Confusion with the the variables

I have confusion regarding the use of variables in JSP. When i declare the variable with a <set> tag and then try to use it with scriplet tag,,<% .....%>,,it dosn't work. why so?
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<c:set var="n" value="${param.size}" scope="session"/>
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){%>
<tr><td>PRODUCT:<td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="user_pdt1_1" SIZE="40"><td>PRICE1:<td><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="user_pr1_1" SIZE="10"></tr>
this is the error generated....
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: 25 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ illegal start of type
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag jspxth_c_set_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag) jspxtagPool_c_set_var_value_scope_nobody.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag.class);
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag jspxth_c_set_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag) jspxtagPool_c_set_var_value_scope_nobody.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag.class);
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ '{' expected
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag jspxth_c_set_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag) jspxtagPool_c_set_var_value_scope_nobody.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag.class);
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ ';' expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ '{' expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ illegal start of type
if (_jspx_th_c_set_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE) {
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ illegal start of type
return false;
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
return false;
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ '}' expected
17 errors
root cause
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: 25 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ illegal start of type
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag jspxth_c_set_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag) jspxtagPool_c_set_var_value_scope_nobody.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag.class);
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag jspxth_c_set_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag) jspxtagPool_c_set_var_value_scope_nobody.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag.class);
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ '{' expected
org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag jspxth_c_set_0 = (org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag) jspxtagPool_c_set_var_value_scope_nobody.get(org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.SetTag.class);
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ ';' expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ '{' expected
jspxth_c_set_0.setValue((java.lang.Object) org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate("${param.size}", java.lang.Object.class, (PageContext)_jspx_page_context, null, false));
An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /multiple_entry.jsp
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ illegal start of type
if (_jspx_th_c_set_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE) {
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ illegal start of type
return false;
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ <identifier> expected
return false;
Generated servlet error:
C:\Users\raghu\.netbeans\5.5\apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base\work\Catalina\localhost\temp2\org\apache\jsp\ '}' expected
17 errors
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.17 logs.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.17
please provide the solution..!!...

hShekhar wrote:
1. scriptlet <%for loop %> good with countsCan also be done with c:forEach. There is absolutely no need to prefer scriptlets above the c:forEach.
2.c tag <c:foreach></c:foreach> good with arrays nd arraylistsAlso with counts and collections of DTO's.
3 logic iterate tag <logic:iterate></logic:iterate> good with arraylist with specific data (like VOs)This is not a JSP/JSTL tag. It is an Apache Struts tag. That same way I can also suggest another tags like h:dataTable, t:dataList, ui:repeat, etcetera. And the c:forEach can just also handle collections of DTO's.
Summarized: your answer makes not much sense.

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    Hi Vikram,
    Your clustered database is not full RAC, it's RAC ONE node database. In RAC ONE node database, instance names are created in that format only (i.e.e dbname_1), I don't know if there is any way we can change it to dbname1. OR if you really want to change the instance name to dbname1 format, then you can convert RAC one node database to Full RAC, then remove instance and add another instance, I hope it would be added in dbname1 format. I have not tested it, test it on your test system first.
    You can find the database type in the output you shared,
    Type: RACOneNode

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    It looks like I scanned over your email a little too quickly and missed a
    VERY important point. You mention that your form will be "bundled with Acrobat 7.0 Professional". This is VERY important.
    In fact, you will need to license nothing else from Adobe. You DO NOT need Reader Extensions because you are deploying Acrobat Professional on the work stations that will be filling in your forms. You do not need to "turn on" hidden functionality of the Free Reader if you are using Acrobat Pro. You already have all the functionality you need.
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    if you are using Acrobat to fill in these forms, you have nothing else to buy. If you want to deploy these forms with the Free Reader then you will need to license Adobe LiveCycle Barcoded Forms and possibly ARES.

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    You can clear the variable dynamically from the call stack
    Data: l_f_stack(72) type c value '(SAPLMBWL)XCOMMIT'.
    Field-symbols: <fs> type any.
    Assign (l_f_stack) to <fs>.
    If <fs> is assigned.
    clear <fs>.
    Hope this will help you
    Edited by: Krishnakumar on Apr 1, 2009 11:29 PM

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    Hi Apurva,
    Find any solution for your problem? We are experiencing a similar issue too.

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    Thank you

    I assume your loop is more than just one step. You should use the 'Loop Options' for a single step.
    For looping on a group of steps, you can place them all in a sub sequence and then set the 'Loop Options' for the 'SequenceCall' step to set up your looping conditions. Pass values to and from the sub-sequence by Parameters.
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  • Confused with the WP Enrollment Process

    Hi team,
    I'm studing the WP MDM documents from and faced some questions really need your help.
    I can get the Dicovery response from the service in current and I set the <AuthPolicy> to Federated and the <AuthenticationServiceUrl>  to a
    https://xxxxxx page(that me say it login.aspx) with the appru & login_hint parameters. My questions are:
    1) Should I verify the user/password in the login.aspx then redirect to a redirect page(let me say it redirect.aspx) with POST methd action of appid and the token value(wresult) after username/password verify sucess?
    2) The document said that wresult: "The security token value is the base64-encoded string ""
    contained in the <wsse:BinarySecurityToken> EncodingType attribute". How can I get the <wsse:BinarySecurityToken> EncodingType attribute in Login.aspx(If I'm correct in Q1)?    Or maybe should I encode "Any
    token string generated from my server to identify this user"   and put into wresult, and this encoded string be used in the MS-XCEP/MS-WSTEP requests automatically after that?
    3) Will the WP devices triger the MS-XCEP GetPolicies request and MS-WSTEP RequestSecurityToken request in redirect.aspx's post action?
    Great thanks for your patience and help!

    Well...still no one commented here... I already had some progress, I'd like to share my understanding here to whom maybe also newbie in this area.
    Q1 & Q2: Yes, acturally there is a step in Windows 8 MDM document mentioned it. It called this step as "Security Token Service" step. I guess you can verify your client base on username/password or whatever you want in this STS step and returen
    a token to mobile/tablet device.
    Q3,Yes, the MDM client in mobile/tablet device will triger the MS-XCEP GetPolicies request and MS-WSTEP RequestSecurityToken request in the Web Auth Page(redirect.aspx) post action.
    So, we should have two Token services in the MDM solution in general.
    1. Security Token Service: used to verify your user and return a security token.
    2. The MS-WSTEP security token service: which mentioned in WP MDM document, will used in enrollment step.

  • Confused with the whole Pearsonvue and Certview

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    I have an account with Pearsonvue (submitted my Prometric ID, approved etc) that I was able to login to view the certifications I have taken, etc at one time. Now, I can't even login. I remembered vaguely able to login to Certview using the same email account that I used with Pearsonvue. Now, Certview can't even find my account using that email search link (
    What the heck is going on? Which ones should I be using? And what is the function of either site?

    apex_disco wrote:
    I can never get the whole login thing straight with the whole Certview and Pearsonvue.
    I have an account with Pearsonvue (submitted my Prometric ID, approved etc) that I was able to login to view the certifications I have taken, etc at one time. Now, I can't even login. I remembered vaguely able to login to Certview using the same email account that I used with Pearsonvue. Now, Certview can't even find my account using that email search link (
    What the heck is going on? Which ones should I be using? And what is the function of either site?I hope the folowing helps. Others may describe it better.
    Pearson VUE tracks exams you have taken with Pearson VUE. Just the Exams. Pearson VUE are responbile for exam scheduling, taking, cancelling rescheduleing. Their role is to deliver the exams set by Oracle (and other Instutitions ywho offer exams) through their exam center network. Pearson VUe will say nothing about certification Status
    Prior to September 2009 Oracle Exams were delivered by Prometric, where you could view similar hings Pearson view (though only 10 months are kept online); and of course only exams delivered by Prometric.
    Certview is a front end system to the records Oracle maintains about an exam and what certifications have been awarded as a result of taking those exams and when they have been shipped. Records are held regards of whether Pearson Vue or Prometric delivered the exam.
    You should find you oracle SSO gives you access to Certview if you have previously registered with it, unless you have acquired 2 oracle sso's. Your SSO is working as you seem to have access to forums. ( The key thing with Certview is your Oracle Testing Id. Hopeflly you do not have 2 or more of those).
    I hope this helps a little, good luck with regaining your accounts ...

  • How to Create Charts with the variable value

    I have to create a crystal report in which i have given variable under "Facility:". I have kept two variables under facility of which one is like you can select one or more values and other one u can select only one value and i mentioned it as mandatory.
    What i wanted is, I have to create a bar chart based on the facility . I also want to create a pie chart using the value of facility which comes from the mandatory variable.
    To be more clear, I selected two facilities, say X & Y under the first variable and one facility, say Z under the second variable (mandatory). I was able to prepare bar chart with these three facilities. Now i want to prepare a pie chart using the value Z.
    Can anyone please help me out?

    Likely a bug in the ChartBuilders or the JDK.
    ScatterChartBuilder.<Number, Number>create().build(); // does not work either.javac is unable to determine if the create() method from SceneChartBuilder or the create() method from RegionBuilder should be applied.
    The AxisBuilders which also derive from RegionBuilder work because they don't define their own create method with obscure generic type info.
    How can I resolve the ambiguity?new ScatterChart ;-)

  • Confused with the internal table

    I am getting confused again by the usage of work space for an internal table.
    Say for example I have a internal table itab that is defined as:
    Then I define a work space for the internal table.
    Now say for example, I would like to fill in some data to this internal table, can I do:
    WS_ITAB-FIELD1 = 3.
    where FIELD1 is a valid field in Txxx?
    If not, how should I accomplish my goal? Thanks a lot!

    Yes, you have the right idea.  When working with work areas it is a good idea to define them like line of itab. This way, anytime itab changes, the wa will also be updated.
    <b>data: wa like line of itab</b>.
    You can add a line to your internal table by filling the work area and appending to the internal table.
    wa-fld1 = 'A'.
    wa-fld2 = 'B'.
    wa-fld3 = 'C'.
    append wa to itab.
    You can insert into a specific index by using INSERT.
    Insert wa into itab index 1.
    Rich heilman

  • Scan Rate - Sample Rate confusion with the E-Series

    I have been reading a lot of post on the messaging board concerning the scan rate and the sample rate but I still dont get it. I am using an E series and am aware that this card does not have a simultaneous
    sampling of each channel
    I want a time stamp for each value i get from each channel. If I have channels 1,2,3,4 with rate dividors
    sample rate set to X
    scan rate set to X/(Number of channels+1) (ghost channel in order to avoid error -10092) ie X/5
    what is the sample rate of each channel ?

    Here are a few KnowledgeBase entries that I hope will clear up the confusion:
    Data Acquisition Sampling Terminology
    How Is the Actual Scan Rate Determined When I Specify the Scan Rate for My Data Acquisition?
    Hope this helps. Have a great day!

  • I'm confused with the struts.action and those in the actions package-help

    hi all
    looking at the struts framework particularly the org.apache.struts.actions package, i am a bit of confused as to which abstract action class i need to extend in my application. is there any guideline that shows in what scenario i will need to extend which action? how would i ever know the purpose of each one and how and when to extend it?
    and also i am even more confused when i saw org.apache.struts.action.action class. doesn't this one handle all? most tutorials i have seen reference this class. why do we have others in the actions package?
    your help is much appreicated . thanks.

    Simple actions just extend org.apache.struts.action.Action.
    Those actions in the org.apache.struts.actions package are utility Actions that provide you with extra functionality.
    The [url]struts api  describes the basics of each one.
    Commoonly used ones that (to me) are of more interest:
    ForwardAction is pretty much just a placeholder that lets you specify a url to forward to when you don't want to write an entire Action.
    Dispatch action (and its siblings LookupDispatchAction, MappingDispatchAction) are most interesting because they let you use the same action for multiple events.
    In effect it is writing multiple "execute" methods in one action. The Dispatch action determines which one to call. It is useful for writing CRUD actions and keeping all that code in one class.
    Hope this helps some,

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