ComboBox inside another ComboBox

Hi all
I want to create some component having similar functionality as "Start" button in Windows i.e. combo box with another combo box inside but it can be located anywhere on the screen.
Which component can I use??
May be some code examples???

It can be PopupMenu or something else but I need to display it inside the frame not in the menu,
JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu("Menu");
menu.add(new JMenuItem("First");
menu.add(new JMenuItem("Second");
This code places the menu at the top left corner and not according to the bounds set.

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    Do you mean you want the 'value' entries in a hash table to themselves be hash tables? Easy but this often indicates a design flaw.
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    Looks like you have already handled the declaration side in your other thread. I suspect you should be writing your own beans that hold the information and these beans would then be stored in a Map. The problem I have is that your description is too vague so I can't be certain.

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    I don't understand what you mean by register a bean inside another bean.

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    You have to get the field id (getFieldID) of the variable you want, e.g. outputImageInfo, then get the object (getObjectField) in that field. At this point, you can start over (get the class, get the field id, get the object).

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    An interesting question came up in the following post by Folobo:
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    I'd like to rephrase this question:
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    @Folobo – this is an interesting question. A quick test is showing that you cannot do it in the UI (correct me if I'm wrong).
    Let's try it this way:
    If you have two objects:
    1. an MSO #1 (with two rectangles, rectangle #1, rectangle #2)
    2. Another rectangle on the page: rectangle #3
    Now select the two objects and make an MSO out of it (using the "Object States" panel).
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    Frustrating. End of story? Maybe…
    Be forewarned. The following is highly experimental!
    Let's try it by scripting (ExtendScript/JavaScript).
    The scripting reference is showing that an MSO "MultiStateObject" object has an add()-method. And further on, that add()-method could be applied to:
    And that is the key to a possible solution. We could add a new MSO to a "pageItem" object.
    A simple rectangle should be qualify for a "pageItem" object; and that, of course, could reside in a state of an MSO.
    So, we could add a new MSO to a rectangle inside of a MSO!
    How can we access a rectangle inside a MSO? Easy: We could select it and work with that selection.
    So let's do that: select the rectangle in the first state of an MSO and run this one-line-script (be sure you did select the rectangle and not the MSO or one of its states:
    We now have an MSO inside another MSO!
    A "generic MSO" was added with the add()-function to a selection (the container object: in our case the selected rectangle).
    The "generic MSO" is a two state MSO consisting of one rectangle in each state of a very small size (10px x 10px).
    At first it is invisible, because it is very likely that it is positioned outside the geometric bounds of its container object (the rectangle).
    But we can customize this!
    Go to the layers palette and select the new MSO, move it inside the geometric bounds of its container object, readjust its size, add states as you wish, populate the states with images, and other objects etc.pp.
    So, what can we do with an MSO inside another MSO? (As I already said, this is highly experimental.)
    My experiments with that are very fresh. I did not try a lot. But it seems that we could at least autoplay this MSO.
    I have to test more thoroughly what is possible and what will work with buttons etc.pp…
    I really like to hear from you what you will find out and if you can put it to any use.
    Message was edited by: Laubender

    @Mobly – in case it did not work out for you, here some screen grabs for the different steps:
    1. Select an MSO:
    2. Select a "graphic frame" inside the MSO; in this case a "<square>"; you can see the big blue dot in the Layers panel behind the generic name "<square>":
    3. Open the Scripts Panel and select the script:
    4. Run the script by double-clicking the script; the generic name of your selected object has changed to "graphic frame", but trust me, it's still a square…
    5. Click the "Ok" button of the message and InDesign will select the new MSO ("Multi-state 2") as you can see here. It has two states with one rectangle each,  fill and stroke is "None":
    And: you can see that this new MSO is nested inside the MSO ("Multi-state 1").
    What you do with that construct is up to you:
    6. Color the "<square>" of state 1 of "Multi-state 2":
    7. Resize and change position of "Multi-state 2":
    8. But remember: "Multi-state 2" is nested in the graphic frame you selected before running the script:
    I hope you get the picture now…

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    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to get the id from a dynamic created symbol from library.
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    // USING "getChildSymbols()" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
    // ON THE STAGE 
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item","Stage");
    var symbolChildren = sym.getChildSymbols(); 
    console.log(symbolChildren[0].getSymbolElement().attr('id')); // ok eid_1391853893203
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item", sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbolElement()); 
    var symbolChildren = sym.getSymbol("holder").getChildSymbols(); // Am i using this wrong maybe?
    console.log(symbolChildren.length) // returns 0 so can't get no ID either
    // USING "aSymbolInstances"" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item","Stage"); 
    console.log(sym.aSymbolInstances[0]); // ok (i guess) x.fn.x.init[1] 0: div#eid_1391854141436
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item", sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbolElement());
    console.log(sym.getSymbol("holder").aSymbolInstances[0]); // Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = element 
    In this post is written: "mySym.aSymbolInstances will give you an array with all "names" when you create symbols"
    Could it be this only works on the stage/ composition level only and not inside a symbol? 
    The following methods to achieve the same are indeed possible, but i simply DON'T want to use them in this case:
    1) Storing a reference of the created symbol in an array and call it later by index.
    2) Giving the items an ID manually on creation and use document.getElementById() afterwards.
    I can't believe this isn't possible. I am probably missing something here.
    Forgive me I am a newbie using Adobe Edge!
    I really hope someone can help me out here.
    Anyway, thnx in advance people!
    Kind Regards,

    Thanks for the quick response!
    True this is also a possibility. But this method is almost the same of "Giving the items an ID manually on creation and use document.getElementById() afterwards".
    In this way (correct me if i'm wrong) you have to give it an unique ID yourself. In a (very) big project this isn't the most practical way.
    Although I know it is possible.
    Now when Edge creates a symbol dynamically on the Stage (or composition level) or inside another symbol it always gives the symbol an ID like "eid_1391853893203".
    I want to reuse this (unique) ID given by Edge after creation.
    If created on the stage directly you can get this ID very easy. Like this;
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item","Stage");
    var symbolChildren = sym.getChildSymbols(); 
    console.log(symbolChildren[0].getSymbolElement().attr('id')); // ok eid_1391853893203
    I want to do exactly the same when created INSIDE another symbol.
    var m_item = sym.createChildSymbol("m_item", sym.getSymbol("holder").getSymbolElement());
    Now how can I accomplish this? How can I get the Id of a dynamically created symbol INSIDE another symbol instead of created directly on the stage?
    This is what i'm after.
    Thnx in advance!

  • Loading a SWF inside another SWF question

    Hello friends,
    1. (IMPORTANT) As all we know when putting some Flash SWF
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    first frame is loaded.
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    I wana know is there any way that we can make this Flash
    display while being still loaded.
    2. Is there anyway to change a Flash playback FPS at runtime?
    Thank you so much for any note and help.
    - M

    damatrixhasu wrote:
    > i want to know how i can load a flash inside another
    flash container
    go to help - search for 'loadmovie'
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    I would use a full screen image Sequence made with png for transparency and put your article behind. no auto play, stop at first and last image. and information for swipe to display article.

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    Hi All,
    I need to put a <b>box inside another box</b> and <b>both the boxes need to be bordered</b>. There are 2 levels of main data to be printed in the 2 boxes. Header data will be printed in the outer box and corresponding to each header row a number of line items will be printed in the inner box.
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    Hi ,
    You can try using a combination of variable window and main window to achieve what you are lookoing for.
    You will have to use Main window instances such a way similar to newspaper printing.

  • Window inside another window

    i'm having problems with a window i created inside another window, when i click the "x" for exit in the 2nd window, both windows close!!
    how can i fix this??

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Window_2 extends JFrame{
        Label nombre, apellido;
        TextField txNombre, txApellido;
        Button ok;
        Panel Pnl, PnlNombre, PnlOk;
        public Window_2() {
            Pnl= new Panel();
            Pnl.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
            PnlNombre= new Panel();
            PnlNombre.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));
            PnlOk=new Panel();
            PnlOk.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
            nombre= new Label("Nombre");
            txNombre= new TextField(10);
            apellido= new Label("Apellido");
            txApellido= new TextField(10);
            ok= new Button("OK");
            addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
                public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {

  • Trouble playing one swf inside another

    I'm trying to load a SWF and play it inside another SWF.
    Both SWFs are targeted to use Flash Player 8, and AS 2.0
    So, in the parent, I've got code that looks like this:
    var movie_mc:MovieClip =
    var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    function onLoadInit(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {;
    When I run this in the Flash IDE, it runs beautifully.
    However, when I try to play the movie in a browser, the inner
    plays for a few frames, then just stops playing.
    So potentially relevant facts -
    - Both movies are set to run at 30 FPS
    - The inner movie is about 2,700 frames long
    - The inner movie has an audio track embedded on one of the
    - The audio track has sync=Stream
    I'm definitely sure the inner movie has stopped playing - I
    set an
    interval in the parent movie that checks the inner movie's
    _currentframe, and displays it in a text field - sure enough
    - it gets
    to about frame 25, and just stops.
    Notably - if I remove the audio track from the inner swf, the
    thing runs perfectly, both in the Flash IDE and in a browser.
    So, i'm assuming the audio track embedded in a layer, and/or
    Sync=Stream has something to do with this?
    Any advice or insight is MUCH appreciated!

    I'm trying to load a SWF and play it inside another SWF.
    Both SWFs are targeted to use Flash Player 8, and AS 2.0
    So, in the parent, I've got code that looks like this:
    var movie_mc:MovieClip =
    var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    function onLoadInit(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {;
    When I run this in the Flash IDE, it runs beautifully.
    However, when I try to play the movie in a browser, the inner
    plays for a few frames, then just stops playing.
    So potentially relevant facts -
    - Both movies are set to run at 30 FPS
    - The inner movie is about 2,700 frames long
    - The inner movie has an audio track embedded on one of the
    - The audio track has sync=Stream
    I'm definitely sure the inner movie has stopped playing - I
    set an
    interval in the parent movie that checks the inner movie's
    _currentframe, and displays it in a text field - sure enough
    - it gets
    to about frame 25, and just stops.
    Notably - if I remove the audio track from the inner swf, the
    thing runs perfectly, both in the Flash IDE and in a browser.
    So, i'm assuming the audio track embedded in a layer, and/or
    Sync=Stream has something to do with this?
    Any advice or insight is MUCH appreciated!

  • Combo-box or OVS inside another OVS

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    Other solution could be adding an OVS inside  another OVS, can I do this?
    Regards and many thanks.

    The UI generated for OVS is automatic, done by the webdynpro framework. So in my opinion and to my knowledge, there's no way to modify that UI, add a field or change a field.
    Hope that helps.
    Instead you can build a popup which looks similar to OVS UI, have your combo box in it and use OVS inside  this popup (if you require). This option gives you more control over the search help.

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