Packaging AIR application with ant fails, Packaging AIR application inside IntelliJ works

I can package AIR application (package type ad-hoc distribution) inside IntelliJ (from Build menu)
but when I try with my ant build, it encounters an error running the adt command
Is there a way to have more details on the error? At the moment, it's just a Java returned:2 error.
I've copied my ant config files below.
Any ideas anyone on where the problem could lie or how to debug it?
Note: I have no issue with the package debug target, be it via IntelliJ or my ant build.
<project name="headr" default="package-application-debug-interpreter" basedir="../">
          <property file="build/" />
          <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="${flexsdk.dir}" />
          <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${flexsdk.dir}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
          <target name="clean" description="deletes everything in build folder">
                    <echo message="Removing build directory contents..." />
                    <delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="false">
                              <fileset dir="${build.dir}" />
          <target name="perform-file-copy">
                    <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
                    <echo message="Copy files to output dir: ${build.dir}" />
                    <copy file="src/HeadrApplication-app.xml" todir="${build.dir}" />
                    <replace file="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" token="[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]" value="out/HeadrApplication.swf" />
          <target name="compile" depends="clean,perform-file-copy">
                    <mxmlc file="src/" output="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" locale="en_US" accessible="false" actionscript-file-encoding="UTF-8" static-rsls="true" configname="airmobile" debug="${debug}" failonerror="true" maxmemory="1024m" fork="true" swf-version="17">
                              <load-config filename="${flex_config}" append="true" />
          <target name="pack-application" depends="compile">
                    <java jar="${adt.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                              <arg value="-package" />
                              <arg value="-target" />
                              <arg value="${target}" />
                              <arg value="-provisioning-profile" />
                              <arg value="${provisioning-profile}" />
                              <arg value="-storetype" />
                              <arg value="pkcs12" />
                              <arg value="-keystore" />
                              <arg value="${keystore}" />
                              <arg value="-storepass" />
                              <arg value="${storepass}" />
  <arg value="-extdir" />
  <arg value="ane/" />
                              <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.ipa" />
                              <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                              <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" />
                              <arg value="-C" />
                              <arg value="src/" />
                              <arg value="Default.png" />
  <arg value="-C" />
  <arg value="src/" />
  <arg value="[email protected]" />
                              <arg value="-C" />
                              <arg value="src/" />
                              <arg value="icons/." />
                              <arg value="data/." />
          <target name="pack-application-debug" depends="compile">
                    <java jar="${adt.jar}" fork="true" failonerror="true">
                              <arg value="-package" />
                              <arg value="-target" />
                              <arg value="${target}" />
                              <arg value="-connect" />
                              <arg value="-provisioning-profile" />
                              <arg value="${provisioning-profile}" />
                              <arg value="-storetype" />
                              <arg value="pkcs12" />
                              <arg value="-keystore" />
                              <arg value="${keystore}" />
                              <arg value="-storepass" />
                              <arg value="${storepass}" />
  <arg value="-extdir" />
  <arg value="ane/" />
                              <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.ipa" />
                              <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                              <arg value="${build.dir}/HeadrApplication.swf" />
                              <arg value="-C" />
                              <arg value="src/" />
                              <arg value="Default.png" />
  <arg value="-C" />
  <arg value="src/" />
  <arg value="[email protected]" />
                              <arg value="-C" />
                              <arg value="src/" />
                              <arg value="icons/." />
                              <arg value="data/." />
          <target name="package-application-debug-interpreter">
                    <antcall target="pack-application-debug">
                              <param name="debug" value="true" />
                              <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device-debug.xml" />
                              <param name="target" value="ipa-debug-interpreter" />
                              <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                              <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                              <param name="storepass" value="xxxx" />
          <target name="package-application-debug">
                    <antcall target="pack-application-debug">
                              <param name="debug" value="true" />
                              <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device-debug.xml" />
                              <param name="target" value="ipa-debug" />
                              <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                              <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                              <param name="storepass" value="xxxx" />
          <target name="package-application-adhoc">
                    <antcall target="pack-application">
                              <param name="debug" value="false" />
                              <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device.xml" />
                              <param name="target" value="ipa-ad-hoc" />
                              <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/headr_development.mobileprovision" />
                              <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/dev_certificate.p12" />
                              <param name="storepass" value="xxxxx" />
          <target name="package-application-appstore">
                    <antcall target="pack-application">
                              <param name="debug" value="false" />
                              <param name="flex_config" value="build/app-config-device.xml" />
                              <param name="target" value="ipa-app-store" />
                              <param name="provisioning-profile" value="ios_profiles/TODO" />
                              <param name="keystore" value="ios_profiles/TODO" />
                              <param name="storepass" value="TODO" />
          <target name="launch-application">
                    <exec executable="${adl.exe}">
                              <arg value="bin-debug/HeadrApplication-app.xml" />
                              <arg value="-profile mobileDevice" />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<flex-config xmlns="">
                    <include-libraries append="true">
                    <source-path append="true">
                    <external-library-path append="true">
            <!-- path-element>../ane/com.headr.HeadrNativeExtensions.ane</path-element -->

You may want to try using the settings used by Flash Builder to package the application, more details of which can be found at: der-flex.html
Update your ANT script with these, and try again.

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    I'm trying to compile my AIR application with Ant, using the mxmlc Ant Task. It seems to compile fine, and I get a .swf, but when I try to run it with ADL, I get the message "Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found." It looks like the AIR libraries aren't being included properly.
    Here's my mxmlc task:
    Class mx.core::WindowedApplication could not be found.
         <load-config filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml" />
         <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs" append="true">
              <include name="*.swc" />
         <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs/air" append="true">
              <include name="*.swc" />
         <library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale" append="true">
              <include name="{locale}" />
         <source-path path-element="${SRC_DIR}" />
    Any idea why this is happening? I've tried not including the load-config section and not including the library paths, but it's always the same result - it can't find WindowedApplication.

    Hi, Guys!
    I ran into the same problem when i tried to write an ant-script to compile the asDocs for my project.
    After reading shades post i added the air-config (This resolved the WindowApplication couldn't be found error, because it adds all the air libs i guess)
    but lead to the problem that the flex vector-class wasn't found. As Vector is flashplayer 10.0.0 i also
    used the target-player parameter (This fixed that nicely).
    But now i got the problem that i get lots of this error msgs:
    Error: The private attribute may be used only on class property definitions.
    I guess the problem now is that ant doesn't understand that the AS-Classes producing that errors are not used as
    standalone-classes. To divide my mxml and AS-Code i import external AS-Classes to my MXML
    like that <mx:Script source="" />
    Is there a solution allowing me to use this pattern and still compile my asDoc with ant?
    It confuses me a little, because Ant-Scripts worked to compile the project.
    Thanks in advance!
    My Ant-Script producing that error:
    <project name="Red bull BPT 2.0: Generate ASDoc" basedir=".">
           Creates the ASDoc for Red Bull BPT 2.0
        <property file="" />
        <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${FLEX_HOME}/ant/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
        <target name="cleanAndCreateASDoc"
                depends="cleanASDoc, compileASDoc"
                description="Cleans and creates Actionscript-Documentation"
            <!-- Delete the existing output folder and files and then regenerate the output folder -->
                <target name="cleanASDoc">
                    <echo>Deleting ASDoc Directory...</echo>
                        <!--Delete the folder specified for the Asdoc.dir variable-->
                        <delete dir="${Asdoc.dir}" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true" />
                        <echo>Deleted ASDoc Directory</echo>
                        <echo>Creating ASDoc Directory...</echo>
                        <!--Creates the folder specified for the Asdoc.dir variable-->
                        <mkdir dir="${Asdoc.dir}" />
                    <echo>Created ASDoc Directory</echo>
            <!-- Run the ASDoc executable and generate the ASDocs to the new output folder -->
                <target name="compileASDoc">
                    <echo>ASDoc Compiling...</echo>
                        <exec executable="${AsDocs.executable}" failonerror="true">
                            <arg line="-load-config ${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/air-config.xml" />
                            <arg line="-target-player 10.0.0" />
                        <!--Main title for the top of all ASDoc pages-->
                            <arg line="-main-title '${Main.title}'" />
                        <!--Prefix Title of the window-->
                            <arg line="-window-title '${Window.title}'" />
                        <!--Defines the output directory for the ASDoc-Files-->
                            <arg line="-output '${Asdoc.dir}'" />
                        <!--Footer added to each ASDoc page-->
                            <arg line="-footer '${Footer.text}'" />
                        <!--Adding the source folders the ASDoc should be created from (Start)-->
                            <arg line="-doc-sources '${ModuleBaseDir}/source'" />
                        <!--Adding the source folders the ASDoc should be created from (End)-->
                        <!--Adding the folders for external Libraries needed to compile the application(Start)-->
                            <arg line="-external-library-path '${ModuleBaseDir}/libs'" />
                        <!--Adding the folders for external Libraries needed to compile the application(End)-->
                    <echo>ASDoc Compile Complete!</echo>

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    I have applications that use theme 26 with plugins and they all work fine. I think the problem is related to copying one application, containing plugins, into a new application. Does anyone have any idea of it?

    Most plugins have css,images or js files which can be placed on the server.
    It might be that you have placed those files on the server in the theme directory.
    If you change the theme then the plugin can not find those files any more.
    Kees Vlek
    If the question is answered please change it to answered.

  • Unresolved std lib methods when packaging mobile app with ANE ios7, mavericks, air sdk 3.9

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    This packaged and ran fine on ios6.1 / mountain there some way that I need to link in the standard library in this scenario (that I didn't have to do before)?
    Error occurred while packaging the application:
    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
      "__ZNSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6setbufEPci", referenced from:
          __ZTVNSt3__115basic_stringbufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE E in libcom.dddnativespinterface.a(yyy.o)
      "__ZNSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE9showmanycEv", referenced from:
          __ZTVNSt3__115basic_stringbufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE E in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(yyy.o)
          __ZTVNSt3__113basic_filebufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(yyy.o)
      "__ZNSt3__112__next_primeEm", referenced from:
          __ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_4pairINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEEP14TrafficManagerEENS_22__u nordered_map_hasherIS7_S9_NS_4hashIS7_EELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equ alIS7_S9_NS_8equal_toIS7_EELb1EEENS5_ISA_EEE6rehashEm in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(zzz.o)
      "__ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEED1Ev", referenced from:
          __ZTCNSt3__118basic_stringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIc EEEE8_NS_13basic_ostreamIcS2_EE in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(PremiereSoftphoneAirBridge_v7.o)
          __ZTCNSt3__114basic_ofstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE0_NS_13basic_ostr eamIcS2_EE in libcom.ddd.nativespinterface.a(xxx.o)

    I solved my issue by setting the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable. (Note: there are two underscores)
    I added the following line to my .bash_profile:
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
    Now everytime a Java program is launched from the command line, I see the following message:
    Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
    And my application packaging runs just fine now.
    I still have an issue though: this trick solved the problem for packaging the app from the command line, but the _JAVA_OPTIONS are not picked up when packaging from Flash Builder, so it still crashes there.
    Note that my Adobe Flash Builder 4.6.ini contains the following options:
    1676m is the highest number I can put before Flash Builder refuses to launch. I'm not sure if these parameters are actually passed to the VM that runs de dx.jar program, or if it's just for the ActionScript compiler. But anyway my app packaging still crashes in Flash Builder.
    If someone knows a way to force Flash Builder to pickup the _JAVA_OPTIONS set in the command line, let me know :-)

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    Probably I need to use ?
    But how do I pass classpath, output dir, etc to this class and how can I make it compile all files in all (sub)packages of the given folder ?
    thanks for any help.

    Never mind my previous post, I found a solution to the "the input line is too long" problem:
    Putting all the files in a temporary file and then providing that file as the source to compile, like this:
    javac -g:none -cp <classpath> -d classes @sourcefiles.txtwhere sourcefiles.txt is the name of the temporary file that contains the names of the source files (note the "@"-prefix)
    For some reason, this is not mentioned/documented in the java docs (at least not in my docs)
    Ok, so everything is compiling now, but I have one problem remaining:
    For each "module" that I compile (the application I use for my tests consists of several "modules", i.e. subpackages), I get an error stating that "The system cannot find the path specified"
    This seems obvious, because it is trying to write a file <package-name>\classes\<package-name>\<classname>.class
    But why is it trying to write that file ?
    -> Is this a known bug or something ?
    Let me explain a little more...
    For each compilation I do using the method, it is giving this error.
    Everything is compiling correctly, but it seems it is trying to write an extra class file to a wrong path.
    Until now, it was always the first file in the row that gave the problem.
    ** module 1:
    ** module 2:
    => My application will compile module 1, do some other things with it and the module 2 and again do some other things with it.
    The result would be:
    Application started.
    Loading configuration: OK
    Compiling sources for module module1: E:\temp\_User_\project\packaging\workingdir\source\com/example/module1\ error while writing com.example.module1.class1: com\example\module1\classes\com\example\module1\class1.class (The system cannot find the path specified)public class class1 extends Thread {
    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
    1 error
    Note: Contents of my classes directory for module1:
    => all class files are correctly compiled
    Compiling sources for module module2: E:\temp\_User_\project\packaging\workingdir\source\com/example/module2\ error while writing com.example.module2.class1: com\example\module2\classes\com\example\module2\class1.class (The system cannot find the path specified)public class class1 extends Thread {
    Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
    1 error
    Application finished without errors.
    Note: Contents of my classes directory for module2:
    So, as you can see everything compiles as expected, but an error message is displayed related to each first file that is compiled.
    ==> Is this a known issue ?
    ==> What can I do about it ?
    Suggestions welcome

  • Run application with ANT

    i have a clean,compile,..etc. tasks but i dont know how to create a run task in ant.
    how to create a run task in ant.?
    Edited by: fetishcode on Sep 30, 2008 4:50 PM

    &lt;target name="run"&gt;
    &lt;java classname="test.Main"&gt;
    &lt;arg value="-h"/&gt;
    &lt;pathelement location="dist/test.jar"/&gt;
    &lt;pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/&gt;
    See for more information.

  • Error with ant build and JUnit task in IntelliJ

    I seem to be having a very annoying error in IntelliJ. Here are the stats:
    - IntelliJ 4.5.1, Build 2239
    - Using own version of ant (1.5.1)
    - removed junit37.jar from my ant1.5.1/lib dir, and instead added junit version 3.8.1 of junit.jar to that dir
    - Specified that same junit.jar in my project classpath (this is the only item in the classpath for my test project)
    - is the only class in my project, and it is specified as a JUnitTest in run/debug configurations and includes the classpath and jdk of my project module
    When I right-click on my test class, and go to "Run" then my simple test passes. I see the results in the run window.
    Here is where the issue lies (and why this is confusing me). When I try to run the same test from my build.xml file in this project, specified with the classpath as the same from my project, and with the following junit task, I get the below error (3 times in a row for whatever reason). If any of you know of a configuration issue that I may be missing, please let me know. It is very frustrating! Thanks a lot, in advance.
    <target name="run.test">
            <javac classpath="class.path" srcdir="src" destdir="src" />
            <junit haltonerror="true" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="true" showoutput="true">
                <classpath refid="class.path" />
                <test name="MyTest" />
    Test MyTest failed
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.intellij.rt.ant.execution.AntMain2.main(

    I figured this out - I needed a formatter tag to see the output of the test.

  • How to use one application with multiple schema without copying application?

    Previously we are using oracle forms and by that we can manage by using a set of folders containing fmx and use different schema/database for different customers. so the source code comes from one individual file but used for different database users.
    is it possible to do this without copying application in apex?
    reason is because if applications are copied for each customer, and in a situation where a page has a bug, the developer must correct multiple pages across all the application. This would not be appropriate to manage.
    could this be done in apex? or is there any other approach?

    An application is tied to its parsing schema, so it is not possible to have one code base which you can then point to different schemas. I have seen some threads relating to dynamically setting the parsing schema, but I don't think it has worked to well, and would not be a supported configuration by Oracle.
    The normal way to do this is to have one schema and for each entity where it is logical you will have an extra key which is the customer id. I mention where it is logical, because not every entity needs its own data defined by customer. Some data will be common across all customers, such as lookup data and some entities will comprise child entities by which the data separation will be implied by the parent. You can then use Oracle's Virtual Private Database feature to implement a seperate view of the data through the application, based most likely on the customer who is logged on.
    Hope this helps.

  • URGENT: Tomcat + Adobe AIR, problem with open .doc

    I've got a web application (Java) in Tomcat.
    I compile using Adobe AIR sdk with this:
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore melcos.pfx -target native MELCOS.air
    MELCOS-app.xml MELCOS.html AIRAliases.js icons
    This is my app.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <application xmlns="">
        <text xml:lang="it">Software M.EL.COS. - MME</text>
    and this is MELCOS.html:
    <title>M.EL.COS. - MME</title>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="AIRAliases.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        function appLoad(){
    <body onLoad="appLoad()">
    Now...Tomcat6029 are a Windows service and it start with user SYSTEM.
    In my Java project i build a .doc file and i try to open it directly with default windows application:
    FinalFile = "prova.doc";
    File file = new File("C:\\MELCOS\\run\\web\\tomcat6029\\webapps\\MELCOS\\fronte_quadro\\"+FinalFile);
    Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();;
    The process start (for example WINWORD.exe) but start with user SYSTEM, and user interface of Microsoft Word don't start.
    (I've try to use getDesktop, ProcessBuilder, getRuntime without results).
    If i try to open directly .doc like browser (stop on url http://localhost:8080/MELCOS/fronte_quadro/prova.doc) Adobe AIR don't open anything.
    I've read that there is a method named openWithDefaultApplication, but i haven't find if it's possible to call this method in java file.
    Can you help me?
    I've got to start Microsoft Word (in this example) and open my files, or i've to open a pop-up like browser's "open - save as - close" window.

    Thanks Chris,
    i try to create file "open_document.js":
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    var f = air.File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("preventivo_11.doc");
    when i try to open this file in Adobe AIR (i call http://localhost:8080/MyProject/document/open_document.js"), Adobe Air open new window and with my file .js like a normal text file.
    I try also with "open_document.html":
    <script language="javascript">
    import flash.filesystem.File;
    function opendoc() {
      var f = air.File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("preventivo_11.doc");
    <body onLoad="opendoc()">
    But nothing start....
    (my file "preventivo_11.doc" is in C:\Project\tomcat\webapps\MyProject\document\)
    Why? What i have to do?
    P.S. i've got error with import: flash.ecc... and if i remove import, error with air.File.

  • Default pagination functionality(Jdev is incomplete with in webcenter portal framework application.

    Am using default pagination with in the table for portlet application using Jdev(,when I run portlet application it is working properly.
    When I run the same portlet application with in webcenter portal framework application, I could not find page number navigation and count of total number of records.

    Thanks a lot,Its working fine when I moved adfp into Panel Group Layout and one more important point is am using "default globe page template" which comes with webcenter framework application with content facetRef in Panel Group Layout which uses some inline style so changed its styleClass to "AFStrechWidth".

  • Documentation about basic steps of develop an a application with NetBeans

    I'm new with JSF, and I dare to ask you to help me in the following problem:
    Where can I find a documentation(electronic preferable) about step by step development of an application with NetBeans / Visual JSF Web Application/Woodstock Component?
    I expect from such a documentation 2 things:
    *1* explanation of the components (NetBeans / Visual JSF Web Application/Woodstock Components)
    *2* step by step explaining how to create the basic/main features of an application(search features, master/detail views of tables, reporting, user authentication, etc.)
    Thanks !

    I mean, something like "a good practices manual" for NetBeans / Visual JSF Web Application/Woodstock Component.

  • Package into a native installer fails on Linux (Flex SDK 4.5) : "Invalid AIR file"

    We've moved our application to compile against the 4.5 SDK.
    We're compiling it with Flash Builder (on mac) into an air file and as our application is using NativeProcess API, we're packaging it on each platform into a native installer with the following command (linux example) : adt -package -target native app.deb app.air
    We think we fall into the same issue as but for the 4.5 DSK.
    On Linux it used to work with the following environment (env1):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK + Adobe Air SDK 2.5.0
    It stops to work when we upgrade to the new Flex SDK (env2):
    - Ubuntu 10.10
    - Java Sun 1.6.0_24
    - Flex SDK (with the default embeded Adobe Air SDK 2.6)
    The faut message is "Invalid AIR file" and nothing is logged in the log file (/home/<username>/.appdata/Adobe/AIR/Logs/Install.log).
    1) The .air file is installing correctly on env2 (without the support of the NativeProcess as expected)
    2) We also tried to compile the project directly on env2 :
    amxml app.mxml
    adt -package -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12 app.air app-app.xml air.swf
    The .air file is installing fine but the packaging into a native process fails in the same way...
    3) We tried to package a native installer of our .air file on env1 and it works!!! (the installed application seems to work fine also on env2!!!)
    Are we missing something or does it seems to be a bug of the Flex SDK 4.5?
    Are there some restrictions to package a native installer with the Flex SDK 4.1 a air app build with the Flex SDK 4.5 ?
    Thanks in advance,

    Finally we figure out how to solve the issue.
    The packaging into native .deb installer fails as explain above because with the hole Flex SDK 4.5 (adt -version told
    The packaging is successfull if only Air SDK 2.6 is install.
    What is strange that both adt seems to be the same "" (found with "adt -version").
    Can someone from the Adobe dev team explain it?
    I suppose as the Flex SDK is not available for the Linux platform, the download only contains the Air SDK for Windows and Mac OS as opposed to the specific download of the Air SDK for te Linux platform...

  • Problem packaging AIR app with NativeProcess support!?

    My AIR packaged AIR app doent work with NativeProcess
    when I package it like
    <supportedProfiles>extendedDesktop desktop<supportedProfiles>
    <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop<supportedProfiles>
    But when I use just <supportedProfiles>extendedDesktop<supportedProfiles>
    Packager complains with Error 306!!
    What is that suppose to mean?
    Help please
    I'm using FB4,SDK 4.1

    Are you packaging your application as a native application (.exe or .dmg)? I believe applications with extendedDesktop support (and nativeprocesses) can only be packaged as native applications.

  • Packaging AIR runtime with app?

    Would it be possible to have an option to package the AIR runtime with the APKs
    created through Flash Builder?  Say, a ride-along package that would detect if the
    given or higher runtime of AIR is installed, and if not, install it before launching the
    For the foreseeable future (the next year, at least), most new users of any given app
    created this way will not already have the AIR runtime on their phone.  This would
    spare them having to initiate another download when they thought they were about
    to enjoy the product.  (No matter how you disclaim it, many customers are going to
    think you can start an app right away after downloading it from the Market, because
    this is how practically all non-AIR apps work.)  Waiting for an install is okay if the app
    automatically launches afterward: this will not take nearly as long, and (importantly!)
    requires no further customer action to actually launch the app.

    I'm sure it would possible, but consider that as soon as someone downloads
    an AIR Android app, they've already got the runtime, and with notifications
    for updates already a common thing, they'll be notified from the Market
    whenever there's an app update (runtime or your app).
    I think it would be nice as an option, but just today I got an email from
    the Android Market explaining important changes to the store, and
    specifically they say no .apk larger than 50 mb. So I'd rather not have the
    runtime packaged with the app, as that adds to the overall filesize. We
    already have to deal with that on iOS devices, since Apple won't let us
    download compiled code. So you get an automatic 3-4 mg overhead with all iOS
    apps. Luckily there's no real limit on iOS app sizes.
    I do agree though it'd be nice to have the install process worked out so the
    app prompts for the runtime if needed (as it works now) but have the runtime
    know to launch the app again once it's installed.

  • Use adt to package an air installer success, but install this air file "sorry , an error has occured

    hi everyone, i am using a bat file to package an air file ,
    this application runs on windows 7 32 bit,
    it need to call another windows application , so i google and then find i need to add -target native when package , so i added.
    the bat file is like below:
    @echo off
    :: AIR application packaging
    :: More information:
    :: Path to Flex SDK binaries
    set PATH=%PATH%;C:\AdobeAIRSDK\bin
    :: Signature (see 'CreateCertificate.bat')
    set CERTIFICATE=yeahCert.pfx
    set SIGNING_OPTIONS=-storetype pkcs12 -keystore %CERTIFICATE% -tsa none
    if not exist %CERTIFICATE% goto certificate
    :: Output
    if not exist air md air
    set AIR_FILE=air/jonnson.air
    :: Input
    set APP_XML=application.xml
    set FILE_OR_DIR=-C bin .
    echo Signing AIR setup using certificate %CERTIFICATE%.
    call adt -package      %SIGNING_OPTIONS%  -target native  %AIR_FILE% %APP_XML% %FILE_OR_DIR% 
    if errorlevel 1 goto failed
    echo AIR setup created: %AIR_FILE%
    goto end
    echo Certificate not found: %CERTIFICATE%
    echo Troubleshotting:
    echo A certificate is required, generate one using 'CreateCertificate.bat'
    goto end
    echo AIR setup creation FAILED.
    echo Troubleshotting:
    echo did you configure the Flex SDK path in this Batch file?
    after run this bat , the air file is successfully built , but when i want to install this air , it says "sorry ,an error has occured .....  bla bla installer file is damaged....bla bla "
    but when i remove the red part -target native  in the command above then run it again , the new packaged air file can install successfully, but the application can not call other windows apllication anymore, nativeprocess.issupported always returns false when running
    so seems like the problem is all about -target native , deos anyone know whats wrong ?
    this problem really bothers me long time , any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance!

    Nice! I swear I tried that URL (substituting "mac" for "win" and "MAC" for "WIN" in the one relaxatraja posted), but I guess I missed something.
    Ironically, it doesn't include a binary either, but a simple alias works:
    alias pfi='java -jar /path/to/PFI/lib/pfi.jar'
    And it did indeed produce an ipa without error. I don't have my hardware with me, but I'll be able to test it tonight. Meanwhile, I think I'm in business. Thank you all!

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