Compliance Calibrator - Table Cleanup Script

CC/RAR Experts,
We received a script from SAP over a year ago to cleanup/delete our CC5.2 tables (below). We have now upgraded to CC5.3 in a sandbox and are looking to start fresh to build our development box. Can anyone confirm if this script is still valid for CC(RAR)5.3 or is there an updated version of this cleanup script?
Thanks in advance,
prompt Delete system specific rules in Action Rule Table
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete all System specific Alert details
where vsyskey = '&1';
where vsyskey = '&1';
where vsyskey = '&1';
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Critical Action Rule Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_cract
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_cractt
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Critical Permission Rule Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_crprm
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Critical Profile Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_crprof
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_crproft
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Critical Role Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_crrole
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_crrolet
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_dataexd
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_fldmap
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Function Action Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_funcact
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Function Permission Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_funcprm
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_funcsys
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_lastrun
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_lsysgrp
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Org User Mapping Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_orgusers
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete system specific rules in Permission Rule Table
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_prmrule
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_supp_det
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_supp_hdr
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_supp_text
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_syscract
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_syshmap
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_sysrule
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_syssapobj
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_sysusr
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_textkey
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_usrmap
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_xsrulemap
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.VIRSA_CC_xsysgrp
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Delete System details
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_system
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_systemc
where vsyskey = '&1';
delete from <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_systemt
where vsyskey = '&1';
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_GENOBJ Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_genobj DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_GENOBJT Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_genobj DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_GENUSR Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_genusr DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_GENACT Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_genact DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_GENPRM Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_genprm DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_GPRMLIST Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_genobj DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_SYSUSR Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_sysusr DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_ACTVL Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_ACTVL DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_PRMVL Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_PRMVL DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_CRACTVL Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_CRACTVL DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_CRPRMVL Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_CRPRMVL DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_ROLEVL Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_ROLEVL DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating VIRSA_CC_CRROLEVL Table
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_CRROLEVL DROP STORAGE;
prompt Truncating Management Tables
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_MGALERTS DROP STORAGE;
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_MGCRTR DROP STORAGE;
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_MGMTBU DROP STORAGE;
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_MGMTTOT DROP STORAGE;
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_MGRISKD DROP STORAGE;
truncate table <SCHEMA>.virsa_cc_MGRISKS DROP STORAGE;

Jasmine Kaur wrote:
> Hi ,
> Yes these tables of cc 5.2 do exist in RAR 5.3 however , RAR has various new tables which are not part of this current script .
> It is advisable to use script specific for 5.3 as there are alot of functional interdependencies in it .
> Thnks
Thanks to the both of you for your replies.
Where can I get this script specific to CC/RAR5.3? Do I need to create a message with SAP?

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    below are the tables used for CC:
    VIRSA_CC_ACTRULE               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ACTRULHDR             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ACTVL                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ADMIN                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ALLASTRUN             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ALLISTDTL             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ALLISTHDR             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ALTCDLOG              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_AUTHHT                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_AUTHMAP               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BKGINP                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BUAPPVR               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BUMONITOR             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BUSPRC                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BUSPRCT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BUSUNIT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_BUSUNITT              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CDHDR                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CDPOS                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CGROUP                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CONFIG                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRACT                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRACTT                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRACTVL               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRPRM                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRPRMVL               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRPROF                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRPROFT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRROLE                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRROLET               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_CRROLEVL              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_DATAEXD               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_DETDESC               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FLDMAP                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FUNC                  SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FUNCACT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FUNCBP                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FUNCPRM               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FUNCSYS               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_FUNCT                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GENACT                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GENOBJ                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GENOBJT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GENPRM                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GENUSR                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GPRMLIST              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_GSEQ                  SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_JOBHST                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_LASTRUN               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_LOCKTABLE             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_LSYSGRP               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MGALERTS              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MGCRTR                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MGMTBU                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MGMTTOT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MGRISKD               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MGRISKS               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICCTLDTL             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICCTLDTT             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICEXLOG              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICORGDTL             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICORGDTT             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICPRCDTL             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICPRCDTT             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICRMAP               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MICUMAP               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITHROBJ              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITMON                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITPROF               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITREF                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITREFT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITRISK               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITROLE               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITRPT                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITUSER               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MITUSRORG             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MONAPV                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MSG                   SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MSGPRMS               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_MSGTYP                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_OBJTEXT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ORGRULE               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ORGRULEM              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ORGRULET              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ORGUSERS              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_PRMRULE               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_PRMVL                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RISK                  SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RISKFUNC              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RISKOWN               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RISKRS                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RISKT                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_ROLEVL                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RTMAP                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RULESET               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_RULESETT              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SAPOBJ                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SCHEDULER             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SUPP_DET              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SUPP_HDR              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SUPP_TEXT             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSCRACT              SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSHMAP               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSRULE               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSSAPOBJ             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSTEM                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSTEMC               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSTEMT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_SYSUSR                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_TEXTKEY               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_THREAD                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_USRMAP                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_VARIANT               SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_VARVAL                SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_WFOBJ                 SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_XSRULEMAP             SAPSR3DB                                        
    VIRSA_CC_XSYSGRP               SAPSR3DB                                        
    You can go and check which one contains the scheduling info (VIRSA_CC_SCHEDULER ??)
    Hope this helps

  • SAP GRC Access Control - Compliance Calibrator - License Cost

    Dear all,
    I have some questions on Compliance Calibrator implementation.
    1. Do  we have to pay additional cost for the license to implement Compliance Calibrator?
    2. Since SAP GRC 5.3 is just released, which one do you recommend? SAP GRC 5.2 or 5.3?
    3. What would be the major difference between Compliance Calibrator in GRC 5.2 and 5.3?
    Best regards,

    Hi Rolando-
    1. Yes, there lies some license cost and the amount should not as much as taking SAP R/3 license. I am not sure of exact amount but its nominal as compared to other SAP products.
    2. SAP always recommend for the latest version available and why not one would go for latest version if you are paying something for that.
    Also, it depends on your existing R/3 version and its compatibility. In short run, you can choose per your existing versions but in long run everyone has to move to latest version. Say for example whoever is using SAP R/3 technology with whatever version, they all need to upgrade to ECC6.0 by 2011 with extension upto 2013. I am not sure of any such information about GRC AC though.
    3. Some enhancement have been done with CC 5.3. Those features include-
    1. Risk analysis for SAP Enterprise Portal and UME
    2. BI integration for custom reporting
    3. Reporting enhancement features include additional auditor, business manager and IT reports
    4. SOD management by exception. Can be integrated with workflow.
    5. Import/Export of configuration data
    6. Migration scripts
    7. Download and print capability on every report.
    Some performance improvements-
    1. Concurrent risk analysis.
    2. batch mode risk analysis
    3. Improved memory mgmnt etc.
    Hope it gives you now some more visibility.

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    Can anyone tell me the relevant table which store the risks for compliance calibrator? I want to perform mass deletion on the risks.

    You can also just pull up the list of risks, click the delete key, and then press enter with the prompt to confirm the delete and hold the enter key down.  It will then loop through all the risks and delete them.  It can take about 20-30 minutes, but it works.  I just prop something up on the enter key when going to lunch or meeting.

  • Anyone have Virsa/SAP Compliance Calibrator documentation?

    I'd really like a Virsa "Owners Manual", but for now I'd just settle for an explanation of all the parameters contained in table /VIRSA/ZVRATCNFG.  Some are self explanatory, some are not.  To maintain this table do the following:
    1.  tcode /n/virsa/zvrat
    2.  execute
    3.  menu:  compliance calibrator > configuration option
    I'd like to know what each parameter does, the possible entries, and the cause and effect result of each entry.  Any help will be appreciated. 

    It appears to me that the only credentials required to access that site are SAP Service Marketplace logon (the so-called 'S number').  You can obtain these from the person in your company that administers your SAP licence (usually a basis person).  Or, you can apply yourself at .
    It is forbidden in this forum to send copywrited documents from user to user.
    Best Regards,

  • Does Compliance Calibrator come installed with CRM 2007

    We will be installing CRM 2007 in May and I need to know if Compliance Calibrator is installed as part of the application. Currently we are running CC 3.0 in R/3, HR and BW. If the new version is part of CRM 2007 then we need to upgrade to the newest version. I also need to know if the CC is not part of CRM 2007, will CC 3.0 technically work in CRM 2007.

    Hi, thanks for your replies,
    Our SP is uptodate,
    Note 1120400 is obsolete we have CRM 6 SP2 and our patch level is 15.
    Besides we have a delta between tables entries:
    USOBX     => 103.391
    USOBX_C     => 103.389
    USOBT     => 43.785
    USOBT_C     => 43.769
    Do these tables have the same number of entries in your system? What could be the impact of this delta?

  • Is Compliance Calibrator the same as GRC Access Control?

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    "SAP GRC Access Control streamlines access requests by filling each request automatically with user identity information from a lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) directory or HR database, thereby eliminating the need for user intervention. Approvers receive an e-mail with a direct hyperlink to the request inside the application, where they can easily view and approve the request. The application then checks for security violations before updating accounts  automatically."
    None of this was covered on the Compliance Calibrator course, so what product offers this? I can see another product by Virsa called <b>Access Enforcer</b> but have no info on this... can anyone enlighten me?

    SAP GRC Access Control is the SAP application that comprises the former Virsa products Compliance Calibrator, Access Enforcer, Risk Terminator, Firefighter and Role Expert.

  • How to load data into table Using Script Task

    We have a directory/folder where we have a file. We need to insert the File Created Date , File Name , Extension into the database table of Sql server by using Script Task.
    So could you please suggest , how to frame the connection string , fetch the file details and insert the data into the database table using Script Task of SSIS 2008

    You can achieve it as follows using standard script task
    1. Add a ForEachLoop container to point to your directory to iterate though the files. Add a variable of type string inside loop to get file name of each file it iterates. Choose option Filename and extension. Add a variable to just store extension part
    (FileExtension), set EValuateAsExpression true for it and give expression as below
    2. Add a script task inside loop and pass filename variable as a read only variable to it. Crete a new variable to get creationdate and pass it as ReadWrite. Inside write code as below
    Public Sub Main()
    ' Add your code here
    Dim f As New System.IO.FileInfo(Dts.Variables("FileName").Value.ToString())
    Dts.Variables("FileCreatedDate").Value = f.CreationTime
    Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
    End Sub
    3. Add a Exec SQL Task after Script task inside loop and give a query like below
    INSERT INTO TableName (FileName,CreatedDate,Extension)
    and in parameter tab map the parameter placeholders 0,1 and 2 to @[User::FileName],@[User::FileCreatedDate] & @[User::FileExtension] variables
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Compliance Calibrator: Background jobs didn't bring in the correct data.

    Hi Gurus;
    In Compliance Calibrator; background jobs were last run on 5/27/09 but the management report shows that the summary is as of 5/20/09. That should have been updated uptill 5/27/09 and the new number of conflicts should have come up, which it didn't. What can be the problem?
    Thanking you;

    Hi Harleen;
    This job was actually set by the client. So when I went to check the parameters of the jobs, I found that the field MGR_ANALYSIS consists of Field value "N". Does this mean that the Management Analysis box was not ticked when this job was scheduled?

  • Custom Risks in Compliance Calibrator?

    Can someone please verify this process for me?
    My understanding is that once you create and configure a custom risk in Compliance Calibrator 5.2, you simply click generate and can then immediately run a risk analysis using the new custom risk.
    Is there any kind of a background job required to synchronise the new custom rule prior to running a risks analysis or any steps that I'm missing?
    Thanks your help is much appreciated,

    Hi Adamo,
       This is the exact process you need to follow. Once you create main risk and generate rules, you should be able to see the risk in CC. Have you enabled the particular risk? You can go to informer and try to run a simulation or ad-hoc analysis on that particular risk.

  • How to add my own iview in Compliance Calibrator

    Hi Experts,
    can plaese tell me how to add my own iview in Compliance Calibrator 5.1.

    If you are trying to add an iview or URL to Compliance Calibrator you have to login as an administrator go into the configuration tab, and go to Custom tabs toward the bottom of the left screen.  Here you can add custom URL links that will appear as tabs in Compliance Calibrator.
    Hope this helps

  • How to create a table in script

    hi gurus
    can any one suggest me
    how to create a table format in script output
    i want the output be in table format
    thank you

    Hi Kalyan,
    There is option for creation of table in Scripts .
    We can make the output to b displayed in table format by using BOX command .
    see this
    Setting default parameters for a box:
    You can use the POSITION and SIZE commands to set default parmeters for a box.
    Instead of: 
    /: BOX XPOS '11.21' MM  YPOS '5.31' MM  HEIGHT '10' MM WIDTH '20' MM INTENSITY 10 FRAME 0 TW
    You can write:
    /: POSITION XORIGIN '11.21' YORIGIN '5.31' MM
    /: SIZE HEIGHT '2' MM WIDTH '76' MM
    This can be usefull if you gave several boxes that share the same parameters.
    If you want to set the position realtively to the window use POSITION WINDOW
    to set the position to the top/left start of the window. Then use POSITION 
    to set the current position relatively to the start of the Window. 
    Note that you uses "+" or "-" in the ORIGIN position to the set the position relatively.
    the position is now 5 MM from the left and 10 MM from the top of the window
    NOTE: After using the position command you can move the current position
    realtively to the last used position
    Now the position will be X = 15 and Y = 30
    Drawing a line. You can draw a line by setting the Height or Weidth to 0
    and add a frane. E.g. a horizontal line:
    /: SIZE HEIGHT '0' MM WIDTH '200' MM
    /: BOX FRAME 10 TW XPOS '11.21' MM YPOS '14.81' MM INTENSITY 100
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Apr 21, 2008 5:59 PM

  • Compliance Calibrator SOD Conflict (FI01 and FB05)

    I was hoping that someone could provide some insight as to why the "FI01 - Create Bank" and "FI02 - Change Bank" transactions would create a risk (in Compliance Calibrator) when coupled in the same security role with the "FB05 - Post with Clearing" transaction.  The risk description given by Compliance Calibrator is "Maintain bank account and post a payment from it".
      The FI01 and FI02 t-codes appear to only create/change routing numbers or addresses for banks.  There is no ability to create or change an actual bank account.  This alone doesn't seem to create a conflict when coupled with a posting transaction.  Is there possibly some functionality that I am missing?

    Hi Joshua,
    I strongly agree with you that there is no SOD conflict technically with FI01, FI02 with FB05 although the wording of the SOD conflict in a business sense meaning Maintain Bank Accounts vs Posting Payments sounds more like a Conflict.
    I dont see by anyway how you can maintain actual bank account in either FI01, FI02.
    FI01 and FI02 - Maintain Bank Info like Bank Address, Bank Key and soforth.
    FB05 - Make Payments to various accounts.
    Kiran Kandepalli.

  • Compliance Calibrator v.4.0 Installation Guide?

    Does anyone have a Compliance Calibrator v.4.0 Installation Guide?  I cannot find one on SAP Service Marketplace.
    I have found a Security Guide, User Guide Supplement, User Guide, but no installation guide.
    Thank you!

    Hi there,
    I have the guide, and I can give it to you.
    Reach out to me at [email protected] and I'll get it to you.

  • SAP GRC 5.2 Compliance Calibrator rule sets for HR module

    HI All,
    The company i am working for has done installation of GRC 5.2. I would like to download the SAP out of box Compliance Calibrator rule sets for HR function module in a spreadsheet format.
    I would like to download the rule set for risks at Function level, Tcode level and also at authorization object level in ABAP and Roles, actions and permissions in JAVA.
    I will discuss with the BPAs, internal auditors and come up with a new rule set exclusively for my company needs with the help of the above spreadhseet.
    Please tell me what steps i need to do to get this thing done.

    Please go through the process but save these as txt files for UNIX. I am not sure about 5.2 but CC4 was not uploading rule files correctly if file was not saved for TXT for UNIX.
    Harry Sidhu

Maybe you are looking for