Combining Applets and Struts

I am trying to make an application in which an applet tries to communicate with the server via Struts.
I know that the request is being made because I printed a few messages with the parameters in my ActionForm class and they were correct. Nevertheless I can't seem to get the execute method in my Action class to work (nothing I print or do in there can be seen). This is what I'm doing:
DataOutputStream printout = new DataOutputStream (urlConnection.getOutputStream());
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
return null; // I don't want it to validate right now
public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
System.out.println("I am executing");
ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
new DataOutputStream(outputStream).writeBytes("My response");
}catch(IOException e){}
return null; //no forward required, just the reply
<form-bean name="loginForm"
<action path="/Legim" type="project.action.LegimAction"
name="loginForm" validate="true" scope="request">
Any help will be greatly appreciated

you can't put applet classes in WEB-INF.
They have to be in a public directory, and the WEB-INF directory isn't public.

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    Hi all,
    We have an existing application in struts and ejb.We have to add an applet to performa validation with the server.
    things are fine but when the Action method is supposed to redirect for an action mapping the corresponding JSP isnot loading
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    I want the applet to send data and not to wait for response.
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                                    String urlsuffix = host1.concat("/");
                        String url1 = getCodeBase().toString().concat(host1);
                        URL dataURL = new URL(new  URL(url1),urlsuffix);
                        URLConnection con = dataURL.openConnection();
                        OutputStream outstream = con.getOutputStream();
                        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(outstream);
                        System.out.println("Sent data...");
                        InputStream instr = con.getInputStream();
                        ObjectInputStream inputFromServlet = new ObjectInputStream(instr);
                        Object temp  = inputFromServlet.readObject();
                        String result = temp.toString().trim();
                        ....If i set con.setDoInput(true); to false then the applet fails to even send data.
    Please let me know way forward.

    You're right, sorry.
    Finally I think that the problem is more a Swing problem than a Struts problem.
    It seems that there is a cache problem while using IE and appletContext.showDocument(URL url).
    Is there someone of you that has successed in solving it ?

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    What are the reasons not to have extended
    RequestProcessor from Struts with the
    capabilities of the FacesServlet... a sort of
    "FacesProcessor" (extended the regular
    RequestProcessor)? (should be nice for views
    with no JSF components: in order not to execute
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    4) After the Aspx page render fully a javascript register onload fires and call an applet method
    5) Applet receive the call and run the logic of the method:
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         - calls Javascript function in order to fill aspx fields with information from smart card
         - calls Javascript function the simulates a click in a botton of aspx page (in order to call server side part sending data readed from smart card to server)
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         This Javascript calls another method from applet and runs the following logic:
         - reads more information from smart card;
         - call javascript function in order to fill more fields of aspx page with the information readed
         - calls Javascript function the simulates a click in a botton of aspx page (in order to call server side part sending data readed from smart card to server)
    7) The server makes some logic and call another pages with no Applets
    8) Client asks for a second page with the same applet and we start with another logic express on steps 1);2);3),4);5) and then 7).
    This is all ok, until sometimes the server stop responding correcly for requests regarding this two pages with the Applet.
    When this happens the server just responds with a blank page.
         - with fiddler I can seer the request for the aspx page (that uses the applet)
         - but server responds with a blank html page
    The JVM doesn't fire.
    The IIS log don't show errors.
    The eventviewer doesn't show errors.
    The problem is solved with an IIS reset or a Application Pool reset.
    After a while the problem returns.
    This problem occours for other user in another machine, the server just stops responding correcly to request regarding pages with applets, the other pages still continue to work.
    If we disable Java Control Panel->Advanced->Java Plug-in->Enable the next-generation Java Plug-in the problem seend to stop, but we can't force all clients to disable this option right?
    Or there is a way to force the Applet to run with this option disabled?
    As anyone experience similar problem?

    This is all ok, until sometimes the server stop responding correcly for requests regarding this two pages with the Applet.
    When this happens the server just responds with a blank page.
    - with fiddler I can seer the request for the aspx page (that uses the applet)
    - but server responds with a blank html pageWell, if http requests look identical in case of success and failure (pay attention to cookies, etc) then it has to be something on the server side.
    It could be that server gets into this wrong state because of previous requests made by applet but it is hard to tell.
    I am not clear how old/new plugin can make a difference unless your applets run in the legacy mode (i.e. you are actually trying to reuse SAME instance of the applet when
    it is loaded next time).
    I'd start with
    1) carefully comparing good/bad sessions
    2) checking whether server will serve correct response to another client when it serves "bad" page for current client
    3) add debug statements to aspx - it is scripted page, may be some condition is not met and then it returns blank?
    4) record all http requests in one session until you get to "error" state and then use any http server testing tool to "replay" this set of requests.
    You should be able to get server into the same state without use of applet. Then you can try to tweak set of requests to see what makes a difference.

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    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
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    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
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    [hello all.  first time poster. big fan of java.]
    now to the important matter: Applets and Threads
    1) I have an applet with that implements the runnable interface, and has one thread (and a simple animation). If I try to view this applet in the applet viewer with JGrasp, it spits an insane error telling me
    " access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)"
    but, if I run the applet through a web browser, by putting it in an html document, it runs correctly, without error
    What on earth is wrong, and how do I fix it?!?
    2) I want to put 2 threads in my applet?
    If I implement the Runnable interface, I can only have one Run() method in my applet, right?
    So how do I define behaviour for 2 threads when I only have one run method in which to define the behaviour? Can I use two threads with the runnable interface, or do I have to make objects of my own defined thread classes?
    3) I tried to make 2 threads in my applet by creating my own thread classes, and instantiating them in my applet (instead of implementing the runnable interface).
    I still get the same insane error as I mentioned in my first point (which I expected), except now, the applet won't work even when viewed through a web browser!!
    Please please help me. I am frustrated beyond belief (at what is probably a very simple problem)
    I have searched and searched all over and found no answers on this

    If I try to view this applet in the applet viewer with JGrasp, it spits an insane error telling me
    " access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup)"Don't know anything about JGrasp, but it runs with pretty tight security - thats what this insane error is all about. Use the appletviewer or a browser.
    If I implement the Runnable interface, I can only have one Run() method in my applet, right?Correct
    So how do I define behaviour for 2 threads when I only have one run method in which to define the behaviour?
    Can I use two threads with the runnable interface, or do I have to make objects of my own defined thread classes?You can create two Runnable implementations (classes) in your applet.
    example (missing code)
    class MyApplet extends Applet {
      void doSomething() {
      void doSomethingElse() {
      void startThreads() {
        Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { doSomething();}});
        t = new Thread(new Runnable2());
      class Runnable2 implements Runnable {
         public void run() {
    }If the above seems confusing, read up on anonymous and inner classes.
    3) I tried to make 2 threads in my applet by creating my own thread classesTry not subclassing thread - this causes a security check

  • Socket communication failure between Java applet and C++ application

    I have a java applet that connects to a C++ application via Java's ServerSocket and Socket objects. THe C++ application is using the Winsock 2 API. The applet and application are running on an NT workstation (SP 6) and using IE (5.5) For a very simple C++ test applications the communictions work fine. Once more code gets added to the C++ application the portion of the socket that C++ listens to seems to close. Upon performing a recv call the return value is a zero. Microsoft insists this is a sign the Java side has shut down the socket. The Java applet can still receive messages from the C++ app but C++ cannot receive responses from the Java side. Java throws no exceptions and an explicit check of the socket shows no errors. Again, what puzzles me is that it works for simple C++ applications. Are there any known conflicts between Java and C++ in this regard?
    I have inlcuded the basic java code segments below.
    / run Method.
      * This method is called by the Thread.start() method. This
      * method is required for the implementation of the Runnable interface
      * This method sets up the server side socket communication and
      * contiuously loops looking for requests from a external
      * socket.
      * @author Chris Duke
      public void run(){
         // create socket connections
         boolean success = false;
         try {
             cServerSocket = new ServerSocket(cPortID);
             System.out.println("Waiting for client to connect...");
             cClientSocket = cServerSocket.accept();
             System.out.println("Client connected");
             // Create a stream to read from the client
             cInStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
             // Create a stream to write to the client       
             cOutStream = new PrintWriter(
               cClientSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
             success = true;
         }catch (IOException e) {
             System.out.println("CommSocket:Run - Socket Exception(1) " + e);
             success = false;
         // if the socket was successfully created, keep the thread running
         while (success){
                // check socket to see if it is still available for reading
                if (cInStream != null && cInStream.ready()){
                    // check for an incoming message
                    String message = ReceiveMessage();
                    // Send message to listeners
                if (cInStream == null){
                    success = false;
                    System.out.println("CommSocket:Run - shutdown");
             }catch (IOException e){
                System.out.println("CommSocket:Run - Socket not ready exception");
    // SendMessage method -
      *  Sends a text message to a connected listener through port specified by portID
      * @author Chris Duke
      * @param  String message - This will be the message sent out through the server
      * socket's port specified by portID.
       public void SendMessage(String message){
          if (cOutStream.checkError() == true)
            System.out.println("SendMessage : Flush = Error");
            System.out.println("SendMessage : Flush - No Error");

    a very simple C++ test applications the communictions work fine. Once more code gets added to the C++ application the portion of the socket that C++ listens to seems to close.
    This quite strongly implicates the extra code in the C++ App. The firstly thing I would try would be telnet. Try connecting to both versions of the C++ Application and manually reproducing a proper exchange.
    a recv call the return value is a zero. Microsoft insists this is a sign the Java side has shut down the socket.
    A correct implementation of recv should return the number of bytes received, or -1 for an error. A zero return indicates no bytes received not a socket closed/error. This sounds like FUD to me.
    Are there any known conflicts between Java and C++ in this regard?
    I can see no obvious faults, though the code is incomplete, I don't think it's an sockets implementation issue, at either end, it sounds more likely to be a protocol/handshaking bug in the C++ App.

  • How do I combine text and photos on the same page in iPhoto using photobook

    How do I combine text and photos on the same page in iPhoto using photobook?

    You mean while creating a book in iPhoto?  Click on the layout button while viewing a page and select the layout that includes both text and photos.  Most themes will have those options.

  • Have Windows XP and Adobe 9 Reader and need to send a series of large documents to clients as a matter of urgency     When I convert 10 pages a MS-Word file to Pdf this results in file of 6.7 MB which can't be emailed.     Do I combine them and then copy

    I have Windows XP and Adobe 9 Reader and need to send a series of large documents to clients as a matter of urgency When I convert 10 pages a MS-Word file to Pdf this results in file of 6.7 MB which can't be emailed.  Do I combine them and then copy to JPEG 2000 or do I have to save each page separately which is very time consuming Please advise me how to reduce the size and send 10 pages plus quickly by Adobe without the huge hassles I am enduring

    What kind of software do you use for the conversion to pdf? Adobe Reader can't create pdf files.

  • I imported pics to catalogs on different external hard drives.  Later renamed external HDs.  I want to combine catalogs and have my source (NEF) files all together on one drive. Can I merge cats and will new path to source files be correct if when inporti

    I imported different trips to different catalogs on different external hard drives.  Later renamed external HDs.  I want to combine catalogs and have my source (NEF) files all together on one drive.  I’m not really sure how to get those source files back and get rid of the extra long path to where the source files are now located. If I re-link files to their current catalog (many different paths to files in same catalog) can I merge (import catalogs) into one master catalog?  Will the new (Master catalog) have the correct link to the source file?  If not, how or can this be done?
    I have tried to explain my situation as clearly as I can.  Do you understand my situation?
    This maybe something you don’t have time to help me with.  If not can you suggest somewhere I can get an answer?  I really need help.  PLEEEZZZ HELP ME.
    Bruce Schuerman
    Norman, OK
    405_514-4875 (call collect)
    [email protected]

    I imported different trips to different catalogs on different external hard drives.  Later renamed external HDs.  I want to combine catalogs and have my source (NEF) files all together on one drive.  I’m not really sure how to get those source files back and get rid of the extra long path to where the source files are now located. If I re-link files to their current catalog (many different paths to files in same catalog) can I merge (import catalogs) into one master catalog?  Will the new (Master catalog) have the correct link to the source file?  If not, how or can this be done?
    I have tried to explain my situation as clearly as I can.  Do you understand my situation?
    This maybe something you don’t have time to help me with.  If not can you suggest somewhere I can get an answer?  I really need help.  PLEEEZZZ HELP ME.
    Bruce Schuerman
    Norman, OK
    405_514-4875 (call collect)
    [email protected]

  • I imported different trips to different catalogs on different external hard drives.  Later renamed external HDs.  I want to combine catalogs and have my source (NEF) files all together on one drive.  I'm not really sure how to get those source files back

    I imported different trips to different catalogs on different external hard drives.  Later renamed external HDs.  I want to combine catalogs and have my source (NEF) files all together on one drive.  I’m not really sure how to get those source files back and get rid of the extra long path to where the source files are now located. If I re-link files to their current catalog (many different paths to files in same catalog) can I merge (import catalogs) into one master catalog?  Will the new (Master catalog) have the correct link to the source file?  If not, how or can this be done?
    I have tried to explain my situation as clearly as I can.  Do you understand my situation?
    This maybe something you don’t have time to help me with.  If not can you suggest somewhere I can get an answer?  I really need help.  PLEEEZZZ HELP ME.
    Bruce Schuerman
    Norman, OK
    405_514-4875 (call collect)
    [email protected]

    Is there any solution (other than buying
    I really think 'buying' is the best solution on this one.  Ideally, you would have at least five internal hard drives.
    Use externals and network drive only for backup.

  • Security issues with applets and windows Vista when printing to file

    Hi, everyone
    I am currently developing an application that prints out the result of some calculations.
    from a Javascript file, the output finally ends up in a java applet that should print the file in a special printer.
    For debugging purposes I have created a File printer that creates a file from the output comming to the printer; this way I can debug what commands the printer is receiving.
    This worked well on Windows Xp; Vista always asks for permissions for the applet, and altough I guarantee these permissions, printer is not allowed to create the output file and reports an error writing
    after a little research, I have found that java applets have all permissions when certificated as trusted applications; all but file creating permissions
    anyone has any idea of how could I fix this problem?
    Thanks in advance

    Have you actually signed your applet? If the signers certificate is the trusted key store for Java it should treat your applet as trusted. You can use a self signed certificate for testing as long as the cert is in the trusted key store.
    Some links that might help:

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    Hello all,
    my project team intends to carry out a combined upgrade and unicode conversion of an SAP ERP 4.6C system with MDMP to ECC6.0 (no enhancement package). The system is running on Oracle 10.2.
    In preparation for this upgrade, I have gone through the SAP notes 928729, 54801.
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    Is there any other SAP note or tool or program that I can use to estimate the downtime for the entire CU&UC? Thanks a lot!

    Combined upgrade depend upon number of factors like database size, resources on the server and optimization. In order to get idea of how much downtime, it will take, I would suggest you to do combined upgrade and unicode conversion on sandbox system which should be the replica of your production system. And try to optimize it. From there you can get approx. downtime required.
    Also, please read combined upgrade and unicode conversion guides on

  • How to combine sales and delivery data

    i have requirement to make a report from sales as well as deliveries. Important fields in report are sales document , material , plant , sales document type , country key , sold to party , ordered quantity , delivered quantity , price from vakon ( KBETR ), actual goods issue date.
    The required extractors are 2LIS_11_VASCL, 2LIS_11_V_SSL ,2LIS_11_VAKON.
    Problem is how to combine sales and delivery data as V_SSL has different key figures.Multicube is not the solution as dont have plant , sold to party and many other fields in V_SSL.
    Kindly suggest how to combine sales and deivery data.

    I guess you do have shipping point in delivery.
    In most scenarios shipping point may not(or) may be same like order plant.
    Although they are different you can still roll up the delivery information to order level by plant since you have order # available as reference key in delivery.
    With this reference key you can convert all delivery information to order (item) level.
    I guess you can use one merge ODS with one cube (or) with 2 ODS for each at order level for validation.
    You may have to map delivery type to order type as per R3 configuration as well.
    speak with any Logistics guys for help.

Maybe you are looking for

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