Colorsync can't repair bad printer profiles

I'm getting really bad color qulaity out of my HP B8850 photo printer, but only when I print to photo paper (on plain paper prints the quality is fine).  Seems like a color profile issue so I finally came acrossn Colorsync and got "bad profiles" for all of my B8800 icc files.  I've tried repairing them numerous times but colorsync can't repair them (I tried unlocking them, too and that didn't work). Any suggestions on how to fix them?  Here's an example of one of the error messages...
/Library/Printers/hp/Profiles/photosmart/HP PSPro B8800-Advanced Photo Glossy.icc
   Tag 'desc': Tag size is not correct.
   Tag 'dmdd': Tag size is not correct.
   Tag 'desc': Description tag has a bad Macintosh string.
   Tag 'dmdd': Description tag has a bad Macintosh string.
thanks for any suggestions/help!

I deleted all of the burried HP software and drivers and did a clean reinstall of it.  Still getting the same bad profiles and bad image prints on photo paper.  I switched to a different HP driver for a different series of printer and those are coming up bad as well. 
/Library/Printers/hp/Profiles/photosmart/HP PSPro B8800-Advanced Photo Glossy.icc
   Tag 'desc': Tag size is not correct.
   Tag 'dmdd': Tag size is not correct.
   Tag 'desc': Description tag has a bad Macintosh string.
   Tag 'dmdd': Description tag has a bad Macintosh string.
Also have a bad Nikon Profile...
/Library/Application Support/Nikon/Profiles/NKLch2.icm
   Header connection space is not correct.
   Header data space is not correct.
   Header profile class is not correct.
   Tag 'A2B0': Number of input channels is not correct.
   Tag 'A2B0': Number of output channels is not correct.
   Tag 'B2A0': Number of input channels is not correct.
   Tag 'B2A0': Number of output channels is not correct.
This is driving me crazy.  I'm getting bad prints and there seems to be no answer.  Could it be just a colorsync/vendor matching issue that I've missed.  Anything I should think about in terms of settings that I'm missing? 

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    Checking 911 profiles...
    /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/150-Line (Pantone)
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    Tag 'gamt': Number of output channels is not correct. Could not be fixed.
    Tag 'A2B0': Required tag is not present. Could not be fixed.
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    Ah! I've been assuming that these files already had extensions. OS 9 and earlier didn't give a darn about file extensions. The file type and what application it belonged to are stored in the resource fork. For example, anything that belongs to Photoshop has a creator code of 8BIM. The type code for an .eps is EPSF (all Type and Creator codes must be four characters long).
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    Click on a file you know is supposed to be a JPEG. Do a Get Info on the file. Click on the arrow next to "Name & Extension:" if it's not already open. It's possible the file does already have an extension, but the check box to hide the extension is on. If it's off and the name still has no extension, then that's the problem. Add the .jpg extension to the name and it should then be recognized as such.
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    Also try the Photodisc PDI target image download here
    And remember:
    The file (the document Source Space) is independent of Photoshop.
    The Color Management System CMS, Photoshop, ONLY uses the monitor profile for one thing: To PROOF source file on the monitor (the monitor profile has zero to do with how the file prints).
    The Color Management System CMS, Photoshop, ONLY uses the printer (target) profile Print Space for one thing: To PROOF source file on the paper (the printer profile Print Space has zero to do with how the file looks on the monitor).
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    The printer can PROOF (print) the source file faithfully regardless of how right or wrong the monitor is set up, and
    The monitor can PROOF (display) the source file faithfully regardless of how right or wrong the printer is set up.
    Why/how are you using ColorSync in an Adobe-Epson print workflow?
    This has already been discussed here, might try adding dark to your search...

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    The "Include Display Profiles" checkbox is at the bottom of the list that comes up if you click "Other..." in the Lightroom Print Job panel. If this is the point where Lightroom freezes you won't get to it of course. So then the question is what prevents Lightroom from loading that list?  Maybe someone else has suggestions, so hang on for a while.
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    I would have custom profiles made for all your paper/ink combinations. I use Chromix, but there are several good outfits online that can build good custom printer profiles for you.
    Using profiles for other printers/inks/papers will probably not give you accurate results.

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    Well, that's not much info.
    Have you rebooted both the Mac and the printer after the installation?  Which printer make and model?  What exact version of the OS?
    Are you sure they are in fact printer profiles?  The printer driver expects true printer profiles specific to your combination of ink, paper and ink.  Otherwise they won't show up in your list.
    Where exactly did you obtain the profiles from.  Do they have the proper extension?
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    Your best bet (cheapest) is to look on HP's site and see if they have profiles for that model printer. You may also find them on the disks the printer came with.
    Be aware that printer profiles are very specific. The exact same model of printer must be used when creating one, and the exact same paper. When you're done, that profile is only good for the paper used as glossy paper will give you completely different results than plain paper. It's also brand specific. If you used HP glossy paper, you can't substitute Epson glossy paper, or even a different type of HP glossy paper. Color will come out different.
    So if HP does have any profiles you can get for your printer, they should also be noted as to what paper they are for.
    Next least expensive is to have an outside service create your profiles for you. They would send you target images to print, which need to be printed in a very specific manner. You then send the printed sheets to them and they create a profile from them to be emailed to you upon payment.
    Here's one place which can do that. You can find a few more by looking through these links.
    After that, you need to shell out some bucks. Least expensive is an X-Rite ColorMunki at about $320 at various online stores. I've tried them, and while they work, they don't produce very good printer profiles. What I use is Monaco (X-Rite) Profiler with a DTP-70 auto reading spectrophotometer. However, this type of setup will set you back about $4,500.


    Profile problem
    A question Adobe do not seem to be able to answer. Or rather they do not understand my problem.
    I am having a problem getting Colour profiles for my printing papers recognised by Photoshop CC in My Mac OSX10.10.1 Yosemite
    To put the profiles onto the Mac I did as follows >Computer>Mac HD >Library>Colour Sync >profiles >Recommended  -then dragged the profile into this file.
    The profiles appear in the print dialogue in Photoshop CS5 which I also have on my Mac
    The profiles appear in Lightroom 5
    In Photoshop CC  the profile is NOT shown in the print dialogue and the profile list is very much shorter than in  CS5.
    Please can you tell me how to get Photoshop CC to recognise my print profiles?
    I was thinking I would need to delete and re install but I have just downloaded the latest edition of Photoshop CC and the same problem applies.
    It is rather frustrating to have to go from CC to CS5 in order to make a print!
    Many Thanks
    Tom Derbyshire
    [email protected]

    I don't know if this applies to your problem, but past problems in this form seem to recommend updating the printer driver when using Yosemite.

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    It is not missing, it is now hidden.  In Finder option-click Go in the menubar and it will appear under Home.

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    I can not save print profiles on color managemet tab with the print templates.
    And for my previously saved templates, I saved related profiles with the templates, but now when I click on the templates, they show empty space in place of related profiles on the color management tab.
    How can I solve this problem?

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    Hi, bLowry,
    I would be tempted to erase all the partitions and then run the hardware diagnostics tool on the install disk by booting from that disk. If it detects no problems, you could then begin the install process by booting from the install disk but jump into the disk repair utility at the first menued screen. If you find even a hint of problem that cannot be repaired, I would send you Mac in for a replacement. If not, I would try a clean install, and start over with BootCamp.
    I am using Parallel's Workstation to run Win XP within OSX. It's very cheap and it works extremely well. The only issue is getting some peripherals to work, and it does not support 3d video, so it's not good for gaming. It requires no extra partition, can be deleted by dropping one file in the garbage. It comes with a "compressor", so my whole install is just one file that is slightly over 4GB. It even has a shared clipboard function. I love it (well, I would like to try some PC games, admittedly . . .). When Leopard comes out, I will try BootCamp and compare.
    Best wishes on your repair (if you have to use your warranty coverage, i can attest that Apple is great and fast. I got a new logic board installed and returned in 5 days, and a battery in 2 days via DHL Express.

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    I have been through a lot of tries to solve this. But after extracting the files from the the file Pro3880.profiles, I discovered that file was in my system colorsync/profiles folder and upon repairing file permissions it was then available in Lightroom. So if you install a new 3880, look for a file of this name and if it's in your system colorsync/profiles folder and Lightroom doesn't see it, just reapir file permissions.

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    Both Epson and HP have been playing a game of Hide-and-Seek for the last year or two. Instead of putting the profiles they install into one of the common Profiles folders, they are in the /Library/Printers/ folder. For Epson, drill down to /Library/Printers/Epson/InkjetPrinter2/ICCProfiles. At least, this is where the installer for the Stylus Pro 4900 puts them.
    It was much harder to find those installed for the Stylus Pro 4000. They are still in this general area, but were hidden inside one of the .plugin packages a bit deeper into the folder structure.
    Either way, the Epson print drivers know where these profiles are and show up in the print dialogue boxes. Trouble is, other apps, such as Adobe, Quark, can't see them, so you can't choose any of the profiles from those program's print option boxes.
    The only solution is to locate the profiles in the /Library/Printers/ folder and move all profiles to either the /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ folder, or the Profiles folder in your user account. You want to move instead of copy so each profile isn't showing up twice in the Epson print dialogue box.

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