Compressed hard drive

My son cleaned up his laptop and did the disk compression to save space. Now he can not get the computer to bring up anything. He gets the following every time the computer starts:  OCSMY is compressed, hit ctrl/alt/del to restart. Doing that only brings up the same code.
Go to Solution.

Satellite A205-S58331
Maybe one of these? 
Satellite A205-S5831
Satellite A205-S5833
My best guess is that one or more boot files got compressed. Only Windows can decompress them. So there you are.
With lots of luck, that might be repaired. Can't hurt to try.
Turn the computer on and immediately press and hold the F8 key. On the Advanced Boot Options menu, choose Repair Your Computer. When you reach the System Recovery Options menu, choose Startup Repair.
If you don't have them, it might be a good time to order the recovery discs.
   Order Toshiba Recovery Media

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    Thank you for the prompt reply. I chose the built in windows option to compress and it did not distingusih it as a non compressible file. I went to my computer and right clicked on drive C, where i chose 'compress files to make space'. It took a few minutes and was done.
    The error message in itself does not give any hits on google but i found some similar cases of hard drives being compressed and people getting the same error message as me but with a different file name.
    My case is very similar to this case, :, only difference is that she has an HP and I have an IBM.
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  • How to compress hard drive?

    I brought my 1st Mac a couple of month ago and have been slowly geeting use to the Snow Leopard OS.
    I've replaced the hard drive with a 256Gb SSD mainly because the standard 5,400 rpm hard drive slows down the whole computer when running multiple virtual windows.
    So far I'm very happy with the SSD, but I'm starting to run out of storage space and 512Gb SSD is out of question due to the high cost.
    I've compressed my windows partition in bootcamp to half the size without any noticeable difference. However, I can't find any option in OSX to do the same thing.
    I'm sure I made myself look like an idiot with a such basic question. But this is my 1st Mac and I'm still in the learning process.

    Rather than, or in addition to TimeMachine (which I don't use as I found it annoying to say the least) it is very handy and popular to clone OS volumes; and, to have those as bootable working backups; and for doing system repairs and maintenance.
    Even having a small-ish 20GB OS X volume (set aside part of your 500GB) though better to have redundant and more than just one backup. And people have put and been able to boot OS X for repairs, using 8GB SDHC flash memory (I'd look into Class 6 or 10 and go with 16GB $39 if possible though).
    Dual SSDs have been done if you go that route, using the optical drive bay.
    Add NTFS driver so you can write to NTFS volumes, your Windows partition or external drive. You could have external drive with NTFS, too.
    To clone Windows, some programs don't like GPT or EFI based systems, there is Casper 6. Even Windows 7 Backup & Restore fails due to Apple's HFS+ read support.
    MacDrive8: add the ability to read and write to HFS+ from Windows if you want to keep music files where they are but access from Windows.
    My main backup is SuperDuper.
    Cleans things up, I know I can boot from it, use that to repair the main system, and then keep it off line and update only if and as needed.
    Oh, and Windows Homer Server supports TimeMachine, iTunes, SuperDuper, now.

  • How can I compress the audiofiles on my hard drive as it is full.

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    Is there any software I can use to compress the file size of the audiofiles I am storing in MY MUSIC within MY DOCUMENTS. My iPOd indicates that I have used 11.85 gig out of a possible 80 gig but my PC indicates that the hard drive is full with 38.5 gig taken up out ofa possible 40 gigs. I have no other significant files on my PC.
    I am sure this is common problem. Please help

    A 40GB drive is only going to have ~37.5GB, not 40GB or 38.5GB.
    If your 40GB HD has 38.5 GB used, you better (quickly) delete some files as Windows needs room on the boot drive to function properly.
    Generally, you should have at least 10%-15% free space on the boot drive.
    have been busy converting my audiofiles to AAC files
    Are you deleting the original after you convert them?
    What are you converting them from? iTunes and the iPod can play WAV, AIFF, MP3, AAC and Apple Lossless so if they are alreay in one of these formats, you do not need to convert them.
    As Meg noted an external HD is probably your best option.
    You can use it to store all your music and also make a backup (very important) of your internal 40GB drive.
    You can get 250GB external drives for $50-$100.

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    Found the right-click for compressing a folder.

  • Is hard drive file and folder compression lossy - Windows XP

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    <[email protected]> wrote in message<br />news:[email protected]<br /><br />> If I archive my projects from an uncompressed drive to<br />> one that has a NTFS format with File and Folder<br />> Compression enabled, will the compression process reduce<br />> the quality of the video?<br /><br />Nom, but it won't reduce the size of files significantly, either.<br /><br />> Obviously, I'd like to utilize<br />> the space on the archive hard drive as much as possible,<br />> but I do not want to lose any quality of my projects.<br /><br />NTFS compression is lossless compression. That means that writing and <br />reading via it will be bit-perfect. Look at it this way, if even one bit of <br />an executable  program's .EXE file gets changed, the whole program can fail.<br /><br />NTFS file compression trades CPU cycles for disk space.  If the file being <br />written is essentially uncompressible, then you lose the CPU cycles and get <br />no space back in return. IOW, you lost all those CPU cycles for nothing.<br /><br />Video files tend to be rather uncompressible because they are already <br />compressed. Even DV-AVI files are compressed pretty signficantly.<br /><br />I made a compressed folder and then copied 3 files to it.  I checked their <br />individual file properties made sure that their compressed flag was on in <br />advanced properties. The AVI and MPG files were only a tiny bit smaller, but <br />the text file shrunk by about 60%.<br /><br />The AVI file was 14.8 MB (15,613,870 bytes) uncompressed, and 14.6 MB <br />(15,376,384 bytes) compressed. That's less than a 2% improvement.

  • Help/explanation needed - Using an external hard drive

    Hi everyone,
    I bought an external 250gb hard drive as my MBP was very close to full capacity. Yesterday, I had a bit of a scare...
    1. I backed up my Aperture Library onto the external hard drive.
    2. I had about 500 of my favourite images rated 5 star and so I selected these and set up a new project.
    3. I went through my Aperture library deleting folders/projects that I have completed.
    4. I went back into the 5 star ratings and they did not exist. I assume this is because I deleted the master files.
    5. I wanted to have the 5 star images on my laptop and so I connected my external hard drive once again. [This is where I felt I lost control and understanding of what was going on].
    6. I looked for the seperate Aperture files but could only find a file called Aperture Library. I clicked on this but nothing happened at all [I had thought that it would open up Aperture with the previous library].
    7. I dragged the library onto my desktop and waiting for all the images to reload onto my laptop. I then saw that everything was as it was previously, i.e. all the files and images existed. However, my hard drive space was even lower [I assume this was because the current workflow that I had left on the laptop was now duplicated?].
    8. Then I got a message saying my iDisk space is critically low and may damage my Aperture library. Moments later the majority of my images disappeared and a red space appeared where every photo had previously been. Since I have 2 weddings that I am yet to deliver I was very panicked. I tried to drag and drop the Aperture library once again and the message came back that the operation could not be completed due to the current file already existing.
    9. I unplugged the external hard drive and the photos re-appeared [much to my delight]. However, my concern is that I really don't understand what happened and more importantly why. I will need access to the data on the external hard drive in the event in the near future and am worried that the same thing will happen next time I connect it.
    As a result of all this I have some questions, as follows:-
    - Have I adopted the completely wrong approach to backing up data?
    - Can the master files be compressed as I shoot RAW and these are huge files?
    - Why could I not use the Aperture library stored on the external hard drive without downloading it back onto the laptop?
    and a more general question about file storage...
    - I am confused as to how much hard drive space is being used on my MBP. I have 13gb in Aperture, 1gb in iTunes and 1gb in iPhoto. However, I only have 50gb available, so half the capacity is currently being used. I know that Aperture and Garageband applications use about 10gb between them and there is of course the operating system, but 50gb in total seems a lot. On investigation in the finder screen I see that on my personal drive the Aperture, iTunes and iPhoto data is stored there. However, it is also stored under pictures and music respectively. Does this mean that it is storing duplicate copies of this data and that is the explanation for such high hard drive usage? If this is the case, can one be removed?
    I appreciate that this has been a long email, but I felt it was important to illustrate the steps I have taken. As you will no doubt glean from this post I am not the most computer literate person. Any help/explanation would be most appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Jamie.
    I am not sure what went wrong with your setup but I will let you know my configuration as an example and you can decide if you think it is a good way to have it. I am asuming you are using ver 1.5?
    Like you I have only a Laptop (G4 17" 1.5Ghz 2 Gig Ram - would love a macbook) so hard disk space is a premium. I also have an external firewire drive to hold all the HiRes RAW images. When I download my images from the Camera I do it manually into folders on the external drive (Cataloged by Date and maybe description of location). I then Import the images from those folders into Aperture but use the option when importing to "Store Files - In their current location".
    My Aperture library file is on my laptop so all that it has to store is the "Preview" file that gets generated automatically (in the preferences I have it set up to the resolution of my laptop 1440pix so that if I did a slide show it is only as big as my screen - anything more is a waste of disk space IMO.)
    I do it this way so that it is easy to find and work on my files with other programs such as Photoshop by going straight to the image rather than exporting from Aperture.
    Obviously I cant edit the RAW files while the drive is disconnected but I can still do ratings and keywords without the original files being there.
    I hope this helps.
    G4 17inch   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2 Gigs RAM

  • Can anyone help. I need to reuse my SDHC cards and transfer footage from an ongoing profect to a hard drive. Can i edit from the Hard drive or am I better transferring info striaight from camera to time line

    Hi I am using a JVC GY-HM100 camera which is meant to work well with final cut pro.  I have an ongoing project but need to save money and resuse the SDHC cards that are currently full of footage.
    Would I be better off transferring the footage straight to the time line (as rumour has it you can do this with this camera) or store the footage on a hard drive and edit it later without risk of losing the footage.
    Many thanks

    Thanks Linda,
    Here's some more info for you:
    This is my pet checklist for questions regarding FCP X performance - you may have already addressed some of the items but it's worth checking.
    Check the spec of your Mac against the system requirements:
    Check the spec of your graphics card. If it's listed here, it's not suitable:
    Make sure you're using the latest version of the application - FCP X 10.0.3 runs very well on my 2009 MacPro 2 x 2.26 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 16 GB RAM and ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB. I run it with Lion 10.7.3.
    Check that you have at least 20% free space on your system drive.
    If you have not already done so, move your Projects and Events to a fast (Firewire 800 or faster) external HD. Make sure the drive's formatted OS Extended (journalling's not required for video). You should always keep at least 20% free space on the Hard Drives that your Media, Projects and Events are on.
    If you are getting crashes, there is some conflict on the OS. Create a new (admin) user account on your system. Do NOT import any of the settings etc from the old account - simply use FCP X from there - if it runs a lot better, there's a conflict and a clean install would be recommended - but remember, if you reinstall the system, and then use Migration Assistant (or anything else) to import all your old settings etc etc, you may well be importing the cause of the conflict in the first place.
    Keep projects to 20 mins or less (about half that for Multicam). If you have a long project, work on short sections, make them into Compound Clips and then paste these into a final project for export.
    If you ever experience dropped frames, I strongly recommend you use ProRes 422 Proxy - it edits and plays back like silk because the files are small but lightly compressed (not much packing and unpacking to do) - but remember to select 'Original or Optimised Media' (FCP X Preferences > Playback) just before you export your movie, otherwise it will be exported at low resolution.
    If you have plenty of processor power, for the ultimate editing experience, create Optimised Media - most camera native files are highly compressed and need a great deal of processor power to play back - particularly if you add titles, filters or effects. ProRes 422 takes up much more hard drive space but is very lightly compressed. It edits and plays back superbly.
    Hide Audio Waveforms at all times when you don't need them (both in Browser and Storyline / Timeline). They take up a lot of processor power. (Use the switch icon at the bottom-right of your timeline to select a format without waveforms if you don't need them at the moment, then switch back when you do).
    Create folders in the Project and Events libraries and put any projects you are not working on currently, in those folders. This will help a lot. There's a great application for this, called Event Manager X - for the tiny cost it's an invaluable application.
    Unless you cannot edit and playback without it, turn off Background Rendering in Preferences (under Playback) - this will help general performance and you can always render when you need to by selecting the clip (or clips) and pressing Ctrl+R.
    The biggest single improvement I saw in performance was when I upgraded the RAM from 8 GB to 16.

  • I want to save important files/programs on an external hard drive, delete EVERYTHING on my computer, install snow leopard, and reload everything i saved on to a clean slate. Is this possible/practical?

    I was just thinking that it would be better to wipe the entire hard drive clean and reinstall some programs rather than go through and move certain things to the trash. Basically rebuild my software and file collection from the ground up, omitting what is unnecessary. Then again, I have no idea what i'm doing.
    My macbook was purchased in late 2008. 2gb RAM. OS X 10.5.6.  It's been going very slow lately so i decided i would look up how to improve. Snow leopard was recommended as well as changing my RAM. And so here I am.
    I don't have an external hard drive so i was going to just compress all my files and save them to my emac via ethernet. would they be harmed?
    also, i have alot of projects in ableton (a music recording/writing program). Would saving and transferring them be just as simple as finding the song? or are other components of a certain song saved in other locations?
    sorry this is so lengthy. i should probably stick with something simple but i just want things to run as smoothly as possible for as long as possible
    thanks very much

    Here's some info that may be helpful.
    Installing Snow Leopard: What you need to know
    You should get a Firewire connected hard drive and backup your MB's HD to it. That way, if something goes wrong during the installation, you can recover your current sytem, apps and files. After the SL install, you can use the external HD for frequent backups.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Creating a backup of a hard drive continuously

    I'm thinking of getting another hard drive which would be for backing up my entire hard drive.
    I'm not sure whether I'd want this to backup continuously (i.e. if I downloaded a file, it would go straight to both hard drives) or backup at certain intervals (i.e. at the end of every hour replicate the original drive, the advantage to this would be that if ever I accidentally deleted something I needed, say, ~, I would be able to copy it from my backup hard drive to my original hard drive).
    So what's peoples thoughts on this?
    How do *you* backup your data?

    If you are considering buying another drive to backup data you might want to look into setting up a software RAID 1. Software RAID allows you to mirror your data on two partitions on separate drives. When something is written it automattically goes to both drives, i guess this means if you delete something it is deleted from the other drive as well so it doesn't protect against user error! In theory this can boost performance when reading information from disk because there is two locations it can be read from.
    I currently do 3 backups, one of my home folder, excluding my music, one of my music, and one of my root filesystem, excluding some directories. I have been using dar for this as it creates nice compressed archives, allows you to split them, and lets you retrive any file from within any piece of the archive. There is also a frontend called Kdar. I have been telling dar to split the archives into 2GB slices and saving them to DVD or storing them on my windows PC using samba. I use 2GB slices because the iso filesystem used when writing DVDs doesn't like single files larger than 2GB.
    Someone just pointed me to an app called scdbackup:
    It allows you to write directly to cd/dvd which is a nice feature. It doesn't look like it has been built for arch yet so i'm going to look into doing that (although i am brand new to this distro).

  • Problem saving .dv file to external hard drive

    Hello -
    I'm trying to copy an old VHS tape to DVD. VCR to camcorder to iMovie 4.0.1 and edits all went smoothly. To create the .dv file I did File > Share > QuickTime tab > compress for Full Quality DV and created a 5.68 GB file movie1.dv - all OK.
    I don't have a DVD burner on my Mac, so I'm trying to copy the file to an external USB hard drive (Maxtor, FAT32 format) for transfer to my PC. The drive seems to work fine, and I can copy other files to it. But when I try to copy the .dv file to the HD it goes almost all the way through with the save and then I get an error: The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in the "movie1.dv" could not be read or written. (Error code -36).
    Error -36 seems to be a "bad disk" thing, or maybe a "corrupt file" - hard to tell for sure. I don't see how it could be the disk, since other files copy onto it just fine. If it's a corrupt file, what did I do wrong making the .dv file?
    Many thanks for help. - G

    I have been using a Lacie 120 gig drive for file saving. I just bought another external HD, it is a Maxtor. I installed the OS X version of drive format, but it WILL NOT work with I-Movie--as soon as you try and import video, it freezes and quits. I can copy files to it, but have not tried seeing if they play back or burn properly (I don't want to waste that much time copying huge files). Does anyone know about external hard drives that do NOT work well with IMovie? This model has a USB A-B connection and it operates at 9600 rpm.
    Thanks for any tips

  • I am trying to free up space on my hard drive. I am wondering what if any of the itunes files for apps or music can be deleted without affecting the use of them in the future if they are loaded on my i phone and i pad 2?

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    Any help would be appreciated.

    I am going to revise my question to this.  If I compress my itunes folder which would save me a considerable amount of space will this make the music and apps information stored in there unsyncable? 

  • Family Videos on DVD into Final Cut Express and external hard drive?

    I have family videos that were transferred from video tape to DVD. I now want to get the DVDs into Final Cut express to make movies.
    1. I am using mpeg streamclip -- what format is best to save to disk to work with FC express? DV or QT? Other?
    2. Is it faster to use an external drive (firewire) or the main hard drive of my computer? I have an iMac (intel, very first one) as well as a recent macbook pro 2.33 GHz core duo)
    3. I have an external fantom drive (1 TB) that I had connected to an airport extreme, and used briefly with user login as a central server. I now want to connect this to my iMac, but with some files I get "error code 0" when I try to copy them over, and others will work. I had hoped to keep all of the dVD files which I anticipate will be large on this drive. Anyone know what this means? I do also have a 500 GB G drive which works perfectly, but I suspect is not as fast.
    Thanks to anyone who can help. I am new at this and excited about making the movie, but not about the learning curve -- had been proficient with iMovie until the new version came out.

    I don't know how new you are to Streamclip but there are 2 DVs and the one you want is got via QuickTime as Tom said.
    When you drop your DVD files onto Streamclip and go up to the File Menu you will find "Export to QuickTime" and "Export to DV".
    The second one, I believe, is for iMovie but for FCE you click "Export to QuickTime" and in the window that opens you alter the "Compression" setting from "Apple Motion JPEG A" to "Apple DV-PAL" or "Apple DV/DVCPRO-NTSC" as appropriate.
    You can usually leave all the other settings alone, click "Make Movie" and wait !

  • How do I transfer files/folders to an external hard drive without "dragging and dropping"?

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to transfer folders of pictures and individual pictures to my external hard drive (which God forbid isn't an Apple product). I attempted to drag and drop, which usually works. I have also attempted to find an option in any drop down menu which will allow me to import/transfer/etc. the photos from my Macbook to the external hard drive. This is maddening because the hard drive was immediately compatible and I can see everything that's on it already, I just can't really do anything with the content going either way. Is it because I need to compress things? Something like that? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

    William G 42 wrote:
    , I just can't really do anything with the content going either way.
    Make sure the EHD is Formatted Mac OS Extended (journaled
    Format, Erase, or Reformat a drive
    In iPhoto, Select All the Photos you want to move... Then Goto... > File > Export >
    Choose the settings as seen here
    Click Export and select your External Drive
    Best to create a Folder to put them in... and away you go...
    More Help available from iPhoto Toolbar Help Menu

  • What is the best way to copy aperture library on to external hard drive? I am getting a message that say's "There was an error opening the database. The library could not be opened because the file system of the library's volume is unsupported".

    What is the best way to copy aperture library on to external hard drive? I am getting a message that say's "There was an error opening the database. The library could not be opened because the file system of the library's volume is unsupported". What does that mean? I am trying to drag libraries (with metadata) to external HD...wondering what the best way to do that is?

    Kirby Krieger wrote:
    Hi Shane.  Not much in the way of thoughts - - but fwiw:
    How is the drive attached?
    Can you open large files on the drive with other programs?
    Are you running any drive compression or acceleration programs (some drives arrive with these installed)?
    Can you reformat the drive and try again?
    Hi Kirby,
    I attached the UltraMax Plus with a USB cable. The UltraMax powers the cable so power is not an issue. I can open other files. Also, there is 500GB of files on the drive so I cannot re-format it. Although, I noted I could import the entire Aperture Library. However, I do not want to create a duplicate on my machine because that would be defeating the purpose of the external drive.

Maybe you are looking for