ColdFusion 11: cfclient ports a lot of CFML functions to JS

I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: cfclient ports a lot of CFML functions to JS") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
@dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it. There are comments back against the original article - linked to above - which are worth reading too.
I will start this article - which won't be a long one - by stating I am an adequate JavaScript developer, but I am by no means an expert. I'm at that stage wherein I'm au fait with the syntax and the nuts and bolts of writing OO-esque JS, but I don't spend enough time doing it to know the minutiae of "best practice" and don't automatically know the differences between the "best" way of doing something, and just "a way of doing something". Hence this article asks a question, rather than making any concrete statements.
A few days ago I wrote my first <cfclient> hello world (or in my case "G'day World") example. I'm not compiling it to a mobile app as I'm not really testing the ColdFusion Builder app packagings stuff (I simply don't care about that), I'm only interested in how <cfclient> performs / works in the context of a tag in the CFML language. See this article for more on that: "ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling".
One thing I noticed in my "G'day World" code, is that to output those 11 bytes on the screen, <cfclient> loads around 128kB of data, in the form of various tracts of line code and external libraries. Describing this as "egregious" is an understatement.
One of the libraries particularly caught my interest, as it's called "cffunctions.js", and - as the name suggests - contains a port of alla lot of CFML's built-in functions to JS.
My first observation is its inclusion is completely unnecessary as I'm not using any functions in my code, and it would be reasonable to think that the <cfclient> CFML to JS compiler might notice that and save people a download. Secondly... it's a single, monolithic 106kB file. Let's have a look at it:
Well actually when I suggest we should have a look at it, I am actually inviting the JavaScript aficionados amongst us to offer their input. I'm not going to be able to lend much expert analysis to it.
Observations I will make:
as I said above: including this file when it's not necessary seems wrong.
Every single function is just slapped into one huge file. This to me seems equivalent to having a CFC called AllMyCode.cfc, containing... everything, including kitchen sinks and family pets.
Connected to that: the functions are all declared straight in the global scope, which seems a bit "pollute-y" to me. I can't help but think they ought to be grouped together in a CF namespace, within that some sort of type-centric namespace like CF.List.listAppend(), CF.Math.abs() etc?
A lot of the code seems rather "longhand", eg: someVar = SomeVar+1 instead of perhaps someVar++; using an indexed for() loop to loop over arrays etc.
The file's not minified: this would almost halve its size. I dunno if this is such a consideration these days with responses being GZipped?
Is there anything else you've spotted?
I might sound a bit nit-picky here (hey: it would not be the first time, and someone needs to ask these questions), but equally if I want someone writing a wizard to write my JS for me, then I want to know that person actually knows what they're doing. And if I can raise code-quality questions... I suspect the answer is I don't want this person writing my JS for me.
But I completely accept that perhaps there's not an issue to answer here... this article is more soliciting other - more expert - people's opinions.
What do you think?

The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
Well done.

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  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it. There is worthwhile discussion in the comments of the article on my blog: perhaps go have a read.
    This article could end up being a complete waste of space, as I am operating under more real-world re-interpretation of the raison d'être of <cfclient>, as described by Ram:
    ColdFusion [11] has added support for client side CFML (<cfclient>) and this code is translated to JavaScript
    Mike Henke has pointed out that the first part of this "CF11 has added support for client-side CFML" is actually ******** (my wording, not his):
    "ColdFusion Splendor has added support for client side CFML" is probably phrased wrong and gave me flash backs to VBScript or CFML running in the client browser.
    Maybe this is better verbiage. "ColdFusion Splendor has added support for CFML to generate JS".
    Because... there's not such thing as "client-side CFML". That would imply CFML actually running on the client (ie: the browser, or the mobile device, as is the target of <cfclient> as a concept). This is absolutely not true. I know Ram went on to qualify what he meant there, but the messaging from Adobe on <cfclient> has been inaccurate. Possibly I think to the point of actual misrepresentation (in the legal sense, I mean).
    What <cfclient> does is... convert CFML code to JavaScript. So let's look at that idea.
    Why I say this article could be a complete waste of space is that I dunno if this is the intent of <cfclient>; because, really, the messaging from Adobe as to what <cfclient> is for is very muddied. In general the narrative about it is bundled-in with various features of ColdFusion Builder 3.0, in regards to mobile application creation and packaging (and debugging, and all sort of stuff that sounds quite nice but I don't care about as I don't use CFB).
    However <cfclient> has to stand on its own merit in the CFML language, completely decoupled from CFB features. And as far as I can tell, Mike is right: as far as CFML goes, <cfclient> is a tag which tells ColdFusion to - instead of compiling to byte code - compiles the enclosed CFML code to JavaScript instead.
    This of course just sets my alarm klaxons going.  Because Adobe are (I choose my words carefully) [not very good] at converting CFML to client-side code. This has been borne out by <cfform>, <cflayout>, <cfpod> etc. Back in the days of CFMX7 the "CFML-to-client-side" wizards had some merit, because the client-side arena was still immature, and the team at Macromedia actually had some exposure to the idea of "website development", so they knew where the pain points were that they could possible ameliorate. Times have changed, and the client-side of things is probably now more mature an environment than CFML is - Javascript is probably are more coherent language than CFML is, now - and it is very very very clear that the current Adobe ColdFusion Team don't know the first thing about web development (they can't even write decent CFML for their own documentation, before we get onto how they'd be doing web work!), so they are completely out of their depth when it comes to addressing pain points that web devs might have these days. Not only have they not walked a mile in a web dev's shoes, they don't even - as far as I can tell - know what shoes are, or why someone would be wearing them.
    And <cfclient> is a far more "meta" solution than <cfform> or <cfpod> were... at least the CFML-to-client-side solution there had a tangible target in mind. <cfclient> has removed the targets, and is just a tag designed for converting general CFML to general JS. Yikes.
    600-odd words in, here's some code. This is the first-ever code I have written using <cfclient>:
    <cfclient> <cfset msg = "G'day World"> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    So I'm off to a false start: I admit I'm sitting in the pub and I've had a few pints (probably four, I guess; this is "having some drinks before deciding to actually drink this evening" sort of level for me), and I inadvertently [messed-up] my variable names here. And this did not yield a compile error. The error just fell through to JS, where it did error
    Uncaught ReferenceError: message is not defined gdayWorld.cfm:4
    If, in contrast, I tried this in CoffeeScript, I'd get this:
    coffee> msg = "G'day world"
    'G\'day world'
    coffee> alert msg
    alert message
    ReferenceError: message is not defined
        at eval (eval at  (, :1:9)
    Important note: I know nothing about CoffeeScript - it seems like a solution to a non-existent problem to me - so I just googled "hello world coffeescript" and REPLed the code on
    The point is here is that ColdFusion, during the "compile" process should actually notice I am referencing a variable that doesn't exist. I'm OK with this being a runtime error in the normal CFML-compile process, because there could be many moving parts (and other files) involved in the runtime environment, but I don't think this is a valid notion with <cfclient>? Or maybe it is?
    Update:As Ray points out and Aaron agrees with below: I was being unduly harsh here... it's entirely reasonable for variables to be declared in other JS code elsewhere in the response.
    Anyway, once I actually write my code properly, I get this:
    G'day World
    On the screen. What CF actually sends back in the response is this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js"></script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <script type='text/javascript'>globalDivStruct=null;var _$gdayWorld_func=function(){var self=this;var variables={};self.__init=function(){var localdivstruct=globalDivStruct;var __output_var="";var tmpVarArray={};message="G'day World";localdivstruct.outputvar+=message;return""}}; function __startPage__$gdayWorld(){document.write("\x3cdiv id\x3d'__cfclient_0'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e");window.ispgbuild=false;var clientDivStruct={divId:"__cfclient_0",outputvar:""};globalDivStruct=clientDivStruct;try{_$gdayWorld=new _$gdayWorld_func;_$gdayWorld.__init()}catch(__eArg){if(__eArg!=="$$$cfclient_abort$$$")throw __eArg;}__$cf.__flush(clientDivStruct)}__startPage__$gdayWorld(); </script>
    [Blimey]. To output a string variable? Really? That's what you compile my CFML down to?
    And [forget] emotive things like "gobsmacked"... if one looks at the size of the response, it's 128kB to represent "G'day World" on the screen. 128kB might not be a great deal these days when it comes to a web page, but when it comes to rendering "G'day world", it's lunacy. And on a mobile phone - which intrinsically might be in an area in which one is paying a premium for data - it's just irresponsible. This is before we get to the point that it seriously should not take 128kB of data to render 11 bytes.
    Blimey. To be honest I was gonna try some more tricky CFML and see how it compiled, but I've run out of will to live (and I have to concede the beer is getting the better of me, and my laptop battery is almost dead). I'll continue this, but I will let this article stand or fall on its own merit; something <cfclient> certainly seems to be unable to do, thusfar.
    I'll be back on the case with this tomorrow.

    The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
    These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
    This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
    How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
    You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
    You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
    Well done.

  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient ... how does normal CFML code and cfclient code interact?

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: ... how does normal CFML code and  code interact?") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it.
    Another quick one. I'm raising these quick-fire questions here because Adobe have declined to suggest a better place to raise them, other than as comments on one of their blog entries. Well that was Ram's suggestion (which I don't think is terribly-well thought out). He declined to react to my suggestion that the Adobe ColdFusion forums might be a good place. Anit suggested Twitter or just emailing him, but I think there'd be public interest in this stuff, so don't want to resort to email.
    As I'm the master of what goes on on this blog: I'll clutter this thing up.
    Say I want to have a mix of "normal" CFML and <cfclient>-based CFML in the same file. I can only presume the intent is to allow this, otherwise having <cfclient> as a tag rather than just a file extension seems like a poor approach. Obviously if one can have a start tag and an end tag, then code can come before (and I guess after) the <cfclient> tags themselves.
    So I'd expect this to work:
    <cfset message = "G'day World"> <cfclient> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    However all I get is an error in JS:
    Uncaught ReferenceError: message is not defined variablesScopeVariable.cfm:4
    And, indeed, the only mention of message in the JS source is the one that's erroring (as it's on the right-hand side of an assignment).
    So I thought perhaps <cfclient> worked like <cfthread> and I needed to pass attributes into it:
    <cfset message = "G'day World"> <cfclient message="#message#"> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    This doesn't compile:
    Attribute validation error for the client tag.
    The tag does not have an attribute called message. The valid attribute(s) are ''.
    ColdFusion cannot determine the line of the template that caused this error.This is often caused by an error in the exception handling subsystem.
    Note also there's an error in the error message itself. It's not the <client> tag, it's the <cfclient> tag.
    Rightio then, so I tried just using the request scope instead (the code's the same as the variables-scoped example, except using the request scope). No dice: same JS error.
    As a last ditch effort, I just tried to see if <cfclient> was aware of anything going on around it, by passing a value on the URL, and seeing if <cfclient> saw that, eg:
    <cfclient> <cfoutput>#URL.message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    This behaved differently from the variables- / request- scoped examples, in that I didn't get a JS error, I just got this on the screen:
    And no JS error. It pains me to have to do this, but let's look at the generated JS to see why the behaviour is different:
    Variables scope example:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js"></script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <script type='text/javascript'> globalDivStruct=null; var _$variablesScopeVariable_func=function(){     var self=this;     var variables={};     self.__init=function(){         var localdivstruct=globalDivStruct;         var __output_var="";         var tmpVarArray={};         localdivstruct.outputvar+=message;        return""     } }; function __startPage__$variablesScopeVariable(){     document.write("\x3cdiv id\x3d'__cfclient_0'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e");     window.ispgbuild=false;     var clientDivStruct={         divId        : "__cfclient_0",         outputvar    :""     };     globalDivStruct=clientDivStruct;     try{         _$variablesScopeVariable=new _$variablesScopeVariable_func;         _$variablesScopeVariable.__init()     }     catch(__eArg){         if(__eArg!=="$$$cfclient_abort$$$")             throw __eArg;     }     __$cf.__flush(clientDivStruct) } __startPage__$variablesScopeVariable(); </script>
    The only significant difference (other than function names, based on the file names) between this and the URL-scoped example is the indicated line above is replaced by this in the URL example:
    So it's like it's trying to do the right thing, but just failing. I thought it might be because CF does stupid thinks with scope-key casing, and changed the <cfclient> code to expect URL.MESSAGE not URL.message, but this didn't work either.
    So I'm flummoxed. I can't find anything in any documentation which might point me in the right direction, so anyone know what the story is here?
    Update:At Joel's suggestion I tried this:
    <script> message = "G'day World"; </script> <cfclient> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    Thisworked. Which elicits from me a mixture of "heh: cute" and "this is an abomination". 

    PaulNibin wrote:
    Hi Adam,
    When you write code inside <cfclient>, it is translated to java script. It cannot access server side variables(defined outside cfclient).
    <script> message = "G'day World"; </script> <cfclient> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    The above code works because, message is defined in a script block and client side CFML is interoprable with javascript. So client side CFML can use variables, functions defined in javascript blocks.
    So you're saying you did not provide a mechanism for transferring the variables from the server-side part of a file's code to the client side part? Is this not a bit of an oversight?
    And what - in your mind - is the point of having a file with blocks of both normal CFML, and then a <cfclient> block, then more CFML, then another <cfclient> block (for example) if the code cannot interact?

  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient seems to require /CFIDE to be available

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> seems to require /CFIDE to be available") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it.
    This will be a short one... I just want to trot out various observations I make about <cfclient> as I make them. I don't want to waste too much effort on it.
    I also feel a bit dirty round about now... I'm about to use a <cfform> tag.
    As should everyone, I do not expose /CFIDE to the outside world. This is a terrible vector for security vulnerabilities. One that Adobe seems to be dragging its heels about resolving once and for all ("Isolate the /CFIDE/scripts directory from the rest of /CFIDE" (3732913)).
    So when I'm using <cfform> (which is only ever when I am writing example code like this), I need to redirect ColdFusion to look in my isolated directory which just has the script stuff in it:
    <cfajaximport scriptsrc="/lib/js/CF/scripts"> <cfform method="post" action="#CGI.script_name#">     <cfinput type="dateField" name="date">     <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="Go"> </cfform> <cfdump var="#form#">
    Note: do not use <cfform> or any of ColdFusion's other UI wizard tags. Just don't. See here: "ColdFusion UI the Right Way", here: "I'm not going to tell you to stop using ColdFusion UI tags anymore...", and here: "Oi! You [naughty] [people]! Stop using ColdFusion UI controls".
    Anyway, back to the code. The poorly-named <cfajaximport> tag allows one to point ColdFusion at a different, isolated directory. That's quite handy.
    Now I try it with my <cfclient> code:
    <cfajaximport scriptsrc="/lib/js/CF/scripts"> <cfclient> <cfset message = "G'day World"> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    and I get this:
    http://localhost:8511 /shared/scratch/blogExamples/coldfusion
    [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 284ms]
    http://localhost:8511 /lib/js/CF/scripts/ajax/messages/cfmessage.js
    [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 5ms]
    http://localhost:8511 /lib/js/CF/scripts/ajax/package/cfajax.js
    [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 10ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js 3ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js 3ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js 1ms]
    [HTTP/1.1 404 /CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js 0ms]
    Groan. Because <cfclient> doesn't put its script files in the scripts dir, does it? No. Of course it doesn't. Muppets.
    But this could still be solved if one could specify some other way of pointing it to a different location for its resources, but... no. There's not a way of doing this that I can find. Short of [messing] around on the web server and setting up virtual directories pointing to /CFIDE/cfclient. This isn't really a hardship, but still, it just shouldn't be necessary, and I can't help but think this is a bit sloppy on the part of Adobe.
    It also demonstrates that for their internal testing they don't test this sort of thing. Which is odd, as it's the second thing I tested: you know, that it even works on a secured server.
    That's it. I've nothing else to say on this topic. I'll raise a bug for this shortly, once I have the article published so I can refer back to it: 3750729.

    The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
    These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
    This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
    How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
    You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
    You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
    Well done.

  • CF 10 CFML function, tag definitions and help files in DW cs6

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    Is there an issue with updating the extensions within DW CS6?
    Any help would be great.

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    with a database.
    Im trying to get the same application to either commniicate
    with the serial port via Actionscript or Coldfusion.
    Is either possible?

    For ColdFusion running on Windows, to talk to the
    serial port, maybe something like <CFEXECUTE
    NAME="mySerialTalker.bat"> would work. Check out

  • Open port issues with Direct Print functionality

    Hi, I have been fighting with HP call support about the Photosmart 7525 printer.
    Originally I setup and had performed all the functions to enable both web support and WIFI.
    Within an hour the printer would not respond to wireless communication, though it had its wireless indecator showing it was connected.
    I was told by HP support that the issue will be resolved in March, as there will be a firmware update to fix the issue.
    Now that I had the printer install the new firmware I still get the issue.
    Though I found through some sniffing, that there are a number of ports enabled and open that are over and beyond print requirements.
    Funny thing I can send my printer into instant lockup with all lights flashing with a simple UDP ping sniff. I would think I can do this with other new HP printers using Eprint functions. I will find HP web based printers that are open for public printing and test my theory that HP Eprinters are open to hacking and denyal of service attempts.  My Hp print app on andriod list three in my area, and one is at my local Walmart. This would be cool to find this, as I am usually not the first to point such matters out.
    I assume some are for Apple devices to print.
    Here is my sniffing report:
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 07:57 Central Daylight TimeNSE: Loaded 110 scripts for scanning.NSE: Script Pre-scanning.Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 07:57Scanning [1 port]Completed ARP Ping Scan at 07:57, 0.23s elapsed (1 total hosts)Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:57Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 07:58, 16.50s elapsedInitiating SYN Stealth Scan at 07:58Scanning [1000 ports]Discovered open port 445/tcp on open port 139/tcp on open port 80/tcp on open port 443/tcp on open port 8080/tcp on open port 9220/tcp on open port 6839/tcp on open port 631/tcp on open port 7435/tcp on open port 8089/tcp on open port 9100/tcp on SYN Stealth Scan at 07:58, 1.71s elapsed (1000 total ports)Initiating UDP Scan at 07:58Scanning [1000 ports]Discovered open port 5353/udp on UDP Scan at 07:58, 1.82s elapsed (1000 total ports)Initiating Service scan at 07:58Scanning 20 services on open port 161/udp on open|filtered port 161/udp on is actually open
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 07:51 Central Daylight TimeNmap scan report for is up (0.0025s latency).Not shown: 93 closed portsPORT     STATE SERVICE     VERSION80/tcp   open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)139/tcp  open  tcpwrapped443/tcp  open  ssl/http    HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)445/tcp  open  netbios-ssn631/tcp  open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)8080/tcp open  http        HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)9100/tcp open  jetdirect?MAC Address: A03:C1:BD:C8:34 (Unknown)Device type: printer|general purposeRunning: HP embedded, Wind River VxWorksOS CPE: cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_cm1415fnw cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_cp1525nw cpe:/h:hp:laserjet_1536dnf cpe:/o:windriver:vxworksOS details: HP LaserJet CM1415fnw, CP1525nw, or 1536dnf printer, VxWorksNetwork Distance: 1 hopService Info: Device: printer; CPE: cpe:/h:hphotosmart_7520OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 34.11 seconds

    OK now I am able to run a full scan on TCP ports without causing a lock up of the printer.
    I found that having the printer connect to a router that has been setup to use channel 5, 6 or 7 will cause port scanning issues with the printer.
    It is obvious that there are 18 ports that are seen as open, whether they are used or not. Two of which are active but have no service connected to them. Some are just dead like port 25, but over half are active enough to recieve data and lock network connectivity within the printer.
    As the firmware states some other laser jets may be affected depending on how the configuration can be set.
    I moved my routers channel to channel 1 as it is the only other option I have in a highly congested location. It is not as good as channel 6, but the printer seems to have channel 6 locked in for direct printing.
    Here is the latest full scan with UDP enabled, it is the furthest and most complete scan I am able to complete, with UDP ports enabled. The TCP port scan has a bit more and I have placed a simple list below the information given here:
    Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2014-03-21 13:27 Central Daylight Time
    NSE: Loaded 110 scripts for scanning.
    NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
    Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1 port]
    Completed ARP Ping Scan at 13:27, 0.44s elapsed (1 total hosts)
    Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:27
    Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:27, 0.03s elapsed
    Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 443/tcp on
    Discovered open port 80/tcp on
    Discovered open port 139/tcp on
    Discovered open port 8080/tcp on
    Discovered open port 445/tcp on
    Discovered open port 631/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9100/tcp on
    Discovered open port 7435/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9220/tcp on
    Discovered open port 6839/tcp on
    Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 13:27, 5.25s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating UDP Scan at 13:27
    Scanning [1000 ports]
    Discovered open port 137/udp on
    Completed UDP Scan at 13:27, 4.46s elapsed (1000 total ports)
    Initiating Service scan at 13:27
    Scanning 16 services on
    Discovered open port 161/udp on
    Discovered open|filtered port 161/udp on is actually open
    Completed Service scan at 13:29, 82.51s elapsed (17 services on 1 host)
    Initiating OS detection (try #1) against
    NSE: Script scanning
    Initiating NSE at 13:29
    Completed NSE at 13:30, 82.29s elapsed
    Nmap scan report for
    Host is up (0.023s latency).
    Not shown: 1983 closed ports
    PORT     STATE         SERVICE      VERSION
    80/tcp   open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    139/tcp  open          tcpwrapped
    443/tcp  open          ssl/http     HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    | ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=HPPS7525/organizationName=HP/stateOrProvinceName=Washington/countryName=US
    | Issuer: commonName=HPPS7525/organizationName=HP/stateOrProvinceName=Washington/countryName=US
    | Public Key type: rsa
    | Public Key bits: 1024
    | Not valid before: 2014-02-25T10:12:24+00:00
    | Not valid after:  2034-02-20T10:12:24+00:00
    | MD5:   9144 ca3b 557e 09cc aba0 8387 2732 2375
    |_SHA-1: a6b2 95c0 b72a 7201 578c 32de 662a e6fe b082 48ca
    |_ssl-date: 2014-03-21T13:30:09+00:00; -4h59m12s from local time.
    445/tcp  open          netbios-ssn
    631/tcp  open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    6839/tcp open          tcpwrapped
    7435/tcp open          tcpwrapped
    8080/tcp open          http         HP Photosmart 7520 series printer http config (Serial TH3AS711XZ05YZ)
    |_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 76C6E492CB8CC73A2A50D62176F205C9
    | http-methods: GET POST PUT DELETE
    | Potentially risky methods: PUT DELETE
    |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html).
    9100/tcp open          jetdirect?
    9220/tcp open          hp-gsg       HP Generic Scan Gateway 1.0
    137/udp  open          netbios-ns   Samba nmbd (workgroup: HPPS7525)
    138/udp  open|filtered netbios-dgm
    161/udp  open          snmp         SNMPv1 server (public)
    | snmp-hh3c-logins:
    |_  baseoid:
    | snmp-interfaces:
    |   Wifi0
    |     IP address:  Netmask:
    |     MAC address: a0:d3:c1:bd:c8:32 (Unknown)
    |     Type: ethernetCsmacd  Speed: 10 Mbps
    |     Status: up
    |_    Traffic stats: 6.16 Mb sent, 3.43 Mb received
    | snmp-netstat:
    |   TCP
    |   TCP
    |   UDP         *:*
    |   UDP        *:*
    |_  UDP     *:*
    |_  System uptime: 0 days, 3:34:23.28 (1286328 timeticks)
    | snmp-win32-shares:
    |_  baseoid:
    1022/udp open|filtered exp2
    1023/udp open|filtered unknown
    3702/udp open|filtered ws-discovery
    5355/udp open|filtered llmnr
    MAC Address: A03:C1:BD:C8:32 (Unknown)
    Device type: general purpose
    Running: Wind River VxWorks
    OS CPE: cpe:/o:windriver:vxworks
    OS details: VxWorks
    Uptime guess: 0.150 days (since Fri Mar 21 09:55:04 2014)
    Network Distance: 1 hop
    TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=255 (Good luck!)
    IP ID Sequence Generation: Busy server or unknown class
    Service Info: Hosts: HPA0D3C1BDC832, HPPS7525; Device: printer; CPE: cpe:/h:hphotosmart_7520
    Host script results:
    | nbstat:
    |   NetBIOS name: HPA0D3C1BDC832, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown>
    |   Names
    |     HPA0D3C1BDC832<00>   Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |     MSHOME<00>           Flags: <group><active><permanent>
    |     HPA0D3C1BDC832<20>   Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |     HPPS7525<00>         Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    |_    HPPS7525<20>         Flags: <unique><active><permanent>
    | smb-security-mode:
    |   Account that was used for smb scripts: guest
    |   User-level authentication
    |   SMB Security: Challenge/response passwords supported
    |_  Message signing disabled (dangerous, but default)
    1   23.26 ms
    NSE: Script Post-scanning.
    Read data files from: F:\Progs\Nmap
    OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 180.90 seconds
               Raw packets sent: 2030 (74.829KB) | Rcvd: 2921 (149.377KB)
    Full TCP port scan without UDP scanning of all ports, showing up as open... * designates open and active. open port 25/tcp on
    * open port 80/tcp on
    * open port 110/tcp on
    * open port 119/tcp on
    * open port 139/tcp on open port 143/tcp on
    * open port 443/tcp on
    * open port 445/tcp on open port 465/tcp on open port 563/tcp on open port 587/tcp on
    * open port 631/tcp on open port 993/tcp on open port 995/tcp on
    * open port 7435/tcp on
    * open port 6839/tcp on
    * open port 8080/tcp on open port 8089/tcp on
    * open port 9100/tcp on
    * open port 9220/tcp on

  • Re:Which port does the copy file function use?

    Hi ,
    How does the Copy File Function work?
    Which port is used?
    My problem is … When user copies the large request output file, the network is slow. So I want to manage bandwidth such as using Qos .
    Regards .

    Hi hussein ,
    Please find the details
    1)Please post the details of the application release, database version and OS .
    App Release:
    DB Version:
    IBM AIX on POWER Systems (32-bit)
    2)How does the Copy File Function work?
    What copy file function you are referring to? Please post the navigation path.
    1. Submit Request
    2. View Output File
    3. Tools --> Copy File
    3)Which port is used?
    My problem is … When user copies the large request output file, the network is slow. So I want to manage bandwidth such as using Qos .
    How are you planning to manage the bandwidth of specific port?
    If I know which port is used, I can manage it (give it to low priority)
    Regards .

  • Should FTP port be opened for client_to_as function

    I need to transfer a file from the client machine to the Solaris Server where the 10g forms are running. I was planning on using the webutil_file_transfer.client_to_as function. I know we have to set some properties in the webutil.cfg file. Other than that, should the FTP port be open on the server for the file to be transferred from the client machine. Basically, wanted to know if FTP protocols are used to transfer the file so that certain securities can be set on the server.
    Also does anyone know how to delete the file on the solaris server programmatically through Oracle Forms? After the file is transferred from the client to the server and processed, I need to delete the file. I am assuming you can use the HOST command, but not sure of the exact syntax and what permissions are required to delete the file from the client machine.

    I have never used the "Client_To_AS" method, however, according to the documentation all you need to configure is the webutil.cfg and insure the transfer.appsrv.enabled parameter is set to TRUE and if the transfer.appsrv.accessControl parameter is set to TRUE then you also need to ensure the target directory on the App Server is listed in the transfer.appsrv.write list. There is no mention that FTP must be enabled on the App Server.
    The documentation also states that you should call the WebUtil_File_Transfer.IsASWritable function with the target file name to ensure you are able to write to the file location on the server.
    As to how to delete a file, you can use the "rm <filename>" command in Solaris to remove the file. Also, here is the link to the documentation I used to reply to your post.
    Hope this helps.

  • Private VLAN Promiscuous Trunk Port - Switches which support this function

    Can anyone confirm if the "Private VLAN Promiscuous Trunk Port" feature is supported in any lower end switches such as Nexus 5548/5672 or 4500X? According to the feature navigator support seems to be restricted to the Catalyst 4500 range (excluding the 4500X) as shown below. If the feature is going to be supported in the Cat 3850 this would be good to know, thanks

    4500x Yes
    Nexus 5k Yes
    They dont support pvs at all yet
    Restrictions for VLANs
    The following are restrictions for VLANs:
    The switch supports per-VLAN spanning-tree plus (PVST+) or rapid PVST+ with a maximum of 128 spanning-tree instances. One spanning-tree instance is allowed per VLAN.
    The switch supports IEEE 802.1Q trunking methods for sending VLAN traffic over Ethernet ports.
    Configuring an interface VLAN router's MAC address is not supported. The interface VLAN already has an MAC address assigned by default.
    Private VLANs are not supported on the switch.
    You cannot have a switch stack containing a mix of Catalyst 3850 and Catalyst 3650 switches.

  • Coldfusion automatically restarted - tracking the cause

    Coldfusion is automatically restarting, a lot. It comes in waves, everything seems fine for a while then the server struggles for a few minutes, restarts a lot then settles down again.
    I have Fusion Reactor installed, but when CF goes down FR stops logging so it's not really helping. Looking through the archived logs just shows gaps in the logs.
    These are all the occourances of the phrase "Coldfusion started" today.
        [root@server2 logs]# grep -i "Coldfusion started" server.log | grep "11/27/12"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:49:35",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:50:46",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:52:39",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:54:08",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:55:12",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:56:29",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:57:36",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:58:57",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","01:59:56",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:01:38",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:03:11",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:04:41",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:07:53",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:10:45",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:11:49",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:13:09",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:14:18",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:15:44",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:17:06",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","02:34:19",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","03:01:20",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","05:25:59",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","06:30:48",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","06:36:20",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:34:07",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:35:39",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:36:41",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:39:15",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:40:42",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:42:55",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:44:23",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:46:18",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:47:35",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:48:53",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:50:04",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:51:51",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:53:05",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:54:24",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:55:28",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:56:38",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:58:03",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","09:59:03",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","10:04:37",,"ColdFusion started"
        "Information","main","11/27/12","12:04:02",,"ColdFusion started"
    I've been looking at the live server metrics in FR on a second screen all day, the CPU, Memory and requests all seemed fine about 12 midday, then the server rebooted.
    Looking at the logs for the hour between 9am and 10am (more than 15 restarts in the hour), the CPU never went over 44% usage and the Memory never exceeded 53% usage - in the recorded stats at least.
    There is no JDBC tracking at the moment, so I'll add that to tracking and see if it's MySQL causing a problem, but can anyone help me narrow down the problem, what would cause Cold Fusion to auto restart, and I'm assuming the auto restart is only happening because Fusion Reactor is installed.
    It's a Red Hat 5 LAMP stack running Coldfusion 9 and Fusion Reactor 4.5.2

    I don't have a cfusion-out.log file in {CF_INSTALLATION_DIR}/runtime/logs, but I do have coldfusion-event.log (and archived version).
    How much of the logs should I paste up, they're obviously all huge?
    There is nothing in the application.log after 3:26 this morning, the server rebooted at 06:28 and at 09:15 so I can't see application.log having anything useful
    Here's 50 lines of the cfserver.log, with the 09:15 restart in the middle:
    11/28 09:09:17 Information [jrpp-16] - HTTP request completed  {Status Code=200 ,Time taken=54 ms}
    11/28 09:09:17 Information [jrpp-3] - Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}
    11/28 09:09:17 Information [jrpp-3] - HTTP request completed  {Status Code=200 ,Time taken=27 ms}
    11/28 09:09:50 Information [jrpp-11] - Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}
    11/28 09:09:50 Information [jrpp-11] - HTTP request completed  {Status Code=200 ,Time taken=47 ms}
    11/28 09:13:42 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620790
    11/28 09:13:42 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620791
    11/28 09:13:43 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620792
    11/28 09:13:43 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620794
    11/28 09:13:44 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620795
    11/28 09:13:45 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620796
    11/28 09:13:46 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620797
    11/28 09:13:46 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620799
    11/28 09:13:47 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620801
    11/28 09:13:48 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620802
    11/28 09:13:48 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620803
    11/28 09:14:55 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620804
    11/28 09:14:56 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620850
    11/28 09:14:57 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620851
    11/28 09:14:58 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620853
    11/28 09:14:58 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620854
    11/28 09:14:59 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620855
    11/28 09:14:59 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620856
    11/28 09:15:00 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620858
    11/28 09:15:01 error Cannot create cookie: , CFID = 10620861
    11/28 09:15:29 Information [jrpp-0] - Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}
    11/28 09:15:29 Information [jrpp-0] - HTTP request completed  {Status Code=200 ,Time taken=69 ms}
    autorestart: Restarting process
    Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108858), coldfusion server
    11/28 09:16:40 warning Unable to open /opt/coldfusion9/runtime/lib/
    11/28 09:16:40 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2932
    11/28 09:16:42 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
    11/28 09:16:42 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
    11/28 09:16:42 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from: file:/opt/coldfusion9/
    11/28 09:16:42 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/opt/coldfusion9/
    11/28 09:16:43 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition enabled
    11/28 09:16:43 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
    11/28 09:16:43 user FusionReactor Framework Host Manager - Initializing
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Initializing framework.
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Loading Framework Configuration from /opt/fusionreactor/instance/coldfusion.cfmx9.server2/osgi/fr-osgi.conf
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO Logging at level INFO
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: FusionReactor - Copyright (C) Intergral GmbH. All Rights Reserved
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Revision:  fusionreactor-core 4.5.2
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    11/28 09:16:43 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Installing AutoStart bundles.
    11/28 09:16:43 error There is no web application configured to service your request
    11/28 09:16:43 user NoWebappServlet: init
    11/28 09:16:44 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Installing Plugin bundles.
    11/28 09:16:44 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Bootstrap: Ascending to runlevel 2
    11/28 09:16:44 user INFO FusionReactor FW: Bootstrap: Runlevel 2 achieved.
    11/28 09:16:44 error There is no web application configured to service your request

  • CF10 CFML tag, functions and attributes autofill in Dreamweaver CS5.5

    We have Coldfusion 10 and Dreamweaver CS5.5 in my company. We want to be able to see all the CF10 CFML functions, tags and attributes in the autofill when writing code. I have found an Adobe link to a download for them but it doesn't say what version of Dreamweaver is required for it to work. Can someone please tell me? Will it work with CS5.5?
    (This window won't let me paste in the link I have but it's in the Coldfusion Support Center Downloads | Coldfusion 10 Devleoper Tools | Adobe Coldfusion 10 Extensions for Dreamweaver. Also note that we do have CS5.5 in my company but I don't have an install available for me to test so I'm hoping it will be easier to get an answer to this question here rather than obtain one....thanks)

    This is what you are looking for : 9-7fff.html
    Download MXP from here :
    Insatll and then launch Dreamweaver CS 5.5

  • Not enough USB ports!

    I have 3 USB ports on my G5 and 4 things that need to be powered directly off them (the keyboard; a DigiDesign M-Box; a Mackie Baby HUI; and a 4-port hub). How can I get this to work all at once? I’d rather not have to un-plug the 4-port hub every time I want to use the Mackie mixing board.

    I have been a strong advocate for more rear panel ports (fat lot of good it's done!) for years. USB expansion on Macs is terrible. I have a box full of PCI USB cards from Sonnet, Adaptec, Belkin, IO Gear, NEC, you name it. Red ones, yellow ones purple ones, big ones, small ones, 2 port cards, four port cards, five port cards....not one "works without issues". Some will allow the computer to sleep as long as nothing is connected to them. With others, the computer will not even boot. I could buy another Mac with what I've spent on these 'effing things. And don't give me that bull about the display and keyboard ports either. The display ports can be just as problematic as the expansion cards and the keyboard ports while convenient for things like a mouse or PowerMate, are low power and cannot support things like media card readers. The front port is very handy for temporary connections but who wants a cable sticking out of the front of their computer all the time?
    All of this could be avoided by simply providing 4-6 rear panel ports like the other computers have. For what Apple charges for their machines, it would not, I am sure" break the bank".

  • Faulty firewire port on DV7-3080ca​: can't capture video

    I have a Pavilion DV7-3080ca laptop, and I cannot properly capture video from my (Canon HV20) video camera, which I connect to the laptop's firewire (1394) port. Regular video can be captured but not without many dropped frames, and HD Video cannot be captured at all. When I connect the camera to the firewire port, the camera says "HDMI Out" on the camera screen, instead of "DV Out" as it should say, so there seems to also be a recognition problem.
    Searching on the Internet, I've learned that the problem is likely the Ricoh chipset that this firewire port uses, which is apparently more problematic than the preferred Texas Instruments (TI) chipset that some other laptops use for their firewire port.
    Does anyone know if there's a fix for this?  Is it something that HP could fix with a future BIOS update?  I was hoping that it may have been corrected in the last BIOS, but I just flashed my DV7 BIOS with the latest version from the HP web site (F.13), and it didn't help. I've also updated the graphics driver and the Intel chipset drivers; that didn't fix the problem either.
    My other alternative, if there is no fix, is to purchase an Expresscard with firewire ports that uses the TI chipset. Does anyone know if that would solve my problem? I don't want to spend the extra $50 if it won't.
    Some people speculate that the problem with the DV7 firewire ports is also partly because it shares IRQ16 with several other functions, in which case the Expresscard solution won't work, because I think it's on IRQ16 too.
    Any tips would be most appreciated.  I've tried contacting HP via Help chat and email, but neither response even acknowledged that the firewire port's Ricoh chipset is faulty, even though that seems to be common knowledge on the web.

    Has anyone tried to capture video with a firewire Expresscard rather than with the faulty Ricoh-chipset-based firewire port that's built in (but faulty) on the DV7 laptop? 
    It's my last hope, but I'm not optimistic. Some say it won't help because it shares IRQ16 with lots of other functions.  Don't really want to spend another $50 to work around a firewire port that should work properly in the first place, but I really need to be able to capture DV footage with this laptop.
    Have tried to contact someone at HP who's familiar with this problem, but no luck.

  • Coldfusion - Source Code Deployment

    Hi All,
    I've been into development of an application, that makes use
    of Coldfusion and uses Oracle as the backend. My predominant
    expertise is in Oracle, although i have worked on Coldfusion, since
    joining this project. I had a few queries regarding the
    implementation of CFM files.
    The platform details are:- Coldfusion MX 6.1, Oracle 8i, IIS
    The process, that i have followed is that :
    1) Verify if the default client store, and the database
    source name are all valid.
    2) Deploy the modified files in the root directory of the Web
    Server (In this case, IIS)
    3) If there are no other changes to other configurations,
    then restart the Coldfusion Application Server.
    4) An IIS reset, would be needed in the Web server.
    5) Logon to the configured, URL and verify the changes you
    deployed/ expected are reflected.
    This was the process i followed in my development. However on
    the TEST environment, the logic is quite fuzzy. I have noticed the
    source code content is duplicated in the Coldfusion's root
    directory (WWW) as well as in the Web server's root directory.
    However, changes made to the Web server are not reflected, when i
    have reset the IIS and have re - started, the Coldfusion Server.
    Am i missing something? Is there some means by which
    Coldfusion, reads the content in its own Web Server, before
    checking external, web servers. (I understand, that it may all be
    due to configuration issues. My question is, i want to know, if
    there is any log Coldfusion maintains to check, where its reading
    the source code from? i.e. If its reading from a Web Server like
    IIS or from its own in built Web server.)
    It would be helpful, if you all could throw some light on the

    There is a little know gotcha in CFML code deployment that
    most of us
    ignore by just making sure all CFML source files are in one
    But there are TWO roots that ColdFusion will check for CFML
    files. The
    first one is in the JRUN server. This path can vary somewhat
    on exactly which flavor of CF is installed. On my Multi-home,
    Enterprise, Development machine it is here:
    Then if the
    CFML file is not there, ColdFusion will check the web server
    root directory.
    I can't imagine how something would be mixing these
    directories up. But
    if a CFML file ends up in both, there could definitely be
    Also be aware of the CF configuration options that tell
    ColdFusion to
    NOT check for updates to CFML files. This is done for
    reasons but could have the same effect as you are describing.

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  • Configure DHCP to add non domain computers to DNS

    Hi We would like to add non domain computers automaticallly to DNS through our DHCP server. The reason is that we actally use Linux and our Linux admins would like the machines automatically to DNS when receiving a IP. I assumed that it was just a ma

  • Problem with quantity field in BDC

    hi experts,                i am trying to upload  data from internal table to SAP using BDC, but while uploading quantity fields it is giving error as "Input fields is longer than screen field", Is there any method to upload quantity fields to SAP.