Command to move content left/right in Smartform label for zebra printer

Issue : Command to move print content left/right in Smartform label for zebra printer.
Requirement : If you changed the printer setting top position and left position, Print should start from a specific (X,Y) position.
I am facing an issue while printing a smartfroms in different zebra printer.  We had tried all
But these command are not working in smartforms.
We had used ZPL II printer command like u2018LH X,Yu2019  and u2018FT,X,Yu2019  in main window as well as in subsequent windows. But that also not working.
Please advice.

If you follow notes #750002 and #750772 and use a smartforms and device type LZEB2, then the you cn just adjust the position of the text in the smartform. e.g. Use tab-stops, spaces or adjust the position of the window. There is no need to use ZPL2 commands directly.

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    how to format paragraph string to show content left, Right or middle of pdf document using iTextsharp in visual basic and absolute position on the document.

     Here is one more example that i have modified the GetCell function so that you can use it for adding all the cells to the document.  It takes several arguments to specify everything you need to create each cell.  It now lets
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    iTextSharp Documentation
    Imports System.IO
    Imports Its = iTextSharp.text
    Public Class Form1
    Private dt As New DataTable
    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    dt.Columns.Add("Birth Date")
    dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"Johnny", "23", Now.AddYears(-23).ToString})
    dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"Frank", "41", Now.AddYears(-41).ToString})
    dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"Rex", "33", Now.AddYears(-33).ToString})
    dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {"Kim", "26", Now.AddYears(-26).ToString})
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim MyPdfFilePath As String = "C:\TestFolder\MyPdf.pdf"
    Dim pSize As New Its.Rectangle(Its.PageSize.A4)
    Dim PdfDoc As Its.Document = New Its.Document(pSize, 10, 10, 10, 10)
    Dim PdfImage As New Its.Jpeg(New Uri("C:\TestFolder\MyLogo.jpg"))
    PdfImage.Alignment = Its.Jpeg.ALIGN_CENTER
    Dim pTable As New Its.pdf.PdfPTable(1)
    pTable.AddCell(getCell("Name : " & TextBox1.Text, Its.pdf.PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER, Its.FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 15, Its.BaseColor.BLACK), False, Its.BaseColor.WHITE, 10, 0, 0, 0))
    pTable.AddCell(getCell("Policy : " & TextBox2.Text, Its.pdf.PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER, Its.FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 20, Its.BaseColor.RED), False, Its.BaseColor.WHITE, 10, 20, 0, 0))
    Dim cTable As New Its.pdf.PdfPTable(dt.Columns.Count)
    For Each col As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    cTable.AddCell(getCell(col.ColumnName, Its.pdf.PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER, Its.FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 12, Its.BaseColor.WHITE), True, Its.BaseColor.BLUE, 3, 5, 0, 0))
    Dim tblfont As Its.Font = Its.FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 10, Its.BaseColor.BLACK)
    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
    cTable.AddCell(getCell(row.Field(Of String)("Name"), Its.pdf.PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT, tblfont, True, Its.BaseColor.WHITE, 3, 4, 3, 0))
    cTable.AddCell(getCell(row.Field(Of String)("Age"), Its.pdf.PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER, tblfont, True, Its.BaseColor.WHITE, 3, 4, 0, 0))
    cTable.AddCell(getCell(row.Field(Of String)("Birth Date"), Its.pdf.PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT, tblfont, True, Its.BaseColor.WHITE, 3, 4, 0, 3))
    Using fs As New FileStream(MyPdfFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
    Using pdfWrite As Its.pdf.PdfWriter = Its.pdf.PdfWriter.GetInstance(PdfDoc, fs)
    End Using
    End Using
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>Creates a new cell for the table.</summary>
    ''' <param name="text">The text string for the cell.</param>
    ''' <param name="alignment">Alighnment for the text string.</param>
    ''' <param name="textfont">The font used for the text string.</param>
    ''' <param name="border">True to show the cell border. False to hide the cell border.</param>
    ''' <param name="backcolor">The background color of the cell.</param>
    ''' <param name="padtop">The amount of padding on the top of the text string.</param>
    ''' <param name="padbottom">The amount of padding on the bottom of the text string.</param>
    ''' <param name="padleft">The amount of padding on the left of the text string.</param>
    ''' <param name="padright">The amount of padding on the right of the text string.</param>
    Public Function getCell(ByVal text As String, ByVal alignment As Integer, ByVal textfont As Its.Font, ByVal border As Boolean, ByVal backcolor As Its.BaseColor, ByVal padtop As Single, ByVal padbottom As Single, ByVal padleft As Single, ByVal padright As Single) As Its.pdf.PdfPCell
    Dim cell As New Its.pdf.PdfPCell(New Its.Phrase(text, textfont))
    cell.BackgroundColor = backcolor
    cell.PaddingLeft = padleft
    cell.PaddingRight = padright
    cell.PaddingTop = padtop
    cell.PaddingBottom = padbottom
    cell.HorizontalAlignment = alignment
    If Not border Then cell.Border = Its.pdf.PdfPCell.NO_BORDER
    Return cell
    End Function
    End Class
    If you say it can`t be done then i`ll try it

  • Inverting Smartform output on Zebra Printer

    Hi Gurus,
    I am printing a SmartForm on a Zebra LP 2844-Z Thermal Printer. The label is coming out fine. However, due to the nature of my thermal labels (there is a small insert that you peel off separately) I need to print the label upside down.
    I have included a COMMAND node in my SmartForm with 'S_LZPL_SETUP' in the Attribute Field and '^POI' (Page Orientation Inverse) as the Attribute Value. When I print out the SmartForm, the labels are still the wrong way around!
    I am using the ZLZEB2 (ISO 8859-1 (Latin) 203 dpi ZPL-II) driver.
    Any assistance or thoughts on this will be much appreciated.
    Pat Yee.

    Please let me know, if you found any solution for you problem. I am using the same printer.
    The Tips and Tricks of Zebra
    on page 40 didn't work. I just want to print two texts  vertical. The rest of the lablel should be printed normal.
    Now I have a solution for the rotation problem. For rotation single fields of the lable you have to create new print controls of your Z* Printer driver device. In this new control you can add the ^FWR (for rotating °90) and ^FWN (for normal print) print control.
    I have tested it and it works.
    Thank you smartforms - no more BARONE
    Silvio Hey
    Message was edited by: Silvio Hey

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    The sample code is placed below. Kindly have a look at it. The problem now i am facing is, the barcode for Customer PO is printing on the wrong place (Left Bottom, the text & barcode are overwriting). Can anyone suggest a possible way or can any one send the document for Barcode commands in SAP Script for Zebra Printer.
    Sample script code:
    Initialization and reset Barcode
    Barcode setup
    Set label home position
    FO385,025A0R,40,50FDPN: &VBAP-MATNR&FS
    FO385,1710A0R,40,50FDRtns: &zsntsc-contr&FS
    FO345,025A0R,40,50FDService Order# &AUFK-AUFNR&FS
    FO345,725A0R,40,50FDSerial# &EQUI-SERNR&FS
    FO345,1710A0R,40,50FDRepair Order# &VBAP-VBELN&FS
    FO138,1710A0R,40,35FDCustomer PO# &VBKD-BSTKD&FS
    FO98,025A0R,40,50FDWrnty: &W_WARRANTY&FS
    FO98,605A0R,40,50FDRoute: &W_ROUTE&FS
    FO58,025A0R,40,35FDShip-to-name: &W_NAME1&FS
    FO58,1325A0R,40,35FDMinor Group/Nr: &TVM5T-BEZEI&FS
    FO58,1325A0R,40,35FDMinor Group/Nr: &TVM5T-BEZEI&FS
    FO18,885A0R,40,35FDReported By: &QMEL-QMNAM&FS
    Thanks in Advance,

    A barcode solution consists of the following:
    - a barcode printer
    - a barcode reader
    - a mobile data collection application/program
    A barcode label is a special symbology to represent human readable information such as a material number or batch number
    in machine readable format.
    There are different symbologies for different applications and different industries. Luckily, you need not worry to much about that as the logistics supply chain has mostly standardized on 3 of 9 and 128 barcode symbologies - which all barcode readers support and which SAP support natively in it's printing protocols.
    You can print barcodes from SAP by modifying an existing output form.
    Behind every output form is a print program that collects all the data and then pass it to the form. The form contains the layout as well as the font, line and paragraph formats. These forms are designed using SAPScript (a very easy but frustratingly simplistic form format language) or SmartForms that is more of a graphical form design tool. 
    Barcodes are nothing more than a font definition and is part of the style sheet associated with a particular SAPScript form. The most important aspect is to place a parameter in the line of the form that points to the data element that you want to represent as barcode on the form, i.e. material number. Next you need to set the font for that parameter value to one of the supported barcode symbologies.
    The next part of the equation can be a bit tricky as you will need to get a printer to print that barcode font. Regular laser printers does not normally print barcode fonts, only specialized industrial printers that is specifically designed to support that protocol and that uses specialized label media and heat transfer (resin) ribbon to create the sharp image required for barcodes.
    Not to fear though, there are two ways to get around this:
    - You can have your IT department do some research - 
    most laser printers can accept a font cartridge/dimm chip (similar to computer memory), called a BarDIMM that will allow a laser printer to support the printing of barcodes.
    - Secondly, you can buy software that you can upload in your SAP print Server that will convert the barcode symbology as an image that will print on a regular laser printer. I found that this option results in less sharper barcodes. This option is really if you need to convert a large quantity of printers (>10) to support barcodes. 
    - Thirdly, you can buy a third party software like Barcode.dll and install on your frontend PC connected to the laser printer.
    Now you have a barcode printed - what next?
    Well there are two options, depending on your business requirements:
    - You can use an existing SAP transaction on a regular workstation and get a barcode wedge reader to hook up between the keyboard and the PC. These wedge readers comes in a wand or scanner format. There are even wireless wedge scanners available that allows you to roam a few yards from the workstation to scan a label. This approach is mostly used where you want to prevent human errors in typing in long material, batch or serial numbers in receiving or issuing of material. The problem is that it's just replacing the keyboard input and you are basically locked down in one location and have to bring all the material to that location to process.
    - Another solution is to use SAPConsole transactions
    or write your own ABAP Dialog programs that will fit onto a barcode enabled wireless handheld terminal and that will follow the business logic as executed on the shop floor. 
    These programs are highly complex exercises in industrial engineering and ergonomics because of the limited screen sizes and limited ability to accept keyboard input. The user is instructed step-by-step and only scan and push F-keys to interact with the SAP system. Scan, scan, beep, beep, enter - highly automated.

  • Label printing on ZEBRA printer TLP2844 with smartform

    Hi Gurus,
    Print label on Zebra printer with smartform
    1. i have created a smartform with desired layout
    2. and trying to print on Zebra printer
    1. smartform is not printing on zebra printer
    2. suggest me if there are any ways to print smartform on zebra printer
    3. does it requires any native programming language for printing labels on zebra printer
    Best Regards,

    hi Krishna,
    This printer does not support ZPL2 so I thnk you cnnot use the device types like LZEB2. It should work to print via windows and a device type like SAPWIN or SWINCF.

  • Zebra Printing in Smartforms

    Hi Experts,
        Can you give  me a step by step procedure to create a smartform for Zebra Printing. HOw different is it from normal smartform development?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Ravi,
    My name is Andy Rogerson and I work for Zebra Technologies. Please send me an email to [email protected] and I can send you a Whitepaper that steps your through what you need to do to print to a Zebra printer.
    It is essentially the same as any other printer but there are some differences when it comes to barcodes.

  • In smartform quantity field move to left side.

    smartform output quantity field displaying rightside.
    how can i move quantity field to leftside.

    Hi Suresh,
    check this
    Left/Right Alignment of Quantity field?
    hope it helps you

  • Command Option Left/Right Key Doesn't Work

    10.6.8 Snow Leopard,
    Command+Option+Left/Right Key stop working.
    I couldn't move tab, or play previous movie file nor next one.
    I've tested the other keys work, but just CMD+OPT+Left/Right Arrow hadn't.
    Is there any quick repair or solution?

    10.6.8 Snow Leopard,
    Command+Option+Left/Right Key stop working.
    If this is not in the standard apple keyboard shortcuts and not something you added to the Keyboard Shortcuts preferencs then it's an app specific extension and not Snow Leopard's (i.e., Apple's) problem.

  • Command-Left/Right Arrow not working

    Very strange behavior I'm seeing today.
    My left/right arrow keys work. Even Option-Left/Right works correctly.
    But, Command-Left-Right do not work. No movement at all.
    Curiously, Shift-Command-Left/Right work fine.
    I've not changed any keyboard shortcuts recently. I've checked the keyboard shortcuts that are currently defined. Nothing that would indicate a problem, but clearly there is.

    Just found a solution that worked for me here. Basically, it seems to be a bug with the Dock. If you type "killall Dock" (the command is case-sensitive) into the command line in Terminal, it restarts the Dock. After that the arrows seem to work normally again.

  • Display screen moves up/down & left/right

    I am using a Cinema display on a G5 and when I move my mouse around the screen the screen shifts by several pixels to the left/right/top/or bottom depending on which way I am moving the mouse. It is as if the screen does not fit completely within the display. Right now my resolution is set to: 1680x1050.
    Its a strange problem that is really more distracting than anything else. Any ideas regarding what I can do to fix this?
    many thanks,

    Open the Universal Access pane of System Preferences and turn off the Zoom option in the Seeing tab.

  • Gmail compose - command left/right still broken (Mac)

    This question was [ asked previously] , and was marked solved, but was never really solved.
    In the 'Compose mail' window of GMail the shortcut Command-left arrow or Command-right arrow to jump to respectively beginning or end of a line, is not working. It works fine in Chrome, and Home/End work fine in Windows, but I'd rather stick to Firefox on my Mac.
    A solution was proposed on the link above to remap those key combinations to Ctrl-A/Ctrl-E using other software, but these solutions are overkill, and still do not let you highlight to the beginning or end of the line using Cmd-Shift-Left/right.
    Can someone at Mozilla or Google please comment?

    This problem has been marked "solved" but isn't solved at all. This problem still exists, and is infuriating to any Mac/Firefox/Gmail users who like to stick to the keyboard. I've also noticed this happens in other google apps (blogger, docs, etc).

  • Make my movie clip move from left to right with arrow buttons.

    Hi hope this is a quick one..
    I have all the elements set up already so just need the
    logistics of how i can acheive the following:
    I have an arrow at the furthest left and furthest right of my
    main flash movie. I then have a movie clip in the middle which has
    indidivual images on a kind of long strip. When i click the left
    arrow i want the movie to begin to move from the right to the left
    and visa versa. I have achieved this with the keyboard left and
    right keys so what i really need is to convert this theory for the
    left and right arrow buttons?
    var speed:Number = 4;
    object_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
    if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
    this._x = this._x+speed;
    } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
    this._x = this._x-speed;
    Any help will be greatly appreciated??

    use the getAscii() or getCode() methods of the key class. and
    you can always use the trace function to check the values to be
    used in your if-statement.

  • Gmail - Compose email - Command-left/right shortcut not working

    Firefox 3.6.12
    Mac OS X 10.5.8
    In the 'Compose mail' window of GMail the shortcut Command-left arrow or Command-right arrow to jump to respectively beginning or end of a line, is not working. Command-up/down (go to top/bottom) and option-left/right (jump per word) are all working fine.
    I already tried running Firefox in Safe mode but still the same issue. Also tried clearing the cache and all history but to no avail.
    In Safari the shortcut works fine but I'd like to stick to Firefox.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    This problem has been marked "solved" but isn't solved at all. This problem still exists, and is infuriating to any Mac/Firefox/Gmail users who like to stick to the keyboard. I've also noticed this happens in other google apps (blogger, docs, etc).

  • My balance sounds horrible when is at the center ... it only happen when I plug my Headphones... if a move the balance to the left/right i have a mono sound in my headphonesleft/right

    My balance sounds horrible when is at the center ... it only happen when I plug my Headphones... if I move the balance to the left/right i have a mono sound in my headphones left/right

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Maybe you are looking for