. Open the Object Browser by pressing <F2>
    Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the Object Browser. Constrain its scope by selecting the Word library instead of <All Libraries> (the default). Learn to search by keyword. Click on items within your results for details. If Visual Basic Help is installed, pressing <F1> will raise help on a selected item.
    Visual Basic Help may not be part of the Compact or Typical install. Running Office Setup, either from the install CD, or through Add/Remove Programs under Control Panel, will allow you to add the feature. (The Office installer lists Visual Basic Help in the Office Tools section.)
    I have found the VBA IDE to be the perfect place for prototyping and testing automated processes. It is a far friendlier environment for learning Office automation, as it offers code completion and context-driven help. Once the process works, I manually translate my VBA routine into Forms PL/SQL, which is fairly painless. I've written a short tutorial, that I will post shortly -- I didn't want to bury it in this thread!
    Hope this helps,
    Eric Adamson
    Lansing, Michigan

  • Create code snippet with this code

    I'm curious...
    I can't create a code snippet with this code. (located in the first post)​th-value-changes/m-p/1937505#M646059
    However, I can create snippets from its sub-sections.
    Tried various versions of LabVIEW with the same result.
    Can anyone create a snippet?  Just curious.
    I'm not stuck or anything... just curious..  Maybe I should have posted in Breakpoint..
    Go to Solution.

    Spoiler (Highlight to read)
    I cheated and used my own Snippet tool.  Native tool dislike Event Structures.
    I cheated and used my own Snippet tool.  Native tool dislike Event Structures.

  • Jdev10.1.3 - is there a suppotr for parametrized code snippets?

    I am looking to add parameters to the code snippet (simple name value pairs and iterators)
    I need to be able to prompt the user to enter these parameters when designing the page (inserting the code snippet results in an editor that prompts for the parameters)
    Is such a feature available or planned?

    depends on what kind of code snippet you need. JDeveloper supports code templates that can have variables in them that are filled in by the developer when adding it with <abbreviation>ctrlenter
    See tools --> Preferences --> Code Editor -> Code Templates
    If e.g. you create a code template "about" and add the following snippet
    * File: $file$
    * Date created: $date$
    * Author: $author$
    then all variables surrounded by $..$ are highlighted (you can have JDeveloper to add default values as well

  • No way to add code snippets to the palette in 11g

    According to the Help Center, I should be able to add "codes snippets" to my palette, like I used in 10g...
    Adding a Code Snippet to the Palette
    You can add pages to the Component Palette to group your snippets, or you can add snippets to the existing Code Snippets page. Once you add snippets to the Palette, you can insert this code into any file you have open in the source editor by selecting the snippet from the Palette
    within the Configure Component Palette dialog. In the Configure Component Palette dialog, for Page Type select snippet to view only those pages containing snippets.
    Well , in the Page Type drop list , I only see "java" and "use case" ?
    I am running J2EE Edition Version Build JDEVADF_MAIN.BOXER_GENERIC_081203.1854.5188
    Any thoughts ?

    If all you want is code snippet why not use the code template feature?
    It is more dynamic and will allow you to use variables that you can switch - then you can just use the keyboard to get the value.

  • Request for C++ ExtractorProcessor code snippets

    Does anyone have any C++ code snippets of using the ExtractorProcessor?
    I'm trying to implement an ExtractorProcessor in C++ - I have created a ValueExtractor and I can create the ExtractorProcessor from that, but the compiler gives me an error when I try to invoke it
    Error     6     error C2665: 'coherence::lang::TypedHandle<T>::TypedHandle' : none of the 4 overloads could convert all the argument types     c:\dcs_systems\test\trunk\ThirdParty\Components\coherence_3_7_1_x86\include\coherence\lang\TypedHolder.hpp     205     D3ContextCache
    This is my call
    int CacheD3ContextRepository::getD3ContextState(int call_id) const
         Integer32::View vKey = Integer32::create(call_id);
         ValueExtractor::View vStateExtractor =
              COH_MANAGED_BOX_EXTRACTOR(Integer32::View, CacheD3Context, getState);
         ExtractorProcessor::Handle vStateFetcher = ExtractorProcessor::create(vStateExtractor);
         Integer32::View vState;// = _cache->invoke(vKey, vStateFetcher);
         return *vState;
    Essentially I have CacheD3Context object but I don't want to read back the whole object just the state field.
    I have been told that something called a 'ReducerAggregator' is a better way of doing this but I haven't been able to find this yet.
    Edited by: 841803 on 09-Apr-2013 00:55

    Hi Joe,
    The invoke method returns an Object::Holder, which will need to be cast to the extracted type:
    int CacheD3ContextRepository::getD3ContextState(int call_id) const
        Integer32::View              vKey            = Integer32::create(call_id);
        ValueExtractor::View         vStateExtractor = COH_MANAGED_BOX_EXTRACTOR(Integer32::View, CacheD3Context, getState);
        ExtractorProcessor::Handle   vStateFetcher   = ExtractorProcessor::create(vStateExtractor);
        Integer32::View              vState          = cast<Integer32::View>(_cache->invoke(vKey, vStateFetcher));
        return *vState;
        }Note that when the extraction will be performed server side, the above extractor will be evaluated as a ReflectionExtractor in java, and will invoke the java getState method. This implies you'll need the CacheD3Context (or equivalent) java class in the classpath of your cache servers. If this is not an option then have a look at PofExtractor.
    Oracle Coherence

  • URGENT : Need java code snippet to retrieve uniquemember values OID 11g API

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement to retrieve the uniquemember attribute values using OID 11g API. We are using labeleduri approach for dynamic groups and thus all the uniquemember values are created using dynamic groups.
    When we are trying to retrieve the uniquemember values using Java code snippet, it is not returning the values. The strange thing is: The uniquemember values created using dynamic groups are not visible in ODSM OID console or JExplorer tool. However those values are visible in LDAP Browser v2.8.1 tool.
    So can somebody throw light on this? Any pointers or sample code snippet to retrieve uniquemember values would be grateful.

    Hi All,
    We have a requirement to retrieve the uniquemember attribute values using OID 11g API. We are using labeleduri approach for dynamic groups and thus all the uniquemember values are created using dynamic groups.
    When we are trying to retrieve the uniquemember values using Java code snippet, it is not returning the values. The strange thing is: The uniquemember values created using dynamic groups are not visible in ODSM OID console or JExplorer tool. However those values are visible in LDAP Browser v2.8.1 tool.
    So can somebody throw light on this? Any pointers or sample code snippet to retrieve uniquemember values would be grateful.

  • Code Snippet for Pop-Window

    Hi Colleague,
    I need to show a pop-up window on an event. How can i achieve this in ABAP WD.
    Code Snippet would be helpful.

    When you create a pop up window using code wizard, you'll get a OK button by default. By clicking on it the pop up window will close. Or if you want to place a OK button in the view that is present in the pop up window and want to close the pop up by clicking on it, that is also possible. Just Put a button in the pop up view and use this code in the ONACTION method of that button:
                l_api         type ref to if_wd_view_controller,
                l_window_ctlr type ref to if_wd_window_controller,
                l_popup       type ref to if_wd_window.
                l_api         = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
                l_window_ctlr = l_api->get_embedding_window_ctlr( ).
                if l_window_ctlr is bound.
                l_popup       = l_window_ctlr->get_window( ).
                l_popup->close( 'l_popup' )." pass the pop up view name here
    Edited by: Arjun Thakur on Mar 13, 2009 10:01 AM

  • Code Snippet issue?

    So ... I'll try to explain this the best I can.
    I have a flash file that is nothing more than a slide presentation.
    I go from one slide to another using buttons.
    There are global buttons (navigation: Next Previous, Home) ... and their are screen specific buttons (go to frame X and stop).
    That's it.
    For some reason ... navigation never works on the last slide.
    None of the navigation, global OR local.
    There is nothing different about this screen than any other screen.
    It shares the same global navigation as the previous screens ... but once published ... the code snippets do not work.
    When you arrive to the last slide ... it does nothing.
    The buttons are active in the sense that the cursor changes on roll-over, but the action does not take place.
    I have even tried to make that last slide seperate by giving it it's own set of buttons.
    Still ... it does not work.
    I have RACKED my brain trying to figure out why this would happen.
    If I delete the last slide (say ... #20) then publish ... #19 stops working.
    Is this a bug with the software?
    The file is SO simple it stupid.
    It could be done in html ... but it needed to be done in Flash to create a .swf so it could be displayed on a PlayBook.
    The whole project is now a flop.
    Does ANYONE know why this might happen?   :|
    I know this is hard to explain ... but there really is nothing to this file.
    Thanks in advance.

    What this is ... is a demo for an phone app.
    They are doing the demo on a PlayBook.
    There are 20 screens and the design looks like a BlackBerry Torch.
    The bottom navigation takes the user back to screen One.
    I have a button on Frame 1 of the timeline that runs across all 20 screens.
    The Code Snippet for that button is:
    HomeLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_9);
    function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_9(event:MouseEvent):void
    So .. if the user is on say ... screen 10 and clicks the "HomeLeft" button .. it takes them to screen #1.
    That works.
    All the navigation works up to screen 19.
    Then ... when you navigate to screen 20 ... nothing.
    The buttons react ... but the script is not activated.
    I have looked EVERYWHERE for rogue code.
    I even deleted the frames for screen 20 and then built it again.
    Still ... it does not work.
    If I could show you a screen shot of the timeline ... I think it would make more sense.

  • Code Snippets, click to edit.

    Hi! I'm using Adobe Flash CS5.5 and I've been making custom code snippets for someone in the office.
    I know how to use Instance_name_here but what I can't work out is that in the example code snippets sometimes you can click on a link or image location that's in blue text and change it to what you want. How do I set this up myself when Creating a code snippet? Currently all my links and image locations appear in unclickable grey text instead of blue.
    Help would be appreciated!

    An example would really help here. I'm guessing that the editable text may be a fully qualified URL as in "". Is that what you're looking at?

  • Adding a target to 'drag and drop' code snippet

    I would imagine it's a simple enough bit of additional code, but I'm no programmer, and trawling the Web has proved fruitless to date...
    Within Flash CS5 and using AS 3, I'm attempting to create a series of drag-and-drop interactions for a learning exercise where items must be dragged into the correct box with positive and negative feedback being generated as a result of where the learner drops the item. All I need is the code to link the drag and drop code snippet (which I have working) to a specific object/location on the stage (which I cannot find nor figure out for the life of me)!
    I may be overcomplicating given that perhaps there is a CS5-compatible extension out there somewhere (whatever happened to all of the e-learning extensions and tools Flash once had if my memory serves?) which can provide me with an easily customizable template to achive what I need to do?
    Many thanks in advance to whomever can offer and tips, tools or usable code for this task.

    the easiest way to handle that would be to assign a transparent movieclip to the target position and use that movieclip as your droptarget.

Maybe you are looking for

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