ColdFusion 11 - QoQ   semicolon = bad?

I just (literally) installed CF11 (in production) -- just kidding, locally of course and started testing it.   I noticed right away that the QoQ that used to run in CF10 are breaking... and it's because the SQL statements contains a semicolon at the end of them. (e.g)
<cfquery name="qNew" dbtype="query">
  SELECT ID, Name from myOrigQuery where ID = 50;
The error I've been getting is something like
"<br><b>Query Of Queries runtime error.</b><br> The select column reference [50;] is not a column in any of the tables of the FROM table list."
If I remove that semicolon, then it works fine. Is this a change? Is there a new setting in CF Admin that prevents this problem? CF 11 just came out, so googling doesn't show much of anything.... or my search criteria is not any good   I did try to search the forum if anyone has encountered it yet, but didn't find anything.

Problem solved! I found the following documentation: Installing the JEE Configuration - Enable web services
Enable web services
To enable web services, copy the tools.jar file from Java home that WebSphere uses to the cfusion/lib directory.
I'm not completly sure why I needed to do this as everything worked fine in ColdFusion 9, WebSphere 7 IBM, IBM 1.6 JDK. There must be a biggest enough difference between the IBM 1.7 JDK/SDK and Oracle/Sun 1.7 JDK/SDK.
The manifest information in the tools.jar packaged with ColdFusion 11 says:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_07 (Oracle Corporation)
As where the manifest information from the tools.jar I copyied in was:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 1.7.0 (IBM Corporation)
Class-Path: ibmorbtools.jar
I renamed the old file to tools.jar.bk-non-ibm as it is important not to have a file with a ".jar" extention that has the same class path inside of it or it will get loaded by the JVM.

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    Below is the tale of my experience:
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    Did you notice this quote on that blog?
    “why, oh why did I inflict this pain upon myself?”
    After 10 years, I still don't see what is so great about Java.

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    So why bother with CFLock?
    @Ian Skinner
    In pre-mx days, i.e. ColdFusion 4.5, ColdFusion suffered from a bad memory leak with shared memory variables like session.  One of the popular work arounds was to <cflock...> all reads and writes to these variables.  That has long been unnecessary, but there is still tons of old code examples and old developers that continue to utilze this work around.
    Those are issues that are resolved by the fact that Coldfusion is now a thread-safe Java application. However, there are other uses for cflock.
    Here are some examples. A web shop application may store the shopping cart in session scope. A session lock would then be necessary, for example, to prevent the customer from adding an item while his order is proceeding to checkout. You need a named lock to ensure that one user completely uploads or writes to a file, before another can read it. 
    Second, how can I redirect a person to the same page they where on after submitting a form? I have a news letter form present on all pages of the website, and I would like the person to return to teh same page they where on when they submitted the form.
    There are CGI variables and Coldfusion functions that give the value of the current page. Coldfusion also passes the current page as an argument in the onRequestStart event of Application.cfc. Put the value in a hidden field in the form. Then, on the action page, use cflocation to redirect to it.

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    thank you.

    This is a rather easy accusation to levy but hard to prove
    unless your DBA has specific information as to what he/she believes
    is the problem. Perhaps you are merely guilty of accessing poorly
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    your ColdFusion page?
    Are you including procedure calls involving large sets of
    data within loops, etc?
    I would insist on more information than “You must be
    writing bad code…”, since that accusation can work both
    directions. I would say, since they control the SQL, the ball would
    be in their court to prove that what you are doing is causing "the
    problem", whatever that is.

  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it. There is worthwhile discussion in the comments of the article on my blog: perhaps go have a read.
    This article could end up being a complete waste of space, as I am operating under more real-world re-interpretation of the raison d'être of <cfclient>, as described by Ram:
    ColdFusion [11] has added support for client side CFML (<cfclient>) and this code is translated to JavaScript
    Mike Henke has pointed out that the first part of this "CF11 has added support for client-side CFML" is actually ******** (my wording, not his):
    "ColdFusion Splendor has added support for client side CFML" is probably phrased wrong and gave me flash backs to VBScript or CFML running in the client browser.
    Maybe this is better verbiage. "ColdFusion Splendor has added support for CFML to generate JS".
    Because... there's not such thing as "client-side CFML". That would imply CFML actually running on the client (ie: the browser, or the mobile device, as is the target of <cfclient> as a concept). This is absolutely not true. I know Ram went on to qualify what he meant there, but the messaging from Adobe on <cfclient> has been inaccurate. Possibly I think to the point of actual misrepresentation (in the legal sense, I mean).
    What <cfclient> does is... convert CFML code to JavaScript. So let's look at that idea.
    Why I say this article could be a complete waste of space is that I dunno if this is the intent of <cfclient>; because, really, the messaging from Adobe as to what <cfclient> is for is very muddied. In general the narrative about it is bundled-in with various features of ColdFusion Builder 3.0, in regards to mobile application creation and packaging (and debugging, and all sort of stuff that sounds quite nice but I don't care about as I don't use CFB).
    However <cfclient> has to stand on its own merit in the CFML language, completely decoupled from CFB features. And as far as I can tell, Mike is right: as far as CFML goes, <cfclient> is a tag which tells ColdFusion to - instead of compiling to byte code - compiles the enclosed CFML code to JavaScript instead.
    This of course just sets my alarm klaxons going.  Because Adobe are (I choose my words carefully) [not very good] at converting CFML to client-side code. This has been borne out by <cfform>, <cflayout>, <cfpod> etc. Back in the days of CFMX7 the "CFML-to-client-side" wizards had some merit, because the client-side arena was still immature, and the team at Macromedia actually had some exposure to the idea of "website development", so they knew where the pain points were that they could possible ameliorate. Times have changed, and the client-side of things is probably now more mature an environment than CFML is - Javascript is probably are more coherent language than CFML is, now - and it is very very very clear that the current Adobe ColdFusion Team don't know the first thing about web development (they can't even write decent CFML for their own documentation, before we get onto how they'd be doing web work!), so they are completely out of their depth when it comes to addressing pain points that web devs might have these days. Not only have they not walked a mile in a web dev's shoes, they don't even - as far as I can tell - know what shoes are, or why someone would be wearing them.
    And <cfclient> is a far more "meta" solution than <cfform> or <cfpod> were... at least the CFML-to-client-side solution there had a tangible target in mind. <cfclient> has removed the targets, and is just a tag designed for converting general CFML to general JS. Yikes.
    600-odd words in, here's some code. This is the first-ever code I have written using <cfclient>:
    <cfclient> <cfset msg = "G'day World"> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    So I'm off to a false start: I admit I'm sitting in the pub and I've had a few pints (probably four, I guess; this is "having some drinks before deciding to actually drink this evening" sort of level for me), and I inadvertently [messed-up] my variable names here. And this did not yield a compile error. The error just fell through to JS, where it did error
    Uncaught ReferenceError: message is not defined gdayWorld.cfm:4
    If, in contrast, I tried this in CoffeeScript, I'd get this:
    coffee> msg = "G'day world"
    'G\'day world'
    coffee> alert msg
    alert message
    ReferenceError: message is not defined
        at eval (eval at  (, :1:9)
    Important note: I know nothing about CoffeeScript - it seems like a solution to a non-existent problem to me - so I just googled "hello world coffeescript" and REPLed the code on
    The point is here is that ColdFusion, during the "compile" process should actually notice I am referencing a variable that doesn't exist. I'm OK with this being a runtime error in the normal CFML-compile process, because there could be many moving parts (and other files) involved in the runtime environment, but I don't think this is a valid notion with <cfclient>? Or maybe it is?
    Update:As Ray points out and Aaron agrees with below: I was being unduly harsh here... it's entirely reasonable for variables to be declared in other JS code elsewhere in the response.
    Anyway, once I actually write my code properly, I get this:
    G'day World
    On the screen. What CF actually sends back in the response is this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js"></script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <script type='text/javascript'>globalDivStruct=null;var _$gdayWorld_func=function(){var self=this;var variables={};self.__init=function(){var localdivstruct=globalDivStruct;var __output_var="";var tmpVarArray={};message="G'day World";localdivstruct.outputvar+=message;return""}}; function __startPage__$gdayWorld(){document.write("\x3cdiv id\x3d'__cfclient_0'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e");window.ispgbuild=false;var clientDivStruct={divId:"__cfclient_0",outputvar:""};globalDivStruct=clientDivStruct;try{_$gdayWorld=new _$gdayWorld_func;_$gdayWorld.__init()}catch(__eArg){if(__eArg!=="$$$cfclient_abort$$$")throw __eArg;}__$cf.__flush(clientDivStruct)}__startPage__$gdayWorld(); </script>
    [Blimey]. To output a string variable? Really? That's what you compile my CFML down to?
    And [forget] emotive things like "gobsmacked"... if one looks at the size of the response, it's 128kB to represent "G'day World" on the screen. 128kB might not be a great deal these days when it comes to a web page, but when it comes to rendering "G'day world", it's lunacy. And on a mobile phone - which intrinsically might be in an area in which one is paying a premium for data - it's just irresponsible. This is before we get to the point that it seriously should not take 128kB of data to render 11 bytes.
    Blimey. To be honest I was gonna try some more tricky CFML and see how it compiled, but I've run out of will to live (and I have to concede the beer is getting the better of me, and my laptop battery is almost dead). I'll continue this, but I will let this article stand or fall on its own merit; something <cfclient> certainly seems to be unable to do, thusfar.
    I'll be back on the case with this tomorrow.

    The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
    These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
    This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
    How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
    You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
    You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
    Well done.

  • Install coldfusion 8 32 bit on 64bit system

    in agreement with docs
    ("As of ColdFusion 8 Update 1, the Standard Edition can run as a 32-bit application on all supported 64-bit platforms in addition to 32-bit platforms")
    i'm trying to install coldfusion-801-lin.bin on
    a linux 64bit system
    but i receive this error
    [root@lnx1 store]# ./coldfusion-801-lin.bin
    Preparing to install...
    Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
    Unpacking the JRE...
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
    strings: '/lib/': No such file
    Launching installer...
    ./coldfusion-801-lin.bin: /tmp/install.dir.9137/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
    ./coldfusion-801-lin.bin: line 2479: /tmp/install.dir.9137/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: Success
    if i tryng to install coldfusion-801 64bit version,
    the serial number is not valid
    (my serial number is CF standard, upg license)
    you can help me?
    many thanks!

    First, it would be a good idea for you to specify what distro of Linux you're using, as not all are supported by Adobe.
    Second, this is probably your problem right here:
    In a nutshell, CF expects the 32-bit version of to be in /lib, but it's probably not. You might be able to modify the installer to point to the correct location for that file, or you might be able to create a symlink to the file - but as the above link describes, creating a symlink might have negative consequences.
    As for installing CF 8 64-bit, that's only available with Enterprise, not Standard. If you want CF Standard 64-bit, you need to upgrade to CF 9.
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

  • Passing null/empty values from a actionscript VO to a Coldfusion ORM object

    This is the situation.
    If you have an actionscript VO that binds to a Coldfusion ORM object via the RemoteClass metadata and some of the values are not set, null, or empty strings and you pass it from Flex to Coldfusion then the Coldfusion deserialization barfs saying the values are not acceptable date values (for type="date") or valid emails (for validation="email") or other such validations, even if required="false" on the property.
    For instance, if you have the following actionscript VO:
    package vo
        public class Person
            public var person_id:Number;
            public var last_name:String;
            public var first_name:String;
            public var email:String;
            public var created_date:date;
         public function Person() {}
    And you have the corresponding Coldfusion component:
    <cfcomponent displayname="person" output="false"
        schema="dbo" persistent="true"
        <cfproperty name="person_id" type="numeric" fieldtype="id" validate="integer" required="true" column="PERSON_ID"/>
        <cfproperty name="last_name" type="string" column="LAST_NAME" required="true"/>
        <cfproperty name="first_name" type="string" required="true" column="FIRST_NAME"/>
        <cfproperty name="email" type="string" validate="email" required="false" column="EMAIL"/>
        <cfproperty name="date_created" type="date" required="false" column="DATE_CREATED"/>
    Then if you pass the actionscript VO as is to Coldfusion, the deserialization complains that you do not have a valid email or a valid date for date_created.  This is bad, bad, bad.  Essentially if you have a validation of certain types (email being one) or a date property, or probably some other cases, then you essentially can not make it not required, it automatically makes it required because the Coldfusion serializer considers null/empty values as invalid dates or emails.  But the serializer should not care for values that are not required, there has to be a way to pass null/empty values to these data types, but apparently there's not.  If you pass an empty string ("") you still have the same problem.  I know Coldfusion does not have null values, but there has to be a way to do this, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having required="false" and some kind of validation on the property.
    There seems to be two ways around it.  One is to override the implicit setters for the properties on the Coldfusion side and check for 0 length values yourself, then set the property if it is not, or create your own validation routine.  I ended up creating my own validation function since I didn't want to have to write a setter function for everyone of these cases and I can pass back user friendly validation messages.
    Have other people encountered this problem?  How have you gotten around it?  Thanks.

    I realize that I didn't clarify that I am using ColdFusion
    for getting the data. This class was generated by the Create CFC
    wizard in Flex Builder.
    package com.generated
    public class Clients
    public var clientid:Number = 0;
    public var clientfirstname:String = "";
    public var clientlastname:String = "";
    public var clientaddress1:String = "";
    public var clientaddress2:String = "";
    public var clientcity:String = "";
    public var clientstate:String = "";
    public var clientzip:String = "";
    public var clientphone:String = "";
    public var clientemail:String = "";
    public function Clients()

  • Passing null/empty values from Flex to a Coldfusion ORM object

    This is the situation.
    If you have an actionscript VO that binds to a Coldfusion ORM object via the RemoteClass metadata and some of the values are not set, null, or empty strings and you pass it from Flex to Coldfusion then the Coldfusion deserialization barfs saying the values are not acceptable date values (for type="date") or valid emails (for validation="email") or other such validations, even if required="false" on the property.
    For instance, if you have the following actionscript VO:
    package vo
        public class Person
            public var person_id:Number;
            public var last_name:String;
            public var first_name:String;
            public var email:String;
            public var created_date:date;
         public function Person() {}
    And you have the corresponding Coldfusion component:
    <cfcomponent displayname="person" output="false"
        schema="dbo" persistent="true"
        <cfproperty name="person_id" type="numeric" fieldtype="id" validate="integer" required="true" column="PERSON_ID"/>
        <cfproperty name="last_name" type="string" column="LAST_NAME" required="true"/>
        <cfproperty name="first_name" type="string" required="true" column="FIRST_NAME"/>
        <cfproperty name="email" type="string" validate="email" required="false" column="EMAIL"/>
        <cfproperty name="date_created" type="date" required="false" column="DATE_CREATED"/>
    Then if you pass the actionscript VO as is to Coldfusion, the deserialization complains that you do not have a valid email or a valid date for date_created.  This is bad, bad, bad.  Essentially if you have a validation of certain types (email being one) or a date property, or probably some other cases, then you essentially can not make it not required, it automatically makes it required because the Coldfusion serializer considers null/empty values as invalid dates or emails.  But the serializer should not care for values that are not required, there has to be a way to pass null/empty values to these data types, but apparently there's not.  If you pass an empty string ("") you still have the same problem.  I know Coldfusion does not have null values, but there has to be a way to do this, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having required="false" and some kind of validation on the property.
    There seems to be two ways around it.  One is to override the implicit setters for the properties on the Coldfusion side and check for 0 length values yourself, then set the property if it is not, or create your own validation routine.  I ended up creating my own validation function since I didn't want to have to write a setter function for everyone of these cases and I can pass back user friendly validation messages.
    Have other people encountered this problem?  How have you gotten around it?  Thanks.

    Looks like a known workaround to this issue is to wrap the Flex object in an array.
    The ColdFusion CFC will accept that as an array, with the first an only element being a struct, which is the object you built in Flex.

  • Censorship on Adobe ColdFusion forums - Open letter to the management of the Adobe ColdFusion forums

    This is reproduced from its original location at; it is also posted on the relevant ColdFusion forum. Apologies for the cross-post, but the two forums have different membership, and I think it's relevant to both.
    Open letter to the management of the Adobe ColdFusion forums
    (I do not know how to contact you, but I will try to find out and send this to you directly as well, as a courtesy).
    I am a veteran user of your ColdFusion support forums. Over the last decade or so I have been visiting the site daily (indeed several times a day: I get notified when any post is made on any of your ColdFusion-centric forums), and answering as many of people's questions as I can. For the last few years it's been via the web UI so you can go check my participation, but prior to that I was using the forums via NNTP, and my participation during that period is less easy to quantify, but it's to the tune of a few thousand posts / answers to people's questions. I consider myself an asset to the forums, and the ColdFusion community. I mean this just as "for the record", rather than any attempt to inflate any sense of my worth.
    However as of today - unless you take remedial action as I will go on to detail - I will be surrendering my membership of your forums, and ceasing all attempts to assist people there.
    Why am I considering doing this? Well firstly I will reproduce a thread from your forums, then I will discuss it. Where possibly the quoted material below is as it was initially posted, and if it's not exactly as originally presented, this is an accident on my part. I have highlighted some points I wish to discuss with you, simply for ease of cross-reference.
    I have confirmed with Jason Dean (12Robots) that is happy for me to quote him here. I did not attempt to contact the other participant: "grazan".
    Below is a chronological reproduction of the thread (in its original form, anyhow):
    cold fusion 9 500 Internal server error.
    created by grazan
    all of a sudden none of our cfm web pages work on a windows 8 server running iis 7 .... the
    server shows no errors in the event viewer .... occasionally functionality comes back w/o doing
    anything ...... cold fusion did have all the hotfixes updated a few months ago but i cant get to
    the admin page to give what the version is
    created by 12Robots
    First, ColdFusion is one word.
    Second, what is a WIndows 8 server?
    Third, and most important, you have provided ZERO detail. We can't help you if you don't provide something other than "none of our cfm web pages work".  ColdFusion has logs (<coldfusionDir>/logs) JRun has logs (<coldfusionDir>/runtime/logs). Even if the Windows event viewer shows nothing, there should be info in those log files about what is going on.
    Good luck,
    created by grazan
    created by 12Robots
    created by Adam Cameron
    Hahahahaha. Nice.
    created by Adam Cameron
    Well if you got over your misplaced indignation for a moment, let's see:
    ColdFusion is what people will google for, so in the spirit of helping others who might have the same question as you later on, spelling it right will help the community.
    Jason's observation that you give us absolutely nothing to go on so it's basically impossible to help you is a fairly poignant observation, right? You do want help? Right, so here's some suggestions:
    Articulate your issue clearly, with sufficient detail that we can help you. Read this:
    Secondly... being rude to someone like Jason who really is one of the most helpful people on
    these forums is a pretty stupid idea. And just serves to make you look a bit of a dick. Esp. with the caps lock on.
    But anyway, let's call that a false start. Give us the details of your issue, and we'll try to help.
    At this point, the moderator started redacting earlier messages, as detailed below:
    Redacted version of earlier message:
    created by 12Robots
    First, [Jason, please see forum guidelines]
    [rest of message as above]
    Redacted version of earlier message:
    created by grazan
    [please see forum guidelines]
    Redacted version of earlier message:
    created by Adam Cameron
    Entire message redacted
    Redacted version of earlier message:
    created by Adam Cameron
    [unnecessary comments removed - Adam please see forum guidelines]
    Give us the details of your issue, and we'll try to help.
    And now back to the live thread:
    created by 12Robots
    Forum admin,
    You censored the comment "ColdFusion is one word"?  Seriously?
    I didn't realize that suggesting that someone spell the name of the product correctly was against the forum guidelines.  I guess I could go look it up, but I will just unsubscribe and help out at Stack Overflow instead.
    Good luck,
    created by Adam Cameron
    Please see how much I used to help out on these forums.
    I'm outa here, but not before I complain about your dictatorial behaviour.
    Censorial nazi idiot.
    [The entire message above has now been redacted].
    That's the end of the relevant part of the thread.
    Clearly I wish to speak to you about this censorship your moderator is choosing to undertake.
    Firstly, let me say that I understand the perception that forums require moderation. Personally I think this position is of dubious merit, but so be it: it's a common practice. And I generally understand when I see things that have been moderated, or when a moderator step in and advises that they consider someone's wording contravenes forum guideline. I understand all this.
    I think the behaviour of your moderator in this situation is unacceptable. Let me elaborate.
    Firstly, The highlighted comment of Jason's was removed. This comment stated - correctly - that the correct spelling of ColdFusion is as one word, as per his guidance. This comment was censored/redacted by your moderator. For the life of me, applying my most "socially modest" mindset, I cannot see what was wrong with Jason's comment, and why it needed any follow-up on any description. It was accurate advice.
    The original poster's response to Jason was indeed a bit gratuitous, but - really - so what? No-one is taking offence here, and there's nothing anyone reasonable could take offence at. The person is just being a bit childish in their response. And, I hasten to add, at their own expense, I think. I see not reason to have redacted what they said.
    We now come to my responses. One entire response I made was redacted (I've only just noticed this, whilst proofreading this letter).  A number of tracts was redacted from my own initial post on the thread. Here I was simply explaining why Jason said what he did, and why it's good advice. And it was good advice. Your moderator here has removed both good advice, and an explanation as to why it was good advice. Again, I cannot fathom why your moderator has done this.
    Following on from this I back-up Jason's assertion that the original post was inadequate on detail for us to help. This too is accurate. I reiterated this to try to make the origial poster see that Jason wasn't simply being unhelpful - to the contrary - pointing out we need more information before we can help is very good initial advice here. Advice that has now been deleted.
    Next is some slightly contentious wording on my part, I suppose... at least if one doesn't actually read what I say, instead simply zooming in on one word and assessing it out of context. I pointed out that being abusive and writing in all-caps is unnecessary, and makes the person look like a dick. Note I didn't say the person was a dick (that would be abuse... very mild though), I was saying that given the behaviour the person was engaging in, they could be perceived that way. Which is... accurate. And saying someone is a dick and suggesting they could be perceived as a dick are two different things. One is ad hominem attack (bad), one is simply an observation / guidance (not bad).
    At this point Jason drew my attention to this censorship going on. And this is another thing that I think is inappropriate on the part of the moderator. I have little problem with them thinking that content on this thread needs censorship (whilst they are wrong, they are entitled to their opinion), to silently and anonymously redact people's posts is an inappropriate - and to be frank cowardly - handling of this situation. If the moderator has an issue with something written on the forums, the courteous and professional thing to do would be to advise the participants that they have overstepped. This would give us a chance to remediate the situation, or to simply disagree. Simply excising someone's work - because this is volunteer work we are engaging in here - is unacceptable.
    If anything ought to have been censored from the thread it was my last comment. Whilst it was accurate, I did use harsh sentiment, I accept this. However in the given situation, I don't think I have been the most out-of-line participant in proceedings.
    I would like you to remediate this situation, and here is how I would like you to do it.
    Restore Jason's original post. There was no reason to censor it.
    Restore grazan's all-caps post. It was doing no harm.
    Restore my second post (not the one laughing at Jason's joke, the longer one I discuss above). Again, useful and accurate information was removed from this post, and there was simply no reason to have had done so.
    You can leave my last comment redacted. Fair enough. Whilst I stand by what I said, it is unhelpful in the context of the thread.
    I also want the moderator to be censured, and I would like them to apologise for their behaviour, by posting on that thread explaining that they understand their behaviour was inappropriate and unacceptable.
    If they are a community volunteer, they should be dismissed from their position. They are clearly not capable of fulfilling this role in a professional, well-balanced manner.
    If they are an Adobe staff person, then the censure will have to be sufficient, although I think they should be relieved from their duties as a forum moderator, as they are not up to the task at hand.
    Talk to your other moderators and advise them they need to act with a sense of balance and professionalism when moderating the forums.
    In return, I will continue my participation on the forums, and continue to help the ColdFusion community members where I can, in the spirit of goodwill and co-operation. I will also try to convince Jason to do the same.
    If you cannot see right to resolve this situation appropriate, I will surrender my membership of the forums and cease helping your community.
    You can reply to me either via a comment against this post, or via email ([email protected]). That said, see the caveats in my communications policy: I reserve the right to publish any communications on this topic as I see fit (within the bounds of common sense).
    Thanks for your time.
    Adam Cameron

    Comments from a kindred spirit...
    I suggest you take a breather and go do something else for a few days or weeks.  Don't stomp your feet and say "I'm done for good, I won't be back", because like it or not, some of the reason you're here is to benefit YOU, and if you do go cold turkey you'll miss that benefit.
    In other words, "never say never".
    Like you, I have been extremely frustrated by the running of the forum from time to time as well.  Sometimes it's the quality of the forum software, sometimes it's the mix of other immature people who comment, sometimes it's just me.  Usually it's not the moderation or actual running of the forum, but I do understand where you're coming from.
    I have benefited greatly on several occasions just by taking a vacation from forum participation.
    We all have to understand two things:
    1.  We're able to communicate here by the good graces of Adobe, who are first and foremost a business, trying to achieve their business goals.  They'd rather not upset all the idiots, because unfortunately idiots have money to spend too.
    2.  Nobody's perfect.
    I'm not sure about the specifics, but the moderators are generally also volunteers.  See item 2 above.
    Hope you don't choose to stop contributing to the community, as no matter what, your contribution is good for the world.

  • How can I process an SSO Logon Ticket in ColdFusion 9?

    We want to integrate some CouldFusion templates on the SAP portal and I try to process the SSO Logon Ticket using the following code:
    <cfif IsDefined("Cookie.MYSAPSSO2") AND Cookie.MYSAPSSO2 neq "">
        ticket = Cookie.MYSAPSSO2;
        sso = createObject("java", "SSO2Ticket");
        version = sso.getVersion();
        Application.CertPath = "/opt/coldfusion9/lib/verify.pse";
    <h2>Ticket cookie:</h2>
    <cfdump var="#ticket#">
    <cfdump var="#version#">
    <h2>Certification path:</h2>
    <cfdump var="#Application.CertPath#">
        result = sso.evalLogonTicket (ticket, Application.CertPath,"");
        sapUser   = result[1]; //First element is the SAP system user
        sysID  = result[2]; //Second element is the id of the issuing system
        client = result[3]; //Third element is the client of the issuing system
        portalUser = result[5]; //Portal user
        validityInSeconds = result[7]; //Validity in seconds
    <h2>Ticket content:</h2>
    <cfdump var="#result#">
        SAP Logon Ticket not found - Extranet content can only be accessed through SAP Portal.   
    The certificate verify.pse and the current version of the libraries, and are stored at the same location.
    After logging in into a SAP portal I get following error when executing the script:
    Ticket cookie:
    Certification path:
    The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
    Please contact the website administrator. 
    The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes.
    Error Occurred While Processing Request
    MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0
      The error occurred in /opt/coldfusion9/wwwroot/ExtranetMod/authTest.cfm: line 20
    18 : 19 : <cfscript> 20 : result = sso.evalLogonTicket (ticket, Application.CertPath,""); 21 :     sapUser   = result[1]; //First element is the SAP system user 22 :     sysID  = result[2]; //Second element is the id of the issuing system
    Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct syntax.
    Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:30.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/30.0
    Remote Address
    25-Jun-14 04:23 PM
    Stack Trace
    at cfauthTest2ecfm1658987646.runPage(/opt/coldfusion9/wwwroot/ExtranetMod/authTest.cfm:20)
    java.lang.Exception: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 9, ssf error= 0 at SSO2Ticket.evalLogonTicket(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at cfauthTest2ecfm1658987646.runPage(/opt/coldfusion9/wwwroot/ExtranetMod/authTest.cfm:20) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service( at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter( at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter( at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service( at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke( at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext( at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke( at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch( at jrun.servlet.http.WebService.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable( at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable( at
    I would be most thankful for any hints that could bring me further...
    Many thanks

    Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
    This has been frustrating the crap out of me for the last week (not that the photo is important, it is just that I like to conquer and solve this types of issues)
    I was shooting with an aperture of 7.1. 
    I changed the exposure on the photos as you had done previously but this only blew out the watch and I couldn't recover it afterwards and the alignment was no better any way.  So then I started experimenting as you suggested, and I don't know if what I am about to write is acceptable in an Adobe forum, but here goes.
    I tried Helicon Focus and it was terrible, but I must admit I didn't know how to really use it, it doesn't seem to have any alignment function and is very difficult to try to use and understand.
    then I tried Hugin and I am not even sure if this is image stacking software or just an alignment software, anyway that didn't work either and kept saying the output was a very bad match.
    THEN I downloaded and tried zerestacker (free 30 day trial)  (after reading about it in a google search) and WOW, it worked amazing, see below photo, it was so easy to use and the interface is easy as well and it does the alignment and stacking in the same process and you can see the image output show up on the left of the screen.  Sorry PS but I will be using ZS for photostacking from now on. Adobe need to buy this company and incorporate it in to PS CC6.
    This is just so much better than anything I got out of PS, there is no ghosting or blurring and the alignment is perfect and it is so simple to use.

  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient seems to require /CFIDE to be available

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> seems to require /CFIDE to be available") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it.
    This will be a short one... I just want to trot out various observations I make about <cfclient> as I make them. I don't want to waste too much effort on it.
    I also feel a bit dirty round about now... I'm about to use a <cfform> tag.
    As should everyone, I do not expose /CFIDE to the outside world. This is a terrible vector for security vulnerabilities. One that Adobe seems to be dragging its heels about resolving once and for all ("Isolate the /CFIDE/scripts directory from the rest of /CFIDE" (3732913)).
    So when I'm using <cfform> (which is only ever when I am writing example code like this), I need to redirect ColdFusion to look in my isolated directory which just has the script stuff in it:
    <cfajaximport scriptsrc="/lib/js/CF/scripts"> <cfform method="post" action="#CGI.script_name#">     <cfinput type="dateField" name="date">     <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="Go"> </cfform> <cfdump var="#form#">
    Note: do not use <cfform> or any of ColdFusion's other UI wizard tags. Just don't. See here: "ColdFusion UI the Right Way", here: "I'm not going to tell you to stop using ColdFusion UI tags anymore...", and here: "Oi! You [naughty] [people]! Stop using ColdFusion UI controls".
    Anyway, back to the code. The poorly-named <cfajaximport> tag allows one to point ColdFusion at a different, isolated directory. That's quite handy.
    Now I try it with my <cfclient> code:
    <cfajaximport scriptsrc="/lib/js/CF/scripts"> <cfclient> <cfset message = "G'day World"> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    and I get this:
    http://localhost:8511 /shared/scratch/blogExamples/coldfusion
    [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 284ms]
    http://localhost:8511 /lib/js/CF/scripts/ajax/messages/cfmessage.js
    [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 5ms]
    http://localhost:8511 /lib/js/CF/scripts/ajax/package/cfajax.js
    [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 10ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js 3ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js 3ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js 1ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js 0ms]
    Groan. Because <cfclient> doesn't put its script files in the scripts dir, does it? No. Of course it doesn't. Muppets.
    But this could still be solved if one could specify some other way of pointing it to a different location for its resources, but... no. There's not a way of doing this that I can find. Short of [messing] around on the web server and setting up virtual directories pointing to /CFIDE/cfclient. This isn't really a hardship, but still, it just shouldn't be necessary, and I can't help but think this is a bit sloppy on the part of Adobe.
    It also demonstrates that for their internal testing they don't test this sort of thing. Which is odd, as it's the second thing I tested: you know, that it even works on a secured server.
    That's it. I've nothing else to say on this topic. I'll raise a bug for this shortly, once I have the article published so I can refer back to it: 3750729.

    The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
    These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
    This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
    How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
    You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
    You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
    Well done.

  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient ports a lot of CFML functions to JS

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: cfclient ports a lot of CFML functions to JS") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it. There are comments back against the original article - linked to above - which are worth reading too.
    I will start this article - which won't be a long one - by stating I am an adequate JavaScript developer, but I am by no means an expert. I'm at that stage wherein I'm au fait with the syntax and the nuts and bolts of writing OO-esque JS, but I don't spend enough time doing it to know the minutiae of "best practice" and don't automatically know the differences between the "best" way of doing something, and just "a way of doing something". Hence this article asks a question, rather than making any concrete statements.
    A few days ago I wrote my first <cfclient> hello world (or in my case "G'day World") example. I'm not compiling it to a mobile app as I'm not really testing the ColdFusion Builder app packagings stuff (I simply don't care about that), I'm only interested in how <cfclient> performs / works in the context of a tag in the CFML language. See this article for more on that: "ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling".
    One thing I noticed in my "G'day World" code, is that to output those 11 bytes on the screen, <cfclient> loads around 128kB of data, in the form of various tracts of line code and external libraries. Describing this as "egregious" is an understatement.
    One of the libraries particularly caught my interest, as it's called "cffunctions.js", and - as the name suggests - contains a port of alla lot of CFML's built-in functions to JS.
    My first observation is its inclusion is completely unnecessary as I'm not using any functions in my code, and it would be reasonable to think that the <cfclient> CFML to JS compiler might notice that and save people a download. Secondly... it's a single, monolithic 106kB file. Let's have a look at it:
    Well actually when I suggest we should have a look at it, I am actually inviting the JavaScript aficionados amongst us to offer their input. I'm not going to be able to lend much expert analysis to it.
    Observations I will make:
    as I said above: including this file when it's not necessary seems wrong.
    Every single function is just slapped into one huge file. This to me seems equivalent to having a CFC called AllMyCode.cfc, containing... everything, including kitchen sinks and family pets.
    Connected to that: the functions are all declared straight in the global scope, which seems a bit "pollute-y" to me. I can't help but think they ought to be grouped together in a CF namespace, within that some sort of type-centric namespace like CF.List.listAppend(), CF.Math.abs() etc?
    A lot of the code seems rather "longhand", eg: someVar = SomeVar+1 instead of perhaps someVar++; using an indexed for() loop to loop over arrays etc.
    The file's not minified: this would almost halve its size. I dunno if this is such a consideration these days with responses being GZipped?
    Is there anything else you've spotted?
    I might sound a bit nit-picky here (hey: it would not be the first time, and someone needs to ask these questions), but equally if I want someone writing a wizard to write my JS for me, then I want to know that person actually knows what they're doing. And if I can raise code-quality questions... I suspect the answer is I don't want this person writing my JS for me.
    But I completely accept that perhaps there's not an issue to answer here... this article is more soliciting other - more expert - people's opinions.
    What do you think?

    The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
    These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
    This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
    How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
    You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
    You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
    Well done.

  • ColdFusion 9 - Verity Issue

    Hello.  We recently upgraded to CF 9 Enterprise running on Windows Server 2008 64 bit.  It is running well with an issue we cannot seem to trace down.
    The server works great for a random period of time and then randomly we get this error:
    "The collection you specified does not exists or is not registered with the ColdFusion Search Service."
    If you login to the CF Admin you see the collection but for some reason it cannot be searched... or accessed.  If you attempt to delete it, the admin throws an error stating the collection doesn't exist.  What ends up happening is that we recreate it, and repopulate the index.  It runs fine for a while and then happens all over again...
    Our current work around was to use the old server these sites were operating off of and use a remote web service.  It's not ideal but given that the old system (CF 8 Standard on Windows Server 2003 32bit) doesn't have the above issue it "patches" the problem while we investigate a fix.
    Any input/help would be appreciated.

    I like to add the following... when I check the log file verity-install.out I see the follwoing............
    /coldfusion/verity/k2/_ilnx21/bin/vconfig: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
    ERROR: Configuration failed to complete successfuly at Fri Sep 14 08:13:23 PDT 2012

  • MIME header missing "filename=" results in BAD messages

    I've been trying to track down several issues involving what appear to
    be MIME handling issues. We are running GroupWise v7.01 (we have not
    installed the "interim release" yet), and all components on the server
    are at that release level (MTA, POA, GWIA, WebAccess).
    One of the issues I am currently working on involves problems receiving
    attachments from an outside sender. Their attachments are readable if
    sent to an outside test account (i.e. - we've tested it with Yahoo
    web-based mail, and a RoadRunner POP3 account using Outlook as the client).
    The problem is that these e-mails either get dumped by the GWIA to the
    GWPROB directory, or the e-mails go through, but the attachments are
    corrupted (they do show up as attachments to the e-mail, but are
    I haven't looked at why some e-mails go through and some don't, but I
    did find out why the attachments are unreadable on the delivered
    e-mails, and why the rest are just undeliverable. For whatever reason,
    the sender's mail server (or AV gateway or whatever else had a chance to
    touch the e-mail) is either not inserting, or is stripping out the
    "filename=" from the MIME header just before the encoded attachment.
    Adding this back into the message (by editing the original e-mail
    w/header, and dropping the modified message into the GWIA "RECEIVE"
    directory) fixes the attachment AND makes the e-mail deliverable.
    Below I have an example of a bad e-mail which was originally sent to our
    GWPROB directory, but was successfully delivered with a readable
    attachment through a separate POP3 account (RoadRunner). Following this
    "bad" e-mail example is the "fixed" version of that same e-mail, which
    was delivered successfully to our user, with the attachment also being
    *************** This is the original "BAD" e-mail ***************
    MAIL From:<[email protected]> SIZE=73686
    RCPT To:<[email protected]>
    Received: from ([65.xx.xx.xx])
    by with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:28:27 -0500
    Received: from ( [24.xx.xx.xx])
    by (8.13.6/8.13.6) with ESMTP id l1LKSFTm009106
    for <[email protected]>; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:28:24 -0500 (EST)
    Message-Id: <[email protected]>
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:25:54 -0500
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    X-Mailer: Telexis Gateway
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
    X-Virus-Scanned: Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable
    This is a test
    -Test Sender
    Content-Type: application/;
    name="1st Q 2007 Income to Budget.xls"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    "1st Q 2007 Income to Budget.xls"
    ************** END OF BAD E-MAIL **************
    *************** This is the "fixed" e-mail ***************
    MAIL From:<[email protected]> SIZE=73686
    RCPT To:<[email protected]>
    Received: from ([65.xx.xx.xx])
    by with ESMTP; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:28:27 -0500
    Received: from ( [24.xx.xx.xx])
    by (8.13.6/8.13.6) with ESMTP id l1LKSFTm009106
    for <[email protected]>; Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:28:24 -0500 (EST)
    Message-Id: <[email protected]>
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 15:25:54 -0500
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    X-Mailer: Telexis Gateway
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
    X-Virus-Scanned: Symantec AntiVirus Scan Engine
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable
    This is a test
    -Test Sender
    Content-Type: application/;
    name="1st Q 2007 Income to Budget.xls"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment;
    filename="1st Q 2007 Income to Budget.xls"
    ************** END OF "FIXED" E-MAIL **************
    The only change I made, which both allowed the above e-mail to be
    delivered and made the attachment readable, was the addition of the
    "filename=" just before the file name on the line after the
    "Content-Disposition: attachment;".
    I did the same test with an e-mail that had the same "filename="
    missing, but somehow was successfully delivered to our user (again, the
    attachment was unreadable). Adding the "filename=" into the resent
    message did make the attachment readable.
    I haven't looked to see if the sender's system is actually non-compliant
    for excluding the "filename=" (I will be doing that later this evening),
    or whether this is a GWIA problem for not being able to handle this. I
    just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else has seen this.
    Does the "interim release" update by chance fix this?
    Greg Niese

    Does this email come in directly to GWIA (or do you have a relay host in
    between)? I must say I've never experienced this problem on any of the GW
    systems I administer. Could you tell us what domain this is coming from?
    Ted Kumsher
    >>> On 2/23/2007 at 8:21 AM, in message
    <[email protected]>, Greg
    Niese<[email protected]> wrote:
    > I agree that this shouldn't be accepted as a valid "filename parameter"
    > line. There are two ways to "not accept" this invalid parameter: "stop
    > processing" the e-mail because of the problem (discard the e-mail), or
    > discard the bad parameter and continue processing the rest of the e-mail
    > (this could only work when the parameter is optional, as in this case).
    > The GWIA seems to take the route of "stop processing", and then moving
    > the resultant "bad" e-mail to the GWPROB directory.
    > I say "seems" because in many cases where this occurs the e-mail doesn't
    > get sent to the GWPROB directory, but instead still gets through the
    > GWIA to the user. The attachments are corrupted, but still show up
    > correctly in the attachment window, so everything seems OK with the
    > e-mail & attachment - until you try to open the attachment.
    > If there is a semi-colon after the "Content-disposition" type, the GWIA
    > should see a valid disposition parameter following. But if it sees an
    > invalid parameter, as in this case, what is the GWIA doing? It must
    > either be discarding the invalid parameter, or "uses" it by either
    > incorrectly parsing it as part of the header, or lumping it in as part
    > of the attachment. If it "uses" in any way the invalid line of data -
    > that sounds like the definition of "accepting" it, isn't it?
    > To test whether the GWIA is actually using, and therefore "accepting",
    > this bad parameter, I simply removed the malformed parameter (having the
    > line in or out shouldn't matter if the GWIA's not using it), and I tried
    > this both with the semi-colon removed from the end of the
    > "content-disposition" type, and with that semi-colon left in place. In
    > both cases the GWIA properly processed the e-mail and the attachment was
    > readable! What does that mean? If the GWIA was truely NOT
    > using/accepting that invalid header parameter (i.e. - the GWIA discards
    > it), then the e-mail and attachment should go through OK. Since this
    > isn't what happens when the bad line is left in place (the attachments
    > DO NOT come through OK, but the e-mail often does get to the user's
    > mailbox), then the GWIA must be accepting that bad parameter as either a
    > part of the header, or a part of the attachment.
    > I suspect that in those cases that these e-mails are sent to the problem
    > directory, instead of being delivered with a corrupt attachment, the
    > GWIA isn't really recognizing that the optional disposition parameter is
    > "bad". The reason for the e-mail going to the problem directory is
    > probably due to an error while trying to decode the attachment if the
    > bad parameter is treated as part of the attachment, or if part of the
    > attachment is being lumped in with the malformed parameter as it is
    > parsed.
    > I agree that how the GWIA should go about "not accepting" bad header
    > parameters may be debatable (assuming that the GWIA were actually
    > halting processing of the e-mail when this type of problem is found, and
    > then sending the e-mail to the problem directory every time). But in
    > cases such as this, since the parameter itself is optional, it would
    > seem that the better route would be for the GWIA to discard the
    > parameter and continue processing, instead of "discarding" the whole
    > e-mail (to the problem directory). "Discarding the bad parameter" seems
    > to be what is being done by at least a few other competing SMTP agents,
    > since the other mail systems I tested with did get the e-mail through
    > without corrupting the attachment.
    > I may suggest that the sender's company fix whatever is going on at
    > their server, but it probably won't do any good (I've already been told
    > that they don't experience this problem with anyone else). In the
    > meantime, my user (yes...he is the CEO), will have to continue to have
    > some important e-mails sent to one of his personal accounts, because
    > those e-mail systems receive these e-mails fine, but our GroupWise
    > system can't.
    > :-(
    > -Greg
    > Michael Bell wrote:
    >> No it shouldn't, IMO.
    >> It's a matter of interpretation, of course. But GWIA is 100% right in
    > not
    >> accepting this as vaid (that part is beyond any debate - it's in the
    > RFC).
    >> The only part that can be debated is "should GWIA then pass the buck"?.
    > In
    >> olden days, many would have said yes.
    >> But In general, no. Moving away from Postel's law, which was formulated
    > in a
    >> pre-malware age, is pretty much needed. Tight specifications and
    > pickiness
    >> is good. Collateral damage is unfortunate, and of course one needs to be
    >> flexible if this is a widespread issue (which frankly, it is not in this
    >> case), but otherwise it is up to to sender to fix their issue.
    >> 90% of viruses and malware in the last 6 years (and I'm well aware of
    > them,
    >> working in the email security field) are from MALFORMED e-mail, that the
    >> gateway and client misinterpreted. Many of these were MS issues, but
    > that's
    >> another point. Point is you have to be STRICT.
    >> In this case this violates the generic MIME RFCs which state that if you
    > do
    >> have parameters, they all gotta be separated with semicolons (PASS), and
    >> have to be name=value pairs (FAIL).
    >> "Greg Niese" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> Well, according to RFC 2183, the "filename=" string has to be present if
    >>> the Filename parameter is going to be used. So the sending host seems
    > to
    >>> be "broken" in that regard.
    >>> My next question then is: Should the GWIA ignore the "stray" file name
    > in
    >>> these e-mail headers, instead of allowing it to be lumped in with the
    >>> attachment (I'm assuming that's why the attachment is trashed)? It
    >>> appears that other systems are able to do this.
    >>> -Greg
    >>> Greg Niese wrote:
    >>>> I haven't looked to see if the sender's system is actually
    >>>> for excluding the "filename=" (I will be doing that later this
    >>>> or whether this is a GWIA problem for not being able to handle this. I
    >>>> just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else has seen
    >>>> Does the "interim release" update by chance fix this?
    >>>> Thanks,
    >>>> Greg Niese

  • Odd QoQ issue when querying Solr collection

    Hello, everyone.
    I've got a query of query issue that has me stumped.  Maybe I'm just missing something very simple, but this has got me really confuzzed.
    I have a Solr collection that is indexing a few tables in an Oracle database.  Let's call it "hdq", for this discussion.
    I wrote a semi-complex query of related tables from which the CFINDEX is using to index the data.  This is working just fine.
    I created the Solr collection in the CF9 CFAdmin, and am using the following to index with:
    <cfindex action="refresh" collection="hdq" key="QUESTION_ID" type="custom" title="QUESTION_TITLE" query="search_questions" body="QUESTION_TX,QUESTION_TITLE,CATEGORY_NM,TAG_NM,ANSWER_TITLE,ANSWER_TX"
        custom1="QUESTION_STATUS" custom2="TAG_NM" custom3="QUESTION_STATUS" custom4="QUESTION_TYPE" category="CATEGORY_NM">
    Then I do a CFSEARCH and name it "hd_questions".  Again, so far, so good, no problems.
    If I do a CFDUMP of "hd_questions", one of the columns is KEY (which is QUESTION_ID in the database.)  If I CFOUTPUT the collection, KEY is there.
    If I QoQ the CFSEARCH of the collection and use SELECT custom3, score, summary, context, key FROM hd_questions, I get an error message that
    Encountered "key. Incorrect Select List, Incorrect select column,
    .. then it gives the line number of the page that produced the error, and
    <cfquery dbtype="query" name="hd_results">
    Am I missing something simple, here?  KEY is in the collection, I can see it in CFDUMP, I can see it in CFOUTPUT.  But if I query the collection and try to select KEY, there is an error.
    Any thoughts/ideas?
    Thank you,

    Key is a reserved word in Coldfusion, so can't be used directly in a QoQ without escaping it.  Try wrapping it in [ ] instead, i.e. [key]
    It may also help to give it an alias too, e.g. SELECT [key] AS someKey
    See the list of reserved words here: ff.html and the QoQ guide to using reserved words here: -7ff0.html#WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7008

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