Constant Kernel Panic with Way2Call

I'm getting a Kernel Panic whenever I plugin a Way2Call Hi-Phone DeskTop modem to be used within Parallels (I don't even have the opportunity to transfer control to Parallels.) Can anyone help? Here is the crash report:
Wed Aug 4 21:21:26 2010
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x2a8ab2): Kernel trap at 0x002345e4, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x20313020, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x00000058, ECX: 0x20313020, EDX: 0x02189bf0
CR2: 0x20313020, EBP: 0x510e3a98, ESI: 0x0000000b, EDI: 0x0b3c4c80
EFL: 0x00010202, EIP: 0x002345e4, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x06c00010
Error code: 0x00000000
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x510e3828 : 0x21b455 (0x5cf328 0x510e385c 0x2238b1 0x0)
0x510e3878 : 0x2a8ab2 (0x591664 0x2345e4 0xe 0x59182e)
0x510e3958 : 0x29e9a8 (0x510e3970 0x0 0x510e3a98 0x2345e4)
0x510e3968 : 0x2345e4 (0xe 0x7b00048 0x510e0010 0x4f0010)
0x510e3a98 : 0x220570 (0x2189bf0 0x1 0x510e3ac8 0x8e7a940)
0x510e3ad8 : 0x2205b0 (0x58 0x1 0x510e3b08 0x4fe006)
0x510e3af8 : 0x4ff7f5 (0x58 0x85f894 0x510e3b28 0x2205b0)
0x510e3b28 : 0x4ff74e (0xb3c4c80 0xb 0x510e3b58 0x4ffaa2)
0x510e3b58 : 0x4ffae4 (0xb3c4c80 0x6c30000 0xb 0x6c30000)
0x510e3b78 : 0x536b3a (0x6c30000 0xb 0x1 0x8e7afe0)
0x510e3c28 : 0x537616 (0x8e9d700 0xb3c3a40 0x0 0xffffffff)
0x510e3c78 : 0x5388a9 (0x8e9d700 0x2 0x9c0f904 0x0)
0x510e3cb8 : 0x537c81 (0x8e9d700 0x2 0x1 0x0)
0x510e3cf8 : 0x56ebb3b7 (0x8e9d700 0x2 0x4 0x0)
0x510e3d78 : 0x571c2184 (0x7475d00 0x9d5d500 0x1 0x1)
0x510e3d98 : 0x571c2e4b (0x9d5d500 0x1 0x1 0x0)
0x510e3de8 : 0x571c26af (0x9d5d500 0x56ed6798 0x6bebdc0 0x10001)
0x510e3e18 : 0x538e50 (0x9d5d500 0x7475d00 0x1 0x4fc1e6)
0x510e3e78 : 0x537085 (0x7475d00 0x9d5d500 0x8e74c40 0x8e56c60)
0x510e3f28 : 0x537616 (0x7475d00 0x7c9db00 0x0 0xffffffff)
0x510e3f78 : 0x5392c5 (0x7475d00 0x0 0x510e3fac 0x1)
0x510e3fc8 : 0x29e6cc (0x72316d0 0x0 0x10 0x7908480)
Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):>0x571c4fff
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.4.0: Fri Apr 23 18:28:53 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.7.4~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: iMac10,1 (Mac-F2268CC8)

You need to contact the Way2Call folks about this.

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    I have become increasingly frustrated and angry at my MacBook in the last few weeks. Nearly every time I plug in a USB hub, I get a kernel panic. When I send the report to apple, this is what comes up near the bottom of the window:
    Backtrace continues...
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Sometimes there's a USBHUB written in there. What is going on? I've tried switching from a rather generic hub to a Belkin one, and most recently I just plugged in my aluminum keyboard and immediately got a KP. They've been happening with regularity over the past while, all when I unplug or plugin my USB hub with an iPod touch, keyboard/mouse, USB drive and headset (though recently I've been removing peripherals).
    I'm about to do an archive and install (assuming my MB works long enough for me to download the combo updater) but want to kill this bug soon.

    I'm afraid not. Kernel panics are notoriously difficult to diagnose.
    Have you changed your system in anyway since the panics began (a new peripheral/hub, installed new RAM etc)?
    This site has a list of general ideas to help try and figure out what's going on:
    Maybe something in there will work for you. Good luck!

  • Constant Kernel Panics on Mavericks 10.9.5

    Hey Everyone,
    I really hope someone out there can help me out because these recent kernel panics I've been getting are driving me crazy because they always happen right in the middle of some important project I'm working on.
    Before I share the latest kernel panic diagnostic let me give you a bit of history on my computer. I'm running a late 2011 MBP with Mavericks 10.9.5. I had issues with the logic board in the past and got it replaced. I've only had the computer for a little over 2-2.5 years now, and started noticing lots of issues with it after an overall short period of time, mainly related to performance. The computer would run hot with the fans blazing just from watching an HD video on Youtube. Admittedly I do heavy graphics work with Adobe software and 3D apps like Cinema4D. Some of the research I've been doing regarding these kernel panics has lead me to believe that this could potentially be a heating issue. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I decided that I would install more RAM in the computer, bringing it up from 8GB to 16GB. Apparently this Macbook model was only sold with a max of 8GB of RAM, but I heard that it could handle up to 16. So maybe this is potentially the issue, I am running more RAM than I'm "supposed" to, even though the system can technically handle it. Other people have reported issues with the Radeon graphics card (I've got the 6770 M installed).
    It doesn't end there though, unfortunately. About two months or so ago I started having major problems with Dashboard. After running processor intensive applications (it would seem), Dashboard would start eating up crazy amounts of memory, stalling all my running programs. Some people said that turning off apps within Dashboard that constantly received data (like the weather app for example) could be causing this. I did that, but it didn't help. I would have to constantly go into Application Manager and kill Dashboard. Eventually I got fed up with doing this and found out how to permanently turn it off. That helped with the memory issues. But THEN the kernel panics started happening. They had happened very rarely in the past, but now it is literally every 2-3 days. And the last bit of info I can share to hopefully help someone figure this problem out for me is that I think the last two times they happened, it was while I was in the middle of typing up a document in Open Office. It definitely did just happen while using Open Office, but I can't confirm the previous one. I am going to be very careful to note exactly which application I am using when it happens from here on out.
    Here's the Apple Diagnostic report from the last one:
    Anonymous UUID:       13B651EC-1735-9660-46E4-0E98E6F692B0
    Thu Dec 25 23:57:30 2014
    panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff802cedc43e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff802ce49d70, type 13=general protection, registers:
    CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x00000001283aa000, CR3: 0x000000000ea5c04e, CR4: 0x00000000000606e0
    RAX: 0xffefff8054c601a0, RBX: 0xffffff8059b33b30, RCX: 0x0701ce172163b545, RDX: 0x0701df64aaf6b545
    RSP: 0xffffff8218333e80, RBP: 0xffffff8218333e80, RSI: 0xffffff802d489cd0, RDI: 0xffffff8059b33b30
    R8:  0xffffff802d489ce8, R9:  0x0000000000000000, R10: 0x0701df64aae77341, R11: 0xffffff802d489ce8
    R12: 0xffffff802d489cd0, R13: 0x0000000000000000, R14: 0x0701df64aaf6b545, R15: 0x0701df64aae77304
    RFL: 0x0000000000010097, RIP: 0xffffff802ce49d70, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Fault CR2: 0x00000001283aa000, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x6
    Backtrace (CPU 6), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff820dfbddf0 : 0xffffff802ce22f79
    0xffffff820dfbde70 : 0xffffff802cedc43e
    0xffffff820dfbe040 : 0xffffff802cef3976
    0xffffff820dfbe060 : 0xffffff802ce49d70
    0xffffff8218333e80 : 0xffffff802ce48f78
    0xffffff8218333f20 : 0xffffff802ce496d1
    0xffffff8218333f40 : 0xffffff802ce2ebf5
    0xffffff8218333f70 : 0xffffff802cec9b9d
    0xffffff8218333fb0 : 0xffffff802cef4196
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Google Chrome He
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Sun Aug 17 19:50:11 PDT 2014; root:xnu-2422.115.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: 9477416E-7BCA-3679-AF97-E1EAAD3DD5A0
    Kernel slide:     0x000000002cc00000
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff802ce00000
    System model name: MacBookPro8,2 (Mac-94245A3940C91C80)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 19024717391468
    last loaded kext at 16313699784833: com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.iokit.framebufferdriver 10.1 (addr 0xffffff7fad68f000, size 20480)
    last unloaded kext at 16650868481652: com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.iokit.framebufferdriver 10.1 (addr 0xffffff7fad68f000, size 20480)
    loaded kexts:
    foo.tun 1.0
    com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower 1.5.1
    com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard 5.9 1.9.5d0 1.60 1.0.0d1 4.2.7f3 1.2.4 124 100.14.34 3.5.13 1.2.4 2.6.3f4 2.6.3f4 8.2.4 7.0.0 1.1.2 1.2.4 1.2.5 4.2.7f3 1.0.0 2.0.4d1 8.2.4 1.7.0 1 3.0.4d1 3.6.22 1.0.0 3.0 240.2 240.2 325.7 3.6.7 404 35 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 1.0.0d1 2.6.0 683.4.0 1.5.2 3.8.1b2 700.20.22 5.0.2 660.4.0 161.0.0 3.0.5 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.7 217.92.1 3 153 217.92.1 91.1 10.0.7 4.2.7f3 98.23 2.6.3f4 1.0.0 1.9.7fc2 1.14 1.2.4 3.6.22 1.0.12d1 1.0.12d1 4.2.7f3 2.6.3f4 2.6.3f4 2.2.6 1.0.4 2.4.1 3.6.22 2.4.1 3.1.8 1.0.0 5.7.1d6 1.0 3.1.7 3.1.7 1.4.5 240.10 660.4.0 650.4.0 656.4.1 3.6.7 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.1 2.0.1 3.3.1 2.6.1 3.6.7 1.0.3b4 1.0.1b5 640.36 3.2 4.5.5 660.4.2 2.0 686.4.1 2.6.5 2.0 2.0.0 1.1 7 278.11.1 1.0.0d1 23 371.1 1.9 2 28.30 2.0 2.9 1.4 1 1.0
    Model: MacBookPro8,2, BootROM MBP81.0047.B27, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.4 GHz, 16 GB, SMC 1.69f4
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 3000, Built-In, 512 MB
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6770M, AMD Radeon HD 6770M, PCIe, 1024 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x029E, 0x434D5341384758334D314131363030433131
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x029E, 0x434D5341384758334D314131363030433131
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xD6), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.2.7f3 14616, 3 services, 15 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: APPLE HDD HTS547575A9E384, 750.16 GB
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS31N
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    USB Device: Hub
    USB Device: IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 25.1
    Really hope someone can help me out here and I'm praying that this is not a hardware issue because my Mac ain't under warranty anymore!

    Hi Eric,
    I downloaded the Etrecheck app and here is the report that it created:
    Problem description:
    Constant kernel panics happening every 2-3 days on my late 2011 MBP running Mavericks 10.9.5, started a few weeks ago.
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.5 (108)
    Report generated December 26, 2014 at 11:46:41 AM EST
    Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.
    Click the [Adware] links for help removing adware.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011) (Verified)
      MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2
      1 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4-core
      16 GB RAM Upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM0
      8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
      Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 512 MB
      Color LCD 1680 x 1050
      AMD Radeon HD 6770M - VRAM: 1024 MB
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.9.5 (13F34) - Uptime: 11:50:48
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      APPLE HDD HTS547575A9E384 disk0 : (750.16 GB)
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      MAC NAVI (disk0s2) / : 749.30 GB (311.89 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
      HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS31N 
    USB Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
      Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Configuration files: ℹ️
      /etc/hosts - Count: 2
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
      [not loaded] com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.iokit.driver (10.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.iokit.framebufferdriver (10.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.multibridge.iokit.driver (10.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.blackmagic-design.driver.BlackmagicIO (10.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [loaded] foo.tun (1.0) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.firmware (10.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [loaded] com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower (1.5.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.2.18 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.master (5.9 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.wacom.kext.wacomtablet (6.3.3) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.leopard (5.9 - SDK 10.4) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.panther (5.9 - SDK 10.-1) [Support]
      [loaded] com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.snowleopard (5.9 - SDK 10.6) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.paceap.kext.pacesupport.tiger (5.9 - SDK 10.4) [Support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
      tun: Path: /Library/StartupItems/tun
      Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist [Support]
      [running] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist [Support]
      [running] com.blackmagic-design.DesktopVideoFirmwareUpdater.plist [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [running] com.wacom.wacomtablet.plist [Support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [failed] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Support] [Details]
      [invalid?] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist [Support]
      [running] com.autodesk.backburner_manager.plist [Support]
      [running] com.autodesk.backburner_server.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.autodesk.backburner_start.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.blackmagic-design.desktopvideo.XPCService.plist [Support]
      [running] com.blackmagic-design.DesktopVideoHelper.plist [Support]
      [running] com.blackmagic-design.streaming.BMDStreamingServer.plist [Support]
      [invalid?] com.opengarden.meshclient.plist [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] PACESupport.plist [Support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] com.redgiantsoftware.updater.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist [Support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
      iTunesHelper ApplicationHidden (/Applications/
      Android File Transfer Agent Application (/Users/[redacted]/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      WacomNetscape: Version: 1.1.1-1 [Support]
      Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
      AdobeExManDetect: Version: AdobeExManDetect - SDK 10.7 [Support]
      WacomTabletPlugin: Version: WacomTabletPlugin [Support]
      AdobeAAMDetect: Version: AdobeAAMDetect - SDK 10.7 [Support]
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20913.0 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 11.0.10 - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 71 Check version
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Blackmagic Desktop Video  [Support]
      Flash Player  [Support]
      Java  [Support]
      WacomTablet  [Support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Skip System Files: NO
      Mobile backups: OFF
      Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
      Main Partition [Local]
      Total size: 0 B
      Total number of backups: 0
      Oldest backup: -
      Last backup: -
      Size of backup disk: Excellent
      Backup size 0 B > (Disk size 0 B X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          5% WindowServer
          0% Creative Cloud
          0% fontd
          0% AppleSpell
          0% Google Chrome
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      241 MB Google Chrome Helper
      241 MB Google Chrome
      189 MB soffice
      189 MB mds_stores
      189 MB
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      11.88 GB Free RAM
      2.91 GB Active RAM
      673 MB Inactive RAM
      1.71 GB Wired RAM
      1.57 GB Page-ins
      0 B Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
      Dec 25, 2014, 11:57:30 PM /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2014-12-25-235730_[redacted].panic [Details]
      Dec 25, 2014, 11:56:28 PM Self test - passed
      Dec 24, 2014, 08:26:46 PM /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Adobe InDesign CC 2014_2014-12-24-202646_[redacted].hang
      Dec 24, 2014, 08:16:22 PM /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/WacomTabletDriver_2014-12-24-201622_[redacted]. crash
      Dec 17, 2014, 04:36:18 PM /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2014-12-17-163618_[redacted].panic [Details]
      Dec 12, 2014, 06:35:04 PM /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2014-12-12-183504_[redacted].panic [Details]
      Dec 4, 2014, 09:57:42 PM /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2014-12-04-215742_[redacted].panic [Details]
    I took a look into the Library/StartupItems folder and I can see the "tun" folder which correspondes to that foo.tun process. Should I just delete the folder? Doesn't seem to be any way to turn it "off". Also, I'm not sure how to turn off or disable Google Chrome Helper. I've been reading from various other people that it has been causing memory leak issues, but couldn't find any way to disable it. Some even said that after they uninstalled Chrome, the Helper app was still running. What should I do about that? Thanks.

  • Constant kernel panic in regular boot sequence - HELP!

    I purchased my mac pro in march of 08. By june, my monitor had begun emitting a pink hue over everything. I replaced the monitor only to find that the problem was related to the computer itself, the pink color persisted on the new monitor. So I started using the one other working monitor port and researching the problem. I heard from a couple people that it sounded like a problem with my video card. It continued to worsen, the crash rate started to escalate slowly over a period of 4-5 months. Now it consistently crashes within 5 minutes of booting up, usually crashing immediately when the interface loads or shortly beforehand.
    I took it into an apple certified technician to have it looked at. I brought only the computer itself since the problem had persisted on multiple monitors. One week later, they told me there was nothing wrong with the video card and they couldn't reproduce the problems i had described. So i bought a new vga/dvi converter and brought it home only to find the EXACT same issues on both monitor ports, pink screen or constant kernel panic.
    So I zapped the PRAM 3 times, reset the power source, cleaned out the inside of the computer, played chinese firedrill with my ram cards, and rebooted in safemode. It FINALLY WORKS but ONLY in safemode which leads me to believe there is a faulty system extension or driver that is causing the kernel panic.
    What is the simplest way to resolve this problem? I can't spend 5 hours isolating the possible .kext files. Will upgrading my OS to leopard fix these issues, i.e. replace the system extensions with new files that might eliminate the problem?
    I appreciate anyone that can offer help. Thanks!

    Thanks BDAqua for your feedback!
    I checked the panic log and the system log but still can't see what might be causing the problem. I tried booting from disk by pushing the 'd' key directly after the startup beep and before the gray screen appears to no avail. I also tried the 'c' key, command-'d', and option-'d' to no avail. When i access the bootdisk from the volume on my desktop and click 'install mac os x' i get the following error:
    "Mac os 10.4 cannot be installed on this machine. Please consult the documentation for a list of supported Macintosh computers."
    This seems odd since i am running 10.4.11. Below is a sample entry from the kernel panic log and the correlated logs from system log at the time of the panic. Is there anything else i can do? I don't understand why the mac tech support wasn't able to reproduce these debilitating problems.
    Sat Jan 24 12:28:28 2009
    panic(cpu 3 caller 0x001A49CB): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 3, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x80b1438e, CR3: 0x010a5000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x00000001, ECX: 0x4e153cc0, EDX: 0x80b14000
    CR2: 0x80b1438e, EBP: 0x4e153ce8, ESI: 0x0caff000, EDI: 0x000005eb
    EFL: 0x00010286, EIP: 0x009114db, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x4e153a98 : 0x128d0d (0x3cc65c 0x4e153abc 0x131f95 0x0)
    0x4e153ad8 : 0x1a49cb (0x3d2a94 0x3 0xe 0x3d22b8)
    0x4e153be8 : 0x19b3a4 (0x4e153c00 0x10 0x0 0x200)
    0x4e153ce8 : 0x91163a (0xcaff000 0x5eb 0x0 0x1)
    0x4e153d08 : 0x8f4b90 (0xcaff000 0x5eb 0xd077004 0x9)
    0x4e153d28 : 0x3b3630 (0xd077000 0x5eb 0xd2a19cc 0x0)
    0x4e153d68 : 0x18a698 (0xd077000 0x9 0xd2a19c4 0x1)
    0x4e153db8 : 0x12b4ee (0xd2a199c 0xd0d9ea8 0x0 0x0)
    0x4e153df8 : 0x124b17 (0xd2a1900 0x0 0x30 0x4e153edc)
    0x4e153f08 : 0x195f2e (0x4e153f44 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x4e153fc8 : 0x19b81e (0xcf0d960 0x0 0x19e0b5 0xce969a4) No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xbffedb48
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386
    System logs:
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: hi mem tramps at 0xffe00000
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: PAE enabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: 64 bit mode enabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 2007570 free pages
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 71
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: 78 prelinked modules
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI CA 20060421
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: ready
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=2 LocalApicId=7 Enabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=3 LocalApicId=6 Enabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=4 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=5 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=6 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorApicId=7 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Started CPU 01
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Started CPU 02
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Enabling XMM register save/restore and SSE/SSE2 opcodes
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Started CPU 03
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 884C6DAA-F2D9-4CE3-B7F9-35934D2A6EDE
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) TI ID 8025 built-in now active, GUID 001d4ffffe716bae; max speed s800.
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleAHCI/PRT0 @0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDri ver/WDC WD2500AAJS-41RYA0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/AppleHFS_Untitled1@2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 23120896 to: 12901376 (joffset 0xf502000)
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 2 orphaned unlinked files
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: PXS1: family specific matching fails
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 24
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 24
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 24
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 24
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 24
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 24
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: NVDANV40HAL loaded and registered.
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: PXS1: family specific matching fails
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: PXS1: family specific matching fails
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost mDNSResponder-108.6 (Jul 19 2007 11: 41:28)[33]: starting
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost memberd[40]: memberd starting up
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost DirectoryService[45]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.6)
    Jan 24 12:28:16 localhost lookupd[46]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sat Jan 24 12:28:16 2009
    Jan 24 12:28:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntel8254XEthernet: Ethernet address 00:17:f2:0e:eb:08
    Jan 24 12:28:17 localhost configd[37]: No AirPort Driver found.
    Jan 24 12:28:17 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntel8254XEthernet: Ethernet address 00:17:f2:0e:eb:09
    Jan 24 12:28:17 localhost diskarbitrationd[39]: disk0s2 hfs CDB580D4-4F11-395E-BF17-94B497D92427 Macintosh HD /
    Jan 24 12:28:17 localhost lookupd[61]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sat Jan 24 12:28:17 2009
    Jan 24 12:28:18 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
    Jan 24 12:28:18 localhost loginwindow[67]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost kernel[0]: shared_region: 0xb95f59c: lsf_map: RO mapping #0 not in segmentshared region: 0xb95f59c: 5 mappings base_offset=0x3c38000
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost kernel[0]: shared region: 0xb95f59c: #0: addr=0x3c190000, size=0x2d000, file_offset=0x91000, prot=(5,5)
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost kernel[0]: shared region: 0xb95f59c: #1: addr=0x0, size=0x4000, file_offset=0xbe000, prot=(11,11)
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost kernel[0]: shared region: 0xb95f59c: #2: addr=0x4000, size=0x3000, file_offset=0x0, prot=(27,27)
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost kernel[0]: shared region: 0xb95f59c: #3: addr=0x7000, size=0x1000, file_offset=0xc2000, prot=(15,15)
    Jan 24 12:28:20 localhost kernel[0]: shared region: 0xb95f59c: #4: addr=0x3c1bd000, size=0xacc8, file_offset=0xc3000, prot=(1,1)
    Jan 24 12:28:23 localhost kernel[0]: Intel8254x -- Link Down -- 00:17:f2:0e:eb:08 -- called by enableHardware() --
    Jan 24 12:28:23 localhost kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (04d) = 0xde1
    Jan 24 12:28:23 localhost kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (05d) = 0x0
    Jan 24 12:28:23 localhost kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Gigabit Advertisement Register (09d) = 0xe00
    Jan 24 12:28:23 localhost kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Gigabit Link Partner Ability Register (10d) = 0x4000
    Jan 24 12:28:23 localhost kernel[0]: -- PHY Specific Status Register (17d) = 0x8000
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai kernel[0]: Intel8254x -- Link Down -- 00:17:f2:0e:eb:09 -- called by enableHardware() --
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (04d) = 0xde1
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai configd[37]: setting hostname to "Xaosai.local"
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (05d) = 0x0
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Gigabit Advertisement Register (09d) = 0xe00
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai kernel[0]: -- Auto-Negotiation Gigabit Link Partner Ability Register (10d) = 0x4000
    Jan 24 12:28:27 Xaosai kernel[0]: -- PHY Specific Status Register (17d) = 0x8000
    *Jan 24 12:28:36 Xaosai diskarbitrationd[39]: SystemUIServer [84]:12587 not responding.*

  • Constant Kernel Panic in OS X! HELP!

    Hey All!
    I got major problems with my Mac Pro.
    I continue to get Kernel Panic duing Software Update, Moving big amounts of files around, using different applications (everything from apple apps, games and Photoshop/Modo).
    I just reinstalled my comp and resettet my harddisk (wrote all zeroes to it) and got Grey Screen Of Death (please restart your computer) again. I booted my Mac Pro up as external harddisk and used my iBook disk utility to write zeroes to my Mac Pro Harddisk and it worked. Now after installing OS X, it supricingly crashed again with kernel panic.
    I did a hardware test using the DVD's i got with my Mac Pro. It said everything was in perfect order :/
    heres my panic.log
    Tue Nov 14 23:05:36 2006
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x3E11CCD0): Uncorrectable Fbd memory error detected. ferr = 10000800 , nerr == 00000000
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x108cd8 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x108cfc 0x131cdf 0x0)
    0x108d18 : 0x3e11ccd0 (0x3e11ee64 0x10000800 0x0 0x8100a4)
    0x108da8 : 0x3e11cf64 (0x4240a00 0x4240a00 0x2 0x820044)
    0x108e38 : 0x35cfd712 (0x4240a00 0x0 0x4441f80 0x0)
    0x108e68 : 0x35cfd59b (0x440f900 0x0 0x0 0x1c)
    0x108e88 : 0x35d1030e (0x1c 0x108ef8 0x8 0x35d11dcb)
    0x108eb8 : 0x35d104b8 (0x440b11c 0x17 0x440f84a 0x4326d20)
    0x108f18 : 0x35d1d04f (0x440dc28 0x0 0x108f48 0x4326e60)
    0x108f38 : 0x35ec84fb (0x440dc28 0x0 0x4204c80 0x0)
    0x108f68 : 0x35d037c5 (0x42ee000 0x0 0x43d8800 0x49)
    0x108f88 : 0x35cfcc1f (0x427cc00 0x0 0x43d8800 0x49)
    0x108fa8 : 0x3ba1f5 (0x43e3780 0x0 0x43e3a00 0x49)
    0x108fe8 : 0x19afe0 (0x25c23e30 0x25c23e30 0x19c036 0x57c000)
    0x25c23f18 : 0x1a523f (0x8 0x1 0x25c23f48 0x6)
    0x25c23f38 : 0x19e871 (0x0 0xd2000 0x0 0x206)
    0x25c23f58 : 0x135e0e (0x0 0xf0b 0x0 0x169) Backtrace continues...
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
    Tue Nov 14 23:42:54 2006
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x446C9CD0): Uncorrectable Fbd memory error detected. ferr = 10000800 , nerr == 00000000
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x108cd8 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x108cfc 0x131cdf 0x0)
    0x108d18 : 0x446c9cd0 (0x446cbe64 0x10000800 0x0 0x8100a4)
    0x108da8 : 0x446c9f64 (0x4567200 0x4567200 0x2 0x820044)
    0x108e38 : 0x35cfd712 (0x4567200 0x0 0x4441f80 0x0)
    0x108e68 : 0x35cfd59b (0x440f900 0x0 0x0 0x1c)
    0x108e88 : 0x35d1030e (0x1c 0x108ef8 0x8 0x35d11dcb)
    0x108eb8 : 0x35d104b8 (0x440b11c 0x17 0x440f84a 0x4326d20)
    0x108f18 : 0x35d1d04f (0x440dc28 0x0 0xfb38d45d 0x207)
    0x108f38 : 0x35ec84fb (0x440dc28 0x0 0x4204c80 0x0)
    0x108f68 : 0x35d037c5 (0x42ee000 0x0 0x43d8800 0x49)
    0x108f88 : 0x35cfcc1f (0x427cc00 0x0 0x43d8800 0x49)
    0x108fa8 : 0x3ba1f5 (0x43e3780 0x0 0x43e3a00 0x49)
    0x108fe8 : 0x19afe0 (0x25c7be30 0x25c7b
    Wed Nov 15 01:04:10 2006
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x006EACD0): Uncorrectable Fbd memory error detected. ferr = 10000800 , nerr == 00000000
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x108cd8 : 0x128d1f (0x3c9540 0x108cfc 0x131df4 0x0)
    0x108d18 : 0x6eacd0 (0x6ece64 0x10000800 0x0 0x8100a4)
    0x108da8 : 0x6eaf64 (0x3d2cd80 0x3d2cd80 0x2 0x820044)
    0x108e38 : 0x668712 (0x3d2cd80 0x0 0x3981e00 0x0)
    0x108e68 : 0x66859b (0x3973f00 0x0 0x0 0x1c)
    0x108e88 : 0x67b31c (0x1c 0x108ef8 0x8 0x67cdd9)
    0x108eb8 : 0x67b4c6 (0x396fb1c 0x17 0x396904a 0x3972d20)
    0x108f18 : 0x68805d (0x3915de8 0x0 0xf877fdf 0x3972e00)
    0x108f38 : 0x7074fb (0x3915de8 0x0 0x389dc80 0x0)
    0x108f68 : 0x66e7c5 (0x3965600 0x0 0x3969d00 0x49)
    0x108f88 : 0x667c1f (0x3948800 0x0 0x3969d00 0x49)
    0x108fa8 : 0x3b9d21 (0x3969880 0x0 0x3969700 0x49)
    0x108fe8 : 0x19aa20 (0x2520be30 0x2520be30 0x19ba76 0xae7000)
    0x2520bf18 : 0x1a42f5 (0x18 0x2520bf44 0x2520bf38 0x6)
    0x2520bf38 : 0x19d871 (0x0 0x2520bf94 0x19778c 0x206)
    0x2520bf58 : 0x135f23 (0x0 0x135ec3 0x0 0x38b8c64) Backtrace continues...
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.8.1: Mon Sep 25 19:42:00 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.13.8.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
    All help is much appriciated! Sorry for my bad english.
    I dont know what to do to get rid of this constant kernel panic shutdowns
    Please write if you need more information. At the moment i dont know what to do.

    First you cannot format the Mac Pro using Disk Utility on your iBook. You need to use the Disk Utility on the OS X Installer Disc that came with the Mac Pro. Insert the OS X Installer Disc (Mac Pro) then restart the computer. After the chime press and hold down the "C" key until the gray startup screen with the dark gray Apple logo appears. Release the key when the spinning gear appears.
    Extended Hard Drive Preparation
    1. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. Then select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.)
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area. If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Set the number of partitions from the dropdown menu (use 1 partition unless you wish to make more.) Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled, if supported.) Click on the Option button and select the GUID partition scheme option then click on OK. Click on the Partition button and wait until the volume(s) mount on the Desktop.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled, if supported.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process will take 30 minutes to an hour or more depending upon the drive size.
    7. After formatting has completed quit DU and return to the installer. Now proceed to install OS X.
    If the computer kernel panics when starting from the DVD then there is likely a hardware problem. You can run the hardware test by again restarting with the OS X Installer Disc and after the chime press and hold down the "D" key until the hardware test screen appears. I suggest you run the long tests to see if any hardware faults are detected.
    Hardware problems can only be resolved by taking the computer to your local Apple service center.
    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

  • Constant Kernel Panics? Black Screen? Video problems? You should know about this Class Action Suit against Apple for selling defective logic boards.

    I was one of the many unfortunate individuals who ended up paying Apple the $310 repair fee (more than $400 total, diagnostics included) to fix what was a defective logic board causing constant kernel panics. I don't think the suit has come to a conclusion or a settlement has been reached, but after spending the last month or so on this board trying to diagnose my kernel panics, I figured many others with similar problems would be interested in knowing about this.
    If anyone has any more up-to-date information on the suit or on what individuals should do if they believe they fall into the Plaintiff Class, please share!

    I was one of the many unfortunate individuals who ended up paying Apple the $310 repair fee (more than $400 total, diagnostics included) to fix what was a defective logic board causing constant kernel panics. I don't think the suit has come to a conclusion or a settlement has been reached, but after spending the last month or so on this board trying to diagnose my kernel panics, I figured many others with similar problems would be interested in knowing about this.
    If anyone has any more up-to-date information on the suit or on what individuals should do if they believe they fall into the Plaintiff Class, please share!

  • Constant Kernel Panics in PowerMac G5...

    My uncle's PowerMac G5 is having constant kernel panics, almost every time it's turned on. Does repairing permissions in disk utilities, is a good step to ry and fix the problem?
    The computer is running leopard 10.5.

    You did not say how much time elapses after startup before the G5 experiences a Kernel Panic. Given the age of the machine, it is possible that your Uncle's G-5 needs a good internal cleaning.
    Do not just blow out the dust with an aerosol. That leaves a dust film on the surface of the electronic components which acts as an insulator. I suggest that you remove all boards and vacuum them separately using a soft brush head. Pay particular attention to graphics cards with fans mounted on the GPU. These accumulate an unbelievable amount of dust. Blow them out first then vacuum.
    Don't forget the CPUs. Remove the aluminum covers and clean the visible surfaces. The covers a very flimsy so be careful when removing and replacing them or they will not snap back into place when you put the machine back together.
    Voice of Experience here.

  • Kernel panic with Logic X

    I'm having constant kernel panics when using Logic X. Anyone else having this?

    Despite all of the generous help, I'm still getting kernel panics.
    Load an empty project, create a Drummer tracks. Computer crash!!!
    An empty template causes kernel panics when switching between a few screen sets.
    New project with one track causes kernel panic when I attempt to view a web page of a Logic X tutorial.  Poof!!!
    So, you have a newer, more powerful MBP than I do.  Unbelievable!
    Funny thing, with a minor modification of the info.plist, I'm running a stable version of Lx on my Mac Pro 1,1 with OSX 10.7.5 which is not a supported system for Lx.
    My hope is that OSX Mavericks will help as it's supposed to run much more efficiently.

  • Frequent kernel panics with MPB 2.0 with 2GB RAM

    I have been having frequent kernel panics with my MPB. I have 2GB of RAM that came pre-installed from the factory. This seems to happen most often when I am using external firewire drives. Has anyone out there had similar problems?

    I've done the permission repairs. Also zapped the
    PRAM. Ran the hardware test off the installer DVD
    and it immediately came back with an error code
    (4MEM/1/60000000:) and told me to contact Applecare.
    I called Applecare and they were not very helpful.
    The operator I spoke with had no idea what the
    error code meant. He told me that RAM either works
    or it doesn't. The PRAM zap was done at his
    suggestion. Hasn't changed a thing. The kernel
    panics have only grown more steady over the past
    couple of weeks. More frustrating are frequent and
    repeated application crashes (even simple stuff like
    Safari, Mail, Address Book and Preview). Applecare
    suggested I do a clean install of the OS. But it
    sounds like a hardware issue to me. The app crashes
    are occurring in different accounts on my MPB. I
    don't want to spent a half-day reinstalling all of
    my software only to have the issues continue. I'm
    going to try to re-seat the RAM and then make an
    appointment at the genius bar to have them take a
    look at this. It had been running perfectly for the
    first few weeks.
    If you had an error code during the Hardware Test your MBP has a problem. The 4MEM/1/60000000: maybe linked to bad RAM or not seated correctly. If not seated correctly it will not boot, so it sounds like a bad RAM slot or memory stick.

  • Kernel Panic with AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement on Macbook Pro Retina 15

    I'm getting Kernel Panic with grey "Death Screen". This happends 5 times. On 5-th of January (3 times) and on 8-th (2 times).
    All the cases according to Consol reports have similar symphtoms:
    panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff802aeb7e75): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7face2557e, type 13=general protection, registers:
    Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[F79878E3-8CF9-3ACF-B578-2CE 754CA61F8]@0xffffff7face0e000->0xffffff7face36fff
    This line (besides many others) is different in reports
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer (2 times)
    And other one quicklookd, WebProcess and Web Service.
    I sent all reports to Apple Support as MAC OS asked me about. BTW I can publish them again here.
    Firstly, may be it's possible to figure out the reason of panics: Is this the SW or HW problem?
    Guys at service told me to bring Macbook AS IS. But if this is the SW problem I can clean / reinstall OS etc. myself.
    And (after cleaning and/or reinstalling) if the problem is in HW I'll be getting panics again. So I can bring to service Macbook with new history of panics.
    So what is the probability of HW problem in such a case. When all reports point to the same .kext file.
    Thank You in advance.
    P.S.: Computer is new, I didn't change configuration, OS etc.
    Installed programs under question: m3tag (Tag Editor - recompiled by somebody from WIndows program with some similar to CrossOver env.)
    Adobe FlashPlayer Plugin

    Thanks for reply.
    Exactly - MP3Tag Wineskin port. I also think that here is the reason. This port is up-to-date (10.8.2 compatible) but very inacurate - I found  many garbage in MP3Tag package.  And the original Windows program is very old - 1984(?).
    I removed this program from computer and I have to get a try for some period of time.

  • Kernel Panics with 10.4.7.

    So, did anyone else SUDDENLY get Kernel Panics with the 10.4.7?

    Hi, Anapharya.
    No kernel panics on my Macs after 10.4.7 Update.
    See my "Resolving Kernel Panics" FAQ. This FAQ includes step-by-step instructions for identifying and resolving some of the most common causes of kernel panics.
    My FAQ is a roadmap: start at the beginning and work through to the end, including the "If all else fails..." section if a cause or resolution is not found in an earlier troubleshooting step therein.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Kernel panic with larch5.3 building CD!

    Hi, could someone kindly help this.
    I got the kernel panic with larch5.3 building CD. I didn't get any error messages during the creating. The error message of starting system is in belowing words.
    :: Initializing writable layer for union (overlay)
    /init: 193: /tfs/system/usr/bin/lzop: not found
    /init: 193: /tfs/system/bin/tar not found
    :Setting up union file system
    unionfs: error accessing lower directory '/tfs/overlay' (error -2)
    unionfs: read_super: error while parsing options (err= -2)
    :: End of live system set-up
    :: Initramfs Completed - control passing to kinit
    Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

    Hi gradgrind, Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have added aufs, eject packages. But it seems still cannot work. Sorry for many troubles.
    One think. When I create the iso file, it gives a warning message.
    // Build without a profile? [y/N]: y
    // *****    Creating live CD from system at ''
    // This will delete EVERYTHING under  ::: /.larch/cd :::
    // I really mean it ... Are you sure you want to do this?
    [y/N]: y
      You seem to have installed a package containing modules
    which aren't compatible with your kernel.
    Please check that this won't cause problems.
    Maybe you need the corresponding package
    for your kernel?
    chroot: cannot change root directory to pacman: No such file or directory
    Continue? [y/N]: y
    // Kernel version: 2.6.27-ARCH
    //  -> regenerating kernel dependencies
    Using aufs
    // copying cd-root to /.larch/cd
    // copying kernel from /boot to /.larch/cd/boot/vmlinuz
    //  ... using vmlinuz26
    // calling gen_larch_init to generate the initramfs
    :: Begin build
    :: Parsing hook [base]
    :: Parsing hook [udev]
    :: Parsing hook [pata]
    :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    :: Parsing hook [sata]

  • Kernel Panic with Stripes

    I've got a 3 year old 15" macbook pro that went into Kernel Panic with Stripes today. There was nothing plugged in except for a power supply. My wife said it was in sleep mode and then she opened it up and displayed the following screen.
    I've rebooted it a few times and the same thing keeps happening. I also plugged it into another machine and mounted it as a firewire drive and am currently copying all the files over to another drive.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Bad or incompatible RAM is the most common cause of KP's. It could just need to be reset……. to make sure there's a good connection.
    But, in your case.....Video Card? Just guessing from the stripes. Pay heed to running the +Apple Hardware Test+ in the following link.
    Here's a great site for Resolving Kernel Panics. Please do all the steps in order, even if you don't think you need to do a certain step.
    Here's a great MacFixIt article.
     Good Luck! DALE

  • Kernel panics with external mouse in clamshell mode

    Have had more than 6 kernel panics; usually after waking; always in clamshell mode when using a Logitech wireless mouse (with or w/o software loaded) or Kensington USB trackball (with driver loaded but not worth using w/o driver). Does not happen with Apple USB mouse. Does not happen in laptop mode -- haven't tried laptop mode w/external mouse. Always on work Ethernet when in clamshell mode.
    Has occurred w/OS 10.4.9 and 10.4.10. Have run extended Apple hardware test w/no results.
    Have removed Logitech “LCC” file from user/library/application enhancers.
    Have experienced panics w/a variety of apps open/active, including just Safari.
    Any help greatly appreciated.
    Here are panic logs:
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x003BDEB0): OSObject::refcount: Attempting to retain a freed object
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x362f3bb8 : 0x128d08 (0x3cb134 0x362f3bdc 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x362f3bf8 : 0x3bdeb0 (0x3f0f9c 0x3f0f78 0x50efa04 0x4d609c0)
    0x362f3c18 : 0x3c0d3b (0x4b62740 0x4ae958 0x28 0x3c09c4)
    0x362f3c48 : 0x3c0e94 (0x4fd91c0 0x4d609c0 0x0 0x3c10ef)
    0x362f3c68 : 0x3c188a (0x4d609c0 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x362f3ca8 : 0x3c18f7 (0x4d609c0 0x4fd92c0 0x4fe32c0 0x1628d8)
    0x362f3ce8 : 0x38663c (0x4d41800 0x0 0x362f3d28 0x3c1002)
    0x362f3d08 : 0x389e5b (0x4d28480 0x4fe3040 0x0 0x4d28480)
    0x362f3d28 : 0x3b1448 (0x4d28480 0x4fe3040 0x362f3d58 0x3bdfd9)
    0x362f3d78 : 0x188511 (0x4d28480 0x52d89b4 0x52d89c8 0x11cc32)
    0x362f3db8 : 0x12b4c3 (0x54b61b4 0x52d8998 0x0 0x0)
    0x362f3df8 : 0x124b17 (0x54b6100 0x0 0x18 0x362f3edc)
    0x362f3f08 : 0x195a42 (0x362f3f44 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x362f3fc8 : 0x19b21e (0x55283e0 0x0 0x19e0b5 0x55283e0) No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb0220508
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.9.1: Thu Feb 22 20:55:00 PST 2007; root:xnu-792.18.15~1/RELEASE_I386
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A429B): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 0, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x00000000, CR3: 0x00e7d000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x0501cb40, EBX: 0x00000018, ECX: 0x004ae958, EDX: 0x050137a0
    CR2: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x36473c48, ESI: 0x00000003, EDI: 0x06b5b7c0
    EFL: 0x00010202, EIP: 0x00000000, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x36473a18 : 0x128d08 (0x3cb134 0x36473a3c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x36473a58 : 0x1a429b (0x3d0e4c 0x0 0xe 0x3d0670)
    0x36473b68 : 0x19ada4 (0x36473b80 0x206 0x36473bd8 0x1416ad)
    0x36473c48 : 0x3c0e94 (0x6b5b7c0 0x4d8ab00 0x0 0x3c10ef)
    0x36473c68 : 0x3c188a (0x4d8ab00 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x36473ca8 : 0x3c18f7 (0x4d8ab00 0x6b5b940 0x6a21080 0x1628d8)
    0x36473ce8 : 0x38663c (0x4d659c0 0x0 0x36473d28 0x3c1002)
    0x36473d08 : 0x389e5b (0x4d44200 0x6b40100 0x0 0x4d44200)
    0x36473d28 : 0x3b1448 (0x4d44200 0x6b40100 0x36473d58 0x3bdfd9)
    0x36473d78 : 0x188511 (0x4d44200 0x53e7cb4 0x53e7cc8 0x11cc32)
    0x36473db8 : 0x12b4c3 (0x5d579b4 0x53e7c98 0x0 0x0)
    0x36473df8 : 0x124b17 (0x5d57900 0x0 0x18 0x36473edc)
    0x36473f08 : 0x195a42 (0x36473f44 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x36473fc8 : 0x19b21e (0x553c820 0x0 0x19e0b5 0x553c820) No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb02203c8
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x001A429B): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x00000000, CR3: 0x00eac000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x05f522c0, EBX: 0x00000010, ECX: 0x004ae958, EDX: 0x05f522a0
    CR2: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x364cbc48, ESI: 0x00000002, EDI: 0x05f7a040
    EFL: 0x00010202, EIP: 0x00000000, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x00000010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x364cba18 : 0x128d08 (0x3cb134 0x364cba3c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x364cba58 : 0x1a429b (0x3d0e4c 0x1 0xe 0x3d0670)
    0x364cbb68 : 0x19ada4 (0x364cbb80 0x202 0x364cbbd8 0x1416ad)
    0x364cbc48 : 0x3c0e94 (0x5f7a040 0x4e040c0 0x0 0x3c10ef)
    0x364cbc68 : 0x3c188a (0x4e040c0 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x364cbca8 : 0x3c18f7 (0x4e040c0 0x5f9ffc0 0x5f9fcc0 0x1628d8)
    0x364cbce8 : 0x38663c (0x4dfef40 0x0 0x364cbd28 0x3c1002)
    0x364cbd08 : 0x389e5b (0x4dd4400 0x5f9fb00 0x0 0x4dd4400)
    0x364cbd28 : 0x3b1448 (0x4dd4400 0x5f9fb00 0x364cbd58 0x3bdfd9)
    0x364cbd78 : 0x188511 (0x4dd4400 0x56f88b4 0x56f88c8 0x11cc32)
    0x364cbdb8 : 0x12b4c3 (0x51c6cb4 0x56f8898 0x0 0x0)
    0x364cbdf8 : 0x124b17 (0x51c6c00 0x0 0x18 0x364cbedc)
    0x364cbf08 : 0x195a42 (0x364cbf44 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x364cbfc8 : 0x19b21e (0x55adea0 0x0 0x19e0b5 0x4c7bd08) No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb011e3e8
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00194914): pmap no pv_e's
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x3647bd28 : 0x128d08 (0x3cb134 0x3647bd4c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x3647bd68 : 0x194914 (0x3ce7d4 0x90cd3000 0x0 0x0)
    0x3647bdf8 : 0x160ab6 (0x536c488 0x90cd3000 0x0 0xe2f9)
    0x3647bf48 : 0x1a450e (0x13e0ce4 0x90cd3000 0x0 0x5)
    0x3647bfc8 : 0x19acd4 (0x557cae0 0x0 0x19e0b5 0x4c8e4c0) No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xbffff8b8
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A4A55): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 0, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x0000002b, CR3: 0x00eae000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x05230e40, EBX: 0x00000020, ECX: 0x004b0958, EDX: 0xffffffff
    CR2: 0x0000002b, EBP: 0x364abc48, ESI: 0x00000004, EDI: 0x0526dc40
    EFL: 0x00010202, EIP: 0x003c1ca8, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x019e0010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x364aba28 : 0x128d08 (0x3cc0a4 0x364aba4c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x364aba68 : 0x1a4a55 (0x3d24b8 0x0 0xe 0x3d1cdc)
    0x364abb78 : 0x19aeb4 (0x364abb90 0x1 0x364abb98 0x28)
    0x364abc48 : 0x3c1e04 (0x526dc40 0x4f98200 0x0 0x3c205f)
    0x364abc68 : 0x3c27fa (0x4f98200 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x364abca8 : 0x3c2867 (0x4f98200 0x52e0080 0x5267c40 0x1628d8)
    0x364abce8 : 0x38759c (0x4f92f40 0x0 0x364abd28 0x3c1f72)
    0x364abd08 : 0x38adbb (0x4f91f80 0x5237440 0x0 0x4f91f80)
    0x364abd28 : 0x3b23a8 (0x4f91f80 0x5237440 0x364abd58 0x3bef49)
    0x364abd78 : 0x188511 (0x4f91f80 0x5a074b4 0x5a074c8 0x11cc32)
    0x364abdb8 : 0x12b4c3 (0x5a070b4 0x5a07498 0x0 0x0)
    0x364abdf8 : 0x124b17 (0x5a07000 0x0 0x18 0x364abedc)
    0x364abf08 : 0x195a42 (0x364abf44 0x0 0x0 0x0)
    0x364abfc8 : 0x19b32e (0x570c6c0 0x0 0x19e0b5 0x5332828) No mapping exists for frame pointer
    Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0xb011e3e8
    NOTE: This last one occurred with Kensington USB Trackball mouse and MouseWorks installed, after working successfully most of the day. Previous kernel panics were w/Logitech wireless mouse.
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0x001A4A55): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x00000028, CR3: 0x0195d000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x0000001c, EBX: 0x05811020, ECX: 0x004b0958, EDX: 0x00417e60
    CR2: 0x00000028, EBP: 0x370dbb28, ESI: 0x00000008, EDI: 0x004b0958
    EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x00390660, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x02490010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x370db8f8 : 0x128d08 (0x3cc0a4 0x370db91c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x370db938 : 0x1a4a55 (0x3d24b8 0x1 0xe 0x3d1cdc)
    0x370dba48 : 0x19aeb4 (0x370dba60 0x780 0x0 0x200ab)
    0x370dbb28 : 0x3c1cab (0x5811020 0x4b0958 0x120 0x3c1934)
    0x370dbb58 : 0x3c1e04 (0x6093600 0x5d27c00 0x24 0x19a216)
    0x370dbb78 : 0x387604 (0x5d27c00 0x24 0x370dbbb8 0x6c9dfc0)
    0x370dbb98 : 0x38bfd4 (0x5d20c00 0x57be1e0 0x370dbbd8 0x3c3913)
    0x370dbbf8 : 0x38aed3 (0x5d20c00 0x6d11f40 0x0 0x6048a00)
    0x370dbc38 : 0x38b280 (0x6d11f40 0x4 0x0 0x6d0d040)
    0x370dbc78 : 0x38b2dd (0x57c0de0 0x6d11f40 0x3b0bba 0x6d0d040)
    0x370dbca8 : 0x38b331 (0x57c0de0 0x6d11f40 0x3b0bba 0x6d0d040)
    0x370dbce8 : 0x3b1bce (0x57c0de0 0x6d11f40 0x3b0bba 0x6d0d040)
    0x370dbd38 : 0x18c2fa (0x576d728 0x63c3094 0x63c30b0 0x6b967f8)
    0x370dbdb8 : 0x12b4c3 (0x63c305c 0x657c7a4 0x370dbdf8 0x11e042)
    0x370dbdf8 : 0x124b17 (0x63c3000 0x5768600 0x6816f48 0x0)
    0x370dbf08 : 0x195a42 (0x370dbf44 0x0 0x0 0x0) Backtrace continues...

    I'm having the same problem as Beanfield. I'm using a MX620 Logitech Wireless Laser Mouse, and it produces several problems under Mac OS X 10.4.10. The micro receiver is plugged to the rear of my iMac Intel Dual Core and altough I've switched it to the USB ports of my Apple Keyboard it still happens.The Kernel Panics (with the Grey Screen of Death) happen mostly when the mouse awakes the computer. Very often, when right clicking or single clicking items, the menus appear and disappear. Dragging items becomes impossible and even after restarting the iMac the problem persists.
    It also interfers with the keyboard: sometimes the cursor blinks when moving and when I press any key on the keyboard, it resumes its normal activity. Recently I've added 1 G of RAM, but I've excluded it from the problem since it worked normaly with my now defunt Mighty Mouse. Also, I bought a 500 G Lacie external drive that works very well.
    I'm getting very frustrated since this problems began only a few weeks after my purchases, which took in account full compatibility with my system. All drivers are correctly installed so...what's happening?
    Best Regards

  • Kernel Panics with Toast 8

    I kept getting kernel panics with iDVD and Toast 7. I upgraded to the iLife '08 and Toast 8, did all the software updates, and firmware updates to the DVD burner, but I'm still getting kernel panics. The computer's a PowerMac G5 dual 2.0 GHz, 3 GB RAM, LaCie Lightscribe DVD dual-layer burner.
    Any ideas?

    all software is up to date.
    iDVD 5 is not compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). While this article indicates that the application may simply quit, other issues could also appear.
    Again, no mention of kernel panics, but Roxio has yet to release an update to Toast 7 to make it compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). An update is planned for the future.
    The text of the kernel panic itself may help some more knowledgeable people here to help determine what piece may be causing the trouble. Or if both crashes are related or separate. You can find the text of the panic in the Console utility.

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