Complementarias con calificador L09

Buenos días.
Tengo una duda de Seguridad Social os cuento:
Las liquidaciones complementarias con calificador L09 ¿se pueden enviar junta a las complementarias con calificador L03, o tienen que ir independientes?
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Un saludo,

Hola Pilar,
para que genere solo la complementaria puedes indicar "Reportar Diferencias" y en el "periodo de liquidación" indicar el mes para el que quieres generar la complementaria, que no tiene que coincidir con el periodo de nomina.
En principio debería generarte solo la complementaria seleccionada.
Rosa Quirós.

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    En breve quiero comenzar un curso de ABAP, con el objetivo de certificarme a medio plazo, he tocado algo de SAP, y creo que me puede gustar bastante.
    El caso es que me gustaria hacer una carrera profesional en SAP, donde el inicio fuese como programador de ABAP siendo IT como soy. Pero tampoco me gustaria estar toda la vida programando en ABAP, sino que mas adelante me gustaria especializarme en un modulo. ¿Es ese salto posible, o siendo programador en ABAP te quedas estancado en ABAP?.
    Siendo IT, ¿a que modulos puedo optar?, ¿solo BASIS?, o, ¿se puede optar a otros modulos como BI, FI, WM,.. sin haber estudiado un carrera relacionada con gestion y administracion de empresas?
    Un saludo y gracias de antemano.

    Buenos días Luis Miguel.
    Dado tu perfil, tu vertiente es cláramente técnica.
    Como bien comentas, tienes dos posibilidades o bien escoges la parte de programación, donde trabajaras con ABAP IV sobre todo aunque también, Java, el novedoso SAPUI5 (basado el Html5),etc o bien escoges SAP NetWeaver Administrator o como se le conocía y conoce SAP Basis.
    Si decides ir por la consultoría ya sea de FI, SD, MM, contar un una formación complementaria expecífica te ayudará sobre todo en FI, por lo que no te lo recomendaría.
    La programación te dará una visión muy amplia del ciclo completo de SAP y no son raros los casos de programadores que se acaban pasado a la consultoría funcional con excelentes resultados.
    Escojas lo que escojas intenta que sea lo más vocacional posible, esta vocación te hará continuar en momentos de difíciles.
    Un saludo.

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    ¿Alguien puede decirme qué ha pasado?
    Gracias de antemano.
    Un saludo.

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    Cret@ – Antonio de Ancos Cid
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  • Liquidaciones complementarias en Cret@

    Buenos días,
    ¿Alguien sabe cómo sacar un fichero sólo con complementarias para el Cret@? La idea es saca en ficheros separados las ordinarias (L00) y las complementarias (por ejemplo, L03).
    Gracias de antemado.
    Un saludo,

    Hola Pilar,
    para que genere solo la complementaria puedes indicar "Reportar Diferencias" y en el "periodo de liquidación" indicar el mes para el que quieres generar la complementaria, que no tiene que coincidir con el periodo de nomina.
    En principio debería generarte solo la complementaria seleccionada.
    Rosa Quirós.

  • Firefox 29 con un terrible uso de CPU al reproducir un video (plugin-container)

    Para probar lo mal que este navegador se despempeña al reproducir un video: usar una computadora con Intel Celeron D, 2 Gigabytes de RAM y una nivida GeForce 7200 GS/7300 SE, si no se cuenta con una computadora similar... entonces probar la ineficiencia TOTAL de este navegador seria imposible.
    En fin, ya que se tenga un precesaor de un solo nucleo y pocos gigabytes de RAM, se comienza la prueba.
    para probar hay que entrar a este sitio desde firefox:
    bueno, en fin el problema que tengo es que Firefox usa DEMASIADO CPU, para reproducir un solo video de flash... mientras resproduzco un video ese proceso desagradable y maldito llamado "plugin container" usa el 100 % de la CPU y he tenido temperaturas barbaras tanto en Windows 7 32 bit como Ubuntu 64 bits que llegan a los 71 grados celsius, todo por ese MALDITO e INEFICIENTE proceso que se llama plugin-container y como no! el INEFICIENTE api que ellos llaman NPAPI...
    Si ustedes, Mozilla reciben dinero... en lugar de usarlo en cosas inutiles como Australis, deberian usarlo para mejorar la eficiencia de ese maldito plugin-container.
    ¿En que momento decidieron que su navegador tenga que funcionar solo en computadores con 12 nucleos?
    En fin he tratado inutilmente lo que aqui se sugiere, desactivar la aceleracion por hardware tando de firefox como de flash... e incluso empeora, teniendo desactivado la aceleracion por hardware, hay videos que simplemente no puedo ver, el video es entrecortado y los controles del reproductor embebido son irresponsivos.
    En fin... mi computadora puede parecer muy pobre para ustedes señores de Mozilla, pero a me srive todavia y creo que puede durar mucho mas, al menos hay otros programas con lo cuales no tengo este problema y me son utiles... y la verdad no necesito gastar dinero para comprar una computadora con la caracteristica que he descrito anteriormente, pero ¿en verdad necesito tirar mi dinero a la basura para poder ver videos decentemente?
    Aqui esta la informacion que siempre piden:
    Configuración básica de la aplicación
    Nombre: Firefox
    Versión: 29.0
    Agente de usuario: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
    Informes de fallos de los últimos 3 días
    Todos los informes de fallos
    Nombre: Adblock Plus
    Versión: 2.6
    Activada: true
    ID: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}
    Nombre: Exif Viewer
    Versión: 2.00
    Activada: true
    ID: [email protected]
    Nombre: FEBE
    Activada: true
    ID: {4BBDD651-70CF-4821-84F8-2B918CF89CA3}
    Nombre: Ubuntu Firefox Modifications
    Versión: 2.8
    Activada: true
    ID: [email protected]
    Preferencias importantes modificadas
    accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0
    browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false
    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 6
    browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: 20140428193813
    browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: 20140428193813
    browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 29.0
    dom.mozApps.used: true
    extensions.lastAppVersion: 29.0
    network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
    places.database.lastMaintenance: 1399925151
    places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 52439
    plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf
    plugin.importedState: true
    privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs: true
    storage.vacuum.last.index: 1
    storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite: 1397861177
    Descripción de Adaptador: nouveau -- Gallium 0.4 on NV46
    GPU acelerada de Windows: 0/1 Basic
    ID de Vendor: nouveau
    ID del dispositivo: Gallium 0.4 on NV46
    Procesador WebGL: nouveau -- Gallium 0.4 on NV46
    Versión del dispositivo: 2.1 Mesa 10.1.0
    windowLayerManagerRemote: false
    AzureCanvasBackend: cairo
    AzureContentBackend: cairo
    AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: none
    AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0
    Recogida de basura incremental: true
    Activado: false
    Prevenir accesibilidad: 0
    Versiones de bibliotecas
    Versión mínima esperada: 4.10.3
    Versión en uso: 4.10.3
    Versión mínima esperada: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Versión en uso: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Versión mínima esperada: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Versión en uso: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Versión mínima esperada: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Versión en uso: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Versión mínima esperada: 3.16
    Versión en uso: 3.16
    Nota: no sabia que los foros en español no estaban disponibles... puedo proveer mi descripcion en ingles, pero no tengo tiempo, asi lo escribi asi se queda.

    Gracias por su pregunta. A este momento si la plugin napi estaba usando mas de 100% de la CPU, por favor desactivar la plugin.
    Por favor actualice sus controladores y WebGL también. [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL]]
    Muchos gracias.


    Alguno de ustedes sabe como puedo configurar que el xml que se genera de factura electronica en SAP se envie una copia al correo del cliente?
    Agradezco de antemano su apoyo.

    Yo estoy utilizando la factura electronica nativa de SAPB1 que genera un xml. Estoy trabajando con 8.81pl07

  • Como generar una factura de clientes con lotes

    Como Generar Una factura de Clientes con lotes, es Decir buscas? Busca otros Una Lista de Materiales Con Todos SUS Hijos, Tener pecado Una generada Orden de venta.
    Mi codigo es el siguiente, en solitario ingreso CUANDO Que El artículo De Una Lista de Materiales no me géneros la factura.
    Espero me puedan Ayudar.
    Consulta_SAP = new SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT Código como Código DESDE DONDE ITT1 Padre = '" + artículo + "'", DB_SAP);
                            Datos_SAP = new DataTable ();
                            Consulta_SAP.Fill (Datos_SAP);
                            cadena codigo_ = "";
                            codigo_ = Datos_SAP.Rows [0] [0] .ToString ();
                            for (int y = 0; y <Datos_SAP.Rows.Count; y ++)
                                dg_items.Rows.Add (Datos_SAP.Rows [y] [0] .ToString ());
                            for (int n = 0; n <dg_items.Rows.Count; n ++)
                                items_hjos = Convert.ToString (dg_items.Rows [n] .Cells [0] .Value.ToString ());
                                Facturas.Lines.SetCurrentLine (c);
                                Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.InternalSerialNumber = "67";
                                Facturas.Series = Convert.ToInt32 ("49");
                                Facturas.CardCode = CI;
                                Facturas.DocCurrency = "$";
                                Facturas.Lines.Address = direccion;
                                Facturas.UserFields.Fields.Item ("U_Orden") Valor = "Reto" + + reto ".";
                                Facturas.Lines.Quantity = 1;
                                Facturas.Lines.TaxCode = "IVAP16";
                                    Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "145134514000396";
                                    Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble ("1.0");
                                Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.SetCurrentLine (0);
                                Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.Add ();
                                Facturas.Lines.Add ();
                                c = c + 1;

    Nuevamente gracias por tu respuesta
    La nota que mencionas la he revisado junto con otras varias,  te cuento como me fue con estas
    El cambio de estatus solo esta habilitado para las facturas de deudores que no son de anticipo, esto lo que me permite es  hacer la nota de crédito de esa factura  y así cancelar el pago  recibido de la factura de Anticipo  y esto me libera  una parte del Anticipo,
    Ahora al tratar de hacer  la nota de crédito de la factura de Anticipo el sistema invierte los importes, donde el total aplicado de la factura  se convierte en el total pendiente  en la nota de crédito,
    Total Pendiente   970 (DEL PAGO CANCELADO)
    Total aplicado        30
    Total Pendiente   30
    Total aplicado        970 (DEL PAGO CANCELADO)
    Esto es lo que me  tiene detenida :s

  • Deployable cannot be retrieved from FILE_PROVIDER , stopping. (103) JCO_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: Name or password is incorrect

    Hi All,
    After two years of CTS+ working without issue, in the last fortnight JCO_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE has occurred. I have reviewed all the configuration  in document, and it all looks fine. The user configured also checks out fine as well. The user id that is causing all the trouble is CTS_<SID>. We chose this option so we could determine which user in case of future issues. We have two development paths, Project and BAU. So at anyone time transports that have started in the BAU development system will need to be imported into the Project development system (using transport express) and vice versa.  Attached is the security authentication log from the system showing authentication failure. I have also checked the transport routes defined for the business systems in the SLD and these look fine as well. Roles assigned to the user are SAP_CTS_PLUS,
    SAP_J2EE_ADMIN, SAP_XI_CMS_SERV_USER, SAP_XI_CONFIGURATOR, SAP_XI_DEVELOPER, Z_CTS_PLUS_ADDITIONAL. I have also checked the permissions on the file at the operating system level.
    Any suggestions/advice gratefully received as this really has me scratching my head.
    [EXCEPTION] (103) JCO_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon) on DXI mshost strsap31
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Caused by: RfcException: [null]
      message: Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon) on DXI mshost strsap31
      Return code: RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION(3)
      error group: 103
    ... 87 more
    Caused by: RfcException: [DXI|strsap31]
      message: Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)
      Return code: RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION(3)
      error group: 104
    Exception raised by DXI|strsap31
    ... 88 more
    Caused by: Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)
    ... 89 more

    User id missing in client 000

  • Difference between conn.close() and conn=null;

    Hi All,
    Can anybody please let me know the difference between conn.close()
    and conn=null;
    where conn is reference to Connection.
    Thanks and Regards

    Thanks for your response.
    Is there any other good approach to close() & then
    null the Obj. can u give us your opinion.
                         if(dbconn != null)     dbconn.close();
                         if(stmt != null) stmt.close();
                         if(rs != null) rs.close();
                         if(con != null) con.close();
                catch (Exception e)
    throw new Exception ("Exception -- --
    a -- authenticate -- " + e.getMessage() );
                   dbconn = null;
                   rs = null;
                   con = null;
    Putting the close() calls in finally block is good, but having them in individual try/catch blocks is better. That way you can still try to close the connection if closing the statement throws an exception.
    I don't bother setting them to null. GC is smart enough to know that they've gone out of scope. I don't think it helps.

  • Pros and Cons of Verizon FiOS TV vs Comcast

    I recently (two weeks ago) switched from Comcast to Verizon FiOS TV in the Portland, OR area and I have mixed feelings about it.  There are several things that are better, but also many that are worse than Comcast.
    I'll get the bad things out of the way... and maybe I'm wrong about a few of them:
    -- My most expensive Mitsubishi TV that has worked fine on everthing via HDMI for the past 6 months (Comcast Motorola HD DVR, PS3, Wii, Wireless Media Extender) will not work via HDMI with the Verizon Motorola STB.  Green screen of death.  I don't have any optical audio cables, so I'm currently running with component cables and regular audio (which sucks).  This is horrible.
    -- Changing channels sometimes doesn't work.  This happens when I'm flipping through channels using the Channel +/- buttons.  I'll hit + and the on screen display will say it has changed channels, but the previous channel's video and audio are still on the screen.  I have to change to the next channel and back again to get it to synch up.  This happens a lot.
    -- The DVR skip buttons are nearly worthless to the impatient (read: me).  If you hit the skip button too fast, it either doesn't skip at all or causes the video to go blank.  On my other TV which is working via HDMI, this makes it have a green screen of death and I have to turn the TV off and back on.  This is a big deal for me.  I'm used to hitting the skip button quickly a set number of times to skip past known lenghts of commercial breaks.  I simply can't do that with Verizon.  I have to hit the skip, wait a couple of seconds, hit the skip again, wait a couple of seconds, hit the skip again, oops... it didn't skip... I must not have waited long enough, hit skip again.  THIS IS INFURIATING.
    -- If I have rewound back into a certain channel's buffer, as far as I can tell there is no way to immediately return to live TV.  Comcast's remote had a LIVE button that would skip to the end of the buffer without clearing it.  The only way I've figured out to do it is change channels then come back to the original channel, but this sometimes clears the buffer so that isn't acceptable.
    -- I can't adjust the end time of an already recording program.  This comes up frequently, especially with sporting events and programs that have been delayed because of sporting events preceding them.  I'll sit down in the middle of a show and start playing the recording from the beginning but notice the basketball game before it is still finishing.  I want to extend the end time of the recording so I can start watching it immediately from the end of the basketball game and not have to worry about whether it will be in the buffer or not.
    -- If I have two succesive shows set to record, there are several seconds dropped between the two shows in the recordings.  Comcast would miss one maybe two seconds... Verizon misses almost 10.  Why does this matter?  Well, sometimes shows run a little long and with Comcast I would be guaranteed to see the end of that program on the beginning of the next recording.  Not so with Verizon.  For example, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.  Frequently the "moment of zen" at the end of The Daily Show is a few seconds after the end time of the show.  I could always see it at the beginning of the Colbert Report recording with Comcast. Now it is completely gone on the Verizon recordings.  South Park always runs several seconds long, but now I miss the end of every episode because it's not at the beginning of the Reno 911 recording.  THIS IS REALLY INFURIATING.
    -- Whether or not a show is New is not easily discernable from the guide.  The "New" icon needs to be one of the ones that show up in the guide listing, not just the info screen.  Having to hit the Info button to tell if a show is new or not really annoys me.
    -- The DVR does not offer to automatically extend the end time for live events as Comcast's did.  I have to go through several annoying steps to extend the end time.
    -- I can record sporting events as a series, which Comcast didn't let me do.  This is great!  I no longer have to go through the guide and manually record English Premier League, Champions League or MLS games.  I just set up series recordings.  This, I REALLY like.
    -- The channel selection is way better (more HD, more music, more sports)
    -- I don't have to buy the entire latin language channel package just to get Gol TV which has english audio too.  THANK YOU!
    -- The series recordings do a much better job with cable shows that repeat a gazillion times a week than Comcast's did.  I couldn't even set many cable shows to be series recordings on Comcast or it would fill up my DVR.  THIS IS EXCELLENT.
    -- Changing what series are being recorded or their priority doesn't cause all the shows you removed from the recording schedule to magically appear back in the schedule to be recorded like Comcast's DVR does.  THIS ROCKS.
    So, there are several things I like a lot better than Comcast but there are also many things I hate about Verizon so far.  Coupled with the fact that my FiOS router just stopped working last night (blinking red light) requiring a new router to be sent meaning I'll have no internet all weekend (I'm at work right now), the fact that they still haven't buried the fiber and the fact that the installer lied to me about the green screen of death on my Mitsubishi, I'm seriously second guessing my decision to switch.

    Yeah that's exactly why HBO says no HD On Demand, even though it makes zero sense since it's no different than watching a regular HD broadcast. I don't find it too big of a deal though considering all of the HD HBO channels Fios has combined with HBO airing everything a million times a week. Plus, if it keeps HBO from putting those annoying logos and banners like the other premium channels (Starz, Showtime, etc.) then I'm fine with it. If I'm paying extra money for a channel, it shouldn't have those in my opinion. HBO and Fios will have to add more HD On Demand for free relatively soon in order to stay competitive. It should be an easy thing for them to do.
    The SD picture is better with a 7216 DVR than the 6416 DVRs. I also switched from Comcast and the SD picture with my 7216 is very noticeably better than Comcast's boxes, so I'd try playing around with your settings or switching to a 7216 box if you don't have one. Almost everybody I've talked to thinks their SD picture is better than comcast's. Mine, although not as clear as HD obviously, isn't pixelated or blurry at all. Even G4, a channel owned by Comcast, is greatly improved over Comcast's signal. G4 on Comcast was almost unwatchable it was so pixelated. Since Fios is fiber, they don't hav e to compress and degrade the signal as much as Comcast does .

  • New black Vision+ box upgrade. Is it a con ?

    I am a BT option3 customer and have been for some time. I currently pay £5.49 for my BT vision service.
    I enquired to find out why I would be expected to pay £199 in order to get the new box. New customers to BT dont have to pay this.
    I was told in the reply that the two boxes have exactly the same functions ! If I wanted a new one I could simply take out a new 12 month contract !
    The new contract are a minimum of £7.99 per month for three months before increasing to £14.99 per month.
    I have no interest whatsoever in any of the so called vision packs as I have more than an enough to watch already.
    This increase represents 100% jus for a different colour box !  BT seem intent on conning us or ripping us off !
    Has anyone else triedto replace their old vision box with the new one?  I have tried phoning BT but just got send round in circles va several different Indian call cetres, none of whom could answer my query !

    It's absolutely not a con because it isn't an upgrade.  It's just cosmetically different and slightly more efficient on power consumption.  Apart from that no difference so not an upgrade therefore if you really really want one you'll have to pay for it.
    ---Remember to mark as 'solved' and give stars when you like a post---

  • Problem with Flash Lite in Nokia 5800 XpressMusic-Problema con Flash Lite en Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

    I've got a problem playing videos in YouTube with my 5800. Recently I updated my version of Flash Lite to 3.1,  from that day I can't see correctly videos on YouTube, when the the indicator of the bar reaches 1/4 of the totallity of the bar, the sound and image stop, but the indicator continues playing. If i want to see completly a video I have to put the indicator in the start of the bar and wait the load again. Some idea to fix this problem?
    Sorry for my English level.
    Tengo un problema reproduciendo vídeos en YouTube con mi 5800. Hace poco actualicé la versión del Flash Lite a la 3.1 y desde entonces no puedo ver correctamente vídeos de YouTube, cuando el indicador de la barra alcanza 1/4 de la distancia total, se detienen el sonido y la imagen, pero el indicador continúa como si siguiera reproduciendo, es decir para el vídeo es como si siguiera reproduciendo pero ni el sonido ni la imagen continúan., para ver los vídeos tengo que llevar el cursor de carga al principio y esperar la carga de nuevo, es un problema realmente molesto. ¿Alguna idea para solucionarlo?

    I have Nokia 5800XM as well. The YouTube videos are playng fine for me. my FW is 40.0.005 with FL3.1
    Maybe you need to update your device's firmware and FL version.\
    Start Device Manager application on your 5800XM from menu or dialing *#0000#. It will check for new updates and ask you to download them. Remember that these updates are in MBs. I'd recommend update using a WiFi connection or flat-rate data plan.
    // chall3ng3r //

  • Mexican report A-29  'Declaration Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros"

    hello Forum
    Paulo Evaristo indicated that report ( Mexican Vendor payment report: - A-29 format "'Declaration Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros") is being worked on by SAP and will be available for 'end of this month' .
    Can you confirm you mean the end of August 2007 and that the report will match the statutory layout and general requirements of the Mexican authorities?
    regards and thanks

    Hi Michael,
    The my answer is still valid. We´re finishing the tests with this report and if we don´t have more any problem with the tests the program will be available end of this month.
    Thanks and regards,
    Paulo Evaristo

  • I am trying to install the driver for a Wacom Bamboo Pad. The dmg from Wacom downloadsand will opens, but when I try to install it the message "Install Wacom Tablet.pkg" can't be opened because the Identity of the developer cannot be confirmed"

    iMac late 2009 3,06GHz Intel Core Duo; 500gb hard drive, 12gb memory. OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion)
    '“Install Wacom Tablet.pkg" can't be opened because the Identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.'
    I have been trying to install the driver for a Wacom Bamboo Pad. There are several driver packages listed on the website (the device is supplied ready to run with Windows devices) and I have tried tried downloading all the available drivers which apply to my set-up. Some will not open at all and I get a 'Damaged' message on my screen. Of the ones which open, I can download the .dmg and expand it but when clicked it opens as a window with multiple choice of languages and an icon which instructs you to click to open.
    If I do this some versions repeat the 'damaged' message but the later ones generate a window saying:-
    '“Install Wacom Tablet.pkg" can't be opened because the Identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.' - this is as far as I can get it to go; most frustrating!
    I understand that Apple's security updates have recently included an alteration that causes this result, and that there is supposed to be a legal (i.e. Apple sanctioned) workaround to allow files like this to be opened. If this is so, can anyone enlighten me?

    Many Thanks, Kurt.
    I knew I'd seen the solution you've provided somewhere - either in MacWorld or MacFormat - but couldn't remember the Gatekeeper bit!
    I shall save it somewhere VERY safe now in case this happens again …
    You have made an old man very happy and saved me from worrying that senile decay had suddenly set in. (I was 70 last week so you might understand the situation from that.)
    Best wishes

  • Trying to way the pros and cons of upgrading to the octane

    3 lines, husband and son have ENV2's and I have an ENV3 with no problems at all with the shut down issue and have had it 2yrs.  We have no home phone and my phone is the main line so it's on 24/7 since I have an elderly Mom that lives in the area I have too.  I don't text a ton and I do receive some tweets and bettery life is very good.    We are due for upgrades and online at verizon it's saying we can all get the octane free.  Started reading all the user reviews and have some questions I need addressed if anyone can help.  For the most part I think the ENV2 and 3 are just about the same except I find the keyboard layout better on the 3.   I plan on looking at one in store and brining a list of stuff with me to check too.     Mary
    Low volume-  Know there was a big discussion on this and complaints galore.  On my ENV3 on the front at the top where I listen to calls is that also a speaker and that's why I can hear it good when closed and the octane does not work like this when closed?  I can make my own ringtones and amplify them same for hubby but this would be big cons for us if they didn't do something to correct it on newer phones coming out.
    Battery life seemed to be a complaint with some people.   I know if you text a ton and send photos that will eat up battery life so are some phones defective with the battery or are people maybe just sending a lot of photo message to eat up battery life I wonder.  With light texting and a few photos I can go a few days before I loose some bars now so hoping it would be the same on the octane.
    Back light stays on when powered down- user specific defect?
    To answer an incoming call, you must push OK first to unlock the device then press SEND to pick up the call. Should be a single button push to answer or at best OK twice, not 2 separate-  True or false or maybe they don’t have the settings for answering a call right?   Only have to push one button on my env3 and 2.
    slow frustrating interface glitchy software awkward front keypad- front keypad looks like my ENV3 with a contact button and an ok button to push and navigate music and photos and such does the ok button do that?  Maybe they have updated the software so it's not glitchty now?
     you have to open the flip to see missed calls and silence the alarm.  True or false?  See missed calls and alarm function on front of ENV3 when it goes off and this is important to me
    person on the other end of the line hears an echo. when i press "2" "12" is displayed-  User specific glitches?
    2.5mm headphone jack. you cannot play music without the micro sd card-  I load music on my micro card now so have one and putting music on the actual phone itself is not a concern for me and I have the head phone adapter to use my regular head phones.
    speaker isn't very loud while on speaker phone-  glitch with that users phone or all of them as I do use that function quite a bit.
    keyboard set up a little wonky- from photo looks like my ENV3 with space bar in the middle which I love better than the ENV2 keyboard
    dropping calls on regular basis- User specific to their area and service?  Hard to tell as they didn't state if all the other phones they have had never did that in their area.  I get no dropped calls at home or out an about with any verizon phones we have had, we get great service here, only exception might be if we are way out in the boonies which is rarely but for home and out and about in town I need good reception so would assume this phone would work the same on our service as the ENV2 and 3 do and our old flip phones did.
    there is no indicator that I have a voicemail message- guessing that has to be a user glitch as every phone we have had has a voice mail indicator so does it not have one?
    Case back is very hard to get off without bending the whole thing and I can see that once it’s a bit worn, it will probably be hard to keep on. I never dropped my ENV but have already dropped this twice due to a more slippery nature. Its also harder to open quickly- not sure if they bought a case other than the black rubberized one from verizon which I have for my ENV3 and is fine or they are talking about the phone itself?  Why would it be harder to open quickly?  Defective hinges on that one?
    for the camera. It doesn't have a zoom in option, which is strange- My ENV3 does not have a zoom function.  Don’t care as I have $2,000 worth of professional equipment to take good photos so just need to snap something once in a while out and about to maybe send to someone and my ENV3 in daylight is great for that so assume this is just as good if not a little better camera quality.

    We have 3 Octanes, I don't personally have one, I've not heard any complaints by any of them. My responses are in Bule below.
    acraftylady wrote:
    3 lines, husband and son have ENV2's and I have an ENV3 with no problems at all with the shut down issue and have had it 2yrs.  We have no home phone and my phone is the main line so it's on 24/7 since I have an elderly Mom that lives in the area I have too.  I don't text a ton and I do receive some tweets and bettery life is very good.    We are due for upgrades and online at verizon it's saying we can all get the octane free.  Started reading all the user reviews and have some questions I need addressed if anyone can help.  For the most part I think the ENV2 and 3 are just about the same except I find the keyboard layout better on the 3.   I plan on looking at one in store and brining a list of stuff with me to check too.     Mary
    Low volume-  Know there was a big discussion on this and complaints galore.  On my ENV3 on the front at the top where I listen to calls is that also a speaker and that's why I can hear it good when closed and the octane does not work like this when closed?  I can make my own ringtones and amplify them same for hubby but this would be big cons for us if they didn't do something to correct it on newer phones coming out. No complaints
    Battery life seemed to be a complaint with some people.   I know if you text a ton and send photos that will eat up battery life so are some phones defective with the battery or are people maybe just sending a lot of photo message to eat up battery life I wonder.  With light texting and a few photos I can go a few days before I loose some bars now so hoping it would be the same on the octane. Wife's phone goes 3-4 days without a charge.
    Back light stays on when powered down- user specific defect? I've never seen this, but they are always on.
    To answer an incoming call, you must push OK first to unlock the device then press SEND to pick up the call. Should be a single button push to answer or at best OK twice, not 2 separate-  True or false or maybe they don’t have the settings for answering a call right?   Only have to push one button on my env3 and 2. I believe it's one button to answer.
    slow frustrating interface glitchy software awkward front keypad- front keypad looks like my ENV3 with a contact button and an ok button to push and navigate music and photos and such does the ok button do that?  Maybe they have updated the software so it's not glitchty now? Never heaard complaints.
     you have to open the flip to see missed calls and silence the alarm.  True or false?  See missed calls and alarm function on front of ENV3 when it goes off and this is important to me
    person on the other end of the line hears an echo. when i press "2" "12" is displayed-  User specific glitches? This was a problem early on with octanes, it's been fixed.
    2.5mm headphone jack. you cannot play music without the micro sd card-  I load music on my micro card now so have one and putting music on the actual phone itself is not a concern for me and I have the head phone adapter to use my regular head phones.
    speaker isn't very loud while on speaker phone-  glitch with that users phone or all of them as I do use that function quite a bit.
    keyboard set up a little wonky- from photo looks like my ENV3 with space bar in the middle which I love better than the ENV2 keyboard
    dropping calls on regular basis- User specific to their area and service? Hard to tell as they didn't state if all the other phones they have had never did that in their area.  I get no dropped calls at home or out an about with any verizon phones we have had, we get great service here, only exception might be if we are way out in the boonies which is rarely but for home and out and about in town I need good reception so would assume this phone would work the same on our service as the ENV2 and 3 do and our old flip phones did. Never had problem with dropped calls and our octanes are used mainly in 3 different areas.
    there is no indicator that I have a voicemail message- guessing that has to be a user glitch as every phone we have had has a voice mail indicator so does it not have one?
    Case back is very hard to get off without bending the whole thing and I can see that once it’s a bit worn, it will probably be hard to keep on. I never dropped my ENV but have already dropped this twice due to a more slippery nature. Its also harder to open quickly- not sure if they bought a case other than the black rubberized one from verizon which I have for my ENV3 and is fine or they are talking about the phone itself?  Why would it be harder to open quickly?  Defective hinges on that one?
    for the camera. It doesn't have a zoom in option, which is strange- My ENV3 does not have a zoom function.  Don’t care as I have $2,000 worth of professional equipment to take good photos so just need to snap something once in a while out and about to maybe send to someone and my ENV3 in daylight is great for that so assume this is just as good if not a little better camera quality.

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