Column values separated by ,

Suppose say I have table TAB1 with the following data :
1 A
1 B
1 C
2 M
2 N
2 O
2 P
2 Q
3 S
3 T
How would I retrieve the data in the following format ?
1 A,B,C
2 M,N,O,P,Q
3 S,T

Hi Laurent Schneider.
That a good solution.
I researched that.
SQL> select version from v$instance;
SQL> create table IDTable(ID,Val) as
  2  select 10,'abc' from dual union all
  3  select 10,'abc' from dual union all
  4  select 10,'def' from dual union all
  5  select 10,'def' from dual union all
  6  select 20,'ghi' from dual union all
  7  select 20,'jkl' from dual union all
  8  select 20,'mno' from dual union all
  9  select 20,'mno' from dual;
SQL> col enames for a40
SQL> select ID,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) as enames
  2    from IDTable
  3  group by ID
  4  order by ID;
10  abc,abc,def,def
20  ghi,jkl,mno,mno
SQL> select ID,wmsys.wm_concat(distinct Val) as enames
  2    from IDTable
  3  group by ID
  4  order by ID;
10  abc,def
20  ghi,jkl,mno
SQL> select ID,wmsys.wm_concat(Val order by Val) as enames
  2    from IDTable
  3  group by ID
  4  order by ID;
select ID,wmsys.wm_concat(Val order by Val) as enames
SQL> select ID,Val,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) over(partition by ID) as enames
  2    from IDTable
  3  order by ID;
10  abc  abc,abc,def,def
10  abc  abc,abc,def,def
10  def  abc,abc,def,def
10  def  abc,abc,def,def
20  ghi  ghi,jkl,mno,mno
20  jkl  ghi,jkl,mno,mno
20  mno  ghi,jkl,mno,mno
20  mno  ghi,jkl,mno,mno
SQL> select ID,Val,wmsys.wm_concat(Val) over(order by ID,Val) as enames
  2    from IDTable
  3  order by ID;
10  abc  abc,abc
10  abc  abc,abc
10  def  abc,abc,def,def
10  def  abc,abc,def,def
20  ghi  abc,abc,def,def,ghi
20  jkl  abc,abc,def,def,ghi,jkl
20  mno  abc,abc,def,def,ghi,jkl,mno,mno
20  mno  abc,abc,def,def,ghi,jkl,mno,mno

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         ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
         JOB VARCHAR2(9),
         SAL NUMBER(7)
    In Output I want 3 columns : EMP,SUM(SAL),JOB(hyphenSeparated)
    Means i want my output like
    First row : SMITH,2400,CLERK-SALESMAN
    Second row : ALLEN,2400,SALESMAN
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    But i want other colummn value in '-' separated. but group by is only allowing agreegated function.
    How can i select other column value using group by function.

    SQL>  select ename,sum(sal), listagg(job, '-') within group (order by job) as job  from emp group by ename;
    ENAME        SUM(SAL) JOB
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    SMITH            2400 CLERK-SALESMANnote: LISTAGG is a feature of 11.2

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    Not very clear about the data.. still something like..
    SQL> select * from test;
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      2         substr(regexp_substr(c1,'-*[^\-]+',1,2),2)  c2
      3  from test;
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    400001                         80000
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  • Output as a single row with values separated by comas

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    I want the output as a single row with values separated by comas:
    How do I do it in SQL?

    Or... build your own aggregation function :
    SQL> create or replace type AggregateStr as object
      2  (
      3    tag    VARCHAR2(1),
      4    str    VARCHAR2(4000), -- concatenation string
      5    static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT AggregateStr) return number,
      6    member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT AggregateStr, value IN VARCHAR2) return number,
      7    member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN AggregateStr, returnValue OUT VARCHAR2, flags IN number) return number,
      8    member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT AggregateStr, ctx2 IN AggregateStr) return number
      9  );
    10  /
    Type created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    SQL> create or replace type body AggregateStr is
      2       static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx IN OUT AggregateStr) return number is
      3       begin
      4         sctx := AggregateStr(',','');
      5         return ODCIConst.Success;
      6       end;
      8       member function ODCIAggregateIterate(self IN OUT AggregateStr, value IN VARCHAR2) return number is
      9       begin
    10         self.str:=self.str||value||self.tag;
    11         return ODCIConst.Success;
    12       end;
    14       member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(self IN AggregateStr, returnValue OUT VARCHAR2, flags IN number) return number is
    15       begin
    16         returnValue := rtrim(self.str,',');
    17         return ODCIConst.Success;
    18       end;
    20       member function ODCIAggregateMerge(self IN OUT AggregateStr, ctx2 IN AggregateStr) return number is
    21       begin
    22         self.str := ctx2.str;
    23         return ODCIConst.Success;
    24       end;
    25  end;
    26  /
    Type body created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
      3  /
    Function created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    SQL> select max(concate_string) keep (dense_rank last order by length(concate_string)) as concate_string
      2  from   (select ConcateStr(ename) over (order by ename) concate_string
      3          from   emp);
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00Or if you doesn't matter of the order :
    SQL> select ConcateStr(ename)
      2  from   emp;
    adding the second query.
    Message was edited by:
    N. Gasparotto

  • How to select each character of column value

    Hi All,
    How can i get each character separately of a column value in a select statement.
    LIKE i emp table if ename='Test' then i want
    a select statement that can give me the result like this
    Anil R

    or this?
    SQL> create table mytable
      2  as
      3  select 'test' text from dual union all
      4  select 'a text, containing two comma''s (,)' from dual union all
      5  select 'a text ending with a comma,' from dual
      6  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select text
      2       , substr(regexp_replace(text,'(*?)',',\1'),2,length(text)*2-1) with_commas
      3    from mytable
      4  /
    TEXT                               WITH_COMMAS
    test                               t,e,s,t
    a text, containing two comma's (,) a, ,t,e,x,t,,, ,c,o,n,t,a,i,n,i,n,g, ,t,w,o, ,c,o,m,m,a,',s, ,(,,,)
    a text ending with a comma,        a, ,t,e,x,t, ,e,n,d,i,n,g, ,w,i,t,h, ,a, ,c,o,m,m,a,,
    3 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Regards,
    Message was edited by:
    Rob van Wijk
    Slight modification to cater for strings beginning and ending with commas.

  • Add datagrid column values

    hello every one.
    this is IBRAN, i am using datagrid in my flex application now i want to add only one column data and i want to display it in textinput,
    please help me i am trying this from last 7 days please please help me,
    this is my datagrid that how i defined-
    <mx:DataGrid id="neworderdetails" width="839" height="400" editable="true" visible="false" itemClick="editablefunc(event)" variableRowHeight="true"
                                                       draggableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false" >
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Product Barcode" dataField="ABarcode"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Product Description" dataField="BDescription"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Ordering Quantity" dataField="COrderingQty"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Max Quantity" dataField="DMaxQty"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Current Quantity" dataField="ECurrentQty"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Cost" dataField="FCost"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="MRP" dataField="GMrp"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Total Discount" dataField="HDiscount"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="VAT" dataField="IVat"/>
                                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Amount"  dataField="GAmount" labelFunction="{Amount}"/>
    and one more thing, I am using labelFunction Amount i am calculating amount by multiplying two columns of datagrid this is working fine
    now i want to add the only Amount column values one by one and i want to display result as total amount in one textInput.
    please please help me for this problem.
    thank you.

    to get the multiple selected row use the property datagrid.selectedindices this will return a string with all the selected index with (,) separated .
    then get the data of selcted index and put it in to database.
    gajanan hiroji | [email protected] |

  • Get column values from list of values programmatically

    hi all
    how i get column values from list of values programmatically in the
    returnPopupDataListener method

    If this answers your question , please close this thread by marking it as answered.

  • SSRS - Expression to color column value dynamically in Matrix

    Hi ,
    I have a matrix which looks like :
    The <<Expr>> value can be 1 /0 /"-" .
    The Expr value is being calculated dynamically.
    The data set query I am using has a column called due_days.
    In the color expression of the <<Exp>> box I am using the expression as :
    =IIf(Fields!Due_Days.Value>14  and Fields!Notes_Count.Value>0,"Blue",(Iif(Sum(Fields!Notes_Count.Value)=0 ,"Red","Black")))
    My requirement is if the Due_Days column value is >14 then I need to highlight the value as blue else black and if value is 0 then red. When I use the above query it is just highlighting the color blue for 1st column only. Eg: 4th row . Due days for month
    of Oct and Nov is > 14 but it shows blue only for month of oct.
    How can i resolve the issue?

    In select query i have 5 columns:
    Due days(Which is difference between 2 dates) ,
    Notes count (Which is just a count of notes  entered or not having value 0/1  and value '-' if another column CRD is greater than the matrix month and year.)Eg: below date 11/12/2014 is greater than Oct 2014 hence Oct 2014 should have "-"
    Month Name , Year , Month Nbr (last 6 months which I cross joined with the table to get counts for each month)
    The matrix has year and last 6 month  as column groups
    Color coding should be if notes count is 0 then red  ,if notes count is 1 and due_days> 14 then blue else black . When i try to use expression for color as i mentioned above, it colors only 1st  2nd row
    Nov 2014 is blue but for jan 2014 also it should show blue as due days>14 .
    Is there any way i can do that ??
    Eg: data set returns value as :
    Due Days        CRD                              Month         
    Month_Nbr    Year   Notes _Count
    5             2014-11-28 00:00:00.000    December          12         2014       
    5               2014-11-28 00:00:00.000    February           2         2015        
    5             2014-11-28 00:00:00.000    January              1           2015      
    5            2014-11-28 00:00:00.000    November          11          2014       1
    5            2014-11-28 00:00:00.000    October              10          2014        0
    5            2014-11-28 00:00:00.000    September          9           2014         0
    Matrix is of the form :
    CRD        Notes_count

  • How To Concatenate Column Values from Multiple Rows into a Single Column?

    How do I create a SQL query that will concatenate column values from multiple rows into a single column?
    Last First Code
    Lesand Danny 1
    Lesand Danny 2
    Lesand Danny 3
    Benedi Eric 7
    Benedi Eric 14
    Result should look like:
    Last First Codes
    Lesand Danny 1,2,3
    Benedi Eric 7,14
    David Johnson

    Starting with Oracle 9i
    select last, first, substr(max(sys_connect_by_path(code,',')),2) codes
    (select last, first, code, row_number() over(partition by last, first order by code) rn
    from a)
    connect by last = prior last and first = prior first and prior rn = rn -1
    start with rn = 1
    group by last, first
    LAST       FIRST      CODES                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    Lesand         Danny          1,2,3
    Benedi         Eric           7,14Regards

  • How to tell if column value has changed for use in workflow actions

    I am using Sharepoint 2010 and for one of my Lists, I am using a general list workflow.  What I need to be able to do is determine if a column value has change (say an "Assigned To" field) because I only want to take some action if that particular
    value has changed.  I want to be able to have a workflow action that would be something like:
    If Current Item: Assigned To not equals [OLD VALUE]
    I have found some web searches that talk about creating a duplicate list or duplicate (but hidden) column but that doesn't seem to be the way to go.  I have document versioning set but don't if that can be used to help with this.  One possible
    thought (although I haven't tried it to see if it works) is to create local variables and have the values in the variables be the "old value".  Just not sure if there is a best practices for doing this.
    Thanks for any thoughts - Peter

    Not sure I fully understand your goal.  We don't use "tasks" at all but if you are looking to have your workflow check certain valus and be able to send email messages to people based on whatever, then you can certainly do that (as long as your Sharepoint
    has the email setup.  We do this for alot of workflow tasks.
    So, in the workflow you can have a blanket statement like what I previously listed:
    if Current Item:hiddenStatus  not equals Current Item:Status
        .... do something
    or you can do something like:
    if Current Item:hiddenStatus equals "In-Progress"
        .... do something
    Else if Current Item:hiddenStatus  equals "Completed"
        .... do something
    or combine the two and do nested "if" statements.  Then you add an email statement wherever you need it like:
    if Current Item:hiddenStatus  equals "Completed"
       then email "these users"
    To add the email part, just type in "email" on the line where you want to add a statment.  There is only one option to choose from.  That will display the line "then email these users".   The "these users" will be a link.  When you
    click it you will get a popup to add the email info.  We typically will send the email to a user (or users) that are already listed in one of the PeoplePicker fields.  On the email form, you can type in your own text, designate that a value is based
    on a column value (like our PeoplePicker), designate that a value is based on a workflow variable, add a link to the current item, etc.  To get to these options you will click the button to the right of the fields or use the "Add or Change Lookup" button
    in the bottom-left for the text area.  There is alot you can set in the mail.
    Does this help answer your question?
    - Peter

  • How to insert column values into database as rows

    I have 8 columns and some not null columns. Based on not null columns I want to insert into table as rows. The 8 columns may contain values or no value. If the first column contains data, then I have to insert into one row. if the second column contains data I have to insert a row and in second column. respectively...So How can I insert column values into rows. Can I write 8 insert statements. (OR) is it possible to insert data from columns using where clause.
    Please help me out....
    Thanks in Advance

    Lines Table:
    line_id, orcl_bank_account_num, product_type, service_type, lease_type,
    funding_type, cpi, billing_frequency_unit_cd , annual_due_date ,
    pricing_start_date, pricing_end_date, install_date, contract_end_date ,
    prdct_replacement_cost_amt, cradle_replacement_amt, supranet_contract,
    issuance_fee, board_inactive_date, header_id, creation_date, last_modified_date,
    created_by_nam, modified_by_nam, activeinactive_flg, prdct_bill_amt_yr1,
    prdct_bill_amt_yr2, prdct_bill_amt_yr3, prdct_bill_amt_yr4, prdct_bill_amt_yr5,
    prdct_bill_amt_yr6, prdct_bill_amt_yr7, prdct_bill_amt_yr8, activation_fee_yr1,
    activation_fee_yr2, activation_fee_yr3, activation_fee_yr4, activation_fee_yr5,
    activation_fee_yr6, activation_fee_yr7, activation_fee_yr8,
    In this table the columns structure is :
    -- PRDCT_BILL_AMT_YR (1 to 8) NUMBER(14,4)
    -- ACTIVATION_FEE_YR (1 to 8) NUMBER(8,2)
    I have one more table:
    PRDCT_INS_AMT               NUMBER(14,4)
    ACTIVATION_FEE_AMT          NUMBER(14,4)
    I want to insert prdct_bill_amt_yr (1 to 8) columns data into PRDCT_INS_AMT column. similarly activation_fee (1 to 8) columns data.
    But the data should be inserted based product_type, service_type, lease_type columns values. (These 3 columns may contain upto 45 combinations).

  • How to avoid to check if a column value is NULL?

    Hi, I'm a newbee in Oracle.
    I have a procedure like this:
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE get_employee
         v_first_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
         v_middle_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
         v_last_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ,
    To select rows with matching multiple column values, I can simply do this:
    SELECT *
    FROM employee
    WHERE first_name = v_first_name
    AND middle_name = v_middle_name
    AND last_name = v_last_name
    The problem is v_middle_name can be NULL. This means,
    I need check if v_middle_name is NULL, and if it is, I need use "IS NULL" instead, like this:
    SELECT *
    FROM employee
    WHERE first_name = v_first_name
    AND middle_name IS NULL
    AND last_name = v_last_name
    It seems very cumbersome to do a check for each column that can be null.
    Is there a way that I do not need to do a check for every column?
    or is it better to avoid having NULL values in those columns (and replace them with, say a space) ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Normally, you would do something like
    SELECT *
      FROM employee
    WHERE first_name = NVL( v_first_name, first_name )
       AND middle_name = NVL(v_middle_name, middle_name )
       AND last_name = NVL(v_last_name, last_name )Of course, if you can ensure that NULL data is not allowed (without creating phony non-NULL data), that is a good thing. In most systems, for example, it is probably reasonable to require a non-NULL first and last name. But you almost certainly cannot require a middle name.

  • Referencing Aggregated Column Value in Where Clause

    Hello -
    I'm trying to determine how I can accomplish the following in the most straightforward, efficient way.
    Among other things, I'm selecting the following value from my table:
    max(received_date) as last_received_dateI also need to evaluate the "last_received_date" value as a condition in my where clause. However, I can't reference my aliased "last_received_date" column value, and when I try to evaluate max(received_date) in the where clause, I get the "group function is not allowed here" error.
    Does anyone know of a good workaround?

    Column aliases can be used in the ORDER BY clause: aside from that, they cannot be used in the same query where they are defined. The workarounds are
    (a) define the alias in a sub-query, and use it in a super-query, like Someoneelse did, or
    (b) repeat the aliased expression, as in the HAVING-clause, below.
    Aggregate functions are computed after the WHERE-clause. (That explains why you can do things like
    SELECT  MAX (received_date) last_received_date_2008
    FROM    table_x
    WHERE   TO_CHAR (received_date, 'YYYY')  = '2008';).
    The HAVING-clause is like the WHERE-clause, but it is applied after the aggregate functions are computed, e.g.
    SELECT    deptno
    ,         MAX (recieved_date)  AS last_received_date
    FROM      table_x
    GROUP BY  deptno
    HAVING    MAX (received_date)    > SYSDATE - 7   -- Only show deptartments with activity in the last week

  • Re-enable column values in tabular form before submit

    I am using Apex 4.1. I have a tabular form. I created a dynamic action to disable some of the columns on page load.
    It works fine and I am able to add new rows. But when I click submit, all the column values are null and it is throwing validation error.
    I need to enable all the columns before submit. I invoked a javascript to enable all the fields, but still i get the validation error.
    I also tried creating dynamic action to enable the values but still I get the validation error becuase the values are all null.
    Please help me to resolve this issue.

    Per HTML standards, disabled items are not submitted. Therefore if they are disabled at the point of submit, their corresponding session state values will be null (as you discovered). Apex validates against what is is session state, not against what is on your screen, so since the values didn't get submitted (per standards for HTML disabled items) that's why Apex thinks they are null.
    Before submit, re-enable the items/columns and it should work fine.
    Edit: Sorry, looks like you are doing this already. But are you doing it in the right order?
    How I have done it is:
    1. Change the save/apply changes button (whatever is doing the submit) to call a URL.
    2. Make the URL call javascript, such as:
    3. Put a javascript function on your region or page (hypothetical example):
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function formSave(pRequest)
    { //Put all checking and processing prior to form save here.
      var vRequest="SAVE"; //default value taken from orig. "apply changes" button
      enableAllCells(gMaintActionCol); //Put whatever code you have to re-enable your tabular form items here, must fire before apex.submit.
      //Do the save
    </script>Edited by: gti_matt on Dec 1, 2011 3:04 PM

  • Custom row-fetch and how to get column values from specific row of report

    Hi -- I have a case where a table's primary key has more than 3 columns. My report on the
    table has links that send the user to a single-row DML form, but of course the automatic
    fetch won't work because 1) I can't set more than 3 item values in the link and 2) the
    auto fetch only handles 2 PK columns.
    I have written a custom fetch (not sure it's the most elegant, see second question) that is working
    for 3 or few PK columns (it references the 1-3 item values set in the link), but when there are
    more than 3, I don't know how to get the remaining PK column values for the specific row that was
    selected in the report. How can I access that row's report column values? I'll be doing it from the
    form page, not the report page. (I think... unless you have another suggestion.)
    My custom fetch... I just worked something out on my own, having no idea how this is typically
    done. For each dependent item (database column) in the form, I have a source of PL/SQL
    function that queries the table for the column in question, using the primary key values. It works
    beautifully, though is just a touch slow on my prototype table, which has 21 columns. Is there
    a way to manually construct the fetch statement once for the whole form, and have APEX be smart
    about what items get what
    return values, so that I don't have to write PL/SQL for every item? Because my query data sources
    are sometimes in remote databases, I have to write manual fetch and dml anyway. Just would like
    to streamline the process.

    HI Andy -- Well, I'd love it if this worked, but I'm unsure how to implement it.
    It seems I can't put this process in the results page (the page w/ the link, that has multiple report rows), because the link for the row will completely bypass any after-submit processes, won't it? I've tried this in other conditions; I thought the link went directly to the linked-to page.
    And, from the test of your suggestion that I've tried, it's not working in the form that allows a single row edit. I tried putting this manually-created fetch into a before header process, and it seems to do nothing (even with a hard-coded PK value, just to test it out). In addition, I'm not sure how, from this page, the process could identify the correct PK values from the report page, unless it can know something about the row that was selected by clicking on the link. It could work if all the PK columns in my edit form could be set by the report link, but sometimes I have up to 5 pk columns.
    Maybe part of the problem is something to do with the source type I have for each of the form items. With my first manual fetch process, they were all pl/sql functions. Not sure what would be appropriate if I can somehow do this with a single (page level?) process.
    Maybe I'm making this too hard?

Maybe you are looking for