Construction of a Nested Loopback Squashfs

Currently trying to implement a 'nomad' archlinux live install (exists on Hdd) with persistence by way of DM snapshot Copy-on-Write.   
As described here:
File-systems in LiveCD by J. R. Okajima 2010/12
Pages 4 - 9
device mapper in general
I notice that the Archiso project has adopted dm snapshots
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance
I recently discovered Archlinux after suffering dependency hell many other distros
(my fault being reliant the system to do package management thank you Pacman/AUR)
and have found the wiki, forum and community to exemplary resource.

Sorry for the long delay my system suffer a particularly bad brown out (fried power supply)
I have compiled an Archiso live dvd as per your suggestion and with the correct boot parameters I believe it is coming close to what I want.
Following guide here … -live-usb/
(“Excellent by the way”)
I should perhaps better clarify the system I am attempting to construct.
My need of a live “nomad” system clearly isn’t for portability,
However I have used many live systems over the years because I run several old computers with old slow (and potentially dieing dead) hard drives.
The hard drives along with peripherals never seem to get upgraded so the systems end up with reasonable cpu/ram even old but gaming gpu. So the largest bottleneck to the user experience is the harddrive speed.
Enter LZO compressed squashfs and that old harddrive runs like new. Now previously I used Aufs to get a transparent overlay this has clearly been superseded by the use of cow dm snapshots   
While I do believe with sufficient tinkering this could be achieved by the archiso scripts. Has anyone succeeded in integrating COW snapshots and squashfs to achieve transparent compression on a standard Arch install. 
Similar to … ing_.2Fusr

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    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM order o WHERE = AS
    FROM cust c
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    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM order o WHERE = AS
    FROM cust c
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    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.List;
    class DragBar extends JComponent {
       List dividers;
       Divider mouseOver = null;
       Divider dragging = null;
       static class Divider implements Comparable {
               double x;
               Color c;
               public Divider(double x) {
                       c = new Color(100 + (int)(Math.random()*155),100 + (int)(Math.random()*155),100 + (int)(Math.random()*155));
               public int compareTo(Object o) {
                       Divider other = (Divider) o;
                       return (int) ((this.x - other.x)*Integer.MAX_VALUE);
       public DragBar() {
          dividers = new ArrayList();
          for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
             Divider d = new Divider(Math.random());
          addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter(){
             public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                if(dragging!=null) {
                        double newx = (double) e.getX() / (double) getWidth();
                        double oldx = dragging.x;
                        dragging.x = newx;
                        boolean before = true;
                        for(Iterator i = dividers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                                Divider d = (Divider);
                                if(d!=dragging) {
                                double oldw = before ? oldx : 1-oldx;
                                double neww = before ? newx : 1-newx;
                                if(before) {
                                        double px = d.x / oldw;
                                        d.x = px * neww;
                                } else {
                                        double px = (d.x - oldx) / oldw;
                                        d.x = newx + (px * neww);
                                } else {
                                        before = false;
                } else {
                double x = 0;
                for(Iterator i = dividers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){
                   Divider d = (Divider);
                   double gx = getWidth() * d.x;
                   int dx = (int) x;
                   if((e.getX() <= dx+3) && (e.getX() >= dx-3)) {
                           mouseOver = d;
                   x = gx;
          addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                    if(dragging == null) {
                            if(mouseOver!=null) {
                                    dragging = mouseOver;
                                    mouseOver = null;
                    } else {
                            dragging = null;
       public void paintComponent(Graphics _g) {
          Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) _g;
          double x = 0;
          boolean b = true;
          for(int i=0; i<dividers.size(); i++){
                  Divider d = (Divider) dividers.get(i);
                  double gx = getWidth() * d.x;
                  int dx = (int) x;
                  g.fillRect((int) x, 0, (int) (gx - x), getHeight());
                  if(mouseOver == d) {
                  } else {
                  if(dragging == d) {
                  g.fillRect(dx-3, 0, 6, getHeight());
                  x = gx;
                  b = !b;
       public static void main(String [] arg) throws Exception {
          JFrame frame = new JFrame("DragBar");
          JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(8,8));
          DragBar db = new DragBar();
          p.add(db, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    }any help appreciated,

  • Different behaviour of XMLType storage

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    - Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    - XML file ( "Receipt.xml" ) with a structure like :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ESBReceiptMessage xmlns:xsi="">
    </ESBReceiptMessage>=> 1 Header element : "Receipt" and exactly 1001 "ReceiptLine" elements.
    Test 1 :
    drop table xml_ddb;
    CREATE TABLE xml_ddb (id number,xml_doc XMLType);
    INSERT INTO xml_ddb (id, xml_doc)  VALUES (4716,XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR', 'Receipt.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
    select count(1) from (
       FROM xml_ddb dd,
            XMLTable('/ESBReceiptMessage/Receipt' PASSING dd.xml_doc
                     COLUMNS ReceiptKey VARCHAR2(28) PATH 'ReceiptKey',
                             ReceiptLine XMLType PATH 'ReceiptLines/ReceiptLine') ta,
            XMLTable('ReceiptLine' PASSING ta.ReceiptLine
                     COLUMNS materialkey VARCHAR2(14)  PATH 'Material/MaterialKey',
                             qty         NUMBER(10)    PATH 'Qty') li
    1 row selected.The storage of the XMLType column has not been specified.
    => All 1001 detailled rows are selected.
    => Everything is fine
    Test 2 :
    drop table xml_ddb;
    CREATE TABLE xml_ddb (id number,xml_doc XMLType) XMLType xml_doc store AS BINARY XML; -- <---- Different storage type
    INSERT INTO xml_ddb (id, xml_doc)  VALUES (4716,XMLType(bfilename('XMLDIR', 'Receipt.xml'),nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8')));
    select count(1) from (
       FROM xml_ddb dd,
            XMLTable('/ESBReceiptMessage/Receipt' PASSING dd.xml_doc
                     COLUMNS ReceiptKey VARCHAR2(28) PATH 'ReceiptKey',
                             ReceiptLine XMLType PATH 'ReceiptLines/ReceiptLine') ta,
            XMLTable('ReceiptLine' PASSING ta.ReceiptLine
                     COLUMNS materialkey VARCHAR2(14)  PATH 'Material/MaterialKey',
                             qty         NUMBER(10)    PATH 'Qty') li
    1 row selected.Storage of the XMLType column has been defined as "BINARY XML"
    => Only 1000 rows are select
    => One row is missing.
    After some tests : There seems to be a "hard border" of 1000 rows that comes with the different datatype ( So if you put 2000 rows into the XML you will get also only 1000 rows back )
    As I am a newbie in XMLDB :
    - Is the "construction" with the nested tables in the select-statement maybe not recommended/"allowed" ?
    - Are there different ways to get back "Head" + "Line" elements in a relational structure ( even if there are more than 1000 lines) ?
    Thanks in advance

    You are right. I have a predefined XSD structure. And now I try to find a way to handle this in Oracle ( up to now, we are doing XML handling in Java ( with JAXB ) outside the DB)
    => So I will take a look at the "object-relational" storage. Thank's for that hint.
    Current thread
    The question, whether there is an "artifical" border of 1000 rows, when joining 2 XML tables together, is still open....
    (although it might be not interesting for me anymore :-), maybe somebody else will need the answer...)

  • JMS  publsig problem

    I am trying to develope a BPEL process which publish jms topic to oc4j jms jms/demoTopic.there I am getting error over there. Below is the error msg
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [ Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'Produce_Message' failed due to: ERRJMS_MSGPROD_CONSTR_ERR. Unable to construct MessageProducer. ; nested exception is: ORABPEL-12164 ERRJMS_MSGPROD_CONSTR_ERR. Unable to construct MessageProducer. Please examine the log file to determine the problem.
    below is the log Waiting for response has timed out. The conversation id is 2e6d902e744f9cf2:2f48d2:108e104ba20:-7ffa. Please check the process instance for detail.
         at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.DeliveryBean.request(
         at IDeliveryBean_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper22.request(
         at ngDoInitiate.jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.include(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindPageContext.include(
         at displayProcess.jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
         at com.collaxa.cube.fe.DomainFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Caused by: Waiting for response has timed out. The conversation id is 2e6d902e744f9cf2:2f48d2:108e104ba20:-7ffa. Please check the process instance for detail.
         at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.DeliveryBean.request(
         ... 29 more
    oc4j-ra.xml entry is below
    <connector-factory location="eis/Jms/JmsPublishAdapter" connector-name="Jms Adapter">
              <config-property name="connectionFactoryLocation" value="jms/TopicConnectionFactory"/>
              <config-property name="factoryProperties" value=""/>
              <config-property name="acknowledgeMode" value="AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE"/>
              <config-property name="isTopic" value="true"/>
              <config-property name="isTransacted" value="false"/>
              <config-property name="username" value="admin"/>
              <config-property name="password" value="welcome"/>
    your help to find a soln will be higly appreciated.

    Below is the log you have requested for
    <2006-01-20 10:01:09,673> <DEBUG> <> <WSDLManager::getWSDL> registered wsdl at
    <2006-01-20 10:01:09,673> <DEBUG> <> <WSDLManager::getWSDL> got wsdl at:
    <2006-01-20 10:01:09,773> <DEBUG> <> <WSDLManager::getWSDL> registered wsdl at
    <2006-01-20 10:01:09,773> <DEBUG> <> <WSDLManager::getWSDL> got wsdl at:
    <2006-01-20 10:01:09,843> <DEBUG> <> <WSDLManager::getWSDL> registered wsdl at
    <2006-01-20 10:01:09,843> <DEBUG> <> <WSDLManager::getWSDL> got wsdl at:
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,491> <DEBUG> <> <WSInvocationManager::invoke> operation: Produce_Message,
    partnerLink: <partnerLink name="JMSPartner"
    <myRole name="null">
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,491> <DEBUG> <> <WSInvocationManager::invoke> def is
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,501> <DEBUG> <> <WSIFInvocationHandler::invoke> opName=Produce_Message,
    parnterLink=<partnerLink name="JMSPartner"
    <myRole name="null">
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,662> <INFO> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - Using JCA Connection Pool - max size = <unbounded>
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,672> <DEBUG> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - Looking up Resource Adapter JDNI location
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,672> <DEBUG> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound>
    JMSConnectionFactoryFactory_getConnectionFactory: looking up 'jms/TopicConnectionFactory'
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,982> <INFO> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound> Created new managed connection for JMS user
    <2006-01-20 10:01:15,982> <DEBUG> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound> JmsSpiLocalTransactionImpl_<init>: Not
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,012> <DEBUG> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound> Instantiating outbound JCA
    interactionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProduceInteractionSpec
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,012> <DEBUG> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound> Populating outbound JCA
    interactionSpec oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProduceInteractionSpec with properties: {OpaqueSchema=false, TimeToLive=0,
    DeliveryMode=Non-Persistent, PayloadType=TextMessage, DestinationName=jms/demoQueue}
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,082> <WARN> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - The jca:header element
    oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.JCAHeader@27de24<jca:header message=null:OutboundHeader_msgoutboundHeader/> does not match the
    outbound headers provided in {}
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,142> <DEBUG> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound> JmsCciLocalTransactionImpl_<init>: Not
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,142> <DEBUG> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - Starting JCA LocalTransaction
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,142> <DEBUG> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - Invoking JCA outbound Interaction
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,152> <INFO> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound> JMSMessageProducer_ctor: Constructed
    MessageProducer for destination jms/demoQueue (payload = 1)
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,152> <INFO> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound> JMSMessageProducer_init: Creating
    MessageProducer for destination jms/demoQueue (payload = 1)
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,152> <ERROR> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound> Nested Exception
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,152> <ERROR> <> <JMSAdapter::Outbound>
    Destination "jms/demoQueue" is not a topic.
    Please examine the log file to determine the problem.
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSDestination.getTopic(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSConnection.createProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSConnection.createProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSMessageProducer.createProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSMessageProducer.init(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProducer.init(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProducerManager.getProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JmsInteraction.executeProduce(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JmsInteraction.execute(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA.executeRequestResponseOperation(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA.executeInputOnlyOperation(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELInvokeWMP.__invoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELInvokeWMP.__executeStatements(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELActivityWMP.perform(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.performActivity(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.handleWorkItem(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.instance.PerformMessageHandler.handleLocal(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleLocalMessage(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.sendMemory(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.endRequest(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.createAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeEngineBean.createAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeEngineBean.syncCreateAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.DeliveryBean.request(
         at IDeliveryBean_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper22.request(
         at ngDoInitiate.jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.include(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindPageContext.include(
         at displayProcess.jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
         at com.collaxa.cube.fe.DomainFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,162> <ERROR> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - Could not invoke operation 'Produce_Message' against the
    'JMSAdapter' due to:
    Unable to construct MessageProducer.
    Please examine the log
    file to determine the problem.
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSMessageProducer.init(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProducer.init(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.outbound.JmsProducerManager.getProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JmsInteraction.executeProduce(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JmsInteraction.execute(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA.executeRequestResponseOperation(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA.executeInputOnlyOperation(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELInvokeWMP.__invoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELInvokeWMP.__executeStatements(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.wmp.BPELActivityWMP.perform(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.performActivity(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.handleWorkItem(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.message.instance.PerformMessageHandler.handleLocal(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.handleLocalMessage(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.dispatch.DispatchHelper.sendMemory(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.endRequest(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.createAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeEngineBean.createAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ejb.impl.CubeEngineBean.syncCreateAndInvoke(
         at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.DeliveryBean.request(
         at IDeliveryBean_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper22.request(
         at ngDoInitiate.jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.include(
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindPageContext.include(
         at displayProcess.jspService(
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(
         at com.collaxa.cube.fe.DomainFilter.doFilter(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Caused by: ORABPEL-12143
    Destination "jms/demoQueue" is not a topic.
    Please examine the log file to
    determine the problem.
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSDestination.getTopic(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSConnection.createProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSConnection.createProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSMessageProducer.createProducer(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.jms.JMS.JMSMessageProducer.init(
         ... 55 more
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,162> <ERROR> <> <AdapterFramework::Outbound>
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - Rolling back JCA LocalTransaction
    <2006-01-20 10:01:16,162> <DEBUG> <> <WSIFInvocationHandler::invoke> Fault happened:
    file:/C:/OraBPELPM_1/integration/orabpel/domains/default/tmp/.bpel_JMSTest1_1.0.jar/JMSSrv.wsdl [
    Produce_Message_ptt::Produce_Message(JMSTest1ProcessRequest) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'Produce_Message' failed due
    Unable to construct MessageProducer.
    ; nested exception is:
    Unable to construct MessageProducer.
    Please examine the log file to determine the problem.
    Below is the JMS Adapter wsdl(JMSSrv.wsdl)
    <import namespace="" location="JMSTest1.wsdl"/>
    <import namespace="" location="jmsAdapterOutboundHeader.wsdl"/>
    <message name="JMSTest1ProcessRequest_msg">
    <part name="JMSTest1ProcessRequest" element="imp1:JMSTest1ProcessRequest"/>
    <portType name="Produce_Message_ptt">
    <operation name="Produce_Message">
    <input message="tns:JMSTest1ProcessRequest_msg"/>
    <binding name="Produce_Message_binding" type="tns:Produce_Message_ptt">
    <jca:binding />
    <operation name="Produce_Message">
    OpaqueSchema="false" >
    <jca:header message="hdr:OutboundHeader_msg" part="outboundHeader"/>
    <service name="JMSSrv">
    <port name="Produce_Message_pt" binding="tns:Produce_Message_binding">
    <jca:address location="eis/Jms/JmsPublishAdapter" />
    <plt:partnerLinkType name="Produce_Message_plt" >
    <plt:role name="Produce_Message_role" >
    <plt:portType name="tns:Produce_Message_ptt" />
    Thaking youn for your cooperation.

  • Help with MDX

    <p>Hi!  My Time Dimension is as follow.  What is the bestway of writting the MDX formula to get Last year value?  Theformula below works, but there must be a better way of writtingthis.  <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"></p><p> </p><p>Time Periods</p><p>    Year_2005</p><p>        Q1_2005</p><p>            JAN_2005</p><p>            FEB_2005</p><p>            APR_2005</p><p>        Q2_2005</p><p>        ...   </p><p>    Year_2006</p><p>        ...</p><p> </p><p>/*get prior year information*/<br>IIF(Is([Time Periods].CurrentMember,[Time Periods].[Date NotAvailable]),0,<br>IIF(IsGeneration([Time Periods].CurrentMember, 2),<br>/*If the genaration of the Time period is 2, equal to year, get theprior year valueThen*/<br>(Sum(crossjoin({[Value].[Cost Value]}, {RelMemberRange([TimePeriods].CurrentMember,1,0)})) - [Value].[Cost Value])<br>,/*ELSEIF QTR*/<br>IIF(IsGeneration([Time Periods].CurrentMember, 3),<br>(Sum(crossjoin({[Value].[Cost Value]}, {RelMemberRange([TimePeriods].CurrentMember,4,0)})) - (Sum(crossjoin({[Value].[CostValue]}, {RelMemberRange([Time Periods].CurrentMember,3,0)}))))<br>,/*ELSEIF MONTH*/<br>IIF(IsGeneration([Time Periods].CurrentMember, 4),<br>(Sum(crossjoin({[Value].[Cost Value]}, {RelMemberRange([TimePeriods].CurrentMember,12,0)})) - (Sum(crossjoin({[Value].[CostValue]}, {RelMemberRange([Time Periods].CurrentMember,11,0)}))))<br>,/*else*/0<br>/*end if*/<br>)<br><br>/*end if*/<br>)<br>/*END IF*/<br>))</p>

    I'll give it a try, but I'm not sure why you sum() a range and then subtract a more recent piece from that range- sounds equivalent to just taking the prior period's value.<BR><BR>Note that when you really need switch logic, you can use the CASE construct to avoid nested IIFs.<BR><BR>Also, note that two following do the same thing, but one of them may be easier to read and write:<BR><BR>Sum(<BR> crossjoin(<BR> {[Value].[Cost Value]}, <BR> {RelMemberRange([Time Periods].CurrentMember,1,0)}<BR> )<BR>)<BR><BR>Sum(<BR> {RelMemberRange([Time Periods].CurrentMember,1,0)}, <BR> [Value].[Cost Value]<BR>)<BR><BR><BR>With all that said, I think the following would work fine for you.<BR><BR>Check out here for a lot of information, including direct answers to your question too: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">(MDX Solutions book at Amazon)</a><BR><BR>HTH<BR><BR><BR>

  • Conditional coding in Fscript - undocumented options

    Looking at some of the fusion installation scripts, I found some
    undocumented features in Fscript that I have long wanted.
    Some conditional processing at last, even if primitive.
    Here they are:
    1. Conditional processing
    if <argument1> <operation> <argument2>
    <fscript command>
    if <argument1> <operation> <argument2>
    <fscript command>
    <fscript command>
    The if-part that is not executed because the condition is not met is echoed
    to the output device with "SKIPPED: " comments.
    If ...else...endif constructions can be nested. The use of "exit" exists
    Fscript, not the innermost condition.
    The elements of these commands are:
    <argument1> can be any string, including environment variables such as
    <operation> is either "=" (equal) or "!=" (not equal)
    In this case <argument2> must be a string (or environment variable)
    <argument1> can be any string, including environment variables
    <operation> is "is"
    <argument2> is either:
    "set" - the <argument1> string is an environment variable with a
    "unset" - the <argument1> string is not an environment variable
    "file" - the <argument1> string points to an existing file
    "directory" - the <argument1> string is a directory file
    Note that if <argument1> is specified as %{variable}, the <argument> has the
    value of the environment variable.
    Suppose environment variable myVar is set to "myValue". Then:
    if myVar is set <--- this environment variable exists
    echo "This is true"
    if %{myVar} is set <--- this becomes if myValue is set and
    there is no environment variable myValue
    echo "This is false since myValue is not an environment variable but a
    the value of such variable"
    2. Set environment variables
    setenv <variablename> <stringvalue>
    Sets an environment variable to the specified value
    3. Output to logfiles
    echo <string>
    echo <string> >> <filespec>
    Outputs the <string> text string to the standard output or redirects it to
    the specified filespec. The ">>" is the redirection operator
    4. Silence output
    Commands that must be executed and must not be echoed are preceded by a "
    character. This includes the if / else / endif constructions:
    if FORTE_ROOT = "
    echo "No Forte root defined"
    setenv FAILED Yes
    5. Searching for a string in a file
    You can inspect a file for a particular string using the SearchFile command.
    This sets the environment variable STATUS to either 0 (success) or non-zero
    (not found)
    SearchFile <filespec> <searchstring>
    SearchFile %{FORTE_ROOT}
    if %{STATUS} = 0
    echo "Found it"
    echo "No such string"
    Some examples:
    # Check if FORTE_ROOT is defined as environment variable
    If FORTE_ROOT is unset
    Echo "Error: FORTE_ROOT is not set"
    # Check if FORTE_ROOT is pointing to a directory
    If %{FORTE_ROOT} is directory
    echo "Not a valid directory"
    # check if a repository exists before overwriting it by accident
    if %{FORTE_ROOT}/repos/myrep.btx is file
    echo "Repository file myrep already exists"
    # See if the environment variable myrepos is set
    if myrepos is set
    echo "You defined environment variable myrepos = %{myrepos}"
    echo "You did not define environment variable myrepos. Now being set to
    setenv myrepos MYOWN
    # Start logging in my own logfile
    Echo "--------------------------------" >>%{FORTE_ROOT}/log/mylogfile.log
    Echo %{$DATE$} >>%{FORTE_ROOT}/log/mylogfile.log
    Echo "Begin Load Distribution of my application "
    %{FORTE_ROOT}/log/mylogfile.log#Confirm that this is the correct version of Forte.
    SearchFile %{FORTE_ROOT}/install/scripts/FORTE.VER "DEV3.0.L"
    If %{STATUS} != 0
    Echo "Error: Forte version is incompatible for current application."
    Theo de Klerk
    Architecture & Application Integration
    Professional Services
    Compaq Computer Corp. - the Netherlands

    I found the answer:
    The variable declarations were not on the same frame as the if/then statements. I solved the problem by adding (for each variable):
    var mywordGrumpy:vocabulary_Grumpy = new vocabulary_Grumpy();
    var mywordIncline:vocabulary_incline = new vocabulary_incline();
    var mywordOodles:vocabulary_oodles  = new vocabulary_oodles();
    This solved the problem! At the time the variables were being called they had not been declared, thus they had no value, thus the error message.

  • How to construct the where clause for a nested xml target file

    Post Author: jlpete72
    CA Forum: Data Integration
    I'm having some problems getting the desired results creating a multi-level nested xml file.  Specifically, it does not seem that the where clause in the child schemas respects values from parent schemas.  I'm sure I'm constructing something incorrectly, but am running out of ideas. 
    I am working with the classic company/order/line hierarchy and there are three levels of output schemas in my target xml file, one for company, order header and order line information.
    For testing, I have hardcoded a restriction at the order header line to deal with only one order.  But unless I hardcode values into the where clause at the order line level of the schema, all values are returned for orders belonging to the company defined in the company level.
    I'm trying a where clause at the order line level similar to:
    order_line.customer = order_header.customer and order_line.order_num = order_header.order_num
    If the customer has more than one order in the data file, then all orders for that customer are placed in the detail for the order header.  Only if I hard code the order number in the where clause do I get only the lines for the order specified in the header section.  Not very practical. 
    What am I missing?

    An External Parsed Entity could be used to reference a schema.
    In your DTD:
    <!ENTITY datamodules SYSTEM "file:///c:/Datamodules/Datamodules.xsd">
    Refer the external entity in xml document:

  • Labview 2011 on Win7, OS causing serial loopback message corruption when clicking on top of windows?

    I'm wondering if anyone else has seen problems like this.
    I've been tearing my hair out over debugging some code. I have a ftont panel, I'm using some LEDs to send messages through the NI RS232 cable I bought, and have connected with a connector in a loopback fashion.
    I've been trying to read the incoming messages from loopback...and based on those, changing indicators and controls on the front panel.
    I could not figure why values were changing at strange T's were turning to F's (I'm working with the serial data as boolean arrays).
    Well, I was simplifying code, and mostly running right...but every once in awhile, it appeared that my front panel indictors, especially the values I'm changing based on the loopback serial messages would  *BLINK*.
    I happened to be looking at the Probe Watch window...and I saw where my probes were correctly showing on a couple spots (a left and right indicator) TTTTTTTF  and TTTTTTTF......these appear at times to change T's to F's and vice versa.
    I then started clicking around...and found this is almost always caused, when I click the mouse on the top of the window...the part that you usually click and drag to move a window around the Windows desktop!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I can see this happen when I click on ANY window on the Windows OS desktop!!!!!!
    It appears that the OS is messing with me..............?
    I'm using Labview 2011, 32-bit on Win7....I believe the OS is 64 bit. 
    Has anyone seen behavior like this before?
    Thanks in advance,

    Matthew Kelton wrote:
    When you are probing, are you looking at the actual spot where you are getting your serial data, or are you looking at it after you've done some processing?  I would look at the actual raw data and use a serial port capture utility (there are several free ones on the internet) which will confirm your data is coming in correctly.
    What is your CPU running at?  If it is pegged at 100%, something has to give.
    Is your entire VI running in the UI execution system?  If you post your test code, it sounds like it would be easy enough for someone to do a loopback test of their own to confirm similar behavior.
    Thanks for the reply.  No, CPU isn't being hardly used at all...this is a new lenovo laptop.....high end Dell U2711 monitor...
    Task Mgr while Front Panel running:
    I'm looking after I've done some processing....
    I'm new to working with serial port stuff....I don't have a serial port capture device...?
    Thing is...when I run this in debug with breakpoints and stepping through...I don't see this happening. But when running at full speed, and especially when I click on any of the open windows on my desktop, along the top margin where you would click and drag a window around...I can see the serial data in the probe jump...and all data going through the serial port and being displayed on the front panel changing values...
    On my VI, I'm actually constructing the byte string...sending it  through the serial loopback, and receiving it and acting on it. I can see the data going in is the same as is coming just seems to quickly corrupt and then come back maybe it is getting interrupted by the Win7 OS....?
    I can't really post the whole code here...proprietary stuff...that's why in the past, I was posting a separate, simpler vi with only the parts I was having problems with....
    I think I have full support with NI...I wonder if I could send them the code to look at, with more confidentiality...?
    But again, I can make the problems happen, when it and the probe window is open, in real clicking on windows.
    Also, this tends to explain problems I saw earlier...when running slow, all was well , when debugging with break points and stepping through. But at full speed, unexplained...things would start resetting without explanation...and without regularity.
    I"m not sure what you are asking with "Is your entire VI running in the UI execution system?"....I have the one vi running, and only that vi is running.....

  • Nested MSO, slideshow inside MSO triggered by button, invisible on start, able to open/close

    Consider the following scenario:
    (albeit, this may not even be the right way to do this, or perhaps such functionality is not possible based on existing tools at this time, however, I thought I would post and see if anyone has a trick to share...)
    I have a slideshow on the page, it is set to auto play.
    I would like to hide it initially, and have it trigger with a button... and then let the user close it. Much like the "light box" effects we have all come to know from the web.
    Seems easy enough.
    However, in my first attempt to do this I did the following:
    1- create an OPEN button (F1)
    2- create a container box and a CLOSE button, grpup them (F2)
    3- turn them both into an MSO (M1)
    4- set the button in F1 to trigger F2 (open state)
    5- set the button in F2 to trigger F1 (close state)
    -> test, works.
    next step, slideshow!
    I grab 5 images, create a new MSO (M2).
    Turn it into a slideshow Folio Overlay...
    -> test, works.
    Now this is where it gets funky...
    MY FAIL 1- If I try to take M2 and then right click M1, there is NO paste into option.
    MY FAIL 2- If I click on the Object States Panel, and then Right click State 2 for M1, there is no "past into option"
    MY FAIL 3- If I try to "Alt+Ctrl+V" with M2 into State 2 for M1 it does not work.
    --> nor does any other scenario where I attempt to paste any MSO into another MSO
    I have even tried
    x- grouping the MSO slideshow with a non MSO element such as a frame, text boxt, image, ect..
    x- taking the 5 images and pasting them into the MSO seperate, and then trying to turn them into a new MSO inside State 2, which the new MSO button is greyed out and will not let me apply it.
    Possible solution I have come up with after looking over alot of Bob's stuff in the tutorials area
    (PS his videos and tut's realy help, its a differant kind of thinking going on here with DPS, I imagine it relates to how the C in the binary works and is translated by the InDesign GUI into app code... would be nice to just type in "function on_tap(){open_slideshow(vars);}"  lol silly programmer, this is primarily a tool for designers  ... but I do think its awesomeness, as a programmer, I dont even want to write code anymore after using DPS and Phone Gap...),
    so... here it is, not necessarily the most attractive...
    1- Make the slide show MSO, push to BACK, set to auto play and swipe allowed...
    2- place a large opaque box on top of the slideshow, group it with the OPEN button
    3- create a close button
    4- turn them into an MSO, now there is an 'open' button in state 1 on top of an opaque box that sends to state 2, and a 'close' button in state 2 that sends to state 1
    This seems to work, I have not tested it on all devices, the iPad will kind of do this wierd glitchy thing, as if it "knows" there is something moving underneath the opaque box. Depending on how I have positioned scrollable frames on top of these elements from a stacking perspective there can be some unexpected behavior. The best results I have had from more complex layouts is to get creative with positioning...
    any other suggestions, tips, tricks, would be appreciated
    ON a site note:
    ANYTIME I try to take ANYTHING that is already using the FOLIO OVERLAY and right click the STATE in the STATES PANEL
    In Design total crash!!! The only time I can take a  FOLIO OVERLAY (FO) and "right click paste into" an MSO state is by clicking on the state on the stage, it can not be done from the panel, the panel only works with non "FO" items... Even though the state in the panel shows the "past into" option, if I do, *poof* instant app crash... FYI for anyone toying with this. Kudo's to Adobe for the outstanding "auto save" feature. It has saved me time, and there for in some strange way, has also saved some of my life.
    Here is what InDesign poops out when a "Folio object" is attempted to be "pasted into" an MSO via the MSO panel.
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:          BEX
      Application Name:          InDesign.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:          4f72c3ee
      Fault Module Name:          StackHash_0a9e
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:          00000000
      Exception Offset:          00000023
      Exception Code:          c0000005
      Exception Data:          00000008
      OS Version:          6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:          1033
      Additional Information 1:          0a9e
      Additional Information 2:          0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
      Additional Information 3:          0a9e
      Additional Information 4:          0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

    @zagarskas – nested MSOs are currently NOT supported by Adobe.
    However we could build such a construct by using ExtendScript (Adobe's flavor of JavaScript).
    The problem with that is, that Buttons inside  a nested MSO will not work as expected. At least my testing is showing that.
    If you want nested MSOs without Buttons (inside the nested one) or if you like to experiment, see the following thread:
    But please, read the whole thread from a to z ;-)

  • How do I deal with problems during business object construction?

    Hi Everyone.
    I'm wondering about best practices for program control flow when business objects can't be constructed properly.
    In my servlet I want to create a new Transaction business object based on the parameters of the HttpServletRequest.
    transaction = new Transaction( request );The Transaction, in turn, has a Customer business object representing the Customer doing the transaction. The Customer is also constructed based on request parameters. So I have in the Transaction constructor,
    public Transaction( HttpServletRequest request ) {
        customer = new Customer( request );
    }In the Customer constructor I want to do some validation. For example, I want to check that the requested Customer exists in the database.
    If the validation fails, should I throw an exception, which could then eventually be caught by the Servlet which would send back an "Invalid Customer" message to the end user?
    But it seems to me like this violates the "never use exceptions for flow control" rule (as described for example at
    It is a normal function of my application to deny a transaction to a non-valid customer... so it seems like I shouldn't need to bring in the exception handling overhead for this normal business process.
    OK, so I guess put "is_valid" flags in the business objects and set them on constructor errors then check them??
    public Transaction( HttpServletRequest request ) {
        customer = new Customer( request );  // customer.is_valid flagged false
        if ( !customer.get_is_valid( ) ) {
            this.is_valid = false; // transaction.is_valid is also false now because its Customer is not valid
        } else { // customer is valid
            // finish the rest of the Transaction construction business logic
            // of course this will turn into a mess of deeply nested "else valid" clauses
            // if there are many validation checks...
    }...and then in the servlet...
    transaction = new Transaction( request );
    if ( !transaction.get_is_valid( ) ) {
        // Send back error message to user.
    } else {
        // Finally do some business logic.  Maybe after another mess of nested "else valid" clauses.
    }This gets so hard to read it seems like the throwing Exceptions as part of normal control flow option is preferble.
    Is there third option I am missing?
    What are your opinions?

    Build your Transaction and Customer objects based on the data in the request. Then validate the customer, since an invalid customer is "normal" for you.
    I'd consider using some sort of factory-like method for creating these objects from the request, since you're tying (sort of) your business stuff to the fact you're currently using a webby (servlet-based) front end...but that's more an aside.
    So, in pseudo-ish code:
    Transaction t = createTransaction(request);
    if (t.validCustomer()) do work;
    else return to wherever;This is only a first-pass idea, and other requirements might knock it for six, but it's a startpoint.

  • Is there any way to save an image from a nested movieclip as a .png using PNGEncoder

    Hello all,
    I am new to AIR and AS3 and I am developing a small AIR desktop application in Flash CS5 that saves a user generated image locally to their computer. 
    The image is generated from a series of user choices based on .png files that are loaded dynamically into a series of nested movieclips via XML.  The final image is constructed by a series of these "user choices".
    Sourcing alot of code examples from here and there, I have managed to build a "working" example of the application.  I am able to "draw" the parent movieclip to which all the other dynamic movieclips reside and can then encode it using PNGEncoder.  The problem is that the images loaded dynamically into the nested movieclips show as blank in the final .png generated by the user.
    Is there a way to "draw" and encode these nested movieclips or do I need to find another way?  I can provide my clumsy code if required but would like to know if this concept is viable before moving any further.....
    Thanks in advance....

    Thanks for the files.......
    Yeah I'm doing it in Flash but importing the images via an xml document.  The problem isn't in being able to view the eyes (based on the selection of the user) its when I go to save the resulting image as a .png.  When I open up the saved .png the eyes are blank even though they are visible in the swf
    Even when the user clicks on the option to copy the image to the clipboard, it works as intended.
    My only guess is there is an issue with the way my xml is loading (but this appears to work fine) or when the file is converted and saved.....
    As I said I'm still learning but surely there must be a simple answer to this....
    I have included the xml code I am using and also the save code to see if anyone spots an issue..... (I hope I copied it all)
    // XML
    var xmlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("imageData.xml");
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(xmlRequest);
    var imgData:XML;
    var imageLoader:Loader;
    var imgNum:Number = 0;
    var numberOfChildren:Number;
    function packaged():void
    rawImage = imgData.image[imgNum].imgURL;
    numberOfChildren = imgData.*.length();
    imageLoader = new Loader  ;
    imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadedImage);
    imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(rawImage));
    function loadedImage(event:Event):void
    imageLoader.x = -186;
    imageLoader.y = -94;
    imageLoader.width = 373;
    imageLoader.height = 186;
    //  Clipboard
    btn_Copy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCopyClick);
    function onCopyClick(event:MouseEvent):void
    var bd:BitmapData = renderBitmapData();
    Clipboard.generalClipboard.setData(ClipboardFormats.BITMAP_FORMAT, bd);
    function renderBitmapData():BitmapData
    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(faceBG_mc.width,faceBG_mc.height);
    return bd;
    // Save faceBG_mc as .png 
    var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
    var myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (faceBG_mc.width,faceBG_mc.height, true, 0);
    var myPNG:ByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(myBitmapData);
    function onSaveClickPNG(e:Event), "myPNG.png");
    So my problem is....
    The final image is copied to the clipboard with the eyes visible - yes
    The eyes appear in the image in the swf as intended - yes
    When the image is saved as a .png and is meant to include the eyes, they are blank (see picture above)
    I hope this helps.....
    Thanks in advance

  • Can we show the nested objects in Powershell?

    I am adding a .NET type to Powershell session using Add-Type and then creating object of that type using New-Object. This is done as follows:
    Add-Type -AssemblyName OuterObj
    $a = New-Object OuterObj
    Object of type OuterObj is successfully created. Now .NET type $a has a field named innerObj which is object of another .NET type innerObject. So I add "innerObject" .NET type and create an instance using New-Object.
    Add-Type -AssemblyName innerObject
    $b = New-Object innerObject
    Object of type innerObject is also successfully created. Now I do as follows:
    $a.innerObj = $b
    Now when I print $a, it shows something like this:
    innerObj : innerObject
    Thus it does not display the contents of innerObject by default. When I go and explore, innerObj has the fields. I know Powershell does not show the nested objects by default but instead just shows their types, but is there a way I can specify that what
    level of nesting of objects powershell should show by default? Is there something to specify to show 1 or 2 levels of nested objects?
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    The simplest approach, if you're writing these C# classes yourself, is probably to override the class's ToString method.  That way it will just display that way by default in PowerShell, without any extra effort on the scripter's part.
    If that's not an option, then you can write PowerShell code to accomplish something similar.  Here are examples of both:
    # C# ToString version:
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition @'
    public class innerObject
    public string Property1;
    public string Property2;
    public override string ToString()
    return string.Format("Property1: {0}, Property2: {1}", Property1, Property2);
    public class OuterObj
    public innerObject innerObj;
    $a = New-Object OuterObj
    $b = New-Object innerObject -Property @{ Property1 = 'First Property'; Property2 = 'Second Property' }
    $a.innerObj = $b
    $a | Format-List
    # PowerShell version using constructed property values with
    # Format-List.
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition @'
    public class innerObject
    public string Property1;
    public string Property2;
    public class OuterObj
    public innerObject innerObj;
    $a = New-Object OuterObj
    $b = New-Object innerObject -Property @{ Property1 = 'First Property'; Property2 = 'Second Property' }
    $a.innerObj = $b
    $a | Format-List -Property @{ Label = 'innerObj'; Expression = { "Property1: $($_.innerObj.Property1), Property2: $($_.innerObj.Property2)" } }

  • Nested UIData doesn't work with command broadcasting

    In November 2004 I submitted the bug report below, and I also reported it on this forum. Other than the automated acknowledgment, I have received no followup. The posting on this forum seems to have been deleted. I'm re-posting it here in case it can be of help to someone, as I've noticed others mentioning nested UIData problems.
    The JSF RI UIData caches its data model, which can cause problems if the UIData value references some row data in an outer UIData if two UIData are nested. The RI tries to compensate for this by removing the cached information during certain instances such as encoding and decoding. But the RI neglects to uncache during event broadcasting.
    When UIData iterates over its data set (during encoding or decoding, for instance), it iterates through the row index which, after loading the data model, places the correct variable in the request map. Because the data model is cached, the inner UIData would return an unpredictable data model---the data model from the last iteration, for instance, not the data model based upon the outer data model's current row.
    UIData compensates for this during encoding and decoding by checking to see if it is nested inside another UIData. For example, within UIData.processUpdates() you'll see:
    if (isNestedWithinUIData()) {
        model = null;
    }This allows a test case to render correctly the nested data set, and even allows a UICommand to queue an event when it is selected. However, UIData.broadcast() does not clear the cache, so by the time the event is actually broadcast, the data model for the row is still set at some other row.
    Adding the above code to UIData.broadcast() solves the problem.
    (I'm suspicious of this whole caching thing in UIData anyway---what if I construct my own UIData-like thing and nest a UIData inside it? How would I keep UIData from caching its data?)

    All right, I've found a solution; I'll post it for anyone in need. It's not particularly elegant but still functional.
    First of all I've created a .cmd file in the folder where is located the executable of my interest.
    In it, using notepad, I've written as following:
    start /affinity 8 FreeTrack.exe
    ping -n 1 -w 2000 > nul
    wmic process where name="FreeTrack.exe" CALL setpriority 256
    Note that the /affinity command is optional and not required (however, I needed it). Replace "FreeTrack.exe" with the name of your executable.
    The ping part pings a fake IP once and then waits 2000 milliseconds (set a higher waiting time if this one doesn't work).
    The third line changes the priority for all the processes under the name of "FreeTrack.exe" to, in my case, realtime.
    Priority legend:
    Low: 64 Below Normal: 16384 Normal: 32 Above Normal: 32768 High: 128 Realtime: 256
    Since the command prompt window appears for 2 seconds and I don't like that, I've created a .vbs file in the same folder of the .cmd file and executable. This hides the cmd window.
    I've put the following into the .vbs file (edited with notepad):
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
    WshShell.Run chr(34) & "FreeTrack.cmd" & Chr(34), 0
    Set WshShell = Nothing
    Replace "FreeTrack.cmd" with your .cmd file name.
    I've then created a shortcut on the desktop to the .vbs file and changed the icon to the one of the executable.
    Surely this solution won't work if the program keeps reverting back its priority while running.

  • Breakpoints in nested classes don't work

    I've noticed that when I set a breakpoint in a nested class, it doesn't work to stop the code, unless I set the breakpoint after I've created an instance of the class.
    In the code example below, if I set breakpoints A, B, C and D, only breakpoints A and C will be hit when MainClass.main runs.
    However, if I set breakpoint D once breakpoint C is hit, then breakpoint D works.
    I've noticed this behavior in both JBuilder 4 and Eclipse, which are both using the Sun 1.3.1 JRE/JDK.
    Does anyone know if there is a way to get breakpoints in nested classes to work as expected (they stop the thread whenever that point in the code is executed, and setting them before the class is loaded/instantiated doesn't change that behavior).
    BTW, in my research on this topic, I found a mention of "class preparation", a step that the JVM goes through when loading a class. I wonder if the class has to go through this step before the breakpoint can be enabled.
    public class MainClass {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Object o = OtherClass.Test(3); // Breakpoint A
    class OtherClass {
        static Object Test(int v) {
            Object o = new NestedClass(v);
            return o;                      // Breakpoint C
        static class NestedClass {
            int x;
            NestedClass(int v) {
                x = v;                     // Breakpoint B
            public String toString() {
                return "NestedClass(x=" + x + ")"; // Breakpoint D

    You wrote:
    -> I've noticed this behavior in both JBuilder 4 and Eclipse, which
    -> are both using the Sun 1.3.1 JRE/JDK.
    Take a look at Bug-ID 4299394
    Synopsis: TTY: Deferred line breakpoints can't be set on inner classes
    -> BTW, in my research on this topic, I found a mention of "class preparation",
    -> a step that the JVM goes through when loading a class. I wonder if the class
    -> has to go through this step before the breakpoint can be enabled.
    A breakpoint cannot be set in a class before the class prepare event for
    that class. Also: the fully qualified name for the inner or nested class
    must be constructed properly.
    Any breakpoint requested before the target class is loaded must be 'deferred',
    which means the debugger keeps track of the breakpoint request and sets
    it when the class load eventually occurs.
    -> However, if I set breakpoint D once breakpoint C is hit, then
    -> breakpoint D works.
    By the time you get to the breakpoint at C, the inner class containing D
    (OtherClass$NestedClass.class) was located, loaded, and prepared as required
    by the "Object o = new NestedClass(v);" statement.

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