Only one row appendable at a time in alv

I would like to limit only one blank row at a time in my alv grid. Means, if i append a row using the standard "Append Row" Button, the user should not be able to append a second blank row till he fills out the first one.
Any hints ??

Hi Sascha,
Thanks for the reply but it does not work.
i put some code in the ...AFTER event, but it seems it is not executed on clicking the append button. I set a breakpoint there but it did not break.
any other suggestions?
my main problem is that when i append multiple rows in the alv and subsequently save the data from this alv grid, somehow one field is getting cleared and not holding the value the user has entered. for example, if i add 5 rows and then put data in these rows and save it, second row shows an initial value for a date field in the table. rest of the rows hold the correct value.  i don't know if it is a webdynpro bug or my mistake...i tried redoing everything but to no avail...same problem everywhere.
thus i m trying to restrict the user to one row at a time only. it will be ideal if i can somehow solve the original problem. if not, even restricting to one row will be good enough.

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    I would like you to ellaborate on this as i need to send only one row to the IE, and then other row, and so on... without throwing any error!
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    Hope i had explained well..
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

    Hi kiran,
    Yes, my table has 5 not null fields but i am selecting and updating fixes values so i think that I will definetely go for the next solution:
    SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE status='0' and ROWNUM<2;
    UPDATE t1 SET status='1' WHERE status='0' and ROWNUM<2;
    My only concern is if the update will take the same row that the select.... BTW, I think it will
    ..What do you guys think?
    I ve been trying to operate with your proposed queries but i received some errors. Your queries are very interesting but i think that with the above ones i meet my requirements as the status field will be 0 for not processed rows and 1 for precessed ones (and the update will look for the row that meets the same 'where' clause than the select, and then, and only then, it will set status='1').
    The only thing i have to care about is what i questioned before.
    Thanks a lot and best regards,

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    Hi Hong,
    According to your description, you want to know why processadd only 1 row cost 10 minutes, right? ProcessAdd sound like a useful option (faster than ProcessUpdate, less impact than ProcessFull etc) but when you try and use it you will find it is not as straightforward
    as the others. Here is a blog which explain the ProcessAdd option deeply, please refer to the link below.
    SSAS - ProcessAdd explained
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • SQL Server 2012 Undetected Deadlock in a table with only one row

      We have migrated our SQL 2000 Enterprise Database to SQL 2012 Enterprise few days ago.
      This is our main database, so most of the applications access it.
      The day after the migration, when users started to run tasks, the database access started to experiment a total failure.
      That is, all processes in the SQL 2k12 database were in lock with each other. This is a commom case of deadlock, but the Database Engine was unable to detect it.
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      No client application was changed in this migration and this process was working very well for the last 10 years.
      The problem is that SQL 2k12 is unable to handle this situation compared to SQL 2k.
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      Does anyone have heard this to be a problem with SQL 2k12? Is there any fixes to make SQL 2k12 as good as SQL 2k?

    First off re: "Unfortunatelly, this can't be used in production environment as exclusive table lock would serialize the accesses to tables and there will be other tables that will suffer with this problem."
    This is incorrect. 
    Using a table to generate sequence numbers like this is a bad idea exactly because the access must be serialized.  Since you can't switch to a SEQUENCE object, which is the correct solution, the _entire goal_ of this exercise to find a way to properly
    serialize access to this table.  Using exclusive locking will not be necessary for all the tables; just for the single-row table used for generating sequence values with a cursor.
    I converted the sample program to VB.NET:
    Public Class Form1
    Private mbCancel As Boolean = False
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim soConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim soRst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sdData As Date
    Dim slValue As Long
    Dim slDelay As Long
    'create database vbtest
    ' CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest](
    ' [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    ' [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    ' [UltData] Asc
    ' ) ON [PRIMARY]
    mbCancel = False
    ' Configure the Connection object
    soConn = New ADODB.Connection
    With soConn
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Initial Catalog=vbtest;Data Source=localhost;trusted_connection=yes"
    .IsolationLevel = ADODB.IsolationLevelEnum.adXactCursorStability
    .Mode = ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite
    .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer
    End With
    ' Start a new transaction
    Call soConn.BeginTrans()
    ' Configure the RecordSet object
    soRst = New ADODB.Recordset
    With soRst
    .ActiveConnection = soConn
    .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer
    .CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly
    .LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic
    .Open("SELECT * FROM dbo.ControlNumTest")
    End With
    With soRst
    sdData = .Fields!UltData.Value ' Read the last Date (LOCK INFO 1: See comments bello
    slValue = .Fields!UltNum.Value ' Read the last Number
    If sdData <> Date.Now.Date Then ' Date has changed?
    sdData = Date.Now.Date
    slValue = 1 ' Restart number
    End If
    .Fields!UltData.Value = sdData ' Update data
    .Fields!UltNum.Value = slValue + 1 ' Next number
    End With
    Call soRst.Update()
    Call soRst.Close()
    ' Ends the transaction
    Call soConn.CommitTrans()
    Call soConn.Close()
    soRst = Nothing
    soConn = Nothing
    txtUltNum.Text = slValue + 1 ' Display the last number
    slDelay = Int(((Rnd * 250) + 100) / 100) * 100
    Loop While mbCancel = False
    If mbCancel = True Then
    Call MsgBox("The test was canceled")
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    mbCancel = True
    End Sub
    End Class
    And created the table
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest](
    [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UltData] Asc
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    go insert into ControlNumTest values (cast(getdate()as date),1)
    Then ran 3 copies of the program and generated the deadlock:
    <victimProcess id="processf27b1498" />
    <process id="processf27b1498" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="KEY: 35:72057594039042048 (a01df6b954ad)" waittime="1970" ownerId="3181" transactionname="implicit_transaction" lasttranstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.263" XDES="0xf04da3a8" lockMode="X" schedulerid="4" kpid="9700" status="suspended" spid="51" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastbatchcompleted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.267" clientapp="vbt" hostname="DBROWNE2" hostpid="21152" loginname="NORTHAMERICA\dbrowne" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="3181" currentdb="35" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058">
    <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="80" sqlhandle="0x020000008376181f3ad0ea908fe9d8593f2e3ced9882f5c90000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    UPDATE [dbo].[ControlNumTest] SET [UltData]=@Param000004,[UltNum]=@Param000005 </frame>
    <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown </frame>
    (@Param000004 datetime,@Param000005 int)UPDATE [dbo].[ControlNumTest] SET [UltData]=@Param000004,[UltNum]=@Param000005 </inputbuf>
    <process id="processf6ac9498" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waitresource="KEY: 35:72057594039042048 (a01df6b954ad)" waittime="1971" schedulerid="5" kpid="30516" status="suspended" spid="55" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastbatchcompleted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.267" clientapp="vbt" hostname="DBROWNE2" hostpid="27852" loginname="NORTHAMERICA\dbrowne" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="3182" currentdb="35" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671156256" clientoption2="128058">
    <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" sqlhandle="0x020000003c6309232ab0edbe0a7790a816a09c4c5ac6f43c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    FETCH API_CURSOR0000000000000001 </frame>
    <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown </frame>
    FETCH API_CURSOR0000000000000001 </inputbuf>
    <keylock hobtid="72057594039042048" dbid="35" objectname="vbtest.dbo.ControlNumTest" indexname="PK_CorreioNumTeste" id="lockff6e6c80" mode="U" associatedObjectId="72057594039042048">
    <owner id="processf6ac9498" mode="S" />
    <owner id="processf6ac9498" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    <waiter id="processf27b1498" mode="X" requestType="convert" />
    <keylock hobtid="72057594039042048" dbid="35" objectname="vbtest.dbo.ControlNumTest" indexname="PK_CorreioNumTeste" id="lockff6e6c80" mode="U" associatedObjectId="72057594039042048">
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="U" />
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="U" />
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="X" requestType="convert" />
    <waiter id="processf6ac9498" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    It's the S lock that comes from the cursor read that's the villian here.  U locks are compatible with S locks, so one session gets a U lock and another gets an S lock.  But then the session with an S needs a U, and the session with a U needs an
    X.  Deadlock. 
    I'm not sure what kind of locks were taken by this cursor code on SQL 2000, but on SQL 2012, this code is absolutely broken and should deadlock.
    The right way to fix this code is to add (UPDLOCK,SERIALIZABLE) to the cursor
    .Open("SELECT * FROM dbo.ControlNumTest with (updlock,serializable)")
    So each session reads the table with a restrictive lock, and you don't mix S, U and X locks in this transaction.  This resolves the deadlock, but requires a code change.
    I tried several things that didn't require a code, which did not resolve the deadlock;
    2) SERIALIZABLE isolation level
    3) Switching OleDB providers from SQLOLEDB to SQLNCLI11
    Then I replaced the table with a view containing a lock hint:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest_t](
    [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UltData] Asc
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    create view ControlNumTest as
    select * from ControlNumTest_t with (tablockx)
    Which, at least in my limited testing, resovlved the deadlock without any client code change.

  • How to select only one row

    i've got a select query which returns a couple of rows.
    now i would like for the query to return only one row (the first match it can find).
    how do i do that?
    thank you!
    my sample of my data as below , the first and seconde record is equal and i want to display all the colomn for the first row and ignore the second row .
    84A8E46E8C97     9410     20110812
    84A8E46E8C97     9420     20110813
    84A8E46E8C6E     9410     20110816
    84A8E46E8AFA     9400     20110819

    876602 wrote:
    my sample of my data as below , the first and seconde record is equal and i want to display all the colomn for the first row and ignore the second rowThere is no row order in relational database tables. Same query canreturn rows in different order next time you run it unless you specify ORDER BY. Only ORDER BY guarantees order, so when you say first row/second row you must provide ordering criteria.

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    I need to host a Shared PDF on SharePoint 2010. If it is on SharePoint can only one person comment at a time? I know documents have to be checked out when using SharePoint. I need multiple users to be able to comment in real time and see comments in real time. Is this possible?

    try here:
    File a complaint with them. Verizon will call you to fix the blunder.
    But remember it is always up to the customer to insure what they are getting and what it costs. Don't trust the word of a sales person who makes their living on getting that sale. Lies, deceit or false promises will be and have been used by sales people for thousands of years.
    Good Luck

  • One to many to return only one row

    hi guys,
    i have an urgent problem here. i have a sql statement like below;
    AND ALM_SWAP2_REP.M_NB = 228128
    When I join few tables, the results are returned in two rows because I have two records that in table PAY_FLOW_DBF that matches one row in table ALM_SWAP2_REP. I need these two matches but I want it to be returned in only one row without using group by. Pls help me. Thankls

    user9274041 wrote:
    i have an urgent problem here.
    4. Use of Community Services
    Community Services are provided as a convenience to users and Oracle is not obligated to provide any technical support for, or participate in, Community Services. While Community Services may include information regarding Oracle products and services, including information from Oracle employees, they are not an official customer support channel for Oracle.
    You may use Community Services subject to the following: (a) Community Services may be used solely for your personal, informational, noncommercial purposes; (b) Content provided on or through Community Services may not be redistributed; and (c) personal data about other users may not be stored or collected except where expressly authorized by Oracle
    Could you explain how something that is for your personal, informational, noncommercial purposes can be urgent?
    Or is this a violation of the terms of use and abuse of these forums?

  • I was trying to add an itunes library to my computer, and now my itunes library can not be found. An ipod can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. How can I find my Itunes library, complete with playlists ?

    I was trying to add an itunes library to my computer, and now my itunes library can not be found. An ipod can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. How can I find my Itunes library, complete with playlists ?

    I have the same problem too and tried alot of things like time zone , restarting or changing DNS of wifi connection to still nothing happens .. !!
    iPhone 5s, iOS 8.3

  • HT204088 How how can I synch my ipod + iphone music to my new computer? I get the same error  "my ipod or iphone is synched with another itunes library.An Ipod can be synched with only one itunes library at a time. What would I like to do Erase and Synch

    How can I synch my ipod & iphone music (purchased from itunes on my old laptop) to my new laptop? I keep getting the same message on my itunes on my new laptop: " The ipod/Iphone is synched with another itunes library. An ipod/iphone can be synched with only one itunes library at a time. What would you like to do - Erase and Synch or Transfer Purchases?" What do I do?
    A couple of other items:
    1) I am guessing Apple does not keep a history of all my music purchases? As I did not have my entire library backed-up anywhere, and relying on the music I have on my ipod and my iphone as my only source of itunes music....I have lost over 500 songs!!!
    2) I used to have an Apple account under another account name, and since have switched to a new account name. Is there anyway to find the history of purchases from my old Apple account name and transfer these over to my new account name and onto my new laptop?
    I hope someone can help, I am having a very difficult time trying to obtain answers. Angie

    The iphone/ipod is NOT a storage/backup device.  Not maintaining a backup copy is a big mistake.
    You can transfer itunes purchases from your iphone/ipod to your computer:
    Authorize your computer for all accounts and then click  File>Transfer Purchases

  • HT4527 an iphone can be synced with only one itunes library at a time error on same pc

    an iphone can be synced with only one itunes library at a time error on same pc why?

    Damaged library... See Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash.

  • Way to rollback only one row of a view object

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    Is there a way to "rollback" only one row of a view object? That is, two or more rows have been modified but we wish to only restore one of the rows to the original (database) values.In jdev903, a new method is being added to Row interface to reset the row state to the transaction-original state i.e., rollback the row to it's original values.
    Is there a way to retain all of the current rows in all of the view objects for an application module after issuing a jbo:Rollback?No. You may however override before/afterRollback methods on the ViewObjectImpl subclasses to cache the current row key in beforeRollback and restore currency on the default iterator to that rowkey in afterRollback

  • An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time

    I recently bought a MacBook Pro, and I figured it would be pretty simple to move my iPhone to sync with iTunes on the Mac from iTunes on my pc, afterall it is the same program and both are designed for the iPhone.
    I have been successful in getting the Contacts and Calendar to sync, but the Music, Applications, Video and a few other things give me this message when I check the sync box:
    "The iPhone is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase the iPhone and sync with this iTunes library? An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. Erasing and syncing replaces the contents of this iPhone with the contents of this iTunes library."
    Obviously, I don't want to erase everything. Actually, I don't care about Music, Videos, Podcasts or Ringtones as I don't have any, but I do care about Photos and Applications. Actually Photos I can reload too, but I don't want to loose the apps I have purchased with the iTunes App Store.
    I even tried going back to the PC and unchecking the Sync boxes on it, hoping this might disassociate it from the phone, but now even on that PC I get the same message.
    How do I disconnect phone from the old iTunes and be able to sync it to the new iTunes? This should be simple right?

    I made an appointment with a Mac Genius and I will say that while it was better than getting to talk to India on a poor quality phone call it was just about as helpful. Sure she was cute and friendly, but I left without my issue resolved and was surprised that I didn't even get a followup from anyone asking about my experience (hence my venting here)
    Anyway, I found a solution for my issue here:
    This is a real solution to the issue, and has the benefit that I can do this to as many machines as I need and sync at any of them instead of just one. Hopefully, Apple doesn't delete my response since it truly is the answer to the problem and others might be looking for the same solution.

  • I got a new pc and I am getting this message: The ipod 'harms ipod' is synced with another itunes library  Do you want to erace this Ipod and synce with this itunes library?  An Ipod can only be synced with only one itunes library at a time.  Erasing and

    The ipod 'harms ipod' is synced with another itunes library.Do you want to erase this ipod and sync with this itunes library?  An ipod can be synced with only one itunes library at a time.  Erasing and syncing replace the contents of this ipod with the contents of this itunes library.
    I don't know what to do?  I should save my library before I replace the contents, but I don't know how to do that! HELP!!

    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different methods and software available to assist you with the task of copying content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.

  • I bought a MAC for the first time and plugged my Itouch into it to download my music on it, but is says The iPod "Rick's IPOD" is synced with another iTunes library. An iPod can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. What should I do?

    I bought a MAC for the first time and plugged my Itouch into it to download my music on it, but is says The iPod “Rick's IPOD” is synced with another iTunes library. An iPod can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. What should I do?

    Same as you would if you bought a pc; copy everything from your old computer to your new one.  Then you can just sync everything from the new computer, as you did with the old one.

  • Delete only one text message at a time w/o deleting entire conversation?

    Does anyone know how to delete only one text message at a time without having to delete the entire conversation? The only two options I get are "clear conversation" or "cancel."
    HP   Windows XP  

    That's the same option I get too. It seems to me I recall seeing somewhere that you could delete individual messages in a thread but I don't remember where.
    It seems silly to limit deletions to only the entire conversation since with most phones you can delete individual messages.

Maybe you are looking for