Compiz launched in .xinitrc breaks keys, launched normally: ok

I've found out something weird..
If I start compiz fusion or fusion-icon trough ~/.xinitrc or another script called by ~/.xinitrc then my up arrow doesn't work anymore + ctrl-c becomes ctrl-i (my layout is dvorak, c in dvorak is where i is in qwerty).
However, once I have my desktop I can killall compiz and restart it (or restart fusion-icon) or even do 'reload window manager' in fusion-icon, and then those problems are gone.
Also, I can just not start it in ~/.xinitrc and launch it myself manually when my panels etc are loaded.  Then I don't have the problem either.
Even when compiz/fusion-icon is the very last item in ~/.xinitrc, I have this problem
Anyone an idea?
dieter@dieter-ws ~ $pacman -Qs compiz
local/ccsm 0.7.8-2 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gtk compiz-fusion-kde)
    Compizconfig Settings Manager in Python
local/compiz-bcop 0.7.8-1
    Compiz option code generator
local/compiz-core 0.7.8-1 (compiz compiz-kde compiz-gtk compiz-fusion)
    Composite manager for Aiglx and Xgl
local/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.7.8-1 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gtk compiz-fusion-kde)
    Compiz Fusion Extra plugins
local/compiz-fusion-plugins-main 0.7.8-2 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-kde compiz-fusion-gtk)
    Compiz Fusion Main plugins
local/compizconfig-python 0.7.8-1
    Compizconfig bindings for python
local/fusion-icon 20080313-1 (compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-kde compiz-fusion-gtk)
    Simple tray icon for compiz
local/libcompizconfig 0.7.8-1
    Compiz configuration system library

elmer_42 wrote:If you are using Compiz in addition to another DE/WM, you may be able to start it through an autostart feature included in the software.
maybe if that "autostart feature" would reset the environment or something.
I'm using dautostart (see ) which is an xdg-compliant autostarter (xdg standards are also used by kde,gnome, xfce etc).
dautostart is launched from .xinitrc (I tried to change the position of the dautostart command in the .xinitrc file, but no change), and I notice the same behavior (eg compiz/fusion-icon launched through dautostart gives the same as when i launch compiz/fusion-icon from .xinitrc directly)

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    It's a CTO machine therefore we can have its specs.
    1. For RAM, I think 16GB is its limit as shown in the following link:
    2. Yes, you can use SSD on the second bay, please watch the following video:
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi Kevin,
    Try the MS Windows on screen keyboard.  Get more info on it a the MS site:
    The pause/unpause key should help you with this task.
    A google search can provide some other work arounds involving third party utilties and changes to you registry...
    take care...
    HP Employee
    “Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.”
    " Did my response help with your issue? If so, please give me Kudos by clicking the "Kudos" button. Thanks!"

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    Hey AK1971,
    I see that you're having a issue with the shortcuts on your keyboard.
    Try this document for me. 
    Also, Check your keyboard and tell me if you have a key that says " pause "typically that is the Break key for most keyboards.

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  • Subtraction of two key figures normalized to result not working as expected

    Hello SAP Community!
    I am having problems with getting the right result from a subtraction of two KFs which are "normalized to results" which means the KFs really have values expressed as percentages. The substraction that should be performed is of two percentages (e.g.: 87.298% - 85.527% = 1.77%) but my report prints out the result as "number of units" instead (e.g.: 87.298% - 85.527% = 71,514.00 EA). The two normalized KFs actually "point" to two stock KFs, hence the "number of units".
    In order to explain the problem I am facing please analyze below text:
    1) Let's assume I have below data:
    200805         PLANT-A  MAT-1            200805         510,235.00
    200805         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200805          74,240.00
    200805         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200806         438,721.00
    200805         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200806          74,240.00
    200805         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200807         356,981.00
    200805         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200807          74,240.00
    200806         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200805               0.00
    200806         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200805               0.00
    200806         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200806         510,235.00
    200806         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200806          74,240.00
    200806         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200807         438,721.00
    200806         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200807          74,240.00
    2) Then, assume I have a comparison report, restricted by load month for two months May and June 2008 (filter restricted by two month variables) with FORECAST units spread accross columns for whole horizon (two months also in this case).
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    3) Now, let's suppose we want to know the proportions (%) of Base vs Comparison units, so
    we normalize forecats to results an we get the below report:
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)      85.527%     85.527%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008) 87.298%     82.784%
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)       14.473%     15.702%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008)  12.702%     17.216%
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    4) Finally, let's suppose we want to know the deltas (differences) of Base vs Comparison
    units, for both number of units and %. The report now look as below:
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)      85.527%     85.527%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008) 87.298%     82.784%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %  1.77%       2.74%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units    71,514.00  81,740.00
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)       14.473%     15.702%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008)  12.702%     17.216%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %  -1.77%      -2.74%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units         0.00        0.00
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    5) PROBLEM:
    In my report, the "Delta base vs. comp. units %" is not working as expected and
    calculates number of units just as "Delta base vs. comp. units" does instead of calculating the % difference.
    So my report looks as follows:
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)      85.527%     85.527%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008) 87.298%     82.784%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %  71,514.00  81,740.00 <<<WRONG!!
                       Delta base vs. comp. units    71,514.00  81,740.00
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)       14.473%     15.702%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008)  12.702%     17.216%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %       0.00        0.00
                       Delta base vs. comp. units         0.00        0.00
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    The formulas are:
    a) Delta base vs. comp. units %
      Delta base vs. comp. units % = Comparison Units % - Base Units %
    b) Delta base vs. comp. units
      Delta base vs. comp. units = Comparison Units - Base Units
    The KFs
    - Comparison Units %
    - Base Units %
    Are RESTRICTED key figures (restricted to Base and comparison month variables) which
    are setup as:
    1) Calculate Result As:  Summation of Rounded Values
    2) Calculate Single Value as: Normalization of result
    3) Calculate Along the Rows
    The KFs
    - Delta base vs. comp. units %
    - Delta base vs. comp. units
    are FORMULAS setup to:
    1) Calculate Result As:  Nothing defined
    2) Calculate Single Value as: Nothing defined
    3) Calculate Along the Rows: user default direction (grayed out)
    Thanks for the time taken to read in detail all of this. Long text but necessary to understand what the problem is.
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    The subraction will be carried out before doing the normalization of your KF's. So, it is displaying "number of units". Create a calculated keyfigure and subtract the KF's and in the properties of this calculated keyfigure, change the enhancement as "After Aggregation".
    I hope this will solve your issue.
    S P.

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    Hello & thanks,
    Brand new carbon x 14"
    where is a keyboard layout ?

    That key and a few others have been replaced by key combinations:
    Fn+B: Break
    Fn+I: Insert
    Fn+P: Pause
    Fn+T : PrtSc
    Fn+K: ScrLk
    Fn+S: Sys Rq
    Cheers... Dorian Hausman
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    i think it is not normal that the keys are pitched (I guess, you mean "tilted"?). And it's certainly not normal that any key pops off. I would check with the dealer about it.
    Whatever you do, stay calm and friendly. The person with whom you'll speak is not the guy who made the fault in the fabrication, and he will be willing to help, since a happy customer comes back.
    Success! Thomas

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    need to do at that point in the process.
    Works fine on my regular keyboard, but when using the
    keyboards on our Dell laptops here, not so good. It appears to just
    stop the assessment in its tracks.
    Any ideas out there on a workaround for this?

    Good thought.(I never use my laptop keyboard for anything...)
    I tried hitting only Pause/Break, and that doesn't do
    anything. So I tried hitting Pause/Break while holding the Fn key,
    but that doesn't work either. Unless I hit it 8 times (at least
    that seemed to be the magic number last time I tried it.)

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    see here for the equivalents:
    Seems there is no specific key or key-combo with the internal Mac keyboards.

  • Substraction of two key figures normalized to results not working as expect

    Hi  All,
    I am having problems with getting the right result from a subtraction of two KFs which are "normalized to results" which means the KFs really have values expressed as percentages. The substraction that should be performed is of two percentages (e.g.: 87.298% - 85.527% = 1.77%) but my report prints out the result as "number of units" instead (e.g.: 87.298% - 85.527% = 71,514.00 EA). The two normalized KFs actually "point" to two stock KFs, hence the "number of units".
    Thanks & Regards,
    Venkat Vanarasi.

    The subraction will be carried out before doing the normalization of your KF's. So, it is displaying "number of units". Create a calculated keyfigure and subtract the KF's and in the properties of this calculated keyfigure, change the enhancement as "After Aggregation".
    I hope this will solve your issue.
    S P.

Maybe you are looking for