Combine Columns From Separate Arrays Into One Formatted Table

What I'm trying to do is make two WMI queries with 2 different classes for a list of machines and then patch the columns together into one single array that is formatted as a table with columns and rows. I seem to keep banging my head against the wall and
I can't help but feel that the answer is simple. I can certainly create an array that contains all 3 columns (such as in the commented out part) but no matter which angle I go at it, it always seems to end up as all the data in one single row in each column
rather than a nicely formatted table. I've even tried constructing separate custom objects and adding the different objects to the array but that's obviously not working. Below is the code of the last thing I tried. I need someone to bash it to death and tell
me the (most likely obvious) thing that I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
$failedos = @()
$failedcs = @()
$ccs = get-adcomputer -property operatingsystem -filter {name -like "*-CC*"} | select name | sort name
$cs = foreach ($cc in $ccs){$ | % {if ($c=get-wmiobject -computername $ -class win32_computersystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){$c | select @{Name="Name";Expression={$_.Name}}, @{Name="Model";Expression={$_.Model}}} else {$failedcs += "$_"}}}
$os = foreach ($cc in $ccs){$ | % {if ($o=get-wmiobject -computername $ -class win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){$o | select @{Name="OperatingSystem";Expression={$_.caption}}} else {$failedos += "$_"}}}
#[array]$osprops = @{'Name'=$cs.Name;'Model'=$cs.Model;'OperatingSystem'=$os.OperatingSystem}
$result = @()
Foreach ($Line in $cs) {
$MyCustomObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $MyCustomObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $ -Force
Add-Member -InputObject $MyCustomObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Model" -Value $Line.Model -Force
$result += $MyCustomObject
foreach ($Line2 in $os) {
$MyCustomObject2 = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
Add-Member -InputObject $MyCustomObject2 -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "OperatingSystem" -Value $Line2.OperatingSystem -Force
$result += $MyCustomObject2

Any help?
$ccs = get-adcomputer -property operatingsystem -filter {name -like "*-CC*"} |
select -ExpandProperty name | sort
$Result =
Foreach ($CC in $CCs)
$Object =
New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $CC
Model = 'Failed'
OperatingSystem = 'Failed'
Try {
$Object.Model =
get-wmiobject -computername $CC -class win32_computersystem -ErrorAction Stop |
select -ExpandProperty Model
$Object.OperatingSystem =
get-wmiobject -computername $CC -class win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction Stop |
select -ExpandProperty Caption
Finally { $Object }
[string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

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    There's a lot wrong with this script:
    1.  You're importing the same file 3x; you should import one and reference the things you need out of it.
    2.  If the CSV has more than one row in it, your .notation you're using to access the MailSizeMaster, MailSizeRefresh, and Alias properties is used incorrectly.  If you are trying to reference each of those properties from an array of different entries,
    the proper way would be:
    $Import = @(Import-Csv C:\usermigration.csv)
    $MailSizeMaster = $Import | Select-Object MailSizeMaster
    $MailSizeMaster = $Import | Select-Object -Expand MailSizeMaster
    ...the "OR" is not PowerShell. 
    3.  I don't know if you can concatenate different objects with the select-object cmdlet like you are.  However, what you could do is create a custom object to load the values into and then output that object:
    $filename = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd")
    foreach ($item in $Import) {
    $MS = Get-MailboxStatistics $item.Alias
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    'DisplayName' = $MS.DisplayName
    'ServerName' = $MS.ServerName
    'StorageGroupName' = $MS.StorageGroup
    'Database' = $MS.Database
    'NotesMailSizePre' = $item.MailSizeMaster
    'NotesMailSizePost' = $item.MailSizeRefresh
    } | Select-Object DisplayName,ServerName,StorageGroupName,Database,NotesMailSizePre,NotesMailSizePost | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "C:\$($filename)-mailboxstats.csv"

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    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    battler. wrote:
    Used LV for years.  Never knew that (concatenate inputs).  Wouldn't believe the lengths ive used to get around it.  Thanks
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    -> as I do not have the toolkit I'd like to do it using ActiveX directly, so I tried to do things like shown under the headline 'DIY ActiveX/.NET'
    I tried to load the snippet to a new Excel file but got the error message ' not found' and hence the code is not working. That confuses me a little as I would guess when this dll is not present I cannot access Excel from LabView at all, though my understanding of what I'm really doing so far is quiet limited. ;-)
    Also - as far as I understand from the snippet - when creating a new chart object I should be able the create methodes for it, however when I do a right click on the chart object of an ActiveX Worksheet symbol there are none listed.
    To explain my problems better I added a snippet showing my two problems: The inner of the two while loops shows how I import a 1D array. In the outer loop I seperate the columns. I know that currently this is not working as all data end up in column A of the Excel sheet - so I would need to convert the number of the outer counter to A, B,... or find a different solution.
    Moreover on the snippet I placed an ActiveX Worksheet Property with the Chart Object - as I can see the difference to the Chart Object in the example code from the last link above is the color. However I'm not sure what that means and how to change/ solve this.
    And just to make sure - I know this way the VI does not run as the Chart Object is placed completely wrong - I just did it, so it is included in the snippet.
    I'd be thankful for any suggestions,
    Go to Solution.
    ExcelAreaScan.png ‏60 KB

    Hello everyone and thanks for the answers.
    I only have the LabView Student Edition available here - is the toolkit included in it too. How can I check if it is installed/ available and in case it is installed - where can I find it?
    Today I had time to take a look at the example
    Create via ActiveX Labview a XY Scatter plot graph on an excel sheet
    It almost does what I want in terms of creating a graph. The only problem I could not fix, is that in this example a sheet is created where only the graph is present. i'd like to add the graph to a previously created worksheet. Today I tried get this working but it seems I stilll don't really understand what I'm doing, I'll post a snippet of my code as soon as I can access the PC with LabView on it again.
    I also took a look at the other example for inserting 2D attays - it seems to be what I need, I just had no time so far to test it, I'll post an update when I could test it.
    Thanks for the help so far!

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    1.  Create a blank page.    File/New/ Blank File.   Put in the size.  I used 8x10.
    2.  Bring the photo  you want to use into Elements as you always do. It will list along the top next to the blank sheet.
    3.  Choose SELECT (top of screen)/ Select All.
    4.  Choose Edit/Copy   or Command "C"
    5.  Click on the Blank File.   Chose Edit/Paste  or Command "V"
    6.  Click on Image/ Transform or Command "T".  There should be a dotted line around your pasted image.  You can then move and adjust the image to how you want it.  When finished, press the check-mark on lower right of photo.
    7.   Repeat this with all the photos you want on the new blank file.
    8.  You will see on lower right of Elements,  the background layer and as many layers as you have photos.  These layers need to be permanently placed on the background layer. Go to Layers and press Merge Visible.  This will merge all layers to the background.
    9.  Save as and you are done.

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    I'm currently trying to copy multiple character arrays into one larger character array in a method that prints data gathered from a database. Here is my code:
    private static void printData(String[] data){
            try {
                int totalLengthOfAllStrings = 0;
                for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                    data[i] += '\n';
                    totalLengthOfAllStrings += data.length();
    int runningLength = 0;
    char[] printArray = new char[totalLengthOfAllStrings];
    for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
    char[] tempArray = data[j].toCharArray();
    runningLength += tempArray.length;
    System.arraycopy(tempArray, 0, printArray, runningLength - 1, tempArray.length);
    DocFlavor df = DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY.TEXT_PLAIN;
    Doc printDoc = new SimpleDoc(printArray, df, null);
    PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
    aset.add(new Copies(1));
    PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(df, aset);
    if (services.length > 0) {
    DocPrintJob job = services[0].createPrintJob();
    try {
    job.print(printDoc, aset);
    System.out.println("Print successful!");
    catch (PrintException pe) {
    catch(Exception e) {
    I keep getting an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and for the life of me I can't figure out why.
    Can anyone help with this?

    I think your problem lies with the second for loop:
    for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++)  {
        char[] tempArray = data[j].toCharArray();
        runningLength += tempArray.length;
        System.arraycopy(tempArray, 0, printArray, runningLength - 1, tempArray.length);
    }If I am not wrong, you should swap the sequence of the runningLength and System.arraycopy statements, and also move the minus 1 from arraycopy statement to the runningLength statement. The result would look like this:
    for(int j = 0; j < data.length; j++)  {
        char[] tempArray = data[j].toCharArray();
        System.arraycopy(tempArray, 0, printArray, runningLength, tempArray.length);    // swapped and removed the -1
        runningLength += tempArray.length - 1;    // swapped and appended the -1
    }The main reason for these changes is because when j == data.length - 1, the value of runningLength would have already exceeded the size of printArray. Therefore, swapping the position would be able to overcome this problem.

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    An "iTunes account" is an online account you use for buying music, like a bank account.  An iTunes collection is the media you see when you open iTunes. Which do you mean?
    If it is two computers, it would also help to know where these are located. Are they on the same local network? If they are, try Home Sharing (and you have control of both and you aren't just trying to get music fro your computer to your friend's computer in another state).  If they are not, you'll have to use an external hard drive or flash drive.
    Is this on a PC? Your computer information says Windows but you posted this in the iTunes for Mac forum.

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    Please help me for this

    Thanks, that will work, but then I'll have to insert code into all my reports.
    I can see that "Application Server Control Console" is able to rerun a report.
    This must mean that the Report Server has access to the runtime parameters.
    But how?
    Nils Peter

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