Complex key on ActiveSync 6.0

Does any know how to build complex keys in ActiveSync for "Unique Key for Diff "? eg: in ActiveSync we can have the process only the records that are changed and by default it is somthing like AccountID or EmpID. I am wondering if building a more complex key like AccountID+ManagerLevel+status.

Does any know how to build complex keys in ActiveSync for "Unique Key for Diff "? eg: in ActiveSync we can have the process only the records that are changed and by default it is somthing like AccountID or EmpID. I am wondering if building a more complex key like AccountID+ManagerLevel+status.

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    Please run your test case with diagnostic turned on. It will show the SQL statement used for your findByKey() request. See if the SQL makes sense. If still doesn't work and if you cannot figure out what's going on, please post the diagnostic output.
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    Hey Martin and Welcome to Apple Discussions,
    I am going to buy 2 Apple G4 notepads for our children.
    It would help to know which model you're buying, especially the CPU speed since that will determine which OSs can be run.
    .. like Windows where you have a license key on the bottom and you can use the same CD to install the OS on both machines and just use the License Key that comes with the Laptop or will have to buy 2 copies of the OS one for each machine?
    There is no "license key" in Mac OS X land ;<). Get used to not having to type those ridiculously complex keys in at the 4 minute mark.
    With the single user license you can officially load on one machine. With the family pack you can load up to 5.
    <div class="jive-quote">Next question, is what is the highest level of OS I can go to?
    In general all the G4 iBooks will run Leopard so 10.5.8 updated. The 12" 800 Ghz will run Tiger so 10.4.11 updated. That's official but the installer can be hacked to run in that machine.

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    Hi Lesslielee,
    If your db is configured to allow duplicate data items, only one such equivalent key (the first) is stored in the database.
    Best Regards,
    Bogdan Coman

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    Edited by: Omprakash Mishra on Jun 27, 2008 5:53 AM

    Hi praveen,
                     Actually this is much complex report .
                     there are many other complex key figures along with it .
                     i have just published a part of it as i am unable to find solution for it.
                     it is just an example so that people can understand it easily.

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    SQL> create table b2 (n number(10),da date);
    Table created.
    SQL> create sequence seq_b2;
    Sequence created.
    1 create or replace trigger b2 before insert on emp
    2 declare
    3 i date;
    4 begin
    5 select max(da) from b2 into i
    6 if sysdate > i then
    7 drop sequence seq_b2;
    8 create sequence seq_b2;
    9 end if;
    10* end;
    SQL> /
    Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.
    SQL> show error;
    Errors for TRIGGER B2:
    4/1 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    4/24 PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    7/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE" when expecting one of
    the following:
    begin case declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod
    null pragma raise return select update while with
    <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>
    <a bind variable> << close current delete fetch lock insert
    open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge
    <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe
    so is there any suggestion(''Hint'' i am droping the
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    if you REALLY want to do it
    you may use nigthly started job which
    will recreate you sequence.
    Also one of the option would be to create cycled sequence
    with large enough MAXVALUE parameter and recycle it
    each night to 1:
    SQL> create sequence cycled_seq start with 1
      2  increment by 1 maxvalue 10000 cycle
      3  /
    Sequence created.
    SQL> select cycled_seq.nextval from dual;
    SQL> /
    SQL> /
    SQL> /* At the day end */
    SQL> declare
      2   id number;
      3  begin
      4   id := 0;
      5   while(id != 10000) loop
      6     select cycled_seq.nextval into id from dual;
      7   end loop;
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select cycled_seq.nextval from dual;
             1Oracle jobs description is there:
    But to be quite franky
    there are hardly any reasonable motives
    to restart sequence number
    every day and to compose this complex key.

  • Urxvt-keyboard-select - mouseless text selection in urxvt

    Hello again,
    my next urxvt extension reached a stable stage, so it's time to post it here: keyboard-select
    Please have a look at the top of the file for details on how to use it, or read the README on github.
    The usage is comparable to tmux/gnu screen, but its mappings are more vim-like.
    As for now, the most basic cursor movement keys are available, I'm planning to add the following in the near future: [fFwWbBeE;,/?nN]
    And this time I've also managed to upload a PKGBUILD before writing this post...
    Last edited by ber_t (2011-03-29 12:36:50)

    @hitsmaxft: Your extension looks nice, I will try it out later. But your one always uses urxvt's selection for highlighting; I use rendition bits for that, because I want a chance to cancel visual mode without losing the content of the primary buffer. It also misses some delete statements, for example, it always creates a new overlay without deleting the old one.
    I will continue developing mine (at least just for the fun of it), even if your one already features everything I'd plan to implement.
    For all the emacs lovers: I will try to provide vim and emacs keybindings, but I didn't come up with a nice way of handling this. And by nice I mean no code duplication and no complex key dispatcher, taking up more code than the real functionality.
    Be patient, or:
    VCoolio wrote:... but we could also modify the keys in the script ourselves of course. If only I wasn't that lazy... but who knows.

  • Mapping BW TO CRM?

    Hi Gurus
    How to Map BW info cube and BW info set to CRM

    Using InfoSets and BW Queries in the Segment Builder
    InfoSets and BW queries are used to access business partner master data (stored for example in the R/3 System) and transactional data stored in the SAP BW System respectively.
    The attributes used within these InfoSets and BW queries can be fields belonging to:
    ·         Business partner tables (business partner master data)
    ·         Key figures determined in SAP BW
    ·         Marketing attributes
    To create InfoSets, from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Architecture and Technology ® ABAP Workbench ® Utilities ® SAP Query ®  InfoSets.
    Any InfoSets you create for use in the Segment Builder must be created in a cross-client work area.  Therefore, on the interface for creating InfoSets, you should first choose Environment ® Query Areas, and select Global Area (Cross-Client). This setting ensures that your InfoSets appear for selection in the input help for the field InfoSet when creating data sources (Marketing ® Segmentation of Business Partners ® Marketing Segments ® Maintain Data Sources for Segment Builder).
    For information on how to create InfoSets, see the SAP Library under mySAP Technology Components ® ABAP Workbench (BC-DWB) ® SAP Query (BC-SRV-QUE).
    Tips for InfoSets
           1.      The most important and simplest point is that the Segment Builder creates target groups containing business partners. Therefore the InfoSet must make its selections using fields relating to the business partner and must be able to return business partner keys. Ideally these keys are GUIDs. If this is not possible (for example because this InfoSet lies in a system in which the GUID is not known, such as an SAP BW or an SAP R/3 System) then it must be a key that can be converted into a GUID in CRM. If this is the case, you must specify a function module in data source maintenance to perform the conversion in the field Function Module). For InfoSet queries, for example, we recommend function module CRM_MKTTG_PF_BP_TAB_TO_GUID, and for other data sources, CRM_MKTTG_PF_CONV_ID_TO_GUID is available.
    If the InfoSet is a table join, then it is safest to use BUT000 as the basis table.
           2.      If you are using a report program, then the structure belonging to this report must contain the business partner GUID (or a field that can be converted into the GUID).
           3.      The InfoSet should be constructed so that it contains every field that is required for selection in the Segment Builder and these fields only! When you create an InfoSet, the system displays the dialog box InfoSet: Title and Database. On this dialog box, ensure that you select the field No automatic text recognition (under Options) since otherwise the system will generate the texts for all the fields in the InfoSet behind which text fields are defined. These fields are then written into the InfoSet which may lower performance.
           4.      Do not build one large InfoSet containing a large number of joins. Instead, build InfoSets which join only those tables required for the selection attribute to be created. For example, if you want to create the selection attribute “Date of Birth” your InfoSet should use table BUT000 only (because “Date of Birth” is one of the fields in this table). It is not advisable to read the date of birth from an InfoSet which joins the BUT000 with the address table ADRC.
    Tips for BW Queries
    Query Definition
           1.      In the Business Explorer Analyzer (Business Explorer  ®Analyzer) ensure that you set the indicator "Release for OLE DB for OLAP" for the query (under Properties).
           2.      Ensure that your BW user is a dialog user, since otherwise the input field for queries in data source maintenance will not work (RFC connection between SAP BW and SAP CRM). To check this setting, in the BW system choose Tools ® Administration ® User Maintenance ® Users.  Under the Logon Data for the relevant user, ensure that Dialog is selected as User type.
           3.      Do not specify any variables as "required".
           4.      Ensure that the query has business partner as info object.
           5.      Ensure that the business partner is in the row, the key figures in the column(s).
           6.      Do not define any conditions for the key figures in the query itself. Instead define conditions in the Segment Builder by specifying filter values for the relevant attributes.
    Performance Points:
    To ensure the best possible system performance, try where possible to avoid:
           1.      Unnecessary characteristics, attributes, or key figures
           2.      Superfluous conditions or variables
           3.      Complex key figures
           4.      Large cubes
           5.      Complex hierarchies
           6.      A lot of coding in variables filled by means of user exits
    In addition, specify for characteristics either variables or restrictions but not both together.
    best regards

  • Does anyone have shortcut issue while working in PHOTOSHOP CS6 recently?

    I found that a couple of my friends have similar shortcut issues recently. (We all use Photoshop almost everyday)
    It seems weired that those shortcuts using single key are working fine but those shortcuts using complex keys like command + Z,T,S and etc,.
    We tried to quit photoshop and start agiain. It seems working good sometimes but it does not working some other times.
    Anyone has similar issues?
    2 of them are using Mac OS X and one using Window 7.

    You haven't applied ANY of the CS6 updates at all.
    Go apply them right away, see of the issue goes away; if not, come back here with more detailed, sensible information:
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • AE CS3/Keylight crashes, sometimes seriously...

    HELP! I've been rendering some reasonably complex keyed footage with animated backgrounds etc from AE CS3 on Windows XP quad processor box.
    All was well until a couple of days ago when renders started crashing whilst rendering the Keylight effect. On checking The Foundry's website I could see there was an update (v1.2.8), so loaded that in. Still had crashes. Then had one severe crash where footage files got deleted. Honestly! I'd narrowed the work area slider down to the specific bit of the comp that was crashing and after the crash, footage that was in the comp, but outside the work area, got deleted. Crashes should never, ever cause footage files to be deleted - I can't even think how this would be possible. I would blame myself but the specific files in question (7 in total) are all c.1Gb each and in a folder with other footage that was untouched, so I would have to be selective and wait while they were deleted. There is nothing in the Recycle Bin.
    Some parts of comps render with Keylight quite happily.
    Between each crash I reboot and delete any partial output that has been created. Is there anything else that needs to be "cleared" to make the subsequent renders error free? Are there any "optimum" settings for memory/cache, disk space, etc that can help this along?

    1.) close AE and try trashing AE preference file (save a backup copy or just rename .txt extension to .old) try then opening your project.
    2.) make a copy of your project file. try opening it.
    3.) open a new project, go preferences >> Memory & Cache >> then lower Maximum RAM Cache size to 45% and enable disk cache with size of 20.000 or higher, now try opening your project youre working on.

  • Performance of query built on infoset

    I have a query built on infoset which takes data from seven(7) different master data tables. The structured made is a bit complexed comprising on many inner joins & the report built on it doesnt fetch data & shows timed out error.Please suggest.

    Check the below points
    Performance Points:
    To ensure the best possible system performance, try where possible to avoid:
           1.      Unnecessary characteristics, attributes, or key figures
           2.      Superfluous conditions or variables
           3.      Complex key figures
           4.      Large InfoCubes
           5.      Complex hierarchies
           6.      A lot of coding in variables filled by means of user exits
    In addition, specify for characteristics either variables or restrictions but not both together.
    Did you try to check the display data for that infoset weather you are getting data records out of the infoset join conditions or not.
    Whats the volume of data in the Infoset?

Maybe you are looking for