Code to set alarm using PMI API (JSR72)

I have a requirement to set the alarm even when any J2ME application is not running, so I need to use PMI API(JSR-72) instead of Alert.
If anyone has the code for the above scenario, please share.
Thanks in advance!

What kind of a Java problem are you having?

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    Hi Devraj,
    I hope the below code might solve all your problem:-
    //Adding Qualified field
    //Creating empty record in Qualifed table 
    //Adding No Qualifiers
    Record qualified_record = RecordFactory.createEmptyRecord(new TableId(<TableId>));
    try {
    qualified_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<fieldId of NoQualifier), new StringValue(<StringValue>));//Adding No Qualifier
    catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    catch (MdmValueTypeException e2) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //Creating Record in Qualified table
    CreateRecordCommand create_command = new CreateRecordCommand(connections);
    catch(Exception e)
    RecordId record_id = create_command.getRecord().getId();
    //Adding the new record to Qualifed Lookup value and setting the Yes Qualifiers
    QualifiedLookupValue lookup_value = new QualifiedLookupValue();
    int link = lookup_value.createQualifiedLink(new QualifiedLinkValue(record_id));
    //Adding Yes Qualifiers
    lookup_value.setQualifierFieldValue(0 , new FieldId(<FieldID of Yes Qualifier>) , new StringValue(<StringValue>));
    //Now adding LookUP values
    //Fetch the RecordID of the value selected by user using the following function
    public RecordId getRecordID(ConnectionPool connections , String sessionID , String value , String Fieldid , String tableid)
    ResultDefinition rsd = new ResultDefinition(new TableId(tableid));
    rsd.addSelectField(new FieldId(Fieldid));
    StringValue [] val = new StringValue[1];
    val[0] = new StringValue(value);
    RetrieveRecordsByValueCommand val_command = new RetrieveRecordsByValueCommand(connections);
    val_command.setFieldId(new FieldId(Fieldid));
    catch(Exception e)
    RecordResultSet result_set = val_command.getRecords();
    RecordId id = null;
         for(int i = 0 ; i < result_set.getCount() ; i++)
         id = result_set.getRecord(i).getId();     
    return id;
    //Finally creating the record in Main table empty_record = RecordFactory.createEmptyRecord(new TableId("T1"));
    try {
         empty_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<FieldId of text field in Main table>),new StringValue(<StringValue>));
         empty_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<FieldId of lookup field in Main table>), new LookupValue(<RecordID of the value retrieved using the above getRecordID function>));
    empty_record.setFieldValue(new FieldId(<FieldId of Qualified field in Main table>), new QualifiedLookupValue(<lookup_value>));//QualifiedLookUp  value Retrieved above
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (MdmValueTypeException e1) {
         // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //Actually creating the record in Main table
    CreateRecordCommand create_main_command = new CreateRecordCommand(connections);
    catch(Exception e)

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    The OP asked again in this Tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR forum thread.
    Peter Hansen -- (BB10 and dev-related blog posts at
    Author of White Noise and Battery Guru for BB10 and for PlayBook | Get more from your battery!

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    Hello Folks,
                   Use the following snippet of the code to generate PDF using ITEXT API.
                                       Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4);
         ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         PdfWriter.getInstance(document, bos);;
                    PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1);
                    PdfPCell cell;
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("ONE"));
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("TWO"));      
                    byte [] byteContent = bos.toByteArray();
         IWDCachedWebResource cachedResource =
                  IWDWindow externalWindow =
                            .createExternalWindow(cachedResource.getURL(),                         "PDF Window",true);
    Thanks and Regards,

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create document set along with managed metadata fields.
    The REST API does not currently support working with Managed Metadata or Taxonomy fields.
    As a workaround, we can use the JavaScript Client Object Model.
    Create document set using JavaScript Client Object Model.
    Set managed metadata field with JavaScript Client Object Model.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi all,
    Problem solved... I decompiled standard code and I did what SAP do when they want to change a folder layout set:
    IResourceContext context = ResourceFactory.getInstance().getServiceContext("cmadmin_service"); puser = context.getUser();
    ICollection collection = (ICollection)ResourceFactory.getInstance().getResource(RID.getRID("folder_path"),context);
    IRepositoryServiceFactory factory = ResourceFactory.getInstance().getServiceFactory();
    ILayoutService layoutService = (ILayoutService)factory.getRepositoryService(collection, "LayoutRepositoryService");
    ILayoutContext userContext = layoutService.getContextForUser(puser, "");
    ContextProperties commonProperties = new ContextProperties(layoutService, collection, userContext.getAnonymousContext(), layoutService.getProfiles(), new HashMap());
    ArrayList errormsg = new ArrayList();, errormsg, false);
    Thanks and regards,

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    "devicetopology.h"(2301,20) Missing parameter type.
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     "MMSystem.h"(151,1) Unrecognized declaration.
    "MMSystem.h"(850,96) syntax error; found 'identifier' expecting ')'.
    That is just a few of them, but they typically say the same thing. I have included the header files and libraries in my project, and  have made sure that they are in the CVI "sdk" directory. I have tried example code that have these header files and the result is still the same. I know that I should not have these type of issue, at least I don't think I should. Like I said I could use as much help as possible of figuring out what is the matter. Did I install the CVI improperly? Are there patches that I need to actually use windows APIs? I am attaching to this post my code and the code I downloaded from a LabWINDOWS forum. When I ran the code from the forum I got the same errors.   
    Thanks in advance.
    AudioVolume.c ‏2 KB
    VISTAS-OpenAL.c ‏44 KB

    thanks for the tip. I tried it but it did not work, the same errors were present. Are there any other suggestions. I have racked my brain to figure out why this is happening and have come up with nothing. I am also getting a "Warning" message concerning the "KsMedia.h" file that says "Warning: Excess characters in multibyte character literal ignored." The warnings trace back to the "typedef enum" section of that file. Could that be causing a ripple effect that produces the error I am seeing in the other header files I mentioned??
    I could really use your help and any more help that is available. I really don't want to use Visual C++, because this software is going to get more sophisticated and is to be used in NASA Langley's VISTAS simulator, an environment taylor made for National Instruments software.

  • Setting Multiple values in property set using java API

    Hello All,
    I want to set the properties of a profile in a property set using java API provided
    in package p13n. The property can have multiple values. When I try to add the
    property using ProfileManager.setProperty() method. But every time I do it this
    way, it replaces the earlier value of property and not added. This, I can achieve
    using portalTools but I want to use the API for user registration on the site.
    I hope the query is clear.
    Waiting for a response,
    Thanks in advance,

    You need to use java.util.ArrayList.
    First cast the existing value into ArrayList using getProperty method,
    change values in the ArrayList and then put them back with setProperty
    Michael Goldverg
    "Shrinivas Rao" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3d64e7d9$[email protected]..
    Hello All,
    I want to set the properties of a profile in a property set using java APIprovided
    in package p13n. The property can have multiple values. When I try to addthe
    property using ProfileManager.setProperty() method. But every time I do itthis
    way, it replaces the earlier value of property and not added. This, I canachieve
    using portalTools but I want to use the API for user registration on thesite.
    I hope the query is clear.
    Waiting for a response,
    Thanks in advance,

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    Ashish Baranwal || To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge

    Please check the below url for reference.
    Don't forget to mark it as an Answer if it resolves your issue and Vote Me as helpful if it useful.

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    Can anyone provide me the same code for Updation of master record in MDM using Java API ??

    Hi SakthiNarayananD,
    You can additionally go through the following links to work with MDM and Java API:  (Java API) api programs)  (java api codes) (Java Docs for SP06)
    Reg: Using JAVA API - Search
    Re: Retrieving Drop Down List Value using JAVA API - Lookup values
    How to retreive records from Lookuptable of type flat - Lookup Values
    Reg: MDM with webdynpro - READ,INSERT,MODIFY
    Hope It Helped
    Thanks & Regards
    Simona Pinto

  • Why does viber keep asking me to set up again? I have   it up about 3 times now and if I don't have my mobile  when overseas will be unable to retrieve the sms code. I am using an ipad mini

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    So, it turns out, I had to restore the iPhone...with a twist! Here are the steps:
    1. Go to the library (Hold option, click on "go" in the finder, then go to library)
    2. Go to your iTunes folder in this Library (not application support, the main iTunes folder)
    3. Go to the iX software folder (i.e., iPhone software, iPad software, etc.) and delete the file in this folder
    4. Hook up the phone and then click on restore iPhone.
    At this point, it will redownload the entire OS again. You must then restore the iPhone. As it is downloading the iOS, you can disconnect and use your phone for probably however long you want (I did the restore the same day as the download) and when you are ready you can hook up the phone and restore it.
    And one many may dislike. Upon restoring the phone, you MUST select "Set-Up as new iPhone"
    You need to make sure you've backed up EVERYTHING elsewhere. 3rd party, non-apple/icloud apps will lose data through this method, and you'll lose all texts, your call history, and super old voicemails. The upside is that, if you've backed up, then you can just restart the process if you forgot something. But seeing as how the popup was interfering with my ability to use iCloud (I couldn't sync anything, such as calendar events, reminders, etc.,  unless I had gone into mail to sign in to iCloud), it was totally worth more popups.
    My only wish is that this thread becomes popular. Many people have this issue and you should only use this method as a super last resort (after trying literally everything I had written previously).

  • Setting permission using java code

    hi all i am writing a code to upload file from the users to the server. i can write the files to the server but after that i cannot change it's permission to read and execute by all. only the server can read and execute it. i talked about this problem with the systems admin and he suggested i include some sort of java code to set the permission to everyone. can any one suggest me what sort of code is helpful in this regard? i am absolutely helpless about this. any help will be appreciated.

    Depends on what you mean. If you want to programatically include/exclude a folder in a, say, File Open dialog that your program displays, then yes, absolutely. If you're asking whether can set an operating system security flag on a folder, then the answer is probably not (at least not without resorting to native code), and it will almost certainly not be portable across different operating systems.

  • Unable to display double values in Excel sheet using JExcel API

    I am writing code to generate report in the form of Excel Sheet using JExcel API.
    Everything is going fine but whenever I want to put some double values in a cell it is only showing 2 decimal places. My problem is "I want to show upto five decimal places".
    Any kind of reply might help me lot.
    Thank U.

    If you enable the submit zero option, it still happens? This is a new feature on the display tabl
    #NumericZero Enhancements
    To display a numeric zero in place of an error message, you can enter #NumericZero in any of the three Replacement text fields. When you use the #NumericZero option:
    · Excel formatting for the cell is retained.
    · All calculations with dependency on the cell will compute correctly and will take the value of this cell as zero.
    · This numeric zero is for display only. When you submit, the zero value is NOT submitted back to the data source.
    You cannot set display strings for cells that contain an invalid member or dimension name (metadata error). Metadata errors produce standard descriptive error messages.
    Errors are prioritized in the following order from highest to lowest. The error message for a higher-priority error takes precedence over that for a lower-priority error.
    1. (Highest) Metadata errors
    2. #No access
    3. #Invalid/Meaningless
    4. #No data\Missing

  • Can I use external APIs to authenticate users?

    I have been asked to develop a lightswitch application either as desktop client or HTML client. Now I am confused about the authentication
    mechanism in LightSwitch, and it leads a question: Can I authenticate my users from an external website or application?  
    For the HTML client, I have been thinking that whether I could use external APIs like Facebook Login API to authenticate my users? If I could, the code should be JavaScript, then where should I put it, and how can I configure my LS application?
    For the desktop client, same question, if I could identify my users by pulling some user information from an external website, what kind of code/Programming Language shall I use? 

    Hey ConnorTx!
    This is not supported out of the box.
    For in-browser desktop applications, you can hack around this by setting up the social media credentials, then redirecting to your desktop application while passing the self-encrypted credentials.  I explained this workaround in
    this article.
    I don't have enough production experience with HTML apps yet.  However when you use Forms authentication, I suspect you can simply fill in the IPrincipal on the HttpContext.Current, then redirect to your HTML app, and the LightSwitch Forms Auth mechanism
    would pick up your principal as valid credentials.  I wish I had time to show you some code for this, would make a great blog post :/
    Keep rocking LS!
    It's your story - time to switch on the innovation.||About me||LightSwitch blog

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