Constant window in script

Hi all,
How can we create a constant window in script.

Main window is dnamic window as in when the data flows to second page, main window can still hold it.
Eg: Invoice can contain 100 line items thus the invoice could be of several pages. The line items will flow  on the other pages.
Other cannot hold data. If the data flows to second page and if its now a main window, there will be loss of data.
Plz reward if useful

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  • What is the difference between Constant Window, Variable Window,Main Window

    hello all
    what is the difference between 1) Constant Window
                                                2) Variable Window
                                                3) Main Window   in SAP SCRIPT

    Window Types
    When defining a form window, you must select a window type for the window.
    You can choose between three types:
    Constant Windows (CONST)
    Variable Windows (VAR)
    Main Windows (MAIN)
    Constant Windows (CONST)
    Starting with Release 4.0, the system internally processes windows of type CONST similar to windows of type VAR.
    Therefore, if you create a new window, always use type VAR.
    Variable Windows (VAR) 
    The contents of variable windows is processed again for each page, on which the window appears.
    The system outputs only as much text as fits into the window. Text exceeding the window size is truncated;
    the system does not trigger a page break. Unlike constant windows, the page windows declared as variable windows may have different sizes on different form pages.
    As far as the processing of the window contents is concerned, the system currently treats constant and variable windows alike.
    The only difference is that constant windows have the same size throughout the form.
    Main Windows (MAIN) 
    Each form must have one window of type MAIN. Such a window is called the main window of the form.
    For SAPscript forms, the main window has a central meaning:
    It controls the page break.
    It contains the text body that may cover several pages.
    It allows to fix text elements at the upper and lower margins of the allocated page window (for example, for column headings).
    As soon as a window of type MAIN is full, SAPscript automatically triggers a page break and continues to
    output the remaining text in the main window of the subsequent page. Page windows of type MAIN have the same width throughout the form.
    The SAPscript composer thus avoids reformatting of the text after each page break.
    If a page does not have a main window, the system implicitly processes all other windows of the page and continues with the subsequent page.
    This page must not call itself as subsequent page (recursive call), since this would produce an endless loop.
    In such a case, SAPscript terminates the output after three subsequent pages.
    For printing header lines or totals, the different output areas of the main window are of special importance.
    go through this links:
    In Scripts Variable window and constant wind difference?
    Main Window
    Re: Main Window in SAP Script
    What is the difference between Constant window and variable window?

  • What is the use of MAIN WINDOW in SCRIPTS

    what is the use of MAIN WINDOW in SCRIPTS, y we con't create a script w/o main window.
    Title was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

    See this
    What are the different types of windows in SAP Scripts?
    Windows are defined in the Layout sets which define the position and the text to displayed.
    The different types of windows are:
    MAIN - Main Window
    The main window is a continous window which can extend over several pages. If the text in the main window fills up a page, a new page is created.
    Only one main window can be defined in the SAP Script whereas upto 100 instances of main window can be created in a page.
    VAR - Variable Window
    This window can have the variable contents displayed on them. The contents of the window cannot exceed the window size. The content can be formatted for each page.
    CONST - Constant Window
    The constant window can have a fixed content and is formatted only once.
    Main Windows (MAIN)
    Each form must have one window of type MAIN. Such a window is called the main window of the form. For SAPscript forms, the main window has a central meaning:
    • It controls the page break.
    • It contains the text body that may cover several pages.
    • It allows to fix text elements at the upper and lower margins of the allocated page window (for example, for column headings).
    As soon as a window of type MAIN is full, SAPscript automatically triggers a page break and continues to output the remaining text in the main window of the subsequent page. Page windows of type MAIN have the same width throughout the form. The SAPscript composer thus avoids reformatting of the text after each page break.
    Variable Windows (VAR)
    The contents of variable windows is processed again for each page, on which the window appears. The system outputs only as much text as fits into the window. Text exceeding the window size is truncated; the system does not trigger a page break. Unlike constant windows, the page windows declared as variable windows may have different sizes on different form pages.
    Constant Windows (CONST)
    Starting with Release 4.0, the system internally processes windows of type CONST similar to windows of type VAR. Therefore, if you create a new window, always use type VAR.
    Message was edited by:
            Alvaro Tejada Galindo

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    This is not a solution but more an extra tool to help you find a solution....
    You could download and install the Portal Drive to see what actions/commands are used to communicate via webdav to the KM repository.

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    Helllo Friends
    Box in main window of script is not printing but the same is available in print preview. I have use the following commands.
    Please help me.
    /:           BOX WIDTH '23.40' CM FRAME 20 TW
    /:           BOX XPOS '0.00' CM YPOS '1.40' CM WIDTH '23.40' CM FRAME 25 TW
    /:           BOX XPOS '0.00' CM YPOS '8.10' CM WIDTH '23.40' CM FRAME 25 TW
    /:           BOX XPOS '0.00' CM YPOS '9.00' CM WIDTH '23.40' CM FRAME 25 TW
    /:           SIZE  WIDTH '0.00' CM HEIGHT '8.10' CM
    /:           BOX XPOS '0.00' CM  FRAME 25 TW
    /:           BOX XPOS '0.50' CM  FRAME 10 TW
    Thanks In Advance

    Try changing X postion to not equal to zero something else for example.
    /:           POSITION WINDOW
    /:           POSITION XORIGIN '-0.1' CH YORIGIN '+0.4' LN
    /:           SIZE WIDTH +0.7 CH HEIGHT +5.0 LN
    /:           BOX FRAME 7 TW
    /:           BOX HEIGHT '1.1' LN INTENSITY 15

  • Maintianing multiple line items in main window  in scripts

    Hi folks,
      i want to print multiple line items in main window of script for eg 50 line items then my main window should continue in second page also. how to maintain this.
    can u provide me sample code for this..
    Thx in advance,

    You have an internal table with 50 lines, is it correct?
    Let's say, there's a MATNR field in your internal table.
    First do, what I wrote in my previous comment.
    The create an element in yout main window, like this:
    /  &GS_MAIN-MATNR&
    In your printer program you have to code the following:
    LOOP AT gt_main INTO gs_main.
    This code will loop all 50 of your table entries.
    In the MAIN window will fit 30 entries.
    When the LOOP is reaching the 30th entry, SAP will automatically create a new page (because of the NEXT PAGE statement you set in the page settings in the SAPScript) and will continue the printing.

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    No, it is not a job that needs to be scheduled.
    The script will be used when needed to select info from a certain table and also to insert or delete certain info into/from this table (so, it is just simple sql statements which I have put into a package), but I'm sure how to log into the database and execute the procedures from this package in a cmd script.

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    hi prasad,
    jst create a page first and define page windows.
    here u can specicify whether the window is main or secondary.
    to adjust the window goto form  painter  do the adjustment.

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    I use this type of functionalithy frequently to save output logs.<BR>Here is a snippet of code that should work. It assumes that you already have the Esscmd script that performs the DBStats call and outputs the log to D:\logs\dbstats.log.<BR><BR>Let me know if you have any questions.<BR><BR>@ECHO OFF<BR>:: ==========================================================<BR>::Filename:     GetDBSTATS.bat<BR>:<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">escription:     Runs DBSTATS and rename outputfile with current date<BR>:: ==========================================================<BR>::<BR>:: Run Esscmd to get dbstats output log d:\logs\dbstats.log<BR>ESSCMD D:\script\getdbstats.ess<BR>::<BR>:: Get Current Date and Time<BR> FOR /F "TOKENS=2" %%i IN ('DATE/T') DO SET FullDate=%%i<BR> SET Month=%fulldate:~0,2%<BR> SET Day=%fulldate:~3,2%<BR> SET Year=%fulldate:~6,4%<BR><BR> FOR /F "TOKENS=1" %%i IN ('TIME/T') DO SET FullTime=%%i<BR> FOR /F "DELIMS=: TOKENS=1" %%i in ('ECHO %fulltime%') DO SET Hour=%%i<BR> FOR /F "DELIMS=: TOKENS=2" %%j in ('ECHO %fulltime%') DO SET Minute=%%j<BR><BR>::<BR>::<BR>RENAME d:\logs\dbstats.log dbstats_%month%_%day%_%year%.log<BR>EXIT<BR>

  • Supress a window in script layout

    While modifying the standard scripts, how can we  comment or suppress a window in scripts so that it will not appear in the output, instead of actually deleting the window from the layout.
    Thanks & Regards,

    To surpress, place a condition like this
    IF 1 = 2.    "condition is always false and never execute
    your text
    your text
    your text
    your text
    your text
    Close the thread if your question is answered.

  • ** Is it possible to run a windows .bat script job from ODI between server?

    Hello Friends,
    We have ODI on a Win2003 Server.
    Have a windows Batch script job .bat(this is a related to a different program - DRM) on a different Windows 2003 it possible to execute .bat job thru ODI between servers?
    Appreciate your suggestions...

    Hi AJ,
    Here are more details:
    Server-A: ODI Server (Win2003)
    Server-B: Oracle DRM Server (Win2003)
    Server-C: ODI scheduler agent is installed (Linux)
    We have a .bat batch script job on Server-B which we are planning to run from Server-A (as part of the ODI package execution flow)
    This .bat job exports the DRM hierarchy data to a table that ODI uses to process next steps.
    So, you are suggesting to install ODI agent on Server-B? If we do that...not sure if there be issues if we have to run the package with other scenario's (interfaces/Procedures) that refer agent isntalled in Server-C??
    Any feedbacks are appreciated!!

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    I have Glims and AdBlock Plus installed to keep any advertisments to a minimum.
    Since yesterday, Safari keeps crashing whenever clicking on a hyperlink in a webpage, any webpage.
    It occurs almost every third time that I click on a link, or in a form e.g. to enter an email address.
    First it will open an Untitled tab, and then a popup window which has the following string in the URL bar:
    Either Safari completely crashes, or I can click back into the main window to delete the "Untitled" tab and continue web browsing.
    No matter what it is extremely bothersome.
    I do not understand what is occuring.
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    I was so offended that I was rather coarse-tongued with my words, so I wonder if they thought themselves clever and nerdy to cause a disruption in this way.
    Please help me to solve this problem.
    Thank you.

    First, even if Google could manage to infect your machine with malware of some kind, why do you think they would care one bit about your letter? I'm sure they get thousands of angry letters per day. I doubt they even read them all.
    As for the issue, that's probably actually caused by Glims. You say you have installed it to keep ads to a minimum, but the latest version of Glims includes its own ads by default, and has been known to malfunction exactly as you describe. I would recommend removing it. Use the Glims uninstaller.

  • How define a window as constant window

    Hi all,
                 in se71 iam using graphic form painter.iam unable to declare a window which iam about to create as CONSTANT window.iam able to create variable and main window but not able to create a constant to solve this problem.

    What is the error generated?
    Try to switch to Line editor/ pC editor and then try.

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    @echo off
    java com.example.HasMain1
    java com.example.HasMain2
    java com.example.HasMain3
    echo FTP FILES...
    ftp -n -v -s:%APP_HOME%\script.txt
    echo FINISHED

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    @echo off
    java com.example.HasMain1if ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO Failed
    GOTO End
    echo Rats, it failed!
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    i am started Learning Windows Powershell Scripting, kindly suggest me which are the refernce documents i need to refer.
    i need to learn very strong basics.
    thanks in advance.
    Changalaraya reddy

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    As it's off-topic here, I am moving the question to the
    Windows PowerShell forum.
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
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    Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
    My E-mail: -join ('6F6C646B61726C406F75746C6F6F6B2E636F6D'-split'(?<=\G.{2})'|%{if($_){[char][int]"0x$_"}})

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