Command_link help

I am using JSF 1.0 and I can not get a command_link to work
the follwing code
<h:command_link action="IncidentBeanUtil.reasonaction" value = "Next>>"/>
generates the follwing error
jasper.JasperException: /mainPage.jsp(179,3) No tag "command_link" defined in tag library imported with prefix "h"
I was using a command button but I need a command link so that I can pass parameter to action
What am I doing wrong.

it's commanLink now, read the latest docs at:

Similar Messages

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    I am new to JSF. I am using a command_link to generate a link. Since I need to generate lot of links, I use a JSTL forEach loop.
    Since I am generating this in loop I don't use the "id" within the command_link . The code is as below>
              <c:forEach var="item" items="${MyBean.queryFilters}">
              <c:set var="sortLink" value="${item}" scope="request"/>
              <h:command_link actionListener="#{MyBean.selectQueryLinks}">
              <h:output_text value="#{sortLink}"/>
              <f:parameter name="linkName" value="#{sortLink}"/>
    The links are being generated fine, but when user selects a link I need to know which link he selected...
    I used f:parameter to get the linkname. But on server side I am unable to retrieve this.
    How do I get this parameter....
    The client side html generated something like...
              <a href="# onmousedown="document.forms[0['_id0:_id5'].value='_id0:_id5';document.forms[0]['linkName'].value='0-9'; document.forms[0].submit()">0-9</a><input type="hidden" name="_id0:_id5" /><input type="hidden" name="linkName" value="0-9" />
    I need to get hold of "linkname"...

    In your original post:
    <c:forEach var="item" items="${MyBean.queryFilters}">
    <c:set var="sortLink" value="${item}" scope="request"/>
    <h:command_link actionListener="#{MyBean.selectQueryLinks}">
    <h:output_text value="#{sortLink}"/>
    <f:parameter name="linkName" value="#{sortLink}"/>
    If you want to retrieve the value of the linkName parameter, code your actionListener as follows:
    public void selectQueryLinks( ActionEvent evt ) {
         UICommand command = (UICommand)evt.getComponent();
         List commandChildren = command.getChildren();
         for ( Iterator it = commandChildren.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
              UIComponent child = (UIComponent);
              if ( child instanceof UIParameter ) {
                   String parmName = (String) ( (UIParameter)child ).getName();
                   if ( parmName.equals("linkName") ) {
                   _linkName = (String) ( (UIParameter)child ).getValue();
    // ...... Other processing......

  • Command_link bug in JSF 1.1

    When I click some hyperlink, (generated by Command_link component), It pops out a javascript error message, indicates that field *:idcl is null or null object, namely the field *:idcl is missing.
    I have a close look at html code, I found that most Command_link generate a hidden field name *:idcl, but some of them not. However, all Command_link generate a javascript onclick event: *[*:idcl ].value = *.value. it gets error here!

    Can you please provide your jsp page, and any other information (faces-config.xml, managed beans, etc...)?
    It will help us isolate the probem.
    Thanks, Roger (EG member)

  • Command_link questions

    i am totaly new to JSF and have problems using the command_link tags. I'd like to have multiple links to select different values for one property of a managed bean. I tried to achive this by using follwing code snipset
    <h:command_link action="edit">
        <h:output_text value="user 1" />
        <c:parameter value="1" bindg="#{editUser.userUid}"/>
    <hl:command_link action="edit" >
        <h:output_text value="user 2" />
        <c:parameter value="2" bindg="#{editUser.userUid}"/>
    <h:command_link action="edit" >
        <h:output_text value="user 3" />
        <c:parameter value="3" bindg="#{editUser.userUid}"/>
    </h:command_link><br>does anybody knwo how to solve this problem?
    Markus J.

    <c:parameter value="1" bindg="#{editUser.userUid}"/>
    paramater tag is part of HTML tag library, so it should h:parameter. Also this tag takes a "name" and "value" atributes and ofcourse "value" can be a JSF EL expression. hope this helps.

  • Command_link page navigation and acoinListener

    I have a command link inside a form that includes a table, my page navigatoin does not work though.
    when i clik on the link i am still in the same page. the actionListener is not called either. It seems like a pretty basic thing. but I can not get it to work.
    when I view the html code generated the <form> action attribute is still set to the same page. regardless of the value of the action attribute for <h:command_link>
    here is portion of the jsp file
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:output_text value="Name"/>
    <h:command_link id="PartnerName" action="#{Partners.success}" immediate="true" actionListener=" #{Partners.handlePartner}">
    <h:output_text value="#{item.partnerName}"/>
    here is a code snippet from the backing bean Partners
    public String success()
    return "success";
    public void handlePartner(ActionEvent event)
    System.out.println("in partner action listener!!");
    Here is my navigation rule:
    Any help is really really appreciated.

    thanks for the replay...
    you know what? i had my bean-scopse set to request. that was the source of the problem. I changed it to
    session and now it is working. This sounds like a bug. doesn't it?

  • Command_link does not work outside of form

    if command_link is outside of form, it is rendered without a warning notes, but does not work correctly.

    Sorry, you did not get my point again.
    Currently, I check how JSF RI helps developer to recognize his/her mistakes.
    In case of command_link outside of the form, RI says "Everything is all right. Spend the next couple minutes (couple hours or days, depends of developer qualification) to find this trick.

  • Urgent help ----problem of component id and attribute value

    I want to produce a dynamic menu that compoment id and attribute value will be dynamic assigned when logon to system. That means i have to use id="#{aid}" and value="#{avalue}" in following codes.
    The problem are:
    1. Component id looks only accepts constant (hard code data) insteads of varable. I changed id="ADMIN", and it works. It can be empty, and tag will give me one. Therefore, it is not too much affected me.
    2. The f:attribute value, when value="Value" works. However, when value="#{avalue}", first time works, second time it throws Illegal State Exception. I really need this value be assigned by varable.
    Can anyone help me out?
    <h:command_link id="#{aid}" action="#{Action.action}" >
              <f:action_listener type="my.MenuListener"/>
              <h:output_text value="Logon"/>
              <f:attribute name="COMMAND" value="#{avalue}"/>

    -----------2 TreeMenu---------------
    public class MenuTree implements Serializable{
    private String treeId = null;
    private String name = null;
    private Map submenus = new TreeMap(); // name as key, submenu is value;
    private String actionClass = null;
    private boolean isLeaf = false;
    private boolean isRoot = true;
    private MenuTree parent = null;
    public boolean isRoot() {
         return isRoot;
    public void setRoot(boolean root) {
         isRoot = root;
    public MenuTree(){
    public MenuTree getParent(){
         return parent;
    public void setParent(MenuTree parent){
         this.parent = parent;
         if(parent != null) parent.putSubmenu(treeId, this);
         isRoot = false;
    public String getName() {
         return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public Map getSubmenus() {
         return submenus;
    public boolean getIsNode(){
         return submenus.size() > 0;
    public void putSubmenu(String name, MenuTree menu){
         submenus.put(name, menu);
         * @return Returns the isLeaf.
         public boolean getIsLeaf() {
              return isLeaf;
         public boolean getIsRoot() {
              return isRoot;
         * @param isLeaf The isLeaf to set.
         public void setLeaf(boolean isLeaf) {
              this.isLeaf = isLeaf;
         * @param submenus The submenus to set.
         public void setSubmenus(Map submenus) {
              this.submenus = submenus;
         * @return Returns the actionClass.
         public String getActionClass() {
              return actionClass;
    public void setActionClass(String actionClass) {
         this.actionClass = actionClass;
         public String getTreeId() {
              return treeId;
         * @param id The id to set.
         public void setTreeId(String treeId) {
              this.treeId = treeId;
    ------------3 JSP if want to test change subview to view. I am sure the treeId have value---------------------
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
    <% request.setAttribute("CONTEXT_PATH", request.getContextPath()); %>
    <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href='<c:out value="${requestScope.CONTEXT_PATH}"/>/style/menutree.css'/>
    <SCRIPT type='text/javascript' src='<c:out value="${requestScope.CONTEXT_PATH}"/>/js/hideshow.js'></SCRIPT>
    <!--f:loadBundle basename="bundle.common.Menu" var="bundle"/-->
    <f:subview id="userMenuView">
    <h:form id="userMenuForm">
    <c:set var="root" value="${sessionScope.menuTree}"/>
    <table class="" width="150px" bgcolor="blue">
    <c:forEach var="menuBar" begin="0" items="${root.submenus}">
    <c:set var="menu" value="${menuBar.value}"/>
              <c:when test="${menu.isLeaf}">
                   <c:set var="menuJSF" value="${menu}" scope="request"/>
                   <h:command_link action="#{Action.action}">
                        <f:action_listener type=""/>
                        <h:output_text value="#{}"/>
                        <f:attribute value="#{menuItemJSF.treeId}">
                   <span class="" onclick="javascript:hideshow('<c:out value="${menu.treeId}"/>')">
                        <c:out value="${}"/>
                   <div id='<c:out value="${menu.treeId}"/>' >
                   <table class="">
                   <c:forEach var="submenu" begin="0" items="${menu.submenus}">
                        <c:set var="menuItem" value="${submenu.value}"/>
                             <c:when test="${menuItem.isLeaf}">
                                  <c:set var="menuItemJSF" value="${menuItem}" scope="request"/>
                                  <h:command_link action="#{Action.action}">
                                       <f:action_listener type=""/>
                                       <h:output_text value="#{}"/>
                                       <f:attribute value="#{menuItemJSF.treeId}">
                                  <span class="" onclick="javascript:hideshow('<c:out value="${menuItem.treeId}"/>')">
                                  <c:out value="${}"/>
                                  <div id='<c:out value="${menuItem.treeId}"/>' >
                                       <table class="">
                                            <c:forEach var="item" begin="0" items="${menuItem.submenus}">
                                                 <c:set var="itemObj" value="${item.value}"/>
                                                      <c:when test="${itemObj.isLeaf}">
                                                      <c:set var="itemObjJSF" value="${itemObj}" scope="request"/>
                                                           <h:command_link action="#{Action.action}">
                                                                <f:action_listener type=""/>
                                                                <h:output_text value="#{}"/>
                                                                <f:attribute value="#{itemObjJSF.treeId}">
                                                           <span class="">
                                                           <c:out value="${}"/>
    <script language= "javascript" >
         function prehide(){
              <c:forEach var="menuBar" begin="0" items="${root.submenus}">
                   <c:set var="menu" value="${menuBar.value}"/>
                   <c:if test="${!menu.isLeaf}">
                        hide('<c:out value="${menu.treeId}"/>');
                        <c:forEach var="submenu" begin="0" items="${menu.submenus}">
                             <c:set var="menuItem" value="${submenu.value}"/>
                             <c:if test="${!menuItem.isLeaf}">
                                  hide('<c:out value="${menuItem.treeId}"/>');

  • Capturing value attribute from command_link

    I have a command_link with no id attribute but a value attribute set ... as below:
    <h:command_link value="xxxx" actionListener="yyy"... />
    When the link is selected the yyy method is being called but how do I get the xxxx (of value attribute)...?

    That does not work...
    Here is my command_link
              <h:command_link id="LastNameLink" actionListener="#{ContactGenericList.editContact}" value="test" styleClass="navControlLink">
              <h:output_text styleClass="navControlLink" value="#{conIdx.lastName}"/>
    I used value=test and in editContact method, I did
    String idVal = (String)((UICommand) event.getSource()).getValue();
    and it ALWAYS shows up as null.
    Please help

  • Value attribute of command_link

    Hope someone can help me out. When you specify a value for the value attribute of the command_link tag does this value ever get sent to the user's browser or does it stay server side in a table referenced to that specific user?
    Sorry if this is a strange question!

    My best understand is that.
    1)The server side just collects all UIComponent info and encryt form by form. All info will return to server when you submit. I just guess from the fact that browser always send back the old message back to server, even you server code already changed.
    2) event and listener is invoked when data submited to Server.
    3) Value attribute donot works. you should put <f:paramter name="" value=""> or <f:attribute name="" value=""> inside the command_link tag.
    Vist for detail.

  • Problem with threads and simulation: please help

    please help me figure this out..
    i have something like this:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DrawShapes extends JApplet{
         private JButton choices[];
         private String names[]={"line", "square", "oval"};
         private JPanel buttonPanel;
         private DrawPanel drawingArea;
         private int width=300, height=200;
         public void init(){
              drawingArea=new DrawPanel(width, height);
              choices=new JButton[names.length];
              buttonPanel=new JPanel();
              buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, choices.length));
              ButtonHandler handler=new ButtonHandler();
              for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
                   choices=new JButton(names[i]);
              Container c=getContentPane();
              c.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              c.add(drawingArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         }//end init
         public void setWidth(int w){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 300);
         public void setHeight(int h){
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 200);
         /*public static void main(String args[]){
              int width, height;
                   height=200; width=300;
              JFrame appWindow=new JFrame("An applet running as an application");
                   new WindowAdapter(){
                        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
              DrawShapes appObj=new DrawShapes();
              appWindow.setSize(width, height);
         }//end main*/
         private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   for(int i=0; i<choices.length; i++){
    }//end class DrawShapes
    class DrawPanel extends JPanel{
         private int currentChoice=-1;
         private int width=100, height=100;
         public DrawPanel(int w, int h){
              width=(w>=0 ? w : 100);
              height=(h>=0 ? h : 100);
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
                   case 0:     g.drawLine(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 1: g.drawRect(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
                   case 2: g.drawOval(randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), randomY());
         public void setCurrentChoice(int c){
         private int randomX(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*width);
         private int randomY(){
              return (int) (Math.random()*height);
    }//end class drawPanel
    That one's from a book. I used that code to start with my applet. Mine calls different merthod from the switch cases. Say I have:
    case 0: drawStart(g); break;
    public void drawStart(Graphics g){
      /* something here */
    public void drawMain(graphics g){
    g.drawString("test", x, y);
    //here's where i'm trying to pause
    //i've tried placing Thread.sleep between these lines
    g.drawLine(x, y, a, b);
    //Thread.sleep here
    g.drawRect(x, y, 50, 70);
    }I also need to put delays between method calls but I need to synchronize them. Am I doing it all wrong? The application pauses or sleeps but afterwards, it still drew everything all at once. Thanks a lot!

    It is. Sorry about that. Just answer any if you want to. I'd appreciate your help. Sorry again if it caused you anything or whatever. .n_n.

  • Query Help

    ou store point
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    I have to insert table1 to table2 by splitting into every 143point and assing serial number for every 143 from parameter.
    in aboce example we can split 3 time 143 like below table2 sample.
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 50 101
    LS LIB1 93 101
    LS LIB1 107 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    i tried below procedure its not working.
    table may have any order like below.
    ou store point
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    then table2
    ou store point serial_number
    LS LIB1 143 101
    LS LIB1 57 102
    LS LIB1 50 102
    LS LIB1 36 102
    LS LIB1 64 103
    LS LIB1 79 103
    create or replace procedure assign_serial(from_num number,to_num number) is
    bal number(10);
    bal := 0;
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;
    How to split and assign serial number,please hELP.

    .after giving serial num i have to change points in table1 to 0.The problem for SUm and split for every 143 is ,different OU and store is there.we have to know for which store points we earned serial number.
    i hope this below logic little satisfy except assign cardnum,please........ check and currect the logic
    LS LIB1 50
    LS LIB1 200
    LS LIB1 100
    LS LIB1 79
    --variable used and bal
    for c1 in(select * from table1)
    used := c1.points;
    if c1.point <=143 then
    if bal=0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    elsif used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,bal);
    if used > 0 then
    insert int0 table2 values(c1.ou,,used);
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;

  • Help my safari doesnt open and gives me a crash report

    help my safari doesn't open and gives me a crash report ever since i downloaded a file from the internet. I have a macbook air (early 2014) with running os x yosemite version 10.10.1

    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem.
    You may have installed the "Genieo" or "InstallMac" ad-injection malware. Follow the instructions on this Apple Support page to remove it.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Besides the files listed in the linked support article, you may also need to remove this file in the same way:
    If there are other items with a name that includes "Genieo" or "genieo" alongside any of those you find, remove them as well.
    One of the steps in the article is to remove malicious Safari extensions. Do the equivalent in the Chrome and Firefox browsers, if you use either of those. If Safari crashes on launch, skip that step and come back to it after you've done everything else.
    If you don't find any of the files or extensions listed, or if removing them doesn't stop the ad injection, then you may have one of the other kinds of adware covered by the support article. Follow the rest of the instructions in the article.
    Make sure you don't repeat the mistake that led you to install the malware. Chances are you got it from an Internet cesspit such as "Softonic" or "CNET Download." Never visit either of those sites again. You might also have downloaded it from an ad in a page on some other site. The ad would probably have included a large green button labeled "Download" or "Download Now" in white letters. The button is designed to confuse people who intend to download something else on the same page. If you ever download a file that isn't obviously what you expected, delete it immediately.
    In the Security & Privacy pane of System Preferences, select the General tab. The radio button marked Anywhere  should not be selected. If it is, click the lock icon to unlock the settings, then select one of the other buttons. After that, don't ignore a warning that you are about to run or install an application from an unknown developer.
    Still in System Preferences, open the App Store or Software Update pane and check the box marked
              Install system data files and security updates
    if it's not already checked.

  • Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter is not working. Please Help...

    I bought an Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter to connect my Macbook to a TV using normal video cable. When I connect the cable, my Laptop DIsplay gives a flickr once and then it shows nothing. I checked Display in the system preference where I don't get a secondary monitor option. My TV is panasonic and it's an old one. I work on Final Cut Pro and it's very very important to see my videos on a TV. What am I doing wrong with the connection? Anyone Please Please help...

    Your probably not doing anything wrong. There are thousands of users with Similar issues and it seems to be with many different adapters.
    We have Mini DP to VGA (3 different brands) and they all fail most of the time. This seems more prevalent with LCD Projectors. I've tested some (50+) with VGA Monitor (HP) and they all worked, LCD Projector (Epson, Hitachi, and Sanyo) and they all fail, DLP Projector (Sanyo) and one worked.
    My Apple Mini DP to DVi works most of the time. My Mini DP to HDMI (Generic non Apple) works every time.
    The general consensus is that Apple broke something in the OS around 10.6.4 or 10.6.5 and its not yet fixed. As we are a school we have logged a case with the EDU Support group so will see what happens.

  • Mini dvi to video adapter help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    ive got a 20" intel imac. i bought a mini dvi to video said it works with the intel macs.
    i maybe being a bit thick here but the end of the dvi seems to be a different size to the port on the mac.
    please help....................

    You might find relief in the iMac Forum. Perhaps they will appreciate your distinctive thread header style more fully.
    good luck.

  • PSE icons instead of the photo. I need to view photos at a glance. Please help me????

    Please help, this is driving me crazy.  I have downloaded my free PSE #9, it came with my Leica Camera.  I cannot view at a glance any of my photos.  There is only an icon that reads, PSE.  To view any of my photos, I must click select and then preview.  This gets old, and I am doing 4 times the work. I am having to use the dates to guess where my photos might be.  I hate this!  My old Photo Shop #5 didn't do this.  When you went to my pictures, you could see every photo.
    I have tried the right click and open as any program.  What ever program I choose, that is the icon that appears.  No photo. Still no good.
    Please help.
    Thanking anyone in advance,

    Are you using Windows Explorer to view the files?
    If so, load Explorer, go to the Tools menu and select Folder Options.
    Click on the View tab and make sure the first option (Always show icons, never thumbnails) is not checked.
    Click on OK and see if that is any better.

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