Configurator Preview

In my configurator, I'm able to define all the settings as I should,
but the 'extra' features of the floor plan manager configurator are not visible.
Is there some authorization object needed or is this only available as from a defined service pack?
If so which?
thanks in advance,

Hallo Simon,
when I now look in the configurator i can see the area with the mainsteps, initial screen,...
in fact it's almost identical to the normal configurator, I don't have the preview area or others as is
explained in the documentation or developer guidelines.

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    I think not, they represent two different character streams. You probably need to search for both if you don't already know which of them the text uses.
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    This has come up previously, and it's a limitation of the printing system that Preview can't handle documents with mixed orientation. The solution, until Apple addresses this, is to print out the different orientations as separate jobs. Going back to Acrobat is probably a better solution.

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    Rick - I know that is possible (in theory) to trap the keystroke using JavaScript and replace it (or, do a focus() call or similar to move the focus to another element), but figuring out where you are in the table can get quite hairy.
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    I don't have your particular program, but many use Page Setup to configure the layout of printing from the File menu.    If you can save as PDF you can configure Preview to change the page layout that way.

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                            1. NI-9217 (4 RTDs)
                            2. NI-9217 (4 RTDs)
                            3. NI-9219 (4 RTDs)
                            4. NI-9219 (4 RTDs)
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    Go to Solution.

    Hi dsasorin,
    The error that you have mentioned can be caused due to a number of reasons. There is a knowledgebase article listing several reasons for it that can be helpful. Have you created a task beforehand in MAX? Are you generating the code directly from it or are you writing the code in LabVIEW and asking it to use the channels from the task you specify? Have you tried using the lower level DAQmx VIs such as DAQmx Task name and then tried generating code from that by right-clicking and selecting Generate Code >> Configuration and Example. Hope this helps!
    Ipshita C.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Create a Dynamic Action:
    Event: Page Load
    Condition: -No Condition -
    True Actions
    Action: Hide
    Selection Type: jQuery Selector
    Affected Elements: #t20PageHeader
    Condition Type: Request = Expression 1
    Expression 1: CRM

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    You can use the FM ..RV_MESSAGE_UPDATE..

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    Try to import the model file first by going to SLD->Administration->Import CIM Model. If the problem sticks, then try to remove the systems. The preview version has lots of pre-exist system name in the technical system, which you can find giving errors since they're not reachable. So you can remove them from SLD (Home->Technical Systems) if they are preventing you from procceeding.
    You need to go to http://server:port/dtr/system-tools/administration/NameServerConfiguration to update the name server as well.
    Hope this helps...
    Message was edited by: Yujian Yan

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    Hi Kapil ,
    Use this ,
    but with one minor change . It is in SOA Management -> Technical Configuration -> Destination Template Management.

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    Hi Prachi,
    The following are the prerquisites for the working of ESS.
    - SAP NetWeaver 2004s with Portal
    - SAP ERP Core Components (SAP ECC) 6.0 with the following extensions:
          Human Resources Extension (EA-HR)
          Financials Extension (EA-FIN)
    - System Landscape Directory (SLD)
    - Adobe Document Services (ADS)
    And the following Components need to be deployed:
    - BP ERP05 ESS 1.0 (Contains Portal Content )
    - SAP_ESS  (Web Dynpro Component )
    - SAP_PCUIGP (Web Dynpro Component )
    You can find more info in the business package documentation.
    Reward Points for helpful answers.

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    Please, I need your help .

    You have to configure in the following tables depending on your E-Recruiting version:
    Parameter FORM_REQ_DOVR in table V77RCF_PRMC_PL for Recruiters,
    Parameter SF_VIEW_REQ in table V77RCF_MDL_PRMC for Managers,
    Parameter hrrcf_req_dovr - SF_VIEW_REQ in table T77RCF_UI_PARAM for BSP applications.

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    A typical staging enabled ATG will look like below (at basic level) as per my understanding so far in ATG learning,
    Asset management server - Stores/Manages internal users(BCC/CA/Merchandising/ACC users), versioning commerce assets & other versioned repositories
    Staging server - Unversioned/non-versioned commerce items and other repositories
    Production server - Unversioned/non-versioned commerce items & other repositories and Stores/Manages External users(customer)-"core schema"
    In this, the external(customers) profiles are stored only in production site.
    As staging site is basically termed as replica of production site, Should the Store(customer facing) application to be deployed in staging server as well? If so, how does it will point production core schema?
    Keeping this on one side, I have also heared 'preview feature/server'? Isn't this staging? what is the difference?

    Thanks Shaik for your response.
    Got 2 more doubts need clarification:
    Question 1: You were saying staging will have replica of CORE and switcha/switchb schemas. I have tried creating an external user from BCC in my environment and it fell only in production server's CORE schema even-though I configured JTDataSource_staging to point to staging's CORE and JTDataSource_production to point to production's CORE on asset mgmt ear deployed. Is this the expected behavior? BCC only points and updates production's CORE schema? If so, how do I replicate production's CORE schema data to staging's CORE? and why the replication is necessary instead of staging pointing production's CORE schema?
    Question 2:
    So, isn't the staging server a 'Preview'?
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    When I click on Extras>Output>Header-->Edit
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    Partner function. I see that it is displaying in yellow color. Genrally it should be green in color.
    Can anyone guide me what are the things that I need to check in this window genrally to access Print preview.
    Do i need to check anything here in Nast table...?
    Please suggest...
    Any suggestion would be appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello Sathya,
    Thank you for your response!
    Sathya- It is correctly configured. it has something to do in the NAST TAble. If it is not configured properly in the NACE then it will not show the out put in the T-code SOSt.
    Can you please suggest what I can chcek in the NSAT table or plz tell the standard way to configureing the Output type in this path.
    VA03 > Extras->Output>Header>Edit.
    Here you have to give its settings....Please chek..
    Any suggestions will be apprecaited.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    ORA-12705: invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified
    Do you know what is the reason for this error?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you in advance...

    Hi Shay,
    Thank you for your interest...
    I have tried wit hthe following configuration options:
    Connection Name: DBTest
    Connection Type: Oracle (JDBC)
    Username: User
    Password: UserPassword
    Role: N/A
    Deploy Password: Unchecked
    Driver: Thin
    Host Name: IP Address of my DBHost
    JDBC Port: 1521
    This configuration has been tested in previous versions of JDeveloper and it works.
    The RDBMS is an Oracle 9i DB

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