Compile Reports in 10g

How compile report.rdf in report.rep in 10g?
Is it possible or not.
In Report6i I compile report.rdf and distribute the compiled rep file to User. Is it possible in 10g or not ?

To compile in Unix:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ userid=<user>/<password>@<db_sid> batch=yes source=<report_name> stype=rdffile dtype=repfile overwrite=yes compile_all=yes
Make sure that your ORACLE_HOME has been set up and that you run the command from the directory in which the source code is located

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    Try a Compile All ( Ctrl - K ), then Ctrl - T.
    Not sure about XP, but in Vista, the 10g Builder and batch compiler will crash if a PLL Library is not available when the form is compiled.
    Make sure the PLL Library is available, and all its objects compile in the 10g setup.
    If that does not help, then try a semicolon-to-semicolon replace all, then save the fmb. Then restart the Forms Builder, and open the fmb again, and try compiling.
    Here is an old link describing the issue:
        Re: FMB size shrinks dramatically

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    •     Report > XML Settings
    •     Web Source: <%@ page contentType. . . and <rw:include. . .
    •     Paper Layout> Body> Web Settings > Table Attributes
    •     Changed triggers from :DESFORMAT = ‘DELIMITED’ to :DESFORMAT = ‘SPREADSHEET’; also tried deleting these triggers altogether
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    plz help me..
    Rahma Al-Saadi

    Probably you might have old .rep file in your directory. You can create .rep file of you modified rdf file by opening it in builder and pressing Ctrl+T.
    This is a Forms forum , you can post in Reports for better replies.

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    Can anybody provide me the Shell script for batch compilation of forms 10g and reports 10g on AIX 5.3L AS?

    Hi Alex,
    I tried with the below script as well as the one you had posted.
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export TNS_ADMIN
    export LIBPATH
    cd ../forms
    for i in `ls *.pll`
    echo Compiling Library $i ....
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/frmcmp module=$i userid=mydbuser/mydbuser@mydb
    batch=yes module_type=library
    compile_all=yes window_state=minimize
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    export ORACLE_TERM=vt220
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/OraHome_3/lib:/opt/oracle/OraHome_3/jdk/jre/l
    cd ../forms
    for i in `ls *.pll`
    echo "Compiling Library $i ...."
    /opt/oracle/OraHome_3/bin/frmcmp module_type=form userid=mydbuser/mydbuser@mydb
    module=$i batch=yes compile_all=no
    window_state=minimize upgrade=no
    echo "PLL Compilation done"
    But there was a same kind of error thst turning up all the time.
    Compiling Library Agf.pll ....
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)
    Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler): Release - Production
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    PL/SQL Version (Production)
    Oracle Procedure Builder V10. - Production
    Oracle Virtual Graphics System Version (Production)
    Oracle Multimedia Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Integration Version (Production)
    Oracle Tools Common Area Version
    Oracle CORE Production
    FRM-10043: Cannot open file.
    Form not created
    I hence updated the permissions on the pll as below
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle oinstall 335872 May 19 16:31 Agf.pll
    But the problem is still persisting.
    My environment details are as below.
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    Is there any thing more that I need to do? If so then let me know.

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    What is your application release? Are you on R12?
    Why do you need to compile the report? Using the rdf type would be sufficient.
    Please see (Using the OracleAS 10.1.2 Forms and Reports Builders with Oracle Applications Release 12 (Doc ID 444248.1), Section 6: Compiling Reports).

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    order by ORDERS

    It is no problem, you can automatically change the complete query before the report is running, which delivers you different kind of values. But the alias names does not change in the group of the data-model, although two query are running with different alias names at different times. In the data model you see the alias names of the first implemented select statement, which are the column fields in the layout.

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    All the CLIENT_% procedures are part of webutil in Forms. Forms uses the Java applet on the client PC to perform actions on the local PC via webutil. This is not possible for Reports.
    You can still use text_io on the server, but you need some other way to copy the files to/from the client PC.
    I wonder how you used the functionality in EBS R11. Even R11 uses web reports, so text_io already worked on the server, not the client PC.

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    There is a long list of new features and I cant put all of them here
    You can see docs below
    For running on Web 9i, 10g moves to Servlet based architecture (though old cgi mode is available for backward compatibility). Reports behaves as a component in IAS and can be monitored and managed through Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM).
    More details here
    and here is the 10g datasheet
    [    All Docs for all versions    ]
    [     Publishing reports to web  - 10G  ] (html) (pdf)
    [   Building reports  - 10G ] (pdf) (html)
    [   Forms Reports Integration whitepaper  9i ]

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    See anwer in :
    why no body try to help me its possible no body has idea about how to save

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    Bruno Galletti

    Hi Bruno / Rainer,
    I am implementing the same solution, and after adding the lexical parameter reference in the SQL statement and calling the report from Oracle Forms the report failed with the following error on the report server:
    Terminated with error: <br>REP-300: missing expression select wcsr_no , wcsr_date , wcsr_rec_week_zone , wcsr_loc_house_num || ' ' || wcsr_loc_pre_dir || ' ' || wcsr_loc_street_name || ' ' || wcsr_loc_street_type || ' ' || wcsr_loc_post_dir || ' ' || wcsr_loc_unit || ' ' || wcsr_loc_city || ' ' || wcsr ==>
    No change has been done to the SQL statement except adding the &p_orderby parameter at the end of the query.
    Any suggestions? Are all parameters defined as "bind" parameters on the Repotr Object Navigator.?
    Gabriel Aguirre
    [email protected]

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    On right-clicking the icon there is no maximize button. I tried running it as administrator and also fix the compatibility, but nothing worked.
    This issue starts only after some days of installing the developer 10g. It worked ok for some days and then it started behaving like this. Seen this twice now, both times on re-installing the developer suite the issue goes away.
    Is there any way to solve this other than re-install the Oracle Developer ?

    Did you check the files cagprefs.oar and cauprefs.ora ?
    Re: report builder

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    Does Oracle Report Developer 10g supports Web Services (calls) or XML files as a Data Source?
    If yes. From what version?

    ok, so you have at least 2 solutions:
    1. you get the data into a loop through your Java array.
    2. you use the EXEC_SQL package function to create a dynamic SQL cursor
       Select ... from the_table where code in ('c1', ..., 'cn')Francois

  • Using DDE package in report builder 10g

    I use this code in form 10g to edit a ms word and its work properly:
    APPID := DDE.APP_BEGIN('C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE',
    DDE.EXECUTE(CONVID,'[FileOpen "c:\bin_test\exp.dotx"]', 10000);
    DOCID := DDE.INITIATE('WINWORD','c:\bin_test\exp.dotx');
    DDE.EXECUTE(DOCID,'[FileSaveAs "c:\bin_test\output.doc"]', 10000);
    when I put this code in the afterreport trigger in report builder 10g and call the report from form;
    a blank document word is opened withoud any changes as well as the report result in pdf format.
    what can i do to let this code work in report builder??
    best regards,

    I use this code in form 10g to edit a ms word and its work properlyI very much doubt that. Calling DDE from Forms this way would result in trying to open Word on the <b>server</b>.
    the report result in pdf formatThe report result format is determined by how it is called. Looks like you call it with desformat=pdf.

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    I have a c/s report (6i) which generates a txt file in a program unit using TEXT_IO package. I need to move this report to web (Reports 10g) and publishing it in OAS 10g. I've done that (without the text file generation), I can see the report on the browser in PDF Format and works fine... but, I still have a problem... when I use Text_io package, the c/s version of the report in 10g runs an generates the output.txt file but when I move it to web I got an error in the before report trigger (in which I invoke the program unit sp_generate_txt)
    I looked around for a solution and I just find the usage of webutil package, but as you know, webutil package is only usable in Forms.
    Any Ideas on how can I solve this problem?

    TEXT_IO can be used in Reports deployed on the web.
    The difference with Client /Server is the fact that the file create by TEXT_IO will be created on the "Middle Tier Server" and not on the Client.

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