Comment retrouver la musique sur front row?

Comment faire pour retrouver la musique d'Itunes sur Front Row sous Os X Lion? Vidéos et Photos sont reconnus mais pas la musique.

Comment faire pour retrouver la musique d'Itunes sur Front Row sous Os X Lion? Vidéos et Photos sont reconnus mais pas la musique.

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    Merci pour les réponses !

    How you delete content from your iPod depends on how it is set up to receive content from your iTunes library whether that be via automatic syncing or manual management.
    For automatic syncing, you must reconfigure your settings so that the album/tracks/content you wish to remove is no longer configured to sync to your iPod.  For example, if the Sync only checked songs and videos option is enabled from under the iPod's Summary tab, make sure all the tracks for this album do NOT have a tick mark next to them in your iPod.  Then resync your iPod with iTunes.
    If that isn't the case, you'll want to look at the iPod's Music configuration tab.  You can access this tab by selecting your iPod under Devices. This should bring you to theSummary tab over to the right.  Look for the Music tab along the top and select it.  Here you can configure how and what music syncs to your device.  If you make any changes to this tab, be sure to hit the Apply button in the lower right hand corner to sync the updated changes to your device.
    Otherwise, if you manually manage your iPod's contents, you must manually remove content from it.  You can do this by plugging your iPod in and clicking the small black triangle next to your iPod from under the Devices section in the left hand pane of iTunes.  This will open up a submenu of content that is indented underneath the name of your device, so go ahead and click on Music (or whatever content you are wanting to remove).  Locate the track or tracks/content you wish to delete. Highlight them and hit the Delete key or choose Edit -> Delete.
    Hope this helps.

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    Ludovico741 wrote:
    Essayer de télécharger un logiciel de iPhone, comme ça: Transférer musique iPhone vers Pc ou  transferer video iphone vers pc, bien sûr, vous pouvez chercher autre phrase sur google, et vous pouvez trouver les autre logiciel aucci comme ça.

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    Thnaks pour les éventuels réponses.

    Hey annecatherinehoeltzel,
    Thanks for the question. With iOS 7, you can delete a song by doing the following:
    Remove a song from iPhone. Tap Songs, swipe the song, then tap Delete. The song is deleted from iPhone, but not from your iTunes library on your Mac or PC, or from iCloud.
    via page 62 of the iPhone User Guide for iOS 7
    Please note that if you have "Show All Music" enabled in Settings > iTunes & App Store, the above will delete the song from your device, but it will still appear available (with a cloud symbol to re-download).
    Matt M.

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    How you delete content from your iPod depends on how it is set up to receive content from your iTunes library whether that be via automatic syncing or manual management.
    For automatic syncing, you must reconfigure your settings so that the album/tracks/content you wish to remove is no longer configured to sync to your iPod.  For example, if the Sync only checked songs and videos option is enabled from under the iPod's Summary tab, make sure all the tracks for this album do NOT have a tick mark next to them in your iPod.  Then resync your iPod with iTunes.
    If that isn't the case, you'll want to look at the iPod's Music configuration tab.  You can access this tab by selecting your iPod under Devices. This should bring you to theSummary tab over to the right.  Look for the Music tab along the top and select it.  Here you can configure how and what music syncs to your device.  If you make any changes to this tab, be sure to hit the Apply button in the lower right hand corner to sync the updated changes to your device.
    Otherwise, if you manually manage your iPod's contents, you must manually remove content from it.  You can do this by plugging your iPod in and clicking the small black triangle next to your iPod from under the Devices section in the left hand pane of iTunes.  This will open up a submenu of content that is indented underneath the name of your device, so go ahead and click on Music (or whatever content you are wanting to remove).  Locate the track or tracks/content you wish to delete. Highlight them and hit the Delete key or choose Edit -> Delete.
    Hope this helps.

  • Comment synchroniser ma musique sur mon iphone ?

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    Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

    Google translate:
    iPod5 all securities have a red square at the right end side
    SOLUTION: Some Music Won't Play After Upgrading Your iPhone To iOS7
    Red square in red circle cannot play songs
    My iPod isn't playing certain songs. Help?

  • Front Row is GONE!! Why, Front Row, why?!

    I haven't used Front Row in a long time (I lost my remote, oops), but on my recent trip home I found my remote again. When I used it on my MacBook, it worked fine. Suddenly though, it controls iTunes and the volume of the computer but hitting menu does nothing. The second screen doesn't show up. I checked the remote using my iSight and it's working, and the "Unpair" function is not available. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Can you open Front Row using the keyboard? Pressing Apple-esc together should open Front Row. You can then use the arrow keys and the return key to move around. If you can't run Front Row with the keyboard, you might look to see if it's still installed. It should be in this path:
    <Macintosh HD>/System/Library/CoreServices/Front
    If it's not in there, you'll need to re-install it from your original Mac OS X install disk. You can do this by running the "Install Bundled Software Only" option on the disk. There's no need to boot from the disk. On the "Installation Type" screen, there should be a "Customize" button where you can uncheck all the other options but make sure Front Row is checked "on" and then run the installer.

  • Front Row on an External Display

    **Note that this is for Leopard's Front Row and only may not apply to Tiger's**
    Here's an explanation of the bugs/irksomes now facing Front Row
    1. The screensaver option can be buggy so go to preferences within Front Row to disable it.
    2. Whatever screen you use front row on, the other will be black.
    3. Front Row does not play video in mirroring mode, period.
    4. Front Row, when opened, will display on whatever monitor is set as your primary display at that time.
    5. Even after exiting it, if you check it the activity monitor it will still run in the background for 30 minutes (not sure on that time frame).
    6. If you open it up again before it is shutdown, it will try to display on whatever was set as the primary display when it was first launched.
    Okay, now that you understand that, here is somethings to keep in mind
    -When you initially open it, the settings get stuck, so if you opened it with the wrong display set as your primary monitor, just quit it in the activity monitor, switch the main monitor in your display system preferences, and then reopen it.
    -You can trick it to display on your secondary display by enabling mirror-mode, opening front row, exiting front row (not quiting), disabling mirror mode, and lastly reopening front row. Effectively, it gets stuck to display on the external display and does so once you turn mirroring off. This isn't even remotely elegant but is my preferred method.
    -If you have your external display connected while your computer is asleep, pressing a button on your remote will automatically wake it and use the external display as your primary/only monitor. This means that Front Row will display on your TV very easily if you put your computer to sleep then wake it with the remote BUT you must always be mindful that if you had opened it recently, you may have to quit it first.
    The only last suggestion I have is that if you want quick and easy access to quitting front row, you can create an applescript to quit it with this
    tell application "Front Row" to quit
    If anyone knows how to change primary displays using applescripts please post as ideally a script could be created that would just make sure Front Row was quit, switch displays, then would open it streamlining the entire process.
    Well really ideally apple would make Front Row a little more dynamic with the option to display on the external display and smart enough to know which one that is but this problem existed in the last version too and they never fixed it then so....

    Well,just putting the display in sleep mode won't work as, for some reason I don't understand, sleeping the display turns off the external monitor.
    Thinking a little more clearly now, the method of sleeping the computer only works for the portable Macs as the lid must be down while it wakes up for it to work.

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    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses...

    Google translate:
    How do I transfer my pictures from my digital camera to my ipod touch?
    First you download the photos from your camera to your computer.  Note where they were put.  Then following the instructions here to sync them to your iPod:
    iPhone, iPad and iPod touch: Syncing photos via iTunes

  • Front row doesn't work with both apple+esc and remote

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    If, for whatever reason, Front Row isn't in that location, you'll have to re-install it. This shouldn't be a big deal except I'd be a little curious to know why it disappeared...
    Insert your original Mac OS X install disk that came with your Mac. You do not need to startup from the disk. Double-click on the "Install Bundled Software Only" option on the disk. At the "Installation Type" window of this installer, click the "Customize" button. This will give you a list of software to check on or check off. Check on the option for Front Row but uncheck everything else (unless there's something else missing that you need!). Run the installer and this should put Front Row back in its proper location. Depending on which version gets installed, you may wan to run the Software Update to make sure Front Row is up-to-date.

  • Front row deleted after archive + install

    I was having some problems with my, mac, archived + installed, 2nd disk was bad, took mac into store, they archived and installed, now I don't have front row. Where can I get it, or do I have to wait till I get a new disk or take it back to the store?

    Insert your Mac OS X install disk that came with your Mac (you do NOT need to startup from the disk) and double-click on the "Install Bundled Software Only" option. After selecting the destination, there is a "Customize" button where you can uncheck or check on all of the additional software that shipped with the Mac. If Front Row is all you need, just uncheck all of the other options and make sure Front Row is checked "on". Then continue with the installer.
    When you have reinstalled Front Row, use Software Update to get latest update for Front Row.

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    Hi millene,
    Est-ce que vous avez récupérer votre données de iPhone?   Je pense vous etês très malchanceux, parce que votre problème est si compliqué.  Je vous conseil chercher la solution sur google.   Avant, j'ai reconu un aussi question pour supprimés des message de mon android. Et j'ai cherchée sur google et récupérer mes données à temps. Ok, je vous consiel quelque logiciel que google recommandé: e-5s/

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    J'ai acheter de la musique sur iTunes il y a peut-être deux semaine, hier mes chansons fonctionnais super bien sur mon iPhone mais en soirée elles ne voulaient plus lire, elles sont capable d'être lu sur mon iTunes sur mon ordi et sur mon iPad pas sur mon iPhone. Comment faire pour que je sois capable des faire lire, car je les est quand même payer ces chansons la. ! Merci :-)

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    Lue sur une carte et stockée dans un fichier sur le Finder, une photo possède une date de prise de vue. Dès qu'elle est modifiée par Lightroom et exportée, la date de prise de vue est modifiée et devient la date de l'export de la photo.
    Ce problème est celui de l'interface Lightroom - Mac.
    Je ne dois pas être la seule à avoir ce problème.
    Je vous remercie par avance de toute solution que vous me proposerez.
    Hélène Fallour

    Merci beaucoup pour cette aide.
    Hélène Fallour
    Le 28 juin 2014 à 12:23, TonyPT <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Comment retrouver sur Mac la date de prise de vue d'une photo modifiée par Lightroom
    created by TonyPT in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    S'il vous plaît voir ce post. Mais il est en anglais
    .Keeping creation date when exporting to jpeg
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  • Bonjour, J'ai par erreur appuyé sur la touche "Oublier cet appareil". Comment retrouver et jumeler à nouveau mon iPhone avec l'iPad ?

    Comment retrouver sur le Bluetooth de mon iPhone, mon iPad qui était détectable ? En effet, j'ai par erreur appuyé sur la touche "oublier cet appareil" et je ne peux plus le retrouver.

    Est-ce que vous avez résolu votre question? Si non, je vous conseil deux logiciels pour votre problème.
    Par example: un logiciel de convertir avi sur iPhone gratuit
                         autre logiciel de lire le vidéo sur iPad mini
    C'est mon frére le présente de moi. J'espére ils peuvent vous aider.

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