Common Mistakes done while Bringing up an Iap in cluster

Q: Common Mistakes done while Bringing up an Iap in cluster.
•    Network issues 
    o    IAP fails to get an ip address
    o    Master and local are part of a different subnet and firewall in between 
   o    Multiple DHCP servers in subnet.
   o    Native VLAN of the trunk that an Ap is connected is a dummy VLAN or doesn’t have a DHCP server.
•    Slave fails to join due to Ap image mismatch
•    Slave has different regulatory domain
•    Slave has different OEM build than master
•    Auto join is disabled
•    The uplink of the preferred master in the cluster in unstable.
Here are some Useful Troubleshooting commands which will help 
Show Election
Show summary
Show log System
Show Ap’s
Show cpu
Debug-master-beacon (this command works only from console)

This error is resolved after following the logs in C:\ATG\ATG10.1.1\CIM\log\cim.log. The root cause is I used http as protocol instead of t3 while specifying weblogic admin url.
http://localhost:7001 instead of t3://localhost:7001

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    Why can't I delete all incoming messages at once without having to select each one first. It can be done while in the "Trash" folder, but not the "IN" folder.

    Well, what I see happing is this: Tapping edit and checking the first message brings up the “Delete” option. Holding it until the red message “Delete Message” appears, then letting go of the red button and tapping the checked button makes the “Delete Message” message go away. The checked message is still checked with an option to delete just that message. Tap the checked message again just cancels the whole process and I’m back to square one.
    However, if I check a message that is part of a thread of messages and tap Delete, I have the option of deleting all messages in the thread.
    Perhaps the fact that I’m using the 3rd generation of the iPad is the problem, but your suggestion isn’t working.

  • Aviod Common mistakes on SCN

    Dear Moderators
    I have been seeing all the times ,the members will cross the line of border "while asking".
    Most of the times which can happen with New members--Some times by Old members too(due to tension/Seriousness on their issues/Lost temper)
    Can you do one thing to avoid such common Mistakes:
    1.Can you keep Rules of engagement as mandatory for new members with the Questionnaire(may be they can complete within a week days from joining date as limit)
    2.You can send the same  to senior members with a time interwal of 1-2 months.
    Note: Here normally all the guys which will scroll to down--activates the flag "i understood this rules"--then proceed & again meeting with mistakes.
    To Avoid this--why dont you prepare a Questionnaire on common mistakes and keep it compulsory to get 95% as pass..
    May be you can add one window/Tab  in the respective individual SCN accounts--shows the status.
    Just an idea--Hope it works.
    Sorry to take little liberty here.

    I would categorize the members in two ways
    One group of members are not aware of forum rules and once Moderator advice them suitably, immediately they accept their ignorance and adhere to forum rules
    Certain group of members are aware of forum rules but still continue to ignore SCN rules
    Predominently most of the members will fall under first category.  Some will fall under second category.  Since the second category are creating trouble once in a while, I can say, the current SCN rules / practice holds good
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • I am getting the below error while bringing up the Process Scheduler error

    Hello ,
    I am getting the below error while bringing up the Prcs Scheduler.
    Cannot open message catalog TMADMIN_CAT
    Starting Process Scheduler Server PSNT for Database FSUAT ...
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 752; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 8.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 192
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog LIBTUX_CAT, set 1, num 1571; check TUXDIR=C:\
    bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog LIBTUX_CAT, set 1, num 1570; check TUXDIR=C:\
    bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 793; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    exec BBL -A :
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 820; check TUX
    DIR=C:\bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 801; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    exec PSDSTSRV -p 1,600:1,1 -sPostReport -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD FSUAT -PS PSNT -A s
    tart -S PSDSTSRV :
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 1685; check TU
    XDIR=C:\bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    tmboot: NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 827; check TUX
    DIR=C:\bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    tmshutdown -y
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 753; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 916; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 907; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 936; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 948; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 775; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    Please suggest.

    Duplicate thread :
    Re: I am getting the attached error while bringing up the Prcs Scheduler

  • I am getting the attached error while bringing up the Prcs Scheduler

    I am getting the attached error while bringing up the Prcs Scheduler:
    Cannot open message catalog TMADMIN_CAT
    Starting Process Scheduler Server PSNT for Database FSUAT ...
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 752; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 8.1, 32-bit, Patch Level 192
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog LIBTUX_CAT, set 1, num 1571; check TUXDIR=C:\
    bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog LIBTUX_CAT, set 1, num 1570; check TUXDIR=C:\
    bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 793; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    exec BBL -A :
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 820; check TUX
    DIR=C:\bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 801; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    exec PSDSTSRV -p 1,600:1,1 -sPostReport -- -C psprcs.cfg -CD FSUAT -PS PSNT -A s
    tart -S PSDSTSRV :
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 1685; check TU
    XDIR=C:\bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    tmboot: NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 827; check TUX
    DIR=C:\bea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    tmshutdown -y
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 753; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 916; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 907; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 936; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 948; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    NLS:4: Cannot open message catalog CMDTUX_CAT, set 1, num 775; check TUXDIR=C:\b
    ea\Tuxedo8.1, LANG=English_United States.1252
    Please advise, thank you

    Is that ever running ? Where/how did you installed tuxedo ? Which OS user was used for tuxedo install ?

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    Pls its very urgent - i dropped by iphone 3G and the display became very dim soon after and it still remains the same - pls advise what should be done to bring the display back to normal

    sounds like you broke the display when you dropped it.  There's nothing we users here can do for you.
    Since the iPhone warranty does not cover accidental damage, you will have to pay to have your phone repaired or replaced.  You can bring it into Apple for an out of warranty exchange in the country of purchase, or you can find a 3rd party iPhone repair store in your area.

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    Removing the image from that page bright RGB colors are back.. hmm

    Edit > Transparency Blend Space > Document RGB

  • Error while bringing up ATG REST Webservice

    I am trying to bring a REST Webservice using ATG 9.3 version.I am getting the below errors in the startup of the instance.I have added "REST" module in the Manifest file and am able to see the entry " C:\ATG\ATG9.3\REST\config\config.jar" in CONFIGPATH(Please let me know if there are other ways to find if the service has come up properly).I am trying to connect to the server using JAVA based REST Client as given below.Also,i have placed the jar files in the CLASSPATH of the module.I am hoping that the webservice have not come up properly because of these startup errors.Please help me out to resolve this issue.
    2012-06-25 06:20:36,815 INFO [STDOUT] Unable to create class for configuration /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/HeadRestServlet java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for:
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,325 INFO [nucleusNamespace.atg.userprofiling.sso.PassportAuthorityService] Starting passport authority service
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT] **** Error
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT] Mon Jun 25 06:21:56 EDT 2012
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT] 1340619716460
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT] /
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:21:56,460 INFO [STDOUT] Unable to set configured property "/atg/dynamo/servlet/Initial.initialServices" atg.nucleus.ConfigurationException: Unable to resolve component /atg/dynamo/servlet/dafpipeline/HeadRestServlet
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT] Unable to create class for configuration /atg/rest/Configuration java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for:
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT] **** Error
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT] Mon Jun 25 06:22:06 EDT 2012
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT] 1340619726528
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT] /
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT]      
    2012-06-25 06:22:06,528 INFO [STDOUT] Unable to set configured property "/atg/rest/Initial.initialServices" atg.nucleus.ConfigurationException: Unable to resolve component /atg/rest/Configuration
    <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/atg-rest-1.0.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/commons-io-1.4.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar"/>
         <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="C:/ATG/ATG9.3/REST/client-lib/java/atg-rest-client-1.0.jar"/>
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class RestClient {
    RestSession mSession;
    protected void execute() throws RestClientException {
         System.out.println("inside execute");
         mSession = RestSession.createSession("localhost", 8080, "<USERNAME>", "<PASSWORD>");
         try {
         System.out.println("Login Successful");
         catch (Throwable t) {
         finally {
         try {
         System.out.println("Logout Successful");
         catch (RestClientException e) {
    * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         System.out.println("inside main");
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         RestClient testATGRest = new RestClient();
         try {
         catch (Throwable t) {
    ================= Not Found http://localhost:8080/rest/bean/atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices/loginUser This session is not logged in and cannot be logged out

    I am trying to expose a method using REST Webservice and access the method using the browser.I have followed the steps specified in the thread: .Have added a component called ProfileRESTWebservice and have defined a method “getLoginInfo” in the class file. The following entry is placed in the restSecurityConfiguration.xml
    <resource component="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileRESTWebservice" secure="true">
    <method name="getLoginInfo" secure="false"></method>
    But, I am receiving the following exception when trying to access the method using http://localhost:8080/rest/bean/atg/userprofiling/ProfileRESTWebservice/getLoginInfo
    10:07:33,147 ERROR [BeanServlet] Error code: 400
    atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException: Can't find property named: getLoginInfo in class: com.vs.commerce.profile.ProfileRESTWebservice
    Can't find property named: getLoginInfo in class: com.vs.commerce.profile.ProfileRESTWebservice atg.beans.PropertyNotFoundException: Can't find property named: getLoginInfo in class: com.vs.commerce.profile.ProfileRESTWebservice
    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.passRequest(
    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.service(
    Can you pl help me out on this?

  • Common screen problem while playing games in Windows 7 x64

    When I start games like Red Alert2 and alot others, the game doesn't show properly as some times the screen goes black or the buttons or menues doesn't show at all
    Some other forums adviced to make these steps
    Right click on Desktop
    Select Screen Resolution
    Click Detect (with no additional monitor connected)
    Next to your first display, you'll see a grey square with the text "Another display not detected" Click on the grey square
    Next to "Multiple displays" it will say "No display detected"
    Click on "No display detected"
    A drop-down menu will appear
    Select "Try to connect anyway on: VGA"
    Click on your primary display (the square with the big "1" in it)
    Next to "Multiple displays" select "Extend these displays"
    I tried these steps and every thing is going fine,  but the annoying problem is that I have to change the display settings each time I run a game and when I'm done playing I have to change them back, since of "Extended displays" order
    In earlier windows versions it worked totally with no problems and even on Windows 8.1 x64
    What would be the error here?
    What should I do instead of all this jam? Is there any Hotfixes?
    Note: I have two video cards running Intel HD graphics and Nvidia Geforce
    ***Update :The problem also exists in Windows 8.1 x64

    Hi Maen Abdulhaq,
    “When I start games like Red Alert2 and a lot others”, ” I don't think that this is a manufacturer problem since it's very common to all those having windows 7 x64 and trying to play such games”
    Did this issue occur in the whole games or just the Red Alert2 in your machines ?
    “unfortunalety windows compatibility settings”
    Have you tried in windows 98 or lower compatibility mode, please ensure you have choose run as an administrator?
    Apart from this ,I recommend you to try this method.
    create a shortcut of "Yuri.exe" (or "Game.exe" if running normal RA2), and place it on the desktop. Open the properties, and in the target line add "-dxlevel 8" to the end. It should look like this (or similar if you're directories
    are different).
     "C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) II\RA2\YURI.exe" -dxlevel 8
    Meanwhile,  entering Intel HD Graphics control panel (via Windows Control Panel or right-clicking the desktop) and enter Power section. Choose "High performance" mode.
    If the issue persists, I recommend you to disable one graphic card from the device manager to have a check considering you have two graphic cards.
    Best regards

  • All sound on my laptop turns to a glitched mess when anything is being done while it is playing.

    I really need help trying to figure this issue out. I have a HP2000 Notebook PC with Windows 8 I have had it since last March or April haven't had any issues until the past few weeks. 
    It has started to make terrible noises if I am in the middle of watching a show or listening to music and click on soemthing else or even close a program it starts to cut the sound out and starts making a glitch type noise it's really hard to explain the sound it's not static or white noise but very distorted. 
    Once whatever is loading is done it stops and plas the sound again without issues until something else decides to run. I have tried to stop and restart my windows audio and it didn't help. If there is anything else that can be done to fix it or even troubleshoot the issue so i can figure it out please let me know. 
    I'd really hate to buy a new computer because the sound is screwed up on this one and it's not even a year old. Any and all help is greatly appreciated thanks in advance!!

    Hello DreamWriter84. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. I understand the sound quality of this computer is poor.  To begin troubleshooting the issue, please apply the information from this HP document: Music or Sounds are Distorted (Echo, Off Pitch, Sound Effects)
    Please note: This document is intended for desktop PCs with Windows 7. However, the troubleshooting is useful for notebooks as well. The operating system is irrelevant. If the issue is not resolved, please provide the full model number of the computer. If you require assistance locating this information, please reference this website: Locating the Model Number of the Computer
    Please respond with the results of your troubleshooting. I'm only here to help!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

  • Common internet error while launching webdynpro application in Portal

    We are facing issues with the development components of WD type deployed on a server with more than one instances.
    We have build up a custom development component & deployed on the server. Created a Portal page for the deployed component & when trying to launch that page in Portal, we are facing a common internet error as  "The Page Cannot be Displayed" .
    "The page cannot be displayed
    The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.
    To attempt fixing network connectivity problems, click Tools, and then click "Diagnose Connection Problems..."
    When trying to lauch the same page from specified instances, the applications launches successfully but fails when tried through central instance.
    Has any one faced this issue earlier? Please share the experience.

    Hi Archana
    Please check that where you are delpoying application central instance or other instance.
    Go to CMS >> landscape configuraiton >> see Runtime details..
    Hope it helps

  • Problem while bringing Google Calendar events to Oracle Tables

    Hi Friends,
    I have written the following code to bring the Google Calendar Events to Oracle Tables...
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure XX_DEV.authenticate_service_test(p_email in varchar2,p_password in varchar2)
    l_request utl_http.req;
    l_response utl_http.resp;
    l_params varchar2(255);
    l_resp_data VARCHAR2(4000);-- CHARACTER SET;
    l_auth_token VARCHAR2(4000);
    l_cal_entry CLOB;
    v_response_xml XMLType;
    v_entry_id varchar2(100);
    xml_result xmltype;
    cnt number:= 0;
    v_xmldoc CLOB;
    v_start_time date;
    v_end_time date;
    cursor c1 is select x.title title, x.content content, x.where where, x.start_time start_time, x.end_time end_time, x.entry_id entry_id from
    passing xmltype(v_xmldoc)
    columns title varchar2(1000) path '/entry/title/text()'
    ,content clob path '/entry/content/text()'
    ,where clob path '/entry/gd-where/@valueString'
    ,start_time varchar2(100) path '/entry/gd-when/@startTime'
    ,end_time varchar2(100) path '/entry/gd-when/@endTime'
    ,entry_id varchar2(1000) path '/entry/id'
    ) x ;
    -- access the oracle wallet to allow us to make an https request
    utl_http.set_wallet(path => 'file:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/owm/wallets/oracle11/',password => 'srisys123');
    -- set up the request body with our credentials
    l_params := 'Email=' || p_email || '&Passwd=' || p_password ||'&service=cl' || '&source=e-DBA-test-1.0';
    l_request := utl_http.begin_request('','POST','HTTP/1.1');--accounts/ClientLogin
    -- set the request headers
    -- write out the request body
    utl_http.write_text( l_request, l_params );
    -- get the response
    l_response := utl_http.get_response( r => l_request );
    dbms_output.put_line('Status Code: '||l_response.status_code);
    utl_http.read_line( r => l_response, data => l_resp_data, remove_crlf => TRUE);
    if substr(l_resp_data, 1, 5) = 'Auth=' then
    l_auth_token := substr(l_resp_data, 6);
    end if;
    end loop;
    when utl_http.end_of_body then
    dbms_output.put_line('Auth Token: '||l_auth_token);
    utl_http.end_response ( l_response );
    -- replace the substitution variables in the template with the parameter values
    --utl_http.end_response ( l_response );
    l_request := utl_http.begin_request(
    'GoogleLogin auth='||l_auth_token);
    l_response := utl_http.get_response( r => l_request );
    dbms_output.put_line('Status Code: ' || l_response.status_code);
    /*select replace(l_cal_entry,'<?xml version='||'''1.0'''||' encoding='||'''UTF-8'''||'?>','') into l_cal_entry from dual;
    select ltrim(l_cal_entry,substr(l_cal_entry,1,148)) into l_cal_entry from dual;
    select '<feed'||l_cal_entry into l_cal_entry from dual;
    select replace (l_cal_entry,':','-') into l_cal_entry from dual;*/
    dbms_output.put_line('Calendar Event: ' || l_cal_entry);
    -- xml_result :=XMLType.extract(l_cal_entry,'//title');
    delete from xml_test1;
    insert into xml_test1 values (l_cal_entry);
    utl_http.end_response ( l_response );
    select DATA into v_xmldoc from XML_TEST1;
    execute immediate 'alter session set events = ''31156 trace name context forever, level 2''';
    for i in c1
    l_cal_entry:= NULL;
    dbms_output.put_line('Result: '||i.title||'*'||i.content||'*'||||'*'||i.start_time||'*'||i.end_time||'*'||i.entry_id);
    select 1 into cnt from events_bkp where entry_id = i.entry_id;
    select nvl(to_date(rtrim(replace(i.start_time,'T',' '),substr(replace(i.start_time,'T',' '),12,20))||
    replace(substr(replace(i.start_time,'T',' '),12,8),'-',':'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),sysdate) into v_start_time from dual;
    select nvl(to_date(rtrim(replace(i.end_time,'T',' '),substr(replace(i.end_time,'T',' '),12,20))||
    replace(substr(replace(i.end_time,'T',' '),12,8),'-',':'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),sysdate) into v_end_time from dual;
    update events_bkp set description = i.title, notes = nvl(i.content,'No Notes'), start_date_time = v_start_time, end_date_time = v_end_time
    where entry_id = i.entry_id;
    exception when others then
    select nvl(to_date(rtrim(replace(i.start_time,'T',' '),substr(replace(i.start_time,'T',' '),12,20))||
    replace(substr(replace(i.start_time,'T',' '),12,8),'-',':'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),sysdate) into v_start_time from dual;
    select nvl(to_date(rtrim(replace(i.end_time,'T',' '),substr(replace(i.end_time,'T',' '),12,20))||
    replace(substr(replace(i.end_time,'T',' '),12,8),'-',':'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),sysdate) into v_end_time from dual;
    insert into events_bkp values(events_seq.nextval, 9, 1,1, 4, i.title, nvl(i.content,'No Notes'), v_start_time, v_end_time,'','',
    4, 1, sysdate, 1, sysdate, 13, i.entry_id);
    end loop;
    execute immediate 'alter session set events = ''31156 trace name context off''';
    end authenticate_service_test;
    I am able to execute it successfully with my username and password but I am getting error when the number of events are more than 15...
    The parameter l_cal_entry which is of clob datatype is not holding the whole xml data.
    Please advice....
    Thank You,

    Hi Friends,
    Now I am able to load all the events of a user by adding the following code
    utl_http.read_text(l_response, l_cal);
    l_cal_entry:= l_cal_entry||l_cal;
    end loop;
    but I am getting problem when the user has more than one calendar. The Begin_request link I am using is...
    Using this, I am able to get only the events of a default calendar associated to the user.
    How can I get the events of all calendars or a particular calendar associated with the user.
    I may have to change the above link... I have tried with various combinations by appending calendar id but I am unable get the right combination
    Please advice...
    Thank You,

  • 6.0.4 iTunes won't open--several common problems don't seem to be issues

    I just recently updated my iTunes to version 6.0.4, and now I can't run it. When I try, my mouse pointer gets an hourglass next to it for a split second, and then nothing happens. I don't get any error messages, and the install seemed to go fine. QuickTime runs without any problems. I found a help topic on this site that said to delete SC Info.sidb and restart my computer, which I did, but iTunes still doesn't work.
    This may be unrelated, but after I try to run iTunes, it appears as a process in the Task Manager - and I can't end the process.

    good lord Ksmarts, you're getting nearly all the most dramatic possible symptoms of an NIS 2005 itunes launch suppression.
    i call that really peculiar end dialog box during the long slow shutdown the "asian boxes" dialog. (if you enable Asian language character sets on the PC, the boxes resolve into random Asian language characters.)
    you'll also be seeing a ccApp.exe end program dialog. that's a Norton process trying to be the last program running in memory prior to a shutdown.
    as far as i can tell, these end program dialogs are all byproducts of the horrible snarl a set of NIS 2005 rules can get into over an itunes or QT version. (it seems to be the luck of the draw whether or not you get it after any given itunes install or upgrade. i first saw this with itunes 4.8 and 4.9 installs and upgrades ...)
    are you still getting this after applying the Lorraine M technique? could we try another experimental shutdown to see if it's gone away?
    love, b

  • Network outage don't bring down layer3 isdn

    Hi Everyone,
    Just wondering if someone ran through this case over the years...
    Scenario :
    2 routers in mgcp with 1 T1 on each.  The DMS switch cascade the calls to the second T1 if the first one fail.
    In a case you lose network connectivity on the first router, thus having the mgcp in a down state the calls should go to the second T1 but having mgcp down doesn't bring down the layer3 on the isdn link... I still ses the isdn status as MULTIFRAME ESTABLISHED...
    I tried the busyout command but this only put channels in a busy state ... the first T1 still receive the incomming calls thus not cascading...
    Anyone have an idea of what I could do to make the isdn link go down when the mgcp go dwon as well ?

    Look into busy-out monitor feature:

  • Can't find iPhone 4 I deleted my Find my iPhone by mistake don't no how to get back on find my iPhone list

    I had my iPhone 5 on and I can't find my wife's iPhone 4 sighn to block it I deleted here name of my find my iPhone list don't no what to do Don't no if any one use it , been off and the 3G went faulty I'm at my ends whits Plz help me

    Try this...
    Reset your Home screen to the default layout:
    Choose Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset Home Screen Layout.
    iPhone User Guide

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