Compile AIR application with Ant (WindowedApplication could not be found)

I'm trying to compile my AIR application with Ant, using the mxmlc Ant Task. It seems to compile fine, and I get a .swf, but when I try to run it with ADL, I get the message "Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found." It looks like the AIR libraries aren't being included properly.
Here's my mxmlc task:
Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found.
     <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml" />
     <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs" append="true">
          <include name="*.swc" />
     <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air" append="true">
          <include name="*.swc" />
     <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale" append="true">
          <include name="{locale}" />
     <source-path path-element="${SRC_DIR}" />
Any idea why this is happening? I've tried not including the load-config section and not including the library paths, but it's always the same result - it can't find WindowedApplication.

Hi, Guys!
I ran into the same problem when i tried to write an ant-script to compile the asDocs for my project.
After reading shades post i added the air-config (This resolved the WindowApplication couldn't be found error, because it adds all the air libs i guess)
but lead to the problem that the flex vector-class wasn't found. As Vector is flashplayer 10.0.0 i also
used the target-player parameter (This fixed that nicely).
But now i got the problem that i get lots of this error msgs:
Error: The private attribute may be used only on class property definitions.
I guess the problem now is that ant doesn't understand that the AS-Classes producing that errors are not used as
standalone-classes. To divide my mxml and AS-Code i import external AS-Classes to my MXML
like that <mx:Script source="" />
Is there a solution allowing me to use this pattern and still compile my asDoc with ant?
It confuses me a little, because Ant-Scripts worked to compile the project.
Thanks in advance!
My Ant-Script producing that error:
<project name="Red bull BPT 2.0: Generate ASDoc" basedir=".">
       Creates the ASDoc for Red Bull BPT 2.0
    <property file="" />
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
    <target name="cleanAndCreateASDoc"
            depends="cleanASDoc, compileASDoc"
            description="Cleans and creates Actionscript-Documentation"
        <!-- Delete the existing output folder and files and then regenerate the output folder -->
            <target name="cleanASDoc">
                <echo>Deleting ASDoc Directory...</echo>
                    <!--Delete the folder specified for the Asdoc.dir variable-->
                    <delete dir="${Asdoc.dir}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" />
                    <echo>Deleted ASDoc Directory</echo>
                    <echo>Creating ASDoc Directory...</echo>
                    <!--Creates the folder specified for the Asdoc.dir variable-->
                    <mkdir dir="${Asdoc.dir}" />
                <echo>Created ASDoc Directory</echo>
        <!-- Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder -->
            <target name="compileASDoc">
                <echo>ASDoc Compiling...</echo>
                    <exec executable="${AsDocs.executable}" failonerror="true">
                        <arg line="-load-config ${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml" />
                        <arg line="-target-player 10.0.0" />
                    <!--Main title for the top of all ASDoc pages-->
                        <arg line="-main-title '${Main.title}'" />
                    <!--Prefix Title of the window-->
                        <arg line="-window-title '${Window.title}'" />
                    <!--Defines the output directory for the ASDoc-Files-->
                        <arg line="-output '${Asdoc.dir}'" />
                    <!--Footer added to each ASDoc page-->
                        <arg line="-footer '${Footer.text}'" />
                    <!--Adding the source folders the ASDoc should be created from (Start)-->
                        <arg line="-doc-sources '${ModuleBaseDir}/source'" />
                    <!--Adding the source folders the ASDoc should be created from (End)-->
                    <!--Adding the folders for external Libraries needed to compile the application(Start)-->
                        <arg line="-external-library-path '${ModuleBaseDir}/libs'" />
                    <!--Adding the folders for external Libraries needed to compile the application(End)-->
                <echo>ASDoc Compile Complete!</echo>

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    I can package AIR application (package type ad-hoc distribution) inside IntelliJ (from Build menu)
    but when I try with my ant build, it encounters an error running the adt command
    Is there a way to have more details on the error? At the moment, it's just a Java returned:2 error.
    I've copied my ant config files below.
    Any ideas anyone on where the problem could lie or how to debug it?
    Note: I have no issue with the package debug target, be it via IntelliJ or my ant build.
    <project name="headr" default="package-application-debug-interpreter" basedir="../">
              <property file="build/" />
              <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${flexsdk.dir}" />
              <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${flexsdk.dir}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
              <target name="clean" description="deletes everything in build folder">
                        <echo message="Removing build directory contents..." />
                        <delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="false">
                                  <fileset dir="${build.dir}" />
              <target name="perform-file-copy">
                        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
                        <echo message="Copy files to output dir: ${build.dir}" />
                        <copy file="src/HeadrApplication-app.xml" todir="${build.dir}" />
                        <replace file="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" token="[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]" value="out/HeadrApplication.swf" />
              <target name="compile" depends="clean,perform-file-copy">
                        <mxmlc file="src/" output="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" locale="en_US" accessible="false" actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8" static-rsls="true" configname="airmobile" debug="${debug}" failonerror="true" maxmemory="1024m" fork="true" swf-version="17">
                                  <load-config filename="${flex_config}" append="true" />
              <target name="pack-application" depends="compile">
                        <java jar="${adt.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                                  <arg value="-package" />
                                  <arg value="-target" />
                                  <arg value="${target}" />
                                  <arg value="-provisioning-profile" />
                                  <arg value="${provisioning-profile}" />
                                  <arg value="-storetype" />
                                  <arg value="pkcs12" />
                                  <arg value="-keystore" />
                                  <arg value="${keystore}" />
                                  <arg value="-storepass" />
                                  <arg value="${storepass}" />
      <arg value="-extdir" />
      <arg value="ane/" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.ipa" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="Default.png" />
      <arg value="-C" />
      <arg value="src/" />
      <arg value="[email protected]" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="icons/." />
                                  <arg value="data/." />
              <target name="pack-application-debug" depends="compile">
                        <java jar="${adt.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                                  <arg value="-package" />
                                  <arg value="-target" />
                                  <arg value="${target}" />
                                  <arg value="-connect" />
                                  <arg value="-provisioning-profile" />
                                  <arg value="${provisioning-profile}" />
                                  <arg value="-storetype" />
                                  <arg value="pkcs12" />
                                  <arg value="-keystore" />
                                  <arg value="${keystore}" />
                                  <arg value="-storepass" />
                                  <arg value="${storepass}" />
      <arg value="-extdir" />
      <arg value="ane/" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.ipa" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                                  <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="Default.png" />
      <arg value="-C" />
      <arg value="src/" />
      <arg value="[email protected]" />
                                  <arg value="-C" />
                                  <arg value="src/" />
                                  <arg value="icons/." />
                                  <arg value="data/." />
              <target name="package-application-debug-interpreter">
                        <antcall target="pack-application-debug">
                                  <param name="debug" value="true" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device-debug.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-debug-interpreter" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="xxxx" />
              <target name="package-application-debug">
                        <antcall target="pack-application-debug">
                                  <param name="debug" value="true" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device-debug.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-debug" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="xxxx" />
              <target name="package-application-adhoc">
                        <antcall target="pack-application">
                                  <param name="debug" value="false" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-ad-hoc" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="xxxxx" />
              <target name="package-application-appstore">
                        <antcall target="pack-application">
                                  <param name="debug" value="false" />
                                  <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device.xml" />
                                  <param name="target" value="ipa-app-store" />
                                  <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/TODO" />
                                  <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/TODO" />
                                  <param name="storepass" value="TODO" />
              <target name="launch-application">
                        <exec executable="${adl.exe}">
                                  <arg value="bin-debug/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                                  <arg value="-profile mobileDevice" />
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <flex-config xmlns="">
                        <include-libraries append="true">
                        <source-path append="true">
                        <external-library-path append="true">
                <!-- path-element>../ane/com.headr.HeadrNativeExtensions.ane</path-element -->

    You may want to try using the settings used by Flash Builder to package the application, more details of which can be found at: der-flex.html
    Update your ANT script with these, and try again.

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    I think that your Mac detects your hard disk, but the problem is that your new hard disk doesn't contain any operating system, so your Mac doesn't find any bootable partition and you see a question mark.
    If your Mac came with DVDs, insert the Mac OS X Install DVD and hold the C key while your Mac is starting. Then, just install Mac OS X. If the hard disk isn't prepared to install Mac OS X, you will have to erase it using "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". See >

  • A frame with time code could not be found error

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    So I just started using Speedgrade with my Premiere CS6 timeline exported as EDL, all RED (R3D) footage. When I input the EDL it only loads about 50% of the clips and pops up a red box like this:
    So after a bit of Googling, the only solution I found was to ensure the time code base match, which I changed from 24fps to 23.976 which is exactly what is in my Premiere sequence. I then had to find the clips and drag them onto the gray box where it says "Reel not loaded". No big deal, took me all of 5 minutes.
    I had also thought the above error was due to me having some high FPS clips in my timeline (120fps to be exact). However, even with no clips in the reels panel showing "Reel not loaded" when I stop at a couple of clips on the timeline I get this:
    And as you can see in the reels panel the clip it is referring to has indeed timecode in that range.
    Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I'm pretty sure it's related to the whole time base thing and it's dropping frames, but can't see how this can be true now that I've changed all instances of 24fps in the settings to 23.976 and that's what the Premiere sequence is showing, and also what is in the RED files.
    And here's the metadata for the clip as shown in Red Cine X:

    Facing many of the same problems over the last four days. It's been a total nightmare. Working on Speedgrade CC with .R3D files and conformed the timeline to match the 23.976 footage, yet I'm still seeing clips get rejected, along with dropped frames which both carry over to output files and seem to cause the program to crash.
    Would love an explanation.

  • The web application at [URL] could not be found.

    I am trying to run a simple code like finding all the users in the SharePoint site.
    But I am seeing this error constantly no matter what I do!!
    The Web application at [https://xxxxxx] could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application.
    I've looked into all the answers on the forums but still stuck with this error.
    I am a beginner in SharePoint, and I am really not sure about the AAM and IIS settings that needs to be set inorder to get rid of this error.
    If someone could point me in right direction that targets beginners that would be really helpful.
    Also, I noticed that my IIS is blank on the dev server that I am working on with Visual Studio and SharePoint installed on it. 
    Is this something that is causing this error?

    Note: you need to enter the SharePoint site URL 
    To authenticate:
    f you are connecting to office 365 then use the following code:
    using (srcContext = new ClientContext(txtUrlFrom.Text))
    SecureString passWord = new SecureString();
    foreach (char c in txtPasswordFrom.Text.ToCharArray()) passWord.AppendChar(c);
    srcContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(txtUserNameFrom.Text, passWord);
    if you are using on premise SharePoint 2013 use this code:
    using (srcContext = new ClientContext(txtUrlFrom.Text))
    NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtUserNameFrom.Text, txtPasswordFrom.Text);
    Example to retrieve data:
    Web srcWeb = srcContext.Web;
    List srcList = srcWeb.Lists.GetByTitle(srcLibrary);
    ListItemCollection col = srcList.GetItems(new CamlQuery());
    to retrieve users:
    Private void GetData(object obj)
    MyArgs args = obj as MyArgs;
    if (args == null)
    return; // called without parameters or invalid type
    using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(args.URL))
    // clientContext.AuthenticationMode = ClientAuthenticationMode.;
    NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(args.UserName, args.Password, args.Domain);
    clientContext.Credentials = credentials;
    RoleAssignmentCollection roles = clientContext.Web.RoleAssignments;
    ListViewItem lvi;
    ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsi;
    ListViewItem lvigroup;
    ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsigroup;
    foreach (RoleAssignment orole in roles)
    lvi = new ListViewItem();
    lvi.Text = orole.Member.LoginName;
    lvsi = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
    lvsi.Text = orole.Member.PrincipalType.ToString();
    //get the type group or user
    // MessageBox.Show(orole.Member.PrincipalType.ToString());
    if (orole.Member.PrincipalType.ToString() == "SharePointGroup")
    lvigroup = new ListViewItem();
    lvigroup.Text = orole.Member.LoginName;
    // args.GroupsList.Items.Add(lvigroup);
    Group group = clientContext.Web.SiteGroups.GetById(orole.Member.Id);
    UserCollection collUser = group.Users;
    foreach (User oUser in collUser)
    lvigroup = new ListViewItem();
    lvigroup.Text = "";
    lvsigroup = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
    lvsigroup.Text = oUser.LoginName;
    // MessageBox.Show(oUser.LoginName);
    RoleDefinitionBindingCollection roleDefsbindings = null;
    roleDefsbindings = orole.RoleDefinitionBindings;
    //permission level
    lvsi = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem();
    string permissionsstr = string.Empty;
    for (int i = 0; i < roleDefsbindings.Count; i++)
    if (i == roleDefsbindings.Count - 1)
    permissionsstr = permissionsstr += roleDefsbindings[i].Name;
    permissionsstr = permissionsstr += roleDefsbindings[i].Name + ", ";
    lvsi.Text = permissionsstr;
    // args.PermissionsList.Items.Add(lvi);
    catch (Exception ex)
    Kind Regards, John Naguib Technical Consultant/Architect MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation

  • Adobe Air Error - Initial Content Could Not Be Found

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    I have After Effects CS4 and my operating system Snow Leopard.
    When I mean it doesn't work, I mean it won't load up when after it pulls up that error message. I'll click on the After Effects icon, it'll load as usual, then it'll pull up that error message.
    After Effects warning: a compressor used in an output module template could not be found. The animation compressor will be used instead. ( 44 :: 18 )
    I click okay, it closes, and then I have an error saying that Adobe After Effects has crashed.

  • Ordinal 55 could not be found in the dynaminc link library iertutil.dll cs5.5 installation problem.

    Okay, so when i downloaded the trial version of Flash Professional CS5.5, the following popup "popped up".
    "The dynamic link library iertutil.dll could not be found. Reinstalling the application may solve this problem."
    So i went to a site that had helped me with this sort of thing before, and downloaded iertutil.dll, and placed it in my System32 folder.
    I pressed OK on the previous pop-up, only to be greeted with:
    "Ordinal 55 could not be found in the dynaminc link library iertutil.dll"
    Flash CS5.5 finished installing and works great, but the same Ordinal 55 popup pops up at least a hundred times a day, (It's even popping up as I write this) even when Flash isn't open
    I'm using Windows XP SP2, I have Internet Explorer 6 SP2 (though i usually use Google Chrome Instead)
    Thanks in advance...

    Hi Bansal,
    When does this error start to occur? Check Event Viewer and see if we could find any other messages.
    Take a try with the SFC command:
    Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files
    Further, try the following if SFC won't help:
    How to repair or reinstall Internet Explorer in Windows
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error Deploying Business Rules (connection information could not be found)

    Hello experts,
    When I try to deploy the Business Rules I'm getting the following error:
    "Deployment was not successful.
    Rule was validated with no errors.
    The rule could not be validated against the deployed application as connection information could not be found"
    When I create a new Business Rule I can't associate the Business Rule to the form and I think it's because the deploy wasn't successful.
    I would apreciate your help about this issue.

    We already tried to make some changes in order of dimensions but the problem persists.
    We didn't change the order of dimensions, so I think itsn't due to that.
    In the Production environment with the same application we don't have any error ... so ideas about this issue are lacking!

  • AIR application with Flex 4.5 will not render content. What gives?

    So I've upgraded to Flash Builder 4.5 Premium and I am unable to develop desktop AIR applications with the 4.5 Flex SDK. I start by simply creating a brand new AIR application using the default SDK (Flex 4.5). I set the title property on WindowedApplication and include a simple Label component. The project compiles fine but when I run the application all I see is the adl window in the dock but that's it. If I modify the Main-app.xml file to set the visible attribute to true, I will get a small window but there is no content although the output window shows the application swf being loaded. Checking the release version of the Main-app.xml file shows the correct path location to the swf.
    Here is what I've tried so far:
    Install/reinstall Flash Builder, 4+ times
    Downloaded the trial installation twice
    Downloaded the SDK's for 3.6, 4.1 and 4.5.0. I then copied each SDK folder and merged the AIR 2.6 SDK with each copy. So now I have 6 SDK versions; one pristine and the other with the AIR 2.6 SDK merged. I then added each SDK individually and created an AIR desktop application for each. Each and every one works fine with the exception of the two 4.5 SDK's. They will not render content.
    I created a simple creation complete handler for the application that declares a simple variable and assigns a value to it. I then put a break point on the assignment and it never gets caught. More evidence that the swf isn't getting loaded.
    The computer I'm running on is a Mac Book Pro with Snow Leopard 10.6.7. If I create a web project in each of the 6 SDK's, those will work just fine. What the heck is it with Flex 4.5 and the AIR 2.6 SDK on this machine? I have the AIR 2.6 runtime installed as well as a number of AIR applications that work just fine. I also tried my 4.5 test on my windows machine and that worked like a champ.
    I am completely out of ideas. Finding information has been difficult because everyone is all about mobile so searching for desktop issues is a losing battle. I realize this is a long email but I'm desperate for help. There must be someone out there that knows more about the low level interaction between Flex 4.5/AIR 2.6 and the OS.

    Well, I finally found the issue, a corrupted mm.cfg file in /Library/Application Support/Macromedia. I deleted the file and then adl ran just fine.

  • Compiling with Flex 4.0 gives flash.desktop.NativeProcess could not be found

    I have an ActionScript only Flex project that was written by someone else.
    I know it was compiled successfully for Air 2.0
    I can compile this project using Flex Hero and with <application xmlns=""> - however, my air file will install only on windows (on mac i get a weird 'installation file is corrupt, contact the author' error message).
    So now I want to compile it for Air 2.0 as it was originally written for. So i change the used Flex SDK from Hero to 4.0 and change the target air version to <application xmlns=""> - but then i get three compilation errors:
    Description Resource Path Location Type
    1061: Call to a possibly undefined method openWithDefaultApplication through a reference with static type flash.filesystem:File.
    Description Resource Path Location Type
    1172: Definition flash.desktop:NativeProcess could not be found.
    Description Resource Path Location Type
    1172: Definition flash.desktop:NativeProcessStartupInfo could not be found.
    but I read that these features were introduced with AIR 2.0 - so how can't I compile if I change the SDK from Flex Hero to Flex 4.0?

    Figured it out... Make sure your descriptor file has the following namespace definition!!

  • Adobe Air Aplication descriptor could not be found for this application

    Can You Please help me it s so importan i downloaded program and it required adobe air i downloaded it then it says aplication descriptor could not be found for this application

    I have the same problem,I downloaded program
    And it required adobe air, then I downloaded adobe air but then when I tried again to open that program I get an error message says application descriptor could not be found for this application. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance
    would you please help me.

  • The Sun Java Application Server 8.1 could not start anymore

    Very incredible I was working fine from may days with Stydio Creator 2
    but yesterday I run the project and it does not work anymore, please can you suggest something:
    The Sun Java Application Server 8.1 could not start.
    from the Output console:
    C:\Sun\Creator2\SunAppServer8\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain --domaindir C:\Sun\Creator2\SunAppServer8\domains\ creator
    Failed to start server localhost:4848
    Deployment error: Failed to start server localhost:4848. See the server log file for details.
    Exception=Deployment error: Failed to start server localhost:4848. See the server log file for details.
    Deployment error: Failed to start server localhost:4848. See the server log file for details.
    at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment.deploy(
    at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.ant.Deploy.execute(
    Caused by: Failed to start server localhost:4848
    at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment.deploy(
    ... 10 more
    and in the log file:
    javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=25;|CORE5061: Exception :
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: [C4073]: A JMS destination limit was reached.
    Too many Subscribers/Receivers for Queue :
    temporary_destination://queue/ user=admin, broker=
         at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.onTermination(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer.onTermination(
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.Shutdown.startShutdown(
         at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.invokeShutdownEventListener(
         at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.handleShutdownEvent(
         at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.processEvent(
         at com.sun.enterprise.admin.event.AdminEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
         at Method)
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$

    I just had the same problem this morning. I believe the app server starts and if you browser directly to your app you'd get it, but the connection between the appserver and the IDE is somehow lost. An easier solution than completely reinstalling for me was to delete the .Creator folder in my home directory (C;|Documents and Setting\<username>\.Creator) and restart Creator

  • Using AIR 15 (10/14/2014): Could not resolve s:ViewNavigator to a component implementation.

    I want to update to the newest version of AIR so I can upload my ipa to App Store. Usually I get AIR from the Apache Flex SDK installer, but it only has the beta version of I have instead downloaded the SDK from
    (AIR SDK 15 (Compatible with Flex) for Windows)
    but when I compile, I get the following error:
    Could not resolve <s:ViewNavigator> to a component implementation.
    I have tried the following things:
    * Downloaded AIR 15 SDK from Apache Flex and merged the new files into this SDK (same error)
    * Downloaded AIR beta from Apache Flex and merged the new files into this SDK (same error)
    * Downloaded AIR beta from Apache Flex (no error, but I don't know if Apple will accept this version)
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Thanks in advance

    I think I got it to work. Apparantly there is a secret link called "Download Windows" below the yellow download button which is for Flex users even though I already chose the Flex version on the previous page.

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