Conforming DPX files on FCP

After offlining with one light telecine on FCP, I got the project and DPX 2k scans.
The DPX are 10bit log RGB with the same time code than the one light transfer.
Are there any ways of "auto conform"? The output master is meant to be PAL, but we have 2k becouse some frame resizing is needed.
any clues?

Hello, Ok...when you finish a project on FCP and save it(not exporting it
just yet). Can you get rid of all the original capture video? Because what
I do is I capture the whole tape then I run through it and do kinda like
sub clips...So after I am done can I get rid of that whole tape I first
Absolutely not.
Wha?! I'm sure someone has some logic in telling you not to trash your media files, but it is logic beyond me. I'll offer a counter.
If your media is from timecoded sources, tapes that you can go back to, tapes that can be batch captured, then that media can be blown away when the project is finished (really finished, wait for the check).
When you come back to the project (let's all pray you don't have to), just Batch Capture the offline master clips. You'll be good.
For media elements that are not on tape (files from After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc), you should archive those media files too, since you can't batch capture them.

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    Have anyone found a way to export DPX files from FCP, and also get the timecode in the DPX header...
    Thanks for answers!!

    Your workflow is not correct.
    In FCP I bring the clip to the timeline, trim, color correct it then File> Export> Using Compressor. Compressor opens up and places the clip into the Batch Window. This works fine, but when I go back to FCP, delete the clip from the timeline and place an other clip there and when I Export>Using Compressor, Compressor places the clip in a new Window title "Untitle 1" and so it goes on. As far as I understood, whenever you add a clip from the FCP it places it below the first clip so when I want to add my settings, I can add all 3 settings to all the clips. Did I missunderstand something?
    You're misunderstanding a couple of different things. When you send a clip or sequence from FCP to Compressor, you cannot then apply the settings you want in Compressor then go back to FCP and delete that clip from your sequence ... Compressor is trying to reference that sequence. If you keep removing clips, then Compressor won't follow those clips ... you're essentially breaking the link between Compressor and FCP by doing this.
    Try this:
    1. Load Clip A into the Viewer, Set your In & Out points and add your Color Correction.
    2. Press Command U to Make a Subclip. This will create a separate "clip" in your bin. Rename as necessary.
    3. Repeat this process for your other 19 clips.
    4. Then Select all of your new subclips in your Browser, then File > Export > Using Compressor. This will open Compressor and add all of those subclips into the Job window.
    5. Add your appropriate Target settings and set your Destinations and revise any filenames if necessary.
    6. Click Submit.
    For a good, quick overview on the basics of how and when to use Compressor, check out this video from MacBreak Weekly:

  • Cineon DPX Files in FCP 5?

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    This is more a question to quell my curiosity. Can Final Cut Pro 5 edit Cineon DPX Files that have been telecined from film? Please forgive me for my ignorance but the knowledge will help my later on with some projects I may do in the future!
    Your help would be very much appreciated!
    Dual 2.3Ghz PowerMac G5, 1.5 Ghz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    It does not. You'll have to transcode the DPX files into something Final Cut can edit natively. You'll probably want to explore an uncompressed or lossless workflow for DI, if you have the gear to handle it. See a list of supported formats here:
    Final Cut Studio does come with Cinema Tools, which helps manage media from film. I've never used it, so I can't really give you any specifics.
    Good Luck.

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    Thanks for your response JP, however I am not quite sure that it is quite what I need (unless I am misunderstanding you...). I can't adjust the scaling on export, because I am not rendering to DPX, but rather to ProRes 444 (I could adjust each clip on import, but that would render the LUT and current corrections pretty much useless....). Let me try to explain a bit further...
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    For the time being we can apply a quick 3wayCC back in FCP and adjust the black levels for the affected clips back to where they should be, but it would be really nice to know/understand exactly where the problem is occurring...
    Sorry if I misunderstood your response, and feel free to correct me if I did. Thanks!

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    Bill Wood

    Steve - Thanks for the tip!  I was trying to Import my DPX files from the Media Browser.  The Import function there does NOT have the numbered still check box.  I had to do the Import from the Project window.  That has the numbered stills check box and other options.  It is very quick and acts more like Final Cut Pro 7 with the Glue Tools Cineon/DPX plugin does. - Bill

  • Conformed DPX sequence?

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    I'm editing a music video next week and the client has asked for it delivered to them as a conformed DPX sequence with EDL....
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    Can anyone help? Can I do this through FCP?

    that's usually for a film recorder. It is going to film output?
    You can do a DPX sequence out of Compressor, if that helps.
    in the compressor inspector panel change Quicktime movie to Image sequence
    then select DPX.
    See if that's what they want. I'd do a short test first.

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    Did I lose information when I zipped up the DPX files?  
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    Thanks in advance for ANY and ALL assistance. 

    Did I lose information when I zipped up the DPX files?
    Nothing at all. concern is that when I go to bump up exposure on a couple of shots that were lost, Im going to be dealing with artifacting, and working with a lot less information than the original DPX files contained.
    Zip only compresses the binary data that makes up the image...
    there is no compression of the image at all.
    After your co-worker completes the composites,
    he should zip them up to send them back to you.
    No worries.  I do this all the time.

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    Okay, that's four questions but, can some please help me on this? Thanks.
    Okay, that's five questions.

    i think you need to relocate you media  cache files to a separate drive other than your c: drive.
    in the hardware forum, Harm has done a wonderful job at advising on HDD setup, i think it mentions relocation
    of swap file, media cache, etc.  all which are defaulted to your c: in your user profile
    after relocating to different physical drives (all without partitions) performance usually increases
    Generic Guideline for Disk Setup  by harm
    hope this helps til someone else answers more
    good luck...

  • DPX Files, Exporting DPX

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    Look in the "Manual" thingy, under "Configuring the Setup Room". In "Project Settings", there is a dialogue "Render File Type" and you will be able to choose dpx/cineon and a scaling range -- probably video for what you're doing. But take your pick:
    • Video (64 Black - 940 White : Linear): The minimum and maximum values of 0 and 100
    percent in Color’s scopes correspond to the digital values of 64 and 940 in rendered
    DPX files. Super-white values above 100, if present in Color, are preserved using this
    • Linear (0 Black - 1023 White): The minimum and maximum values of 0 and 100 percent
    in Color’s scopes correspond to the digital values of 0 and 1023 in rendered DPX files.
    Super-white values, if present in Color, are clipped using this format when rendering
    DPX files.

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    - is there a way not to have to render the imported files in FCP ?
    Can anyone help me ?

    I have the same camera and the reality is you're going to go through that translation from AVCHD to some sort of Quicktime file format no matter which tool you use. I do it with FCP6 and it needs to do the same translation from the .mts files to (they recommend) ProRes files. AVCHD is a highly compressed format and when you move it to an editable form, the file(s) is going to get much larger. It is HiDef content after all which can be quite large.
    In my case, once I do the transfer to ProRes format nothing needs to be rendered in the FCP timeline unless I add some sort of filter or effect to it.
    The rendering problem you are describing is often caused by the Sequence setting not matching the content settings. This is automated in FCP6 where it detects the content format of the video you're trying to add and changes the sequence settings to match the content. Take a look at the sequence settings and see if they match the structure of the content and that should resolve the 'everything needs to be rendered' situation.

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    I've searched everywhere, but people usually seem to come across this error while opening FCP (I'm running 6.0.6). This only happens when I open a MOV file (oddly, I can open WMV files in FCP without issue).

    So, I open the movies in QT and the EXACT same thing is happening. So it appears the guy who created the videos did something when he was making them (probably made a reference files along the way). I'm having him re-export the MOV files.
    So, it's not a FCP issue.....

  • Working with WMV files in FCP 5 Timeline

    I know Flip4Mac Studio Edition allows for importing and exporting into and out of FCP 5 in WMV format. What I'm not sure of, is can you do intensive editing on the WMV files in FCP 5 without any glitches. Will FCP run smoothly?
    I am asking because I work at online company that will be receiving wmv files on its servers. This is a high volume workflow with an intense turnover rate. We are receiving hour long clips and re-editing them down to 2 minutes. There is no time to go through lengthy WMV to MOV conversions. We need to receive, edit, and output all in WMV.
    Can FLip4Mac with FCP 5 edit an intense environment like this? Where everything is done in WMV? Or Is Flip4Mac primarily for converting WMV into MOV so that editing in FCP is done with MOV files, and then at the end exporting as WMV again.
    Is FLip4Mac the only solution. Are there others? After recommending and praising Macs, I may be on thin ice if FLip4Mac isn't a sufficient workaround!!
    Thanks Curtis

    Saving a WMV as MOV in QuicktimePro is simply putting a MOV wrapper on the WMV so FCP will better handle it. It's a Save As not an export so there's no additional compression.
    Ultimately you will have to render though, most likely because it's not one of the video formats natively handled by FCP (DV, DVCPro50, etc). It's not just the physical settings, the "video" codec itself must be supported. BTW if you were to edit in HDV you'd have to render too for output (to create new GOP structure in that case though).
    Hi Craig,
    Thanks for the advice, a few things though....
    "Flip4Mac Player Pro allows you to edit WMV in FCP."
    The problem is that I need to render when I import
    WMV files into FCP, even though I have matched all of
    the parameters in the sequence settings (ie. pixel
    aspect ratio, frame rate, frame size, etc.)
    I don't know for sure, but my understanding is I have
    to render because there is no WM9 option under the
    "compressor" parameter in the Sequence Settings.
    Because of this it is impossible to import WMV files
    without rendering even with FLip4Mac, because I have
    it installed and can still export as a WMV file.
    Have you discovered a way to import WMV files into
    FCP without needing rendering? This is critical for
    me because the environment I'm in doesn't allow for
    long render times, as it will slow down the workflow
    of the whole newsroom.
    "I can also open WMV in QuicktimePro (with Flip4Mac)
    and save the file as MOV. I find it works smoother
    that way."
    But doesn't it degrade the quality when you convert
    to .MOV? And for me, going from WMV to MOV back to
    WMV will result in degradations at each step won't

  • MPG to Final Cut Pro , convert mpg files to FCP freely

    Why need to convert/import MPG files to Final Cut Pro?
    Final Cut Pro is the premium choice for any Mac video editing, and it is widely used by Mac users now. These MPEG standard files can be these different codes and cause failure in importing to Final Cut Pro. If anyone comes across the situation, the best solution is to get aids from MPEG/MPG to FCP converter for Mac, which can help you to convert MPEG group files to FCP compatible video format and then files can be easily imported for editing job.
    As we know that Final Cut Pro don't natively support MPG, MPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 files, it can import MPEG-4 files (but need to be rendered once you place them on your timeline) and MOV files (without rendering). Therefore, to import MPG to Final Cut Pro directly, the best way is to convert MPG to Final Cut Pro supported Apple ProRes MOV files.
    How to convert MPG to Final Cut Pro(fcp)
    Step 1: Import MPG files
    Download the latest version of MPG to Final Cut Pro Converter, install and run. And then, click Add Files to import MPG files to FCP, or you can also drag MPG files directly to MPG to Final Cut Pro directly.
    Step 2: Choose output format and directory
    You can click the drop-down list of Convert Toto select output format as "Final Cut Pro"-> "Apple ProRes MOV ". After that, click "…" of Save Toto designate a directory to save your converted files.
    Step 3: Convert MPG to Final Cut Pro (X)
    Click Convert to transcode MPG to MOV for editing in Final Cut Pro.
    MPG to Final Cut Pro Converter is a practical tool for you to convert MPG, MPEG files to Final Cut Pro supported MOV files in order to free import MPG to Final Cut Pro (X) , FCE, iMovie on Mac OS X Mountain Lion . Besides, it is also able to convert MPG to other video files AVI, WMV, MP4, MKV FLV, DV, 3GP, ASF, RM etc.
    Related Article:
    MOV to FCP: How to convert MOV to FCP
    How to convert mp4 files to fcp freely

    Import unsupported MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 to Final Cut Pro 7/X, Final Cut Express 
    Summary:If you are looking for the best way to transcode MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 videos to ProRes MOV for FCP 7/X and FCE, you can follow this post, it has offered best solutions for editing MPEG videos on Mac in Final Cut Pro 7/X, Final Cut Express. 
    The following are two problems when some users import MPEG-1/MPEG-2 to Final Cut: 
    "I am trying to import MPEG-2 files into Final Cut Pro X. I have the raw files from a Sony Handicam HDR-SR5 as well as raw files from an Sony Handicam MDR-CX560. These files were recorded as MPEG-2 files and copied from the camera hard drives (entire folders were copied containind the MPEG-2 fies) to a local hard drive on my computer. Final Cut Pro X does not recognize the files and will not import them. I have tried to use Compressor to conver the fies. I am using the very latest version that touts being able to export to Final Cut X format. I don't see that option anywhere in the settings." 
    Is there a way to get MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 files into Final Cut Pro X without having to convert them? 
    Don't try to work with (highly compressed) MPEG 2 in FCP X. Use software to convert to ProRes 422 first, it's best codec for final cut pro or final cut express. Life will be much easier for you if you do. ProRes 422 is roughly between 5 and 8 times bigger than native camera footage - sometimes as much as 10 times, I believe, but it's well worth it for editing, effects and playback quality. The time required depends largely on your processor power but 30 mins sounds realistic. 
    Software you need: 
    Pavtube HD Video Converter for Mac 
    This software can convert MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 to Apple ProRes 422 codec for Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X or Final Cut Expr editing without rendering. 
    Step by step guide: 
    1. Download and install the best MPEG1/MPEG2 to ProRes Converter and launch it to add your videos to it. 
    2. Choose output format. Click on the “Format”> Final Cut Pro, Apple PreRes 422(HQ), Apple PreRes 422, Apple ProRes 422(LT), etc are all the proper choice for you. 
    3. Click "Settings" to adjust the parameters as you want, like Video Codec, bit rate, frame rate, Audio codec, sample rate, bit rate, channels. Set the video frame rate as 30fps, video size as 1920*1080 will be better. 
    4. Click Convert button to start MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 to Final Cut friendly Apple ProRes 422 for native editing on Mac OS X. 
    5. When the conversion ends, you can run the Final Cut Pro and click File --> Import --> Files to import the resulted MOV files and edit them in FCP easily, you can follow this import video to fcp guide. 
    From the steps above, I think you got the point to convert and import MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 files to Apple ProRes 422 for Final Cut editing, please have a try, this software will solve you MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 importing and editing problems, and then you can import and use your MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 in Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X or Final Cut Express on Mac without any problems. 
    Now you can get DVD Creator which can help you easily burn video to DVD disc/ISO files. 
    Buy One Get Another Free?! Yes, just join Pavtube's Special Offers to get the promotion. 
    PS. If you have any problem, pls contact with [email protected] to get more information. You also can leave a message on Pavtube Community or Pavtube Facebook, we will answer your questions as soon as possilble. 
    Learn more Cameras/Camcorders related tutorial, pls view our FCP Column, etc. on

  • Word files in FCP -Formatting problems

    Does Anyone know if there is a better way to import MS- Word files in FCP. Everytime I copy and Paste it needs to set lines and formating. I only get 1 line with all the doc's information. It takes forever to format in FCP. Any Sugestions would be apprieated....

    Well hopefully somebody has a better answer than I do, but I find that it's sometimes smartest to format the text in word to match what I'm looking to accomplish in fcp. Also, I find that sometimes that word formatting can cause fcp to crash. I sometimes find it necessary to copy the text into text edit and then bring it in to fcp. By the way, I'm usually using title3D.

  • Created a project in Motion, cannot open the file in FCP

    I posted this on the FCP forum as well. Would appreciate any help.
    Hello. My first time trying to create something with Motion. I created the text animation and then when I go to import a file into FCP I get an error message: File Error: 1 file(s) recognized, 0 access denied, 1 unknown. Any idea why this is happening? I thought I did everything like the tutorial said.

    Make sure your frame rate is 29.97...

Maybe you are looking for