Connexion cRIo perdu, fermeture FPGA

Ce projet est l'exemple 'Servo Position Loop', adpater avec les slots (NI9263 et NI9411)que je possèdes sont mon cRIO NI Rio-9024 sur le chassis FPGA 9116.
Le programme s'exécute correctement sur la cible. Par contre lorsque que je termine le programme, cRIO se déconnecte. Je ne peux donc plus relancer le programme, à moins de rebooter le cRIO via Measure Automation.
Pourquoi ce programme ferme t-il la connection lorsqu'il s'arrete?
J'ai joins le projetqui pose souci.
Ci dessous le message d'erreur recu lorsque je tenté de redéployer l'application. Aucunes des solutions proposées n'a abouti.
Pièces jointes :
Control moteur ‏2144 KB

L'erreur vient de la fermeture du vi "Trajectory generator VI".
Quand j'enlève ce VI, je ne perds pas la connexion avec mon cRIO.
On ne peut pas voir le code du VI et on ne peut pas le configurer.
Qlq sait comment fermer l'axe san perdre la connexion?
Ci-joint l'image du VI.
Pièces jointes :
Trajectory generator delete.JPG ‏119 KB

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    Any ideas? Unfortunately, I do not have an unused channel left ...and (as far as I know) can't use the RS232 from the FPGA.
    Many thanks in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    Hi, this is the correct information. You cannot read from the FPGA the DIP switch status. The only thing you could do is to use the Read function located under Functions -> Real Time -> RT utilities  palette
    This is how you probably know only for the RT Host side and not the FPGA.
    Regards Anoj
    Anoj Mubarak
    National Instruments

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    There are individual formulas for one or a group of modules.
    LabView examples path:
    LabVIEW 2010\examples\CompactRIO\Basic IO\Analog Raw Host Calibration\AI Raw Host Calibration
    LabView help topic 
    Converting and Calibrating CompactRIO Analog Input Values (FPGA
    Best regards

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    Thank you!
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    In your first image one problem is that you are starting the module on each iteration of the loop.  I can't tell how your FIFO is configured, but take a look at the example "Hardware Input and Output->CompactRIO->Module Specific IO->Analog Input->NI 923x Continuous DMA.pvproj.  I don't know which LabVIEW version you are using but I found this example in 2012.

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    Simon M.

    Hey Simon,
    Try going through the steps in this document.  There are a lot of steps in that document, but if you follow them closely it will almost certainly resolve your issue.
    Can you also please post a Max technical report (instructions here).
    Let us know if you are still having trouble after going through that document.
    -Sam K
    LabVIEW Hacker
    Join / Follow the LabVIEW Hacker Group on google+

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    Hey there.
    Indeed cRIO 900x series does not support DMA transfers from the Host to the FPGA; that is the reason you are getting an error 63001.
    However it does support data transfer from the FPGA to the Host You can find that information in this KB.
    To transfer information from the host to the rt and to the fpga you can use:
    Host <--> RT
    Network shared variables
    Data socket
    RT --> FPGA
    Front panel communication
    FPGA -->RT
    User defined variables
    Direct memory access
    I added some links with examples of each type of communication
    Hope this info helps
    Good luck

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    Go to Solution.

    Under your main project you need to have added a "cRIO target"  underneath that target, you need to have added a "cRIO chassis".  And then udnerneath the chassis you need to have added an "FPGA Target".  Finally, you place your VI inside the "FPGA target" in the tree structure.  To add something, usually right-clicking on the item it is going to give you an option to add->target or something similar.

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    In order to control your servo motor with the FPGA and or DIO module you will have to write drivers to control your motor and drive.  While this is possible is an extremely complicated and time consuming process.  I would highly recommend you consider using the NI 9514 with soft motion as it will provide full servo functionality and is relatively easy to use.
    Sam K
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hi Michael
    You're right the fuzzy controller VIs are not shown under FPGA. The Fuzzy Controller VIs are implemented for
    Windows or Real-Time. (They use DBL as data type which is not supported under FPGA)
    It is possible to implement a Multi-Channel PID with the PID Express VI under your FPGA target. For more
    information see at these two links.
    PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit User Manual
    Using PID on FPGA Targets (PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit)​/lvpidmain/pid_on_fpga/
    Kind regards,
    Andreas Scheuber
    Applications Engineer
    NI Switzerland

  • Fpga DMA FIFO compilation error

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    write node (picture of the VI attached below). In the Compilation Report, it says that there were 256 Block RAMs used (the
    total number is 40), therefore an error was produced. The exact compilation error
    notification from the Xilinx report is reproduced below:
    # Starting program map
    # map -o toplevel_gen_map.ncd -intstyle xflow -timing toplevel_gen.ngd
    Using target part "3s2000fg456-4".
    Mapping design into LUTs...
    Running directed packing...
    Running delay-based LUT packing...
    ERRORack:2310 - Too many comps of type "RAMB16" found to fit
    this device.
    ERROR:Map:115 - The design is too large to fit the device.  Please check the Design Summary section to
    see which resource requirement for your design exceeds the resources available
    in the device. Note that the number of slices reported may not be reflected
    accurately as their packing might not have been completed.
    NOTE:  An NCD file will still be
    generated to allow you to examine the mapped design.  This file is intended for evaluation use only,
    and will not process successfully through PAR.
    Mapping completed.
    See MAP report file "toplevel_gen_map.mrp" for details.
    Problem encountered during the packing phase.
    Design Summary
    Number of errors   :   2
    Number of warnings : 125
    ERROR:Xflow - Program map returned error code 2. Aborting flow
    Bitstream Not Created
    Timing Analysis Passed
    What does this mean? How can I fix this error?
    Thank you,
    Go to Solution.
    FPGA.png ‏16 KB

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that...LAbVIEW 2009. And yes, this is the only loop on the I just made up this code to understand how exactly I would save some data on the host for subsequent processing, but I didn't get to that point because the VI on the FPGA does not compile successfully. Do you know of any example of the most basic code for DMA FIFOs between the FPGA and Host Computer? This should be pretty straight forward, but for some reason it's not.

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    I'm using LV 8.0.1 on Windows XP. I've tried 3 different cRIO 9004
    controllers, and all of them seem to behave identically. I just created
    a VI that measures the chassis temp and sets the LED status (on/off
    alternating) every 0.5 seconds. The chassis temp measures just fine.
    The LED never changes. I wired the error out (FPGA I/O node) to an
    indicator, No error.
    What am I doing wrong? Am I under the mistaken impression that I can control the On/Off status of the user LED?
    The Dog

    The "User LED" on the controller can only be written to using LabVIEW RT.  The "FPGA LED" channel is currently only supported on the cRIO-9052 controller.  That controller has both the "User LED" and "FPGA LED" on it's face.  The cRIO-9002/4 controllers do not have the "FPGA LED".   Since the chassis can be connected to any cRIO controller, the FPGA LED channel is always an available LabVIEW FPGA I/O resource.
    Message Edited by Ruhmann on 07-06-2006 11:28 AM

  • IRQ from FPGA delay

    I have encoutered a problem in my code:
    I am using a cRIO 9012 with FPGA utilize a NI 9871 4-port RS-485 module.
    My code is using FPGA code and low-level communication VI's from this example: 
    In my application i communicate through the NI9871, using the FPGA. The communication seems to work, but i am experiencing some unexpected delays.
    The delay seems to appear at the "Wait on IRQ" invoke method in "901x 9871 DMA Read (Sub)" (see attached code). The FPGA code sets this IRQ when the current operation has completed. But i am experiencing unreasonable long delays here. (10+ mS).
    I tested it without waiting for the IRQ and this gave me a delay of 1 mS on every attempt. And still i got valid data.
    So it seems like the IRQ is held longer than necessarry.
    In my application time is critical. The length of the incoming telegrams is fixed.
    Thank you for your help.
    Attachments: ‏461 KB

    ok hereare the project files i changed the fpga vi a bit and attached a print screen of the new error occuring i just want to transfer simple data and recieve them to my shift register
    delayprob.jpg ‏90 KB ‏71 KB


    Hello Everyone,
    I am doing a project in which i have to done FFT on data on LabVIEW FPGA. The data is actually a pixel value of an image which are first converted to imaginary parts and then their exponential is to computed, after taking exponential their FFT is to perform. I am new to Labview FPGA but know something about LabVIEW. If any one can guide me from where to start and how to do this, it will be of great help to me. I studied a tutorial on NI website but didn't get much out of it. I have NI cRIO-9024 LabVIEW FPGA. Any help will be appreciated.

    We don’t have any finished VI’s shipping with the LabVIEW FPGA Module that does FFT. However if you can VHDL or have access to HDL IP Cores you are able to make use of the HDL node and implement it yourself. Then tests needs be to done in order to find if the VI can execute fast enough. If you search on HDL node on our website you will find more information about how to implement code using that function. You can also provide information to our R&D that you would like to see this feature in the future here: 
    Jimmie Adolph
    Systems Engineer Manager, National Instruments Northern Region
    Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal

  • My cRIO (9022 , chassis 9113, module NI 9225)

    Hello, I hope you are doing great
    I create a new project that detects my cRIO (9022 , chassis 9113, module NI 9225) and I copied cRIO both the FPGA VI and Host of the original project NI but problem persists: there appeared another error message at the Host.VI (see attached file).
    I did not get to solve this problem can you help me to find a solution as soon as possible
    thank you for advance for your help
    erreur1.jpg ‏276 KB
    erreur2.jpg ‏214 KB

    Hi basmasag,
    It looks like you need to specify a top level VI of the Build Specification you're trying to build. You'll need to select the Source Files Category on the left in the build specification properties menu. Then highlight your top level VI (in the example its called NI 9225 Getting Started (FPGA).vi) and select the blue arrow to set it to be the Top-Level VI. I've included and image to better illustrate what I mean. 
    I think the FIFO error your seeing may be due to the Type of FIFO you've configured the Data FIFO to be in your project. In the example it was Tartget to Host - DMA. Make sure that's set correctly by double clicking on the Data FIFO, and setting the type. The second picture I attached should better demonstrate what I mean. 
    It seems like you may be new to LabVIEW FPGA, I think you'll find a lot of useful information here:
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    CLD Certified
    Top-Level.png ‏59 KB
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  • RT & FPGA Modules – I am missing a fundamenta​l concept

    Recently I have been asked to program a compactRIO 9074 and in the midst of researching how to do that, I have become thoroughly confused…
    I understand that the RT module is used for precise timing (i.e low jitter) and somehow it interfaces with the host computer (i.e. computer with the VI).  I also understand the FPGA module allows you to, and forgive the simplicity, recreate the circuit on the chip, thus allowing virtually true multithreading and really fast speeds.  Also, the FPGA interacts with the IO modules/ports.
    The thing that I am unclear about is:
    When you program the compactRIO 9074, do you select only one module (RT, FPGA) and ignore the other?
    Do you use both modules - the RT module for the embedded hardware and the FPGA module for the FPGA bitstream?  If so, how does the embedded hardware talk to the FPGA?  Is this something you have to manually program?  Any literature/tutorials on this?
    I’ve even read something to the effect- the embedded module gets programmed with the RT module when the cRIO boots up for the first time.  If that’s true, then does RT module get used only that only time and all programming thereafter is done with the FPGA module?  Is the one-time RT module provided by NI or is this something I would have to create?
    I think that I am missing something so fundamentally simple that this whole project is becoming so unnecessarily complicated.
    Thanks in advance for the help.
    Joe T.

    It is a bit complicated, but powerful and flexible.  If your needs are simple, NI provides tools (such as the scan engine) so you may not need to get into all the details.
    The cRIO is almost a full computer, running a dedicated, real-time operating system (either PharLap ETS or VxWorks, depending on your cRIO).  On top of that, there's the LabVIEW runtime.  That computer also contains an FPGA, similar to if you bought one of the NI PCI FPGA cards and installed it in your PC.
    The FPGA talks to the processor in the cRIO.  If you need full control over the FPGA, then you write that code yourself and use DMA FIFOs and front-panel controls to transfer data between the cRIO and FPGA.  If you just need access to the IO, you can use the Scan Engine, as previously noted.  You also need a way for the cRIO to talk to your computer.  Again, you can write code yourself, or use the NI-provided tools such as network shared variables.  If you don't need the cRIO to do anything other than act as an expensive data acquisition device, you can link a shared variable to an I/O channel and access it directly from your PC, or share your IO variables over the network.  Run a search on the NI site for "network shared variable scan engine" for more information.
    You write separate code for the cRIO and the FPGA.  You can run your VIs on the cRIO within the LabVIEW development environment and use most of the standard debugging tools, it will just be a bit slower to respond than when the LabVIEW code runs on your PC.  When you have a working program, you can build an application and deploy it to the cRIO so that it will run at startup.  You can do this as many times as you like.  The LabVIEW program on the cRIO may contain an FPGA bitstream embedded in it.  Writing code for the FPGA is more complicated - there are limitations, and you must compile the code before you can run it (no interactive debugging unless it's running in simulation).

Maybe you are looking for