Competencies Descriptions does not show up

I am inserting competencies/ objectives through an implementation of HRHAP00_ENHANCE_FIX BADI. Appraisal document contains the competencies/ objectives correctly.
Meanwhile, when I double click on them, description does not appear.
At BADI, I just put the object type and ID of the competence/ objective. I've checked the definition of one of the competencies and it has a description defined.
Have tou ever had this problem? I've checked some notes and found nothing.
Best Regards,
Vasco Brandã

Hi there,
Note 1383867 (Displaying descriptions of free enhancements) has solved a part of my problem. Now descriptions are passed to appraisal document.
I am acessing this documents at SAP Portals. Here, the descriptions for specific competencies does not apper.
Can you help me please?
Thanks and best regards,
Vasco Brandã

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    take a look here:
    make sure you are using the MDX Driver and what happens is that you will see several fields per characteristic. example: one for the key, one for the description, several if modelled for the display attributes

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    hello, the addons manager is exactly the right place to look for it. please try disabling the addons that are listed there one-by-one (a restart of the browser might be necessary after each step). maybe one of them is bundling this kind of adware.
    [[Disable or remove Add-ons]]

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    site >>>> >>>>> CLICK ON "ART"
    ******************************CHECK OUT CODING RIGHT HERE******************************
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    <html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    body,html {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    <!-- Active Content Workaround Support File -->
    <script src="resources/AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function getQueryVariable(variable) {
      var query =;
      var vars = query.split("&");
      for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
        var pair = vars[i].split("=");
        if (pair[0] == variable) {
          return pair[1];
      return -1;
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
      var startImg = getQueryVariable("startImg");
    <!-- Flash Detection Script Block -->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Globals
    // Major version of Flash required
    var requiredMajorVersion = 8;
    // Minor version of Flash required
    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
    // Minor version of Flash required
    var requiredRevision = 0;
    // the version of javascript supported
    var jsVersion = 1.0;
    // -->
    <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
    <!-- // Visual basic helper required to detect Flash Player ActiveX control version information
    Function VBGetSwfVer(i)
      on error resume next
      Dim swControl, swVersion
      swVersion = 0
      set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))
      if (IsObject(swControl)) then
        swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")
      end if
      VBGetSwfVer = swVersion
    End Function
    // -->
    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
    <!-- // Detect Client Browser type
    var isIE  = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false;
    var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false;
    var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false;
    jsVersion = 1.1;
    // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version information
    function JSGetSwfVer(i){
    // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array
    if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
    if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) {
    var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : "";
                    var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description;
    descArray = flashDescription.split(" ");
    tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split(".");
    versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0];
    versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1];
    if ( descArray[3] != "" ) {
    tempArrayMinor = descArray[3].split("r");
    } else {
    tempArrayMinor = descArray[4].split("r");
                    versionRevision = tempArrayMinor[1] > 0 ? tempArrayMinor[1] : 0;
                flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." + versionRevision;
               } else {
    flashVer = -1;
    // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4
    else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1) flashVer = 4;
    // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3
    else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1) flashVer = 3;
    // older WebTV supports Flash 2
    else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 2;
    // Can't detect in all other cases
    else {
    flashVer = -1;
    return flashVer;
    // When called with reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision returns true if that version or greater is available
    function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision)
          reqVer = parseFloat(reqMajorVer + "." + reqRevision);
            // loop backwards through the versions until we find the newest version    
    for (i=25;i>0;i--) {    
    if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
    versionStr = VBGetSwfVer(i);
    } else {
    versionStr = JSGetSwfVer(i);         
    if (versionStr == -1 ) {
    return false;
    } else if (versionStr != 0) {
    if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
    tempArray         = versionStr.split(" ");
    tempString        = tempArray[1];
    versionArray      = tempString .split(",");                   
    } else {
    versionArray      = versionStr.split(".");
    versionMajor      = versionArray[0];
    versionMinor      = versionArray[1];
    versionRevision   = versionArray[2];
    versionString     = versionMajor + "." + versionRevision;   // 7.0r24 == 7.24
    versionNum        = parseFloat(versionString);
                 // is the major.revision >= requested major.revision AND the minor version >= requested minor
    if ( (versionMajor > reqMajorVer) && (versionNum >= reqVer) ) {
    return true;
    } else {
    return ((versionNum >= reqVer && versionMinor >= reqMinorVer) ? true : false );    
    // -->
    <body><div align="center" style="width:100%; height:100%">
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    // Version check for the Flash Player that has the ability to start Player Product Install (6.0r65)
    var hasProductInstall = DetectFlashVer(6, 0, 65);
    // Version check based upon the values entered above in "Globals"
    var hasReqestedVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);
    // Location visited after installation is complete if installation is required
    var MMredirectURL = window.location;
    // Stored value of document title used by the installation process to close the window that started the installation process
    // This is necessary to remove browser windows that will still be utilizing the older version of the player after installation is complete
    //document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation";
    document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47);
    var MMdoctitle = document.title;
    // Check to see if a player with Flash Product Install is available and the version does not meet the requirements for playback
    if ( hasProductInstall && !hasReqestedVersion ) {
        var productInstallOETags = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"'
        + 'width="550" height="200"'
        + 'codebase="">'
        + '<param name="movie" value="resources/playerProductInstall.swf?MMredirectURL='+MMredirectURL+'&MMplayerType=Ac tiveX&MMdoctitle='+MMdoctitle+'" />'
        + '<param name="quality" value="best" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#3A6EA5" />'
        + '<embed src="resources/playerProductInstall.swf?MMredirectURL='+MMredirectURL+'&MMplayerType=Plug In" quality="high" bgcolor="#3A6EA5" '
        + 'width="550" height="300" name="detectiontest" align="middle"'
        + 'play="true"'
        + 'loop="false"'
        + 'quality="best"'
        + 'wmode="opaque"'
        + 'allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"'
        + 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'
        + 'pluginspage="">'
        + '<\/embed>'
        + '<\/object>';
        document.write(productInstallOETags);   // embed the Flash Product Installation SWF
    } else if (hasReqestedVersion) {  // if we've detected an acceptable version
    'codebase', ',0,0,0',
    'flashvars','baseRefUrl=resources/&groupxml=group.xml&stylexml=style.xml&localText=localT ext.xml&livePreview=false&startImg='+startImg,
    'width', '100%',
    'height', '100%',
    'src', 'resources/gallery',
    'quality', 'high',
    'pluginspage', '',
    'align', 'middle',
    'play', 'true',
    'loop', 'true',
    'scale', 'showall',
    'wmode', 'opaque',
    'devicefont', 'false',
    'id', 'gallery',
    'bgcolor', '#f7f7f7',
    'name', 'gallery',
    'menu', 'true',
    'movie', 'resources/gallery',
    'salign', ''
      } else {  // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin
        var alternateContent = 'This photo gallery requires the Adobe Flash Player.'
            + '<a href=>Get the free Flash Player here</a>';
        document.write(alternateContent);  // insert non-flash content
    // -->
    // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not support scripting
    // or for those that have scripting disabled.
           Sorry, this photo gallery requires that scripting be enabled on your web browser and that the Adobe Flash Player be installed.
      <a href="">Download the Adobe Flash Player</a>

    Are you sure you have uploaded everything in the gallery folder to the correct location. It can't find the index.html page.

  • My itunes in pc fails to secure link with itunes store it shows the process bar it automatically quits the process it also does not shows any on the screen. i am using windows xp service pack 3. what shoul i do?

    my itunes in pc fails to secure link with itunes store it shows the process bar it automatically quits the process it also does not shows any on the screen. i am using windows xp service pack 3. what shoul i do?
    Diagnostics test
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
    ECS G31T-M7
    QuickTime 7.6.9
    FairPlay 1.13.37
    Apple Application Support 2.1.6
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 0012ABAC07F3CCB0
    Current user is an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2011-12-31 14:06:21.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is not supported.
    Core Media is not supported. (16005)
    Video Display Information
    Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name:        {7599FAD1-1BB9-4AC6-80AF-404253DC519E}
    Description:            Atheros L2 Fast Ethernet 10/100 Base-T Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:   
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled:      Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained:     Sat Dec 31 13:46:09 2011
    Lease Expires:       Tue Jan 03 13:46:09 2012
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected:             Yes
    Online:                    Yes
    Using Modem:        No
    Using LAN:             Yes
    Using Proxy:           No
    SSL 3.0 Support:     Enabled
    TLS 1.0 Support:     Enabled
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to browsing iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to purchasing from iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to iPhone activation server was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to firmware update server was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    Last successful iTunes Store access was 2011-12-31 14:00:02.
    **** Device Connectivity Tests ****
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    Universal Serial Bus Controllers:
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB.  Device is working properly.
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC.  Device is working properly.
    No FireWire (IEEE 1394) Host Controller found.
    Connected Device Information:
    rawkiss’s iPhone, iPhone 3G running firmware version 4.0
    Serial Number:       86931UEAY7H
    **** Device Sync Tests ****
    Sync tests completed successfully.

    I have found a fix after doing additional research through this forum. Tech Note #328730 addresses this problem and it works for Photoshop Album 3.2 even though it was written for release 1.0.
    Here is a link that will take you directly to the Tech Note:
    When using this fix the Tech Note indicates:
    "Imported image data and tags are lost when you re-create the My Catalog.psa file, so you need to reimport images and reapply any tags"
    however it did retain the captions (at least it did for me).


    Hi, I have a problem with the report painter, because i am run the report but i realize that  if the master data(Commitment item ) is not created for the next year  example 2008 and  I am running the report for the year 2007, when the report is generated the report does not show the description of the commitment item ...
    Anyboy has a suggest

    Hello sayujya Patil,
    Thanks for your reply, i have created report in Report Painter, after execution the report i tried in all the parameters under setting menu > report and section layout as well> lead column --> and kept the radio button on key and description, still its not showing the description of the GLs under lead column....
    Please reply...
    Thank You.

  • Custom header name does not show in ALV...

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    which is 'YTD AMOUNT'. But how come it still shows 'AMOUNT' in my header? I am using
    cl_salv_table for my ALV. Below is my code:
                list_display = 'X'
                r_salv_table = lcl_table
                t_table      = gt_output ).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.                                "#EC NO_HANDLER
        lcl_functions = lcl_table->get_functions( ).
    *   Set all standard ALV functions
        lcl_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
        lcl_columns = lcl_table->get_columns( ).
        lcl_columns->set_optimize( abap_true ).
    *   Set display to striped pattern
        lcl_display = lcl_table->get_display_settings( ).
        lcl_display->set_striped_pattern( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ).
    */Set column names
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'DESCRIPT' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h01 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h01 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '40' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'BUKRS' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h02 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h02 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '12' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'KHINR' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h03 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h03 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '17' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'KOSTL' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h04 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h04 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '10' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'AUART' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h05 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h05 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '04' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'KTEXT' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h06 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h06 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '20' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'AUFNR' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h07 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h07 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '12' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'ACTUAL' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h08 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h08 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '10' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'COMMIT' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h09 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h09 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '10' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'TOTAL' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h10 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h10 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '10' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'BUDGET' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h11 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h11 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '15' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'AMOUNT' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h12 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h12 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '15' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'AGE' ).
            lcl_column->set_medium_text( text-h13 ).
            lcl_column->set_long_text( text-h13 ).
            lcl_column->set_output_length( '15' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
    */Set aggregations
            lcl_aggregations = lcl_table->get_aggregations( ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( 'ACTUAL' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( 'COMMIT' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( 'TOTAL' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( 'BUDGET' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( 'AMOUNT' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_aggregations->add_aggregation( 'AGE' ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_existing."#EC NO_HANDLER
    */Hide columns
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'SETNAME' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'TXT' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'BUDAT1' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'COMMIT' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'ACTUAL' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'BUDAT2' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'ASTNR' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'AVAIL' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'CTRDIV' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
            lcl_column ?= lcl_columns->get_column( 'CTRORD' ).
            lcl_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
          CATCH cx_salv_not_found.                          "#EC NO_HANDLER
        lcl_events2 = lcl_table->get_event( ).
        CREATE OBJECT lcl_handle_events.
        SET HANDLER lcl_handle_events->on_link_click  FOR lcl_events2.
        SET HANDLER lcl_handle_events->on_top_of_page FOR lcl_events2.
        lcl_display_settings = lcl_table->get_display_settings( ).
        lcl_table->display( ).
    Also, my top of page only display if use LIST display but when I use GRID, it does not show.

    Thanks anyways...

  • Custom Ribbon tab does not show in generic list

    I'm deploying the following definiton on a generic list, but the new custom tab does not show up. Anyone that can see what I have done wrong?
    <Elements xmlns=”“>
    Title=”Adds a new Ribbon tab to Generic List”
    <Tab Id=”Ribbon.MyTab” Sequence=”110″ Description=”" Title=”My Tab Name”>
    <Scaling Id=”Ribbon.MyTab.Scaling”>
    <Groups Id=”Ribbon.MyTab.Groups”>
    Title=”My Group Name”
    <Controls Id=”Ribbon.MyTab.MyGroup.Controls”>
    ToolTipDescription=”Shows a dialog” />
    <GroupTemplate Id=”Ribbon.Templates.MyTab.MyGroup.CustomTemplate”>
    <Layout Title=”LargeMedium”>
    <OverflowSection Type=”OneRow” TemplateAlias=”o1″ DisplayMode=”Large”/>
    <OverflowSection Type=”ThreeRow” TemplateAlias=”o2″ DisplayMode=”Medium”/>
    CommandAction=”javascript: alert('Hello World');” />

    I was able to use your custom ribbon tab XML just fine.  The only thing is, the copy you provided had a bunch of illegal characters embedded in it (like reverse quotes?), I'm not sure if they're showing up in your version of the XML or not.  Anyway,
    after replacing those with straight quotes and fixing some other misc formatting, it worked fine.  I created an empty SharePoint project and added an empty element, then added your XML to the Element.xml file.  In SP, I created a new custom
    list and the "My Tab Name" tab appeared with a button that displayed "Hello World" when I clicked it. So, I recommend checking the formatting of your XML.  Just look for red squiggles in the editor and fix them.
    - Kemp Brown [MSFT]

  • EMC Does Not Show All Databases Copies Information on DAG - Exchange 2010 SP2

    Hi guys,
    Really need your help here, suddenly my customer complain that they cant see any information on database copies on their Active Copy DAG Exchange server, for another DAG members, the database copies information is visible. After do some readings, I found
    this related to Exchange 2010 SP1 known issue.
    But, for my environment, there is Exchange 2010 SP2. I have no idea on this issue since there is no error log thrown out from the event viewer. I already try to restart the server itself and the Microsoft Information services but no luck.

    Based on the description, your customers could see passive database copy information, but they couldn’t view the detail information such as state: Healthy in EMC.
    When did this issue begin?
    Please restart the AD topology service to check result.
    Since we have the information correctly on Exchange shell, please try to clear EMC cache and then open console to check if you can see database copy in EMC.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Server 2008 R2 does not show Internet Explorer 10/11 Group Policy options

    I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 server that has IE11 installed. I am attempting to create a GPO to control Proxy settings for IE10/11 clients, however, when I go to User Config>Preferences> Control Panel Settings> Internet Settings and Right click,
    I do not see an option for IE10, only IE5 and 6, IE7, and IE8. 
    I have downloaded and installed the Administrative Templates for Internet Explorer from
    here, and followed the installation instructions, but still, the option does not show up. I have ensured that all the latest Windows Updates are installed on the server, and rebooted
    the server a couple times. 
    What am I missing here? 
    Thanks in advance.

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    Group Policy Management
    body { font-size:68%;font-family:MS Shell Dlg; margin:0px,0px,0px,0px; border: 1px solid #666666; background:#F6F6F6; width:100%; word-break:normal; word-wrap:break-word; } .head { font-weight:bold; font-size:160%; font-family:MS
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    Setting Path:
    <button accesskey="P" name="Print" onclick="window.print()">Print</button>
    <button accesskey="C" name="Close" onclick="window.close()">Close</button>
    No explanation is available for this setting.
    Supported On:
    Not available
    Group Policy Results
    Data collected on: 12/14/2014 1:00:12 PM
    Computer Configuration Summary
    No data available.
    User Configuration Summary
    User name
    Last time Group Policy was processed
    12/14/2014 12:59:22 PM
    Group Policy Objects
    Applied GPOs
    Link Location
    Local Group Policy
    AD (1), Sysvol (1)
    Default Domain Policy
    AD (6), Sysvol (6)
    AD (10), Sysvol (10)
    Limit Downloads
    AD (2), Sysvol (2)
    SFD Restricted Users
    AD (59), Sysvol (59)
    Denied GPOs
    Link Location
    Reason Denied
    Security Group Membership when Group Policy was applied
    SFDN\Domain Users
    NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
    NT AUTHORITY\This Organization
    Mandatory Label\Medium Mandatory Level
    WMI Filters
    Reference GPO(s)
    Component Status <v:group alt="Warning" class="vmlimage" coordsize="100,100" style="width:15px;height:15px;vertical-align:middle;"><v:shape class="vmlimage" fillcolor="yellow"
    strokecolor="yellow" style="width:100;height:100;"><v:path v="m 50,0 l 0,99 99,99 x e"></v:path></v:shape> <v:rect class="vmlimage" fillcolor="black" strokecolor="black" style="width:10;height:35;"></v:rect>
    <v:rect class="vmlimage" fillcolor="black" strokecolor="black" style="width:10;height:5;"></v:rect> </v:group>
    Component Name
    Last Process Time
    Group Policy Infrastructure
    12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM
    Folder Redirection
    12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM
    Folder Redirection failed due to the error listed below.
    Cannot complete this function.
    Additional information may have been logged. Review the Policy Events tab in the console or the application event log for events between 12/14/2014 12:59:23 PM and 12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM.
    Group Policy Internet Settings
    12/14/2014 12:59:46 PM
    12/12/2014 10:28:23 AM
    Computer Configuration
    No data available.
    User Configuration
    Windows Settings
    Security Settings
    Software Restriction Policies
    Winning GPO
    SFD Restricted Users
    Apply software restriction policies to the following
    All software files except libraries (such as DLLs)
    Apply software restriction policies to the following users
    All users
    When applying software restriction policies
    Ignore certificate rules
    Designated File Types
    File Extension
    File Type
    Microsoft Access Project Extension
    Microsoft Access Project
    BAS File
    Windows Batch File
    Compiled HTML Help file
    Windows Command Script
    MS-DOS Application
    Control panel item
    Security Certificate
    Help file
    HTML Application
    Setup Information
    INS File
    ISP File
    Microsoft Access Database
    Microsoft Access MDE Database
    Microsoft Common Console Document
    Windows Installer Package
    Windows Installer Patch
    MST File
    ActiveX control
    PCD File
    Shortcut to MS-DOS Program
    Registration Entries
    Screen saver
    SHS File
    Internet Shortcut
    VB File
    Windows Script Component
    Trusted Publishers
    Trusted publisher management
    Allow all administrators and users to manage user's own Trusted Publishers
    Certificate verification
    Software Restriction Policies/Security Levels
    Winning GPO
    Default Security Level
    SFD Restricted Users
    Software Restriction Policies/Additional Rules
    Path Rules
    %HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRoot%
    Security Level
    Date last modified
    9/30/2011 12:34:27 PM
    Winning GPO
    SFD Restricted Users
    Security Level
    Date last modified
    9/30/2011 12:34:27 PM
    Winning GPO
    SFD Restricted Users
    Administrative Templates
    Policy definitions (ADMX files) retrieved from the local machine.
    Control Panel
    Winning GPO
    Network/Network Connections
    Winning GPO
    This setting determines whether the Properties menu item is enabled, and thus, whether the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box is available to users.
    If you enable this setting (and enable the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" setting), the Properties menu items are disabled for all users, and users cannot open the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box.
    Important: If the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" is disabled or not configured, this setting will not apply to administrators on post-Windows 2000 computers.
    If you disable this setting or do not configure it, a Properties menu item appears when users right-click the icon representing a LAN connection. Also, when users select the connection, Properties is enabled on the File menu.
    Note: This setting takes precedence over settings that manipulate the availability of features inside the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box. If this setting is enabled, nothing within the properties dialog box for a LAN connection is available to
    Note: Nonadministrators have the right to view the properties dialog box for a connection but not to make changes, regardless of this setting." gpmc_settingname="Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection" gpmc_settingpath="User Configuration/Administrative
    Templates/Network/Network Connections" gpmc_supported="At least Windows 2000 Service Pack 1" href="javascript:void();" onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;">Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection
    SFD Restricted Users
    If you enable this setting (and enable the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" setting), the check boxes for enabling and disabling components are disabled. As a result, administrators cannot enable or disable the components that
    a connection uses.
    Important: If the "Enable Network Connections settings for Administrators" is disabled or not configured, this setting will not apply to administrators on post-Windows 2000 computers.
    If you disable this setting or do not configure it, the Properties dialog box for a connection includes a check box beside the name of each component that the connection uses. Selecting the check box enables the component, and clearing the check box disables
    the component.
    Note: When the "Prohibit access to properties of a LAN connection" setting is enabled, users are blocked from accessing the check boxes for enabling and disabling the components of a LAN connection.
    Note: Nonadministrators are already prohibited from enabling or disabling components for a LAN connection, regardless of this setting." gpmc_settingname="Prohibit Enabling/Disabling components of a LAN connection" gpmc_settingpath="User
    Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections" gpmc_supported="Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 operating systems only" href="javascript:void();" onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this);
    return false;">Prohibit Enabling/Disabling components of a LAN connection
    SFD Restricted Users
    Windows Components/Internet Explorer
    Winning GPO
    If you enable this policy setting, the user will not be able to configure proxy settings.
    If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the user can configure proxy settings." gpmc_settingname="Prevent changing proxy settings" gpmc_settingpath="User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Internet
    Explorer" gpmc_supported="At least Internet Explorer 5.0" href="javascript:void();" onclick="javascript:showExplainText(this); return false;">Prevent changing proxy settings
    SFD Restricted Users
    Windows Components/Internet Explorer/Internet Control Panel/Security Page/Internet Zone
    Winning GPO
    Allow file downloads
    Extra Registry Settings
    Display names for some settings cannot be found. You might be able to resolve this issue by updating the .ADM files used by Group Policy Management.
    Winning GPO
    P:\My Documents\Outlook Files
    SFD Restricted Users
    P:\My Documents\Outlook Files
    SFD Restricted Users

  • Re: GUI installation of WLS 6.1 does not show

    Hi ,
    I confirmed I installed usig windows installation file (.exe). Anyway,
    thank you for your reply. I have solved it already. Now it works fine.
    "Michael Young" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Sorry for the dumb question - but can you confirm that you installed usingthe
    windows installation file (.exe) and not one of the unix installation bin
    files? From your description it sounds like you tried to install usingthe unix
    install file. You should definitely be prompted for installationdirectory and
    system password.
    Kanokwan wrote:
    Hi All,
    I try to install WLS 6.1 on Windows 2000 with GUI installation mode. The
    installation does not show up. Unfortunately, I could not select thedrive
    for BEA HOME and set the password for starting the weblogic. However,the
    BEA_HOME is automatically created in C:\
    Moreover,when i started Weblogic, the following error occurred:
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:04 PM ICT> <Info> <Logging> <kanokwan> <myserver>
    <main> <> <> <000000> <FileLogger Opened.>
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:08 PM ICT> <Emergency> <Security> <kanokwan>
    <myserver> <main> <> <> <090053> <Authentication failure - reenterpassword
    to boot weblogic server:>
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:12 PM ICT> <Emergency> <Security> <kanokwan>
    <myserver> <main> <> <> <090053> <Authentication failure - reenterpassword
    to boot weblogic server:>
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:15 PM ICT> <Emergency> <Server> <kanokwan><myserver>
    <main> <> <> <000000> <Unable to initialize the server: 'Fatal
    initialization exception
    Throwable: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system
    java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    Does anyone have the solution for this problem?
    Thank you in advance
    Michael Young
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

    "Kanokwan" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    Hi ,
    I confirmed I installed usig windows installation file (.exe). Anyway,
    thank you for your reply. I have solved it already. Now it works fine.
    "Michael Young" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Sorry for the dumb question - but can you confirm that you installed usingthe
    windows installation file (.exe) and not one of the unix installation bin
    files? From your description it sounds like you tried to install usingthe unix
    install file. You should definitely be prompted for installationdirectory and
    system password.
    Kanokwan wrote:
    Hi All,
    I try to install WLS 6.1 on Windows 2000 with GUI installation mode. The
    installation does not show up. Unfortunately, I could not select thedrive
    for BEA HOME and set the password for starting the weblogic. However,the
    BEA_HOME is automatically created in C:\
    Moreover,when i started Weblogic, the following error occurred:
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:04 PM ICT> <Info> <Logging> <kanokwan> <myserver>
    <main> <> <> <000000> <FileLogger Opened.>
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:08 PM ICT> <Emergency> <Security> <kanokwan>
    <myserver> <main> <> <> <090053> <Authentication failure - reenterpassword
    to boot weblogic server:>
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:12 PM ICT> <Emergency> <Security> <kanokwan>
    <myserver> <main> <> <> <090053> <Authentication failure - reenterpassword
    to boot weblogic server:>
    ####<Apr 17, 2002 2:56:15 PM ICT> <Emergency> <Server> <kanokwan><myserver>
    <main> <> <> <000000> <Unable to initialize the server: 'Fatal
    initialization exception
    Throwable: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system
    java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication for user system denied
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    Does anyone have the solution for this problem?
    Thank you in advance
    Michael Young
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support
    passwords are also placed in SerializedSystemIni.dat (when you
    install), this file needs to be moved from to all the config
    subdirectories if its changed.

  • EPMA workspace does not show Planning Application Wizard

    Hi ,
    I am beginner of EPMA,and faced a serious problem.I could not move forward as EPMA workspace does not show " *Navigate | Administrator| Application Wizard| Classic Administrator* .
    And also when tries to open Application Library got the following error message.
    ; nested exception is:
    HTTP transport error: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException:
    javax.xml.soap.SOAPException:Bad response: 401 UnauthorizedCode:
    Code: java.rmi.RemoteException
    Description: An error occurred processing the result from the server.
    Actor: none "
    Please help me out .

    I still not sure which EPM version you are referring to but are you sure the console was installed, for 11.1.2.x it should usually be under <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>\EPMSystem11R1\products\Essbase\eas\console\bin
    If EPMA has definitely been configured and the web server run as the last part then maybe the user you are logging in with does not have the correct roles assigned in Shared Services.

  • Converted tlog does not show the currency code.

    After converting the txn with the -k flag the currency does not show.  As per the documentation this flag will show the
    currency used.
    Can anyone help me out, the configuration is set to display currency

    Please make sure you have a currency.cur file in xps\parm;
    If the file is not present create a text file, enter the currency required (3 letter description) and save the file with the name currency.cur stop and start your xps,exe after the change
    Hope that helps.

  • I am trying to update a chart in Pages that I created in Numbers, but the refresh button does not show up after I save the Numbers file. Thoughts?

    I am trying to update a chart in Pages that I created in Numbers, but the refresh button does not show up after I save the Numbers file. Thoughts?

    It is hard to exactly understand what you have  done or not by you one sentence description. My thought is have you read in the Pages User Guide? Here is what it says about updating a chart in Pages:
    Updating a Chart Copied from a Numbers Document
    If you’ve created a chart in Numbers, you can copy it and paste it into your Pages document. After it’s been pasted into Pages, the chart remains linked to the data tables it references in Numbers. To change the chart data, open the original Numbers document and edit the data there, save the Numbers document, and then refresh the chart data in Pages.To update a chart after you’ve updated its linked Numbers table:
       Select the chart on the page and click the Refresh button that appears.
    Note: You must save the Numbers document before copying and pasting your chart into your Pages document and after editing the Numbers data tables that the chart references.
    I hope it has helped you.

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