Compressor Repeatedly Crashing On Open...

Just this morning, I noticed that Compressor repeatedly fails to open... in the event that it does manage to open, it'll typically close out moments later...
I've checked the Console crash log and found the following - it should be noted that I recently re-installed and upgraded to 10.4.3... I've tried to re-move everything I can think of that is related to compressor and tried re-installing it several times... no luck...
Any ideas? Much thanks in advance!
Host Name:
Date/Time: 2005-11-21 08:44:27.812 -0500
OS Version: 10.4.3 (Build 8F46)
Report Version: 3
Command: Compressor
Path: /Applications/
Parent: WindowServer [59]
Version: 2.0 (2.0)
PID: 5324
Thread: Unknown
Link (dyld) error:
Symbol not found: __ZN6aecore14CMovieInstance16addExternalTrackEPP9TrackTypePPcmlll
Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/Compressor.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Transcoding.fram ework/Versions/A/Transcoding
Expected in: /Library/Frameworks/AECore.framework/Versions/A/AECore

I found the answer on the forum afterwards... just updated to 2.0.1

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    Sorry to say I've not had any success in getting Compressor 4 to work.  I've tried every suggestion mentioned earlier on this topic to no avail.  Compressor 4 is dead in the water.  On the last two projects I had to go back to Compressor 3.x.xx to complete the projects.  The only hint that I have of wha may have happened concerns something I did early on.  When I bought this computer I decided to replace the hard drive with a larger one.  Since I already had my software up and working on the drive that came with the computer I decided to clone everything to the new larger drive.  As I recall, Compressor 4 worked on the original drive but it doesn't work on this cloned version.  So maybe there is a relationship there.  I haven't had a chance yet to reinstall my old drive and see if C 4 works on it.  If it does work then I know the source of the problem but not how to fix it on the new drive.  Did you do anything like cloning your drive recently too?  It's just a thought and may not lead anywhere but later this week when I catch a break I'll give the old drive a try and will post my results.

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    mikeobe wrote:
    OK, kinda slooow here, I hope I'm not trying your patience!? If I understand you correctly, install dummy drivers and then the drivers that came with my printer, Designating NO default printer! Then when I need to use the printer I will have to declare which one each and every time?
    Or, just intall by new printer but do not Delcare it as the Default printer, I guess in this instance there would be NO default printer?
    You may not even have the problem!
    Have you installed the new printer yet?
    There are many more people who don't see it happen than those who do.
    PS: there is always a default printer.

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    I had this same problem this morning and I was literally in tears!!!
    I clicked 'file' and 'add folder to library' and selected the 'my music' folder - it restored everything including apps, recent downloads from tesco and amazon and CDs that I have recently added but not yet backed up.. I am now really wary though!!

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    Hey guys,
    Last night I was having trouble modifying video settings in Compressor. It would not bring up the settings window when trying to modify H.264 compression.
    I then decided to reinstall Compressor. Upon doing so it would crash on openning. I then reinstalled it again (making sure to remove all traces and such) to the same demise.
    I then went all out and completely removed Final Cut Studio. I then Installed FCP 4 (compressor 1.2 I beleive). Compressor still would crash on openning. The only odd part about the installation was after I restarted a message apeared saying that Qmaster needed to fix it's startup settings because it didn't have the proper security settings or something so I pressed "fix". To no avail, the application still crashed.
    This led me to believe that it was related to Qmaster. I then installed the FCP 4.5 update. Then installed the FCP Studio 5 upgrade. Still to no end, the program still crashes.
    Interestingly enough, when I launch Qmaster 2, it crashes after a few moments. I should differentiate between the two crashes. When Qmaster crashes it gives me the option to report it to Apple. When compressor crashes it doesn't even open. it pops up on the dock and goes away just as fast as it popped up. It never really even opens.
    I installed all the proruntime updates. I've gone through every forum avalaible to no find no solution.
    Any ideas?
    Alex Kirkwood

    Frameworks probably got whacked when you installed 1.2 over 2.0. Use this script to remove Qmaster/Compressor and start over. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED!
    echo "Shutting down Qmaster Processes"
    /usr/sbin/qmasterprefs -cluster off -service Compressor\ Processing off -service Rendering off
    sleep 10
    sudo killall qmasterd qmastercc qmasterca qmasterqd qmastertaskd compressord QmasterStatusMenu
    for i in \
    "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Helium.framework" \
    "/Applications/Utilities/Batch" \
    "/Library/QuickTime/DVCPROHDCodec.component" \
    "/Library/QuickTime/FCP Uncompressed 422.component" \
    "/Library/QuickTime/AppleHDVCodec.component" \
    "/Library/QuickTime/IMXCodec.component" \
    "/Applications/Shake" \
    "/Applications/Apple" \
    "/Applications/Shake" \
    "/Applications/Apple" \
    "/Applications/" \
    "/etc/qmaster" \
    "/Library/Application Support/Apple Qmaster" \
    "/Library/Application Support/Shake Qmaster" \
    "/Library/PreferencePanes/Shake Qmaster.prefPane" \
    "/Library/PreferencePanes/Apple Qmaster.prefPane" \
    "/Library/StartupItems/Qmaster" \
    "/usr/sbin/qmasterprefs" \
    "/usr/sbin/qmasterqd" \
    "/usr/sbin/qmasterd" \
    "/usr/sbin/qmasterca" \
    "/Library/Frameworks/AECore.framework" \
    "/Library/Frameworks/Compressor.framework" \
    "/Library/Frameworks/MediaServerAPI.framework" \
    "/Library/Frameworks/Qmaster.framework" \
    "~/Application Support/Apple Qmaster" \
    "~/Application Support/Compressor" \
    "~/Library/Preferences/" \
    "~/Library/Preferences/" \
    "~/Library/Preferences/" \
    "~/Library/Preferences/" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Compressor.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/DVCPROHDCodec.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/IMXCodec.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/HDVCodec.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Uncompressed422.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Qmaster_Applications.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Qmaster_Services.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/BatchMonitor.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Qmaster_Plugins.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Qmaster_Frameworks.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Helium.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/ProRuntime.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Swamp.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/Qmaster.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/TranscoderX.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/ProVideoCodecs.pkg" \
    "/Library/Receipts/ProAppRuntime.pkg" \
    "/Library/Logs/Qmaster" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    "/var/run/" \
    if [ -e "${i}" ]
    echo "${i} present, ** REMOVED **"
    sudo rm -rf "${i}"
    echo "${i} not present, skipping!"

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    Hi Spirax, if your new profile works after a restart or two, you may want to start back up in your old profile and use the Reset feature. This is a lot easier than manually copying data to your new profile, although that is another option.
    Some reading for you:
    * [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]]
    * [[Recovering important data from an old profile]]

  • I have tried to reinstall firefox a number of times but it can't open - it repeatedly crashes? whats the deal? (MBPro)

    Mac OSX 10.6.6
    Can't seem to install firefox....worked originally but then started crashing all the time. Now I can't open it at all, have tried deleting all firefox files and re-downloading...nothing works/ Thoughts?
    This in the crash info report when I try to open it:
    Add-ons: {23fcfd51-4958-4f00-80a3-ae97e717ed8b}:,{6904342A-8307-11DF-A508-4AE2DFD72085}:,{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.6.15
    BuildID: 20110303024001
    CrashTime: 1299265519
    EMCheckCompatibility: true
    FramePoisonBase: 00000000f0dea000
    FramePoisonSize: 4096
    InstallTime: 1299264996
    ProductName: Firefox
    ReleaseChannel: release
    SecondsSinceLastCrash: 372
    StartupTime: 1299265517
    Theme: classic/1.0
    Throttleable: 1
    Vendor: Mozilla
    Version: 3.6.15
    This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

    try opening in safe mode

  • Final Cut Studio crashing upon opening whenever external drives are active

    Hello folks,
    I've gotten some great advice on this forum for a while now, through reading other posts. But now I'm hoping I can get some directly tailored advice, as I'm floundering a bit. Thanks in advance for your time, as I've tried to be as thorough as possible in my description of the problems and as-yet failed attempts at solutions.
    The project is a full length documentary, and I'm having repeated, regular problems with Final Cut 6.0.5 crashing when I try to open the application.
    Now, here are some of the details. FCP will open just fine, if the external hard drives that contain all the media for the project are NOT turned on. However, if the drives are turned on, Final Cut will begin to open, the white box with the application name, registration information, and whatnot will begin, and it will freeze up, hanging there until I force quit. When I force quit, and look at the report, the only information I can get out of it is that the cause is "hanging", though as I'm no expert on reading crash reports, I'm sure I'm missing a lot.
    Once I force quit, FCP will not entirely quit. It remains "open", in that I can't open the application again, and my FCP icon in the dock has the little white dot next to it (I'm OS 10.5.6). However, if I eject the drives (which I am sometimes allowed to do, other times I'm told that the drives are still in use by an application), then FCP does resolve its force-quit, and is entirely quit. I can reopen it again immediately afterward with no problem, assuming I haven't turned the drives back on. If I'm not able to eject the drives, then I have to restart.
    My workaround so far has been to open FCP without the drives being active, turn on the drives, and then open the project file I want. This works, but seems to be evidence of some serious problems. If I'm opening FCP, and I have the user preference of "open last project upon launch" switched off, why would the hard drives affect FCP? Is FCP trying to read the drives even though it doesn't need any media from them to open in a brand-new project file?
    Other issues that have arisen are occasional freezes while in FCP. I will have FCP open (using the workaround), playing fine, and suddenly a click somewhere in the timeline will lead to the spinning beachball. This happens most frequently if I am quickly changing clips, or if I have just brought another application to the foreground and then gone back to FCP. When this happens, and I force quit, once again FCP does not entirely quit, but has to have all the drives ejected to fully quit.
    About the drives themselves - I am using 4 GTech 1 TB drives, all of which spin up normally, though two of them are now over 2 years old.
    About the software - I reinstalled FCP, and the problems existed beforehand and afterwards. I may do it again.
    About the operating system - I archived and installed Leopard, I did not back everything up and zero the drive before installing Leopard.
    About the project files - All project files are under 75 MB, most are much smaller. Since it is a long-form piece with over 200 hours at this point, I've been creating multiple projects.
    About the render files - I've flushed them repeatedly.
    About corrupt files - I've looked through my capture bins and trashed any suspiciously small QuickTime files.
    About FCP preferences - I've used FCS Remover a couple times, and the problem reappears.
    About permissions - I've repaired permissions repeatedly, and the problem reappears.
    About the rest of the system - Compressor won't allow me to submit batches, but from what I understand that is an issue with Apple QMaster. Also, the problems with FCP were there before Compressor was not working. I just today had a problem with System Preferences crashing once it opened, but after deleting the plist for System Preferences it seems to be back up and running fine.
    Machine details:
    2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
    6 GB memory
    667 MHz processor speed
    FCP 6.0.5
    Thanks again!
    Daniel Littlewood
    Editor, Don't Think I've Forgotten <Edited by Host>

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your input on this. I went through several steps, including most of the ones you recommended, and came upon what seems to be the problem (knock on wood).
    My editing setup is one MacPro, 4 G-Raid drives, and one Sony DSR-11 digital video deck. After clearing up more space the G-Raid drives to bring them to about 10% free space, things seemed to be running smoother - there were less crashes within FCP. However, I was still getting crashes on opening FCP, at the same "splash screen" point (after all the AE Effects and Video Effects had loaded).
    Running Disk Utility on all drives showed no problems, and unfortunately I don't have DiskWarrior (though that may be an upcoming purchase).
    It wasn't until I went through your suggestion of starting FCP with the individual drives connected that I got somewhere. FCP would start up fine with one or even two drives connected, but not with three or four. Doing a little research on that brought me to two threads on Creative Cow about G-Raid drives and daisy-chaining:
    Once I put two of the drives onto the rear FireWire800 port, and two of the drives into the front FireWire800 port, with the DSR-11 still in the back FireWire 400 port, my problems disappeared. Huzzah! The G-Raid folks recommend no more than three FireWire devices connected at a time, and lightening the load on the FireWire port by uncoupling the four-drive long daisy-chain has immediately helped. Now, I'll keep an eye on it, and may potentially buy a PCI card if something goes wonky again, but I am very happy to have gotten things up and running again. Cheers!

  • HT1338 iphoto crashing on open

    Please help:
    I'm expereinceing a series of crashes when I try to open iPhoto.  I just purchased iPhoto from the app store.  I'm running the lates version of Mountain Lion on a Macbook Core 2 Duo 2Ghz, 4GB ram, Macbook 5, 2.  I have a hybrid seagate drive installed also (not sure if this matters, just wanted to throw it out there. 
    Thanks in advance...

    I have the same question.  I'm running iPhoto 11 on the latest version of Mountain Lion on a brand new iMac just purchased this spring.  It repeatedly crashes, mostly when I try to edit photos, but occasionally when I open them to view.  I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling iPhoto.  Still crashes.

  • Safari repeatedly crashes after a few seconds

    I have a new install of Safari (6.0.5) in a fresh install of OSX (10.8.5) on a new MBP 2.9 GHz i7 8GB
    e.g it's completely virgin and new
    It (Safari) repeatedly crashes after just a couple of seconds though. Would a clean install of Safari solve this? if so, where can I get this from?
    An advice is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Crash report follows:
    Process:         WebProcess [2992]
    Path:            /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/ OS/WebProcess
    Version:         8536 (8536.30.1)
    Build Info:      WebKit2-7536030001000000~9
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  ??? [1]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2013-09-24 19:26:48.908 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.5 (12F37)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          53011 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  21 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
    Anonymous UUID:                      CBEF5BA5-900C-4F58-9ACE-1B9E64BB8EBC
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
    VM Regions Near 0:
        __TEXT                 00000001006ed000-00000001006ee000 [    4K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/ OS/WebProcess
    Application Specific Information:
    Bundle controller class:
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0                       0x00007fff8fd42a19 WebCore::Length::incrementCalculatedRef() const + 25
    1                       0x00007fff8f996186 bool compareEqual<WebCore::Length, WebCore::Length>(WebCore::Length const&, WebCore::Length const&) + 70
    2                       0x00007fff8f46a151 WebCore::RenderStyle::setWidth(WebCore::Length) + 33
    3                       0x00007fff8f51c42b WebCore::PropertyWrapper<WebCore::Length>::blend(WebCore::AnimationBase const*, WebCore::RenderStyle*, WebCore::RenderStyle const*, WebCore::RenderStyle const*, double) const + 155
    4                       0x00007fff8ffa2b2b WebCore::CSSPropertyAnimation::blendProperties(WebCore::AnimationBase const*, WebCore::CSSPropertyID, WebCore::RenderStyle*, WebCore::RenderStyle const*, WebCore::RenderStyle const*, double) + 123
    5                       0x00007fff8f51d079 WebCore::ImplicitAnimation::animate(WebCore::CompositeAnimation*, WebCore::RenderObject*, WebCore::RenderStyle const*, WebCore::RenderStyle*, ***::RefPtr<WebCore::RenderStyle>&) + 233
    6                       0x00007fff8f515fe0 WebCore::CompositeAnimation::animate(WebCore::RenderObject*, WebCore::RenderStyle*, WebCore::RenderStyle*) + 208
    7                       0x00007fff8f3e57df WebCore::AnimationController::updateAnimations(WebCore::RenderObject*, WebCore::RenderStyle*) + 239
    8                       0x00007fff8f3e56d0 WebCore::RenderObject::setAnimatableStyle(***::PassRefPtr<WebCore::RenderStyle> ) + 144
    9                       0x00007fff8f3f2d16 WebCore::Node::setRenderStyle(***::PassRefPtr<WebCore::RenderStyle>) + 38
    10                       0x00007fff8f3f2606 WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange) + 854
    11                       0x00007fff8f3f29a2 WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange) + 1778
    12                       0x00007fff8f3f29a2 WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange) + 1778
    13                       0x00007fff8f3f29a2 WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange) + 1778
    14                       0x00007fff8f3f29a2 WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange) + 1778
    15                       0x00007fff8f3c205f WebCore::Document::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange) + 559
    16                       0x00007fff8f98d33d WebCore::Document::styleResolverChanged(WebCore::StyleResolverUpdateFlag) + 221
    17                       0x00007fff8f98e66d WebCore::Document::didRemoveAllPendingStylesheet() + 29
    18                       0x00007fff8f4b74a2 WebCore::StyleElement::sheetLoaded(WebCore::Document*) + 50
    19                       0x00007fff8f4b7461 WebCore::HTMLStyleElement::sheetLoaded() + 17
    20                       0x00007fff8f97962b WebCore::StyleSheetInternal::checkLoaded() + 203
    21                       0x00007fff8f4b742f WebCore::StyleElement::createSheet(WebCore::Element*, int, ***::String const&) + 927
    22                       0x00007fff8f4b701a WebCore::StyleElement::process(WebCore::Element*) + 522
    23                       0x00007fff8fb108af WebCore::HTMLStyleElement::insertedInto(WebCore::Node*) + 47
    24                       0x00007fff8f91eda7 WebCore::ChildNodeInsertionNotifier::notifyNodeInsertedIntoDocument(WebCore::No de*) + 39
    25                       0x00007fff8f91e494 WebCore::ChildNodeInsertionNotifier::notify(WebCore::Node*) + 116
    26                       0x00007fff8f91dbe9 WebCore::updateTreeAfterInsertion(WebCore::ContainerNode*, WebCore::Node*, bool) + 185
    27                       0x00007fff8f528bde WebCore::ContainerNode::insertBefore(***::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Node>, WebCore::Node*, int&, bool) + 494
    28                       0x00007fff8f5289b1 WebCore::Node::insertBefore(***::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Node>, WebCore::Node*, int&, bool) + 49
    29                       0x00007fff8f52891d WebCore::JSNode::insertBefore(JSC::ExecState*) + 109
    30                       0x00007fff8f5288a3 WebCore::jsNodePrototypeFunctionInsertBefore(JSC::ExecState*) + 83
    31  ???                                     0x00000001008af265 0 + 4304073317
    32                0x00007fff945ebd70 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 912
    33                0x00007fff945eb9d4 JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 52
    34                       0x00007fff8f448e72 WebCore::JSEventListener::handleEvent(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebCore::Event*) + 898
    35                       0x00007fff8f44898c WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners(WebCore::Event*, WebCore::EventTargetData*, ***::Vector<WebCore::RegisteredEventListener, 1ul>&) + 220
    36                       0x00007fff8f41417d WebCore::EventTarget::dispatchEvent(***::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>) + 141
    37                       0x00007fff8ff947d6 WebCore::XMLHttpRequestProgressEventThrottle::dispatchEvent(***::PassRefPtr<Web Core::Event>) + 342
    38                       0x00007fff8ff94848 WebCore::XMLHttpRequestProgressEventThrottle::dispatchReadyStateChangeEvent(*** ::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Event>, WebCore::ProgressEventAction) + 56
    39                       0x00007fff8f5d9440 WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener() + 352
    40                       0x00007fff8f5dcc96 WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::didFinishLoading(unsigned long, double) + 358
    41                       0x00007fff8f99ceb7 WebCore::DocumentThreadableLoader::notifyFinished(WebCore::CachedResource*) + 423
    42                       0x00007fff8f46956d WebCore::CachedResource::checkNotify() + 93
    43                       0x00007fff8f906ee0 WebCore::CachedRawResource::data(***::PassRefPtr<WebCore::SharedBuffer>, bool) + 448
    44                       0x00007fff8f466cbf WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didFinishLoading(double) + 143
    45                    0x00007fff8c992d88 __65-[NSURLConnectionInternal _withConnectionAndDelegate:onlyActive:]_block_invoke_0 + 28
    46                    0x00007fff8c992ccc -[NSURLConnectionInternal _withConnectionAndDelegate:onlyActive:] + 227
    47                    0x00007fff8c992bc8 -[NSURLConnectionInternal _withActiveConnectionAndDelegate:] + 63
    48                     0x00007fff8e861d48 ___delegate_cacheTrifecta_block_invoke_0 + 307
    49                     0x00007fff8e8e460a ___withDelegateAsync_block_invoke_0 + 90
    50                     0x00007fff8e974fea __block_global_1 + 28
    51                0x00007fff8e9ff154 CFArrayApplyFunction + 68
    52                     0x00007fff8e8d5374 RunloopBlockContext::perform() + 124
    53                     0x00007fff8e8d524b MultiplexerSource::perform() + 221
    54                0x00007fff8e9e0b31 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    55                0x00007fff8e9e051d __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 445
    56                0x00007fff8ea037f5 __CFRunLoopRun + 789
    57                0x00007fff8ea030e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    58                     0x00007fff93382eb4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
    59                     0x00007fff93382c52 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 356
    60                     0x00007fff93382ae3 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
    61                        0x00007fff8d0ca533 _DPSNextEvent + 685
    62                        0x00007fff8d0c9df2 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
    63                        0x00007fff8d0c11a3 -[NSApplication run] + 517
    64                       0x00007fff8fe244ff WebCore::RunLoop::run() + 63
    65                       0x00007fff93a41462 WebKit::WebProcessMain(WebKit::CommandLine const&) + 2586
    66                       0x00007fff93a07bfd WebKitMain + 285
    67                    0x00000001006ede7b 0x1006ed000 + 3707
    68  libdyld.dylib                           0x00007fff8dffc7e1 start + 1
    Thread 1:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 2:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba84d16 kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8dee9dea _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 883
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8dee99ee _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54
    Thread 3:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 4:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 5:: JavaScriptCore::BlockFree
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba840fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c035fb9 _pthread_cond_wait + 869
    2                0x00007fff945d5b66 ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&, double) + 118
    3                0x00007fff947f8bfa JSC::BlockAllocator::blockFreeingThreadMain() + 90
    4                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 6:: JavaScriptCore::Marking
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba840fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c035fb9 _pthread_cond_wait + 869
    2                0x00007fff9475b9d4 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode) + 212
    3                0x00007fff9475b8b6 JSC::MarkStackThreadSharedData::markingThreadMain() + 214
    4                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 7:: JavaScriptCore::Marking
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba840fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c035fb9 _pthread_cond_wait + 869
    2                0x00007fff9475b9d4 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode) + 212
    3                0x00007fff9475b8b6 JSC::MarkStackThreadSharedData::markingThreadMain() + 214
    4                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 8:: JavaScriptCore::Marking
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba840fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c035fb9 _pthread_cond_wait + 869
    2                0x00007fff9475b9d4 JSC::SlotVisitor::drainFromShared(JSC::SlotVisitor::SharedDrainMode) + 212
    3                0x00007fff9475b8b6 JSC::MarkStackThreadSharedData::markingThreadMain() + 214
    4                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 10::
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba82686 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba81c42 mach_msg + 70
    2                0x00007fff8e9fe233 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 195
    3                0x00007fff8ea03916 __CFRunLoopRun + 1078
    4                0x00007fff8ea030e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    5                    0x00007fff8c9ad546 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 356
    6                    0x00007fff8ca0b562 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 11:: WebCore: Scrolling
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba82686 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba81c42 mach_msg + 70
    2                0x00007fff8e9fe233 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 195
    3                0x00007fff8ea03916 __CFRunLoopRun + 1078
    4                0x00007fff8ea030e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    5                0x00007fff8ea11dd1 CFRunLoopRun + 97
    6                       0x00007fff8fe395e1 WebCore::ScrollingThread::initializeRunLoop() + 273
    7                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    9   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 12::
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba84322 __select + 10
    1                0x00007fff8ea42f46 __CFSocketManager + 1302
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 14:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 15:: WebCore: LocalStorage
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba840fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c035fb9 _pthread_cond_wait + 869
    2                0x00007fff945d5b2d ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&, double) + 61
    3                       0x00007fff8fe5ed01 ***::PassOwnPtr<WebCore::StorageTask> ***::MessageQueue<WebCore::StorageTask>::waitForMessageFilteredWithTimeout<bool (WebCore::StorageTask*)>(***::MessageQueueWaitResult&, bool (&)(WebCore::StorageTask*), double) + 81
    4                       0x00007fff8f3af12a WebCore::StorageThread::threadEntryPoint() + 154
    5                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 16:: WebCore: LocalStorage
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba840fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c035fb9 _pthread_cond_wait + 869
    2                0x00007fff945d5b2d ***::ThreadCondition::timedWait(***::Mutex&, double) + 61
    3                       0x00007fff8fe5ed01 ***::PassOwnPtr<WebCore::StorageTask> ***::MessageQueue<WebCore::StorageTask>::waitForMessageFilteredWithTimeout<bool (WebCore::StorageTask*)>(***::MessageQueueWaitResult&, bool (&)(WebCore::StorageTask*), double) + 81
    4                       0x00007fff8f3af12a WebCore::StorageThread::threadEntryPoint() + 154
    5                0x00007fff9480e25f ***::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 15
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 17:: QTKit: listenOnDelegatePort
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba82686 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba81c42 mach_msg + 70
    2                0x00007fff8e9fe233 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 195
    3                0x00007fff8ea03916 __CFRunLoopRun + 1078
    4                0x00007fff8ea030e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    5                0x00007fff8ea11dd1 CFRunLoopRun + 97
    6                         0x00007fff94a8b2e6 listenOnDelegatePort + 403
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 18:: QTKit: listenOnNotificationPort
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba82686 mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba81c42 mach_msg + 70
    2                0x00007fff8e9fe233 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 195
    3                0x00007fff8ea03916 __CFRunLoopRun + 1078
    4                0x00007fff8ea030e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    5                0x00007fff8ea11dd1 CFRunLoopRun + 97
    6                         0x00007fff94a8b781 listenOnNotificationPort + 371
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c031772 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e1a1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 19:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 20:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 21:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff8ba846d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033f1c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c033ce3 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c01e191 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x00007fff5f50fd50  rbx: 0x0000000000000000  rcx: 0x0000000000000090  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
      rdi: 0x00007fff5f50fd20  rsi: 0x0000000000000009  rbp: 0x00007fff5f50fd60  rsp: 0x00007fff5f50fd50
       r8: 0x000000000000003f   r9: 0x000000014590a800  r10: 0x0000000000000000  r11: 0x000000009a069593
      r12: 0x00007fff5f50fde0  r13: 0x00007fff8f46a130  r14: 0x00000001485f9a6c  r15: 0x0000000149eab180
      rip: 0x00007fff8fd42a19  rfl: 0x0000000000010206  cr2: 0x0000000000000000
    Logical CPU: 0
    Binary Images:
           0x1006ed000 -        0x1006edfff (8536 - 8536.30.1) <F967F09F-969C-3788-9376-7B4067F402B4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/ OS/WebProcess
           0x1006f3000 -        0x1006f3fff  WebProcessShim.dylib (7536.30.1) <15AC7990-1B63-3AD9-905F-7331C901A578> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/ OS/WebProcessShim.dylib
           0x141eb0000 -        0x141ec6fff (8536 - 8536.30) <7DD903D1-505E-34D3-835A-15BE44CC49B6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebInspector.framework/Versions/A/WebInspecto r
           0x144b80000 -        0x144b85fff (74.15 - 74.15) <D8C40179-4A29-3401-9B35-6E61EA278D41> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IOAccelerator.framework/Versions/A/IOAccelera tor
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           0x146476000 -        0x146634fff  GLEngine (8.10.1) <1BD4D913-CE6C-3389-B4E1-FC7352E4C23F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine
           0x14666b000 -        0x1467dbfff  libGLProgrammability.dylib (8.10.1) <3E488CEF-5751-3073-B8EE-0B4CA39CB6AB> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgramma bility.dylib
           0x146813000 -        0x146c9bff7 (8.16.74 - 8.1.6) <A7A9E774-2CB7-3A51-9C65-0F39F0F6D1F3> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle/Contents/Mac OS/AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver
           0x146e0f000 -        0x146e1bfff  libGPUSupportMercury.dylib (8.10.1) <1DE2D7F9-C031-3BBF-BD5F-4E1208B6F296> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/lib GPUSupportMercury.dylib
           0x147222000 -        0x14724dfff  GLRendererFloat (8.10.1) <055EC8E7-2D7E-370C-96AD-DBEEDB106927> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLRendererFloat.bundle/GL RendererFloat
        0x7fff602ed000 -     0x7fff6032193f  dyld (210.2.3) <6900F2BA-DB48-3B78-B668-58FC0CF6BCB8> /usr/lib/dyld
        0x7fff8b83c000 -     0x7fff8ba71ff7 (106.1 - 407.7) <A676E1A4-2144-376B-92B8-B450DD1D78E5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
        0x7fff8ba72000 -     0x7fff8ba8dff7  libsystem_kernel.dylib (2050.48.11) <3323E9AD-2317-3C7A-AB7F-1C81F5E148B7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
        0x7fff8ba8e000 -     0x7fff8badaff7  libauto.dylib (185.4) <AD5A4CE7-CB53-313C-9FAE-673303CC2D35> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
        0x7fff8badb000 -     0x7fff8bb35fff (8.3 - 387.2) <5BA0CBED-4D80-386A-9646-F835C9805B71> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
        0x7fff8bb36000 -     0x7fff8bb44fff (1.1 - 1) <5AC28666-7642-395F-A923-C6F8A274BBBD> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Librarian.framework/Versions/A/Librarian
        0x7fff8bb45000 -     0x7fff8bb9cff7 (1.0 - 1) <F1D43DFB-1796-361B-AD4B-39F1EED3BE19> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ScalableU serInterface.framework/Versions/A/ScalableUserInterface
        0x7fff8bbfd000 -     0x7fff8bbfeff7  libsystem_sandbox.dylib (220.3) <B739DA63-B675-387A-AD84-412A651143C0> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
        0x7fff8bbff000 -     0x7fff8bcfcff7  libxml2.2.dylib (22.3) <47B09CB2-C636-3024-8B55-6040F7829B4C> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
        0x7fff8bcfd000 -     0x7fff8bdfffff  libJP2.dylib (851) <26FFBDBF-9CCE-33D7-A45B-0A31C98DA37E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJP2.dylib
        0x7fff8be00000 -     0x7fff8be59ff7 (5.0.4 - 5.0.4) <84F003C2-5758-3D0A-8644-F3A0BA4F22FC> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageCaptureCore.framework/Versions/A/ImageCaptureCo re
        0x7fff8be60000 -     0x7fff8be76fff (211.2 - 211.2) <F62749B0-AEA6-3673-8FD7-550E21622893> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Versions/A/Accounts
        0x7fff8be82000 -     0x7fff8bef2fff (1.9.8 - 56) <23ED7650-2705-355A-9F11-409A9981AC53> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ISSupport.framework/Versions/A/ISSupport
        0x7fff8bfbb000 -     0x7fff8bfbbfff  libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib (148.3) <F8681222-0969-3B10-8BCE-C55A4B9C520C> /usr/lib/libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib
        0x7fff8c01a000 -     0x7fff8c01cfff (2.0 - 23) <A97D348B-32BF-3E52-8DF2-59BFAD21E1A3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/Tru stEvaluationAgent
        0x7fff8c01d000 -     0x7fff8c0e9ff7  libsystem_c.dylib (825.40.1) <543B05AE-CFA5-3EFE-8E58-77225411BA6B> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
        0x7fff8c0ea000 -     0x7fff8c401ff7 (1037.6 - 1037.6) <1E567A52-677F-3168-979F-5FBB0818D52B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
        0x7fff8c402000 -     0x7fff8c40bff7 (1.0 - 26.2) <AF35874A-6FA7-328E-BE30-8BBEF0B741A8> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/C ommerceCore.framework/Versions/A/CommerceCore
        0x7fff8c410000 -     0x7fff8c4cdff7 (4.8.0 - 4.8.0) <6CE333AE-EDDB-3768-9598-9DB38041DC55> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
        0x7fff8c4ce000 -     0x7fff8c528ff7 (2.2.19 - 2.2.19) <3C7DFB2C-B3F9-3447-A1FC-EAAA42181A6E> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
        0x7fff8c529000 -     0x7fff8c52ffff (2.5.2 - 2.5.2) <C713A35A-360E-36CE-AC0A-25C86A3F50CA> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
        0x7fff8c530000 -     0x7fff8c531fff  libsystem_blocks.dylib (59) <D92DCBC3-541C-37BD-AADE-ACC75A0C59C8> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
        0x7fff8c532000 -     0x7fff8c7f6fff (7.1 - 1170) <A850809B-B087-3366-9FA0-1518C20831D3> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/AddressBook
        0x7fff8c7f7000 -     0x7fff8c83aff7 (2.0 - 80.6) <5CFA361D-4853-3ACC-9EFC-A2AC1F43BA4B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RemoteViewServices.framework/Versions/A/Remot eViewServices
        0x7fff8c8c6000 -     0x7fff8c8e5ff7 (2.0 - 133.3) <8BEC9AFB-DCAA-37E8-A5AB-24422B234ECF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ChunkingLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Chunking Library
        0x7fff8c8e6000 -     0x7fff8c942fff (4.0 - 555.5) <8B9EAC35-98F3-3BF0-8B15-3A5FE39F150A> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/QuickLook
        0x7fff8c943000 -     0x7fff8c974ff7 (1.2 - 184.4) <FB0540FF-5034-3591-A28D-6887FBC220F7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
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        0x7fff8cd35000 -     0x7fff8cd37fff (18.1 - 18.1) <0DC79455-CF81-3873-87BD-6BD14D89A6F5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OAuth.framework/Versions/A/OAuth
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        0x7fff923ea000 -     0x7fff923eafff (57 - 57) <9DD44CB0-C644-35C3-8F57-0B41B3EC147D> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
        0x7fff923eb000 -     0x7fff923fdff7  libz.1.dylib (43) <2A1551E8-A272-3DE5-B692-955974FE1416> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
        0x7fff923fe000 -     0x7fff926b5ff7 (1.0 - 926.106) <57043584-98E7-375A-89AE-F46480AA5D97> /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/Versions/A/MediaToolbox
        0x7fff926b6000 -     0x7fff92743ff7 (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <C7F43889-F8BF-3CB9-AD66-11AEFCBCEDE7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
        0x7fff927ad000 -     0x7fff927c4fff  libGL.dylib (8.10.1) <F8BABA3C-7810-3A65-83FC-61945AA50E90> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
        0x7fff927e0000 -     0x7fff927e3fff  libRadiance.dylib (851) <C317B2C7-CA3A-329F-B6DC-7CC33FE08C81> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.d ylib
        0x7fff927e4000 -     0x7fff927e8fff  libCoreVMClient.dylib (32.5) <DB009CD4-BB0E-3331-BBB4-A118781D193F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClien t.dylib
        0x7fff927e9000 -     0x7fff9286bff7 (3.0 - 2.0) <ACF0C667-5ACC-382A-A998-61E85386C814> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Versions/A/Heimdal
        0x7fff932c8000 -     0x7fff93307ff7 (3.42.1 - 285.1) <77A20C25-EBB5-341C-A05C-5D458B97AD5C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
        0x7fff93308000 -     0x7fff93322fff (2.1 - 914) <F0E11E75-03DA-3622-B614-2257EBDABF25> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaAuthoring.framework/Versions/A/CoreM ediaAuthoring
        0x7fff93323000 -     0x7fff93653fff (2.0 - 626.1) <656D08C2-9068-3532-ABDD-32EC5057CCB2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
        0x7fff9367c000 -     0x7fff938fdfff (1.051 - 152.4) <01C09924-2603-3C1E-97F7-9484CBA35BC9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/AOSKit
        0x7fff93915000 -     0x7fff9393cfff (4.1 - 410) <50F5A52C-8FB6-300A-977D-5CFDE4D5796B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyControls.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCon trols
        0x7fff9393d000 -     0x7fff93b29ff7 (8536 - 8536.30.1) <5A3C2412-FF47-3160-9634-32222C98D887> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/Versions/A/WebKit2
        0x7fff93b2a000 -     0x7fff93b2dfff (2.0 - 2) <BC221376-361F-3F85-B284-DC251D3BB442> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleSystemInfo.framework/Versions/A/Ap

    This crash is caused by a bug in the way Safari synchronizes with iCloud.
    Uncheck the box marked Safari in the iCloud preference pane. You may also need to do as follows.
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the text on the line below on this page to the clipboard, then copy it to the Clipboard (command-C):
    Quit Safari.
    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the Finder menu bar. Paste into the text box that opens (command-V), then press return.
    A folder window should open with a file named "Bookmarks.plist" selected. Move the selected file to the Desktop, leaving the folder open.
    Relaunch Safari. It will open with the default set of bookmarks. Delete them all. Select
    File ▹ Import Bookmarks
    from the Safari menu bar. Import from the bookmarks file you moved to the Desktop. Arrange the bookmarks as you wish.
    Select from the menu bar
    History ▹ Clear History
    and confirm. As far as I know, you don't need to reset Top Sites, but I'm not sure of that.
    You can then try to re-enable Safari in iCloud. It may start to crash again. In that case, you'll have to leave synchronization disabled until a more permanent solution turns up. Sync bookmarks with iOS devices in iTunes instead.

  • My firefox was crashing without opening the other day, now everytime i bring it up it freezes anything i have open that needs the internet to work (even games downloaded to my laptop). All this was caused after downloading the new updates last week.

    Crashed one day repeatedly, Wouldnt even open once. Now whenever I open it, It freezes everything on my computer requiring internet. '''HELP.''' All after downloading new version last week (May 8-14, 2011)


  • Photoshop 5.1 strange crashes when opening files

    Hi there
    I'd be grateful for any help with the following scenario:
    I'm using Win 7 64bit, and have run Photoshop 64bit CS4 without issue since first owning the computer (2 years or so), along with the rest of CS4 Productions Studio etc; I've now upgraded to CS5.5 Production Studio
    Now using Photoshop 5.1 64bit, I'm having trouble with Photoshop crashing when opening certain files - I get the 'Photoshop has stopped responding' windows message.
    The problem is intermittent - but when it happens, re-oppening Photoshop and then trying to open the same file causes Photoshop to crash again, in the same way, over and over.  The workaround seems to be that if you open several files at once, including the one that Photoshop crashed while openig, the files load ok - but this doesn't always work.
    I've disabled openGL drawing in Photoshop, I have no 3rd party plugins installed, I've turned off all scratch disks except the C: drive, and I've tried loading the files from different hard drives, without effect.  Once openned, I've re-saved the files in different loactions wih different names, to no effect.
    I've also had a 'DDE Server Window:Photoshop.exe Application Error message a couple of times when closing Photoshop
    There was also a day a couple of weeks back when workig on a particular file that contained a complex text layout, Photoshop 5.1 would repeatedly crash when trying to use the type tool - I have used a 'font fixer' program to check the fidelity of my fonts, and they're fine
    Overall, given the amount I've actually used 5.1 since I installed it, it seems very unstable - not what I've come to expect from Photoshop at all (I've been using it since version 3.0)
    If anyone could shed some light on any of this, and how I might get Photoshop stable like CS4 was, that would be really great, otherwise I'm going to have to step back a version

    A good possibility is that the latest version of Photoshop is demanding things of your display driver that it hasn't been asked to do before.  Display driver updates do solve a LOT of issues...  I suggest you visit the web site of the maker of your video card and see if they offer an updated display driver you can download and install.
    Your mention of the type tool issues implies a possibly corrupted or badly formed font.   Chris Cox just the other day shared a neat link to a handy font troubleshooting page...
    Lastly, it never hurts to set all Photoshop preferences back to defaults and then reconfigure only the things you know you need to change...  Do this by pressing and holding Control - Shift - Alt when cold-starting Photoshop.  You have to be very quick, and if you're quick enough Photoshop will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the current preferences.
    Good luck!
    P.S., At the moment, on my system Photoshop CS5 seems very stable.  I had some periods of instability, and display driver updates from ATI seem to have solved that completely.  Currently I'm using Catalyst 11.9, which may be interesting to you if you're using an ATI card.

  • Finder crash when opening any Folder

    I am a very experienced mac user and this one has me stumped. Im posting here to see if anyone else has this problem.
    Finder crashes when opening a folder on the desktop
    Finder crashes when using any option from the Go menu (or key combo) except Airdrop.
    Once Finder window is open on Airdrop any navigation to home folder or any other folder using side bar causes Finder to crash.
    Using Go To Folder causes crash, even on hidden folder like /var
    Finder is OK when opening files on desktop
    All other apps can browse file system and open/save OK
    Google Drive is not present on system (this used to be an issue a long time a go that caused similar symptoms in other threads)
    Drop Box is installed. But issue occurs even when dropbox is not running
    Using spotlight to open applications still works normally.
    Clicking the Finder icon in the Dock results in a non-functional blank window entitled "Window", all tool buttons are disabled.
    Repeatedly opening the same folder over and over results in the message "The last time you open Finder, it unexpectedly quite while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? If you choose not to reopen windows, you may have to open and position the windows yourself" Two options "Don't Reopen" and "Reopen". Both buttons have no effect except to dismiss the dialog.
    Steps Taken to fix:
    Booted into recovery mode and performed repair disk and Permissions - Finder Still Crashes
    Removed finder preference files using terminal
    Recent changes to system:
    iTunes 11.4 Installed with normal Software Update.
    Possible Cause of Problem
    Found app in iTunes that has File Sharing enabled and has a shared folder. Curious as to what was in the folder i dragged it to my desktop and double clicked. Im not sure if iTunes would have had enough time to copy the contents of the folder before i tried to open the folder. Finder crashed. This was the first time it happened.
    iPhone app in iTunes that I picked in was "Ubersense".

    1. This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, for better or worse, and therefore will not, in itself, solve the problem. But with the aid of the test results, the solution may take a few minutes, instead of hours or days.
    Don't be put off merely by the seeming complexity of these instructions. The process is much less complicated than the description. You do harder tasks with the computer all the time.
    2. If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data before doing anything else. The backup is necessary on general principle, not because of anything in the test procedure. Backup is always a must, and when you're having any kind of trouble with the computer, you may be at higher than usual risk of losing data, whether you follow these instructions or not.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    3. Below are instructions to run a UNIX shell script, a type of program. As I wrote above, it changes nothing. It doesn't send or receive any data on the network. All it does is to generate a human-readable report on the state of the computer. That report goes nowhere unless you choose to share it. If you prefer, you can read it yourself without disclosing the contents to me or anyone else.
    You should be wondering whether you can believe me, and whether it's safe to run a program at the behest of a stranger. In general, no, it's not safe and I don't encourage it.
    In this case, however, there are a couple of ways for you to decide whether the program is safe without having to trust me. First, you can read it. Unlike an application that you download and click to run, it's transparent, so anyone with the necessary skill can verify what it does.
    You may not be able to understand the script yourself. But variations of the script have been posted on this website thousands of times over a period of years. The site is hosted by Apple, which does not allow it to be used to distribute harmful software. Any one of the millions of registered users could have read the script and raised the alarm if it was harmful. Then I would not be here now and you would not be reading this message.
    Nevertheless, if you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them. Ask for other options.
    4. Here's a summary of what you need to do, if you choose to proceed:
    ☞ Copy a line of text in this window to the Clipboard.
    ☞ Paste into the window of another application.
    ☞ Wait for the test to run. It usually takes a few minutes.
    ☞ Paste the results, which will have been copied automatically, back into a reply on this page.
    The sequence is: copy, paste, wait, paste again. You don't need to copy a second time. Details follow.
    5. You may have started the computer in "safe" mode. Preferably, these steps should be taken in “normal” mode, under the conditions in which the problem is reproduced. If the system is now in safe mode and works well enough in normal mode to run the test, restart as usual. If you can only test in safe mode, do that.
    6. If you have more than one user, and the one affected by the problem is not an administrator, then please run the test twice: once while logged in as the affected user, and once as an administrator. The results may be different. The user that is created automatically on a new computer when you start it for the first time is an administrator. If you can't log in as an administrator, test as the affected user. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this section doesn’t apply. Don't log in as root.
    7. The script is a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, though you may not see all of it in the browser window, and you can then copy it. If you try to select the line by dragging across the part you can see, you won't get all of it.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
    PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/libexec;clear;cd;p=(Software Hardware Memory Diagnostics Power FireWire Thunderbolt USB Fonts SerialATA 4 1000 25 5120 KiB/s 1024 85 \\b%% 20480 1 MB/s 25000 ports ' com.clark.\* \*dropbox \*GoogleDr\* \*k.AutoCAD\* \*k.Maya\* vidinst\* ' DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES\ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH -86 "` route -n get default|awk '/e:/{print $2}' `" 25 N\\/A down up 102400 25600 recvfrom sendto CFBundleIdentifier 25 25 25 1000 MB 464843899 51 5120 files );N5=${#p[@]};p[N5]=` networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder|awk ' NR>1 { sub(/^\([0-9]+\) /,"");n=$0;getline;} $NF=="'${p[26]}')" { sub(/.$/,"",$NF);print n;exit;} ' `;f=('\n%s: %s\n' '\n%s\n\n%s\n' '\nRAM details\n%s\n' %s\ %s '%s\n-\t%s\n' );S0() { echo ' { q=$NF+0;$NF="";u=$(NF-1);$(NF-1)="";gsub(/^ +| +$/,"");if(q>='${p[$1]}') printf("%s (UID %s) is using %s '${p[$2]}'",$0,u,q);} ';};s=(' /^ *$|CSConfigDot/d;s/^ */   /;s/[-0-9A-Fa-f]{22,}/UUID/g;s/(ochat)\.[^.]+(\..+)/\1\2/;/Shared/!s/\/Users\/[^/]+/~/g ' ' 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Parental\ Controls Prefetching SATA Descriptors );N3=${#l[@]};for i in 0 1 2;do l[N3+i]=${p[5+i]};done;N4=${#l[@]};for j in 0 1;do l[N4+j]="Current ${p[29+j]}stream data";done;A0() { id -G|grep -qw 80;v[1]=$?;((v[1]==0))&&sudo true;v[2]=$?;v[3]=`date +%s`;clear >&-;date '+Start time: %T %D%n';};for i in 0 1;do eval ' A'$((1+i))'() { v=` eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((3+i))'() { v=` while read i;do [[ "$i" ]]&&eval "${c1[$1]} ${c2[$2]}" \"$i\"|'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}";done<<<"${v[$4]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};A'$((5+i))'() { v=` while read i;do '${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$1]}" "$i";done<<<"${v[$2]}" `;[[ "$v" ]];};';done;A7(){ v=$((`date +%s`-v[3]));};B2(){ v[$1]="$v";};for i in 0 1;do eval ' B'$i'() { v=;((v['$((i+1))']==0))||{ v=No;false;};};B'$((3+i))'() { v[$2]=`'${c1[30+i]}' "${s[$3]}"<<<"${v[$1]}"`;} ';done;B5(){ v[$1]="${v[$1]}"$'\n'"${v[$2]}";};B6() { v=` paste -d: <(printf "${v[$1]}") <(printf "${v[$2]}")|awk -F: ' {printf("'"${f[$3]}"'",$1,$2)} ' 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    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    8. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste by pressing command-V. The text you pasted should vanish immediately. If it doesn't, press the return key.
    9. If you see an error message in the Terminal window such as "Syntax error" or "Event not found," enter
    exec bash
    and press return. Then paste the script again.
    10. If you're logged in as an administrator, you'll be prompted for your login password. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. You will not see the usual dots in place of typed characters. Make sure caps lock is off. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you make three failed attempts to enter the password, the test will run anyway, but it will produce less information. In most cases, the difference is not important. If you don't know the password, or if you prefer not to enter it, press the key combination control-C or just press return  three times at the password prompt. Again, the script will still run.
    If you're not logged in as an administrator, you won't be prompted for a password. The test will still run. It just won't do anything that requires administrator privileges.
    11. The test may take a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A computer that's abnormally slow may take longer to run the test. While it's running, there will be nothing in the Terminal window and no indication of progress. Wait for the line
    [Process completed]
    to appear. If you don't see it within half an hour or so, the test probably won't complete in a reasonable time. In that case, close the Terminal window and report what happened. No harm will be done.
    12. When the test is complete, quit Terminal. The results will have been copied to the Clipboard automatically. They are not shown in the Terminal window. Please don't copy anything from there. All you have to do is start a reply to this comment and then paste by pressing command-V again.
    At the top of the results, there will be a line that begins with the words "Start time." If you don't see that, but instead see a mass of gibberish, you didn't wait for the "Process completed" message to appear in the Terminal window. Please wait for it and try again.
    If any private information, such as your name or email address, appears in the results, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
    13. When you post the results, you might see an error message on the web page: "You have included content in your post that is not permitted," or "You are not authorized to post." That's a bug in the forum software. Please post the test results on Pastebin, then post a link here to the page you created.
    14. This is a public forum, and others may give you advice based on the results of the test. They speak only for themselves, and I don't necessarily agree with them.
    Copyright © 2014 by Linc Davis. As the sole author of this work, I reserve all rights to it except as provided in the Use Agreement for the Apple Support Communities website ("ASC"). Readers of ASC may copy it for their own personal use. Neither the whole nor any part may be redistributed.

  • CS5 Bridge repeatedly crashing during drag and drop

    I've recently purchased Photoshop CS5 and I'm getting used to a new workflow using raw (DNG) images with my new camera. Since raw images pretty much must be browsed within Bridge (would be nice if Windows Explorer could recognize DNG files some day), I'm learning the ins and outs of working in Bridge.
    My problem has been repeated crashing of Bridge while sorting and moving around a bunch of images. I find it easier to view thumbnails in Bridge on one screen and use Windows Explorer on a second screen to create subfolders and as a place to drag-and-drop selected photos. I can usually move several groups of images to Windows Explorer before Bridge crashes but I'd say Bridge never runs for more than a minute or two between crashes. I've read a few other messages on this forum which have suggested holding down <ctrl> while starting Bridge to reset the preferences. That seems (though possibly coincidentally) to have changed the place where Bridge crashes from the StackHash module to the ntdll.dll module. The following is an example of the problem signature of one of these crashes in case this looks familiar or provides any sort of clue:
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Bridge.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4bff9363
    Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16559
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4ba9b29c
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0002e25b
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 0a9e
    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Additional Information 3: 0a9e
    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Before anybody suggests I am running Windows7 Home Premium (x64) with an Intel i7 CPU, 8GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive. I have all the available updates applied to the CS5 software, my video driver, and Windows itself. The problem is persistent and repeatable and rebooting and closing down all other applications have no effect.
    Am I the only CS5 user in the known universe having such issues or are there known problems dragging and dropping with Bridge?

    Rabbit of Caerbannog wrote:
      I find it easier to view thumbnails in Bridge on one screen and use Windows Explorer on a second screen to create subfolders and as a place to drag-and-drop selected photos.
    This may be causing the problem.  Drag and drop requires more resources of the OS and video card.  Can you use "move or copy to" instead and see it that works?
    Also, I can see no reason to use Windows Explorer to create subfolders and your method to drag and drop may cause other problems.  If you move files with an XMP file attached make sure it moves with it. 
    I think you are making it more difficult that you need to.  Also, Win. Exp does not display thumbs of Raw images as you mentioned. 
    If you want 2 browsers open click File/new window and now you have 2 copies of Bridge open.  Put one on each monitor.
    If you enter ntdll.dll in a web search you will see it is somewhat of a gereric hard drive error.
    Hope this helps.

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