Comparing Xml in a Text Field

We have a Text field which saves Xml data (not too big, 20 to 40 lines usually), in one of the stored procedures, we are receiving the Xml, which needs to be either inserted or updated based on whether that record already exists in table or not. We are doing
that match based on other non-xml fields but in one case we don't have any other option but to compare xml, so here is my question.
What's the most performance efficient way to compare Xml (which is passed as input parameter to SP as Text) to the one already saved in Table as Text? We are running Sql 2005.

Hi Syed_Sajid,
Regarding your description, are you looking for approach to compare xml structured TEXT fields? If so, you can reference the below sample.
DECLARE @Tab TABLE(id INT, content TEXT)
INSERT INTO @Tab SELECT 1,'<catalog>
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer''s Guide</title>
<description>An in-depth look at creating applications
with XML.</description>
SELECT @XML2= content FROM @Tab WHERE id=1
SET @XML1 = '<catalog><book>
<author>Corets, Eva</author>
<title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
<description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
society in England, the young survivors lay the
foundation for a new society.</description>
SELECT T.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(max)') AS NodeName,
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') AS Value
FROM @XML1.nodes('/catalog/book/*') AS T(N)
SELECT T.N.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(max)') AS NodeName,
T.N.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') AS Value
FROM @XML2.nodes('/catalog/book/*') AS T(N)
SELECT ISNULL(XML1.NodeName, XML2.NodeName) AS NodeName,
XML1.Value AS Value1,
XML2.Value AS Value2
FULL outer join XML2
ON XML1.NodeName = XML2.NodeName
WHERE ISNULL(XML1.Value, '') <> ISNULL(XML2.Value, '')
The different nodes between two xmls will be listed in the result above.
If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
Eric Zhang
TechNet Community Support

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    LC ES
    I have a web service that outputs XML data and Designer calls the webservice and the XML data populates a text field.  This works fine.
    My problem is getting the data out of the text field to populate different fields in my form.  I have done many searches and have tried many different things but still can't get the data out.  I have made sure my form is dynamic xml.
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    -------Begin Code -----------
    Placed in testData:Intialize and the connectionSet is placed in Page1:Initialize.
    var myXML = XMLData.parse(xmlData.rawValue, false);
    var subNames = XMLData.applyXPath(myXML, "//Subordinates/Subordinate/full_name");
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    //no data
    } else if (subNames.length == null) {
      //not array, just a single value
      } else {
       for (var i = 0; i < subNames.length; i++) {
    -------End Code -----------
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    ------------Begin xmlOutput --------------  (Yes, I am getting all of these empty lines in my output)
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns1="http://livecycle" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
          <ns1:getSubordinatesResponse soapenv:encodingStyle="">
             <getSubordinatesReturn xsi:type="xsd:string"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <department_description>Information Technology</department_description>
            <full_name>Public, John</full_name>
    ------------End xmlOutput --------------  (Yes, I am getting all of these empty lines in my output)
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    Hi  Raju,
    I recommend to set the Text Box 2 value by concatenating values with commas like this: “value1,value2,valu3,” (with a comma after each value).
    Then we can set the rule like this(Text2 for Text Box 2 field, Text1 for Text Box 1 field):
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Filter XML Data for Text Fields.

    I'm trying to display a single record out of an XML database
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    I was wondering if this could be acheived with a DataSet
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    Elton Bernardson.

    There's a pattern that almost every wpf dveloper uses and it's called mvvm.
    Google it, there'll be a shed load of articles.
    It's a passive view pattern in that the view has minimal logic in it.
    The view is your window ( or usercontrol).
    You can add a listboxitem to the listbox.items collection but i would only do  that if it's a very simple static collection.
    You can bind a collection to itemssource and the listbox will create a listboxitem for each things it gets from that collection.
    It creates them using a datatemplate.
    When you do that binding apparently directly to a collection a collectionvie is automagically created between control and collection.
    You can explicitly create one of those collectionview things yourself and this is agreat way to filter and sort.
    You can also use one of those collectionviews to navigate the collection setting the current item in the viewmodel.
    That can be synced in the view so you select an item from the viewmodel.
    I think I probably drifted off topic there somewhat.
    Mvvm is probably different from stuff you've done before.
    It's easier to do a bunch of things using mvvm plus it's what any prospective employer will want.
    Along with tdd/bdd it's industry standard.
    Big tip: learn it.
    You want to avoid showing a user a huge load of data. Not so much for performance reasons but because users can only cope with so much data at a time.
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles: Property List Editing;
    Dynamic XAML

  • Tree component and loading xml files into text field

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    I am making a simple self help application.  I have a tree component that loads the different catagories and topics for my help app dynamically via an xml issues there.
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    myTreeListener.change = function(eventObject)
        var theSelectedNode =;
        var theSelectedNodeLabel = theSelectedNode.attributes.label;
        topicTextArea.text +=
    I am a little fuzzy when it comes to loading the xml file in.  Should i be loading html instead of xml is my other question as well?
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Check out the Oracle XDB Developer's Guide, Chapter 3. There is an example of using BFileName function to load the xml files from a directory object created using create or replace directory. It works really well.

  • Loading images into text field - links problem

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    I could not find any solution to this, is there any?!
    Thanks for any thoughts.

    // XML
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <text><![CDATA[<font color="#ffffff" size="25"><b>Title</b></font>
    <br />
    <a href="" target="_blank">Nulla tincidunt</a> commodo <b>fermentum. Suspendisse</b> venenatis suscipit vehicula. Phasellus eu est non tellus fringilla mattis id in magna. Nullam suscipit fermentum ipsum, at semper ante auctor viverra. Morbi gravida tristique aliquam. Mauris facilisis urna et arcu rhoncus ac tempor velit consectetur. Vestibulum lacus justo, rutrum vitae ultrices nec, porta quis orci. Proin pellentesque mauris quis eros semper vulputate. Etiam sed magna et dolor dapibus sodales.
    <br />
    <img src="content/image.jpg">
    <br />Vivamus sit amet metus orci, facilisis dignissim arcu. Suspendisse fringilla varius mauris, in gravida purus cursus non. Integer lacinia faucibus turpis, nec tempus leo porttitor quis. Cras id posuere elit.
    <br />
    In eros purus, commodo eu fermentum id, blandit ut ligula. Curabitur arcu dolor, laoreet convallis fermentum eu, ullamcorper id est. <a href="" target="_blank">Etiam varius viverra dui eu placerat</a>.
    <br />
    <img src="content/image.jpg">
    <br /><a href="" target="_blank">Nulla tincidunt</a> commodo fermentum. Suspendisse venenatis suscipit vehicula. Phasellus eu est non tellus fringilla mattis id in magna.]]>
    // AS
    var myXML:XML;
    // inside "Event.COMPLETE" function
    myXML = new XML(;
    myText.htmlText = myXML.text.*;

  • Linking a class to a dynamic text field to load XML data.

    I'm quite new to ActionScript and would be grateful for any help here.
    I want to load text into a dynamic text field (called 'about_tab') using  a class depending on the language selected (by clicking on a flag icon)  by the user.
    I managed to get this to work when the ActionScript was written directly  in the timeline, but am having problems with doing the same thing via a  class.
    This is my class file:
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class ChangeLang extends SimpleButton
    public function ChangeLang()
    addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, switchLang);
    trace("ChangeLang class working");
    public function switchLang(event:MouseEvent):void
    var lang =;
    var req:URLRequest = new  URLRequest("languages/"+lang+".xml");
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var substance:XML;
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    trace("function xmlLoaded is running");
    substance = new XML(;
    about_tab.text =  substance.about_lbl;
    loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    Here's one of my XML files (the other is the same except "About" is  written in German):
    When I run it, it returns my trace statements that the class ChangeLang  and the function xmlLoaded are running, but no text appears in the  dynamic text field (I should/want to see the word 'About'). I get this  error message:
    1120: Access of undefined property about_tab
    The problem, I'm guessing, is in the part in red in my code. I think I need to target the text field in the display list by creating a  reference to it. If so, could someonw point out how I do this, or perhaps a tutorial that would help. I've tried adding the word stage (i.e.,stage.about_tab.text =  substance.about_lbl; ) but it still doesn't connect. I guess there's something really simple I'm missing, so I  apologize if this comes across as a stupid question
    Thanks for any help.

    Hello flashrocket!
    I'm also new to AS3 and I've just started using external classes and I think I know what you should do to put your code to work.
    Instead of using the text field you created inside your flash file, why don't you use the "TextField" class to create an instance of this object? It's the exact same thing as when you create and instantiate a new text field inside Flash.
    First, import flash.text.*; (includes classes like TextField, TextFieldAutoSize, TextFormat, TextFormatAlign, etc)
    Than you just have to create a var like
    public var about_tab : TextField;
    public var about_tab : TextField = new TextField();
    then, to adjust the properties of this tab you use dotsyntax as if it where on your stage like:
    about_tab.x = 50; about_tab.alpha = .5; etc...
    you can even create a function to "config your textField"
              private function createAndConfigTextField() : void {
                   about_tab = new TextField(); //you only need this line if you
              // only typed something like "public var about_tab:TextField;
              // if instead you used "public var about_tab:TextField = new TextField(); outside
              // this function, just skip this first line because you already have an instance of
              // text field named "about_tab"...
                            about_tab.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
                   about_tab.background = true;
                   about_tab.border = true;
                   var aboutTextFormat : TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                   format.font = "Arial";
                   format.color = 0x000000;
                   format.size = 11;
                   format.bold = true;
                   format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
                   about_tab.defaultTextFormat = aboutTextFormat;
    This is just an example of what you can do... I hope you get it... let me know if you have any doubt...

  • Using external XML document to update / change text fields inside of published captivate output.

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    What would the best way to do this be?
    I'm thinking XML, an external XML sheet were by Captivate imports the text from this XML sheet and then displays it within the specific text fields contained within the captivate output.
    This way the client would just update the external XML document(cut and paste the text in) and then the text would be dynamically updated in the published Captivate document.
    any help would be amazing !
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Lieve
    But isn't this thread more about an end user having an ability to change text after the Captivate has been published and delivered? I could see where that might be useful if making changes then publishing to create a new output. But I'm interpreting that the situation here is that a Captivate project has been published and delivered, and some mechanism is desired that allows the recipient to modify an external XML file to influence changes in the already compiled Captivate output.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Load multiple parts of an XML file into one dynamic Text Field

    Hi I am trying to load text from an external XML file into a dynamic text box. I have so far managed to load single parts of the XML file into a dynamic text field. I now want to be able to load different parts of the XML file (something similar to a string with appendText) into the same text Field.
    I have so far managed to achive this using the String and append text properties, but would like to use XML file to do it instead.
    Any tips please?

    In essence you can just do:
    TextField.text = XML.node1 + XML.node2;

  • Connecting a CSS doc to an XML file, in a dynamic text field in Flash

    Hi all,
    I am trying to connect a CSS file such that it applies it
    self to the content of an XML file, viewed inside a dynamic text
    field. So far I have managed to gather the code that "calls" the
    contents of the XML file and also the code that calls the CSS file.
    However, when I test the flash movie I get "undefined" instead of
    the actual copy.
    Attached then is the the AS code, XML file, and CSS file. I
    hope you could help me connect everything together.
    And of course, THANKS!!
    Scrolling Text XML by Digital Science |
    /////////////Load XML Data/////////////
    function loadXML(loaded) {
    if (loaded) {
    xmlNode = this.firstChild;
    header = [];
    txt = [];
    total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
    for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
    } else {
    errorMsg.text = "Error loading XML";
    xmlData = new XML();
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
    import TextField.StyleSheet;
    var ss:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    ss.onLoad = function() {
    txt_mc.styleSheet=this; // where yourTF is your textfield
    ss.load("jokes.css"); // where yourSS.css is your css file.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="jokes.css"?>
    <ONE>Tirza Sapir</ONE>
    <JOKE>Founder and choreographer of the RikudNetto dance
    group, teacher and lecturer, researcher, documenter and
    choreographer within the framework of Eshkol-Wachman Movement
    Notation. She was Head of the School of the Arts of Dance at the
    Seminar Hakibbutzim College of Education, 2000–2007, where
    she established the Dance Theatre and the Practicing Teachers
    courses, and specialized training in Teaching and Treatment of
    Learning Disabilities by means of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.
    She has written three books containing the movement scores of dance
    suites: Birds, Landscapes, and Hanukka Notebooks. Member of the
    Movement Notation Society, 1968–2008. Student and colleague
    of the late Professor Noa Eshkol who was the co-founder and
    inventor of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Sharon Reshef-Armony</ONE>
    <JOKE>Head of the School for the Arts of dance at the
    Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv. Teaches EWMN,
    dance-theatre and composition. Choreographer of theatre plays and
    film. Selected works: Hunger (Tmuna Theatre 2003-09), Film - Live
    (Haifa Theatre 2007-08), Yakish &amp; Pupche (Gesher Theatre
    2007-09), Children of a lesser God (Beer Sheva Theatre 2008-09).
    M.Ed (1997) from Lesley College MA in Creative Arts in Learning.
    Doctoral student at ResCen, Middlesex University/ London.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1990.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Tally Ronen</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.Ed. at Lesley University in Integrating Arts in
    Educational instructor at Kibbutzim College of Education and
    teaching dance in schools and at Clore Center, Upper Galilee. Dance
    choreographer for children.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1991.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Nira Al-Dor, Ph.D</ONE>
    <JOKE>20 years of Teaching EWMN at the School of the
    Dance Arts in Kibbuzim College of Education and at the School of
    Arts in Tel Aviv. Her study was focused on the impact of learning
    EWMN on the development of coordination.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1986.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Henner Drewes</ONE>
    <JOKE>Lectures at the Kibbutzim College of Education in
    Tel Aviv on dance and notation related technology. In 2008 he
    started working as a research assistant at Salzburg University in
    the project Visualizing Dance Archives.
    He was awarded the Tanzwissenschaftwpreis NRW, Germany 2006
    for his research on 3D representation of movement and notation.
    Ph.D. (2002) at the University of Leipzig. He is the author
    of the software EW Notator, a 'word-processor' for creating EWMN
    <ONE>Shlomit Ofer</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. at Haifa University at the Faculty of
    Education with distinction, and currently doctoral student there.
    Educational instructor and teacher of EWMN at Kibbutzim
    College of Education. Staging performances of dance theatre in the
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1993.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Lilach Shalit</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. in Expressive Therapies with specialization
    in dance-movement therapy at Lesley University.
    Educational instructor and teacher of EWMN in the course for
    Dance-Theatre at Kibbutzim College of Education. Also teaching EWMN
    in the School for Advanced Studies of the college, course for
    Learning Disabilities, and at Orot College.
    Dance-movement therapist and team coordinator at 'Tom' school
    for learning disabilities and owner of a private clinic for
    dance-movement therapy.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1998.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Michal Manor-Amir</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. at the University of Leeds (Bretton Hall
    College and Israel Extention) in Arts Education specialization in
    Dance. Doctoral student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in
    the Faculty of Humanities, the School of Education.
    Teaching movement in the Kibbutzim College of Education
    within preparatory courses of Dance, Dance-Theatre and within the
    Preschool course.
    A corrective teacher through movement and EWMN in elementary
    and high schools, and a national teacher-instructor at the dance
    supervisor's office in the Israeli ministry of education.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1998.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Amit Chesny-Bahari</ONE>
    <JOKE>B.Ed. at Kibbutzim College of Education.
    Teaching movement and dance to preschool and high school
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 2004.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Orly Yaakov</ONE>
    <JOKE>B.Ed. at Kibbutzim College of Education, and
    graduating from the special education faculty.
    Teaching EWMN and creative movement at elementary schools as
    well as special education school for children ages 6-21 with medium
    to deep retardation. Also teaching creative movement and
    preparation for ballet to preschool children.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 2006.</JOKE>
    COLOR: #333333;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    WHITE-SPACE: normal;
    font-size: 11px;
    MARGIN-BOTTOM: 15px;
    COLOR: #990000;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-SIZE: 11pt;
    FONT-WEIGHT: bold;
    COLOR: #00CCFF;
    DISPLAY: block;
    LINE-HEIGHT: normal;
    MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px;
    TEXT-ALIGN: left;
    font-size: 11px;
    text-decoration: underline;
    font-weight: bold;
    COLOR: #00CCFF;
    DISPLAY: block;
    LINE-HEIGHT: normal;
    TEXT-ALIGN: left;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    white-space: normal;
    COLOR: red;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: Arial;
    FONT-SIZE: larger;
    FONT-VARIANT: normal
    COLOR: black;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black';
    FONT-SIZE: 14pt
    FONT-FAMILY: Arial;
    FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
    FONT-VARIANT: small-caps;
    TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase

    In essence you can just do:
    TextField.text = XML.node1 + XML.node2;

  • Please help. Text fields launch email for XML data

    Let me start by saying I have only been using LiveCycle for two days. I did buy a book and have exhaustuvley searched for a solution....with that said....
    After completing almost the entire form, somehow or other I managed to make all the text fields but one initiate email of xml data as soon as you try to type in them in PDF preview or reader or pro.
    I added a new text field for test and it does NOT do the same thing. I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn this off.
    When checking pdf preview, if I click inside a text field to type, it stops the preview and launches an email window with a blank XML file. It does the same thing if I open the file in Reader or Pro.
    Solution I am looking for:
    My form is nearly complete and i would hate to have to start all over. Basically, I do NOT want the text fields to initiate an email of the form data. I just want the user to be able to type in them as required. In my opinion this should only happen with the "email form" button.
    [email protected]

    funny, i found a workaround. after nearly 3 hours and finally posting here, in 15 minutes i found something. I still would like to know
    what caused this if anyone knows.....
    By selecting the text field and changing object type to "Text" then changing it back to "TextField" then save, it now works fine. Of course I had to do it on all 25 fields but way better than redoing all the custom fields i created.

  • Split imported XML data into multiple text fields

    I should first describe my final project because it is very possible that I am going about this entirely wrong!
    I am trying to create an interactive PDF file which is the floor plan of our office, when you mouse over the office spaces it would popup the info for the person in that office, in fact when you click on the office space it would show additional info like computer MAC and jack numbers
    I placed the floor plan as a layer and them created a second layer with no fill/no stroke rectangles over the offices and made them buttons (office01, office02)
    I then made text fields with the info for the people, one for regular info and one for extra info (office01-data, office01-Xdata) I made these text fields buttons as well and had them "hidden until triggered"
    These info fields are all on top of one another, as in the are all the same size and in teh same location
    Then I went to the office buttons and created events "On Roll Over" "Show/Hide Buttons and Forms" and changed the visibility of the corresponding info button.
    This works like a charm!
    I hope I am clear up to this point.... my problem now is I would like to import this data both regular and extra from an excel spreadsheet or an XML file.
    That way when we get new staff or people move offices or whatever I can update the spreadsheet or XML file, rerun my InDesign file and create a new interactive PDF
    I have created the XML file
              <name>John Doe</name>
              <name>John Smith</name>
    Created a new InDesign document
    Imported the XML and placed it in a text field
    saved as a template and closed it
    Reopen and import the XML data again... and it brings it all into the text field... wonderful and useful but not what I need.
    Is it possible to import the XML data into separate test fields, or into some other separate field that I can make into a button and show/hide?
    I may end up just entering all the data directly into InDesign as I know this will work, it just does not seem like the right way to do it.
    Thanking you all in advance 

    I am still looking to get some help with this.
    I would love to know if it is not possible or any ideas at all

  • Update text fields with xml data based on DDL selection of an ID number

    Hi guys,
    this one should be straight forward, but I cant seem to find a straight forward answer.  In a nutshell:
    XML file contains ID, Name, Location (so far 3 records in sample xml file)
    Form contains a Dynamic Drop down list to allow selection of ID and text fields to display the associated name and location of that ID.  The binding of the Drop down works fine, however I need the other fields to update to the associated name and location when different ID's are selected.  I assume I'll need some sort of exit event on the drop down list to update the other fields with the Name and location of the ID selected, but I dont know enough to have a stab at it.
    please, please, please help, Im starting to pull my hair out.

    Hi James,
    This would depend on the structure of your XML but assuming you have something like;
    Then in the change event of your dropdown (your could use the exit event but then value might not have changed so would be performing unnecessary processing) add the following code.
    var itemGroup = $data.Data.resolveNode("Item.(Id.value === '"+xfa.event.change+"')");
    Name.rawValue = itemGroup.Name.value;
    Location.rawValue = itemGroup.Location.value;
    The xfa.event.change will be the value selected, the resolveNode will return the Item with the matching Id, and then it is just a matter of assigning it to your form fields.
    Hope this gets you started.

  • Xml element: prevent break across text fields

    hi there,
    ive got an xml import with a lot of partyevents as xml tags. every event includes date, location, description in diffrent quantity... further i have two colums per page, and usualy there are more than one event per colum. so what i need is: if the lowest event doesnt fit into the text field, it should not break, into the next text field, it should start at the next textfield.
    iam using indesign CS6.

    Like Mike, I'd suggest that you need a much larger screenshot for us to see what is going on - and also, one with Type -> View Hidden Characters turned on. Without that, it's pretty much impossible to know what is going on, what's a paragraph, what's a table cell, and so on.
    It just takes effect to the paragraphs inside my event-container but itself breaks anyway...
    However, if what I see is correct, what you need is not All Lines In Paragraph in Keep Options but (because you need three different paragraphs to stick together, right?) but to apply Keep With Next n Line(s) to the pale green subhead style and the blue tinted section-head, to keep them both with the orange description.

  • Interactive Report - comparing user entered text field against a table field - the comparison is not finding a hit when it should.

    User enters 12345 in a pre filter ----- item_number field and this value exist in the table but its defined as VARCHAR2(2000).
    No match is found.  Do I need to define this text field in a certain way so that a match occurs - say in the element or source for P1_ITEM_NUMBER.
    How does a user entered value of 12345 match a value in the table of 12345 - defined as a varchar2(2000).

    Why are you storing numbers in a varchar2?
    This is bad designing.  (storing date information in a varchar2 field is even worst.)
    99% of the time, when the number 12345 does not match the string '12345', it is because the value in the table is actually '                         12345'
    Run the following SQL command in the SQL workshop.  (you'll need to adjust to match schema,table,column names)
    select item_number, length( item_number) as string_length
    from schema_name.table_name
    If '12345' does not have a string_length of 5, then you have bad data in your database.

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