Combine Accounts from different Generations into a single Table Prompt

We are on OBIEE and using an ASO ( cube as a datasource.
I wish to make a drop down menu of only ten accounts in OBIEE. These ten accounts do not all belong in the same generation. The desired Accounts are from Gen6, Gen5 and Gen4. How do I make a single drop down list with these ten accounts when the members belong to different generations ? I have tried building this custom list of ten accounts via Selection Steps but it seems that I cannot cross different generations of the Account dimension.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the reply Christian. I literally tried at least 100 possible iterations of the Evaluate statement and none of them will compile in OBIEE. Before posting, I scoured the Internet for days hoping someone else has had this issue resolved. I had no luck. If you know of anyone that has actually been successful with the EVALUATE statement to make a list of dimension members from different generations, please post the exact code snippet so that I can leverage off of somone else's knowledge.
I have tried dozens of possible iterations of: with no luck at all.
EVALUATE('Intersect(%1.dimension.members,{[Account1], [Account2]})',"Account"."Gen1,Account")

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    select -ExpandProperty name | sort
    $Result =
    Foreach ($CC in $CCs)
    $Object =
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $CC
    Model = 'Failed'
    OperatingSystem = 'Failed'
    Try {
    $Object.Model =
    get-wmiobject -computername $CC -class win32_computersystem -ErrorAction Stop |
    select -ExpandProperty Model
    $Object.OperatingSystem =
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            imgHeight = hueTemp.getHeight();
            hueRaster = hueTemp.getRaster();
            contrastRaster = contrastTemp.getRaster();
            textureRaster = textureTemp.getRaster();
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            for (int y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++) {           
                // assigns pixel values from each buffered image
                hueValue = hueRaster.getSample(x, y, 0);
                contrastValue = contrastRaster.getSample(x,y,0);
                textureValue = textureRaster.getSample(x, y, 0);
                // reset values of integers storing pixel counts
                huePixelCount = 1;
                contPixelCount = 1;
                textPixelCount = 1;
                //. loop iterates through images and produces a pixel count for each of the
                //currently assign pixel values (each pixel value is also used as
                // the ID for each cluster)*/
                for (int i = 0; i < imgWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < imgHeight; j++) {
                    if (hueRaster.getSample(i, j, 0) == hueValue) huePixelCount ++;
                    if (contrastRaster.getSample(i, j, 0) == contrastValue) contPixelCount ++;
                    if (textureRaster.getSample(i, j, 0) == textureValue) textPixelCount ++;
                }//end of i,j loop
                // this section will determine is the cluster is valid (i.e. makes up
                // more than 5% of the total percentage of pixels in the image)
                if (huePixelCount >= (imagePixelCount * 0.05)) hueValidCluster = true;
                if (contPixelCount >= (imagePixelCount * 0.05)) contValidCluster = true;
                if (textPixelCount >= (imagePixelCount * 0.05))  textValidCluster = true;
                //loop iterates and the Writable Raster will set the pixel values
               // of the output image to red, green or blue for Hue, contrast and
               //texture respectively and set all other pixels to black.
              //I'm using RGB so that I can use a different channel value for
              //each of the three, so that overlap will result in a new colour
              //(overlap between all 3 should = white pixel)*/
                for (int a = 0; a < imgWidth; a++)
                for (int b = 0; b < imgHeight; b++) {
                    //This is my original method I devised
                    if (hueValidCluster == true && hueRaster.getSample(a, b, 0) == hueValue) amalgamWriter.setSample(a, b, 0, 256);
                    else amalgamWriter.setSample(a,b,0,0);
                    if (contValidCluster == true&& contrastRaster.getSample(a, b, 0) == contrastValue) amalgamWriter.setSample(a,b,1,256);
                    else amalgamWriter.setSample(a,b,1,0);  
                    if (textValidCluster == true&& textureRaster.getSample(a, b, 0) == textureValue) amalgamWriter.setSample(a,b,2,256);
                    else amalgamWriter.setSample(a,b,2,0);
                  //When the image returned a completely black output I tried a different
                  //approach along these lines assuming the .setPixel method
                 //would have done what I wanted.
                  if (hueValidCluster == true && hueRaster.getSample(a, b, 0) == hueValue) amalgamWriter.setPixel(a, b, redArray);
                    else amalgamWriter.setPixel(a,b,blackArray);
                }//end of a,b loop
                //Reset booleans for next pixel in the original x,y loop.
                //I've been using ping to make sure the thing doesn't crash while it's running.
                hueValidCluster = false;
                contValidCluster = false;
                textValidCluster = false;
                System.err.println(""+ ping);
            }//end of x,y loop
            return amalgamImage;
        }//end of amalgamate method
    }//end of AmalgamationAs previously hinted the class seems to run to completion, but the image returned is always black so the pixels aren't being set or they're somehow being reset?
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    It's also crossed my mind that in using a loop inside a loop inside a loop I possibly have done something wrong there.
    Thought I'd throw this problem out there. I've been de-bugging this one for a while.

    amalgamWriter.setSample(a, b, 0, 256);
    amalgamWriter.setSample(a,b,2,256);For the image type you are using, you only have 8 bits of precision each color channel. That means only a number in the range [0,255] is valid for the sample. The value 256 is equivalent to setting the sample to 0. That is ((byte) 256) = 0.

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    Hi T.Bux and welcome to the forum.
    This video tutorial should help you with basic photo compositing:

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    The second PDF, Final Acme PDF, represents the file that our workflow eventually ends up as-a PDF containing only the info we want, formatted as we want, in which both the headers and clip content are searchable. To get there currently, we print out the Original ACME Clip, type the relevant info into the headers of a Word template that includes our logo and standard footer, print out the Word template page, manually cut out the scanned image from the PDF, and paste it onto the template paper.  The resulting paper is scanned into the Final Acme PDF and OCR is run on the whole thing to make it all searchable.
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    I want to collapse a complex scene with all different layers and different transparency into a single layer (or as few as possible) to optimize the flash file for online (were experince proformance issues).
    I have tried the combine and manually copying pasting into one layer but it cuts the fill below and replace with transparent fill. I want to have a end file that is 100% solid.
    Is this possible?
    Thank you

    You can create groups and then paste all your groups in a single layer. That won't 'cut' them into each other and the transparency should be maintained. It won't help you with performance though, since the complexity remains the same.
    If you have tons of complex vector shapes, it might be a good idea to create a transparent PNG bitmap from illustrator.
    That may increase your filesize but it will give you a tremendous performance boost.

  • Displaying data from multiple columns into a single line graph

    Post Author: hollowmatrix
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    Hey,I have an issue with the WEBI reporting.I have a data source that has multiple columns say ( month1, month2, month3, month4,.....month 12, month 13, ....month24) with the sales data for each month.Now say I call the month 1 to month 12 as "current year", and call month 13 - month 24 as "previous year".I want to put a prompt in the report which allows  me to select between "current year" and "previous year".Based on the prompt value we get a graph of the sales vs month in if we select  "current year", then we get a graph of the sales Vs time( remember that the sales data for each month is in a different column.)and if we select  "previous year" then we get a graph of the sales Vs time for previous year..( sales vs time for Month 13, month 14, month 15....month 24).I am not able to pull data from multiple columns into a single object that I can use to populate the graphs.Any help on the same will be appreciated .   

    please click
    here (asktom) and look for the words "how about the other way round"

  • Numbers: Copy/Paste from multiple tables into 1 single Table?

    I would appreciate some guidance in creating a copy/paste script from multiple numbers tables into a different single table within the same numbers document.
    The columns in the source table are in different positions to the destination table.
    So for example, i would want to copy…
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell A3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell B2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell B3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell C2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell C3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell E2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell D3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell F2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell E3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell G2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell G3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell I2
    Sheet 1, Table 1 Cell J3  copy to Sheet 2 Table Z Cell H2
    and repeat the copy/paste on subsequent rows of each table until there is an empty row in Sheet 1 Table 1 (or if this is difficult, say set the repeat to a max of 30 rows).
    The script would then need to move on to Sheet 1 Table 2, and do the same copying to Sheet 2 Table Z (from where the previous copy/paste finished in Table Z).
    Repeat process would finalise with Sheet 1 Table 6.
    The Paste part would need to be pasting values, as the cells in the source tables do contain some formulas.
    At the moment this is all done manually and does take some to to undertake.
    If anyone can help, i would be very grateful.

    are you trying to aggregate data from severl tables into a single table?  If so you whould be able to do this without a script.  The function indirect() will allow you to construct the proper formula, which you may fill over (in the same row) to the appropriate cells, then fill down.
    Here is a small example:
    There are three data tables ("Table 1", "Table 2", and "Table 3").  And a summary "Table Z"
    In table Z make the first row a header (as shown):
    Use column A to enter the Sheet name and colomn B to enter the table name.
    In row 1 (the header), enter the cells you want to get
    in cell C2 type (or copy and paste from here) the formula:
    now select cell C2, copy now select cell C2 thru H2, paste
    now select the cells C2 thu H2, hover the corsor over the bottom edge of the selection, and drag the yellow cirlc down as needed to fill the formula down.
    Update the sheet and table names as needed for each row

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    This is the SQL Server version:
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetPhoneList(@StudentID int)
    RETURNS varchar(500) AS
    DECLARE @StringList varchar(500)
    SELECT @StringList = COALESCE(@StringList + ‘, ‘, ”) + Telephone.PhoneNumber
    FROM Telephone t
    WHERE t.StudentID = @StudentID
    IF @StringList IS NULL
    SET @StringList = ‘No Phone’
    RETURN @StringList
    SQL*Plus does not like the @ symbol, so I tried taking that out. I've put semi-colons where I think they should be, but I still get various error messages. Any suggestions?

    What you want to do is called "String Aggregation"
    You could write a PL/SQL funcrtion to do that for a specific column in a specific table, but [this page|] has a couple of different generic solutions that will work on any tables and columns.
    I recommend the first soluton, the user-defined function STRAGG, which you can copy from that page.
    Once you have STRAGG installed, your query can be something like:
    SELECT     s.student_id
    ,     NVL ( STRAGG (t.phone_number)
             , 'No phone'
             )     AS phone_nums
    FROM          student          s
    LEFT OUTER JOIN     telephone     t     ON s.student_id     = t.student_id
    GROUP BY     s.student_id;On Oracle 10 (and up) you may have a similar function, WM_CONCAT (owned by WMSYS), already installed.
    WM_CONCAT is not documented, so you may not want to use it in your Production applications.
    It lokks like
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Feb 10, 2009 6:31 PM

  • How To Concatenate Column Values from Multiple Rows into a Single Column?

    How do I create a SQL query that will concatenate column values from multiple rows into a single column?
    Last First Code
    Lesand Danny 1
    Lesand Danny 2
    Lesand Danny 3
    Benedi Eric 7
    Benedi Eric 14
    Result should look like:
    Last First Codes
    Lesand Danny 1,2,3
    Benedi Eric 7,14
    David Johnson

    Starting with Oracle 9i
    select last, first, substr(max(sys_connect_by_path(code,',')),2) codes
    (select last, first, code, row_number() over(partition by last, first order by code) rn
    from a)
    connect by last = prior last and first = prior first and prior rn = rn -1
    start with rn = 1
    group by last, first
    LAST       FIRST      CODES                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    Lesand         Danny          1,2,3
    Benedi         Eric           7,14Regards

  • How do I extract multiple tracks from a CD into a single file in Audition CS6?

    I use Audition to edit my Pastor's messages. The message CD is made with five minute tracks. I want to extract the tracks from the CD into a single file for editing and altering the track lengths. I have done this before in Audition CS6, but I haven't been able to find instructions for it. I only found a note stating this is available in AuditionCC.

    I have discovered an answer to my problem. The way to bring multiple tracks into Audition CS6 from a CD is to use the FILE / OPEN APPEND / TO NEW command. This brings the separate tracks into a single file in Audition CD6. Thanks to everyone who commented.

  • Hi can someone tell me if it is possible to have two accounts (from different countries) in the same laptop?

    Hi can someone tell me if it is possible to have two accounts (from different countries) in the same laptop?

    The issue is that your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside to make purchases.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article
    Billing policy is the same for both the iTunes as well as Mac App Stores.

Maybe you are looking for