Connection handshake failed

I am attempting to set up mirroring for the first time between two servers.  The servers are on the same domain, I am using the wizard to setup mirroring, i am logged into each server using a domain account that has System Administrator privalges, this
ID is a domain admin also, I can connect to each instance via SSMS in both directions, but cannot get the mirroring to work.  When attempting to start mirroring I get this error on the Principle instance.
On the mirror instance I get this message in the SQL Server log
Logon,Unknown,Database Mirroring login attempt by user 'MNS\VIPERDB00$.' failed with error: 'Connection handshake failed. The login 'MNS\VIPERDB00$' does not have CONNECT permission on the endpoint. State 84.'.  [CLIENT:]
MNS is the domain and viperdb00 is the server name
Any ideas?

It Seems that there is problem with user name. I would like to what you have defined in your service account section of mirroring configuration.
See Following Screen shot and highlighted area . You Must define your service account of principle and mirror instance and( Witness if applicable).
Apart From This  : "MNS\VIPERDB00$" Is it user  ? or its domain\machineName ?? (as per you last line in your
reply ).
If it is a user can you please check if this user has permission on SQL Server Instance.
Mark as Answer If Reply Was Helpful
Kuldeep Bisht
Technical Lead @ Simplion Technologies
Blog :

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    Hi Jason
    I was getting the same behavior after Apple support had me delete some plist files to get Airplay going. I was also getting the following error:
    the error occurred while processing a command of type 'writesettings' in the plug-in 'server vpn'
    I went into ~/Library/Preferences/ and /Library/Preferences/ and deleted every plist contating the word server. I had to re-set up my server (meaning walk through some intial steps) but all of my settings were still there after that and everything started working again.
    Just a thought, obviously try at your own risk but it worked for me.

  • SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has be

    Hello, I have a sql 2005 server, and I am a developer, with the database on my own machine.  It alwayws works for me but after some minutes the other developer cant work in the application
    He got this error
    Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT:]
    and When I see the log event after that error, it comes with another error.
    SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]
    He has IIS5 and me too.
    I created a user on the domain called ASPSYS with password, then in the IIS on anonymous authentication I put that user with that password, and it works, on both machines.
    and in the connection string I have.
    <add key="sqlconn" value="Data Source=ESTACION15;Initial Catalog=GescomDefinitiva;Integrated Security=SSPI; Trusted_Connection=true"/>
    I go to the profiler, and I see that when he browses a page, the database is accesed with user ASPSYS, but when I browse a page, the database is accesed with user SE\levalencia.
    Thats strange.
    The only way that the other developer can work again on the project is to restart the whole machine. He has windows xp profession, I have windows 2000.
    If you want me to send logs please tellme

    Well here's my problem, maybe you can help. Intermittenly I get a login failed when connecting to a db engine through Server Management Studio using Windows authentication. When this happens the following entries are generated on the server's application event log:
    Event Type:        Error
    Event Source:    MSSQLSERVER
    Event Category:                (4)
    Event ID:              17806
    Date:                     1/14/2009
    Time:                     10:41:31 AM
    User:                     N/A
    Computer:          <server name>
    SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT: <ip address>]
    Event Type:        Failure Audit
    Event Source:    MSSQLSERVER
    Event Category:                (4)
    Event ID:              18452
    Date:                     1/14/2009
    Time:                     10:41:31 AM
    User:                     N/A
    Computer:          <server name>
    Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT: <ip address>]
    I've already ensured that the server is set to mixed authentication mode. Oddly enough, the workaround that I've found is that if I remote desktop into the server, log in and then log back out, Management Studio is suddenly able to connect again. No idea why it works. 
    As I said before, it is intermitten. Some days it errors on login, other days it doesn't and there are no configuration changes between them. Also, both client and server are in the same domain and same site so there is no VPN or anything in between. I'm really quite stumped. Any help would be great, or if you can point me in the right direction of where to look. Thank you in advance!

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         at audatex3.WSProxySoapClient.main(
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  • SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c and Login failed for user''

    I got the following error when tried to connect to local machine in the
    non-domain environment with Windows Authentication by SSMS.
    "SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security."
    "Login failed for user''. the user is nothing associated with a trusted SQL server connection."
    1,if I saw the "SSPI handshake failed ", does it means it must used Kerberos but failed? or it is also possible used the NTLM but failed?
    2,Any ideas for this issue?
    Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem!

    Hi Michael,
    Firstly, "SSPI Handshake Failed" error happens usually when connection failed between the server and domain controllers or failed Kerberos authentication. For more details about "SSPI Handshake Failed" error, please review this
    Secondly, regarding to your error message, it could be caused by loopback check. To resolve the issue, please set the DisableLoopbackCheck registry entry to 1 by performing the following steps.
    1.Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
    2.Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
    3.Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
    4.Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER.
    5.Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
    6.In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
    7.Exit Registry Editor.
    8.Restart the computer.
    There is a similar blog about your scenario for your reference.
    Lydia Zhang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • [ForumFAQ]How to troubleshoot error "SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x80090324"

    Understanding the problem:
    When connect to SQL Server with Windows authentication, you may receive the following message in the SQL Server error log:
    SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x80090324, state 14 while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed.
    Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) is a set of Windows APIs that allows for delegation and mutual authentication over any generic data transport layer, such as TCP/IP sockets. SQL Server supports Kerberos indirectly through the Windows Security Support
    Provider Interface (SSPI) when SQL Server is using Windows Authentication.
    "SSPI Handshake Failed" error happens usually when connection failed between the server and domain controllers or failed Kerberos Authentication. There are many reason for SSPI Handshake error to appear in SQL Server error log.
    Troubleshot the problem:
    Download and install the Windows error code lookup tool Err.exe to view error descriptions for Windows Error Codes.
    The error code 0x80090324 (SEC_E_TIME_SKEW) means "clock on client and server machines are skewed". In most case, this is a Kerberos issue. Kerberos is using a timestamp to protect against replay attacks. The maximum time skew that can be tolerated
    between a ticket's timestamp and the current time at the KDC is 5 minutes by default.
    Also check the Windows Event Log of client machine, domain controller and the SQL Server machine for existence of W32time error messages.
    The solution:
    Make sure the clock of client server, domain controller and the server running SQL Server are within five minutes of each other. Or Resynchronize the clock by run w32tm /resync on client machine and SQL Server machine.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    This error can happen due to Active Directory configuration issue or Network related issues. Assuming they are fine,
    another reason could be related to fail Kerberos Authentication to connect to SQL Server.
    In Windows 2003 and above, the default method of establishing a connection is Kerberos but if it fails, then connection may be established using NTLM. An error may be registered on SQL Server error log due to Kerberos failure.
    To confirm if you have any database connection using Kerberos authentication, run this on your SQL Server
    SELECT distinct auth_scheme FROM sys.dm_exec_connections
    If you only see NTLM and SQL then, there is no Kerberos connection.
    To use Kerberos, the client and SQL Server must be in the same domain or trusted domains and a Service Principal Name (SPN) must be registered with Active Directory for SQL Server service account.
    You can check if the service account already has SPN, by running this on the SQL Server
    setspn -l <domain\sqlserviceaccount>
    If you don't see anything starting with MSSQLSvc\ then the account is not setup with SPN.
    You can manually register SPN as a Domain Administrator using these commands.
    To      create an SPN for the NetBIOS name of the SQL Server use the following      command:
    setspn –A MSSQLSvc/<SQL Server computer name>:1433      <Domain\Account>
    To      create an SPN for the FQDN of the SQL Server use the following command:
    setspn      -A MSSQLSvc/<SQL Server FQDN>:1433 <Domain\Account>
    If SQL Server service account is granted "Validated write to service principal name" privilege in Active Directory, SQL Server database engine will register itself when it starts and unregisters at shutdown. If you Domain Administrators do not permit this setting
    then you should manually register the SPN and the SSPI error will go away.
    Also the SQL Server service account must be granted "Account is trusted for delegation" privilege in Active Directory. If your SQL Server connects to other SQL Server using Linked Server then the server must also be granted "Trust this computer for delegation
    to any service" privilege.
    For a named instance, you can use the FQDN of the named instance instead of SQL Server FQDN and use the port number.
    For a clustered server, you should use the FQDN of the SQL Server virtual name. In this case you will need two entries, one with port name and one without such as
    setspn -A MSSQLSvc/<Virtual SQL Server FQDN> <Domain\Account>
    setspn -A MSSQLSvc/<Virtual SQL Server FQDN>:1433 <Domain\Account>
    Kerberos authentication works when SQL Server, Service Account and Windows account accessing the SQL Server are in same windows domain. If anyone these are in different domain, there must be bidirectional trust established between the domains, otherwise it
    does not work.

  • SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x80090311

    Hi guys,
    I get this error and i know it comes from my Linux server in an IPA domain.
    Error: SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x80090311
    But i want to trust this connection. How do i do this?
    Kind regards,

    0x80090311 error refers to "No authority could be contacted for authentication" which means the user cannot contact AD to get a ticket. I suggest turning on Kerberos logging  and using Netmon to trace the authentication routes. You can find detailed
    info on how to troubleshoot Kerberos here.
    There are probably some network issue on your system and you lost the connectivity to AD from time to time. Please let your network administror investigate any possible network issue.
    Hope the below threads could be helpful for you:
    Yan Li 
    Regards, Yan Li

  • "SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c ..."

    Hi All,
    Below are the farm configuration.
    1 SQL server with SQL 2005 STD edition in windows 2003 server Std 64 bit.
    1 Application server and 1 WFE server with SharePoint 2007 Std edition in windows 2003 server STD 64 bit.
    Configured with AD account and it has local admin rights on 3 servers.
    Daily morning SQL server is reporting Event ID 17806 error. SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed.
    [ IP of Application and WFE servers].
    During same time SQL server is logging 5788 and 5789 errors. 
    5788 error: Attempt to update HOST Service Principal Names (SPNs) of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated values were 'HOST/FQDN name of SQL Server' and 'HOST/SQL Server Name'. The following error occurred:
    There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. 
    5789 error: Attempt to update DNS Host Name of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated value was 'FQDN Name of SQL server'. The following error occurred:
    There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. 
    At the same point Application and WFE servers are getting 27745 error for thousands of time in 2 minutes. As it is early morning we don't know how the sharepoint application is behaving (accessible are not).  From past 2days we are getting these errors.
    It is happening only for 2 min in the morning.
    27745 error : The description for Event ID ( 27745 ) in Source ( Windows SharePoint Services 3 ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote
    computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: #50071: Unable to connect to the database WSS_Content_DB on SQL server.  Check the database
    connection information and make sure that the database server is running..
    To resolve this found few SPN queries, but didnt tried as it is production environment. Is this issue with SPN name of SQL server?
    how to stop this errors?
    Thanks & regards

    Thanks to share your post in this forum.
    For the issue that you have encountered, if your local site is running under iis, then you need to set to
    run under a domain account with access the SQL server.
    1) If you only hit the website locally just set impersonate=true in the
    web config and require authentication to ntlm in iis.
    2) If your local box is vista or server2003 set the app pool for the site to the desired domain account.
    3) If none of above, in web.config set impersonate with a username and
    And some other useful references:
    Hope this could help you!

  • Cannot access to any site with ssl connection and fail to open safari and keychain, unless restart computer and login in with Guest account.

    when Update to 10.7.2 ,I cannot access to any site with ssl connection and fail to open safari and keychain, unless restart computer and login in with Guest account.
    Macbook Pro 2010-mid 13inch

    I also have the same problem, however if I use Firefox or Opera sites with ssl connection work fine. Still, I can't use Google Chrome (ssl), Safari (ssl), the Mac app store (generally), or the iTunes store (generally). Both the iTunes store, Safari and the app store won't respond, and Chrome displays this error: (net::ERR_TIMED_OUT). The problem persists regardless of what network I'm using. Also, when trying to access the keychain or iCloud, the process will not start (will hang). I didn't have these problems at all before updating to 10.7.2.
    Sometimes rebooting helps, and sometimes not. If the problem disappears by rebooting, then it only lasts a few minutes before it reappears. It is very frustrating, especially since there doesn't seem to be any obvious or consistent way of which to fix it.
    I'm also using a Macbook Pro 13-inch mid 2010.

  • CR2008 - Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. ...

    Getting the following error when running CR2008 reports from web server:
    "Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. <report_name>{2585477E-FB02-4594-9DB5-FFBFF2ABE124}.rpt"
    The web server is a Windows Server 2008 x64.  The IIS7 application pool is configured for 32bit, which solved our initial problem.  We are getting the above error if we use either CR2008 or CR2008 SP1.  Same issue with CRRuntime_12_1_mlb.exe.
    If we load CR2008 onto the web server, we can open and run the reports.  Thus, there appears to be no problem with the reports or the data source (an Access database).  Web application runs on development machine (windows xp).
    Why is there a GUID in the report file name?  How can we resolve this issue or what else should we check?
    TIA, Gary.

    Figured it out.  Turns out the ODBC data source name had been setup incorrectly.  Became obvious when stepping through the code.

  • CR2008:Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. Report

    I've just upgraded from Crystal XI R2 to Crystal 2008. All my reports open happily in Crystal 2008. I have also deployed the Crystal 2008 runtime to a Windows 2003 SP2 R2 server running ASP.NET 1 and ASP.NET 2. Before the Crystal 2008 runtime was installed on top of the already present Crystal XI R2 Runtime I could view RPT files via the .NET report viewer (version XI). Now that Crystal 2008 runtime is installed I receive an error message when I try to view the reports, again, via the .NET report viewer (version 12), although no code has changed apart from all references changed from XI to 2008.
    Code is:
    CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument oReportDocument = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
    Tables oTables = oReportDocument.Database.Tables;
                   foreach (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table oTable in oTables)
                        TableLogOnInfo crTableLogOnInfo = oTable.LogOnInfo;
                        crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = true;
                        crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "DB" ;
                        crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "server" ;
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = oReportDocument;
    Error message is: 'Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection'.
    Any help would be great.

    You are correct in that there are no database connectivity changes in CR 2008.
    If you do not have SP0 for CR 2008, download it from here:
    If that does not help, I'd like to check if the correct dlls are loading when using CR 2008. To do that, download the modules utility from here:
    Then do the following:
    1) unzip the download
    2) Run the app with the CR 2008 references
    3) get the error. leave the error on the screen
    4) Start modules
    5) Go to the File menu, select New List -> Memory Modules
    6) Expand "By process"
    7) Find the app exe (or the .NET dev env)
    8) Click on that
    9) Go to the View menu and select Details
    10) Look to see if there are any dlls loading form the CR XI r2 directory (c:\Program files\Business Objects\Common\3.5\bin)

  • The connection has failed while creating a New Repository using Oracle BI 11g Administration Tool

    In the BI Administration Tool when i try to create a “New Repository…” faced The connection has failed I try all of these solutions but dident work..
    1-configured my “System DSN"
    2-enter “TNS_ADMIN” for the “Variable Name” field and for the “Variable Value” enter the location of my OBIEE
    3-copy the sqlnet and tnsnames.ora files into E:\obiee11gtmt\Oracle_BI1\network\admin and E:\obiee11gtmt\oracle_common\network\admin
    4- put this in DSN with connection type OCI 10g/11g (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = IP Addr)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL) ))
    please help me

    1.Place tnsnames.ora file in the following paths,
    2.Navigate to
    Open file in a notepad
    Set Tns_names paths as shown below with your tnsnames.ora file’s location,
    set TNS_ADMIN=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\NETWORK\ADMIN
    The above path is of your installed Database tnsnames.ora file
    I guess you didnt do this step. This will solve your issue.
    Restart all the services
    If helpful, please mark the answer.

  • Urg: Not able to import data from DB in OBIEE 11g : Connection has failed.

    Hi Team
    Recently while working in OBIEE 11g , I was trying to import tables from the data-base but I am getting an error " Connection has failed " .
    I have put the tnsora file in the network admin folder and the
    \OracleBI1\network\admin (Example: C:\OBI\Oracle_BI1\network\admin)
    \oracle_common\network\admin (Example: C:\OBI\oracle_common\network\admin)
    and have set the TNS_ADMIN variable in the User.cmd path  with the above path .
    But it is still not working . I have tried all the options but its still not working .
    Any help is appreciated.

    Is it Compulsory to give Schema and Work Schema while creating the Physical Schema in Oracle Data server?
    This is mandatory to have a schema and a work schema here.
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  • SSIS 2012: SSIS Error Code "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

    This is kind of weird issue that I am experiencing with excel connection manager in SSIS 2012. This issue occurs sometimes but when I close and re-open SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools - newer BIDS) then this issues goes off temporarily.
    Just FYI, through SSDT environment I executed the package successfully with both settings Run64bit runtime setting to Yes and No when error does not occur.
    So far I have installed (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable).
    I still remember for older versions of SQL Server (2005 & 2008) that I have executed Excel connection SSIS packages with Run64bit runtime = false i.e. in 32-bit mode. As far as I know I think Excel 64-bit issue has been resolved with SQL Server
    2012 release.
    Here is the detail of error message:
    TITLE: Package Validation Error
    Package Validation Error
    Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Source [2]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection
    Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
    Error at Data Flow Task [SSIS.Pipeline]: Excel Source failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
    Error at Data Flow Task [SSIS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
    Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
    Error at Package [Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Unspecified error".
    Here are my environment details:
    SQL Server 2012 {Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3368.0 (X64) } , Excel 2010 (32-bit). I am developing SSIS code on Virtual desktops with Windows 7 32-bit OS.
    Also it occurred to me that since Virtual Desktops are on Shared Infrastructure, the source files and SSIS packages (code) can be on Shared drives for e.g. \\<Corpnet>\userdata\<Corp_Users_Grp>\<Username>\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Integration
    Services Project2\Integration Services Project2\Package.dtsx.
    Does this kind of Shared drives have any impact to give this issue?
    Thanks in advance!
    P.S.: I had look at this forum question -->

    Hi Arthur,
    Thanks for your response.
    Yes, it looks like SSIS still has bunch of issues with Excel files like as follows:
    1) Some times excel source files cannot be parsed by excel source connection manager.
    2) For derive column conversion, we can't replace the existing column. rather, we have to add the derived column as " add as new column" which is tough to manage  while destination mapping.
    3) If an column in excel contains a data which is not of the data type assigned for the column in excel, the excel source reads that data as "null". For the same, we can't validate the data and redirect the erroneous data in reject file.  <-- For
    this we tried IMEX setting also
    4) In multi-tab/sheet excel file, excel source is unable to detect a tab and identify the metadata of the excel.
    I am also checking Microsoft connect for Excel issues with SSIS 2012(
    As worst case scenario, I am thinking of converting Excel to CSV file or Flat text file. (
    Do you think it is advisable to convert Excel into CSV or Flat file.

  • AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager Excel connection Manager failed

    I used VS Studio 2008 (BIDS version 10.50.2500.0) on an WinXp machine (v 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600) to create a package that writes multiple query results to different tabbed sheets of a single excel spreadsheet. The package was working just fine and has run
    successfully multiple times, but all of a sudden when opening the project, every single Data Flow task with an Excel Connection Manager displayed error icons. Each raises the following error message when attempting to open the Advanced Editor:
    SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error". Error at DataFlow task name: SSIS error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method
    call to the connection manager Excel connection Manager failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the Acquire Connection method call failed. Exception from HRESULT: 0Xc020801c (Microsoft.SQlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
    From the time I created the original package (when it worked fine) until now:
     1) I have been using the same computer, the same login account and the same permissions.
     2) I have been writing to the same (32 bit) 2010 Excel file (which I created) in a folder on my local machine.
     3) The filename and location have not changed; a template file is used each time to move and overwrite the previous file. Both are in the same locations.
     4) I can independently open the target Excel file and the template Excel files with no errors.
     6) The ConnectionString has not changed. The Connnection String I am using is
      Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Conversion\Conversion\Results_dt01.xlsx;Extended Properties="EXCEL 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;".
     7) Run64BitRuntime is set to False.
    8)  Delay Validation is set to true
    9) This is not running under a SQL job  
    10) There are no child packages being run
    I CAN create a NEW Excel Connection Manager, assigning it the exact same target Excel spreadsheet, successfully, but when I attempt to assign it to the Data Flow destination this error occurs:
    "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Unspecified error."
    Thinking that the driver might be corrupt, I opened a second SSIS package, which also uses the Excel Connection Manager (same driver) and this package continues to work fine on the same workstation with no errors.
    I have searched online for causes of this error for many hours and found nothing that helps me to solve this issue.
    Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

    Yes, I have verified that the Excel file is not in use or opened by anyone, including me. It has been two months since I opened this particular package, although I have been working with other packages in this project. I just discovered that another
    package in the same project has the same problem - all Data Flows that output to an Excel Destination now have the same error icons. This second packages outputs to an entirely different Excel file than in the first package.  A summay:
    Package #1 has error on every Excel Destination and uses templateA to overwrite fileA and then writes to fileA
    Package #2 has error on every Excel Desintation and uses templateB to overwrite fileB and then writes to fileB
    Package #3 has no error on any Excel Destination and is linked to multiple files (none are A or B)
    Package #1 and #2 are in the same project, but Package #3 is in a separate project .
    I will try replacing the Excel files with new ones for Package 1 and 2.

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  • IChat Bonjour on our network

    Hi - I've asked this on the iChat support page and have been directed by an expert to this group. We have two computers on the same wifi network (airport extreme) both running iChat 4.0.7 (616). We can see each other on the iChat Bonjour list, but on

  • Levels Histogram in 16:9

    My levels histogram is messed up when I edit HD video in 16:9. All of the values barely show up on the graph. I believe this is because the histogram is including the black bars across the top and bottom of the screen when 16:9 is letterboxed, and th

  • Read field value from another page

    Hallo, I have PAGE1.HTM (with MVC) with 2 input fields (country and state). For field STATE there´s a F4-button which calls PAGE2.HTM (page with logic) and in order to display the correct information for states I need to get the value in field countr

  • Secure empty trash.

    I am trying to use 'secure empty trash' but it gets so far and then stops of its own accord.  Any suggestions?

  • Recover deleted session

    Hello. I need, I really really need to recover a deleted session in SM35. I have already read some threads about it in this forum and the answers is "No!, if you delete a session in SM35 you've lost it". If I didn't really need to recover this sessio