Configuration Manager services stoping on regular basis.

we have installed and configured WebCenter Interaction 10.3 on Windows 2003 (x86) and using JVM 1.5.0_09.
Running all the component as windows services. Today our Configuration Manager services is stopping on regular basis.
STATUS | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | --> Wrapper Started as Service
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_2%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_3%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_4%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_5%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_6%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_7%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_8%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%JVM_9%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
WARN | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | The value of property '', '%BIT_MODE%' is not a valid argument to the jvm. Skipping.
STATUS | wrapper | 2009/08/06 06:14:48 | Launching a JVM...
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.3)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | WARNING - Unable to load the Wrapper's native library 'wrapper.dll'.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | The file is located on the path at the following location but
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | could not be loaded:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | C:\bea\alui\configmgr\2.0\bin\..\..\..\common\wrapper\3.2.3\lib\native\win32\wrapper.dll
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | Please verify that the file is readable by the current user
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | and that the file has not been corrupted in any way.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | One common cause of this problem is running a 32-bit version
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | of the Wrapper with a 64-bit version of Java, or vica versa.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | This is a 64-bit JVM.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | Reported cause:
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | no wrapper in java.library.path
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | System signals will not be handled correctly.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 |
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | OpenLog: verbosity level = 2
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | bid.bootstrap.loglevel=info+
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:50 | 8-6-2009     6:14:50.872     Info     OpenKernel.Config     Disabled-1249553690622     WrapperStartStopAppMain     com.plumtree.openkernel.impl.config.providers.ConfigXMLFileProvider     Loading config data from C:\bea\alui\configmgr\2.0\bin\../settings/config
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:51 | 8-6-2009     6:14:51.419     Info     OpenKernel.Config     Disabled-1249553690622     WrapperStartStopAppMain     com.plumtree.openkernel.impl.config.providers.ConfigXMLFileProvider     Setting subscription data.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:51 | container config context:EAS:configurator
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:51 | OpenLog: Registered application name: ConfigInitialization (local machine only)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:51 | OpenLog: Configuration component contained no logging settings. Creating disabled log service.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:53 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-12345
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:53 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | INFO: Initialization processed in 1157 ms
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:53 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | INFO: Starting service cm
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:53 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.14
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:53 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:53 | INFO: Deploying web application archive cm.war
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:55 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:55 AM org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm setContainer
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:55 | INFO: Set JAAS app name cm
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:55 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:55,810 INFO - Reading standard config org/apache/myfaces/resource/standard-faces-config.xml [FacesConfigurator:151]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:56,200 INFO - Reading config jar:file:/C:/bea/alui/common/container/tomcat/6.0.14/work/cm/localhost/cm/WEB-INF/lib/jsf-facelets.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml [FacesConfigurator:250]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:56,200 INFO - Reading config jar:file:/C:/bea/alui/common/container/tomcat/6.0.14/work/cm/localhost/cm/WEB-INF/lib/opencontrols-framework.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml [FacesConfigurator:250]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:56,200 INFO - Reading config jar:file:/C:/bea/alui/common/container/tomcat/6.0.14/work/cm/localhost/cm/WEB-INF/lib/opencontrols.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml [FacesConfigurator:250]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:56,294 INFO - Reading config jar:file:/C:/bea/alui/common/container/tomcat/6.0.14/work/cm/localhost/cm/WEB-INF/lib/tomahawk-1.1.3.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml [FacesConfigurator:250]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:56,294 INFO - Reading config /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml [FacesConfigurator:411]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:56,341 WARN - Locale name in faces-config.xml null or empty, setting locale to default locale : en_US [LocaleUtils:52]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | OpenLog: verbosity level = 2
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | OpenLog: Registered application name: OpenControls.winapaqlog4
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:56 | OpenControls.winapaqlog4
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,154 WARN - Ignored element 'dispatcher' as child of 'filter-mapping'. [WebXmlParser:347]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,154 WARN - Ignored element 'dispatcher' as child of 'filter-mapping'. [WebXmlParser:347]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,169 INFO - ServletContext 'null' initialized. [StartupServletContextListener:99]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,169 INFO - Serialization provider : class org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.util.serial.DefaultSerialFactory [StartupServletContextListener:140]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,185 INFO - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started [ContextLoader:174]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:57 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | INFO: Loading Spring root WebApplicationContext
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,263 INFO - JDK 1.4+ collections available [CollectionFactory:76]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,263 INFO - Commons Collections 3.x available [CollectionFactory:80]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,294 INFO - Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [WEB-INF/applicationContext-acegi-security.xml] [XmlBeanDefinitionReader:347]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,607 INFO - Bean factory for application context [Root WebApplicationContext]: defining beans [acegiFilterChainProxy,httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,securityRequestFilter,exceptionTranslationFilter,filterSecurityInterceptor,authenticationManager,daoAuthenticationProvider,userDetailsService,authenticationBean]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy [XmlWebApplicationContext:100]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,622 INFO - 9 beans defined in application context [Root WebApplicationContext] [XmlWebApplicationContext:322]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,654 INFO - Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default [[email protected]9d] [XmlWebApplicationContext:473]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,654 INFO - Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using default [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@f0f2f1e] [XmlWebApplicationContext:495]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,654 INFO - Unable to locate ThemeSource with name 'themeSource': using default [[email protected]f0fdecd] [UiApplicationContextUtils:83]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,654 INFO - Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [ defining beans [acegiFilterChainProxy,httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,securityRequestFilter,exceptionTranslationFilter,filterSecurityInterceptor,authenticationManager,daoAuthenticationProvider,userDetailsService,authenticationBean]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy] [DefaultListableBeanFactory:261]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,888 INFO - Validated configuration attributes [AbstractSecurityInterceptor:220]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,888 INFO - Using context class [] for root WebApplicationContext [ContextLoader:189]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,888 INFO - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 703 ms [ContextLoader:199]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,904 INFO - Initializing filter 'RequestContextFilter' [RequestContextFilter:152]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:57 | 06 Aug 2009 06:14:57,904 INFO - Filter 'RequestContextFilter' configured successfully [RequestContextFilter:177]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:58 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:57 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:58 | INFO: Deploying web application archive ROOT.war
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:58 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:58 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:58 | INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-12345
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:58 | Aug 6, 2009 6:14:58 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 06:14:58 | INFO: Server startup in 4531 ms
INFO | wrapper | 2009/08/06 07:10:02 | User logged out. Ignored.
INFO | wrapper | 2009/08/06 07:10:03 | User logged out. Ignored.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | OpenLog: verbosity level = 2
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | bid.bootstrap.loglevel=info+
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | 06 Aug 2009 07:10:04,279 INFO - Closing application context [Root WebApplicationContext] [XmlWebApplicationContext:599]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | 06 Aug 2009 07:10:04,279 INFO - Destroying singletons in { defining beans [acegiFilterChainProxy,httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,securityRequestFilter,exceptionTranslationFilter,filterSecurityInterceptor,authenticationManager,daoAuthenticationProvider,userDetailsService,authenticationBean]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy} [DefaultListableBeanFactory:272]
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | 8-6-2009     7:10:04.279     Info     OpenKernel.Config     Disabled-1249557004060     Wrapper-Shutdown-Hook     com.plumtree.openkernel.impl.config.providers.ConfigXMLFileProvider     Loading config data from C:\bea\alui\configmgr\2.0\bin\../settings/config
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | OpenControls.winapaqlog4
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | INFO: exiting forcefully... Releasing one worker thread.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | 8-6-2009     7:10:04.810     Info     OpenKernel.Config     Disabled-1249557004060     Wrapper-Shutdown-Hook     com.plumtree.openkernel.impl.config.providers.ConfigXMLFileProvider     Setting subscription data.
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | container config context:EAS:configurator
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | OpenLog: Registered application name: ConfigInitialization (local machine only)
INFO | jvm 1 | 2009/08/06 07:10:04 | OpenLog: Configuration component contained no logging settings. Creating disabled log service.
STATUS | wrapper | 2009/08/06 07:10:06 | <-- Wrapper Stopped
When we are starting , it stays for couple of mins say 10/15 mins then it stops.
Can any body have any idea what should i do to get it resolved.

The logs look odd to say the least on start up and there are couple items when the service gets the signal to shutdown that are suspicious.
My suggestion is to troubleshoot top down. Clean up the discrepant messages upon startup.
message : INFO
Please verify that the file is readable by the current user
and that the file has not been corrupted in any way.
One common cause of this problem is running a 32-bit version
of the Wrapper with a 64-bit version of Java, or vica versa.
This is a 64-bit JVM.
Are you attempting change the existing out of box JVM?
You know it doesn't use sun jvm anymore. It's JROCKIT.
Make sure your JVM Settings are as follows:
# Java Application
THEN Verify:
cd C:\bea\alui\common\jre\1.5.0_32\
java -versionYou should get something like.
java version "1.5.0_12"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_12-b04)
BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.4.0-90-89592-1.5.0_12-20070928-1715-windows-ia32, comp
iled mode)
In any case, your enviroment seems funky. Use the tips above to troubleshoot.
Troubleshoot this error first and find out why it thinks your using a 64 bit JVM versus a 32 bit one.
Last tip: Place Logging into Debug to see whether more logging will give you further insight into the problem.
Hope this helps!

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    You can access through useradmin.
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    There are actually 4 Cumulative updates. The patches are cumulative so you only apply the latest.
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    Chong Chuan Ng wrote:
    > How to configure u201CSolution Manager Service Desk Knowledge Baseu201D to allow Customer to check on the solution?
    > Can we make the Solution Database open for the key user? Can we add one link in the workcenter and the customer can search existing solutions before they create message to us?
    It's a good idea, but currently it's not yet supported.
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    Best regards,

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    Hi Guan,
    I don't know if my message is being sent too late for you, but only now I read your question..
    You have to go through Customer Relationship Management configuration in order to customize Service Desk and Change Request Management the way you need. Before, I believe you must have in your hands the specification of your Organizational Structure, who will be each business partner in your organization, with the correct responsibilities, then you draw the workflow you want to implement, which is the complete landscape, have your RFC connection to SAP working in order to send support messages to them (this should be ok if you already have SolMan working, it needs the RFC connection in order to update the services..). Once you define your processes, based on the ITIL, then you can start configuring your Service Desk. Inside the IMG of the SolMan->Service Desk you have the CRM steps you need (if you have SP09 or up), and the documentation inside the IMG are really useful. If you are not used to CRM, I suggest you take a look at the CRM Documentation, because most of the things are better explained there. Actions, Conditions for Actions, Business partners, Installed Base with default business partners, Solution Database..
    You may be a little bit confused reading the lots of docs that SAP delivers about SolMan Service Desk regarding using SLF1 or SLFN transaction Type. SLF1 was the old one, used by SolMan 3.1, and it has some differences from SLFN. In fact, SLF1 is more complex. It has items, SLFN does not. It uses a Service Confirmation, SLFN does not.. and so on..
    If you need more information, please let me know. I have been working with Service Desk and Change Request Management for one year, in Scandinavia, maybe we can exchange tips.
    Best regards,
    Raquel Cunha
    São Paulo, Brazil

  • How to configure request manager service for multiple website in one web application

    I have set up sp 2013 as below:
     web application : wa1
    site collection : sc1
    sp site: site1, site2
    I used 2 WFE, 1 APP, how can I use request manager service to control  site1 to wfe1, site2 to wfe2?

    That's not what i'd describe as load balancing.
    A better description would be load-isolation. In your description then if the load on site1 was large (and growing) but site2 was quiet then site1 would struggle and eventually become unable to handle the number of users but site2 would still be ok. That's
    fine from a QOS point of view but it's not the norm for load balancing. It would work in simple scenarios but the out of the box load balancing tools are much better suited than that sort of approach.
    This article shows how to configure the RMS and may help show how your request is difficult to configure:

  • Solution manager service desk - configuration -pls help

    Hi Forum,
    I have completed basic configuration of service desk (solution manager 7.1) and able to realize things like create/process/confirm message and email notification after automatic support team determination (which works well based on component). However facing below issues and have few requirement.
    1. Once the support team gets determined automaitcally based on component field 'Support Team' gets filled with a predeifined value which is obvious however furhter to that when i wish to change the 'Support Team' manually its grayed out i.e. i am not able to change it as it goes to non-edit mode. how to solve this issue?
    2. In mail notification if message is raised from the satellite system or solution manager itself i am receiving the details of the system e.g. products installed and software components which makes message unneccesarily long. Can i configure system to produce e-mail noification without system info so that a notification can be kept short. (This is required as client needs to use service desk for internal purpose and not happy to see the system information as its increasing the length of the message)
    3. While creating organizational structure in /nppoma_crm . i have created organizational unit/Support team/support in support team determination e-mail notification goes to the determined supoport team (to bp for which e-mail id is entered) however it doesnt goes to the employees mapped under support team as members (pls note bp for each member is maintained along with the e-mail id)
    4. I would like to know the method used for automatic sold-to-party determination as like support team determination & is it possible to reset the number range as while test plenty of messages got created e.g. 8000000584/8000000585/8000000586 to be reset to 8000000001 again so client can start from 8000000001.
    Please help by sharing your thought on this at earliest.
    Edited by: rupesh_modi12 on Dec 23, 2011 12:25 PM

    Hi Jitu,
    Thank you very much for sharing the links. However sad to say after succesful configuration still the issues mentioned below remains same :
    1. Once the support team gets determined automaitcally based on component field 'Support Team' gets filled with a predeifined value which is obvious however furhter to that when i wish to change the 'Support Team' manually its grayed out i.e. i am not able to change it as it goes to non-edit mode. how to solve this issue?
    2. In mail notification if message is raised from the satellite system or solution manager itself i am receiving the details of the system e.g. products installed and software components which makes message unneccesarily long. Can i configure system to produce e-mail noification without system info so that a notification can be kept short. (This is required as client needs to use service desk for internal purpose and not happy to see the system information as its increasing the length of the message)
    3. While creating organizational structure in /nppoma_crm . i have created organizational unit/Support team/support in support team determination e-mail notification goes to the determined supoport team (to bp for which e-mail id is entered) however it doesnt goes to the employees mapped under support team as members (pls note bp for each member is maintained along with the e-mail id)
    4. I would like to know the method used for automatic sold-to-party determination as like support team determination & is it possible to reset the number range as while test plenty of messages got created e.g. 8000000584/8000000585/8000000586 to be reset to 8000000001 again so client can start from 8000000001.

  • [Forum FAQ] Configuration Manager Console shows nothing if you change SSRS to using SSL after Reporting Service Point is installed

    If the SSRS is changed to SSL mode and http binding is removed after Reporting Service Point is installed. The Configuration Manager Console shows nothing in Reporting Pane. After digging into this problem, the cause is that the SSRS information has not
    been updated in Configuration Manager Database. The following steps are taken for finding the root cause.
    1. After changing to SSL, the Reporting Service Point log shows the error as shown in Figure 1.
    The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
    (!) SRS not detected as running
    Failures reported during periodic health check by the SRS Server DB2.SCJIZHO.COM.
    Figure 1
    From the error, seems the cause was the Reporting Service Point detected a wrong port. We digged around in Registry and found the information is a Registry key named ReportServerUri at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\SRSRP. After changing the Report
    Server address to https. The error is gone as shown in Figure 2. But the issue remains, the Console still shows nothing. It is not a right direction.
    Figure 2
    2. Open the Console log file, it also shows some valuable information.
    instance of __ExtendedStatus
                    Operation = "ExecQuery";
                    ParameterInfo = "SELECT * FROM SMS_Site WHERE SiteCode = 'PRI'";
                    ProviderName = "WinMgmt";
    [1, PID:3136][04/24/2014 01:46:00] :Property: 'LastModifiedTime'\r\nSystem.Management.ManagementException\r\nNot found \r\n   at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
       at System.Management.PropertyData.RefreshPropertyInfo()
       at System.Management.PropertyDataCollection.get_Item(String propertyName)
       at Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlResultObjectBase.get_Item(String name)\r\nManagementException details:
    [52, PID:3136][05/11/2014 20:14:15] :[ReportProxy] - User-specified default Reporting Point [] could not be found, [] is now the default Reporting Point (Figure 3).
    Figure 3
    It seems the Console wants to access the old http site and it fails to get into the site for sure. Actually, the Site Configuration information is come from Site Control File and as we all know that ConfigMgr 2012 doesn’t store the Site Control file in the
    file system. However, it’s stored in the SQL database (as XML file). The XML file is stored in a view named vSMS_SC_SiteControlXML. This view is a read-only view. We cannot edit it directly. The related table stored the SSRS information for this view is SC_SysResUse_Property.
    Running the following query will list the SSRS address. We can see the address is still the old one. This is why the Console shows nothing.
    FROM dbo.SC_SysResUse_Property
    where name
    or name=
    This article is just to let you know why the Console cannot show the Reports after changing to SSL mode. We do not intend to make you change the table in Database, if you want to change it, you will be at your own risk. The real solution to this situation
    is to reinstall your Reporting Service Point.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Ok, but how do you solve this problem? Does uninstalling the RP and adding it back solve this problem?

  • Configuration Manager 2012 R2 - SRS Reporting Services not configuring Report Server

    Hi all,
    I am running stand-alone primary site and remote (shared) SQL 2012 SP1 on Windows 2012 R2 Standard. Remote SQL server is currently hosting multiple instances and Configuratoin Manager is running on a custom instance. SCOM databases also co-exist on the same
    SQL environment (different instance with SSRS installed & running perfectly).
    After setting up the Reporting Services role on Configuration Manager environment,  srsrpsetup.log & srsrpMSI.log states installation is successful. However, when monitoring srsrp.log file, we encounter the below message -
    SMS_EXECUTIVE started SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT as thread ID 5232 (0x1470).
    07:44:00 7828 (0x1E94)
    This is a SRS Reporting Point Role as SRSRP registry key exists.
    SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT 02/12/2014 07:44:15
    5232 (0x1470)
    Waiting for changes for 0 minutes SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Check server health. SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Registry change SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Waiting for changes for 1 minutes SMS_SRS_REPORTING_POINT
    02/12/2014 07:44:15 5232 (0x1470)
    02/12/2014 07:45:15 5232 (0x1470)
    Steps taken so far -
    1. Switched reporting services to run from local system account to domain account. 
    2. Created new Report Server database on our instance and reconfigured Reporting Services to this DB.
    3. Un-installed and re-installed Reporting Services role in Configuration Manager
    4. Un-installed and re-installed SSRS on Configuration Manager (dedicated) SQL instance after removing Reporting Services role in CM12.
    I have referred couple of links on forum and none seem to help resolve this issue.
    Let me know if there is anything specific I missed out from my end. Appreciate any assistance.

    It seems that Reporting Services for SCOM and SCCM cannot co-exist on the same server (it sounds like a bad idea anyway)
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Best Practice: Configuring Windows Azure Management Services

    I have a 3 Websites, 1 Blob Storage, and 1 SQL Server that I would like to configure for basic stability and performance monitoring. I know I can set up alerts through Management Services based on various metrics. My question is, can someone give me a recommended
    set of metrics that are good baselines?
    It is nice that Azure is so customizable, but frankly I have no idea how much CPU Time in milliseconds over a given evaluation window is appropriate. Or how many Http Server Errors? More than 0 seems bad, no? Wouldn't I want to know of any/all errors?
    So if anyone has some "best practice" metrics for me, that would be really helpful.

      >> can someone give me a recommended set of metrics that are good baselines?
    Actually, many metrics depend on your scenario. For instance, if there're a lot of concurrent requests or if a single request is expected to take some heavy computation, then it is expected to have a high CPU usage, thus it is difficult to give
    you a specific number.
    In general, you may want the CPU usage of a web server to be as high as possible (idle CPU costs money but does not provide valuable results), but if it is low enough, if additional concurrent requests are received, they can be served without too much
    delay. In Windows Azure, you may want to setup auto scaling so that if CPU usage is high enough during a period, you create a new instance. If CPU usage is low enough during a period, you remove an instance. You may also want to use response time in addition
    to CPU to monitor whether you need to add/remove an instance.
      >> Or how many Http Server Errors? More than 0 seems bad, no? Wouldn't I want to know of any/all errors?
    As for server error, in general you want to get notified by all errors (> 0), however they're unexpected and need to be investigated. But if in your scenario you expect a certain level of server errors, then it is fine to use a larger number.
    Best Regards,
    Ming Xu
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Trying to make Reporting Services Configuration Manager work. Or, SQL Server Reporting Services.

    Under Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008, I have the following:
    SQL Server Management Studio
    Configuration Tools
    Integration Services
    Import and Export Data
    Under Configuration Tools, I have the following:
    SQL Server Installation Center
    SQL Server Configuration Manager
    SQL Server Error and Usage Reporting
    Reporting Services Configuration Manager
    I tried to enable Reporting Services through 'Reporting Services Configuration Manager' but I don't seem to have much control from this view.  I see two boxes, one named Server Name (and it shows my server name) and the other is named Report Servicer Instance (and this is grayed out).  If I click on the Find box next to Server Name, I get this message:
    Report Server WMI Provider Error: Invalid Namespace
    Invalid Namespace
    To get the Server Name I right-clicked SQL Server > Properties > General
    Any ideas on how to make Reporting Services Configuration Manager work?  Or, can you please give me more details on how to access "System control" => "Services"?  I'm not seeing it anywhere and I'm not seeing any way to find "Sql Server Reporting Services".  Basically, I'm trying to activate my SQL Server Reporting Services.
    I am using SQL Server 2008 Express Management Studio.  Is SQL Server Reporting Services included in Express Management Studio?  I read, online, that it is, but I can't find it anywhere.
    Thanks again!
    <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!-- Session data--></input> <input id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" type="hidden" />

    Thanks Jerry Nee!!  This may be exactly what I’m looking for!  I went to this link:  
    At the top of the page it says, ‘Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Express with Advanced Services’, which seems like this is what I’m looking for, so I downloaded the file named ‘SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe’
    Then, I cut that from my desktop and pasted it in my C-drive and I get a message that says, ‘this folder already contains a file named ‘SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe’, would you like to replace the existing file?’
    I’m thinking…what the heck?  Do I already have this thing?  If so, why can’t I see SQL Server Reporting Services?  Maybe I have it now, and I just don’t know how to access the reporting Services features…
    Couple quick questions:
    What’s the difference b/w these two files: 
    ‘SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe’ and ‘SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe’? 
    Also, my current version of SSMS, Help > About shows this:
    Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
    10.0.1600.22 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
    Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
      2000.085.1132.00 (xpsp.080413-0852)
    Microsoft MSXML
    2.6 3.0 5.0 6.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Operating System
    Should Server Reporting Services be included in this version?  I think so!!!
    Under Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager, I see this:
    Connect to a report server instance:
    Server Name: 
    Report Server Instance: 
    My server name is ‘'EXCEL-4J2W8KYNP', which I got from Control Panel > System Properties > Computer Name > Full Computer Name;
    However, when I put that server name in the box, and hit ‘Find’ I get this message: ‘Report Server WMI Provider error’ Invalid namespace
    Details: Invalid Namespace.
    I have no idea what this means…
    Thanks for everything!

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