Connecting to a database- next field button problem

I really need help. I'm creating a template where the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields automatically populates when the user clicks a "connect" button. This button will then connect to their local database. I haven't been able to find a solution on how to do this. Does anyone know how to do this? Is there a way that a user can set up their own ODBC and then the pdf will connect to that database?
I've tried using a dummy database and connecting that to the form and the first textfield works. However, I created a "Next record" button and I can't make this work to go to the next record.I'm using a MS access database.
I tried this formcalc stmt but it doesn't work: xfa.sourceSet.{dataconnectionname}.next()
Can anyone help me?
Or know how I accomplish this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Yes this is very doable. If you want to send your form and the database to [email protected] I will have a look.

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    What script can I use to easily create a next_btn. This is what I currently have
    next_btn.onRelease = function() {
    "img"+1 goes to the "img1" however I would like it to go to the next img instead of always go to img1. I've tried _currentframe+10 (images are 10 frames apart) and some others but cannot seem to get it to work.
    I would like this to work along with the random button so that when a random image is clicked, the person can click the next button and get to the next image.
    Current script in...
    random_btn.onRelease = function(){
        var picNum:Number
        picNum = Math.ceil(Math.random()*15);
    next_btn.onRelease = function() {
    if you need any clarification let me know! thanks!

    i'll try to explain this simplier.
    scene 1 (layers)
    inside layers
    next back btn
    random btn
    displays images when clicked on from photo gallery
    scrolling photo gallery
    photo gallery + buttons for gallery
    i'm looking to create a simple < > prev and next image buttons.
    My current script from above (original post) hasn't worked out.
    random_btn.onRelease = function(){
        var picNum:Number
        picNum = Math.ceil(Math.random()*15);
    next_btn.onRelease = function() {
    I'll take out the random_btn if need be to create just a regular next button and previous button. (i'll worry about tracking the scrolling image gallery issue at a time)
    Thanks again.

  • Next record button GUI & database

    I have a GUI that connects to a database and in the GUI I have a file menu that has first, last, prev, next on it. I want the user to be able to select either one of these words or on the image of these that are in a tool bar. i have two classes. it is a lot of code but i just need to figure out how to get to the next record under the action performed. Thank you for your time!!!
    package Assignment2;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class GUIDatabase extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener, ActionListener {
    private String path = "c:/temp/assn2Files/";
    private JButton first, last, next, prev, save;
    private JTextField fn, mi, ln, t, s, y;
    private String[] title = {"analyst", "executive", "programmer", "project leader "};
    private JComboBox titleCombo = new JComboBox(title);
    private String[] department = {"Applications", "Payroll", "Accounting", "Marketing "};
    private JComboBox departmentCombo = new JComboBox(department);
    private JList pd;
    private String myArray[] = {""};
    private DbSource source = new DbSource("empdb", true);
    String action, selectedQName, selectedQDSN, selectedQString;
    private Vector vc, vc2, vc3, pdNames;
    private DbSource dbs = new DbSource("empdb", true);
    private DbSource dbs2 = new DbSource("empdb", true);
    private DbSource dbs3 = new DbSource("empdb", true);
    private DbSource dbs4 = new DbSource("empdb", true);
    public GUIDatabase() {
    super("Employee Interface");
    //set up menus
    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu navMenu = new JMenu("Navigation");
    navMenu.add(new JSeparator());
    navMenu.add(ListeningMenuItem("Update employee record"));
    JMenu statsMenu = new JMenu("Statistics");
    statsMenu.add(ListeningMenuItem("Employees per Department"));
    statsMenu.add(ListeningMenuItem("Employees per Project"));
    //menu goes on the root pane
    //instantiates buttons with images instead of text
    first = new JButton(new ImageIcon(path + "First.gif"));
    last = new JButton(new ImageIcon(path + "Last.gif"));
    next = new JButton(new ImageIcon(path + "Next.gif"));
    prev = new JButton(new ImageIcon(path + "Prev.gif"));
    save = new JButton(new ImageIcon(path + "save.gif"));
    //tooltips for buttons
    first.setToolTipText("Go to First Record");
    last.setToolTipText("Go to Last Record");
    next.setToolTipText("Go to Next Record");
    prev.setToolTipText("Go to Prev Record");
    save.setToolTipText("Save File");
    //register frame to listen for buttons' action events
    //set up toolbar and add componenets to it
    JToolBar myToolBar = new JToolBar();
    add(myToolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    //text fields
    JTextField fn = new JTextField(30);
    JTextField mi = new JTextField(30);
    JTextField ln = new JTextField(30);
    JTextField t = new JTextField(30);
    JTextField s = new JTextField(30);
    JTextField y = new JTextField(30);
    //create the pd Jlist
    pdNames = new Vector();
    JList pd = new JList(pdNames);
    LabelComponent pdText = new LabelComponent("Project Description", pd);
    // pd = new JList(myArray);
    // pd.addListSelectionListener(this);
    LabelComponent fnText = new LabelComponent("First Name", fn);
    LabelComponent miText = new LabelComponent("MI", mi);
    LabelComponent lnText = new LabelComponent("Last Name", ln);
    LabelComponent tCombo = new LabelComponent("Title", titleCombo);
    LabelComponent tText = new LabelComponent("Telephone", t);
    LabelComponent sText = new LabelComponent("Salary", s);
    LabelComponent dCombo = new LabelComponent("Department", departmentCombo);
    LabelComponent yText = new LabelComponent("Years in Service", y);
    // LabelComponent pdText = new LabelComponent("Project Description", pd);
    JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
    p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(9, 2, 1, 15));
    // pdText.setEditable(false);
    //set layout for frame
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add(p1, BorderLayout.EAST);
    add(myToolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    add(pdText, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //set up the frame properties
    setSize(470, 550);
    if (dbs2.isConnected()) {
    boolean two = dbs2.processQuery("select e.FirstName, e.middlename, e.lastname, e.title, e.workphone, format(e.salary, 'currency'), d.departmentname, e.yearsinservice from employees e, departments d", false);
    if (two) {
    vc = new Vector();
    while (dbs2.nextRecord()) {
    titleCombo = new JComboBox(vc);
    if (dbs3.isConnected()) {
    boolean three = dbs3.processQuery("select distinct(departmentname) from departments", false);
    if (three) {
    vc2 = new Vector();
    while (dbs3.nextRecord()) {
    departmentCombo = new JComboBox(vc2);
    if (dbs4.isConnected()) {
    boolean four = dbs4.processQuery("select projectdescription from projects", false);
    if (four) {
    vc3 = new Vector();
    while (dbs4.nextRecord()) {
    if (dbs.isConnected()) {
    boolean one = dbs.processQuery("select * from employees, departments", false);
    if (one) {
    while (dbs.nextRecord()) {
    //project descriptions method
    /* public Vector getProjectDescription() {
    String pdSQL = "Select projectDescription from projects;";
    source.processQuery(pdSQL, true);
    //create new vector for list of project descriptions
    pdNames = new Vector();
    while (source.nextRecord()) {
    return pdNames;
    JMenuItem ListeningMenuItem(String label) {
    JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(label);
    return mi;
    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    /*public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
    //set text boxes, state combo box
    String infoSQL = "select * from employees";
    if (source.processQuery(infoSQL, false)) {
    while (source.nextRecord()) {
    // s.setSelectedItem(source.getField(5));
    // pd.setText(source.getField(7));
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    // class for a labeled component*/
    class LabelComponent extends JPanel {
    JLabel l;
    public LabelComponent(String s, Component c) {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    l = new JLabel(s);
    add(l, BorderLayout.WEST);
    add(c, BorderLayout.EAST);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    //get command
    // String command = e.getActionCommand();
    // action = e.getActionCommand();
    try {
    if (e.getSource() == first){
    // new dialog(this);
    /*if (command.equals("Save")) {
    String updateSQL = "UPDATE Employees"
    + " SET first_name = '" + fn.getText() + "',"
    + " middle_name = '" + mi.getText() + "',"
    + " last_name = '" + ln.getText() + "',"
    + " title = '" + titleCombo.getSelectedItem().toString() + "',"
    + " work_phone = '" + t.getText() + "'"
    + " salary = '" + s.getText() + "'"
    + " department = '" + departmentCombo.getSelectedItem().toString() + "'"
    + " yearsinservice = '" + y.getText() + "'";
    // + " projectdescription = '" + pd.getSelectedItem().toString() + "'"
    // + " WHERE Customer_ID = " + IDText.getText();
    /* source.processUpdate(updateSQL);
    } catch (Exception a) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    DbSource dbs = new DbSource("empdb", true);
    if (!dbs.isConnected()) {
    System.out.println("Connection Error: " + dbs.getErrorMessage());
    GUIDatabase m = new GUIDatabase();
    PHP Code:
    package Assignment2;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class DbSource {
    public ResultSet rs;
    public ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
    public String error;
    public Connection con;
    public DbSource(String b, boolean a) {
    try {
    String dataSource;
    // connect to ODBC database
    //Evaluate connection type
    if (a) {
    dataSource = "jdbc:odbc:" + b;
    } else {
    dataSource = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=" + b;
    //get connection
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(dataSource, null, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    error = e.toString();
    public boolean isConnected() {
    //test for connection validity
    boolean x;
    try {
    if (con == null || con.isClosed()) {
    x = false;
    } else {
    x = true;
    return x;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return false;
    public boolean processQuery(String sqlSelect, boolean s) {
    //process sql statement passed along with whether to allow bidirectional scrolling
    try {
    Statement stmt;
    if (s) {
    stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    //Formulate ResultSet
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlSelect);
    //ResultSet MetaData
    rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
    catch (SQLException e) {
    error = (e.toString());
    rs = null;
    return false;
    return true;
    public int processUpdate(String sqlStatement) {
    // process Update
    try {
    int nbr = 0;
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    nbr = stmt.executeUpdate(sqlStatement);
    return nbr;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return -1;
    public boolean nextRecord() {
    //proceed to next record
    try {
    if ( {
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return false;
    public boolean prevRecord() {
    //move cursor back one record
    boolean a = false;
    try {
    if (rs.previous()) {
    a = true;
    return a;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    System.out.println("Start of File");
    return false;
    public boolean firstRecord() {
    // move cursor to first record
    try {
    return true;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    System.out.println("End of File");
    return false;
    public boolean lastRecord() {
    //move cursor to last record in result set
    try {
    return true;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    System.out.println("End of File");
    return false;
    public String getField(int x) {
    //get field from result set
    try {
    String a = rs.getString(x);
    return a;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    error = (e.toString());
    return null;
    public String getFieldName(int x) {
    //get field name in result set
    try {
    String a = rsmd.getColumnName(x);
    return a;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return null;
    public String getFieldType(int x) {
    //get field type from meta data in result set
    try {
    String a = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(x);
    return a;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return null;
    public int getFieldCount() {
    //get count of columns from metadata result set
    try {
    int a = rsmd.getColumnCount();
    return a;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return -1;
    public void close() {
    //close connection
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    public String getErrorMessage() {
    return error;
    public String[] getTables() {
    //get table metadata info
    try {
    DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
    String[] tables = {"TABLE"};
    rs = dbmd.getTables(null, null, null, tables);
    int nbrRows = 0;
    while ( {
    String[] tblNames = new String[nbrRows];
    rs = dbmd.getTables(null, null, "%", tables);
    nbrRows = 0;
    while ( {
    tblNames[nbrRows] = rs.getString(3);
    return tblNames;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return null;
    public String resultSetToXML() {
    //turn result set to XML formatting
    String rsToXML = "";
    try {
    rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
    // begin to write XML document
    rsToXML += ("<?xml version="1.0\"?>\r\n");
    // Root node
    rsToXML += ("<ResultSet>");
    // get metadata into XML document
    rsToXML += (" <MetaData>");
    for (int i = 1; i <= getFieldCount(); i++) {
    rsToXML += (" <Column>" + getFieldName(i) + "</Column>");
    rsToXML += (" </MetaData>");
    // get data into XML document
    rsToXML += (" <Data>");
    while ( {
    rsToXML += (" <Row>");
    for (int i = 1; i <= getFieldCount(); i++) {
    rsToXML += (" <" + getFieldName(i) + ">"
    + rs.getString(i)
    + "</" + getFieldName(i) + ">");
    rsToXML += (" </Row>");
    rsToXML += (" </Data>");
    rsToXML += ("</ResultSet>");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    error = e.toString();
    return rsToXML;

    805487 wrote:
    it is a lot of code but i just need to figure out how to get to the next record under the action performed. Thank you for your time!!!It's too much code and it's unformatted. Put tags on both sides of the code (check that it works with the preview button), then ask an exact question (none of those "I don't know what to do" ones).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Problem with upgrade due to no connection to audit database

    Hello everyone!
    Today after work I wanted to finally upgrade ZCM but run into some problems.
    We have three servers: Two primary servers and one database-server (OEM Sybase SQL Anywhere). All three are running on SLES 11.
    I want to upgrade our ZCM11.2.4MU1 to ZCM11.3a and then to 11.3.1.
    I started by upgrading the Sybase database and running dbunload according to the documentation.
    Then I continued with "sh -c" and chose "Audit Database". I selected the OEM Sybase SQL Anywhere with port 2639.
    Admin, password and database-name were unique. But I made the mistake to set the servername to the same as the zenworks-database. *sigh*
    The installation completed.
    The sybase-asa and sybase-audit-asa services couldn't run at the same time, therefore I rebooted the database-server and installed the audit database again with a unique database-name.
    Before the upgrade I could start dbisql and connect without problems to backup the database. Now I cannot connect anymore without using the additional parameter: links=tcpip{host=IPorDNSName,port=2638}
    Connecting to the Audit Database via dbisql is not possible, with the following message:
    Could not connect to the database.
    Database server not found
    Ensure that the name in the "Server name" field is spelled correctly, that the network options on the network tab are correct and that the database server has been started.
    [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found
    Connection parameters:
    With that said, it is not possible to upgrade the first primary server because the setup routine is also not possible to connect to the Audit Server:
    We were unable to create a connection to the database. Please check your
    connection information.
    Specify the existing ZENworks database and database authentication information
    for an existing user with sufficient permissions.
    The services sybase-asa and sybase-audit-asa are both running. I also restarted them a couple of times.
    zenworks_database.conf and zenworks_database_audit.conf look fine.
    Do you have any idea what I missed?
    Is the duplicate servername still somewhere existend and prevents the proper running?
    Thank you very much in advance for pointing me in any direction!

    novellchuck wrote:
    > Hello everyone!
    > Today after work I wanted to finally upgrade ZCM but run into some
    > problems.
    > We have three servers: Two primary servers and one database-server
    > (OEM Sybase SQL Anywhere). All three are running on SLES 11.
    > I want to upgrade our ZCM11.2.4MU1 to ZCM11.3a and then to 11.3.1.
    > I started by upgrading the Sybase database and running dbunload
    > according to the documentation.
    > Then I continued with "sh -c" and chose "Audit Database". I
    > selected the OEM Sybase SQL Anywhere with port 2639.
    > Admin, password and database-name were unique. But I made the mistake
    > to set the servername to the same as the zenworks-database. sigh
    > The installation completed.
    > The sybase-asa and sybase-audit-asa services couldn't run at the same
    > time, therefore I rebooted the database-server and installed the audit
    > database again with a unique database-name.
    > Before the upgrade I could start dbisql and connect without problems
    > to backup the database. Now I cannot connect anymore without using the
    > additional parameter: links=tcpip{host=IPorDNSName,port=2638}
    > Connecting to the Audit Database via dbisql is not possible, with the
    > following message:
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > Could not connect to the database.
    > Database server not found
    > Ensure that the name in the "Server name" field is spelled
    > correctly, that the network options on the network tab are correct
    > and that the database server has been started. [Sybase][ODBC
    > Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found SQLCODE=-100
    > SQLSTATE=08001
    > Connection parameters:
    > User=zenauditadmin
    > Password=***
    > Server=zenworks_audit_database_server
    > DBN=zenworks_audit_database2
    > LINKS=ShMem
    > ENC=NONE
    > links=tcpip{host=<ip>,port=2639}
    > --------------------
    > With that said, it is not possible to upgrade the first primary server
    > because the setup routine is also not possible to connect to the Audit
    > Server:
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > We were unable to create a connection to the database. Please
    > check your connection information.
    > ************************************************** ********************
    > ******** Specify the existing ZENworks database and database
    > authentication information for an existing user with sufficient
    > permissions. --------------------
    > The services sybase-asa and sybase-audit-asa are both running. I also
    > restarted them a couple of times.
    > zenworks_database.conf and zenworks_database_audit.conf look fine.
    > Do you have any idea what I missed?
    > Is the duplicate servername still somewhere existend and prevents the
    > proper running?
    > Thank you very much in advance for pointing me in any direction!
    Oh boy... and no backup?
    Not sure how to get the sybase back working again... my first choice in
    such a case would be to make a contact to Novell, are you able to
    create an SR on this?
    I have always liked... Cowabunga!
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    clicking on the star below.
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  • Problem with EM (Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database)

    Hi all,
    I've Oracle DB 11g Rel.1 installed on Windows XP SP3. The database is up and running i.e. everyone can connect to the DB by using any App tool e.g. SQL*Plus, Forms, or Reports. It means that the listener and the service is running. But the problem is that when I try to start the EM I see some error messages on the webpage.
    It says:
    Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance. The state of the components are listed below.Database Instance (Green arrow)
    Status     Open                         Details     The instance is open.
    Host          shiman
    Port          *1521*
    SID          orcl
    Oracle Home     d:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1
    Agent Connection to Instance (Green arrow)
    Status Succeeded
    Listener (Green arrow)
    Status     Up
    Host          shiman
    Port          *1521*
    Name          LISTENER
    Oracle Home     d:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1
    Location     d:\Oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1\network\admin
    please see the attached file:'ve already checked all the services, they are running. And when I execute emctl command I got the following message.
    emctl status dbconsole
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g is running.I have checked some documents around config files in sysman and test_orcl\sysman directories. Moreover, I have checked dbsnmp and sysman account for unlockness and password accuracy. But they did not help me to solve the problem.
    My question is if every thing is working fine then what is the problem with the EM? Why it is not connecting to the DB?

    emdctl.trc2010-07-13 18:42:21 Thread-2196 WARN http: snmehl_connect: connect failed to (shiman:1158): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
    (error = 10061)
    2010-07-13 18:42:26 Thread-4856 WARN http: snmehl_connect: connect failed to (shiman:1158): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
    (error = 10061)
    2010-07-13 18:42:28 Thread-5684 ERROR ssl: nzos_Handshake failed, ret=28864
    2010-07-13 18:42:28 Thread-5684 ERROR http: 1704: Unable to initialize ssl connection with server, aborting connection attempt
    2010-07-13 18:42:28 Thread-5684 ERROR main: nmectla_agentctl: Error connecting to https://shiman:3938/emd/main. Returning status code 1
    emoms.trc2010-07-13 18:45:44,562 [ApplicationServerThread-1] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:46,875 [ApplicationServerThread-2] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:46,921 [ApplicationServerThread-0] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,078 [ApplicationServerThread-2] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,125 [ApplicationServerThread-1] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,140 [ApplicationServerThread-3] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,187 [ApplicationServerThread-0] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,234 [ApplicationServerThread-5] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,281 [ApplicationServerThread-4] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:47,328 [ApplicationServerThread-6] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:48,984 [ApplicationServerThread-2] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.818 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized
    2010-07-13 18:45:49,000 [EMUI_18_45_48_/console/aboutApplication] ERROR svlt.PageHandler handleRequest.639 - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse.resetBuffer(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.unprivileged_forward(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.access$100(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher$2.oc4jRun(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.render(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.myRender(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    2010-07-13 18:45:49,000 [EMUI_18_45_48_/console/aboutApplication] ERROR em.console doGet.357 - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed, be sure not to write to the OutputStream or to trigger a commit due to any other action before calling this method.
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed, be sure not to write to the OutputStream or to trigger a commit due to any other action before calling this method.
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

  • Problem: Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance

    I've got problem with EM. When I try to connect to it I get the following error:
    Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance. The state of the components are listed below.
    Database Instance, Listener and Agent are all green.
    Few more information:
    OS: Win7 64 bit
    -installed loopback adapter. I can ping my computer name (J-PC) without problem and it pings back address.
    -I have set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID env variables
    -I can login to sqlplus with sysman account
    -emctl status dbconsole shows that the EM 11g is running
    I've been struggling for some time trying to get EM running as it should, but no luck so far.
    If you need any more info, do ask. Tnx.

    Regarding causes:
    1. This is inside listener.ora file:
    +(SID_LIST =+
    +(SID_DESC =+
    +(SID_NAME = CLRExtProc)+
    +(ORACLE_HOME = C:\app\J\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1)+
    +(PROGRAM = extproc)+
    +(ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:C:\app\J\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\oraclr11.dll")+
    +(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = J-PC)(PORT = 1521))+
    ...and this is examples of errors in emoms.trc:
    +2012-05-25 00:29:28,782 [HTTPThreadGroup-49] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.891 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized+
    +2012-05-25 00:29:28,798 [HTTPThreadGroup-49] ERROR eml.OMSHandshake processFailure.806 - OMSHandshake failed.(AGENT URL = http://J-PC:3938/emd/main)(ERROR = INTERNAL_ERROR)(CAUSE =java.sql.SQLException: Locale not recognized)+
    +2012-05-25 00:29:28,860 [HTTPThreadGroup-49] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.891 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized+
    +2012-05-25 00:29:28,872 [HTTPThreadGroup-49] ERROR eml.OMSHandshake processFailure.806 - OMSHandshake failed.(AGENT URL = http://J-PC:3938/emd/main)(ERROR = INTERNAL_ERROR)(CAUSE =java.sql.SQLException: Locale not recognized)+
    +2012-05-25 00:29:40,908 [HTTPThreadGroup-49] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.891 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Locale not recognized+
    +2012-05-25 00:29:40,924 [HTTPThreadGroup-49] ERROR eml.OMSHandshake processFailure.806 - OMSHandshake failed.(AGENT URL = http://J-PC:3938/emd/main)(ERROR = INTERNAL_ERROR)(CAUSE =java.sql.SQLException: Locale not recognized)+
    +2012-05-25 00:29:52,811 [SystemThreadGroup-8] ERROR app.SessionObjectManager sessionDestroyed.128 - java.sql.SQLException: Locale not recognized+
    java.sql.SQLException: Locale not recognized
    Running lsnrctl status:
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Produ
    Start Date 25-MAY-2012 07:54:17
    Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 21 min. 25 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Local OS Authentication
    Listener Parameter File C:\app\J\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\network\admin\listene
    Listener Log File c:\app\j\diag\tnslsnr\J-PC\listener\alert\log.xml
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "orcl" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Service "orclXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "orcl", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    Tnx for the help.

  • How can I change the behavior of the Green Enter button when filling out a field in a form? Current it submits the entire form, I would like it to tab to the next field instead

    When using Firefox for Andriod:
    When filling out a field on a form, they keyboard has a Green Enter button that submits the entire form. However, there are multiple fields on the page, and I would like it to tab to the next field. At the very least not submit the form.
    Also, is there a way to configure the keyboard that shows up for each html5 input type?

    They keyboard that shows up has the large "Green Enter" go button, a backspace and some arrow keys, but no tab button.

  • Connecting DataBase in Java : big problem !

    I'm trying to connect my java application with a database.
    It doens't exits, i want to create it by sql query. There's a problem : when i try to connect to by
    try {
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
    System.out.println("driver problem"+e);
    i've got in return this message :
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    So read that the Jbdcdriver is included in JdK .. so what's the problem ?
    I run my application under Mac OSx Jaguar, JDK 1.3
    Please help me !

    So read that the Jbdcdriver is included in JdK .. so what's the problem ?That driver only comes with the Sun JVM for Solaris, Linux and Windows.
    You will need to find another driver.
    I'm trying to connect my java application with a database.
    It doens't exits, i want to create it by sql query.It is seldom, if ever possible to create a database using JDBC. JDBC connects to a database so by definition a database must exist for it to connect to. That of course is not the same as creating the tables in a database.

  • I was facing problem while connecting to oracle database.Can some one help me soon!!!!!

    Hi all,
    I was facing problem from last week.Suddenly i was getting ora-12505 error while connecting to the database through toad.I tried to change tnsnames.ora & listener.ora in multiple ways,but no luck...Inspite i was getting different errors like ora - 01034: ORACLE not available / ora - 27101: shared memory realm does not exist...When i try to connect using sys / sys as sysdba,connection is establishing and when issue the command startup it was throwing the error ORA-01821: date format not recognized......Fed up solving these issues....Can some one help me out...It's very very urgent..
    Thanks in advance,

    Well, the obviously solution is to use separate Apple ID's for iCloud.

  • Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5

    Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5.
    NOTE: I did not check other Crystal Runtime versions.
    Any solution?

    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
    It was working fine with Crystal Report version 13.0.5. Only change is uninstall Crystal Report version 13.0.5 and install Crystal Report version 13.0.10
    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Problem to connect to a database from an Excel pivot table

    I have Office 365 private. I could connect to the database and then all of a sudden it stopped and when i wanted to refresh the pivot table i got the following error: "an error was encountered in the transport layer", then i click OK and
    i get a prompt to logon to the database which I do and get this message: "Errors in the OLE DB database. The Integrated Securty property cannot be set if a username and password is supplied". Again, i could connect without any problem and since few
    days it stopped.
    thank you in advance for any help,

    If the database you mentioned is a Cube, please check the post:
    Best Regards,

  • Problem with Tab to Next Field

    If I recall correctly, in the past when I wanted to print specific pages from a document, I tabbed once to get from the number of copies field to the field next to "from" to indicate the first page I wanted printed, then tabbed again and entered the last page I wanted to print.
    I am finding that when I open the print dialog, it is starts with the "Printer" drop down menu highlights. If I tab, it next goes to the "Presets". The next tab sends it to the "All" radio button. If I tab yet again, I finally get to the field to enter the "from" field to enter the first page I want printed. Instead of one Tab to get to the "from" field, I have to Tab 3 times.
    I am finding this same type of behavior in other programs as well. It used to be, if I recall correctly, that tabbing to the next field only selected those fields in which a numeric value could be entered from the keyboard. Now every button and dropdown menu seems to selected as I am tabbing.
    When I compose an email, I used to be able to start composing the email after tabbing from the subject field. Now, after I tab from the subject field, the next stop is the drop down menu to select which header fields are visible. Tabbing again brings me to the "From" drop down menu. The next tab is the "Signature" drop down menu. Tabbing again brings me to the priority drop down menu. After the 5th press of the tab key, I finally get to the field that allows me to type my email content. The four presses of the tab key really slow things down. 
    These extra presses of the tab key are a royal pain. I am finding that I am using the mouse to go directly from one field to the next.
    Has anyone else had this experience? Is there a preference to go back to the way it used to work?

    This is planned to be fixed in the next release.

  • After Installing Application Server - Problem connecting to my Databases

    I have 10g installed on my Windows server, and have no problems connecting to my database(s). After I install Application Server 10g, I am no longer able to connect to any of them, as if the TNSNAMES.ORA file is no longer configured correctly. I am training myself on these applications. Anyone have any suggestions what is happening behind the scenes?
    Thank you,
    Daniel Nadler

    After deploying a jsf application via the web interface of the application server enterprise manager I tried to connect to the 10g database - and it failed with the same error as yesterday?
    I really don't unterstand what is going on. I would really appreciate it if someone could point me out where to start digging for a solution / unterstanding of the problem.
    Quoting this thread (installing db on same server as AS): 10gAS and Database Server on the same machine
    Yes, you can do this. Here are some guidelines:
    (1) Make sure your system requirements are sufficient to handle the application server and the database. The recommendation is to add the AS system requirements and the DB system requirements together.
    (2) Install each product into its own Oracle home. For example:
    - Oracle Home 1: AS Mid-tier
    - Oracle Home 2: AS Infrastructure (including Metadata Repository)
    - Oracle Home 3: Database
    (3) If your AS installation includes a Metadata Repository, make sure that the
    Metadata Repository and the database use a different SID and global db name.
    (4) It is possible that the Metadata Repository and the database can share
    port 1521. Review this information before you start your AS installation:
    The installation guide under (4) tells me that I don't have to worry since I use a new listener version.
    To complete the confusion: on my virtual test machine oracle 10g and oracle AS 10g work fine side by side?? Perhaps because I did a Standard Edition install of the database (on the real machine I used Enterprise Edition)? Is there a way to figure out what kind of install I did?
    Lots of questions, any help or links are really appreciated! Thanks in advance!
    ------------------ EDIT -------------------
    Whoops, I might had a problem with a not correctly shut down database (just shutted windows down without killing the instance - didn't know this wasn't ok). Still evaluating the issue. But to say the least, it seems the application server has nothing to do with my problem :)
    Message was edited by:

  • Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000): BI Answers Problem

    I am using OBIEE 11g and 11g admin client tool is installed in my machine. I created one rpd and I deploy that rpd in the server through Enterprise manager fusion middleware control. But when try to run the analysis from BI answers it throws and error like
    "TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified at OCI call OCIServerAttach. [nQSError: 17014] Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000)".
    In the rpd I use OCI default (10g/11g) and cheked that connection is successful and also when I click on view data option in the physical layer I am able to see the data. I cheked with DBAs and correct TNS entries are also there in the server. Could not understand where is the problem.
    Please help.

    Try like this
    Call Interface: Default (OCI 10g/11g)
    Data source Name->localhost:1521/XE
    BTW: Whats the client bit version 32/64 bit, if you have 64bit and above is not working try with Oracle client 32bit.
    Pls mark correct/helpful if helps

  • Problem to create a connection with Hypersonic database

    i'm using NetBeans 5.5.1 and JBoss 4.0.3SP1. Over Runtime-window i try to see and to use the JBoss's database, Hypersonic. But i become following exception:
    (Socket creation error) The connection cannot be created with this driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.
    This are the following configurations for my DB-Connection.
    Name: HSQLDB
    Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    URL to the DB: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://
    Username: sa
    Password : *****
    Can anyone help me to solve this problem. Is it actually possible to create an connection with a hypersonic database?
    Which databases are support by this Netbeans DB-Client?
    Thank you
    Best Regards

    In general, NetBeans db client should work with any jdbc client database/driver.
    Are you able to connect to the database from outside the ide (using a standalone java program)?
    You may also want to take a look at :

Maybe you are looking for

  • Java ME 3.0 is not running on Window-7 OS (64-bit)

    HI there! My laptop cant handle this issue with the WTK, I have a 64 bit Windows 7 Platform, and I just installed WTK and running my Proyect I always get this: CAN ANYBODY HELP ME WITH THIS ? java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\WTK2.5.2_01\bin\sublime

  • Dashboard Error in OBIEE 11 g

    Hi ALl. I am getting this error when i was viewing the report in OBIEE 10 g i able to see the report but in OBIEE 11 g the same i am getting below error Please help me to solve this issue. Logic Error: PreKnownMetadataTable was accessed before result

  • Screen Dimming still - after unchecking 'ambient brigthness settings

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  • Error When Extracting the UD Connect Source Objects

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