Communication between two PCs

I have one pc with PCI6013 DAQ card. I need to read the data acquired by PCI6013 from another PC. How can I do it if I don't have ethernet?

With your pc's on a network, you have a lot more options. You can set the pc with the daq board to use Datasocket and broadcast the data. The other pc acts as a client. Sending and receiving commands is also possible. You can also use VI Server to communicate between the pc's and control one VI from another. RDA is Remote Data Access allows you to use traditional NI-DAQ to control DAQ boards plugged into other pc's on a network. You could even use the Remote Panel feature to publish a VI as a web page and control that through a browser. Without knowing a lot more about your application needs, it's hard to recomend one approach over another. There are shipping examples for all of these, on-line help in LabVIEW and MAX, and
NI Developer Zone articles that might help you decide.

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    Currently, if you have installed NI-VISA, you should have the 1394 Passport already installed and running. This gives you the ability to communicate with 1394 instruments via your 1394 instruments. This is important because this helps determine how you will communicate from one computer to another. If you want to use the VISA and communicate using the FireWire INSTR, then you need to find or create drivers for your 1394 ports that allow you to communicate with them as 1394 instruments. There might be other ways to do this, but this is probably the most simple. Once you've got the pcs set up, you can just use VISA to communicate with your other devices.
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    I assume you are not using Weblogic Portal, correct? If you are using Weblogic Portal, you could use events to communicate between two JSR168 portlets, but this only works in Weblogic Portal.
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    "Michael Girdley" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    There should not be. What is your network configuration? Are they on
    separate IP addresses?
    Michael Girdley
    BEA Systems Inc
    "Randy Jay Yarger" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    We're having a problem with communication between two copies of Weblogicon
    the same machine. They are configured with seperate ports (regular andSSL).
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    an EJB on the other one. The procude fails when trying to obtain theinitial
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    Randy Yarger
    [email protected]

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    Yes, you pretty much just drag and drop or copy and paste depending on which way you like better. It is pretty much like connecting an external hard drive. Just find the files you want and copy them over to your other computer.
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    If you mean communicating between two database, you can create DATABASE LINK.

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    Message was edited by:

    If you mean communicating between two database, you can create DATABASE LINK.

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    I would suggest USB-Ethernet adapters and an Ethernet cross-over
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    Now is the right time to use %^<%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%3uZ>T
    If you don't hate time zones, you're not a real programmer.
    "You are what you don't automate"
    Inplaceness is synonymous with insidiousness

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    The short answer is you can't as far as i know. You need to do NAT to able to do this and i don't think the Nexus switches support NAT.
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