Combining Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics

I want to list out Get-Mailbox | select userprincipalname | Get-MailboxStatistics | select TotalItemSize but it returned error.
"The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline in
put or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input."
How can I get mailbox totalitemsize by email address?

I know you can pipe Get-Mailbox username | Get-MailboxStatistics..., so try Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics... I suspect that by using Select-Object you're returning a property that Get-MailboxStatics can't do bind to any of its parameters.

Similar Messages

  • Speeding up the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet for ~19K mailboxes.

    While this is partially a PowerShell scripting question, I am posting it in the Exchange 2010 forum because the issues I believe center around the Get-MailboxStatistics itself, and the speed of my scripts in Exchange 2010 (possibly
    due to the additional overhead in remote PowerShelling).
    In my Exchange 2010 system we have ~19,000 mailboxes spread accross multiple DAG nodes, and ever since we upgraded from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2010, gathering all of the mailboxes and then gathering their statistics takes almost
    twice as long. For example a script that used to take ~45 minutes in Exchange 2007, takes about an hour and a ½.
    The issue I am running into when clocking core aspects of a mailbox data gathering scripts is that the Get-MailboxStatistics seems to be taking an excessively long period of time, and I am hoping someone can help me figure out a
    way to speed up the process.
    For example this is a boiled down script I created, where I ripped out a ton of other things and just focused on the Get-Mailbox and Get-MailboxStatistics commands:
    # Capture the date and time in a variable using the "Fri 11/01/2010 6:00 AM" format.
    "ddd MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt"
    # Select a single domain controller to use for all the queries (to avoid mid AD replication inconsistencies)
    from the environment variable LOGONSERVER - this ensures the variable will always be dynamically updated.
    = ($Env:LogonServer).Substring(2)
    # Set the loop count to 0 so it can be used to track the percentage of completion.
    = 0
    # Start tracking the time this script takes to run.
    # Get the mailbox info for all IHS customer mailboxes.the storage limit is Prohibit send or mailbox disabled
    "Beginning mailbox gathering. In a short while a progress bar will appear."
    $DomainController |
    Select Identity,DisplayName,ProhibitSendQuota
    "Mailbox data gathering is complete."
    Foreach ($Mailbox
    $GatheredMailboxes) {
    # Show a status bar for progress while the mailbox data is collected.
    = [Math]::Round(($LoopCount++
    * 100),1)
    "Mailbox Data Gathering in Progress"
    "$PercentComplete% Complete"
    "Current Mailbox: $CurrentMBDisplay"
    #Get the mailbox statistics for each mailbox gathered above.
    $Mailbox.Identity |
    Select StorageLimitStatus,TotalItemSize
    # Proceed only if the the mailbox statistics show the storage limit is Prohibit Send or Mailbox Disabled.
    # Write-Host "Stats for"$Mailbox.DisplayName"are Limit ="$MailboxStats.StorageLimitStatus"and Size ="$MailboxStats.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()"MB."
    # Calculate the amount of time the script took to run and write the information to the screen.
    "he mailbox gathering took"
    "minutes, and"
    "seconds to run."
    "The foreach loop took"
    "minutes, and"
    "seconds to run."
    Using the two stop clocks, I was able to see that the Get-Mailbox of all mailboxes took ~9 minutes. That isn’t lightning fast, but it isn’t unreasonable.
    The issue comes in where the Foreach loop with the Get-MailboxStatistics took ~53 minutes, and I am sure some of the mailbox data was cached on the servers from my various tests so it would probably take even longer with a cold
    I did some digging around and I really couldn’t find anything on how to speed up the Get-MailboxStatistics, and the only thing I found was this link:
    However I am not clear on how moving the Get-MailboxStatistics into the Get-Mailbox syntax (which is odd to me in general) would speed things up if I still have to have a foreach loop to process the data a little bit and add the
    users to a datatable. That discussion also made think the foreach loop itself is slowing things down but unclear as to how/why if that is true. 
    Can someone help share some ideas on how to speed up this process? I think there are some other things I could try but I can’t think of them.
    Thank you in advance.

    I think it's impossible to speed up the Get-MailboxStatistics when it is being called for each and every mailbox individually.
    I read somewhere in other posts people were having better performance by calling the cmdlet against an entire database or server so I gave it a shot with this code:
    $DAGS = "EXCHDAG1"
    # Start tracking the time this script takes to run.
    $StopWatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
    $MailboxStatistics = New-Object System.Data.DataTable “MailboxStatistics”
    $MailboxStatistics.Columns.Add("TotalitemSize",[String]) | Out-Null
    $MailboxStatistics.Columns.Add("ItemCount",[String]) | Out-Null
    $MailboxStatistics.Columns.Add("LastLogonTime",[String]) | Out-Null
    $MailboxStatistics.Columns.Add("LastLogoffTime",[String]) | Out-Null
    $MailboxStatistics.Columns.Add("MailboxGUID",[String]) | Out-Null
    $MailboxStatistics.PrimaryKey = $MailboxStatistics.Columns["MailboxGUID"]
    ForEach ($DAGServer in (Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup $DAGS).Servers) {
    ForEach ($MailboxStats in (Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $DAGServer.Name | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $Null})) {
    $NewMBXStatsDTRow = $MailboxStatistics.NewRow()
    $NewMBXStatsDTRow.TotalitemSize = $MailboxStats.TotalItemSize
    $NewMBXStatsDTRow.ItemCount = $MailboxStats.ItemCount
    $NewMBXStatsDTRow.LastLogonTime = $MailboxStats.LastLogonTime
    $NewMBXStatsDTRow.LastLogoffTime = $MailboxStats.LastLogoffTime
    $NewMBXStatsDTRow.MailboxGUID = $MailboxStats.MailboxGuid.ToString()
    $ElapsedTime = $StopWatch.Elapsed
    Write-Host "The script took" $ElapsedTime.Hours "hours," $ElapsedTime.Minutes "minutes, and" $ElapsedTime.Seconds `
    "seconds to run."
    Here are the results in speed:
    The script took 0 hours, 3 minutes, and 13 seconds to run.
    So yeah... ~3 minutes versus ~1 hour, I would say that's an improvement.
    Now I will go back to my script and as I process each mailbox I will pull it's statistics information out of the DataTable using its GUID with:
    If ($MailboxStats = $MailboxStatistics.Rows.Find($Mailbox.MailboxGUID)) {
    # Insert mailbox statistics processing here using the $MailboxStats variable with "." extensions.
    } Else {
    # Mailbox statistics weren't found so go grab them individually as a backup mechanism for scenarios when a user's mailbox got moved out of the DAG to a non-DAG database for whatever reason.
    It's a little silly that I have to extract the information out of each DAG server and put it in an in-memory table just to speed this process up, but clearly there is overhead with the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet and grabbing more mailboxes at once helps
    negate this issue.
    I'm going to mark my own response as an answer because I don't think anyone else is going to come up with something better than what I put together.

  • Get a report joining data from Get-MailBox and Get-MailBoxStatistics

    I have 2 cmdlets, and every has different information of the same users, the point is that I have to get the information of every cmdlet  and in excel I have to join the information
    Is there a way to get both information joined in one shot?
    This is one cmdlet:
    Get-Mailbox -Server MB05 | Select-Object DisplayName,SamAccountName,UserPrincipalName,UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults,OrganizationalUnit,PrimarySmtpAddress,WhenCreated,WhenChanged,HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled,@{N="AddressListMembership";E={
    $_.AddressListMembership -JOIN ';'}},UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward,RecipientLimits,ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy,@{N="GrantSendOnBehalfTo";E={ $_.GrantSendOnBehalfTo -JOIN ';'}},MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize,Database
    | Export-CSV -Path d:\ms\mb05.txt -Delimiter "`t"  -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation
    This is the other cmdlet:
    Get-MailboxStatistics Server MB05| Select-Object DisplayName,Database,StorageLimitStatus,@{label="Total Size (MB)";expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}},@{label="Total Delete (MB)";expression={$_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB()}},
    ItemCount,DeletedItemCount,LastLogoffTime,@{label="ProhibitSendQ (MB)";expression={$PSQ}}| Export-CSV -Path d:\ms\ms05a.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation
    Thank you in advanced.
    Doc MX

    I think something like this would work:
    $stuff = @()
    Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited -Database MB05| foreach{
    $x = "" | select `
    DisplayName, `
    SamAccountName, `
    UserPrincipalName, `
    UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults, `
    OrganizationalUnit, `
    PrimarySmtpAddress, `
    WhenCreated, `
    WhenChanged, `
    HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled, `
    AddressListMembership, `
    ForwardingAddress, `
    DeliverToMailboxAndForward, `
    RecipientLimits, `
    ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy, `
    GrantSendOnBehalfTo, `
    MaxSendSize, `
    MaxReceiveSize, `
    Database, `
    StorageLimitStatus, `
    'Total Size (MB)', `
    'Total Delete (MB)', `
    ItemCount, `
    DeletedItemCount, `
    LastLogoffTime, `
    'ProhibitSendQ (MB)'
    $m = Get-Mailbox $_
    $x.DisplayName = $m.Displayname,
    $x.SamAccountName = $m.SamAccountName,
    $m = Get-MailboxStatistics $_
    $x.StorageLimitStatus = $m.StorageLimitStatus,
    $x.'Total Size (MB)' = $m.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB(),
    $stuff += $x
    $stuff | export-csv -Path d:\ms\mb05.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding Unicode -NoTypeInformation
    --- Rich Matheisen MCSE&I, Exchange MVP

  • Pipeline get-mailbox and get-mailboxstatistics

    I am finding great difficulty in having output what seems to be a quite simple...
    I just need to output all user's mailbox prohibitsendquota and the totalitemsize and I am running the below command but it is giving me null values in totalitemsize,
    Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited  | Select-Object DisplayName, ProhibitSendQuota, @{label="TotalItemSize";expression={(Get-MailboxStatistics $_name).TotalItemSize}}
    However, when I make get-mailbox -identity
    [email protected] it gives me the correct output...I need to run it for everyone.

    .. i noticed that too, but chaning $_name to $  still doesnt work - it gives me totalitemsize only on the last subject
    However, i have a script i use (not one-liner though) - giving me way more information
    $mailboxes = get-mailbox -database $(read-host "enter database") |select -first 10 | select name,alias,database
    $Mycol = @()
    foreach ($mbx in $mailboxes)
    $mbxstat = get-mailboxstatistics $ |select lastlogontime,lastloggedonuseraccount,totalitemsize,itemcount
    $user = get-aduser $ -properties enabled,lastlogondate
    $MyObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    mbxName = $
    mbxAlias = $mbx.alias
    mbxDatabase = $mbx.database
    ADuser = $user.enabled
    ADuserLogon = $user.lastlogondate
    mbxLastlogon = $mbxstat.lastlogontime
    mbxLastAccount = $mbxstat.lastloggedonuseraccount
    mbxItemSize = $mbxstat.totalitemsize
    mbxCount = $mbxstat.itemcount
    $Mycol += $MyObject
    $Mycol |select mbxname,mbxalias,mbxdatabase,aduser,aduserlogon,mbxlastlogon,mbxlastaccount,mbxitemsize,mbxcount #|export-csv report.csv -Delimiter ";"
    just delete rows u dont need

  • How to pipe Get-MailboxStatistics and Get-Mailbox

     I have two commands but i need following information in one report.
     Get-Mailbox -Filter {ForwardingAddress -ne $null} | ft Name,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward -Autosize
     How do i get that lastlogontime to above by conbine following command

    Hi ,
    Try this :
    Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited |where{$_.forwardingAddress -ne $null} |ft name,forwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward
    for  get-mailboxStatistics  ,first check  the all object member and properties of by using below
    Get-mailboxstatistics  <anymailboxName>|get-member
    if you see the ,ForwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward  properties , then you can pipe these two with  Get-mailboxstatistics .
    If so ,
    Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited |where{$_.forwardingAddress -ne $null} |get-MailboxStatistics |ft name,forwardingAddress,DeliverToMailboxAndForward,lastlogontime
    if not ,
    You  can't pipe these two with Get-mailboxstatistics along with lastlogontime.
    Then ,
    you have to use  get-mailboxStatistics -resultsize unlimited|ft name,lastlogontime
    Please mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

  • Get-MailboxStatistics command to run and not count hidden objects

    I have a script that generates a report on a set of mailboxes in an OU and how many messages are in the Inbox using the following command:
    Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $mailbox -FolderScope Inbox | Where {$_.FolderPath -eq "/Inbox"}
    There is a lot more to this script and it outputs a lot of information, but the count of items in the inbox is always wrong. It seems to be counting a lot of hidden items which users cannot see. From my reading in many forums this is a common problem, and
    so far I have not found a solution.
    Is there a way to fun the Get-MailboxFolderStatistics command and folder out hidden objects?

    `Thank you for the response, but unfortunately I have been tasked to find a way to get this working. I understand that the Get-MailboxStatistics command is unable to filter out hidden items but I need to find a way to make this report possible. I can understand
    the limitations of the command and the technology, but unfortunately the CEO of our company will not accept that as an answer and making this report working is not an option.
    To at least allow the report to function for now, I have created a report which manually adjusts for the hidden objects in each box. This does require the manual effort however of adjusting an input file which keeps track of the number of hidden objects
    in each box. Here is the code that generates the report:
    $mailboxes = @(get-mailbox -OrganizationalUnit "<ORGANIZATION UNIT>")
    $report = @()
    foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxes)
        $inboxstats = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $mailbox -FolderScope Inbox | Where {$_.FolderPath -eq "/Inbox"}
        $MailboxInfo = Get-MailboxStatistics $mailbox | Select LastLoggedOnUserAccount,LastLogonTime,LastLogoffTime
        $inboxstatCount = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics $mailbox -FolderScope Inbox | Where {$_.ItemsInFolder -gt 0 -and $_.FolderType -like "Inbox"}
        $RawInboxCount = $inboxstatCount.ItemsInFolder
        if ($mailbox.DisplayName -like "BillingFaxes")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = "$HiddenCountBillingFaxes"
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "callcenter")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountcallcenter
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "lab")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountcathlab
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "cviholter")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountcviholter
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "medrecs")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountmedrecs
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "appointments")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountNFRappointments
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "pharmacy")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountpharmacy
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "referrals")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountreferrals
        If ($mailbox.DisplayName -eq "research")
            $CurrentHiddenCount = $HiddenCountresearch
        #{ $CurrentHiddenCount = "No Value" }
        Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "Current Mailbox" $mailbox.DisplayName
        Write-Host "Current Inbox Count from the report=" $RawInboxCount
        Write-Host "Current Hidden Count Number" $CurrentHiddenCount
        Write-Host "The Math should equal " ($RawInboxCount - $CurrentHiddenCount)
        $mbObj = New-Object PSObject
        $mbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Display Name" -Value $mailbox.DisplayName
        $mbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Inbox Size (Mb)" -Value $inboxstats.FolderSize.ToMB()
        $mbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Inbox Items" -Value ($RawInboxCount - $CurrentHiddenCount)
        $mbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Last User to Log On" -Value $MailboxInfo.LastLoggedOnUserAccount
        $mbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Time User was last logged in" -Value $MailboxInfo.LastLogonTime
        $mbObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Time User last logged off" -Value $MailboxInfo.LastLogoffTime
        $report += $mbObj
    All $Hidden----- variables are set to values from an imported file that must be updated regularly. It's messy, but at least it is getting the information we need to those that need it. If anyone can suggest a way to make this work without the constant need
    to adjust the numbers for hidden items please let me know.

  • Use get-mailboxstatistics to report individual email sizes.

    Hello all,
    In exchange2010 I use the "get-mailboxstatistics" to report on users with large email boxes.
    Is there a way to use report in a csv file the individual email sizes in a particular users mailbox? e.g. instead of just saying "user Albert.Einstein has a mailbox of 512mb", digging deeper and saying "of Albert Einsteins 512mb there are 5*50mb emails".
    That would be great if there was... then i could narrow down the chumps who send movies in company emails.

    Hi James
    I do not think we could get all emails' size, but we can list the folder via the command below
    Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -identity <User> | Select Name, FolderSize
    Zi Feng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Get-MailboxStatistics option

    I am running this against MSOL but don't think it will matter.  I am looking to generate a report that shows mailboxes that have not been logged onto or ones that have not been logged onto in a while.  So far, I am running get-mailbox -resultsize
    unlimited | Get-MailboxStatistics | Sort-object lastlogontime -Descending | fl displayname, LastLogonTime >C:\Users\username\Documents\LastLogonTime.CSV
    My issues are:
    1.  Mailboxes that have not been logged into are not reported.
    2.  I have thousands of mailboxes and only want the output to show the ones with the most time since they were last logged onto.  I am OK with just limiting the result size so long as the results are the ones with the most time since last logon.
    Any ideas would be appreciated!

    Hi Eric,
    I have some tests in my environment using Exchange 2013. You can use the following cmdlet Amit provided to get the inactive users who are not accessed in last 90 days and export the result to csv file.
    Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-MailboxStatistics | Where{$_.Lastlogontime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)} | Select DisplayName, LastLoggedOnUserAccount, LastLogonTime | Export-csv C:\InactiveUsers.csv
    What's more, the mailboxes which are not accessed at all will be listed in the warning lists.
    Is there any update with your issue?
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Get-mailboxstatistics export Identity

    Hello all
    I run the below script to get the total ItemCount and Totalitemsize  for mailboxes from a .csv file. The script works, however instead of exporting the "Displayname" for the user, I need to export the "Identity" of the user.
    However it appears "Identity" is not an exportable parameter when running the "get-mailboxstatistcs"  command
    $users = Import-Csv -Path C:\temp\mailboxes.csv
    $users |foreach {Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $_.identity} |select displayname,itemcount,totalitemsize |Export-Csv c:\temp\concordmailboxsize.csv
    I need exporting the users Identity instead of the users Displayname
    Thank you
    Bulls on Parade

    The object returned by get-mailboxstatistics already has an Identity property, but it's the identity of the mailbox (a guid).  But you can replace that with the user identity:
    $users = Import-Csv -Path C:\temp\mailboxes.csv
    foreach ($user in $users)
    { Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $user.identity |
    foreach {
    $_.identity = $user.identity
    $_ | select Identity,itemcount,totalitemsize
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • Complex key combinations get eaten by keyboard layout changer

    I am using gnome 3 and have a layout switcher on ctrl-shift. However any key combination which involves ctrl-shift (for instance ctrl-shift-n in chrome) causes a layout change (ctrl-shift) and nothing happens when I press N. I also can not select any text in words since it involves ctrl-shift + arrows while selecting by ctrl-arrows works fine.

    I am getting desperate. Is it only me having this problem and no solution?

  • Get-MailboxStatistics -database total GB not individual MB size

    need to get total size on each Exchange 2010 database, not each user mb.

    Based on my research, in Exchange 2010, we can depend on the following command to get the total database size:
    Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | select ServerName,Name,DatabaseSize
    And here is a reference about a script to get the database statistics:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Best regards,
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Combining 2 mailboxes - laptop and desktop

    I searched and couldn't find an aswer for this...
    Is it possible to merge my desktop mailbox (which is backed up on a hard drive) with the laptop? Or import one into the other?
    The desktop G5 is being repaired and I want to have access to all my old email.

    Go to File-->Import Mailboxes...
    From there Mail will guide you through the process of importing other mailboxes you may have on your hard drive.
    You don't have to worry about name duplication because the mailboxes will all be put into an "Imported" mailbox folder. Once that is done you can drag the messages you need wherever you like.
    Naturally, depending on your previous setup, you could end up having a lot of duplicate mail.
    G4 933 mhz Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Wacom Intuos 2 tablet; Epson 2400 Photo; HP Deskjet 6840; LaCie 80gb D2 FWDV

  • Exchange PowerShell script to get mailbox properties of user from a CSV file

    Hi Team,
    I've a CSV file with alias of numerous users and I want to get their mailbox sizes and other properties. These users are dispersed in various databases of same Exchange organization.
    Need a Powershell Script, Any help?
    Muhammad Nadeem Ahmed Sr System Support Engineer Premier Systems (Pvt) Ltd T. +9221-2429051 Ext-226 F. +9221-2428777 M. +92300-8262627 Web.

    You can use this and modify it to what you need. Output to a file (IE: Export-CSV "path to file"
    If you need more specifics let me know. This one is for one user at a time but can be used to read a CSV file.
    # Notifies the user a remote session needs to be started
    Write-Host "Get a users mailbox size" -fore yellow -back red;
    Write-Host "Please wait while a remote session started" -fore red -back yellow;
    # Import a remote session with exchange
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://exchangeservername/Powershell/ -Authentication Kerberos
    Import-PSSession $Session
    Do {
    # Prompts user for a name
    $name = Read-Host "Enter a username"
    # Get the mailbox statistics for that user
    Get-MailboxStatistics $name | fl totalitemsize, storagelimitstatus, totaldeleteditemsize | out-default
    # Give the user a choice to test another or EXIT
    $Output = Read-Host "Press Y to continue or ENTER to exit"
    # Ends the program if the user does not press Y
    Until ($Output -ne "Y")
    HossFly, Exchange Administrator

  • PS: Need a Switch to Include OUs in Get-Mailbox String

    I'm using this string in Exchange 2010 (Powershell) to export our mailbox details.
    The command string works great and is exactly what I need, except, I want to include the OU that the mailbox is in in the outputted file.
    Here is the string I'm using. Can you tell me what the switch would be to include each mailbox OU and where in the below string I would list it?
    Get-MailboxStatistics -Database "MBDB" | Select DisplayName, TotalItemSize | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | Export-CSV C:\MBDB.csv
    I tried a couple switches I got online, and they just keep throwing errors.
    Many thanks!
    Stephen Davis Systems Administrator Specialist

    Hi Bot,
    Thank you for your question.
    We could run the following command to export OU mailboxes:
    Get-Mailbox -OrganizationalUnit <OU name> -Resultsize Unlimited |Get-MailboxStatistics -Database "MBDB" | Select DisplayName, TotalItemSize | Sort-Object TotalItemSize -Descending | Export-CSV C:\MBDB.csv
    If there are any errors when we run this command, I suggest we post error to
    [email protected] for our troubleshooting.
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support
    Hey Jim--
    The switch doesn't work. I tried to list the OU with different formats and it keeps throwing an error that it can't find the OU. Since this isn't really what I was looking for, don't worry about it. I'm trying to find an output that will include the mailbox
    user's name, its size, AND the OU, I can't use this anyway.
    If anyone knows of a code string that will produce these three outputs, I would appreciate it.
    Stephen Davis Systems Administrator Specialist

  • Get-mailbox storage limit view

    I currently use this command to view the mailbox limits on the Exchaneg Server. I need to know what other commands to add in PowerShell so I can also view what the issue warning and prohibit send are at. thanks.
    Get-mailbox |Get-MailboxStatistics| select DisplayName,Database,TotalItemSize,ItemCount,storagelimitstatus | export-csv C:\mailboxsizes.csv -

    Hi Badlands
    For Quota on Individual
    Get-Mailbox | Select-Object Displayname,Database,@{Name='TotalItemSize'; Expression={[String]::join(";",((Get-MailboxStatistics -identity $_.identity).TotalItemSize))}},@{Name='ItemCount'; Expression={[String]::join(";",((Get-MailboxStatistics -identity
    $_.identity).ItemCount))}},IssueWarningQuota, ProhibitSendQuota | export-csv -path "c:\mailboxsizes.csv"
    For Quota on Database
    Get-Mailbox | Select-Object Displayname,Database,@{Name='TotalItemSize'; Expression={[String]::join(";",((Get-MailboxStatistics -identity $_.identity).TotalItemSize))}},@{Name='ItemCount'; Expression={[String]::join(";",((Get-MailboxStatistics -identity
    $_.identity).ItemCount))}}, @{Name='IssueWarningQuota'; Expression={[String]::join(";",((Get-MailboxDatabase -identity ($_.identity).DataBase).IssueWarningQuota))}},@{Name='ProhibitSendQuota '; Expression={[String]::join(";",((Get-MailboxDatabase -identity
    ($_.identity).DataBase).ProhibitSendQuota))}} | export-csv -path "c:\mailboxsizes.csv"
    Zi Feng
    Zi Feng
    TechNet Community Support

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    VersionTracker says Boot Camp 1.1 has a release date of 2006-08-15 (today). Is this the Mac Pro update? Apple's changelist seems vague ("support for the latest Intel-based Macintosh computers").

  • Infinity vs Virgin

    Does anyone have any thoughts on Infinity vs Virgin?  We've recently moved from out in the wilds (download speed of 4 mb) to Gloucester (a big town but we are lucky if we achieve 1 mb download).  I probably should have investigated further at the tim

  • [urgent] deleted dbf.file

    Hello! I have deleted the .dbf file. now oracle cannot start anymore. I do not want to restore the datbase. the data ist not important. how can i make oracle run again. please mail me. thanks in advance mario

  • F.23 customer balance display in local currency sameneeds in group curency

    Dear experts , Please help on this .. When i run report in T code F.23 it shows customer balances in local curreny i need this in Group curreny to see the customer balances , plse tell T Code Thanks in advance B