Commands in a .bat file

I have a small .bat file.  It was created to install an application as an administrator for Windows 7.  Once the setup.exe file is executed (statement below), it will ask the user to click the "next" button a few times during
the application installation process.
Is there a parameter or command I can put after this statement where the application will install and the user will NOT have to keep clicking the next button?
%THISDIR%Elevate.EXE -wait4exit %THISDIR%Install\setup.exe
Thanks for any input or suggestions.

This depends entirely on whether your 'setup.exe' program has a command-line option (such as
/SILENT) that permits hands-free installation. That is not a question we can answer in this forum.
You need to ask the author(s) of your 'setup.exe' program whether this is possible. You can ask for vendor support or search for the package to find out whether you can do a silent install.

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    I am in Command Shell
    Windows PowerShell
    Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PS C:\> Write-Host I am in Powershell
    I am in Powershell
    PS C:\> exit
    C:\>echo I returned to Command Shell
    I returned to Command Shell
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    I am in Command Shell
    Windows PowerShell
    Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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    Windows PowerShell
    Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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    Message was edited by:
            Bidwan Baruah

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    Crikey! You were answered very shortly after you posted your question, and you STILL haven't bothered to come back. And are you going to create a new userid the next time you ask a question, since bat2004 seems tied to this particular question?

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    Same problem with me as well.... Badly looking for a solution...
    I predict the following:
    - If your batch file has pretty less number of dos/shell commands then it gets executed fine with exec() and proc.waitFor();
    - If you increase the number of dos/shell commands in the bat file then try executing it then it definately hangs at proc.waitFor();
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    Incase some one finds a solution.. do post it here...
    Message was edited by:

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    Can you explain me why you want to do this?
    Maby there are there some beter ways to achive your goal.
    The reason why this doesn't work is UAC who strips the administrator tokens from your user account.
    So it is not nesseary to use the default windows administrator account. Just a user with administrative priviliges will do you only need to run this command elevated.
    There are several ways to run this command elevated:
    Just right click on the batch file and choose the option run as administator.
    Quite simple but a no go if you wanna have a fully automated solution
    Use PsExec.exe  from the pstools suite (avaible
    If you use the command like this:
    PSEXEC -u domain\user -p password -h net stop spooler
    PSEXEC -u domain\user -p password -h net start spooler
    Or from a remote machine (pcX = remote management machine, pcY = machine where you want to restart the service.)
    Execute this command on machine pcX:
    PSEXEC \\pcY -u domain\user -p password -h net stop spooler
    PSEXEC \\pcY -u domain\user -p password -h net start spooler
    Create a sheduled task with the "highest privlilges" that executes your batch file.
    etc ...
    Kind Regards
    IM me - TWiTTer: @DFTER

  • How to execute sqlplus command in bat file ?

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    "sqlplus admin/admin as sysdba
    shutdown immediate"
    But.. when i start this file.bat my system logs but do not make any script. Sqlplus just waiting for command, and when i write "exit" i logout from sqlplus, and then system execute next command, that is "shutdown immediate" but beyond sqlplus (so my base is still working). Is it at all possible to log on and execute commands from file.bat or some other way ?
    I'm using oracle 11g, windows 7x64
    Regards and thx for help
    Edited by: 879529 on 2011-11-27 04:52

    969970 wrote:
    Thank you that worked for me.But I fear you don't really understand WHY it worked, and WHY your first attempts did not work.
    So let me explain
    Given this .bat file
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    shutdown immediateWhat happens when you execute the file? The windows command processor reads the file line by line and processes the command on each line. What is the first lilne?
    sqlplus / as sysdbaSo what would you expect to happen when Windows processes that line? Remember, it's exactly as if you had entered that command yourself at the command prompt .... Answer: The OS locates an executable file named 'sqlplus', loads it into memory and passes control to it, along with a pointer to the rest of the command line ('/ as sysdba'). At that point, the executable sqlplus has control and will do whatever it wants with the command line it was passed ('/ as sysdba') and then waits for user input for more commands, including an 'exit' command. Where are those commands going to come from? They are NOT going to come from the next line in the bat file. They can't. The command processor that is running the bat file is still waiting for sqlplus to finish and return control. So you are stuck. The only way out is to break out of sqlplus with a 'ctl-break'. Once that happens, the command processor moves on to the next line in the bat file:
    shutdown immediateSo now the os tries to locate an executable file named 'shutdown' .... you probably don't have an executable by that name (let's hope not!) so you then get an error message from the OS informing you that
    'shutdown' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.Now, if you were using a real OS, you could achieve what you wanted by using input redirection, but unfortunately, Windows just has a toy for a command processor.

  • Running from a command line with a .bat file

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    java ../classes/HelloWorld
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    as you could have known from the documentation, the java virtual machine executable 'java' expects a fully qualified class name as parameter, no file path. so 'java ../classes/HelloWorld' is of course completely wrong, it should be 'java HelloWorld' and nothing else. if you want to specify a certain path where the class file is to be found, use the -classpath command line option as in 'java -classpath ../classes/ HelloWorld'.
    sincerely, Michael

  • How to set bat file for commands

    i have to set below all commands in bat file and run in particular time.i am not able to do.please let me know how i can do
    two node rac
    note---how to enter rac forum in this oracle forums................pls give url
    echo %date% %time%
    echo ############################
    netstat -n
    netstat -s
    tracert <node1>
    tracert <node2>
    tracert <node3>
    ping -t <node1>
    ping -t <node2>
    ping -t <node3>
    Node 1: cluster node 1
    Node 2 : Cluster node 2
    Node 3 : Web server where the connection is failing.

    user1175505 wrote:
    i have to set below all commands in bat file and run in particular time.i am not able to do.please let me know how i can do
    two node rac
    note---how to enter rac forum in this oracle forums................pls give url
    echo %date% %time%
    echo ############################
    netstat -n
    netstat -s
    tracert <node1>
    tracert <node2>
    tracert <node3>
    ping -t <node1>
    ping -t <node2>
    ping -t <node3>
    Node 1: cluster node 1
    Node 2 : Cluster node 2
    Node 3 : Web server where the connection is failing.What part do you not know how to do? You have the commands. Open up notepad and create a file containing those commands. Name the file 'whateveryouwant.cmd'. (The .bat extension is pretty much out of use, in favor of .cmd - I'm not sure of any technical difference, but I certainly know of no practical difference). Then schedule it to run using the Windows scheduler.

  • Hiding the command prompt when executing bat file

    I hava a bat file which contains following
    java -jar MyJar.jar
    When I execute the bat file, the jar file is executed. But a command prompt also opens along with it. I dont want to display the command prompt to the user. Is there any way to hide that command prompt ?

    Is your problem solved?
    If not then
    insted of creating a batch file create a form file in visual basic and write following code in it
    shell "java -jar MyJar.jar"
    Endand then create its exe file.
    It will just launch your jar file and then exit.

  • Cfexecute not executing CVS commands ina bat file

    We are running CF 7.0 on Windows server.
    I am creating a bat file containing both DOS commands and CVS
    When executing the bat file via <CFexecute> the DOS
    commands execute, but the CVS commands do not.
    When running the bat file from the DOS command prompt, all
    commands (DOS and CVS) run as expected.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 23:03:48 +0000 (UTC), JRoccaforte wrote:
    > That could be an issue. I am however using my login and
    password in the commands
    Ian didn't mean the CVS permissions, he meant the filesystem
    / OS
    permissions. The a/c that ColdFusion uses to access the file
    system and
    other system resources is very limited, by default.
    You need to login (to the OS) as the a/c CF is using, and see
    if you can
    execute your batch file.

  • Reading the registry from a .bat file

    I've searched a bit on web before asking and I apologies a head of time but my knowledge of .bat files is a little lacking. Currently I have a working .bat file I created, but was looking to adding something extra to it and just can't seem to find exactly
    what I need.. What i'm looking to do is at the top of .bat file I want it to read the registry here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IS_DEPT\Simage\HW\Platform
    Under Platform we either have 2 types LT or DT. (laptop or desktop)
    What I want to do is at the top of my bat file have it search this key. If it has the value LT I want it to continue on with the script. If the value is DT I want it to not run the rest of the script and go to :end
    If this is possible can someone provide me with the commands to put at the top of the script with also the IF commands to continue or go to :end

    Thanks for you reply but I'm still a little lost with the reply.
    What is the rest of the commands?
    I understand this will query the registry, but what about searching for "LT or DT" and the IF/GOTO Commands?
    reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IS_DEPT\Simage\HW\Platform
    I think my confusion is how to define LT or DT as the variable. I keep finding %errorlevel%  variable, but that seems to only define on (1) or off (0)
    Here's what I have so far and I dont' think it's correct.
    reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IS_DEPT\Simage\HW\Platform /f

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