Configuration of redirects from Zend Framework

I have to use a PHP project which are develop based on Zend Framework. I use SJWS 7u4 and have to implement mod_rewrite rules form Zend Framework (stndard rules).
I have to make rewrite url from http://some-name/some-dir/some-dir2 into http://some-name/index.php/some-dir/some-dir2
Exactly mod_rewrite rules are:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
RewriteBase /
I tried to make some rules in obj.conf, but I have problem with Sun's rules (my rules make strange chain of redirects).
IS there anybody to help? Maybe soemone heve the same problem.

Unless I'm reading your rules wrong they seem to be saying:
If the requested URI exists and has size, OR
If the requested URI is a sym link, OR
If the requested URI is a directory, THEN
Serve the file as requested, OTHERWISE
Rewrite the URL (internally restart the request) as index.php
Do I have that right?
I'd probably do something like this:
<If not $internal
    and not -s $path > 0
    or not -l $path
    or not -d $path>
  AuthTrans fn="restart" uri="/index.php"
</if>This may be more complex than what you need though (it also might now actually work the way I think it does, I haven't tried it). What you appear to be doing is saying "if the URI points to a real resource, serve it otherwise process the request as though it was for index.php." This could probably be accomplished more easily with:
<If not $internal
    and not -U $path>
  AuthTrans fn="restart" uri="/index.php"
</if>This tells Web Server to skip the evaluation if the request has already been restarted AND if $path points to a real (and accessible) file on disk.
I just yesterday [wrote about a similar evaluation|] in making Drupal work with Web Server. A couple of my other blog entries cover using the expression syntax for various tasks.
I also recommend bookmarking and re-reading often the [expression docs|] . I find myself re-reading it constantly when playing with expressions.

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    public static function setDb(){
              $options = array ( Zend_Db::CASE_FOLDING => Zend_Db::CASE_UPPER);
              $params = array ('username' => 'user',
                             'password' => 'pass',
                             'dbname' => 'web02prd',
                             'options' => $options);
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                   return $db;
              }catch(Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $e){
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    To add the ZF code base to your project, right click on your php project and select properties. You will then be able to select the "Include path" property page where you can add a library (see the "Library" tab) to your project. Select the Zend Framework library,
    For more details on library addition see this page:

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    public static void registerOpenSearchPage ( OAPageContext pageContext,OAWebBean webBean, String pageName , String imageID , String[] itemListToBeRefreshed , HashMap paramList, String refBaseFlag , String event)
    String url = "/OA_HTML/cabo/jsps/frameRedirect.jsp?redirect=/OA_HTML/OA.jsp&page="+pageName+"&retainAM=Y";
    String paramStr = "";
    if ( paramList != null )
    Set keyList = paramList.keySet();
    Object[] keyArray = keyList.toArray();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < keyArray.length ; i++ )
    String keyName = (String) keyArray;
    String keyValue = (String) paramList.get(keyName);
    paramStr = paramStr+"&"+keyName+"="+keyValue;
    url = url+paramStr;
    //System.out.println("inside another registerOpenSearchPage url is "+url);
    OAUrl popupUrl = new OAUrl(url, OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO);
    String strUrl = popupUrl.createURL(pageContext);
    imageID = "lineQty1";
    if ( imageID == null ){ imageID = "DetailsLink"; }
    if ( itemListToBeRefreshed == null )
    itemListToBeRefreshed = new String[4];
    itemListToBeRefreshed[0] = "customLOVLineId";
    itemListToBeRefreshed[1] = "customLOVDelID";
    itemListToBeRefreshed[2] = "customLOVTaskID";
    itemListToBeRefreshed[3] = "customLOVObjVersion";
    String refBaseFun = "refreshBaseFor"+imageID;
    String fun = " function openCustomLOVFor"+imageID+"() "+
    " { "+
    // " alert ('opening new window'); "+
    " top.closewin = true; "+
    //" var win = openWindow(window, '"+strUrl+"', 'lovWindow',{width:750, height:550}, true,'dialog','null'); "+
    " var win = openWindow(window, '"+strUrl+"', 'lovWindow',{width:750, height:550}, true,'dialog',"+refBaseFun+"); "+
    " var itemArray = new Array(); ";
    String temp = "";
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < itemListToBeRefreshed.length ; i++ )
    temp = temp + " itemArray["+i+"]='"+ itemListToBeRefreshed[i] +"';";
    fun = fun + temp;
    fun = fun + " top.itemArrayList"+imageID+" = itemArray; "+
    System.out.println("inside another registerOpenSearchPage before putjavascript");
    StringBuffer funName = new StringBuffer("openCustomLOVFor");
    pageContext.putJavaScriptFunction(funName.toString(), fun);
    String refBaseFn = "";
    //refBaseFlag = "Yes";
    if ( "Yes".equals(refBaseFlag) )
    if ( event == null )
    event = "GET_FOR_TABLE";
    //refBaseFn = " submitForm('DefaultFormName',0,{'event':'"+event+"'} ); ";
    refBaseFn = " submitForm('DefaultFormName',0,{'event':'"+event+"'} ); ";
    //refBaseFn = " submitForm('DefaultFormName',0,{'lovReturn':'true','event':'"+event+"'} ); ";
    String fun2 = " function "+refBaseFun+"(lovwin , event) { "+
    // " alert ('refresh function'); "+
    " if ( !lovwin.popupSL ){ return false; } "+
    " else { "+
    " var listOfEl = new Array(); "+
    " listOfEl = top.itemArrayList"+imageID+" ; "+
    " var result = lovwin.returnValue; "+
    // " alert ( lovwin.returnValue ); "+
    " for ( var i = 0 ; i < listOfEl.length ; i++ ) { "+
    " id1 = document.getElementById(listOfEl[i]); "+
    " id1.value = result[i]; "+
    " } "+
    " top.closewin = false ; "+
    " }"+
    //System.out.println("before javascriptfunction refBaseFun");
    pageContext.putJavaScriptFunction(refBaseFun, fun2);
    //System.out.println("after javascriptfunction refBaseFun");
    OABodyBean bodyBean = (OABodyBean)pageContext.getRootWebBean();
    //System.out.println("before onload javascriptfunction");
    bodyBean.setOnLoad("javascript: "+funName.toString()+"()");
    //System.out.println("after onload javascriptfunction");
    Could anyboy throw some points on this?

    Hitesh, the javascript Api you are using for opening Modal window, is specially for oa framework, as framework uses the same method to open a LOV.While in JTT there is no such available API, for that you have to use normal
    window. open.... (in javascript)
    that you use in any web tech like jsp etc, and attach it to button or link click.

  • Messages from Adapter framework  to IS disappear

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    for location
    Module Exception ' senderChannel 'd902100e953f3e15b0e04b3caf9dc415': Catching exception calling messaging system' found, cause: Some of the IS access information is not available. SLDAcess property may be set to true, but SLD is not available.
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    Delivery Exception for guid'87b54890-ae37-11da-c751-001125a5fff4' - non recoverable error, retry anyway
    For location ... ssageKey, AuditLogStatus, String, String,Object[]):
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    Thank a lot in advance
    Danilo Vaccarella

    Thank you for your suggestion, but nothing seems to be wrong in configuration (however I'm contuining my checks). In the meantime, are there other suggestions?

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    Hi Rob,
    If you are using IIS there is a config variable that allows you do this. First create a virtual directory in IIS point to <install dir>\Inetpub\wwwroot directory.
    and then do the below steps
    a.     Login to Content Server
    b.     Click on Administration Admin Server
    c.     Click on Content Server instance name(button)
    d.     Click on General Configuration
    e.     Update SSWebFilterIgnoreList configuration variable
    f.     SSWebFilterIgnoreList=virtualDirectory There should not be any spaces
    g.     Click on save
    h.     Restart Content Server
    Let me if this is what you are looking for.

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    Redirecting to external website from abstract portal component?
    private void redirectUrl(String target, IPortalComponentRequest request) {
      try {
        HttpServletResponse resp = request.getServletResponse(true);
        resp.sendRedirect("../../../../portal/" + target);
      } catch (IOException e) {}
    It works, but the content of my target-URL is still in the Portal-Frame. So I've two time the Portal-Framework-Navigation. Something like this:
    | Welcome         |
    | Welcome         |
    | content         |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    My goal is to redirect the whole page, not only the frame.
    Thanks for any help...
    Regards, Markus

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      public void doOnNodeReady(IPortalComponentRequest request){
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  • SolMan 7.1 SPS 11 - deactivate redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

    Hi Gurus,
    I am currently experiencing the case, that I can't call HTTP pages anymore.
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    I appreciate your help.
    Kind regards,
    Niklas Theis

    Hi Niklas,
    Perhaps this note can give You a little hint how to reverse to the HTTP setting again:
    1716999 - Enable HTTPS for Solution Manager web service communications
    Also check and adjust if necessary the setting for the webservice  “wd_sise_main_app”: Change the setting to “Switch to HTTP”.
    In addtion to that You also might look into:
    - the ACL file; if any block against HTTP has been setup

  • Problems installing Zend Framework on Windows

    I've set up a Flex project that uses the Zend Framework to communicate with a PHP webservice, and on my development machine, which is a Mac, it works fine. The framework was installed automatically by Flash Builder, and I've then added my services to that.
    However when I go to upload this to the Windows server which will be hosting the live solution, I get an error message as follows:
    faultCode = "Client.Error.DeliveryInDoubt"
    faultDetail = "Channel disconnected before an acknowledgement was received"
    I have updated the amf_conf.ini to point to the correct location for the services folder and the framework itself, and if I try to call a method which doesn't exist on the service then I get the following error:
    faultDetail = "#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\PHPFrameworks\ZendFramework\library\Zend\Amf\Server.php(553): Zend_Amf_Server->_dispatch('test', Array, 'WebService')
    #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\PHPFrameworks\ZendFramework\library\Zend\Amf\Server.php(629): Zend_Amf_Server->_handle(Object(Zend_Amf_Request_Http))
    #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\gateway.php(69): Zend_Amf_Server->handle()
    #3 {main}"
      faultString = "Method "test" does not exist"
    This suggests to me that the framework is running properly and is able to introspect the class, because it tells me that the method doesn't exist.
    So I'm puzzled as to why this isn't working. It isn't an issue with connecting to the database as the 'test' method only returns a string - there is no logic besides a simple return.
    I've tried including the Zend Framework path in the php.ini config, but I won't be able to do this on the live (hosted) server, but even so it didn't help.
    Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
    Many thanks,

    I was in the same situation, and after searching everywhere, tried evreything except reinstall the whole OS and all the programs from beginning (this I was told by the adobe help center!!), I tried the impossibile (or maybe not):
    1 - uninstalled muse (it was in the list of uninstallable softwares, even if muse was not really installed, no directory, no shortcut, nothing)
    2 - uninstalled air
    3 - downloaded muse from here and installed
    UNBELIVABLE the installation begin (before when clicking on it nothing happened)
    4 - launched the program and incredibly it ran!!!!
    5 - downloaded (from here and reinstalled air and the program said that it was still installed!!!
    6 - I tried to launch an air application (adobe help for example) and it worked!!!!!!!
    Hope this is a possible solution for someone else, I really lost days fixing that
    ps: just an updated still persistent little bug: I'm a creative cloude subscriber, and in my CC panel I still have the option of install muse

  • Add MySQL + Zend Framework 2?

    My LAN: Mac Mini Server + Time Capsule + two iMacs. Comcast cable modem is in bridged mode, DHCP and NAT provided by Time Capsule. Mac Mini Server provides DNS service to the LAN and Open Directory service as well as FTP, Websites and Wiki services that are publicly accessible to authorized users.
    One of the iMacs was previously configured to run Apache Server, MySQL and PHP as well as phpMyAdmin and Zend Framework 2. All were disabled so they would interfere with setting up a LAN and incorporating I want to start developing with ZF2 again.
    Is it better to add MySQL + phpMyAdmin + ZF2 to the Server or make the modifications necessary to have them continue to run on the iMac?
    I prefer to stay with MySQL but don't mind giving MariaDB a try.
    I don't mind buying another domain name if that makes things easier, but it will have to share my current static IP address. It's main use will be for developing and testing PHP/ZF2 applications.
    Thanks in advance for any recommendations!

    Thank you for your comments, they're appreciated, especially the advice regarding phpMyAdmin. I like to use it for development, but it's not necessary in a production environment.
    There is a LOT of information about MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, phpMyAdmin, PgAdmin, phpPgAdmin, ZF2, etc. for Mountain Lion that erroneously claim to work for Mountain Lion Server as well. But there are significant differences between ML and ML Server, at least with PostgreSQL (different location) and PgAdmin (removed by the installer).
    I may give PostgreSQL and PgAdmin or phpPgAdmin a try since PostgreSQL is already installed. PgAdmin and phpPgAdmin were very easy to install and configure.
    PostgreSQL is used by some services provided by so I need to be careful when setting it up for my databases. It may be as simple as creating another superuser.
    Then again, it may be better to reconfigure the setup on iMac to get it working in my network. Based on your recommendation in another thread I looked into MariaDB as a "drop-in" replacement to MySQL. That looks promising, but I'm wary of using MacPorts or Homebrew to install it and I haven't yet slogged through all the steps needed to compile it on my iMac.

  • Using Zend Framework

    Is anyone using zend with Wamp successfully, I have revisited this "framework" a few times but revert back to amfphp because at least it works, now when I go to start with zend it copies itself to my host then when I go to create classes I get an error if I try to proceed wamp gets trashed.
    image of error attached.

    Mayank (Adobe) wrote:
    Did the server settings entered in the new project wizard validate? Which version of WAMP are you trying to use?
    The server was validated and zend installed into the wamp webfolder correctly, its just that when attempting to create a sample class things fail then wamp becomes unusable even after a reboot. I use wamp 2.0i.  Anyway the upshot is that from the beginning the zend framework has been more a hinderance than a help its a pity that Adobe didn't strike a deal with the author of AMFPhp(who unfortunately went to zend) and just give us a proper set of AMF classes instead of a low performance framework which is more about bloat than functionality and even less about AMF.
    Anyway as I said earlier i have better things to do with my time and I now have the deprecated parts of AMFPhp sorted so its back to something that works without the headaches.

  • Zend Framework gives strange Oracle query

    I'm trying to migrate an application from MySQL to Oracle. I'm a newbie to Oracle.
    I want the PHP scripts to work on both MySQL and Oracle.
    The query I want to do used to be (for MySQL via AdoDB):
    FROM table1
    INNER JOIN table2 ON = table2.record_id
    AND table2.user_id = "XXX"
    AND table1.status = table2.status_id
    The following code works great for MySQL but generates some strange output for Oracle:
    $db = Zend_Db::factory('Oracle', //Mysqli for the MySQL db connection
    'host' => 'hostName',
    'dbname' => 'dbName',
    'username'=> 'userName',
    'password'=> 'userPasswd')
    $select = $db->select();
    $select->from(array('i' => 'table1'),array('id'));
    $select->joinInner(array('u' => 'table2'),' = u.record_id',array());
    $select->where('u.user_id = ?', 'XXX');
    This results in
    for MySQL:
    SELECT DISTINCT `i`.`id` FROM `table1` AS `i` INNER JOIN `table2` AS `u` ON = u.record_id WHERE (u.user_id = 'XXX') AND (i.status=u.status_id)
    this works fine.
    for Oracle:
    SELECT DISTINCT "i"."id" FROM "table1" "i" INNER JOIN *"table2" "u" ON = u.record_id WHERE (u.user_id = 'XXX') AND (i.status=u.status_id)
    this does not work:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    when I copy/paste this in SQL developer this gives an error too, complaining about ' *"table2" ' which does not exist.
    The only query my SQL developer accepts is :
    SELECT DISTINCT i."id" FROM table1 i INNER JOIN table2 u ON i."id" = u."record_id" WHERE (u."user_id" = 'XXX') AND (i."status"=u."status_id")
    I have no idea how I can make this query with Zend Framework.
    The query should have:
    - no quotes around the table names
    - quotes around the column names
    - no * before the second table name (table2)
    Is this a Zend Framework problem or is my Oracle db not very well made?

    I believe there are some issues with ZF regarding quoting, e.g. see (also note the comment about autoQuoteIdentifier).
    I'd review open ZF bugs, upgrade to the latest ZF and report the issue if it still occurs.
    At worst case, you may need a branch in your code that manually constructs the query when running against Oracle.

  • Zend Framework & Creative Cloud

    I am unable to sync certain files to Creative Cloud.  See the link below, teh files are from teh Zend Framework.  Any ideas/work around for this?

    This is an open forum, not a direct link to Adobe support
    Please go back to your message #2 with a web browser and remove your personal information so a "web crawler" does not add you to a spam database
    If you reply by cell phone or email, be sure you do not include a signature file

  • SSO problem when redirecting from a JSP page to an external application

    I try to make a redirect from a JSP page (that is under a SSO protected application on iAS) to another page from another application, on an external iAS server, also protected by (a different) SSO. After the redirection is done, the login window appears, I enter the login name and the password and after that I obtain the followin error:
    "Oracle SSO Failure - Unable to process request
    Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured.
    Please notify your administrator."
    In the logs og the server I found the following:
    [OSSO] W05: Requested URL is not specified in terms of fully-qualified host name or invalid SSO partner configuration. Host from request, registered host
    (the ip address being the address of the host).
    Any clue about this? Thanks a lot in advance!

    Hi Carlo,
    Thanks for your answer.
    The JSP original page is not added as a partner application to the second SSO server.
    The idea was that the user should insert first the login name/passwd for the first server, after being logged in, then redirected to the second application (on a different server), insert the login name/password for the second application and then load the 2nd application page. It seems that is not working after inserting the password for the 2nd application.
    Coming to a more general question that could help me to avoid this complicated approach: is it possible to have two different applications deployed on two different iAS servers and the two applications to use the same SSO (let's say the one from the first iAS server)? I have to mention that the process scenario is the following: the user load a page from the first application (protected by SSO), then, after successfull login and some processing in the first app, he will be automatically redirected by the first app to the second application, on the second server. I want to have also the second application, on the 2nd server, protected by SSO (ideally would be the same SSO as the first one!). Ideally the scenario would be: if it is redirected from the first app and the user is already authenticated, the automatic redirection should be done transparently for the user (without enetring the password again). If the user goes directly from the browser to a page of the second app, the SSO login window should be displayed and the user should provide his password.
    Is such a scenario possible on two apps deployed on two different servers?!
    Thanks a lot again!

  • Uploading files using Zend Framework

    I am tyring to use the Zend Framework to upload files as outlined in the "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 with PHP" book by David Powers.  I've been using the example code (more or less), and can get it to work perfectly with a local XAMPP installation of Apache and PHP.  Howver, I can't get it to work successfully with a hosted site, having tried both GoDaddy and Verio.
    The Zend Framework is correctly installed, include paths set correctly (I know this because other Zend FW operations, such as validation work fine).  In addition, if the directory I want to upload to isn't correctly specified I get errors on that.  But when I try to actually upload a file (again, with code that works on the XAMPP platform), I get nothing.  No errors, and no uploaded file.
    I have the script set up to send an email with a link to the uploaded file, and the name field is blank (but the email does get sent, again indicating that the ZF is working).  I'm concluding I have something incorrectly configured on the hosting plaforms, and am looking for suggestions as what to look at.  Thanks.
    BTW, checked the permissions on the upload directory, and it should be writeable...

    Thanks for the reply.  I neglected to mention that file upload do work on the server, it's just the Zend FW implementation that doesn't.  The Zend FW is basically what is in your book, and nothing happens when I try an upload, but I know that the code is talking to the FW (e.g., if I provide an invalid path, I get the appropraite PHP error).  If I don't use the FW it works.  So the following code correctly uploads a file on the hosting platform:
    if ($_POST['send']) {
    //validate the user input
    $val = new Zend_Validate_Alnum(TRUE);
    if (!$val->isValid($_POST['name'])) {
       $errors['name'] = 'Name is required';
    $val = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress();
    if (!$val->isValid($_POST['email'])) {
       $errors['email'] = 'Email address is required';
    $val = new Zend_Validate_StringLength(10);
    if (!$val->isValid($_POST['message'])) {
       $errors['message'] = 'Required';
    if (!$errors) {
      foreach($_FILES as $temp_name => $file_array) {
       $file_name = str_replace(" ","_",$file_array["name"]);
       if (is_uploaded_file($file_array["tmp_name"])) {
        move_uploaded_file($file_array["tmp_name"], "$file_dir/".$file_name) or die ("Couldn't copy");
       $new_names[] = $file_name;
      //start building the mail string
      $msg = "Name:\n\t\t".$_POST["name"]."\n";
      $msg .= "E-Mail:\n\t\t".$_POST["email"]."\n";
      $msg .= "Message:\n\t\t".$_POST["message"]."\n";
      foreach ($new_names as $name) {
       if ($name != "") {
       $msg .=  "Link: xxx/uploads/$name"."\n\n";
    Using this code I wil email that contains links to the uploaded files, which I can then sucessfully download.  So it's the FW code that fails... and note that the Zend validation code above does work correctly; I get errors if invalid entries are made.
    Also, I note that my hosting providers only support PHP 5.2.14, whereas on my XAMPP installation I'm using 5.3  Could that be an issue?

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