Compatibilité target labview 8.6 et laview 2013

Comment puis je savoir si je peux utiliser l'API Configuration système de LabVIEW pour piloter une cible RT sous labview 8.2 sachant que le PC de pilotage est sous labview 2013 SP1
Exemple (récupérer les taches DaqMX sur la cible)

Si 'ai bien compris, vous souhaiteriez utiliser les fonctions pour récupérer des informations de la cible RT qui fait tourner une application en 8.2 depuis une application LabVIEW en 2013.
Malheureusement, je pense que cette fonctionnalité n'est pas supporté en 8.2. Maintenant si tu peux donner plus de détails sur la fonction recherchée et sur la configuration complète ?
Pourquoi vouloir récupérer la tâche sur la cible RT, tu souhaites récupérer des données ou de la configuration ?
.mesLeft{float:left} .mesInfo{border-left:solid 1px #989898;font-size:x-small;color:#989898} .mesLogo{float:right;opacity:0.18} .mesLogo:hover{opacity:0.9}
Maxime R.  
  CLD - Certified LabVIEW Developer / Développeur LabVIEW Certifié  
  CLAD - Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer   

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    Hello ClaireR,
    I only had Microprocessor SDK module installed, after installing the ARM module I've managed to build the library and create a project for the MCB2140 target. However I have problems with running even the simplest code.
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                    IMPORT  SWI_Handler
                    IMPORT  PAbt_Handler
    ;Undef_Handler   B       Undef_Handler
    ;SWI_Handler     B       SWI_Handler
    ;PAbt_Handler    B       PAbt_Handler
     so I could build the project.
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    *** error 57: illegal address (0x00000024)
    BS 0x23E8, 1
    0x0000040C  2AFFFFFE  BCS       0x0000040CC - dissasembly
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    Attachments: ‏168 KB

    Conversion done here:
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    Thanks an advance for any input.

    Thanks so much Lisa, for the clarification.
    I understand what you have explained, and have seen several similar explanations that have lead to my confusion.  Can you elaborate a bit, maybe for the sake of future information seekers?
    I understand that audiences can be defined using the rules operations in Central Admin, but it seems another standard function is to just directly assign existing SharePoint groups.  I think this is what you mean above, but this is also the point of
    my misunderstanding.
    In this particular setup I have only used existing SharePoint groups with no audiences defined in Central Admin.  List Item A has a target audience of SharePoint group X, just that simple of a setup.
    Assuming the above is valid, I would then like to see or alter the groups via SPD workflow.
    Based on the following posts, I was under the impression this may be possible (but obviously not fully clear and thus I posted this):
    (sorry about lack of links, my account must still require verification)
    So in SPD, I set a simple action such as "Log Current Item:Target Audience to history" (note the I am able to select target audience in SPD like any other field with no errors).  At this point I am assuming everything is valid as SPD is treating
    the field like any other string field.  When executed the error in the above post comes up.
    So to confirm your explanation, this is not supported?  Even though the field is available for selection by design, it is not capable of use and known to produce errors in all cases of its use?  The first post above is 100% wrong and you cannot
    use SPD to set/view the target audience field?  The second post is also wrong as it seems to present the fields as available for alteration using string concatenation?
     If in fact the field is present by design, but also impossible to use by design, is this potentially a bug as the field is not supposed to be available if it will always produce the error when used with no error in SPD during compile?
    Thank you again for the reply and I hope we might be able to provide a rock solid answer to this for future seekers. 

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    Hi digital_badger,
    as you sure have seen in the link it is not officially supported by NI, which means to you one of the following things:
    1. You could upgrade your LabVIEW and your Report Gerneration Toolkit to Version 2014 and use MS Office 2013
    2. You could just try it with MS Office 2013 which might work but if it's not working you don't get any support from NI.
    Even if someone tried it already and it worked for him does not mean that it will work on your machines. It is possible that on some of your machines it could work but not on others. Their can be a lot of problems while playing around with unsupported setups.
    3. You could leave your setup as it is and stick to your MS Office 2010.
    I hope I could give you a good answer to your question

  • MATRIX Toolkit for LabVIEW 2012 for LEGO Mindstorms Installer ?

    Please help
    Go to Solution.

    Hi 40123157,
    MATRIX support is included in the MINDSTORMS Competition Toolkit. You can find last year's toolkit here:​2-2013/4331/en/.
    An updated version of this toolkit for 2014-2015 is targeted to be released at the end of August.

  • Labview 13 to 12

    Trying to get this converted when someone has time. Thanks ahead of time. 
    Source Labview Version: NI LabVIEW 2013 SP1 (32-bit)
    Target Labview Version: 12.0 32-bit
    Thanks again. 

    Thank you I appreciate the help.

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    no, tdm doesn't work under bootcamp regardless of which windows is being used, imho i don't think it will ever work under bootcamp

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to know the best practices for SharePoint 2013 development.
    There are some articles cover best practices targeted towards software developers in SharePoint 2013, you can refer to them. ,
         discusses when to use farm solutions, sandbox solutions, or sharepoint      apps. ,
         guidelines to help you pick the correct client API to use with your app.   ,
         describes how to set up a dev environment needed for creating Windows Apps      that leverage SharePoint. ,
         discusses how to deal with connection strings in auto-hosted apps.
    For more reference:
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using Fieldpoint from Labview RT on a PXI System

    I have a PXI system with Labview RT (PXI 8186 controller with LVRT ver 7.1).
    I wanted to connect a FP remote I/O system to this controller. The Fieldpoint system I have has a FP-1000 RS-232 Network module.
    I was hoping to be able to connect the FP-1000 to the serial port of the PXI-8186, and use the standard Fieldpoint VIs to write/read data (as you would from a Windows-based Labview app).
    It doesn't seem to be that easy, trying to download any code with a Fieldpoint VI down to my RT target gives an error ("failed to load shared library FPLVMgr.dll on RT target device"). Looking through MAX I see that Fieldpoint drivers are not loaded on the RT target, and there is no option to load them there either.
    So: Ho
    w do I control my Fieldpoint units from my PXI System using Labview RT?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi, Ravid.
    Effectively, under LabVIEW RT, you cannot use the standard FieldPoint VIs to communicate to a FieldPoint module, since they are not supported. If you have a serial module, like the FP-1000 or FP-1001, you need to use Optomux commands to interface and communicate to it. You can find great examples on how to do the communication in the Example Finder of LabVIEW >> Hardware Input and Output >> FieldPoint >> Optomux >> and use any of the examples that use VISA to communicate to the modules. To run the examples, first target LabVIEW to your 8186 and open the example. Before running it, match the baud rate and address specified in your FP-1000 with the controls in the Front Panel. Also, verify that you have either an alias defined for COM1, or use AS
    RL::INSTR1 for the VISA resource name. You will need to have VISA RT installed on your RT Target to be able to run this examples.
    You can find the Optomux commands in LabVIEW under the Advanced FieldPoint palette. For more information on Optomux commands, you can take a look at the FP-1000/1001 Programmer Reference Manual
    Let me know if you have further questions. I hope this helps!
    Gustavo Valdes
    Applications Engineer

  • Sharing typedefs and VIs between different targets in the same project

    I'm writing a distributed application that runs on a PC and a CompactRIO. There are some data structures and convenience functions (typedefs and VIs) that I'd like to share between them. What's the recommended way of doing so? Is an LVLIB suitable for this purpose?
    I currently just host the shared items on the "My Computer" target. However, when I'm editing my code, I sometimes have to click "synchronize with other application instances". Also, the shared items show up on the dependencies list of my cRIO target. I'd rather not have these happen; is it possible to avoid these?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi JKSH,
    JKSH wrote:
     I'd rather not have these happen; is it possible to avoid these?
    Why do you want this not to happen? When you assign a VI to one target, but still use that VI on the other target, LabVIEW has to recompile for that other target (read: No, you can't avoid that!).
    I do the same for many VIs (a lot of them in my user.lib) but still have no problems with it. And using the same typedef for all targets in a project really helps minimizing errors!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • OGG-00204,Missing TARGET specification.

    Hi All,
    I'm having some issues on my replicat process as I'm encountering this error "OGG-00204, MIssing TARGET specification" when I'm trying to start it,
    my replicat parameter file includes "TARGET" on table mapping, am i missing something? please see below the error log and replicat parameters below.
    i tried googling it but i don't have any luck on finding a solution, please help.
    GG version
    Version OGGCORE_11.
    Solaris, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 24 2012 01:48:54
    DB version
    2013-08-29 21:08:38  INFO
    OGG-00987  Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle:  GGSCI command (oracle): start replicat RPGRPA0A.
    2013-08-29 21:08:38  INFO
    OGG-00963  Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm:  Command received from GGSCI on host unknown (START REPLICAT RPGRPA0A ).
    2013-08-29 21:08:38  INFO
    OGG-00975  Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm:  REPLICAT RPGRPA0A starting.
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  INFO
    OGG-00995  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  REPLICAT RPGRPA0A starting.
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  INFO
    OGG-03035  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  Operating system character set identified as US-ASCII. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  INFO
    OGG-00506  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  Both GETTRUNCATES and DDL replication are enabled.
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  INFO
    OGG-01815  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
    anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON)  anon free: munmap
    file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED)  file free: munmap
    target directories:
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  INFO
    OGG-00996  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  REPLICAT RPGRPA0A started.
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  ERROR   OGG-00204  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  Missing TARGET specification.
    2013-08-29 21:08:39  ERROR   OGG-01668  Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rpgrpa0a.prm:  PROCESS ABENDING.
    getenv (ORACLE_SID)
    USERID ggs_owner, &
    ENCRYPTKEY clarityogg
    DISCARDFILE ./dirout/dscrpgrpa0a.dsc, APPEND
    DDL &
    Thanks a lot

    Found the answer, i just removed sequence schema2.* and the replicat runs fine.

  • Application is too large for target memory

    I'm working with the Luminary ARM Evaluation Board and Labview Embedded for ARM. Right now I'm having a very critical problem : the code cannot fit into the cpu memory.
    There are a few things I was wondering if you guys could help me with :
    1. Is there a way to know the code size? Since the build fails the build report is incomplete and Keil is not giving me much more information either, so I don't know by how much bytes I'm busting the memory, and if it there is even hope to reduce the code size.
    2. I've compiled a minimal project for the LM3S8962 (a while loop) and the code size is 24kB (!!!) This is ridiculous, I'm not even calling any special libraries. Am I missing a configuration tools that loads only the specific libraries used in the code?
    3. I might never be able to reduce code size under the 256 kB limit (and I have additional code to implement to make things worse). Would it be feasible to run code from the flash micro-sd slot onboard the development platform and are there tools around that can do that (I'm not talking about a bootloader but more of a memory extension).
    I'll be crossing my fingers!

    There are certain optimizations I could do and I will look into it as the program features a lot of array and string manipulation (listed as the worse things to do of course, lol). One thing I have noted though is that the run-time compiles a lot of drivers which are never used (ex: SPI, CAN, I2C) and I suspect it links them into the program, adding to its bloating. Can I somehow specify which libraries I want included into the final build and exclude the rest?
    Also, I've started a second program, much smaller this time. It compiles correctly with no error or warnings but when it comes to linking the linker fails without any errors. I only get a very generic error :
    [10:30:36 AM] Status: Error
    Program Size: Code=94136 RO-data=2936 RW-data=2664 ZI-data=14536 
    ".\Obj\LabVIEW.axf" - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
    Status: Build failed.
    The Keil linker gives me only
    Build target 'LabVIEW'
    Program Size: Code=94136 RO-data=2936 RW-data=2664 ZI-data=14536 
    ".\Obj\LabVIEW.axf" - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
    I am at a lost to understand why it wouldn't link... everything seems fine up to there and the program and ram sized are appropriate for the LM3S8962

  • Why is "FPGA device emulator" not an option in my target list?

    I have the LabVIEW RT module and the FPGA module installed.
    (LabVIEW 7.1)
    I have developed several VI's for the cRIO, but one thing has always stumped me: On my targets list, I have "Windows", then I have "compile only xxxx" where xxxx is my FPGA device, then I have "RT:IP-address" and also "VISA::FPGA" option, but, as mentioned in the topic, I do not have a "emulator" option in the target list.
    Now, up until today, that has not been to much of a problem, but now, I have a bug in my VHDL code, and since I cant emulate, I cant use probes and every change I make forces me to do a 30+ minute re-compilation. To make it worse, I do not have enough room left on my device to have "Indicators" for all signals I would like to look at, so debugging my code is -A PAIN-.
    If anyone could help me with tips as to how to get the "emulator" option, I would be grateful.
    System specs:
    Win XP home (SP2 with all the latest updates)
    LabVIEW 7.1
    LabVIEW FPGA (1.1?)
    Pentium 4, 1.6GHz
    768MB RAM.
    Project Engineer
    LabVIEW 2009
    Run LabVIEW on WinXP and Vista system.
    Used LabVIEW since May 2005
    Certifications: CLD and CPI certified
    Currently employed.

    I am glad that targeting LabVIEW for Windows does the trick.  About the Digital Input, you are right.  All IO is simulated when targeting LabVIEW for Windows. So what you get is only random data generated by LabVIEW.  As soon as you target to the FPGA, it will talk to the IO and then you will have true data.
    Ricardo S.
    National Instruments.

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