Configure path

I am trying to launch a software but this software need to run wget. So I have installed wged, but with the binary installer wget is installed in /usr/local/bin
but my system only reconise softs installed in /usr/bin
how can i change it, or fix it?
thx .

Put a symlink to the program in the search path directory:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/filename /usr/bin/
This should create a symlink (alias) in /usr/bin that points to the actual program.
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    Use Transaction VOTXN.
    *Select the radio button next to Delivery. and select Text types.
    *Go to new entries and create your own text ID after creating text ID go back to the previous screen and select change button.
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    1)which web.xml tag the path of XCM confiuration files to be specified.
    Try to find below lines in your web.xml
            <description>Turns the Extended Configuration Management on if a
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    I hope this will help you.
    eCommerce Developer

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    The option u said me , I tried in DEV environment but it doesnt work like that. Evry time I chnaged the FL of  an equipment, I click on the Instal with transfer button and find that the radio buttons in the screen for data transfer are not according to my previous set up but accoring to its default setting as it was. Also If I try doing the FL Change for same equipment also, evry time I do the change , the radio buttons arrrangements are the same.
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    Dear MM group,
    The market price use for vendor evaluation for scoring method "Price Level"
    and "Price History". Please kindly see the SAP documentation at path below:
    Effective price and Market price are determined based on information stored
    in the info record ( condition record and market price EINE-EFFPM )
    -> MM-VM
    -> How the Systems Computes Scores
    -> Calculating Scores for Automatic Subcriteria:Overview
    => see the Part "Price Level" and "Price History" for how market
    price is used.
    Best Regards,
    Ian Wong Loke Foong

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    Possible approach I could foresee - <o:p></o:p>
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    sub folder could be selected. Hence, no need to validate the selected path.<o:p></o:p>
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    Limitations/Issues I am facing<o:p></o:p>
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    Could someone please guide how to proceed on this?<o:p></o:p>
    Thanks, <b>Ankit Shah</b> <hr> Inkey Solutions, India. <hr> Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professionals <hr>

    You should be aware that using your proposed Outlook addin will not necessarily prevent users from saving mail items to any folder that is accessible to them through the Windows file system.
    I was easily able to use drag and drop to copy a mail item from Outlook 2007's inbox folder directly to a folder in the file system that was opened in Windows Explorer.  This would completely bypass your desired restriction.
    The same holds true for Outlook 2013.  I had no difficulty using drag and drop to copy a mail item from the inbox to a file system folder.
    You may want to investigate other data security alternatives.  Good luck.

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    Can someone please help?

    Hi Amit,
    HANA studio has no dependency on Regi from SP7.
    You can see more details in
    Best Regards,

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    RenderingContext.setConfiguration(config); but that is not working, because the method setConfiguration() is not available.
    my source snips:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <styleSheetDocument xmlns="">
    <import href="blaf.xss"/>
    <style selector=".OraTableCellText">
    <property name="color">#222222</property>
    <property name="vertical-align">top</property>
    my source snip for ConfigurationImpl:
    ConfigurationImpl config = new ConfigurationImpl("myConfig");
    config.putRelativeURI(Configuration.STYLES_DIRECTORY, "/public_html/styles/"); //it starts at the workingdirectory of the project, or?
    thx a lot,

    You have to wait to call RenderingContext.setConfiguration() when you're about to render.
    If you're using UIX XML, what you'll do is subclass UIXPageBroker and override
      protected Configuration getConfiguration(
        BajaContext context,
        Page page)then tell UIX to use your page broker instead of UIXPageBroker.
    If you're using UIX JSPs, wrap your page in a <uix:renderingContext> tag with the "id"
    attribute set, then:
    <uix:renderingContext id="rc">
      <% rc.setConfiguration("myConfig"); %>
      ... rest of UIX content for your page in here ...
    </uix:renderingContext>Note that you can set the configuration by name, rather than needing to refer
    to the object directly.
    9.0.3 will make this process simpler. Stay tuned.

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    1.2.10. Someone told me to add GLIB and GTK libraries path to original path...
    Do you know anything about this... please help me!

    If it is the library path that you want to set, set it with the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    If you're having a problem with compiling from source, that's one variable you'll have to set.
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path_to_GTK_libraries:/path_to_some_other_libraries

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    For example:
    I install weblogic6.0 in c:\,so the path is c:\bea\
    and my working forlder is d:,I develop a new app named 'test'
    The path info is as follow:(root is d:\test\)
    So,when I look the document in the bea web site,they tell me how to deploy it
    with archive app a .war file.But that only for deploying.How to run it in developing
    Help me,Please!

    Another question regarding the name of the JWS file:
    Found the following on one of WL 10.3 example server's help documentation pages:
    "The wsdlc task generates this JWS implementation file in the directory specified by the destImplDir attribute. The subdirectory hierarchy corresponds either to the packageName attribute or to the targetNamespace URL of the WSDL if the packageName attribute is not specified. The name of the JWS file is, where ServiceName and PortTypeName refer to the value of the name attribute of the appropriate <service> and its inner <port> element, respectively, in the WSDL file. The names of the methods and parameters in the JWS file are the same as the names of the operations and input parmeters in the WSDL file."
    Does this mean that the wsdlc task creates this file, with the name format specified above, by default. beccause, I dont see such a file created for me. What it creates for me is just the service_port_type_nameImpl file.
    Which one is correct?

  • Nokia photos configure paths

    I migrate from lifeblog to nokia photos recently.
    First impressions are good no matters some minors trouble I had.
    Now I wants to manage confuguration tu use it in a little bit specific way.
    What I need to know is:
    Where nokia photos stores sms/mms/notes ?
    Where nokia photos stores information about paths to the folders (pictures/clips)
    I thought this infos are in NokiaPhotos/...*.db3 files but seems to me that I'm wrong about it.
    I want to use Nokia photos on two computers in following scenario:
    I have on both computers network drive mapped as l: in which I have l:\photos and l:\clips and I manage to setup one computer tha t use those foledrs for nokia photos and imported/linked data in it in nokia photos.
    Now I tried on other computer just to copy db3 files and when I open nokia photos to have same data (images/clips/sms...) as on first computer.
    But this is not the case.
    I see same situations on second computer that I had before I copied db3 files so that confused me a little bit.
    Idealy I would want to have all private data on that l: drive and use it form nokia photos on 2 computers (not at the same time off course)
    What can i do about that?
    Change some config files? registry keys? Anything please ?

    Thank you for your reply cricfancy
    I know about File -> Tools -> Settings -> Synchronisation -> Location for images
    But this is to set default folders when synhronizing.
    What I needed is where photes stored data for pictures that are already imported in nokia photos (which can be anywhere on the disk...)
    I think that I m sure now that this infos is in NokiaPhotos/.../MDataStore.db3
    and Nokia Data Store/.../MDataStore.db3 files
    When I copied those two folders to notebook and map l: disk to same folder with pictures and videos (sms, notes etc.. are in those MDataStore.db3 files for what I know)
    This "sync only once" thing is good to know anyway but if I would have a way to put Nokia Data Store and NokiaPhotos folders to that L drive and tell NokiaPhotos on both computers "This is where your mdb3 files are!" that would be great.
    I didnt need to sync more then once. When I sync from one computer that will apear on the other computer as well. As long as they have access to L drive ofcourse.
    All I have to do is to make sure not too run nokia photos on both computers at the same time.
    Unfortunately I dont see how to do that.
    Ok this is not in the interface and I respect that decision because this isn't thing that most users will do so why confused them...
    But this isnt in the registry or config files either so those users who need to change that and are let say litle advanced or enthusiastic cant change that either.
    As far I see those paths are hardcoded in dll files so this isn't easy or legal to change those paths
    Any solution that I had so far to use some sync. program to sync those folders between computers.
    If someone have solution for this please let me know.
    If you can put those settings to the next version of Nokia Photos will be great too.


    hi all. iM sorry mayb this topic has been posted several times. But iM still encountering some problems here might need the experts help out there. What i did initially was to open up the autoexec.bat files(iM using win98) and added this lines:
    set CLASSPATH=C:\xerces-1_4_4\xerces.jar;C:\soap-2_2;C:\soap-2_2\lib\soap.jar;C:\jaf-1.0.1\activation.jar;C:\javamail-1.2\mail.jar;.;C:\jdk1.3.1\lib;C:\jdk1.3.1\lib\tools.jar;C:\jdk1.3.1\jre\lib;C:\tutorial\demo1;C:\tutorial\demo2;C:\tutorial\demo3;C:\jsse1.0.2\lib\jsse.jar;C:\jsse1.0.2\lib\jnet.jar;C:\jees1.0.2\lib\jcert.jar;C:\rhino\js.jar;C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\lib\servlet.jar;
    PATH %PATH%;.;C:\jdk1.3.1\bin;C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\bin;C:\Winnt\System32;
    SET JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1
    SET TOMCAT_HOME=C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3
    Ok... when i tried to run tomcat on the MSDOS command they said that "Out of environment space" and "check the value of TOMCAT_HOME" Help appreciated...

    You need to allocate more space to the DOS environment. How this is done varies by OS. Here's results of a forum search that probably has the information specific to your system.
    Fixing the space problem will probably resolve the Tomcat Home error, it's probably due to insufficient environment space.

  • Open File dialog window when setting the value of a path type input argument in a VI call

    I am new to TestStand (running 4.0) and I want to create a sequence of VIs to turn on, setup and measure a device. One of my VIs sends a configuration file to my device. An input argument to this VI is the path of the config file. I would like to make it simple to modify this path when setting up the sequence by popping up the File Open dialog window and choose my file. Is this possible? I do not want to manually change the file during execution, just to have multiple calls of one VI, each call opening a different file according to the path given to it during the setup. 
    So far I have only succeeded in manually entering the absolute path each time I add this step. What makes it even more annoying is the fact that LabVIEW interprets the path with the escape codes, rendering the path unusable. Manually adding a 2nd backslash at each '\' occurence adds another step to the process. I tried both String and Path type of inputs, and the SearchandReplace() or ToUpper() (trying to bypass the escape codes) functions in TestStand don't seem to help m.
    Your help is very much appreciated,

    If you want to create a series of easy to configure step types so others can develop sequence files easily, you could use custom step types. When you create a custom step type you implement your own configuration dialog. Since you have control over what controls you expose in your configuration dialog, you can design it so the desired path is selected using a open file dialog. Refer to chapter 13 of the TestStand reference manual for more information about custom step types.
    If you do not want to create a custom step type but you still want to give access to your sequence developers to pre-configured steps, you can use templates. A step template is a snapshot of a step that you can reuse later. Let's assume that instead of asking your users to edit the step to enter the desired path, you create several step templates with different pre-configured paths and based on their applications requirements they could use the appropriate template. Refer to the NI TestStand Help for more information about the Templates list on the Insertion Palette.  
    Hope it helps.
    Antonio Lie. 

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